University of South Carolina Libraries
' S * of South Carol inn, re-assembled by appoint; moot of till* tyeydent thei eof at Columbia, /nHlkft*ewty*aixtli day of December, hi \n6 j faKt df tftir t/ord ono thousand eight Luu> dred and sixty-one, and thence continued by divers adjournments to tne sfxtn day of January ? in the year of our Lord one thousand .eight b&hdfed and tilly-two. AN ORDINANCE TO EKAHLK C1TIXENW OF THIS 8TATF, WHO ARE ENOAOED IN SOLITARY SEIt vice, to exercise tiik right ok sl'kfRAGK. 4 We, the People of the State of South Carolina, in Convention 08 etnbled, do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and grdomed, Section 1* That ail citizens of this State, who are engaged 111 the military servicfi either of this State or of the Confederate States, and on that account are absent from their respective Election Districts at the time of any gen eral or district election, shall be entitled to exercise the right of suffrage in all respects as fully as they could do were they present in their respective Election Districts. Sec. *2. That for the purpose of enabling eilfli nprsmic en tn ovon>ion ?c.*V j ?<&??rage, it shall be their privilege, when any two or more may l>e at the same camp, or other place where soldiers are congregated, to have opened at swell camp or other place, a poll, to be managed by any two commissioned officers, citizens of this State, who may be by such voters selected to manage the same. Sec. 3. That before entering upon the management of 8uc!i poll, the Managers shall take the oath prescribed by the laws of this State to be administered to Managers of Elections; which oath they arc hereby, authorized to administer to each other; and they are further empowered to administer to the ^ters the oath proscribed for that purpose hv*he laws of this State. Sec. 4. That in the management of such poll, the Managers shall make a schedule containing. 1. A captain, setting forth the place and time such election was held, and the Election .District and the office for which it was held. J. Hie names of all the voters, enrolled l>}r the Managers, and subscribed by tho voters to the oatli administcied to each; each voter affixing his signature by his own hand, opposite to the name enrolled bv the Managers. ? 3. An attestation signed by the Managers. Src. 5. That immediately upon closing the poll, the Managers shall immediately proceed to count the ballots, and shall subjoin the schedule above mentioned a certificate, under their hands, setting forth the fact of counting and the number of votes cast for each individual. And the Managers shall thereupon enclose the said schedule and certificates, under scaled cover, addressed to the Clerk of the Court of the Judicial District in which such Election District mav be situated, and endorsed: "Election Returns for Election District for tho office of ," and transmit the same by mail, or by some messenger, Id be employed at the expense of the voters. Aud if tbc election shall be for a member of Congress, with the said schedule ami certificate, shall be enveloped the ballots cast. Sec. 7. That the said poll shall be opened on the day fixed for such election to be had in the Election District to which it pertains, or%>n anv day within ten dava preceding that day, (not computing that day,) and at such hours as the Managers mav designate as most con# o J o venionfc.* Sue. 7. That it shall be the duty of tbc Clerk of the fctonrt by which any such election return mav have been received, to deliver or transmit the same to the Managers of Elections for such Election District, on or before the clay on which they may assemble at tho Court IIouso or other place appointed by law for declaring such election. And the Managers so assembled shall proceed to aggregate the returns which may be tlins received with the returns which shall have been made by them from the district precincts, and shall declare election as now provided by law; and if tho election'be for a member of .Congress, shall transmit tho schedule, certiiicate and ballots aforementioned, to the oflieo of Secretary of State, along with the ballots east in the Election District. Sec. 8. The Executive authority shall cause to be prepared and sent to the Colonels of the Various Regiments of tlfls State engaged in onfn/il QAwinn oaUA/1?%1A ? VVUMI CVJ T1W| l/IMIIA IVIUin IV/I tiiu niylJCUUJU and certificates above required, which shall contain the Oaths of managers and Votors. Skc. 9. That the Ordinance shall continue of force only daring the continnanco of the existing war between the Confederate States of of America and the United States; and shall be, and is horeby declared to be, a substitute for the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of this State, entitled "An Act to enable volunteers lh tb'e military scrvico to ex* ercise the right of suffrage," ratified the twenty-first) day of December, in the year of our . ' ' - "* *w~' * ? Done at Columbia, the sixth day of January, in the year of oor Tartd one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. D, F. JAMISON. President of the '(Convention. P. F. Aiitiuk, Clerk of the Convention. I Columbia, January 14, 1862. I do hereby certify the foregoing to bo a true evj?y of ?u Vrdinauoe, entitled "A" Ordinance to enable citizens ot This State, who are engaged in uiilitary service, to exercise the rigljx ! Done at Columbia, the tJtli da'i of .fnnufl^piSG'J, ami now on file in thin office. Given undfcr niv band and tbc seal of the State. WM. R. IICNT, Deputy Secretary of State. WM. E. MARTIN, . Clerk of Senate. JOHN T. SLOAN, Clerk of llonse of Representatives. September 12 FINK LETTER PAPFlt. \ SUPERIOR ARTICLK OF FINK LETTER PAPER, ou hand and for sale at tlie 4,0!d Prick Corner." T.S.MYERS, September 12, KXTRA FINE VIItiilM A TOBA< tO I HAVE ON HAND A LARGE SUPI'EY OF A superior articlo of Fine Smoking and Cliewing Tobacco, which will bo sold low for cash, at the "Old Brick Corner," by T. S. MYERS. - September 12 ItlCE! BICKI] JtlCE!!!! VNO. 1 ARTICLE OF FRKS1T BEAT RICE, for sale low, for cash, at the ''Old lirick Corner," by T. b, Ml KRS. September 12 "TO Til Si 1'LANtIks." Agency Office, 40 Duo ad Street, ) Charleston, August, 12, 18G2. ) Mr Editor?From the number of' letters, 1 am still receiving from various parts of the State, requesting information about the uple?lgcd Cotton," and as to the manner of remitting all amounts for Cotton already sold, I re ccntly published on both of these points in your paper could not have been seen by all parties interested. Will you therefore, allow me to state again that Mr. Thomas II. Johnston, an experienced Cotton liroker of this city with liis assistants, will call on all parties in due time and negotiate with them as to the purchase of the "Loan Cotton;" but 1 will thank all planters wlio have already sold, or intend selling to others, than the Government, to remit inc the net proceeds of sale, either in a draft on one of our City Banks, or in Treasury Notes, without further delay. As soon as I can ascertain whether they prefer Confederate Bonds or Certificates of Stock, (both bearing eight per cent interest, but the former payable to bearer and tbe latter to order,) I will have them prepared and remitted to the planters. But it is important that 1 should tirst receive the remittances, for my orders arc to give eight per cent, interest from the date of the receipt of all moneys, and it will be impossible to make a calculation until 1 receive the amount. As the Bonds and Certificates of Stock are only issued in lOOO's SOO's 100's and 50's, should the amounts of sales be uneven, I will further thank the planters to add on the fraction. so as to make it conform with the issues of the above securities. Pressing engagements, in connection with the unties of mv olbVc. compel inc to adopt this mode ol communion-, ting with my friends in the country. I. SMv. BENNETT, Coneral Agent for State of South Carolina. i?gr All papers in the State will advertise once a week for two weeks and send their bill to the Charleston Courier office. September 5 2\v SHOE TH RE AD. A LARGE SUPPLY OF SUPERIOR FIXE AND strong Shoe Thread, in store and for sale by Mrs M. T. CAMPBELL. Opposite Mr Jas. Dunlap's store. Sept. 5 I School Fotice #THK EXERCISES OF Mil. McCANDLESS' School will commence on Monday, October 6th. 1862. Term.5*, same as ln^t year. Entrance condition, .?aino as heretofore, except in tho case of children of refugees. The session will continue till Jul)' 15, 1863. A s the abhool is limited, parents intending to enter their children will please notify the undersigned imm diately! L. MoCANDLKSSSeptember 5 For Sale A 1IANDSOMR rosewood PIANO, OF FINE tone nnd'neftrly new. It may be seen at tho de K ALB house; and will be sold at less than cost, the owner expecting soon to remove. September 6 Wanted?Wool! For which the highest price will be paid. V* -T.AJLJSQ? C6TTON AND WOOLEN HOME-MADE JEANS and PLAINS, at _ McCURRY a hammerslaugh's. m ? ' fA?vro| X iDjkperiCitAvlkotfcvm pivf iutoi niatijm.ifj tiou, of the rascals v.-noj bfoijq Wf'Vk n>y buck store W? the night of tlx* 3Ull4<A August la4t, and took there* from a quantity of bacon.- K. \vh liQNNKT. September. ?- ? ??* .- ? * ? .. .? . ? U> i .hi -m ?- .. >* nr" m aitn/v^T VktrtTA a ?r . iSLaiviun iiurrtjm; COLUMBIA, SO. CA. | (FORMmil*Y or KKX-rUCKY.) | /.* prepared to Jill orders to any extent, in EftttllAVIN43 AIVD PRKNTIKCi Bank Notes, Bills oi* Exchange, <fec. .Engra ving upon Steel or Stone. Large supplies ?if Hank Nolo and other paper will l>e kept. August 8 "J * 'state dale. BY PKUMTSSION OP WM. M. BULLOCK. 0Rdinary tor the District and State aforesaid, I will ofl'or, at public outcry, at the late residence of ' M. J. Young, dee'd., on '1 uesday, the 10th day ot I September next, all tho personal prur?erty baloneinir to the estate ot said dee'd.. consisting of ono Wagon and Harness, one Mule and Buggy, one Sow and Slioats, Cows and Calves, ono Watch and Chain. Saddle and small lot of house Furniture, &e. Terms made known on day of sale. JOHN TODNG, Adm'r. August 29 :t Administrator's Sale BY PERMISSION OK THE COURT OF ORDInary, I will ?oll before the Court House in Cam den. on Monday the 15th'of Septehiber, at 12 o'clock, u>., one pair very Goo Buggy MARKS, and a BUGGY, ono saddle HOUSE?defective eyes?with saddle Jte. Terms made known at sale. JAS. 0. KIRKPATR1CK, Adm'r. August 29 3 Wm. A. Ancrum, dee'd. Administrator's Notice 1 PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ON COL. WM. A. ANCRUM, dee'd., will please present them at once to WM. M. SHANNON, Esq, and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to the same. JAS. D. KIRKPATRICK, Adm'r. August 29 3 South Carolina -Kershaw District. I?Y WM. M. MULLOCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. \VniKRKAS, SEABORN J. TRUKSDKLL AT V PLIED to me for Letters of Adiinnistralion on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Col William J. Truesdell, late of the District oresaiii, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sinuular the kindred and creditors of the said do ceased to he and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's Court lor the said District t<> be liolden at Korshaw Court House on tho lfithdav of September next to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-seventh day ot Angus', in the year of our Lord one* thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in tho eightyseventh year of too Independence and Sovereignty of the State of fcoutli Carolina. August 2 2 WM. M. BULtOCK, O. K. D. South-Carolina?Kershaw District. RV WJl. M. BUt.I.OCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. YY'HRKKAS, JOSKP1I ALLKN. AITLILP To j \\ mo for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Jamen Ij. Allen, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : Those are, therefore, to oite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the snid deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for tho said District, to be liolden at Kershaw Court llouso on the 15th day of September next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not ! granted . Grtfoti under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-seventh day of August, m trie year ot our Lord duo thousand nlgnt Iiuridred and sixty-two, and in i.Jio- eightysixtii ye.u < i' the Independency and ffovereiguty of the .State . South Carolina. August 2!) 2 \Y\\I M. BULLOCU, O. K. D. j STATK OF ?OSJTH CAStOLIXA. I, T\ F. JEMISON, PRESIDENT OF TIIE Convention of tlio people of South Carolina, bv virtue of the authority vested in me by the said Convention, and in compliance with- t! provisions of an Ordinance passed on the : ctilli day of January, in the year rnm-tho. 1 eight hundred and aixty-two, which <>: iiiR 1 that the President of tlic Convention, * he I shall be rcqeusted in willing m? do, In am . twenty members of the Convention, sua.. by I no^e of liis hand, duly published, assemble i tfrls Convention without delay, at a time and place to be by him fixed," and as such request in wrifing has been made to me by twenty members of the Convention, do hereby convoke the same, and summon the members of the said Convention to assemble at Columbia, in the State aforesaid, at 12 o'clock, m.' on Tuesday, the ninth day of September next. Given under my hand, at Burwood, this twenty-third day of August, in the year of our Lordgme thousand oight hundred and sixtytwo. D. F. JEMISON, Presidont of the Convention. , JtSTAll papers in the Stale will copy. August 21) 2 ""WW _____ NOTICE. pros?- Mjppany, to Jtickmond, Virginia. , S*i! * % -Sja??i?B?. a* - t,< flrjnr STATE OF WI TH^AEEtlN A UAJtHJUTlVK COUNCIL CRAM LEU, I Columbia, S. C\ August 1U, 1862, ) FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS OF the Governor aud Council have been or-* dered to be published. Jietolvtd, That the instructions directed (in ) the fifth resolution of the Governor and Council, passed 28th July ultimo,) to the Commissioners of Roads, he' also extended to the Mayors and Intendents of incorporated towns and villages, directing them to make similar returns of negros liable to street duty, as Comnlissioniicrs of Roads are directed to make. Whereas, tho call for negro labor fof military defence has been extended to incorporated town and villages, thereby increasing the number liable to service: therefore Rcsolvcdy That the call for negro labor, made under the resolutions adopted 28th July, be so modified as to restrict the call to one-fourth, instead of one third of the slaves liable to r^ad and street duty. 15v order of tlie Governor and Council, B. F. ARTHUR, Secretary; August 22 1 ~~7 $50 REWARD! rpJ!K ABOVE AMOUNT WILL BE PAID FOR I. tlie apprehension of the scoundrels, or any one of them?Whcf -broke into the Academy, owned by Camden Orphan Society?injured the building and mutilated the l'drnitnre. ONE OF THE TRUSTEES. ?ALSO? MR. rBCK WILL PAY A REWARD OF $25 for the detection of the person or persons who destroyed tlie Chemicals and Apparatus owrted by the Camden Male Academy. 2 Estate Sale. 1> Y PERMISSION OF WILLI A V U. BULLOCK. y Ordinary of Korsliaw District, I will ofTor lor sale at public outcry, at the la to residence of John N. McLood, on Wednesday, the 10th day of September next, all the personal property belonging to the estato of Jnmos S. Holland, deceased, consisting of throe Or four head of cattle?a set of shoo tools?some carpen iL-i .? iwis?one MH'i-jruri?sauuie, nnuie. Household nnd kitchen furniture. Ac. . Terms made known on dav of sale. ELISHA HOLLAND, AdiuV. August 22 3 Notice. VLL PERSONS ARK FOREWARNED NOT TO trade for, or purchase a note given by L. M. HA ILK, to VINCENT PARSONS, for lilly-aii dollars and twenty cents, dated about the 6th of Mat", 1862, and made payable on or about the 1st day of August, inst., with interest from dnte^as the pay of the sama has been stopped. VINCENT PARSONS. August 2L 3 ^ v Administrator's Notice. VLL PERSONS HAYING CLAIMS AGAINST the estate of JESSE F. YOXJNG deceased, will nr. sent them dulv attested to me on or before the 22d day of November next, or tin's notice will forever bar payment of said claims Tlioso indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned. 3 -sJOS. M. GAYLE. Adin'r. August 22 3 in SCHOOL XOT1CE. / ^ 1AHE EXERCISES OF MR. PECK'S ACADEMY . will be resumed Monday, September 1st. August 22 ' -i ?_I , For SaleX P13LS. Choice N. O. MOLASSES, f) McOURRY k HAMMERSLADGH.fflls IHt V LIBER WOULD LIKE TO PURC'.lAS?K li'TKfV NKGROR, for which he will p?y Iho highc?' ( lsrloston prices. Young-and likely ne. grot?, in families or single, preli -red. Persona disposed to sell will lied it to their'advantage to communicate with ino at tlio office of this paper. August 22, 1862 SAMTj P. AtfCKEB. ? 'rrr?r --?* Corn and Fodder. THK UNDERSIGNBD WILL PAY THE HIGHe8t price in cash for Corn and Foddewn bales, for the use of Government. E. W. BONNKY. July 28 ;4 ? * Notice. All those indebted tq the late john MARSH, deooaaed, will please settle - die same as soon as possible, and tbow having demands against him, will present them duiv nutated to me. <\ J{y August 8 3 WM. OUTLAMT, Adn'r. i