University of South Carolina Libraries
x jL HckAJN by note or open account, are earnestly ?v seqooSodf lOSelfcll th| safce as soon as possible; sod <* 2l ttteU* ke TsHadebted rill please present Jtoaitiitoiw tit it -a -? ??* ^J?5r6 8?o WM. UCKAIN, Adm'r. I t Notice. WILL SELL GOODS DURING 2862 FOR cash only. No books or memorandums wiirhn will be kept. No goods will bo allowed to leave the stoft until fully settled for. No orders will be filled unless aooompanied by the cash. This notice is intended (or one and all; and we very much hope that no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as we are determined to adhere to it without respect ot persons. Deo 20 3m MARONBY, B03WBLL A BRO. NOTICE ~ The subscriber, in order to meet the wants of the Travelling Public, has refitted and repaired his OMNIBUS. It will run regularly to aud from tho DeKALB HOUSE, where a slate will be kept. Parties in any part of the town, or Kirk wood, by leaving their names at the DeKalb House, before bod-time at night, may defend with certainty on having the omnibus to call fbr them, without fear of being left. My olu Customers Will uuu iue ready sUu willing to renew old acquaintance, by calling for them, when desired to do so. ^ May 23 J. K. WITHERSPOON. ar Sick soldiers, in every case, carriod to or from the Depot, (Vee of chargo. J. K- W. Cash StoreNO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR ANYTHING. 8 barrels stuart's & LOVKRING's Crushed Sugar; 1 bale heavy 8 ounce Osnaburgs; 10 gross good Matches, in papor boxes; 8 dozen bottles Cayenne Pepper; Choice Rice, Superior Hams and Shoulders; Lard, Brown Sugar, Spices * Proservod Peaches and Ginger ; Large lot of Jug and Jar Ware ; For sale for cash. A. T. I ATT A. T..1. OO VUIJ AO Prime Lard. KAA POUNDS COUNTRY LAKD OF SUPK0\JvJ RIOR QUALITY, for sale at the Old Corner. Also?Fine North Carolina Hams, for family use. June 20 e. W. bonney. PASSPORTS. The governor has authorized me to issue Passports in tho name of the State, to any person desiring to travel into any pnrt of the Southem Confederacy, and I am now ready to issuo the same. Tho application must bo in person. July 4 2 JNO. m. DeSAUSSURE. Home Productions. The subscriber will pay the highest price for country-made Homespuns, either in cash or trade. Will also receive cotton or corn for dues, at the highest market prices. Wanted now?500 yards Country Joans aud Plains, either all cotton or with wool tilling. Highest price will be paid for 100 lbs. of good wool. June 21 K. W. BONNEY. Cotton Cards at $4 75. rpilE FAMILIES OF THE VOLUNTEERS NOW JL in service, will be furnished with Cotton Cards at the abovo price, if called for soon. They nro supplied al cost, by the State authoritios. But a limited number will be distributed in the District, so that but one pair can be sold to a family. E. W. BONNEY, June 27 Notice. ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO THE LATE D. W. COATS, deceased, by note or open account, are earnestly requested to setlftb the same as soon as possible; and all those to whom he is indebted, will please present their claims to me. August 2 3 EZEKIEL QASKIN, Adm'r. January 1st, 1862 Having to pay cash for all my purchases, compels me to change my terms of business after this date. To enable me to replenish my stock, I shall sell in all instanoes for cash, unless a special arrangement be made for a short credit. All goods sold under this rraitmimAn^ v ? ? !J * uiuob uif cunsiuerea as Casf^ when called for. The reasons which have induced this necessary change, I trust, will be apparent to all. Cash customers solicited. e. V(. bonnet January 3. TURNIP SEED! TURNIP REED!! Fresh turnip seed, eor sale at the post office. August 8 Wines, Tobacco, Bacon &c. 5 BOXES PINE CHEWING tobacco, 4 sacks Liverpool Salt, 3000 lbs New Orleans Baoon, , White Wine and Apple Vinegar, Port,/Madeira and Sherry Wines, For sal* by W. C. GERALD k 00... August 2 2 Country Homespun Wanted. Kfifl YARDS PLAID OR PLAIN, FOR WHICH t)UU full prices Will be paid. I August 8 ROBT. M. KENNEDY. J. woHKMAN'J CO.dt January 10 Notice. THI8 IS TO CAUTION ALL PERSONS FROM trading for a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated the early part of the present year, and signed by "Sutherland & Lemond and James Bun lap"?the said note* having been lost, and since settled, by a new paper. It was (riven for the hire of Phil and flhnri** <v.r ti<a year 1861. . E. W. BONNEY**" Docember 20 Notice. rpHE UNDERSIGNED INTENDING TO MAKE X a change in his business on the first of January next, will dispose of his stock of goods at exceedingly low prices, until that time, for cash, or to punctual customers. My object is to turn as many goods as possible into cash, giving the purchaser a LIBERAL bargain for his money. K. W. BONNEY. J? ? g. ST O i H i 5X3 j==* *-?! Q i r ? p= ,?^ ? I 9. .S 0 S cb td < I S ^ 1 h s i go ^ 1 j sa LmJ ^ [ i H ^ , , CD ! S S3 5=8 ?1 Ofr o izj; | ^ 2 ft L-*- j is w ' ' ' ^ ? 9 g c=> O J ^ 00 'h s 00 ~ Z j _ M A ^3 r* CD * 130 r+- ? . _ 0 I 5 fcrt hj ? ^ * B ^ ^ t ^ J 02 N* North Carolina bacon and lard for sale at the " Old Corner." April 5 e. w. BONNEY. TIT i.-J w ctiiieu? TO BUY, FROM 6000 TO 10,000 LBS. DRIED " and green HIDES, for which we will pay for green Hides from 8 to 10 cents per lb., and for dried do. from 18 to 20 cents, per lb., cash on delivery. Juno 13 MARONY, BOSWELL & BRO. v n w ^SSS^ * s r< 5 KJ ^ ^ I co s w s 5 < w ? !?f?< > Q H > ? tgggq ? ^ S O MM w o S 8 99 O W a g ' ^ ^ ^ h? I g & > 3 > ? "B S3 , 3 U O I?^ O . W JMj?g ~ ^ * o { I , 3 o H ^ 1 ^ ] g 3 3 ? *?!^3 ^ 2~0 O mm cj cr ^ CJ J o~ . .ft 5? gJ ? 00 B O* C3 f1 c ^ & > I -3 H a S 0 oo 53 ?_ , o a o i a ^; as i m i 3 g " gg BQ O o tv C) m*j=^-z^4 ** " 2. w > Pj ? "< ^ *rt <D -?? <t> M ? 2 ? ? ??11 s 2 5 i 2 2 ^-r g S ^ V 8 S 2! I ? " =5 0 W a <*> Z Immmmm 1 ki ? * a . s i * 1 9 'f <- a" ft - ^ B 3* 0 8. o ? . Lost, Stolen, or Strayed, , From camden, a light red cow (white spot on forehead) and her heifer calf (nearly e black). Also?a small Cow, spotted white and black. ' A liberal reward will be paid for the restoration of f the same. Apply at this Office. ^ July 28 /' * ,t' \ V \ \ v , ' ' _ ; : , . * ,v ; * v, ,4y y*\f' $' 'fji j*i^ South-East Corner of I I 1 * I +i.w issjp * iV fv' r y ^ ^ CAMDEN, SOW KBBF OON8TA1 A FULL SI CLOTHING, M Boots and Shoes, Crockery "W * 4 Iron. Nails. G . ?.> * November 1 ^ I^CXJT IsISPSH 1MH THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING AC< MUTUAL LIFE INS1 OF RALEIGH, NOI FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepare* INSURANCE, on tho most reasonable \ at moderate rates. wil: November 1 North C Will, L. DePASS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND m &aifxv?? CAMDKN, S. C., Will pructico in Kershaw and the surrounding Dis ricts. . November 1 VERY SUPERIOR SEED POTATOES; FINE Dairy Cheese; Figs and Sugar Raisins. Just received at the "Old Corner " November 7 E. TV. BONNEY. PLOW STEEL.?Also. Flow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and Uorso Shoo Nails, Traces, [lames, Saddles. Ac. Just received attho "Old Corner." November 7 E. W. BONNEY. BACON, Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curing and very fino for sale at tho 'old corner,' by E. W. BONNEY. Medicine Oliests. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, POCKET CASES Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Ac. A largo assortmeLt just opened at Sept. 25,?tf. McKAIN'S DRUG STORE. Jose Q. Felipe, (FROM JIAVANA, CUBA,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Havana and Homeallc Scgarn, Hi? i Best Virginia Chewing & Smoking Tobacco. 1 CHOICE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY SNUFF, PIPES, Ac., Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 64 Market-Street, STG N OF " NO IMPO SITI ON," CHARLESTON, SO. CA. j November 7 ] 1 Blanket Shawls- ! A LL WOOL BLANKET SHAWLS, SUITABLE ] ljL for Soldier's Shirts, for sale at the "Old Corner," ?y * E. W. BONNEY. February 14 44 Matting: A LSO COTTON CARPETING AND LINEN lV Crumb Cloths, for sale at the "Old Corner." May 2 E. W. BONNEY. : - 9 __ ? Final NoticeTHOSE WHO ARE INDEBTED TO JOSEPH M. GAYLE, aud JOS. M, GAYLE <ft CO., are again lotifled that the notes and accounts of the said firms ire in the hands of W. L. DbPass, attorney at law, 6r collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they ' will be positively put in suit. November 15 V &JL._ i uj-i i nTTi-ir?i- '? ?* "*f"Y'"-**7,<J^;''t<5flfi.' '* ' Iroad |& DeKalb-Strei ts, rH-CAKOLINA, ' ITliT ONJISAMD A .pr*. # *." * ** ippiy or ITS & CAPS, are, Hoftow Ware, Tin Waref l-roceries, ?fco. 1 TERMS CASH. tyj A T "EPTED THf: AGENCY OF THE [TRANCE COMPANY, ITH CAROLINA, 1 to receive applications for policies of XiIFE terms. The Lives on SLAVES insured LIAffl L. DePASS, Agent 1 If -I 1 V " * ^ aroinm Mutual lmc insurance Company. Alabama Fir? Insurance COMPANY. npHK Undersigned, as Agent for tno above South; JL em Insurance Company, is prepared to issue i policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ings, &c. November 1 "W. L. DePASS. FALL & WINTER OOODSS. " WE INVITE THE ATTENTION of our friends and the public generally to our stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS,. Which is complete in all its various branches. A ND WILL BE SOLD I OR CASH OXL T. McCURRY & HAMMERSL0UG1I. I*oveml?er 1 Fall Goods. rpHK SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND OF HIS JL last Fall purchases: Super Black Bombazines. " 5-4 Black all-wool DeLane. " ? " Cashmere and Merino. " " 11 Plain and Drilled Alapaccas. " 4-4 " English Crape. Colored English Merino. " Printed DeLanes. Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vesttfor children. Misses, ladies, boys A men " Dr^^rs, for Ladies and Men. w | '* Uuion Dresses for Ladies. f Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Parlaton Mus ins, White Brilliantes and Dimity Embroideries. Edgings and Insertings, Laces, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroidered. A ;ood stock of English Cotton Hose and Half Hose, With A fair otnrtlr 1 ~ " * - ? v< uunr guuus Huiiaoie ior famines' Fall use. W. D. MoDOWALL. November 1 -A-gency Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance CompanyLYNCHBURG, Vi. Merchants' Insurance Compan OF RICHMOND, VA. Policies in the above Companies issued, at u rates. W. D. MoDOWALL, November 1 Agon: " V