University of South Carolina Libraries
Nashville. 1 hey mjly be Satight at any rato * Tonncssco will soon be entirely in possession of ilio Confederates. Wc have a rumor that Iluntsville is eva&uated. ; \ Powkr op the South.?Statistics show tlio South to to rich in agricultural and mineral wealth. She has, says the the Richmond Whiffr a soil unsurpassed in fertility?almost numberless navigable rivers, and smaller streams which furnish w?t/?r ?-1 ? OUUII/IVIIII IV piupt'l any amount or description of machinery. She has largo And flourishing cities, both ou the coast and in tho interior?an extensive coast and capacious harbors, and long jyid profitable railways, reaching into every section and neighborhood. She, lias as the basis of her system, a laboring population of four millions, who are moro contented and happy than they possibly can bo either under the emancipation or apprenticeship programme. It is to this class the world is indebted for the great staples of tho South. These staples furnish a surplus, above tho'cxpenscs and consumption, far exceeding in value tlpit which'no other nation can boast. MAitrti 1^1 On the 4th dav of August, by tho Rev. Manning Brown. Mr. VICTOR E. MANC.KT, to Miss ELIZA ANN. eldest daughter of J. S. DePnss, all of Kershaw District. tin the IGth ult., by Edward Clark. Esq.. Mr. ABRA I LAM SOW ELL and Miss AY. FRANCIS, daughter <?f Oapt. Win. and Mrs. 0. E. Mtiugo, all of Kershaw 1 listriet. "TO TIIK PLANTLT?." Aoency Office, 40 Broad Street, ) Charleston, August, 12, 18G2. J Mr Kditou?From the number of letters, 1 am still receiving froln various parts of the Slate, requesting information about the "plcd'ge<l Cotton," and as to the manner of remitting all amounts for Cotton already sold, 1 re cently published on both of these points in your paper could not have been -seen by all parties interested. Will vou therefore, allow me to state agajn that Mr. Thomas II. Johnston, an experienced Cotton Broker of this city with* his assistants* will call on all parties in due time and negotiate with them as to the purchase of the "Loan Cotton;" but I will thank all planters who have already sold, or intend selling to others, than the Government, to remit mo the net proceeds of sale, either in a draft on one of our City Banks, or in Treasury Notes, without further delay. As soon as I can ascertain whether they prefer Confederate Bonds Ar Certificates of Stock, (both bearing eight per cent interest, but the former payablo to bearer and the latter to order,) I will have " them prepared and remitted to the planters. But it is important that T should first receive the remittances, for my orders arc to give eight per cent, interest from the date of the receipt of all moneys, and it will be impossible to make a calculation until I receive the amount. As the Bonds and Certificates of Stock are only issued in lOOO's 500's 100's and Go's, should the amounts of sales be uneven, I will further thank the planters to add on the frac tion. so as to make it conform with the iSsuos of the above securities. Pressing engagements, in connection with the unties pf my office, compel me to adopt this mode of communicating with my friends in the country. I. S. K. BENNETT, General Agent for State of South Carolina. JtSTAll papers in the State will advertise once a week for two weeks and send their bill to the Charleston Courier office. September 5 2w SHOE THREAD. A LARGE SUPPLY OF SUPERTO^INE AND strong Shoe Thread, in store and for *ale by Mrs M.T.CAMPBELL, OpiH?site Mr. Jns. Dunlap'g storo. Sept. 5 1 School Notice THE EXERCISES OF MR. McCAND<^?/jl^^E8S' School will commence on Monday, ^SjjfiRg^October Gth, 1862. Terms, same as last ^BHpyear. Entrance condition, same as here tofote, except in the case of children of refugees. The session will continue till July 15, 1863. As the school is limited, parents intending to enter their children will pleas* notify the undersigned immediately. . L. McCANDLKSSt September 6 For Sale , A HANDSOME ROSEWOOIl PIANO, OF FINE tone and nearly new. It may be seen at the de K ALB HOUSE, and will be sold at less than cost, the owner expecting soon to remove. Septcmhfer 5 TBRNIF1 HEED. Fine fresh turnipsked, at one dollar per pound, at the Old Cortier. August 8 K. W. BONNEY. ^Nk* AB^hS^PAID XO JL any parson, who will $ive infojTnation to oon victiqn, at. tlif jaaoalt vrtjo hn>k? ?>?n my hack store on the nipBt or the 80th of August, last, and took there* from a quantity of baoon. f K.AV. BONNKY. r September 5 BLANTONDUNCAN, COLUMBIA. SO. OA." (FORMERLY OK KENTUCKY.) Is prepared to Jill orders to any extent% in ENGRATK1VO AKD PRINTING Bank Notes, Bills of Exchange, 4&c. Ifmgramng vpon Steel or Stone. Ifflr Large supplies of Bank Note and othor paper will be kept. 9 August 8 0 Estate dale. By permission op wm. m. bullock, ordinary for tho District and Stato aforesaid, I will offer for sale, at public outcry, at the late residenco of M. J. Young, dee'd., on Tuesday, the 10th duy ol September next, all tho personal property belonging to the estate of said dee'd., consisting of one Wagon und Harness, ono Mule and Buggy, one Sow aud Shouts, Cows and Calves, ono Watch and Chain Saddle and small lot of house Furniture, Ac. Terms made knowu on day ot' sale. john young, Adin'r. August 29. :i Administrator's Sale BY PERMISSION OF Tllfc COURT OF ORDInary, I will sell before the Court House in Camden, on Monday tho 15th of September, at 12 o'clock, in., one pair very line Buggy MARES, aud a BUGGY, one Saddle HOUSE?defective eyes?with saddle Ac. Terms made known at sale. J A 8. D. KIRK. PATRICK. Adiu'r. August 29 15 Win. A. Aucrum, dee'd. Administrator's Notice PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ON COL. WM. A. ANCRUM, dee'd., will plonsc present them at once to WM. M. SHANNON, Esq., ana those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to the same. JAS P. KI RK PATRICK, Adm'r August 29 '.I South Carolina?Korshaw District. BY WM. M. BULLOCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. V\7 HEREAS, SEABORN J. T1UTESDELI. AP V T PLIED to me for letters of Administration on all and singular, tbo goods and chattels, rights and credits of Col William J. Tnicsdell, late of the District oresaiu, deceased: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of the said deceased to he and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for tho said District to ho hoidon at Korshaw Court House on the ISthday of September next to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not bo granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, litis twenty-soveuth da}' of Angus', in tho year of ohr Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in tho eightyKovonth year of tho Independence aud Sovereignty of tho State of South Carolina. ? 0 August 2 2 WM. M. BULLOCK^). K. D. South-Carolina?Kershaw District. BY WM. M. BULLOCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. V17IIEIIEAS, JOSEPH ALLEN, APPLIED TO t mo for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chnttlcs, l ights and' ore lits of James L. Allen, la to of tlie District aforesaid, deceased : These are, tl:erefore, to eito and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before ine atNour next Ordinary's Court for the ?aid District, to be holden at Kershaw Court Houso on the 15th day of September next, to show cause, if any, why tho said administration should not be granted . Given under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-seventh day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, nr.<5 in the. eightysixth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina.. August 29 2 WM M. BOLLOCK, O. K. D. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. I, IX F. OF THE Convention of tho people of South Carolina, l>y virtue of the authority vested in mo by the said Convention, and in compliance with the provisions of an Ordinance passed, on the seventh day of January, in the year one thousand eiirht hundred and sixtv-two. which that tho President of the Convention, "if ho shall bo rcqeusted in writing so to do, by afiy twenty members of the Convention, shall by notice of his hand, duly publishod, assemble this Convention without delay, at a time and place to be by him fixed," and as such request in writing lias been made to me by twenty members of tho Convention, do hereby convoke the same, and summon tho members of the said Convention to assemble at Columbia, in the State aforesaid, at 12 o'clock, m.' on Tuesday, tho ninth day of September next. Given under my hand,*at Burwood, this twenty-third day of August, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtytwo. D. F. JEMISON, President of the Convention. jtirAll papers in the Stale will copy. * August 21) 2 / \ J 1>- 1 Special Notices. . > ; I'lT) I '' ! in MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. RJ5ENSTJERN A, WHp WILD REMAIN, in Camdon during the Summer, offers bis aervjpis to tlio publio in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Ac couchier. Office over tho store of Messrs. G?*le JYoung. , May SO .A-gexicy Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance CompanyLJNCIIBURC, VA. . ' ?o? Merchants' Insurance Compan OF RICHMOND, VA. Policies in the above Companies issued at u *. rates. W. 1). McDOSVALL, November 1 Agent DVRINCi MY ABSENCE, MR. JfAS. DUNLAl' will act as my Agent. March 21 THOMAS J. WARREN. I Announcements. FOR ORDINARY. Mr. Editor: l'lcaso announce tlio numo of WM M. BULLOCK, as a candidate for the offico of Ordidary for Kershaw District, at tlio ensuing November election, and oblige MANY FIUKNDS. August S iUu. Editor: Please announce Capt. D. 1 >. i PERRY a candidate to represent Kershaw District in tlie llonse of Representatives at the , ensuing election, and oblige May 10 MAN V FRI ENDS. Mr. Editor: Please announce Mnj. J. M. DeSAUSSURE as a suitable person to repro* j sent Kershaw District in the House of Representatives at the ensuing election, and oblige May 10 HIS FRIENDS. FOR TAX-COLLECTOR. Mr. Imutou : Plea*? announce HliNUY PATK a | candidate for re-election to die office of Tax-Collector, ami obligo II1S FRIEMDS. .Tuno (> Mr. Kditou: Please present the mime of Mr. .IAS. R. ARItAXTS.ns a suitable candidate to lilt the office of Tax-Collector, at the ensuiiiifHoction, and oblige May 30 IllSFRIKNDS. Mu. Kditou: IMca^e announce Mr. 1VM McKAIX as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election. and oblige IIIS FRIENDS. May S) Mn. EDiTbn : You will please announce ALKXANDKRL. MeDONALD as a suitable candidate to fill the oflico of Tax Collector of Kershaw District, at the ensuing election. Augnct S Mr. McDonald has been en gaged in the arduous but honorable, vocation, if not a lucrative one, that of a school teacher, for upward of forty years in our Town and District and country around, lie has been un I orinnately r cripple from his birth, as many of us know, but has acted his part well. Assiduously trustworthy in his profession ps an instructor of youth, from his own South, annually having taught many of the parents and children of rtlir soethin anrl cn?nn lV??vr nm *wl ??!.: 1.1 ....... " ? % V? VI. .-VIIIV IV^?? <lllU V,n |JU I IS II of his former pupils, lie is still engaged in teaching, and is now well stricken in ycai-s and short of means of support. Now, >\c, as citizens and friends of the needv, the acred and ? * o the crippled of our District, feel it to be our ndispcnsiblc duty to support him with our uffrages at tlm ballot box of our District, in October next. The Friends of Justice. August 8 Wanted?Wool! For which the highest prtce will be paid. -ALSOCOTTON AND WOOLEN IIOME-MADE JEANS and PLAINS, at McCURRY A HAMMERSLAUG1PS. For Hire A NEGRO GIRL, 12 YEARS OF AGE, ACCUSTOMED to waiting in tho house. For particulars apply at this office. August 14 2 Notice. All persons who have claims against tho estate of wm. KIRKLAND, decoas-. od, will please present the same duly attested, to one of the undersigned, qualified oxecutors. And all persons who aro indebted to said estate will pleaso make pavraent to one of the same, at an early day. / * wm. R. TAYLOR, jno. KIRKLAND. jos. R> KIRKLAND. August 8 4 Ex'rs Wm. Kirkland, deckL / -jl . .11 mi n i ii 111imEOKammammamm I NOVICE. : . I T?EWQHTS OF KVK&Y D*80aiP*l0Jt WUiL X b# received and forwarded bj'tbe SoMlhdtn Ext v<t&sm agw>(. Camden, 8. ft; July 21, 1862. 1 3 " ?*^?. 'ly >? > " * **"*?* STATE OF SOfJTH CABOLfflA. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER, / Columbia, S. C., August 19, 1802, j rpHE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS OF -* ' the Governor aud Council have been ordered to be published. Jietolyedy That the instructions directed (in the fifth resolution of the Governor and Council, passed 28th July ultimo,) to the C-ointnir- * "doners of Roads, bo also extended to the Mayors and Intcudeuts of incorporated towns and villages, directing them to make similar returns of negros liable to street duty, as Commissiontiers of Roads are directed to make. \\ hereas, the call for negro labor for military defence has been extended to incorporated town and villages, thereby increasing the number liable to service; therefore Resolved, That the call for negro labor, made under the resolutions adopted 28th July, he so modified as to restrict the call to one-fourth, instead of one third of the slaves liable to rjad and street du*v. Bv order of the Governor and Council. B. F. ARTHUR, Secretary; August 22 1 $50 REWARD! ' 1MIK ABOVE AMOUNT WILL BE PAID FOR 1 the apprehension of the scoundrels, or any one of thorn?who# broke into the ^adeniy, owned by Camden Orphan Society?injured tire buildinguftd mu* tilaled tho furniture. ONE OF THE TRUSTEES. -ALSOMlt. PECK WILL PAY A REWARD OF ?25 for the detection of the person or persons who destroyed tho Chemicals and Apparatus owned by the Camdeli Male Academy. 2 Estate Sale. HV PERMISSION OF WILLIAM M BOLLOCK, Ordinary ol' Kershaw District. T will ofTor for ?nle ut pub.ic outcry, at the late residence of John N. McLeod, on Wednesday, the 10th day of Septeraber next, oil the personal property belonging to tho estate of Jntnos S. ilolland, deceased, consisting of three or four head of cattle?a set of shoo tools?some carpenter's tools?one shot-guh?saddle, bridle, household and kitchen furniture, <fcc. Terms made known on day of sale. ' * ELTSHA HOLLAND, AdmY* August 22 3 Notice. \ LL PERSONS ARK FOREWARNED NOT TO J\. trade for, or purchase a note given by L. M. IIAILE, to VINCENT PARSONS, for fifty-nix dollars and twenty cents, duted about the 6th of May, 1862, and made payable on or about the 1st day of August, iust., with interest from dnte. as the pay of the same has boon stopped. VINCENT PARSONS. August 21 3 Administrator's Notice. VLL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST tho estate of JESSE F. YOUNG deceased, will present them duly attested to mo on or before the 22d day of November next, or this notice will forever bar payment of said claims Those indebted to the said estate will inako immediate payment to the undersigned. 3 JOS. M. GAYLE. AdmY. August 22 - 3m SCHOOL NOTICE. rpiIE EXERCISES OF MR. PECK'S ACADEMY JL will bo resumed Monriaf, September 1st. August 22 2 For Salet BBLS. Choice N. O. MOLASSES. O McCURRY & HAMMERSLAUGH. nw THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD LIKE TO PURr CHASE FIFTY NEGROS, for which he will pay lhe highest Charleston pric?s. Young and likely ne. gros, in families or single, preferred. Persons disposed to sell will flrd It to their advantage to communicate with mo at the office of this paper. August 22, 1862. 8AM'L P. ANCKKR. Corn and Fodder. 'PHK UNDERSIGNED WILL PAY THE HIGHJL EST price in cash for Com and Fodder in bales, for tho use of Government. v E. W. BONNEY July 28 * . Notice. All those indebted to the late john MARSH., deceased, will please sottle the same as soon as possible, and those having demands against bin), will present them duly atteeted to me. August 8 8 WM. OUTLAW, Adm'r.