University of South Carolina Libraries
A-iiiaouiiceixieiiis. MORDINARY. Mr. Editor: Plcaso annouuco tho name of Wil M. BULLOCK, as a candiduto for the oilico of Ordinary for Kershaw District, at tho ensuing Novombor election, and oblige MANY FRIENDS. August 2 Mr, Editor: Please announce Capt. D. 1). PERRY a candidate to represent Kershaw District in the House of Representatives at the ensuing election, and oblige . May 10 MANY FRIENDS. . Mk. Ed iron: Please announce Maj. J. M. DeSAUSSURE as a suitable person to represent Kershaw District in the House of Representatives at the ensuir.g election, and oblige May 10 1IIS FRIENDS. FOR TAX-COLLECTOR. Mk. Kditou: Please announce 1IKNRY PATH a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax-Collector, and oblige HIS FRIENDS. Juno 6 Mn. Kditou: Please present tho name of Mr. .TAS. R. ARRANTS, as a suitable candidate to till the oflico of Tax-Col lector, at tlm onRlliinrelnntirm nn?l nliliirn May 30 ? HIS FRIENDS. Mu. Kditoh: Please announce Mr. WM McKAIN as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election, and oblige HIS FRIENDS. Ma)' 9 Mn. Editor: The friends of Mr. JOHN A. BOSWELL announce him as a candidato for Tax-Collector of Kershaw District, attho ensuing election. April 25 Mr. EDitor: You will pleaso announce ALEXANDER L. McDONALD as a suitable candidato to <1111 the office of Tax Collector of Kershaw District, at the ensuing election. August 8 It % * % ... Air. McuoNALD has been engaged in the arduous but honorable vocation, if not a lucrative one, that of a school teacher, for upward of forty years in our Town and District and country around. lie has been unfortunately a cripple from his birth, as many of lis know, but has acted his part well. Assiduously trustworthy in his profession as an instructor of youth, from his own South, annually having taught many of the parents and children of our section, and even some few grand-children of his former pupils, lie is still engaged in teaching, and is now well stricken in years and short of means of support. Now, we, as citizens and friends of the necdv, the aged and # ? O the crippled of our District, feel it to be our jiulispensible duty to support him with our suffrages at the ballot box of our District, in October next. The Friends of Justice. August 8 * Special Notices. ATTENTION ! FIRST CLASS OF RESERVES Watcrce ITkountcd Riflemen. ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNIFIED their intention of joining the above company, and others who wish to do so, aro requested to forward their names to rao at onco. I have posilivo information that tho First Class of Reserves are to bo ordered out immediately, and it is desirable to have the namos of those who wish to go into mounted service be/ure tho Reserves are enrolled, as this is the only opportunity they will havo of choosing between infantry and mounted scrvico. Tho rolls will be found at Dr. YOUNG'S STORE. Augnst 8 ' EDWARD M. IJOYKIN. HEAD (lUARTLItS 22U REGIMENT S. C. M. Camden, August G, 18G2. GENERAL ORDERS NO. n i 1)11 A f\to An AnnTAwnrt aa*ftr i vt\t\ta vjjvi livmo vyxv ur r iv^auo V/UMiUiliVi'iiNU Beat Companies of tho 22d Regiment S. C. Militia Will havo warned for active duty, all white males in their respective Beats, between tho ages of 35 and 50 years, to meet at tho Court Houso in Camden, S. S.( on Tuesday, the 12th inst., at 12 o,clock a. m., for tho purposo of being enrolled and organized into companies of 68 men each, to composo tho First Corps of Rcscrvos. Election for company officers to command said companies will bo held tho sarno day, and returns made of said eloctidhs. By order Col. Jones. JOS. M. GAYLE, August 8 1 Judgo Advocate. MEDICAL NOTICE7 DR. T. REENSTJERNA, WHO WILL REMAIN in Camden during the Summer, offers his services to the public in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Ac couchier. Offico over tho storo of Messrs. Gaylo <fc Young. May 30 X NOTICE. AS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY I should collect n portion of the debts due roe in order to meet current expenses, I respectfully request nil thoso indebted to roe by note or open account, to pay a' part, if they cannot pay all. In my present position I am unable to attend personally to collecting these claims, but Mr. Douy, at the Branch Bank, is my agent, who will receivo payment and give receipts for an3r ac counts paid him. T. W. SALMOND. Virgiuia, May y DURING HIY ABSENCE, Bit. JAS. DUNLAP will act as my Agent. March 21 TllOMAS J. WARRKX. M BIS?ELL-DENTISTr HAVIVG REMOVED FROM CHARLESTON, ami located in Camden, offers his Professional services to the inhabitants of Camden and vicinity, lie may be found at his residence in liutlcdge street, near Fair street. May 22d, 1802 NOTICE^ ALL LETTERS, PACKAGES, See., FOR CAPT W. L. DePASS' Company must be directed to tho caro of C. M. WISGES, Charleston, S. C. Juno 0 J ?? NoticeAll those indebted to the late john MARSH, deceased, will please settle tho same as soou as possible, and those having demands against him, will present them duly attested to mo. August 8 3 WM, OUTLAW, Adm'r. Council Chamuer, July 31, 18G2. ry*I1E CITIZENS ARE HEREBY INFORMED A. that tha Town Ordinance respecting slaves sleeping on premises where there are no whito persons, shall bo rigidly enforced on anu after the 15th proximo. By order of Council. August 2 1 ROB'T. M. KENNEDY, T. R. ELANTON DUNCAN, COLUMBIA, SO. OA. (formerly of Kentucky.) Is prepared to Jill orders to any extent, in ENGRAVING AND PRINTING Rfllllv NAtPX Hill? of h\-flintinrr? A m v ~? ~n,,v ' ? Port, Madeira and Sherry Wines, For sale by W. C. GERALD & CO. August 2 2 Administrator's Sale BY PERMISSION OF WM. BULLOCK, ORDINARY for Kersbaw District, I will offor for sale, at public outcry, at the lato residonco ot John Marsh, deceased, on "Wednesday, the 20th day of August next, all the personal property belonging to the estate of the said deceased, consisting of one horse and cart, cattio and hogs, plantation utensils, household and kitchen furniture, Ac. Terras mado kuown on duy of sale. August 2 2 WM. OUTLAW, Adm'r. Notice. ' WE WILL SELL GOODS DURING 1862 FOR cash only. No books or memorandums will be will bo kept. No goods will bo allowed to leave tho store until fully settlod for. No orders will bo filled unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended for ono and all; and we very touch hope that no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as wo are determined to adhcro to it without respect ol persons. Dec 20 3in MARONEY, BOSWELL A BRO. Taken Up ^ COW AND CALF, WHICH THE OWNER v?u iiu>v kij piviiiig jiiwpcrvy, paying cuarges, taking lier away. Application to be mado of Mr. J. N. CLYBURN, at Cool Springs, or at this Oflicc. August 2 3 South-Carolina?Kershaw District. 1?Y WM. M. UULLOCK, K8QUIRK, OKUINAUY. WHBRKAS, ELISHA HOLLAND APPLIED TO mo for Letters or Administration on all uud singular the goods and cliattlcs, rights and credits of Jhiiios L. Holland, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all, aud singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to he and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to he hohlon at Kershaw Court House on the eighteenth day of July instant, AJ Ordinary of Kershaw District, I will offer for sale at public outcry, at the residence of llarvel G. Coats, on the 15th day of August next, all the personal property belonging to the estate of I). W. Coats, deceased, consisting of the woodwork of a new buggy? a chest of tools, for making wagous and buggies; one saddlo and bridle, a lot of wagon and buggy lumber; also pine boards; one silvor lever watch, two beds, furniture, bed clothing, etc. Terms?All sums under fivo dollars, cash, of fivo dollars and upward, a credit until the llrstday of January, A. D. 18G1. Purchasers*will bo roquirod to give their soaled notes and two approved personal sureties, with interest from day of saleKZEK1EL GASK1N, Adm'r. August 2 2 Ordinary's Sale By order op the court of ordinary to me dircctod, I will offer for sale at public outcry, before the Court IIouso in Camden, on tho first Monday in September next, all the real estato of W. D. Coats, deceased; containing thirty acres of land more or less, situated in Kershaw District and State of South Carolina, belwoen tho Robinson Road and Broad Rranch, a prong of Granncy's Quarter Creek? bounded on tho north by land belonging to .Tames Downes and W. D. Gaskin, on tho east by John Gaskin's land, on tho south by Richard Young's land, and on tho west by A. J. Downes and J T. Barker. Terms: A sufficiency of cash will be required to pay the cost of proceedings in tho sale of said land; the balance on a credit until the first day of January, ] A. D. 18G4, tho purchasor giving bond and two approved personal sureties, with interest from day of salo, and a mortgage of tho premises to the Ordinary to secure tho payment of the purchaso money, if deemed noccssary. Tho purchaser to pay for titles exclu- . sively. DUNCAN SiiEORN, S. K. D. ! August '? .*? 10 snow cause, it any, why tlio said administration should not be granted . Given under my Hand and Seal,this twenty-eighth day ot' July in tlio year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eightysixth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. August 2 2 WM M. BULLOCK, 0. K. D. South Carolina?Kershaw District. 1JY WM. M. BULLOCK, FSbUlltK, OKOINAKY. WHEREAS, JOHN YOUNG, APPLIED TO mo for Letters of Administration on all ami singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of M. J. Young, deceased: Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, tlio kindred and creditors of the said deceased to he and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to he holdeu at Kershaw Court House on the eighteenth day of August next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not he granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-eighth day of July in tlio year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eighty- sixth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the Stato of South Carolina. August 2 2 WM. BULLOCK, O. K. D. South Carolina?-Kershaw District. BY WM. M. BULLOCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, JOHN S. BRADLEY, APPLIED to mo for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattlos, rights and credits of John N. McLeod, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and crcditois of the said deceased to he and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's Court lor the said District, to ho holdeu at Kershaw Court House on the eighteenth day of August next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not he granted. Givon under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eightyseventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. August 2 2 WM. M BULLOCK, O. K. !>. South Carolina- -Kershaw District. BY WM. M. BULLOCK, BSQU1RK, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, JAMES D. KIRKPATR1CK, APPLIED to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Col William A. Ancrum, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before ine at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District to be holdcn at Kershaw Court House on the eighteenth day of August next to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in tho eightyseventh year of tho Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. August 2 2 WM. M. BULLOCK, O. K. I>. NoticeAll those indebted to the late d. w. COATS, deceased, by note or open account, aro earnestly requested to settle the same as soon as possible; and all those to whom he isindobted, willplcaso present their claims to me. August 2 3 EZEK1EL GASKIN, Adm'r. Administrator's Sale permission of william m.bullock, ? ? ? . ^ AAA.V V/* ^AVllUU^V ^ VV-V> Eiujravhuj vpon Steel or Stone. ?3f~ Large supplies of Bank Nolo and oilier paper will be kopt. August 8 0 Notice. AL L P K RSONS WHO IIA V E CL AI MS against tlio estate of KIltKLAND, deceased, will ploaBe present tlio same duly attested, to ono of the undersigned, qualified executors And all porsons who aro indebted to said estate will pleaso luako payment to ono of the same, at an early day. WM. It. TAYLOR, .1X0. KIRlvLAND. JOS. It. KIRKLAND. August 8 4 Ex'rs Wm. Kirkland, dee'd. Country Homespun Wanted. KAA YARDS PLAID OR PLAIN, FOR WHICH Ov/Vy Ml prices will be paid. August 8 ROBT. M. KENNEDY. TUIINIP fcJEISO! TURNIP SEEDTS J THRESH TURNIP SEED, KOR SALE AT THE : POST OFFICE. August 8 TUKK1P SEED. Fine fresh turnipsekd, at one dollar per pound, at the Old Corner. August 8 E. W. BONNET. HEADQUARTERS CAMP OF INSTRUCTION, Dep't op South Cauolixa, August 5, 18G2. OliDEIiS NO. 9. J ALL CONSCRIPTS WHO HAVE BEEN AC CEPTED into service who have not reported to this camp, ?r who have furloughs, will report at this InutcwdiA.. AAH. .1 A ? . vaiuj^ v/i luou Ut'ttv/U Uil VI UflUIU tllU ?UIII UUJ' U1 A11" gust. Those failing to report up to that date will be treated as deserters. II. Sheriffs of the various Districts will, under tho order of the Governor, dated the 24th of July, arrest and report all conscripts absent without leave. By order of Lieut. Col. JOI1N S. PRESTON, Commauding Camp of Instruction. J as- C. Black, Adjutant of Post. August 8 1 C2T Columbia papers insert twice; all other papers in tho Stato once, and send accounts to this olllce. Wines, Tobacco, Bacon &c ? BOXES FINK CHEWING TOBACCO, O 4 sacks Liverpool Salt, 3000 lbs New Orleans Bacon, Wliitft Wino nnrl Annlp Vinnrrar Gash Store NO CKi;i>IT TO ANYBODY FOR ANYTIIINB. o BARRELS STUART'S A LOVE RING'S O Crushed Sugar; 1 bale heavy 8 ounce Osuaburgs; 10 gross good Matches, in paper boxes; 8 dozen bottles Cayenne Popper; Choice Rice, Superior Hums and Shouldors; Lard, Brown Sugar, Spices; Preserved.Peaches and Ginger ; Largo lot of Jug and .Tar Ware ; For sale for cash. A. T. L ATT A. July *J8 KT O T I C E3 . "pi!K SUBSCRIBER. 1NT ORDER TO MEET THE 1. wants of the Travelling Public, has refitted and repaired his OMNIBUS. It will run regularly to and from the DeKALB HOUSE, where a slate will be kept. Parties in any part of the town, or Kirkwood, by leaving their names at the DeKall) House, beforo bed-time at night, may dejiend with certainty on having the omnibus to call for them, without fear of being loll. My old easterners will find me ready and willing to renew old acquaintance, by calling for them, when desired to do so. May 2:i J. K. WITUERSPOON. J3S"*Siek soldiers, in every ease, carried to or from the Depot, free of charge. ?T- K* "W. Prime Lard. KC\(\ POUNDS COUNTRY LARD OF SUPE0\J\J RIOR QUALITY, for sale at tlie Old Corner. Also?Fino North Carolina Hams, for family use. Juno 20 K. W. BONKKY. Bacon and Flour. ASUPJ5RIOR LOT OF NORTH CAROLINA Bacon, just received. ?A lso? Fino fresh ground Flour. For sale low for cadi, at the " Old Corner. K. W. BONNEY. .Tune (1 Notice to Wheat GrowersrpilK SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW (JOT HIS MILL -I in thorough repair, for making good Hour, and feels eonlidout of giving satisfaction to any who send good clean wheat to his mill, both as regards quantity and quality. J. II. VAUGHN. July -1 lm PASSPORTS. rpilK GOVERNOR HAS AUTHORIZED ME TO JL issuo Passports in the name of the Suite, to any person desiring to travel mto any part of the Southern Confederacy, and 1 am now ready to issuo tho same. The application must be in person. July 4 2 J NO. M. DeSAUSSURK. Kotice. A Mi THOSE INDEBTED TO THE LATE J. J. _r\. McK A IN hy note or open account, are earnestly requested to settle tlio same as soon as possible; and all those to whom he is indebted will please present their claims to me. June 0 3ino WM. McKAIN, Adm'r. "notice. During my absence from the state Mr. Jonathan Page will act as my authorized agent, April 5 _____ W. t. ALLEN. Pine Grove SeminaryTHE EXERCISES WILL BE RESUMED 6N. on the lirst Monday in July, and continue during the summer months. June 27 3 CHOICE OLD BRANDIES A\D WINES. O CASKS PURE GINGER BRANDY. 1 " ? V.o.AU ? i I OIIUI UU. 2 " Burgundy Port. 1 " Pale Sherry. 1 " Madeira. Just received and for sale bv July 1 2 *W. C. GERALD & CO. .. HARDWARE, CARPETS, RUGS and CRUMB CLOTIIS. for sale' at the " Old Corner." K. W. BONNEY. . January 24. SANCHEZ SPECIFIC C1 AN bo sent by mail and will effect a cure sooner ) than any other medicine, is safe, pleasant and reliable. Sold by J. J. McKAIN For ISale, A NEAT TWO-HORSE CARRIAGE, ON REAsonable terms. Apply at this Oftice. June 13 n?i- v it: ? v#uun lux; xiircTO H1HK-A GOOD COOK?ALSO?A GIRL about 17 years of age. Apply at this Ollico. July 28 1 NOTICE. I FREIGHTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WILL be received and forwarded by the Southern Express Company, to Richmond, Virginia. J. JONES, Agent. 6unden, S. C., July 21, 1862. 3 Corn and Fodder. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WILL PAY THE HIGHX EST prico in cash for Corn and Foddct* in bales, for tho uso of Government. E. W. BONNEY. July 28 NOTICE, 7 I iiavE Deceived the,war tax books, and will bo found at McCurrry k Hammerdaugh's store, to receive taxes. II. PATE, JuJ;' 4 2 T. C. K. D.