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t vtt T. Editor, FHlrt|Y, AUOIIST 8, PrvHident Davis. The letter of President Davis to (Jen. Lee, in reference to tlie orders issued by Gens. Pbi'e and Stein wk it of the U. S. Army is worthy of him and the position lie occupies, and must find a cordial response in the breast ol every true son of the South. The orders of those Northern generals?like Picayune Butler's? will only make our brave soldiers strike harder blows, and nerve every man, woman and chilu to hold in utter execration and contempt the authors, aiders and abetters of a tyranny to which Austria and Russia would be a thousand fold preferable Tlie Seasons. For the past two weeks we have been blessed with refreshing showers. The early corn is now nearly matured, and promises a good yield. The lattcv planting lias a tine appearance. The health of the country, so far, is generally good, but the weather exceedingly hot?the thermometer for the past three days ranging j-rom 91 to OVdegs. Dentil or Dr, Tlioniwcll. The citizens of this community, in common with the people of South Carolina, were startled with the sad intelligence of the death of this distinguished divine, which took place at Charlotte, N. C. Among the great men which the people of our State loved to honor, none were more deserving?possessed of talent of the highest order. Soon after graduating lie was called of God to preach the everlasting gospel, aiid soon after received the appointment of Professor, and afterwards President o( his own cherished alma mater. Thus were the energies of his mighty intellect brought to bear in favor of the glorious truths of the Bible, llow striking the contrast from the teachings of him who tilled the Presidency when he was a student. The withering, blighting influence of his pernicious doctrines contaminated many of the youth of that day.? The seeds then sown arc still bringing forth O o the bitter fruit. ^Vith gratitude we thank the Giver of all good, 111 raising up one, the inllucncc of whose teachings will descend to generations yet unborn. Many will rise up and call him blessed. True, 13r. Thornwell was a warm admirer of his own standard. As a minister of the Presbyterian Church, he upheld the doctrines of that branch of Zion with a zeal excelled by none ; but he was no sectarian in the arms of Christian charity. He embraced all who loved and obeyed the mandates of the Giver of all good in sincerity and truthIlis death is a great loss to truth and righteousness, and creates a void almost irreparable in the literary arena of the Confederacy.? The extinguishment of such a light mav well o o ?? fill our hearts with sorrow. lie was not only an eminent Christian, but a devoted patriot.? No man lived in his native State with greater affection for his country, and who labored harder for the desired success of our cause.? Truly arc we called to mourn that he should be removed from the sphere of his usefulness, when to hutaan eye he could not be spared? but God, who sees the end from the beginning is wiser than man. To His will we humbly bow. How appropriate the language of the text of the Rev. Mr. Hay; on Sabbath morning last, in the Presbyterian Church of this place : " My Father, my Father! the chariot of Israel anil the horsemen thereof; and he saw him no more; and lie took hold of his own clothes and rent them in two pieces." 2 Kings 2 chapter, xii verse. Important from Euorpe. Richmond, August 4.?The Northern papers of the 31st ult. bring us the news from Europe by the Australasian, which had arrived with Liverpool dates to the 10th. An important debate had taken place in the British Parliament on the 17th ult., upon Mr. Lindsay's motion to offer mediation in the American war, and to recognize the Southern Confederacy. After a lengthy debate, Mr. Lindsay's motion was withdiawn. Lord Palmcrston made a remarkable speech on the occasion, ^appealing to the House to leave the matter in the hands of the Govern} rocnt. The Paris correspondent of the London Herald again asserts that Napoleon is about to offer the mediation of France to America, and says that the drift of public opinion is in favor ofs uch a course. k Co ii Ted orate Money. There arc sonic in this community?as wo have heard of elsewhere?who arc endeavoring to depreciate the Confederate bills, by try- 1 ing to put them at a discount in exchange for the bills of the banks of the State, aye, even to make purchase of foreign money at a sacraficc of from three to eight per cent, off our le gal tender. To such we would apply the cpi- 1 thet of traitor. Enemies to the country docs not consist entirely of open resistance to the government, or in language of symvathy with our foes, or in iunundocs, against the power of the South to resist the tyranny of the mighty North, or in veneration for the miserable delusion of love for the Old Union, or in utter indifference to the success of our arms in the great struggle in which we arc engaged. No matter in which way it is shown?he that would put the Confederate bills below par, is preying more successfully against the true interest of the South than any of the above classes. This is the currency our soldiers are paid in, and in several instances the wives of poor soldiers have been compelled to pay these harpies a premium for bank bills, or be forced to make a larger purchase than their scant means would justify, depriving, in a great measure, the wives and children of our brave defenders the little necessaries of life so dearly earned by their brothers and husbands?taking the bread from their mouths?to bo dealt with by a set of men living at home at their case, with every comfort and luxury about them. Besides, it is calculated to create distrust and discontent on the part of our soldiers against the Government. When men render their services to their country they should be paid in funds that arc current everywhere. There is no reason in stabbing our cause in this way, and he who attempts to depreciate the Confederate currency by traffic or otherwise, should receive a traitor's doom?we care not who he may be, or what his position in the community or section. The Confederate money is just as well and surely guaranteed as the hills of the banks.? The faith and property of the Southern Confederacy is pledged for their redemption. AVc say, let every man be looked upon with suspicion who is endeavoring to weaken our cause by one ot the most effective means the miserly, hard-hearted money-loving enemies of the country can take. On the other hand let every lover of his country uphold the government and its finances. Light is now breaking upon us, and we trust in God, in a short time, in spite of enemies at home and abroad, our liberties will soon be established, and the Confederacy-loving friends, in unexampled pros, perity. There have been cases not many leagues from our own town, where five-fold charges have been made on our sick and wounded soldiers, for conveying them to their own homes, not many miles distant. Wo have heard through sources in which we could place every reliance, that charges of from 84 to 8tt per day have been demanded for the use of a spavined horse or mule and a dilapidated buggy, to carry a sick soldier to his home?at the same time leaving the impression that the recipient was being vastly favored, even at these figures. Can an enlightened, civilized community endorse such?are we to become canibals and devour each other? If, in the above remarks any one should feel that they apply in anywise to his case, we alone are responsible for tho same, and to whom application should be made for redress. * [for the camden confederate.] Adam's Hun, July 20, 1802. Editor Camden Confederate : Dear Sir: Though grateful for the honor conferred on me by a nomination recently made through your columns, I cannot permit my name to be used as a candidate for tho Legislature, because, aside from other considerations, 1 regard the fiold as the most appropriate place in which for me to serve my country in the present crisis. Yours, very respectfully, L. W. It'. Blair. A disease resembling plague lias appeared f* 11 it ir i * ai i>rooKiyn, m. x., ana is creating alarm. The first symptom is the appearance of a small pimple on the body, which spreads rapidly until it covers the whole body. Death invariably ensues in 24 hours. 1 The Signs of the Times. . The late news from the North would indicate either a letting down of the rigid censorship of the Lincoln tyranny over tho* press, or a determination to give some utterance to sentiments that ought to liavo seen the light ever since the monster and his cabinet had control at Washington. The Newark (N. J.) Journal has an article, wonderful for that lati tuUc, and sliowiug a difference of opinion from tlic views reaching us heretofore. In the close he says: "Now, the question is, will you wait until a war of years has prostrated every interest, destroyed a sixth part of your populati<*n, and made a waste and desolation of the North, or will you demand peace now? Is the freedom of the negro of more importance than that of the white man ? If so, clamor for war. Are the groans of the wounded more musical to your ears than the whirl of the shuttle and the ring of the hammer? Then clamor for war. Do you desire an incubus of taxaiton that shall make you and your remotest posterity "hewers of wood and drawers of water" to the Federal Government? Then clamor for war. Do you desire to sec this Confederate Government transformed into a vast centralized military despotism ? Then clamor for war.? Do you want to witness the final wreck of of all the glories of the past, and our hopes for the future? Then clamor for war." The freedom of speech vindicated in Boston in behalf of the Gordon's, for hurrahing for Jeff. Davis, by one Sennott, is a picture of the Northern Government, of Seward and Si'mneu, and the lights and shadows of New England society, at the present day, which must satisfy our Southern men that separation from such a mass of corruption took place none too soon, llis appeal seems to have satisfied the authorities before whom the case was tried, and they were allowed to go free from the tortures of the rack. On the other hand?in the grand conservative city of New York, and the city of brotherly love?settled by Wm. Penn ?their cry is still for war; they see the hopes of their gain is about to go from their avaricious grasp. They fairly gnash their teeth with rage, and say this rebellion must and shall be put down. It may be the time is not far dis tant. when tliat modem Sodom's measure of inimiity may bo full ?' notwithstanding lier great wealth and commercial importance.? Ichalod may be written in the history of New York. Highly Important News from the North?Reported Resignation of Seward?Refusal of Yankee Governors to Furnish more Troops, ete. Lykchdukg, August 4.?The following special despatch was received by the Republican newspaper of this city this morning: Chaklottsville, Va., August 4.? The National Intcllif/enccr and Baltimore Sun, of a late date, have been received in Staunton. Thev announce that William II. Seward has resigned the Secretaryship of State under the Lincoln Administration. The Governors of Fcnsylvania, Ohio and Connecticut refuse to send more men into th? field. The National Intcllif/enccr accuses Seward of having been engaged, for the last sixty days in endeavors to bring about, through the mediation of England, a cessation of hostilities. lion. C. L. Vallandinghain is stumping the State of Ohio against the war and the Administration. lie is said to be addressing immense audiences, with great favor jpid applause. Latest from Richmond. Richmond, August 6.? Gens. Buckncr, Tilgman, McKall, Com. Barron, Lieut. Colonel Beverly Kcnnon and other officers, and a large number of prisoners (exchanged) have arrived in this city. Gen. Pcttigrew has also arrived within our lines and will reach the city to-day. From Savannah. CATTURE OF THE STEAM SHIP LODONO FEDERAL VESSELS AT NASSAU GREAT EXCITEMENT THERE. Savannah, August 5.?The steam ship Lodono Captain Luckic, from Nassau, Jn)y 31st after entering Ossahow Sound on Monday^ morning grounded in eleven and a half feet water and was captured by the Federal blockaders. Geo. Marshall and two pilots, passengers, made tlioir escape in a small boat. They Represent a laTge number of Federal vessels about the port of Nassau, causing great excitement at that place. i I The Lodono first attempted to enter Tybec, but was fired into from the MaHello Tower, tbo shot passing through her cabin.' Skirmishing with Po^c^ Forces.' a great battle imminent?tiie president determined to retaliate. Richmond, August 3.?The ball is about to L 11. n . ! T V I % po opcnea neiween stonewall jaexsou ana Pope. Heavy skirmishing is now going on between the two forces at Orange Court House.' The Confederates are getting the advantage and a general engagement is thought to be imminent. The President has directed Gen. Leo to transmit his order regarding Pope and Steinwer to the Federal authorities, and says that the receipt of the order, if they do not reverse their policy, he will be forced to retaliate.? Savannah Jiejmblicon. P. W. A. The Movements About Richmond* Riucmond, August 4.?On Saturday night the enemy landed a large body of troops at two points on the south side of the James River. Their force is variously estimated at from G000 to 10,000 men, infantry, artillery and cavalry. There was brisk skirmishing to-day, at Cox's Mill Creek, Prince George county, between 50 of the 13th Virginia Cavalry and 80 of the Yankee Cavalry. Our loss was 1 killed, 3 wounded and two missing. The Yankee Cavalry was at Garysville, at 1 o'clock yesterday. l?!_l i 1 l j i n i i i j'jiyui uuiiureu x aiiKce v^avmry anacKea zou of Gen. Robertson's Cavalry, yesterday morning, a milo this side of Orange C. II. The . Confederates charged the enemy, and drove them back to the village, where a brisk skirmish Look place. Another body of Yankees appearing on their flank, the Confederates fell back towards Gordonsvillc, bringing away nine prisoners. The Yankee loss was two killed and a number wounded. Our loss was five wounded and several missing. A Yankee gunboat got aground in the mouth of the Appotomax ltiver, near City Point, on Sunday. The Confederate batteries were firing at her yesterday afternoon. The result is not ascertained. From the West. Chattanooga, August 4. ? McMinnvillo, Tennessee, was occupied by about 7,000 Fedral troops last Saturday ? probably General Rnell or Nelson's division. A detachment of Gen. Forrest's cavalry was in tlie place on Friday, but were smart enough to evade capture. A man who lun their lines from McMinvillc, states that he heard the shrieks of women from almost every house in the town, and thinks the Yankee command must have been turned loose at will, to pillago and outrage.? The shrieks were agonizing. Jackson, August 3.?Passengers from Memphis report that an eineuie had broken out among the Yankees and the negroes working on the fortifications there. The Yankees had shot a number of the negroes. From tli? West. Grenada, Miss., August C.?Tho enemy is reported to be advancing on Zenobia, in three columns, of from 1500 to 2000 strong, each. Reinforcements have been sent from this place to Col. Jackson. Curtis'" cavalry attacked a provision train en route to Gen. Pasons,, near Austin, Mississippi, a few days ago. They were repulsed with considerable loss. A dnsnntfOl rTntrt/l faira OQ*l? ? LH.V. _ _vtMwvt 4*V/bli IHtk*^ i'lC rebels made a dash at Ilumbolt, yesterday.? Our cavalry fled without a gun. Tho rebel cavalry attacked our infantry, killing 15 and taking several prisoners, and gained possession of the town. Gov. McGoflin has called a meeting of the Legislature lor the 14th ?f Augnst, to provide for the peace of the State, and its safety agianst the Legislation of the Federal Congress. Col. Logan hung a Mr. Whipple, a worthy and influential citizen of Jackson Tennessee, on the 29th inst, for piloting the Confederate party to a bridge which they burned. Logan also burned the houses of several sympathizers. Dr. Leftwitcli, a Yankee cotton buyer, was cap turcd by guerillas near McCownsvillc, last week*, with $2500 in specie, has arrived. Mobile, August 6.?A special despatch to" the Advertiser, dated Jackson, August 5th' says Gen. Breck in nidge, this morning attacked Baton Rogue, driving the Federals fVom the city. For an hour the musketry fire was very heavy. Firing was also heard from the direction of the river. "NYc drove the enemy fronv the city to the bank. Gen. Breckinridge, is now in possession of the city.