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Hlorfttii,i Proclamation to tltc People of Kentucky. The Northern papers publish the following proclamation, addressed by Morgan to the pcojpJe of Kentucky; Glascow, July 10, 18C2. ' Kcntuckians, 1 am oace more among you 1 Confiding in your patriotism and strong at laenmeiit to our doutucrn cause, 1 have, at the head of my gallant band, raised n?ore our Confederate flag, so long trampled upon by tho Northern tyrants, but never yet disgraced. Let every true patriot respond to my appeal. Rise and arm. Fight against the dcspoilcr! Fight for your families! your homes! for thoso you love best! for your conscience! and for the free exercise of your political right", never :tgain to be placed in jeopardy by the Hessian invader! let the stirring scene of the late Richmond fight constantly be before you. Our brave army there and everywhere is victorious. MeClellan and his foreign hordes arc grOvcling in the dust. Our independanco is an achieved fact* We have bought it with privation and suffering, and sealed the contract with the seal of blood. 15?; not timorous, but rise, one and all, for tlie good cause, to clear out dear Kentucky's soil of its detested invaders. Kentuckians! fellow-countrymen! you know vow <can rely on me. John Morgan, Acting Brigadier-General C. S. A. Greenville, Mo., Captured by the Confederates? a Desperate Fight.?The Northern papers publish the following despatch, dated St. Louis, July 23: A merchant of Frcderickstown has arrived here, and reports that a desperate fight had taken place at Greenville, Wayne county, Mo., between a band of guerillas and two companies of State militia stationed at that place. The militia under command of Capt Lccpcr, were surprised by the guerillas, who were under the command of a man named Reeves. The guerillas made the attaek at daylight, very suddenly and fiercely, no pickets being out to apprise our men of their approach. Capt. Lceper and forty-eight of his men arc reported killed, and a large number wounded. The rebel loss is not known. The rebels took possession of the town. 9 [Greenville i^s post village and capital of Wayne county. It is situated on the St. Fran, cis River, about 150 miles southeast from Jefferson City.] Active Movements.?A Richmond corres- , pondent of the Columbia Guardian, writing on the 13th inst., says: "We hear indirectly to- ' day that Bragg is moving from Tupelo in the i direction of Nashville, which lies on the way to Cinciunati, and there arc certainly sonic movements on foot in Virginia for aggressive , warfare which may change in a few weeks the whole character of the campaign. I will not say whotlicr these movements arc connected with Jackson, or Lee or Ewcll; you will prob- ' ably hear in due time, and I hope in a manner 1 to cause a thrill of joy to agitate your State, as Col. Preston says, "from Eutaw to the Cow* pens." Gen. Joseph E. Johnston has nearly recovered from the effects of the painful wound received at the battle of Seven Pines. lie will be able to "report for duty" in'a few days. The orders of Gen. Pope invite his troops to n ?1/"vh ' "\7 4 1 ? >-v I |/iu<i?v> tiuu iuu in v tu uuwum ni? task-masters and drivers of white men, and to j burn the houses of obnoxious citizens. * MARRIED, On the 25th of Juno, by the Rev, A. T. Capors, at . Verona, Miss., Col. S. C. DePass, of Charleston, S. C.? to Miss Emma K. Twichell, of the former place. Wines, Tobacco, Bacon &c *r BOXES FINE CHEWING TOBACCO, t) 4 sacks Livorpool Salt, 3000 lbs Now Orleans Bacon, White Wino and Apple Vinegar, Port, Madeira and Sherry Wines, ! For sate by W. C. GERALD & CO. August 2 2 ' Administrator's Sale T>V PERMISSION OF WM.,BULLOCK, ORDI- i i ? xt a ritt r tr I-- Tt:.,.:., t ...mi .? . lXAivi iur JBLomiittw jyioti iuif x win oner tor saio. f At public outcry, at the late residence ot John Marsh, i deceased, on Wednesday, the 20th day of August 1 next, all the personal property belonging to the estate of the said decoased, consisting of one horse and cart, < cnttio and hogs, plantation utensils, household and < kitchen furniture, Ac. ( Terms made known on day of sale. I August 2 2 WM. OUTLAW, Adm'r. ^rinoiancements. FOR OHDIN AHYT"Mr. Editor: Please aunounco tho name of WM. M. BULLOCK, as a candidate for the oftice of Ordidary for Kershaw District, nt the ensuing November election, and oblige MANY FRIENDS. August 2 FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Mr. Editor?You will please announce the name of Capt. L. W. R. 1JLAIR, as a candidate for a scat in the Legislature, at the ensuing October election, and oblige July 28 MANY FRIENDS. Ma. Editor: Please announce Capt. D. D. PERRY a candidate to represent Kershaw District in the House of Representatives at the ensuing election, and oblige May 16 MANY FRIENDS. Mr. Editor: Please announce Maj. J. M. DeSAUSSURE as a suitable person to represent Kershaw District, in the House of Representatives at the ensuing e' \ and oblige May 16 ITS FRIENDS. FOR TAX-COLLE( TOR. Mr. Kditor : Please announce 11KNRY PATK a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax-Collector, and obligo IIIS FRIKNDS. (Tutm 6 Mil. Kihtou: Please present tlio name of Mr. J AS. R. ARRANTS, as a suitable candidate to till the office of 'fax-Collector, at the cnsuingelceiion, ami oblige May 30 II IS F1UKNDS. Mr. Kditou: Please announco Mr. AYM McKAIN as a candidate for Tax Collector, at. the ensuing election, and oblige 11IS FRIKNDS. May 0 Mr. Editor; The friends of Mr. JOHN A. BOS* WKLL announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector of Kershaw District, at the ensuing election. April 25 Sr>ecia,l USTotices. ]VLo11111ecl Me21 i'oi* Home Service. TIIE GOVERNOR ANI) COUNCIL HAVING called for a Battalion of Mounted Men, Volunteers from the First Corps of Reserves for State service, I propose to raise a company for that purpose, and ask our men of middle ugo who tho Government of the Confederate States has exempted from duty abroad, to join in defending our State at home. For if tho enemy should get n foot-hold in force anywhere on our mainland, every availahlo man will be needed to keep him from the interior. Address the undersigned ut Camden, So. Ca. EDWARD M. BOYKIN, 1st Lieut. Kirkwood Cavalry, relieved from duty. Camden, June 26, I 8G2. NOTICE. AS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY I should collect a portion of the debts due mo in order to meet current expenses, I respectfully request all those indebted to mo by note or open account, to pay a part, if they cannot pay all. In my present position I am unable to attend personally to collecting these claims, but Mr. Donv, at the Branch Bank, is my agent, who will rcceivo payment and give receipts for any accounts paid him. T. W. SALMOND. Virginia, May 9 MEDICAL NOTICE. Dll. T. REENSTJERNA, WHO WILL REMAIN in Camden during tho Summer, offers his services to the public in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Ac couchier. Office over tho store of Messrs. Gayle Young. May I>l It 1 \illY AB^EIUCE, IT1K. JA8. DUNLAP will act as ray Agent. March 21 THOMAS J. WAliREN. Nl7 BISSKLT-DENTlsfiIIAV1VG REMOVED FROM CHARLESTON, and located in Camden, offers his Professional services to the inhabitants of Camden and vicinity. lie may be found at his residence in Rutledgc street, near Fair street. May 22d, 1862 NOTICE. ALL LETTERS, PACKAGES, &c., FOR CAFT \V. L. DkPASS' Company must bo directed to tho caro :>f C. M. WINGE3, Charleston, S. C. June 0 3 South Carolina?Kershaw Districtby wm. m. bullock, esquire, ordinary. WHEREAS, DANIEL McCASKILTj appliod to mo for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Malcom A. McCaskill, late ol the District aforesaid, deleased : These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and lingular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to beholden nt Kerihaw Court House on the 11th day of August itxt, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 21st day }f July, in the yoar of our Lord one thousand sight hundred and sixty-two and in the oighty-sovcnth yoar of the Independence and Sovereignty of tho Stato of South Carolina. July 2ft i WM. M. BULLOCK, O. K. D Taken Up A COW AND CALF, WHICH THE OWNER can have by proving property, paying charges, and taking her away. Application to be mado of Mr. J. N. CLYBURN, at Cool Springs, or at this Office. August 2 3 South-Carolina?Kershaw District. BY WM. M. BULLOCK. ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. \\J II ERE AS, ELISHA HOLLAND APPLIED TO ? ? me for Jitters or Administration on all and singular tlio goods and chatties, rights aud credits of James L. Holland' late of the District aforesaid, deceased : i ncse are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, aud singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to bo and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to bo holden at Kershaw Court House on the eighteenth day of July instant, to show cause, if any, why tho said administration should not be granted . Given under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-eighth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eightysixth year of tho Independence and Sovereignty ot the State of South Carolina. August 2 2 WM M. BULLOCK, O. K. D. South Carolina -Kershaw District. BY WM. M. BULLOCK, FsbUIItE, OUD1NAUY. V\7 H KRIS AS, JOHN YOUNG, APPL1KD TO t T me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits ot M.J. Young, deceased: Those lire, t.liereforo tr? nilmnnicli -ill ?irnl singular, tho kindred and creditors of the said deceased to bound appear before meat our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be hoklen at Kershaw Court House on the eighteenth day of August next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not bo granted. Uiven under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-eighth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eighty- sixth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. August 2 2 WM. BULLOCK, (). K. P. South Carolina?-Kershaw District. BY WM. M. ISUM.OCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. \\T 1IKRHAS, JOHN S. BRADLKY, AITLIKD ? t<? mo for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits ot John N. Mclieod, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and ereditois of tho said deceased to be and appear before mo at oar next Ordinary's Court for tho said District. to ho hoiden at Kershaw Court House on the eighteenth day of August next, to show cause, if any. why the said administration should not he granted. (.liven under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-eighth day of July, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. and in the eightyseventh year of tho Independence and Sovereignty ol the State of South Carolina. August 2 2 WM. M BULLOCK, O. K. p. South Carolina?Korshaw DistrictIJY WM. M. ItL'I.LOCK, KSQUIRE, ORDINARY. Y\/TI,1':RKAS'JAMES D- K-IItKPATRICK, APV V PLIED to nie for Letters of Administration on all and .singular, tlio goods and chattels, rights and credits of Col William A. Ancruni, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for tlio said District to be holdcn at Kershaw Court House on the eighteenth day of August next to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. (liven under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-eighth day of July, in tlio year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eightyseventh year of tlio Independence and Sovereignty of tho State of South Carolina. August 2 2 WM. M. BULLOCK, O. K. 1>. Notice. All those indebted to the late d. av. COATS, deceased, by note or open account, are earnestly requested to settle the same as soon as pos Mime; uiiu sut mose ui wnom ne is liicicoiou, wilipieaso present their chums to me. August 2 ?, RZEKIEL GASKIN, Adm'r. Administrator's Sale I>Y PERMISSION OP WILLIAM M. BULLOCK, ) Ordinary of Kershaw District, T will offer for sale at public outcry, at the residence of llarvel G. Coats, on the 15th day of August next, all the personal property belonging totho estatoof D. W. Coats, deceased, consisting of the woodwork of a new buggy? a chest of tools, for making wagons and buggies; one saddle and bridle, n lot of wagon and buggy lumber; also pine boards; ono silver lever watch, two bods, furniture, bed clothing, etc. Terms?All sums under five dollars, cash, of five dollars and upward, a credit until the first day of January, A. D. 18C-1. Purchasers will bo required to give their soaled notes and two approved personal sureties, with interest from day of sale* KZEKIEL GASKIN, Adm'r. August 2 2 Ordinary's Sale BY ORDER OF THE COURT OF ORDINARY to mo directed, I will offer for salo at public outorv hufura thn f!nnrt. Ttnnan in Cnmrlon ah (I.a Monday iu September next, all tho real estate of W. D. Coats, deceased; containing thirty acres of land more or less, situated in Kershaw District and State - of South Carolina, botween the Robinson Road and Broad Rranch, a prong of Granney's Quarter Creek? bounded on tho north by land belonging to James Downes and W. D. Gaskin, on tho east by John Gaskin's land, on tho south by Richard Young's laud, and on the we?t by A. J. Downes and J T. Barker. Terms: A sufficiency of cash will be required to pay tho cost of proceedings in tho salo of said land; the balanco on a credit until the lirst day of January, A. D. 1864, the purchaser giving bond and two approved personal sureties, with interest from day of sale, and a mortgage of tho promises to the Ordinary to secure the payment of the purchase money, if deemed nocessary. The purchaser to pay for titles exclusively. DUNCAN SHKORN, S. K. D. August 2 8 Cash Store NO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR ANYTHING. 8 BARRELS STUART'S & LOVERIKG'S Crushed Sugar; 1 bale heavy 8 ounce Osnaburgs; # 10 gross good Matches, in paper boxes ; 8 dozen bottles Cayenne Peppor; Choice Rico, Superior Hams and Shoulders; Lard, Brown Sugar, Spices; Preserved Peaches and Ginger ; Large lot of Jug and Jar Ware; | for sale lor cash. A. T. L VITA. July 28 NO T I OB rPJIK SUBSCRIBER. IN ORDER TO MEET THE X wants of the Travelling Public, has refitted and repaired his OMNIBUS. It will run regularly to and from the DkKALB HOUSE, where a slate will be kept. Parties in any part of the town, or Kirkwood, by leaving their names at the DeKulb House, before bed-time at night, may depend with certainty on having the omnibus to call for them, without fear of being left. My old customers will find me ready and willing to renew old acquaintance, by calling lor them, when desired to do so. May 2J J. K. WJTIIERSPOON. 23?'*Sick soldiers, in overy case, carried to or from the Depot, free of charge. J. K* W. Prime Lard. \(\ POUNDS COUNTRY LARD OF SUPEf ' v/\ ' RIOR QUALITY, for sale at the Old Corner. Also?Fine North Carolina Hams, for family use. June 20 k. W. BONN BY. Bacon and Flour. V SUPERIOR LOT OF NORTH CAROLINA Bacon, just received. i a i,so? Fine fresh ground Flour. For sale low for ea<h. at the "Old Corner. E. W. BONNEY. June 0 Notice to Wheat Growersthk subscriber has now cot his mill in thorough repair, for making good Hour, and lot-Is confident of giving satisfaction to any who send good clean wheat to his mill, both as regards quantity and quality. J. H. VAUGHN. July 4 lm I?ASSI*OUTS. rpilk GOVERNOR HAS AUTHORIZED me to JL issue Passports in the name of the State, to any person desiring to travel into any part of the Southern Confederacy, and I ntn now ready to issue the same. The application must be in person. July 4 2 J NO. M. DeSAUSSURE. Notice. All THOSE INDEBTED TO THE late j. j. McKAIN by note or open account, are earnestly requested to settle tho same as soon as possible; and I all tliO!?e to whom ho is indebted will nreaont their claims to me. June G 3mo "VVM. McKAIN, Adm'r. NOTICE. DURING MY ABSENCE FROM THE STATE Mr. Jonathan Page will act ns my authorized agent, April 4 W. T. ALLEN. _ Pine Grove Seminary The exercises will be resumed on on the Monday in July, and continue during the summer months. June 27 3 CHOICE OLD II It A ft HIES AftH WINES. O CASKS TURE GINGER BRANDY, f) 1 " " French do. 2 " Burgundy Port. 1 " Pale Sherrj*. 1 " Madeira. Just received and for sale by July 4 2 W. C. GERALD & CO. HARDWARE," CARPETS, RUGS and CRUMB CLOTHS, for sal* at the " Old Corner.'' E. W. BONNEY. January 24 SANCHEZ SPECIFIC CtAN be sent by mail and will effect a cure sooner. ) than any other medicine, is safe, pleasant and reliable. Sold by J. J. McKAIN For ISale. A NEAT TWO-HORSE CARRIAGE, ON REAsonable terms. Apply at this Offico. June 13 Cook for HireTO HIRE?A GOOD COOK?ALSO?i GIRL about 17 years of age. Apply at this Office. July 28 1 ~i*oticeT Freights of every description will be received and forwarded by the Southern Express Company, to Richmond, Virginia. J. JONES, Agent. Camden, S. c., July 21, 1862. 3 Corn and Fodder. rpHK UNDERSIGNED WILL PAY THE HIGHJL EST prico in cash for Corn and Fodder in bales, for the use of Government. E. W. BONNEY. July 28 NOTICE. I HAVE RECEIVED THE WAR TAX BOOKS, and will be found at MeCurrry A Hammerslaugh's store, to receive taxes. H. PATE, July 4 2 T. C. K. D.