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ttaving to^^gash for all kr purXX ofcasas, compels.jdm tt*sUoga?mp termu of business after this date. A mM MU nplenl* mj stock, I shall aril la ""'Tn miww yvr m v nm. mm u kwuo bviu uuuor VUW called for. tbe tfitmn^ii.yyiibb- sawkjadaood this m&imty change, I tmaafc, will beafrpalPent to All Oaah customers sdfctted/ K. W. BONNET January 3. ? i - Fine Cured No- Ca- Bacon. .{AAA LBS.'EXTRA PINE CURED NO. OA. OU v v Hog Round?Hams, Bides and Shoulders, Tor sale low at the M01d Brick Corner," by June 13 4 T. S. MYERS. Extra Fine Family Flour. 9fml sacks extra fine family flour ju\J\J warranted a No. 1 brand, in store and to arrive, at the " Old Brick Corner," by June 13 4 * T. S. MYERS. Clarified and Brown Sugars A PEW HOGSHEADS OP NO. 1 CLARIFIED and Brown SUGARS, for sale at the " Old Brick Corner," by June 13 4 T. S. MYERS. Superior Boots and Shoes I HAVE IN STORE A FEW PAIR OF EXTRA fine stiched French Calfskin BOOTS?various sizes. ALSO, A few pair, assorted sizes, of boys and women's SHOES, for sale low fnr onsli nt mv ulnrn June 13 4 '' t.s. myers. Fresh Soda Crackers A SMALL LOT OF THE ABOVE EXTRA FINE article, for sale at the 44 Old Brick Corner," hv May 9 4 T. S. MYERS. Home Productions. The subscriber will pay tiie highest price for country-made Homespuns, either in cash or trade. Will also receive cotton or corn for dues, at the highest market prices. Wanted now?600 yards Country .Jeans and Plains, either all cotton or with wool filling. Highest price will be paid for 100 lbs. of good wool. Juno 27 . K. W. bonnky. 1ST otice. ON AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF JANU ary, I will sell no goods on credit. Cash sales only?and invite all those indebted to me to make immediate payment, or failing to do so will find their notes and accounts in the hands of an attorney for collection. Immediate attention to the above is required. T. S. MYERS. January 3 3mo Cotton Cards at $4 75. THE FAMILIES OF THE VOLUNTEERS NOW in service, will be furnished with Cotton Cards at the above price, if called for soon. They are supplied *11 cost, by tho State authorities. But a limitod number will be distributed in the District, so that but one pair can be sold to a family. E. W. BONNEY. June 27 K I 3 fc & ^ 3 H ^ 2 JMHrf S S" ^ hrj 2 ?' " -52 d S i ^ 5 ^ f i?p5 > P M *? ^ J> S fg?3 o ^ S rs w g g g 2353 ? ^ >5 ^^5*! 6 > J > O ^ "0 . * 3 U 0 .r^ -? * ?* ?-} * C ^ ^ 3 o h ^ : <? o ?1 cjq o ? tmtmmm a ? ^ t ( b cr <-j ?1 rf - 1 A V < I ^ <Z> * s- 2 ' S ? s- * h o 03 CT"* 5. ? 2 12 1*5 ?i *? ~ ^ B ? *s ?> 3 cn a 2 S Sr 2 ? ^ ? O o 4 H | M = -, o n "^gga Fl <5 O P Q <? B ? 1' ^ - - ? o M W H 2 en s 2 o . S 2 > ^ ^ H '?? so 2 B g M S S- " > g Kj CO. 5' ? iSS^rn i * irg =? ?T3 ^ 2 ~ 2 s a 1 ? 3 I' 0 o 18 si v? .J ex. o m imm ' "? ' ^^3 NOTICE. TI/TB. .T08. M. GAYLB IS MY AUTHORIZED , AB"* daring my absence in the service January 8 2m0 g A ^N0 NOTICR All persons indebted to the estate of JESSE F. YOUNG, deceased, either by note or account, will please call on the Administrator and settle the same, by cash or note, as I wish to get the business closed up in somo shape or form, at an early day. <1 G AYLE, Adm r. February 14 4 , 4ft HAS BEEN FOBCBD TjJSf US BY OUR iiufoiUfcr-fooktain the mwens of continuing our business ftoijMny.other source. Our customers -will therefor* pleift* take notice thnt ere will henoefoith fill no erae*! (troeooempenied by ossh) whether for goods from our stole or for work from our shop, unless under pnrtous armsgemmtt. ditHncUy made teiihw. ? T X. J. WORKMAN 9t CO. January 10 '4 . -? ? Notioe. THI8 IS TO CAUTION ALL PERSONS FROM trading for a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, for a boot t#o hundred and seventy dollars, dated the early part of the present year, and signed by "Sutherland A Lemond and James Duolap"?the said note having been lost, and since settled, by a new paper. It was given for tho hire of Phil and Charles for the year 1861. E. W. BONNET. December 20 Notioe. rpHE UNDERSIGNED INTENDING TO MAKE .L a change in his business on the first of January next, will dispose of his stook of goods at exceedingly low prices, until that time, for cash, or to punctual customers. My object is to turn as many goods as possible into cash, giving the purchaser a LIBERAL bargain for his money. E. W. BONNKY. brj ^ f-H I P3 ft 52 Q I tH ? | S3 ^~" 3 *? o 0 f ? ? c^a bd a f S ^ H = | HH ?=> . ii -V ^ | ? W ^ , . CD | g ^ ^ ! -j Ojr* ? ? 5 a U H | , | ^ ? P S => g I > ? <=) M H g ?j LJ E (D * . so -a- ft 0 I 2 trt hj C * s ?n v,W1 a ps North Carolina bacon and lard for salo at the 41 Old Corner." April 5 E. W. bonnet. Final Noticenpiiose who are indebted to joseph m. A GAYLE, and jos. m. GAYLE <fe co., are again notified that the* notes and accounts of the said firms arc in the hands of W. L. DePass, attorney at law, nir collection, ana unless souioa oy ltciurn nny, tlicy will bo positively put in suit. November 15 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA* EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER, j Columbia, S. C., June 20, 18G2, \ THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS, adopted by the Governor and Couifcil, have been ordered to be published: Resolved, That the Governor and Council still hold that all exemptions from military service provided for by tho Convention of this State. and other eomnetent Stntn 7 1 """"'.'V) are valid in law, and that they will insist upon the same. Resolved, That the Adjutant and InspectorGeneral be instructed to issue a general order, directing all citizens of this State holding certificates of exemption from this office, and otherwise exempt by the laws of this State, to claim their exemptions before the enrolling officers of the Confederate Government, and to notify the Adjutant-General of such claim. By order of the Governor an4 Council. B. F. ARTHUR, Secretary. July 4 2 JEW All papers in the State publish twice. warned? TO BUY, FROM 6000 TO 10,000 LBS. DRIED and green HIDES, for which wo will pay for green Hides from 8 to 10 cents per lb., and for dried do. from 18 to 20 cents, per lb., cash on delivery. Juno 13 MARONY, BOSWELL & BRO. ' HUCUESSOR8 TO THE 1 [ ? South-East Corner of 1 I /. ^ * ,#s \ ?' ? * \ d i jI/M i CAMDEN, SOU' HLEIBP OONSTAI A FULL SI .CLOTHING, H/ Hoots and Shoes, Crockery 'W i i l ull, XX v: * November 1 JSJLTJI 3 33939 S3T<S msmm JSm 4fe*l i3 THE SUBSCRIBER HAVINC ACI MUTUAL LIFE INS OF UALEIG1I, NO: FOll CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepare INSURANCE, on the most reasonable at moderate rates. WIL November 1 North ( WM. L. DePASSt ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND BOWWYt CAMDEN, S. C., "Will practice in Kershaw and the surrounding Dis tricts. November 1 VERY SUPERIOR SEED POTATOES; FINE Dairy Cheese ; Figs and Sugar Raisins. Just received at tho "Old Corner " November 7 E. W. BONNEY. PLOW STEEL.?Also, Plow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and Horse Shoo Nails, Traces, llames, Saddles. &e. Justrccoivedattho "Old Corner." November 7 E. W. BONNEY. BACON, Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curing and very fine for sale at tho 'old corner,' by E. W. BONNEY. Modicin? Olxests. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, POCKET CASES Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, &c. A large assortment just opened at Sept. 26,?tf. McKAIN'S DRUQ STORE. . r . V^,. JL.' c;ii pt"9 {FROM HAVANA. CUBA,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Havana and DoiiKKlic ScgarK, the Best Virginia Chewing & Smoking To"fc>acco. A CHOICE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY SNUFF, PIPES, Ac;., &<:., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 04 iTVarkct-Strcct, SIGN OF 11 NO IMPOSITION," CHARLESTON, SO. CA. November 7 Blanket ShawlsALL WOOL BLANKET SHAWLS, SUITABLE for Soldier's Shirts, for sale at the " Old Corner," by -E. W. BONNEY. February 14, Notice. WE WILL SELL GOODS DURING 18G2 FOR cash only. No books or memorandums will be will be kept. No goods will be allowed to leave the store until fully settled for. No orders will be filled unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended for one and all; and we very much hope that no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as wo are determined to adhere to it without respect of persons. Dec 20 3m MARONEY, BOS WELL A BRQ. 4-4 Matting: Also cotton carpeting and ltNen Crumb Cloths, for sale at the " Old Cornor." May 2 e. W. BONNEY. * LATE WM. ANDERSON, , , i ^ fN *'. ?f.* Jroad & DeKalb-Streets, 1 . . \ ' , rH-CAllOLINA, i.I. f \ nil ;>11 ,L !.,?.<? 5??l4 C*j ??. 1 . ? M 1 J il.'i JPPLY OF us & caps, r r . .j j.,.?: / v. rare, Hollow Ware, Tin Ware, Groceries, See. TERMS CASH. UAL DEPTED THE AGENCY OF THE USANCE COMPANY, RTU CAROLINA, d to receive applications for policies of LIFE terms. The Lives ?u SLAVES insured ,LIAM L. DePASS, Agent Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Alabama Fir? Insurance COMPANY. THE Undersigned, as Agent for tno above Southern Jnsursnco Companj', is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ings, Ac. November 1 W. L. DePASS. i t t W ? k j fr f > i fall&winter" GOODSWE INVITE THE ATTENTION of our friends and the public generally to out 6tock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which is complcto in all its various branches. A ND WILL BE SOLD I OR CASH ONL Y McCURRY & HAMMKRSLOUGIl. November I % Fall Ooods. rpilE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND OF HIS JL last Fall purchasos: Super Black Bombazines. " 5-4 Black all-wool DcLanc. " 44 Cashmere and Moriuo. 44 44 44 Plain and Drilled Alapaccas. 44 4-4 44 English Orape. Colored English Merino. 11 Printed DeLanos. Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vests for children, Missos, ladies, boys A men 44 Drawers, for Ladies aud Men. ' Union Dresses for Ladies. Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Parlaton Muelina. White Brilliant** anH ?- ? ?? jLswiiiijr iMiinroi aeries. Edgings and Insertings, Laces. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroidered. A good Stock of English Cotton Hose and Half Hose, with. a fair stock of other goods suitable for families' Fall use. W. D. McDOWALL. November 1 Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance CompanyLYNCHBURG, VA. Jr i - ? juercnants' Insurance Company, OF RICHMOND, VA. Policies in the above Companies issuod at usun rates. W. D. McDOWALL, November J # *" t 4