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York 7W *ntimr from W^inert/f* ' AtklM that the qoestion of foreign interfere pee is 0MB agitated in that city. An intelligent eHieen of Ohio, writing from England jtp the Honorable John A* Qwlj, . declares emphatically that hehaa the best reasons for knowing that intervention In oar affairs wee determined e ww J% r A _ _ w ww . upon dv augiaoa ana rranee some montns * ' ago; and ttfat they will goon offer mediation* taking high Sonthorn ground. If their proposition it not acoeeded to by the Federal Government, they will send their fleets to surroand ear coast. In conclusion the writer states that 'the first of October next, if not an earlier date, will find the French and English, fleets on our shores, unless our army is victorious in the meanwhile and the rebels defeated/' We give an extract from his letter. The question of foreign interference is again agitated here. All the latest advices, public and Private, from Enirland. indicate a Rnirifc of restiveness in that country on American matton more significant than any hitherto manifested. It is stated that the tone of the last despatches received at the State Department is not altogether satisfactory, but that nothing is said from which it could be at all inferred that the European powers designed taking any immediate steps towards mediation. The defeat of the militia bill in the Canadian Parliament has not improved John Bull's temper, and he will seize upon the reverse at Charleston with as much avidity as tie did upon that in Bank's department. On this subject, Hon. J. A. Gurly has received a letter from n highly intelligent adopted citizen of Ohio, who has been in England for the past six months, spending much time in tho cotton district. He savsFirstly?I have the best reasons for know ing that intervention in our affairs was deter, mined upon by England and France Some months ago, and for the reasons, amongst others, I gave you in my letter of March last. Secondly?This determination would have been acted upon before this had not the con. test between the Monitor and Merritnac taken Europe?the world in fact?by surprise, and upset all the calculations of France and England especially. They became alarmed lor their own safety. Thirdly?The dread of the Monitor fleet which I understand we are now building, adds another to the reasons which determined these powers to interfere, and they will never permit this fleet to be completed if they can possibly prevent it. Fourthly?They will soon offer mediation, taking decided Southern grounds?well know ing that this will not be acceptable to our Government It is not their intention or wish that it should be accepted. Fifthly-?This being refused, they will send their combined fleets to surround our coast, whilst there is but one Monitor in existence knowing that this terrible little thing cannot be every where at the same time Sixthly?The first of October next, if not an earlier date, will find the French and English fleets on our shores, unless our army is victorious in the meantime, and tK? v^K^la ? WVI0 vtVlVdbVUi The visit of Lord Lyons to England at this time is in accordance with, and necessary to, this latter programme, to confer with the Governments of both countries so as to arrange the details of the expedition. Seventhly?The interference of these powers is altogether owing to selfish motives, not that either care for our condition, although the ostensible reason to be given for such interference will be "the cause of humanity." A Candid Opinion.?The London Standard closes a leader on the inevitable "American Question" in these words: "The season is against the North; its finances, unless vigorously put to rights, are on the point of giving way; and it has committed itself to legislative acts from which it cannot possibly recede, and which can scarcely fail to make the seperation oetween tne JNortb and the South perpetual. Its weakness, short-sightedness, and exhaustion are also plainly apparent, that not only the foreign Ministers at Washington regard the war as over, but the New York bankers lock up their strong boxes and decline business until the humiliation and rnin now supposed to be impending are once got over." n , ? -y- . , ; A ; 33 inability Jto^SKS mean* of ooattnafef our hpstoesa from any outer ouroo. Our custom** wiM umfon ptow taJt?N&otooe thai we wffl henceforth fill no crderf - (unepooiManied br oeah) whether far good* from our store or for work from our ahMl unto as under jHuefear tptoiai fraeymewfc, rf<hwc% ?ad* ?M/i M. -I T wnnrifiw i m January 10 Notice. THI8 IS TO CAUTION ALL PERSONS FROIC trading for a Note given to Mr. If. K. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars. dated the early part of the present' year, and signea by "Sutherland A Lemond and James Dunlap"?the said note having been lost, and since settled, by a new paper. It was given for the hire of Phil and Charles (or the year 1861. E. W. BONNEY. Docember 20 Notioe*. THE UNDERSIGNED INTENDING TO MAKE a change in hie business on the first of January next, will dispose of his stock of goods at exceedingly lew prices, until that time, for cash, or to punctual customers. My object is to turn as many goods as possible into cash, giving the purchaser a LIBERAL bargain for his money. " B. W. BONNET. ___ _ I H |: S S ? -22 ? I O S - !> <= ^ w i i ^ ? 1 1 H ; I M ? , ^ | i W ^ ^ 8Sl^s * ' ?ri psM ? * I i < |bmhhI m p K*n ^ ' ? P ^ ' > o ; ^ S 3. ! ? ' 3d <*2 t?i 0 | 2 I I?I 4 9- M ? " B "-H " - 8, pQ North Carolina bacon and lard for sale at the " Old Corner." April 5 E. W. BONNEY. Final NoticeThose who are indebted to Joseph m. GAYLE, and JOS. M. GAYLE dk CO., are again notified that the notes and accounts of the said firms are in the hands of W. L. DePass, attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will be positively put in suit. November 16 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER, j Columbia, S. C., June 26, 1862, ( THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS adopted by the Governor and Council, have been ordered to be published: Resolved, That the Governor and Council still hold that all exemptions from military service provided for by the Convention of this State, <?nd other competent State authority, are valid in law, and that they will insist upon the same. Resolved, That the Adjutant and InspectorGeneral be instructed to issue a general order, directing all citizens of this State holding certificates of exemption from this office, and otherwise exempt by the laws of this State, to claim I hoir nvnmnii/\nfi KnfArn . AnrAllm^ ? ? - ? VUVU VAVUJ|/l*IVUO WiVIV VMV " ^III V/lillJg UliiUCID of the Confederate Government, and to notify the Adjutant-General of such claim. By order of the Governor and Council. B. F. ARTHUR, Secretary. July 4 2 iST AH papers in the State publish twice. Wanted. TO BUY, PROM 5000 TO 10,000 LBS. DRIED and green HIDES, for which we will pay for green Hides from 8 to 10 cents per lb., and for dried do. fVom 18 to 20 cents, per lb., cash on delivery. June 13 MARONY, BOSWELL A BRO. SUCCESSORS TO TEE . ' South-East Corner of ] CAMDEN, SOU BLZ1SIP OOXSTA] A FULL 81 ? . * ,? . ? ,, ' iCLOTHINGj Hi Boots and. Shoes, Crockery ~W Iron. Nails. C November 1 mm: THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING AC< MUTUAL LIFE IRS OF RALEIGH, NO FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepare INSURANCE, on the most reasonable at moderate rates. WIL November 1 North ( ? \ * , ' Wffl. L. DcPASS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND ^OllfiXfOE SEN fiOOWfv CAMDEN, S. C., Will practice in Korshaw and tho surrounding Dis tricts. ' November 1 VERY SUPERIOR SEED ^DTATOES; FINE Dairy Cheese; Figs and Sugar Raisins. Just received at the "Old Corner " November 7 , E. W. BONNEY. PLOW STEEL.?Also, Plow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and Horse Shoe Nails, Traces, Hames, Saddles. Ac. Just received at the "Old Comer." November 7 E. W. BONNEY. BACON, Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curing and very fine for sale at the 'old corner,' by E. W. BONNEY. Medicine Oliests. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, POCKET CASES Trusses, Supporters, 8hou)der Braces, Ac. A large assortment just opened at Sept. 26,?tf. McKAIN'S DRUG STORE. Jose Q. Felipe, {FROM HAVANA, CUBA,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Havana and Domestic Scgars, the Best Virginia Chewing 8l Smoking Tobaooo. A CHOICE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY SNUFF, PIPES, Ac., Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 64 Market-Street, % SIGN OF "NO IMPO SITI ON," charleston, so. ca. November 7 Blanket ShawlsAll wool blanket shawls, suitable for Soldier's Shirts, for sale at the " Old Corner," by K. W. BONNEY. February 14 Notice. WE WILL SELL GOODS DURING 1862 FOR cash only. No books or memorandums will be will be kept. No goods will be allowed to leave the | store until fully settled for. No orders will tw* filled unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended for one and all; and we very much hope that no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as wo are determined to adhere to it without respect of persons. Dec 20 3m MARONEY, BOSWELL A BRO. 44 Hatting: Also cotton carpeting and linen Crumb Cloths, for sale at the " Old Corner." *ay 2 E. W. BONNEY. JULMJLIJLU JLm JU1# UVUj r > ' , y < ;' > LATE WM. AtfDBR&ON, Broad & DeKalb-Streets, THCAROLINA, DPPtY OF ITS & CAPS, \ rare, Hollow Ware, Tin War?, 3-roceries, ?fcc. TERMS CASH. f J^\ y m iTORAMCB. CEPTED THE AGENCY OF THE UEANCE COMPANY, RTH CAROLINA, . id to receive applications for policies. of T.TFR terms. The l<ives en SLAVES insured HAM L. DePASS, Agent Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Alabama Fir? Insurance, COMP ANY. T1IE Undersigned, as Agent for tne above Sontliern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ings, &c. Novomber 1 W. L. DePASS. FALL & WINTER GOODS. : WE INVITE THE ATTENTION of our friends and the public generally to our stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which is complete in all its various branches. AND WILL BE SOLD I OR CASH ONL Y. McCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 Fall Goods. TnE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND OF HIS last Fall purchases: Super Black Bombazines. " 5-4 Black all-wool DeLano. i 44 " 41 Cashmere and Merino. 44 44 44 Plain and Drilled Alapaccas. 44 4-4 44 English Crape. Colored English Merino. 44 Printed DeLanes. Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vests for children. Misses, ladies k , ~~| M1VU " Drawers, for Ladies and Men. Union Dresses for Ladies. Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Parlaton Muslins, White Brilliantes and Dimity Embroideries. Edgings and Insertings, Laces, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroidered. A good stock of English Cotton Hose and Half Hose, with a fair stock of other goods suitable for families' Fall use. W. D. MoDOWALL. November 1 Agency Lynchburg Hose and Fire Tnauronnn uwiuwuuy WJUpaiiJf' LYNCHBURG, VA.?o? Merchants1 Insurance Company, OF RICHMOND, VA. *' Policies in the above Companies issued at usua rates. TV. D. McDOWALL, .November 1 Agent. / %