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ippm mff v fk,AvMy ? buried oref 600 of their dead at Shirley, and lost 100 of their wounded, who fell into oar hands on Saturday itorning. Oar Pickets now occupy Shirley. Nine more prisoners* who hare been brought to this place, report that McClellan is in a strong position at Berk ly; that he has been reinforced by Shielea' divison, and now has from 80,000 to 100,000 men, with which he intends to give battle. Balloons went dp yesterday from his camps and to-day his wagon train were still visible. The tents of the enemy dot the country for miles. Prisoners, who belonged to Sickles* "Excelsior" Brigade say that out of 5,000 met who composed the Brigade before opening the battle, not 500 are left. Richmond, July 7.?Nothing of interest has transpired here to-day. It is reported that there was fighting this morning betwoen our forces and the retreating Yankees in Charles City County, but nothing is known of the engagement (if any really took place) at the War Office. The Weather is extremely hot. Capture of a Yankee Gunboat.?Information having been received of the passage of several Yankee gunboats up the Santeo River, two companies of sbarp-shootors were placed <IH omknek An via kmnlro fA ? ?u cwsajtsisoaj vru viiv upiino VV iiuvi IIIC iiid" rauders. Upon their near approach, our men fired upon them, and, in attempting to turn and retreat, one of the boats got nground and was captured, some 75 or 100 met) on board beiug killed. A few jumped overboard> and were either shot or drowned. The other boats escaped. We hope soon to give more exact details of tho gallant exploit, which has probably saved tho North-Eastern Railroad Bridge, and given the base Yankees merited punishment for their villainous raid. Our people are alive to their presence within our waters, and will greet them warmly wherever they attempt to advance.?Carolinian of Wednesday. VIia eamn Un#lln A friend has placed in our hands a copy of a little sheet -with the above title, published at Beaufort, S. C. It was taken from the dead body of a Yankee, who was killed in the fight at Secession ville. The following is the announcement on the first page: "The Camp Kettle is published every opportunity b}T the One Hundredth Pensylvania (Roundhead) Regiment, Col. Leasure commanding. We find on the first page an account of the battle on Wilmington Island, between the Thirteenth Georgia and Eighth Michigan, in which the latter gives a loss of twelve killed and thirty wounded. At present we have only spaco for stna nr twn A*tr?A.tA* C!s>uri*>r Then, and Now.?'On the 7th of December Gen. Stevens occupied Beaufort with his brigade. Then it was a deserted, sacked city, in the possession of the ex-slaves in the first hour of their freedom, and desertion, ruin and pillage had suddenly come down upon it like night? Now it is once more, aye, and more than ever a mart of busy men. Its wharves are rebuilt and groin with grain and merchandize, while a huge condenser at one side, turns salt water into fresh, to store ships with water for long voyages, and the busy plane and ringing anvil announce the coming of a new era for the ancient town. The old 6tore rooms have new firms in them, and Beaufort is fast becoming a Northern town of thrift and trade. Yankee Missionaries are here to teach the quondam slaves the literaturo of thei^ late masters, and plant the Cotton and the corn, the sweet potato and the yam, and turn the the slipshod "shiftlessnesa" of "Dixie" into the thriftness of Nutmegdom. Much of this change owes itself to the organizing mind of Gen. Stevens. Concert.?On last Friday night the "beauty and chivalry" of the ancient citv of Beaufort assembled in the Episcopal church on the occasion of a grand concert, given by the Regi" mental Band of the Seventy-ninth New York Volunteers (Highlanders.) The spacious building was crowded to its utmost capacity, by a most appreciative and intelligent audience, and the performance was one well worthy of this, the first occasion of a "Union Concert" in this deserted nest of rebellion. About thirty ladies were present* and we peed hardly say they, were well cheered by the "s6ger ladies." Gen. Stevens and staff and all the officers of the brigade honored the occasion with ihdir' presence and all seemed delighted with the amusements of the evening. SBS^B5SB9BB9HnBMKB99B9BSE99S9599BBBS War Coiqiswn Extraordinary.?Why does not MoClellan mo^ "oiv^d to Biohroond P Because, if bt decs, ho bit to level twoBttls travel crooked Rhodes, capture a strong Pickett, pasa a Longstreet, wade through a Branch and hatter down a Stonewall. Another big steamer, laden with everything we went, has reached a point Jon the coast wher6 her cargo can be made available. Announcements. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Mr. Editor: Please announce Capt D. D. PERRY a candidate to represent Kershaw District in the House of Representatives at the ensuing election, and oblige May 16 MANY FRIENDS. Mr. Editor: Please announce Maj. J. M. DeSAUSSURE as a suitable person to represent Kershaw District in tho House of Representatives at the enBuir.g election, and oblige May 16 HIS FRIENDS. FOR TAX-COLLECTOR. Mr. Kditor: Please announce HBNRT PATE a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax-Collector, and oblige HIS FRIENDS. June 6 Mr. Editor: Please present the name of Mr. J AS. R. ARRANTS, as s suitable candidate to fill the office ./? m /I-11 a A. Ai ' * * ui xux-v^uiieuiyr, anuo ensuing election, ana oonge May 30 HIS FRIENDS. Mr. Editor : You will please announoe Mr. JOSEPH S. G ARDNER as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election, and oblige May 16 MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor: Please announce Mr. WM McKAIN as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election, and oblige HIS FRIENDS. May 9 Mr. Editor: The friends of Mr. JOHN A. BOSWELL announce liifli as a candidate for Tax-Collector of Kershaw District, at the ensuing election. April 25 Special ZN"otices.' NOTICE. AS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY I should collect a portion of the debts due me in order to meet current expenses, I respectfully request all those indebted to me by note or open account, to pay a part, if they cannot pay all. In my present position I am unable to attend personally to collecting these claims, but Mr. Doby, at the Branch Bank, is ray agent, who will receive payment and give receipts for any accounts paid him. # T. W. SALMOND. Virginia, May 3 MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. REKNSTJERNA, WHO WILL REMAIN in Camden during the Summer, offers his services to the public in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Ac couchier. Office over the store of Messrs. Gayle d" Young. May 30 DURING Ml ABSENCE, MR. J AS. DUNLAP will act as my Agent. March 21 THOMAS J. WARREN. in. JBISSELL?DENTIST. HAVIVG REMOVED FROM CHARLESTON, and located in Camden, offers his Professional services to the inhabitants of Camden and vicinity. He may be found at his residence in Rutledge street, near Fair street. May 22d, 1862 Mounted. Men for Home Service. THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL HAVING passed the following Resolutions appended below, calling for a Battalion of Mounted Men, Volunteers from the First Corps of Reserves for State service, I propose to raise a company for that purpose, and ask our men or middle age who the Government of the Confederate States has exempted from duty abroad, to join in defending our State at home. For if the enemy should get a foot-hold in force anywhere on our mainland, every available man will be needed to keep him from the interior. Address the undersigned at Camden, So. Ca. EDWARD m. BOYKIN, 1st Lieut. Kirk wood Cavalry, relieved from duty. Camden, June 26,1862. 2 Enrolling Office. C. S. A.) for Kershaw and Lancatkr Districts, > July 11, 1862. ) All persons who are liable to conscription in Kershaw and LandraatAr TM?. tricts, and who have not reported at the Enrolling Offices in their respective Districts by the 14th Inst, are hereby ordered to report at the Camp of Instruction at Columbia, S. C., on or before the 31st of July, 1863, under pain of being arrested. Discharges from the army hitherto granted are inoperative under this law, and persons claiming suoh discharges most be examined by the surgeons attending the Enrolling Offices. W1L M. SHANNON, Chief Enrolling Officer for Kershaw and Land caster Districts. /July 11 1 * % . ? uy1 %'V.WW-W !J" .^. <-/. " /.? ' " I*.*'*' * ' " ~ 9BSaMMHMHVHB9n9MI Mi? or utmsflr Remaining in the poer omc^ unoallsd ftr on tba 1st of July, IMS: Fttfoi ??ttiB| for tim win pkaa* mj tbay hi | idwrt-il B Ufk, Mr* B T Bruoe, B Unrthi Lopar H O (Oaahiar) Brno*, Mia* Hattl? M Buck, Mia* If A MoKonri? Mia Nancy Brown, J F Moora, Gaorg? A mo* Barrt^ Mlsa Elisabath MoManoa, Mrs Eliaa C Manatt. Cynthia Olanton, Lorick J MoManus Polly 1> Marshall, W 8 TU*. U> U._'. n U ^vw?, MI m w y angrm Dawkins, Sjmeon Morrow, Sharloot Dawkins, Misa Roes&line Muse, Miss Mary E McCaakiU, J W Edwards, J T If Evans. Aoy 2 Navis, Miss Eliza F P Freeman Elizabeth Pierce, B M a* Price, Mrs Mary E Gates, Miss Jane 2 Palmer, Leah Glenn, Miss Josephine Peoples, Mn? Lucy 2 Gunter, Miss Annie M Pike, Miss Emma 2 H K Husey, MrsPrety Rosser, S A Howard, Miss M Lizzie S Huggins, Mrs Georgians H Smith 2 Hanmeraphenhymes Smith, Miss Margaret S I Scarborough, B A J Ingram, J A J M Sligh' Miss Molly 2 J W Johuson, Mrs N A Walker, Mrs R L F Johnson Miss Anna Wallase, Persela D Johnson Mi?s E J Wilson, Mrs Nanna S Jones, Lieut J White, Capt J F Jones, Caleb Whelson, Mrs Caroline E. Walker, Rev Thomas G Logan, R L Wilson, Caroline Lewis, Miss Susan Walker, Maria or Persons calling for the above letters will please | say iney are advertised. July 11 T. W. pegues, p. M. Enrolling Office. C. S. A., { Kershaw Dwtrict, July 2, 1862. ) All males of this district between the ages of 18 and 35 years, on this date, are re quired to report by Tuesday, the 5th inst. Exemptions to be valid, uuder this call, must emanate from this office. WM. M. SHANNON, July 11 Chief Enrolling Officer. Confederate States of America. HEADQ'TS CAMP OF INSTRUCTION,) Columbia, S. C., July 2, 1862. j Order No 3. T BY SUPPLEMENTAL ORDERS NO. -* 2, the time for enrolling conscripts iB extended, beginning the 1st July and closing the 15th July; and the time of moving conscripts to these headquarters is extended, begiuning the 1st July and closing the 20th July. II. All persons liable under the Act will report before the 15th July at the Court House of their Districts, which for the time is the camp for conscripts of said Districts. TTT Alt - ? in. All exemptions claimed under State laws or ordinances of South Carolina will be entered by the Enrolling officers as "Appeals,'* and so reported to the Lieutenant-Colonel commanding Camp of Instruction the claimant being left free until the appeal is decided. IV. Conscripts will bring to the Camp of Instruction such clothing as will be most serviceable in the field. V. Conscripts are not allowed to enlist or volunteer in any military organization whatver. All conscripts enrolled as such by the State during the months of April, May and June, or by the Enrolling Officers now on duty, and who have not exemptions granted by the Enrolling Officers or appeals from the decisions of the Enrolling officers, who do not appear and report cither to the Enrolling Officer of the District or at these headquarters before the 21st day of July, will be regarded as deserters. By order: J. S. PBESTON. Lieut. Col. Com'dg Camp of Instruction, x/G|iaiiUJCiib VI UVUVU VUlUlllitt. July 11 1 CHOICE OLD BRANDIES AND WINES. 3 CASKS PURE GINGER BRANDY. 1 " u French do. 2 " Burgundy Port. 1 " Pale Sherry. I " Madeira. Just received and for sale by ^July 4 2 W. C. GERALD & CO. Notice to Wheat GrowersrpHE SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW GOT HIS MILL JL in thorough repair, for making good flour, and feels confident of giving satisfaction to any who send good clean wheat to his mill, both as regards quantity and quality. J. H. VAUGHN. July 4 lm PASSPORTS. THE GOVERNOR Hi.S AUTHORIZED ME TO issue Passports in the name of the State, to any person desiring to travel into any part of the South* ern Confederacy, and I am now ready to issue the same. The application must be in person. July 4 2 JNO. M. DkSAUSSURE. NOTICE. I HAVE RECEIVED THE WAR TAX BOOKS, and will be found at McCurrry A Hammerslaugh's store, to receive taxes. H. PATE, July 4 2 T. C. K. D. Notice, ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO THE LATE J. J. McKAIN by note or open aooount, are earnestly requested to settle the same as soon as possible; and all those to whom he is indebted will please present their claims to me. June 6 Smo WM. MoKAIN, Adm'r. For Sale> ANBAT TWO-HORSB CARRIAGE, ON EBAnonabl? terms. Apply at this Office, June 13 V VnOPHr wawwygfl JifWH i i :. . . ll * < r;OQ?aaMB-e9*BH?9BMMnE* fine Gttftfe Semiutr npHK BXEfcOIStS WILL BE BB8UK1D ON X on tfae fim Monde? In Jul/, and oontfane daring FJmett / 3 STATE OF SOUTH OAKOLIJf A. ADJT. & INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE,) Columbia, Jane 27, 1862. f [GENERAL ORDER NO. 27.] THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL, BV resolution of ibis instant, declared that exemptions from military service authorised by State authority are valid in law, it is ordered: I. That all citizens of the State subject to the provisions ot the Confederate Conscription Act, to whom certificates of exemption have been issued from this office, or who are declared exempt from military service by the Convention of the State, or other competent State authority, shall claim such exemption of the Confederate Enrolling Officers in their respective Districts. II. Thai all persons whose exemption so claimed shall be denied by the Confederate Enrolling Officers, shall forthwith report tbo fact to this office, stating the cause of exemp tioD claimed, the District, militia regiment, batralion and beat in which the claimant is enrolled; and if he holds a certificate of exemp tion from this office, giving the date and terms of such certificate. III. That all persons claiming such exemption, and who have not received a certificate of exemption from this office, will accompany the report of his case with an affidavit, setting forth the ground ou which his exemption is claimed, as required by General Order No. 20. WILMOT G. DxSAUSSURE, Adjutant and Inspector General of S. C. July 4 2 JtgrEach paper in the State publish twice and call attention to the same editorially. Gash Store NO CREDIT TO ANYBODY tUK ANVTHINU. 8 BARRELS STUART'S * LOVERING'S Crushed Sugar; 1 bale heavy 8 ounce Osnaburgs; 10 gross good Matches, m paper boxes; 8 dozen bottles Cayenne Pepper; Choice Rice, Superior Hams and Shoulders; 75 sacks super and No. 1 Flour. Lard, Brown Sugar, Spices; Preserved Peaches and Ginger Candy; Cross A Black well's English Pickle and Piccalilla; in store and to arrive, and for sale for cash. J une 6 A. T. L ATT A. South-Carolina?Kershaw District. BT WM. M. BULLOCK. XSRUIRR, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, D. J. CAMPBELL APPLIED TO me for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Joshua Campbell, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the ssid deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court House on the twenty-first day of July inst, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this first rlmr nf .Ttilv in th? vMr nf nnr T jirH nn? thrmoonrl eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eightysixth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. J uly 4 2 WM M. BULLOCK, 0. k. D. NOTICE . The subscriber, in order to meet the wants of the Travelling Public, has refitted and repaired his OMNIBUS. It will run regularly to and from the DeKALB HOUSE, where a slate will be kept. Parties in any part of the town, or Klrkwood, by leaving their names at the DeKalb House, before bod-time at night, may depend with certainty on having the omnibus to call for them, without fear of being left. My old customers will find me ready a willing to louon uiu nuquuiuvnuue, a j ctaiDg ior loan), who a desired to do so. Msy 23 J. K. WITHERSPOON. J2T Sick soldiers, in every esse, carried to or from the Depot, free of charge. J. K* W". Prime lard. KAA POUNDS COUNTRY LARD OP SUPKt)UU RIOR QUALITY, for sale at the OldCornor. Also?Fine North Carolina Hams, ior family ass. June 20 EL W. BONN BY. Bacon and Flour. A SUPERIOR LOT OF NORTH CAROLINA DAAAM ?# Meai' oe/l A A WVVU) JUW lOVVifOU. _AL?o? Fine fresh ground Flour. For sale low for ceih, it the "Old Corner. K. W, BONNET, June 6 V v *[