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entitled UL* Act fnrtibor W provide for the publie defence," approved 14th Abril, 1869, and generally known as the "Conscription Act," are hereby ordered to appear at the Court House of the District in which they reskle, and report to the enrolling Officer there on doty, on tae 1st day otJuly, 1802. II. The Enrolling Officer will be prepared t<j grant exemptions under the law of Congress hereto appended. - III. The oonscripta will be prepared, alter enrollment^ to report at this Camp of Instruction on Tnesday, the 8th day of July proximo. By order: J. 8. PRESTON, Lieut. Col. Com'dg Camp of Instruction. The Commandant of the Camp of Instruction informs the persons embraced in the above order that those who report most promptly will secure a choice of the corps and arm of the service to which they desire to be attached. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant & Inspector-General,s Office, Richmond, Mav 19, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 37. I. The following Act and Regulations in refferecce thereto are published for the information of aH concerned: An Act to Exempt Certain Persons from Enrollment for Service in the Armies of the confederate estates. Sec. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That all persona who shall be held to bo unfit for military service under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of War: All in service or employ of the Confederate States; all judicial and executive officers of Confederate or State Governments; the Members of both Houses of the Congress and of the Legislatures of the several States, and their respective officers; all clerics of the officers of the State and Confederate Governments allowed by law; all engaged in carrying the mails; all ferrymen on post routes; all pilots and persons engaged in the marine service and in actual service on river and railroad routes of ' * transportation; telegraphic opperators and ministers of religion in the regular discharge of ministerial duties; all engaged in working iron vninas fnvnonno anrl (Annrlvino* nil 4AiiwnAnmA?\ xiiwt;^ luiunvvo ouu ivuuuii^ nil jv/ui uiuu printers actually employed in printing newspapers; all presidents and professors of colleges and academies, and all teachors having as many as twenty scholars; snperintendants of the public hospitals, lunatic asylums and the regular nurses and attendants therein, and the teachers employed in the institution for the deaf and dumb and blind; in each apothecary tore now established and doing business, one appthecary in good standing who is a practical druggist; superintendents and operatives in womand cotton factories, who may be exempted by the Secretary of War; shall be and are hereby exempted from military service in the Confederate States. Approved April 21, 1662. II. By the above Act of Congress, the fol lowing classes of persons are exempt from enrollment for military service: Jnstices of the peace; sheriffs and deputy sheriffs; clerks and deputy clerks, allowed by law; masters and commissioners in chancery; district and State attorneys; attorneys general; postmasters and deputy postmasters and clerks, allowed by law; commissioners of revenue, and foreigners, who have not acquired domicil in the Confederate States. III. The following are not exempt: Militia officers not in service; persons exempt by State laws, but not by the above Act; for* eignere, who have acquired domicil in the Confederate States. IV. No person other than those expressly named or properly implied in the above Act, can be exempted, except by fnrnishing a substitute, exempt from military service, in conformity with- Regulations already published. *" (General Orders No. 29;) and such exemption is valid only so long as the said substitute is legally exempt. V. Persons who have furnished substitutes will receive their certificates of exemption from . the captains of companies or the commandants of^camps, by whom the substitutes have been accepted. Other certificates of exemption will be granted by the enrolling officers only, who will receive fall instructions in regard to the conditions and nrtode of exemptions. Applications for exemption cannont, therefore, be considered by the War Department. iS _ ? TIT XXy cuiiiuinuu ui buu ucueiwiv 01 vv ar. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector-General. ? STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Adjutawt & Iw8P*ctor-General'b Office, Columbia, Jane 17, 1862. GENERAL ORDER NO. 24. 1. The President of tho Confederate States having made a call for all persons coming under "An Act to further provide for the public defence," generally known as the "Conscription Act," all perspns liable to such conscription will promptly report, pursuant to Special Order No. 1 of Lieut. Col. John S. Preston, Comi mu . m?adittg Qnp of herewith p?0#ih?d. w . >V : mUitis of l^6^towiff^?tl5ShTxtcnd this orOor to ameers commanding companies in their retfOBCtive regiments, III. Officers commanding companies of the militia of this State will forth witfrgive publicity to this order within their respective companies, and warn all persons liable to conscription to a prompt obedienoe to the above mentioned Special Order No. 1. By order. WILMOT G. DkSATJSSURE, Adjutant and Inspectot^General. and call attention. June 27 2 The Cash System Has been forced upon us by our inability to obtain the means of continuing our business from any other source. Our customers will therefore please take notice that we will henceforth fill no orders (unaccompanied by cash) whether for goods from our store or. for work from our shop, unless under previous special arrangements, distinctly made with w. j. j. workman & co. January 10 Notice. This is to caution all persons from trading for a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated the early part of the presont year, and signed by "Sutherland A Lemond and James Dunlap"?the said note having been lost, and since settled, by a new paper. It was given for the hire of Phil and Charles for the year 1861. E. W. BONNEY. December 20 * Notice. The undersigned, intending to make a change in his business on the first of January next, will dispose of his stock of goods at exceedingly low prices, until that time, for cash, or to punctual customers. My object is to turn as many goods as possible into cash, giving the purchaser n LIBERAL bargain for liis money. K. W. BONNEY. ? ? s - - (o. IBS 0 I E2 III ? ^ w ' O B > ? <-^=a W i | ^ ^ ? a:' s ? => ? is w > . _ CD ? ^tss Li ^ Of|^ ? ^ ? o ? r 8 i O w i . i ft jo b=*N 1 1 ^ ? p s ' > Q a. t6*" CO 4 | ? i-1* ? ^3 ' 11 (D 3d rf a _ . 0 I 2 I l?I 4 2 2 v* p l-H >? ^ S. For Sale. The telegraph line prom camden to Kingsville is offered for sale. There are thirty seven (37) miles of good wire. Twelvo (12) miles of it single new wire with soldered joints. With the same, two (2) good Magnets and Registers, and all tbe connections of the office are ofl'erod for sale. Persons wishing to purchase may take the Line as it stands, with the Glasses and Brackets, or can have it taken down and coiled. April 6 J. K. WITHERSPOON. , North Carolina bacon and lard for sale at the " Old Corner." April 6 E. W. BONNEY. Final NoticeThose who are indebted to Joseph m. GAYLE, and JOS. M. GAYLE <fe CO., are again notified that the notes and accounts of the said firms are in the hands of W. L. DePass, attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will be positively put in suit. November 15 HARDWARE, CARPETS, RUGS and CRUMB CLOTHS, for sale at tho " Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. January 24 SANCHEZ SPECIFIC ' C1 AN be sent by mail and will effect a cure sooner ) than any other medicine, is safe, pleasant and reliable. Sold by. J. J. McKAIN Flower Jars, IN ANY SIZE, JUST OPENED, AT THE "OLD Corner," by E. W. BONNEY. March 7 SUCCESSORS TO THE 1 South-East Corner of 1 CAMDEN, SOOT JESL J!!!?1 JE* A FULL SO CLOTHING, H/l Boots and. Shoes, Crockery W Iron. Nails. <3 November 1 MTIT uuhb THE SUBSCRIBER HATING ACC MUTUAL LIFE INS1 AP "OAT T?TA1T \TAT wr u/\Li?iiun, nui FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepare< INSURANCE, on the most reasonable 1 at moderate rates. WIL November 1 North C WM. L. DePAS?, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND cso&iflivoR IN SQVIVY, CAMDEN, S. C., Will practice in Kershaw and the surrounding Dis tricts. November 1 VERY SUPERIOR SEED POTATOES; FINE Dairy Cheese; Figs and Sugar Raisins. Just received at the "Old Corner " N9vember 7 E. W. BONNET. PLOW STEEL.?Also, Plow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and Horse Shoe Nails, Traces, Ilames, Saddles, Ac. Just received at the "Old Corner." November 7 E. W. BONNEY. BAtUH4 aides and anouiuers, ot Baltimore curing and very fine for sale at the 'old corner,' by E. W. BONNET. MedLloine Oliosts. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, POCKET CASES Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Ac. A large assortment just opened at Sept. 26,?tf. McKAIN'S DRUG STORE. Jose Q. Felipe, {FROM HAVANA, CUBA,) IMPORTER AND DEADER IN Havana and Domestic Segars, the Best Virginia Chewing & Smoking Tobacco. A CHOICE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY SNUFF, PIPES, Ac., Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 64 market-Street. SIGN OF "NO IMP Of SI T1 0 N," charleston, so. ca. November 7 Blanket ShawlsAll wool blanket shawls, suitable for Soldier's Shirts, for sale at the " Old Corner," by E. W. BONNEY. February 14 Notice. WE WILL SELL GOODS DURING 1862 FOR cash only. No books or memorandums will be will be kept. No goods will be allowed to leave the store until fully settled for. No orders will be filled unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is in* tended for one and all; and we very much hope that 1 no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as we are determined to aanere to it without respect of persons. Dec 20 3m MARONEY, B08WELL A BRO. 4-4 Matting: AL80 COTTON CARPETING AND LINEN Crumb Cloths, for sale at the " Old Corner." May 2 E. W. BONNEY. <^HflK*fljjt^flV '^K^ 'w^M^?r?W>i U rilBI IBB m-K ltj|',mB fliB^B->B|ft-^KE^FW .ATE WM. ANDERSON, troad & DeKalb,-Streets, ITT n A T1AT TXT A l n-v/aiiuidn jx9 m PPEY OF ITS & CAPS, \ ^ are, Hollow Ware, Tin "Ware, Groceries, See. TERMS CASH. lEHTED THE A?ENCT OF THE JRANCE COMPANY, . V tTH CAROLINA, ? i to receive applications/or policies of MPE terms. The Lives on SLAVES insured LIAM L. DePASS, Agent 'arolina Mutual Lift Insurance Company. Alabama Fire Insurance COMPANY. 'T^HE Undersigned, as Agent for tne above South JL em Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ings, Ac. November 1 "W. L. DePASS. FALL&WINTER GOODS. WE INVITE THE ATTENTION of our friends and -4he public generally to our Btock of FALL AND WINTER . GOODS, ^nri_!-l- i- 1-x- _ " * vy inuii is compieto in au lis various brandies. AND WILL BE-SOLD fOIi CASH ONLY. McCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 Fall Goods. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND OF HIS last Fall purchases: Super Black Bombazines. " 6-4 Black all-wool DeLano. " " " Cashmere and Merino. " " " Plain and Drilled Alapaccas. " 4-4 " English Crape. Colored English Merino. " Printed DeLanes. ? Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vests for children. Misses, ladies, boys A men " Drawers, for Ladies and Men. ' Union Dresses for Ladies. Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Parlaton Muslins, White Brilliantes and Dimity ? ?? - AauiMIVlU^IIVO* Edgings and Insertings, Laces, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroidered. A good stock of English Cotton Hose and Half Hose, with a fair stock of other goods suitable for families" Fall use. W. D. MoDOWALL. November 1 Agency Lynchburg Hose and Fire insurance CompanyLYNCHBURG, VA. Merchants' Insurance Company* OF RICHMOND, VA. Policios in the above Companies issued at usua rates. W. D. McDOWALL, November 1 Agent.