University of South Carolina Libraries
AaHiiotixioeHy&rLts. |lm.'Xi>Roft:'Fl?ue?n^ub?e'p?pt. B.' U WW *.o*Bflid&* ?p vpite^it; Hif&iw J^itnct lif the Hon* of Representatives at the eueaing election, end oblige May 10 MANY FRIENDS. Mr. Editor: Please announce Mftj. J. M. DkSAUSSURE as a sqitabie person to represent Kershaw District in the House of Representatives at the ensuing election, and oblige May 16 HIS FttlENDg. FOR TAX-COLLECTOR; ~~ Mr. Editor: Please announce 1IRNRY PATE a -candidate for re-election to the office of Tax-Collector, and oblige HIS FRIENDS. Juno 6 Mr. Editor: Please present the name of Mr. J AS. R. ARRANTS, as a suitable candidate to fill the office -of Tax-Collector, at the ensuing election, and oblige May 30 HIS FRIENDS. Mr. Editor : You will please announce Mr. JOSEPn S. G1RDNER as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election, ana oonge May 16 MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor: Please announce Mr. "VVM McKAIX as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election, and oblige HIS FRIENDS. May 9 Mr. Editor; The friends of Mr. JOHN A, BOS^ WELL announce him as a candidate for Tox Collector of Kershaw District, at the ensuing election. April 25 Special Notices. NOTICE. ALL LETTERS, PACKAGES, &c., FOR CAPT W. L. DePASS' Compayy must be directed to the caro of C. M. WIXGES, Charleston, S. C. r June 6 3 NOTICE. AS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY I should collect a portion ot the dobts due me in order to meet current expenses, I respectfully request all thoso indebted tome by note or open account, to pay a part, if they cannot pay all. In my present position I am unable to attend personally to collecting these claims, but Mr. Doby, at the Branch Bank, is my agent, who will receive payment and give receipts lor any ac counts paid bim. T. W. SALMOND. Virginia, May 9 MEDICAL NOTICE' PR T RF.KNRT.TRP/W A WHO WTT.T. duuatw .. ?? A.* v ?? Aia< x?x-iiUAii.i iin'Camden during the Summer, offers his services to the public in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Ac couchier. Office over the store of Messrs. Gaylo <? Young. May 30 DURING MY ABSEMCETMRTJAS. DUNLAP will act as my Agent. March 21 ' v THOMAS J. WARREN. otIbissell-^mentist. HAYIVG REMOVED FROM CHARLESTON, and looatcd in Catuden, offers liis Professional services to tlio inhabitants of Camden and vicinity. lie uiav be found at his residence in Rutledge street, near Fair street. May 22d, 1802 Mounted.'Men. For Home Service. THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL HAVING passed the following Resolutions appended below, calling for a Battalion of Mounted Men, Volunteers from the First Corps of Reserves for State service, I propose to raise a company for that purpose, and ask our men of middle ago who the Government of the Confederate States has exempted from duty abroad, to join in defending our State at home. For if the enemy should get a foot-hold in force anywhere on our mainland, every available man will bo needed to keep him from the interior. Address the undersigned at Camden, So. Ca. \ EDWARD M. BOYKIN, 1st Lieut. Kirk wood Cavalry, relieved from dut}'. Camden, Jane 26, 1862.( J 'South-Carolina?Kershaw District. BT WM. M. BULLOCK, KSBUIEK, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, D. J. CAMPBELL APPLIED TO me for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and ohattles, rights and credits of Joshua Campbell, late of the District aforesaid, do-1 ceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court House on the twenty-first day of July inst., to show RBUM. if anV whir t.ho aoirl ,???? ? ^ j .? ? j ?w wv.iv? HUiuiuioviauuu should not be granted. Given under my Sand and Seal, this first | day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two,. and in the eightysixth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. July 4 2 WM. M. BULLOCK, 0. K. D. Prime Lard. kaa Bounds country lard op supem/U RIOR QUALITY, for sale at the Old Cornor. Also?Fine North Carolina Hams, for family use. June 20 e. W. BONNEY. wiiies. v BO ASKS, PURE GINGER SRANDT. I u " French <r . do. rr 1 ?' Madeira. Jtut MfifitvAd anil for- aala Kv July4 2~" " "*W. C. GERALD & CO. Notice to Wheat GrowersrpHK SUBSCRIBER HAS,NOW GOT HIS MILL X in thorough repair, for making good flour, and feels confident of giving satisfaction to any who send good clean wheat to his mill, both as regards quantity and quality. J. H. VAUGHN. July 4 lm PASSPORTS. J rpHE GOVERNOR HAS AUTHORIZED ME TO JL issue Passports in the name of the Stato, to any person desiring to travel into any part of the Southern Confederacy, arid I am now read} to issue the same. The application must be iu person. T..1? A % TATA If 1\.,U a nOCTTDU %)uiy * ?t unv. m. i/loauoouajd. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER, \ Columbia, S. C., Juno 26, 1862, \ TI1E FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS, adopted by the Governor and Council, have been ordered to be published: Resolved, That the Governor and Council still hold that all exemptions from military service provided for by tho Convention of this State, and other competent State authority, are valid in law, and that they will insist upon, the same. Resolved, That the Adjutant and InspectorGeneral be instructed to issue a general order, directing all citizens of this State holding certificates of exemption from this office, and otherwise exempt by the laws of this State, to claim their exemptions before tho enrolling officers of the Confederate Government, and to notify the Adjutant-General of such claim. By order of the Governor and Council. IT F. ARTHUR. Secretary. July 4 2 J?3T All papers in tlio State publish twice. state: of south Carolina. ADJT. it IN^^^RAL'S OhFICE, \ Columbia, June 27, 1862. J \GENERAL ORDER NO. 27.1 TIIE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL, BY resolution of this instant, declared that exemptions from military service authorized by State authority are valid in law, it is ordered: I. That all citizens of the State subject to the provisions ot the Confederate Conscription Act, to whom certificates of exemption have been issued from this otfice, or who arc declared exempt from military service by the Convention of the State, or other competent State authority, shall claim such exemption of the Confederate Enrolling Officers in their respective Districts. II. That all persons whose exemption so claimed shall be denied by the Confederate Enrolling Officers, sball forthwith roport the fact to this office, stating the cause of exemption claimed, the District, militia regiment, batralion and beat in which the claimant is enrolled; and if lie holds a certificate Of exemp tion from this otfice, giving the date and terms of such certificate. III. That all persons claiming such exemption, and who have not received a certificate of exemption from this office, will accompany the report of his case with an affidavit^setting forth the ground 011 which his exemption is claimed, as required by General Order No. 20. WILMOT G. DiSAUSSURE, Adjutant and Inspector General of S. C. J lily 4 2 JtSTEach paper in the State publish twice and call attention to the same editorially. N" otic?. ON AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF JANUary, I will sell no goods on credit. Cash sales only?and invite all those indebted to me to make immediate payment, or failing to do so will find their notes and accounts in the hands of an attorney for collection. Immediate attention to the above is required. T. S. MYERS. January 3 3mo Cotton Cards at $4 75. TtLR FAMILIES OF THE VOLUNTEERS NOW in service, will be famished with Cotton Cards at the above price, ir called for soon. They are supplied al cost, by the State authorities. But a limited number will bo distributed in the District, so that but one pair can be sold to a family. J5. W. BONN.KY. June 27 ADJ'T ?& INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE. ) Columbia, Judo 28, 1802. j" SPECIAL ORDER NO. 29. npiIE FOLLOWING OFFICERS HAVE been selected by lot, are herewith announced as commanding officers of Brigades of South Carolina Militia, and will be obeyed nud respected accordingly : Col. T. L. WOODSIDE, of 3d Reg't S. C. M., com'dg 1st Brigade S. C. M. ; Col. SAMUEL B. JONES, of 0th Reg't S. C. M.; Col. R. E. .WILSON, of 11th Rog't S. C. M., com'dg 3d Brigade S. C. M.; Col. T. J. ROBERTSON, of the 23d Reg't S.C.M. ; Col. JOl.'.N A. BRADLEY, of t.Vio oftfli R n m n~ _ - ??V u. \y. iu? Will UJ^ UVU JJI l{t" ado S. C. M.; Col. JOHN B. LOWRY, of 34th Reg't S. C. M.f com'dg 9th Brigade S. C. M. By order: WILMOT G. DkSAUSSURE. July 4 1 j?57~Each paper in the State publish once Home Productions. npiIK SUBSCRIBER WILL PAY THE HIGHEST X price for country-made Homespuns, cither in cash or trado. "Will also receive cotton or corn for duos,at the jpghest market prices. "Wanted now?500 yards Country Jeans and Plains, eithor all cotton or with wool Ailing. Highest price will be paid for 100 lbs. of good wool Juno 27 * K. W. BONNET. Pine Grove Seminary The exercises will be resumed on on the first Monday in July, aiid continue during the summer months. June 27 3 Public Notice rpni? CITIZENS ARE HEREBY INFORMED X that they are required to have their lots and ditches cleaned, all nuisances removed, and weeds cut down. The Council will inspect the same on Monday, 30th inst Parties failing to comply with the above are notified that Council will order them cleaned at owners' expense. oy oraer. R. M. KENNEDY, Juno 20 2 Secretary pro tem. NOTICE. During my absence from the state Mr. Jonathan Pago will act as my authorised agent, April 5 4 W. T. ALLEN. For Sale A N EXCELLENT ONE OR TWO HORSE BUGi\ Gy, with top; and also n good DUMPING CART and Gear. Apply at tile Bank of Camden. April 5 Cash Store NO CREOIT tv A11XUVU1 FOR ANYTHING. Q BARRELS STUART'S & LO^K RING'S O Crushed Sugar; 1 bale heavy 8 ounce Osnaburgs; 10 gross good Matches, in paper boxes; 8 do/.on bottles Cayenne Pepper; Choice Rice, Superior llams and Shoulders; 75 sacks super and No. 1 Flour. Lard, Brown Sugar, Spices; Preserved Peaches and Gingor Candy; Cross A Black well's English Pickle and Piccalilla; in storo and to arrive, and for sale for cash. June 6 A. T. L\TTA. January 1st, 1862Having to pay cash for all my purchases, compels mo to change my terms of business after this date. To enablo mo to replenish my stock, I shall sell in all instances for cash, unless a special arrangement be made for a short credit. All goods sold under this arrangement must be considered as Cash, when nAllori for The reasons which havo induced this necessary change, I trust, will be apparent to all. Cash customers solicited. E. W. BONNEY January 3. NOTICE, MR. JOS. M. GAYLE IS MY AUTHORIZED Agent during my absence in the service. January 3 2mo E. A. YOUNG. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of JESSE F. YOUNG, doceased, either by note or account, will please call on the Administrator and settle the same, by cash or note, as I wish to get the business closed up in some shape or form, at an early day. J. M. GAYLE, Adm r. February 14 4 n ?-i - r or oaie* The telegraph line from camden tor Kingaville is offered for sale. There are thirty seven (37) miles of good wire. Twelve (12) miles of it single new wire with soldered joints. With the same, two (2) good Magnots and Registers, and all the connections of the office are offered for sale. Persons wishing to purchase may tako the Lino as it stands, with the Glasses and Brackets, or can have it taken down and coiled. April 5 J. K. WITHERSPOON. (M lAAA LBS. MWRA FINK CUBED NO. CA; Ovvv Hog Round?Haras, Sidessod Shoulder*, forays low at the "Old Brick Corner,""by June 13 , * 4 , T,S.|IYBRg. Extra Fine Family Flour 9 AA sacks extra fine family flour " ^UU warranted a No. 1 brand, in store and to arrive, at the " Old Brick Corner," by June 13 4 T. S. ^iYERS. Clarified and Brown SugarsA FEW HOGSHEADS OF NO. 1 CLARIFIED and Brown SUGARS, for sale at the " Old Brick Corner," by ; June 13 4 T. S. MYERS. ? Superior Boots and Shoes I HAVE IN STORE A FEW PAIR OF EXTRA line stiched French Calfskin BOOTS?various sizes. ALSO, A few pair, assorted sizes, of boys and- women's SHOES, for sale low for cash, at my store, ifune 13 4 T. S. MYERS. Fresh Soda Crackers A SMALL LOT OF THE ABOVE EXTRA FINE article, for salo at tho "OldBrick Corner," by May 9 4 T. 8. MYERS. Wanted. rpO BUY, FROM 6000 TO 10,000 LBS DRIED Jl and green HIDES, for which we will pay for green Hides Horn 8 to 10 cents per^lb., and for dried do. from 18 to 20 cents, per lb., caah*on delivery. June 13 MARONY, BOSWELL & BRO. Cook for Hire. A FIRST RATE MALE COOK TO HIRE. Wages moderate. Apply at this office. June 6 3 Notice. ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO THE LATE J. J. McKAIN by note or open account, are earnestly, requested to settle the same as soon as possible; and all those to whom he is indebted will please present their claims to mc. ? Juno 6 3mo WM. McKAIN, Adm'r. NOTICE-. rPHE SUBSCRIBER, IN ORDER TO MEET THE A wants of the Travelling Public, has refitted and repaired his OMNIBUS. It will run regularly to and from tho DkKALB HOUSE, where a slate will be kept. Parties in any part of the town, or Kirkwood, by leaving their names at the DeKalb House, before bod-time at night, may depend with certainty on having the omnibus to call for them, without fear of being left. My old customers will find me ready and willing to renew old acquaintance, by calling for them, when desired to do so. May 23 J. K. WITHERSPOON. * J2f~Sick soldiers, in every case, carried to or from the Depot, free of charge. J. K W. 3 5 . 0mmmmrn s X3 w S ' =d " rt O 5 ? w ft II I^i is ? * gg So" g - 2 a o O P5 ^ ? & * > 300 r* O , M WMI ^ ^ a c rmmmma^ g o H ^ ? ! 3 ? | | r?< s s- k t S ^=r?' ~ 5" S3 | fg> r .? i s ? a f > i I h -> 3 m h I ? s e?< ? 3 ^ - J 3 fai ~ o o m H |?p?j tH S 8 i. ? 5 ^ H ^ ? B S h 2 GO 9? 5 2 iMMri ! g ? 3 p ^^5 ^ h ^ d S ams ? * ! r M H5 1 *" ? 2- ^jS I i' I S. o R &H3 Bacon and Flour. A SUPERIOR LOT OF NORTH CAROLINA Bacoo, just received. ?also? Fine fresh ground Flour. For sale low for cadi, at the "Old Corner. E. W. BONNEY. June 6 Pistol for Sale. A FIRST RATE TEN SHOOTER PISTOL FOR sale. Apply at the u Old Corner." June 6 E. W. BONNET. For Sale. A NEAT TWO-HORSE CARRIAGE, ON RKAsonabk) terms. Apply at this Office. June 13 J