University of South Carolina Libraries
r> ^toward . $be Petersburg JSaprtu learns, from a source ijj entitled to the follest credit, thai Yankee troops, lo'tbe-onmber of 0000, lieve advanced from Norfolk and Suffolk to a point on the scabbard railroad, known as Franklin Depot, 60 miles | a r> L - irvwi rorumoniu ana 30 troro Weldon. The aim of this force is, beyond doubt, to advanco to Weldon, and cut off railro&d connection at that place with Petersburg and Richmond. At Weldon tho roads from Wilmiiigton, and Raleigh and Petersburg converge. It is an important position, and, of course, will be held by our forces at all hazards. We have no information as to the preparations to receive them, but believe that our authorities, will see to it that they are ample. General Villipigue is now commandant of the military post at Grenada, Mississippi. We are gratified to present to our readers the following orilpr fmm wliifli it will K* ? w" .v ?? ! MV own IIVTT high is tho esteem in 'which this gallant and modest Carolinian is held by the Generai of our Army of tho West. Headquarters Western Department, ) Tupelo, Miss., June 11,1862. \ [General Orders, JVo. 07.] The Commander of the Forces calls the attention of the Army to tho prolonged defence of Fort Pillow by Brig. Gen. John B. Villipigue and the gallant soldiers under his command. The defence was conducted with skill, vigor and intrepidity \Veek after week. lie and his resolute comrades in arms, in open batteries, kept back tho enemy's supsrior land and naval * * - - iorccs, ana, wnen tuc purposes and design of tbo campaign had been accomplished under circumstances of difficulty, which also attest the ability of tfie General, lie brought off* his command in the face of superior numbers with a success equalled only by the brilliancy of his defence. Such devotion to duty is worthy of appreciation and approval of the country. By command of Gen. Beauregard. (Signed) George W. Brunt Acting Chief of Staff. A good story is told of the Rev. Dr. Mullen, the well known pastor of St. Patrick's Church iu Now Orleans. He was known to be a bitter secessionist in feeling, and, on account of his well known bluntncss of speech, many of his friends feared that ho would be one of tho first consigned by Butler to a dungeon. Soon after the occupation of the city by the enemy, he was sent for by a Yankee officer to perform the burial service over one of the Northern soldiors who had died. To this request Dr. Mullen acceded. Tho service being over, the Yankee was profuse in his expression of thanks. The reverend gentleman, however, cuttheconveasation short by blandly informing him that there was -no obligation at all in the matter and that he "would, if required, take pleasYankeoure in hurrying the entire garrison." "One or Two Hundred" Yankee Ships for Charleston.?The New York Herald thus boastefully speaks of the naval plans of Lincoln for the future: "By our naval successes in capturing the ports of the rebels, one or two hundred ships will soon be liberated to operate upon Charleston, which will inevitably fall. Then we will have an immense fleet to disDose A of the naval forces of any Foreign Power which may crots our path or interfere with our manifest dignity. Population of New York City.?A late number of the New York Herald contains an official tabular statement of the population of the city of New York, showing it to be 605,651 persons, including whites, colored and Indians. Of ?li oca 1 a H ur tKara ? a A>w nnlv lnootorl in I V? VMVWV 4MV1 V? VMVI9 niv IV1* VM?J aVVMk?\t <M the Twentieth Ward. Of the 805,<J51 persons, there are 885,900 male whites, 409,272 female whites; 5,304 colored males, and 7, 081 colored females. The number of Indians is not stated rr..? W.m Tk. 4^1. Ana wv am in jliwinaaa* auv vuvuijr wva, possession of the bridge at Maushac, Louisiana, on Tuesday Morning last, after a sharp engagement, and are now occupying the New Orleans, Jackson'and great Northern Railroad, Manshac is a navigable bayou which runs into Lake Ponchartrain, 46 or 60 miles from New Orleans, in-a Northern direction, and about WO miles south of Jackson, Miss. ? The Virginia pap.w ^ ^ ^ 'V ? Wtihw ?yterioD.|J?pleB. ; did. Perhaps he's after more wagon,. Mounted Men for Home Rei^vioe. THE GOVERNOR AND OODNCIL HAVING pa Med the following Resolution* Appended below, anlling for n Battalion of Mounted Hen, Volunteers from tbe First Corps of Reserves for State service, I propose to raise a oompaoy for that purpose, and ask our men of middle age who the Government of the Confederate States has exempted from duty abroad, to join in denuding our State at home. For if tho enemy should get a foot-hold in force anywhere on our mainland, every available man will bo needed to keep him from the interior. Address the undersigned at Camden, So. Ca. EDWARD M. BOYKIN. 1st Lieut. Kirk wood Cavalry, relieved from duty. Camdeu, June 26, 1862. 2 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ADJ'T & INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE.) Columbia, Juno 23, 1862. j PSECIAL ORDER NO. T THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION has been adopted by the Governor and Council, viz: " Resolved, That the Chief of the Military Department be authorized to call for volunteers from the First Corps of Reserves, for the purpose of forming a battalion of mounted men, to be used in the defense of the sea-coast of South Carolina from the North Carolina line to the Santee River or elsewhere." tt m 1 * ii. jl o carry out tho above resolution, five companies of not less than sixty-eight nor more than one hundred men, will be formed b*" vol' * unteering from the First Corps of Reserves.? The said companies will be accepted either as companies under officers elected by themselves, or by individual volunteers, who will be assigned into companies and will elect the line officers. The field officers of said battalion to be appointed by the Governor and Council. III. The original lists signed by those volunteering into companies will be returned to this office. IV. The circumstances require the volunteering to be as prompt as possible. 13y order of James Cheanut. jr., Chief of Military Department. WILMOT G. DkSAUSSURE, * Adjutant and Inspector General of S. 0. June 27 J5T" All papers in tho State publish once. stati; or so1^11 ^ ak?1 ADJT. & INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE,) Columbia, June 23, 1862. f GENERAL ORDER NO. 23. T PURSUANT TO A RESOLUTION OF -*- the Governor and Council, all citizens of this State not embraced as conscripts under the Act of Congress commonly called tho Conscription Act, are prohibited from enlisting in Confederate service without the consent of the Governor and Council. By order of the Governor and Council. WILMOT G. DKSAUSSURE. June 27 1 ASTEach paper in the Slate publish once Home Productions. The subscriber will pay the highest nrinn for ooiintrv-martA TTftmamnno aifha. in cash or trade. Will also receive cotton or corn for dues, at the highest market prices. Wanted now?500 yards Country Jeans and Plains, either all cotton or with wool filling. Highest price will be paid for 100 lbs. of good wool. June 27 e. W. bonney. Cotton Cards at $4 75.. The families of the volunteers now in service, will be furnished with Cotton Cards at 1 the above price, if called for soon. They are supplied at cost, by the State authorities. But a limited number will be distributed in the District, so that but one pair can be sold to a family. E. W. BONNEY. < June 27 Pine Grove SeminaryThe exercises will be resumed on > on the first Monday in July, and continue d'^rino. I the summer months. ' ^ | June 37 3 Public NoticeThe citizens are herebt informed that they are required to have their lots and -iall nulaanoes remov**, and weedacut r?vaef Cleaned, ail nuiww^^ game on Monday, 4own- The Council ^ ih% aboTe 30th last Parties m order them cleaned at are notified that wiU orac , ruraera'expense, R M. KENNEDY, %Jt' i gTr?*3! Announcements. FOB TUB LEGISLATURE. Ms. Editor: Please announce CwpL D. D. PERRY a candidate to represent Kershaw District in the House of Representatives at tho ensuing election, and oblige May 16 MANY FRIENDS. Mr. Editor: Please announce Maj. J. M. DaSAUSSURE as a suitable person to rcprcsr ? sent iAersbaw Uistnct in tho Houao of Representatives at tbo ensuing olcction, and oblige May 16 HIS FRIENDS. FOR TAX-COLLECTOR. Mb. Kditob: Please announce HENRY PATE a candidate for reflection to the offlco of Tax-Collector, and oblige 1118 FRIENDS. Juno 6 Mb. Editor: Please present the name of Mr. JAS. R. ARRANTS, as a suitable candidate to fill the office of Tax-Collector, at the ensuing election, and oblige May 30 1I1? FRIENDS. Mr. Editor : You will please announce Mr. JOSEPH S. G ARDNER as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election, and oblige May 16 MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor: Plenso announce Mr. WM MoKAIN" as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election, and oblige HIS FRIENDS. May 9 Mr. Editor: The frieuds of Mr. JOHN A. BOSWELL announce him as a candidate for Tax Collector of Koreliaw District, at tho ensuing election. April 25 Special 3STotices. NOTICE. ALL LETTERS, PACKAGES, Ac., FOR CAPT W. L. DkPASS' Company must be directed to the care of C. M. "WINCES. Chnrloston, S. C. .Tunc C 3 NOTICE, AS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY I should collect a portion ot the debts due me in order to meet current expenses, I respectfully request all those indebted to me by note or open account, to pay a part, if they cannot pay all. In my present position I am unable to attend personally to collecting those claims, but Mr. Doby, at the Branch Bank, is my agent, who will receive payment and give receipts lor any accounts paid him. T. W. SALMOND. Virginia, May 9 i ~ ~ ~ JflLiUICAL NOTICE. DR. T. REENSTJERNA, WHO WILL REMAIN in Camden during the Summer, offer* his services to the public in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Ac couehier. Office over tho store of Messrs. Gayle Young. May 30 DURING MY ABSENCE, MR. JAS. DUNLAP will act as my Agent. March 21 THOMAS J. WARREN. ! M. BISSELL-DENTKT. HAVIVG REMOVED FROM CHARLES. TON, and located in Camden, offers his Professional services to the inhabitants of Camden and vicinity. lie may be found at his residence in Rutledge street, near Fair street. May 22d, 1862 * Gash StoreNO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR ANYTHING. 8 BARRELS STUART'S A LOVERINO'S Crushed Sugar; 1 bale heavy 8 ounce Osoaburgs; 10 gross good Matches, in paper boxes; 8 dozen bottles Cayenne Pepper; Choice Rice. Superior Hams and Shoulders; 75 sacks super and No. 1 Flour. Lard, Brown Sugar, Spices; Preserved Peaches and Oinger Candy; Cross A Black well's English Pickle and Piccalilla; In store and to arrive, and for sale for cash. June 6 A. T. LATTA. Prrwfi T.ovii M. JL ?llv ?i?AUl KAA POUNDS COUNTRY LARD OF SUPEOuU RIOR QUALITY, for sale at the Old Corner. Also?Fine North Carolina Hams, lor family use. June 20 E. W. BONNET- I South-Oarolina--Ker?h?w JDiotriot. BT WJC. M. BBUIRX, ORDINARY. WHB^A8, D. J. CAMPBELL APPLIED TO * . me for Letters or Administration on ail and ttnmilir th? And nhtttlM rinrhta and credits of D. W. Coates, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: * These are, therefore, to oite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at KerahaW Court House on the thirtieth day of June inst, to show cause, if any, why the Said administration should not be granted. Given under ?my Haiid a'nd Seal, this seventh day of June in the jreiar of our Lord one thousand eight hundred mid sixty-two, and inn the eightysixth year of the Indopendenco and Sovereignty of tiie State of South Carolina. ?un* 30 % WM. If. JViKSfo 0. K.D. w'."- *! I'liiw I'I I. ?a?WB-1 Fine Cured Ho- Ca- Bacon.i 1 'JAAA LBS. EXTRA FINS CUBED NO. CA. 1 | OvUv Hog Round-?Hams, Side* and Should**, (orjule low at the "Old Brick Corner/^ by 1 tiune is ? T. 8. MYERS. Extra Fine Family Flour. 9CiCi sacks extra fink family flour, ju\J\J warranted a No. 1 brand, in store and to ar* rive, at the 14 Old Brick Corner," by June 13 4 T. S. MYERS. Clarified and Brown Sugars A FEW HOGSHEADS OF NO. 1 CLARIFIED j and Brown SUGARS, for sale at the 4* Old Brick \ Corner," by Juno 13 4 T. S. MYERS. Superior Boots and ShoesI HAVE IN STORE A FEW PAIR OF EXTRA fine stiched French Calfskin BOOTS?various sizes. ALSO, A few pair, assorted sizes, of boys and women's A SHOES, for sale low for casb, at my store. June 13 4 T. 8. MYERS. Ti i. n_Ji_ A - a r resn ooaa uracKers A SMALL LOT OF THE ABOVE EXTRA FINK article, for sale at the "Old Brick Corner," bv Mar 9 4 T. 8. MYERS. Wanted'"IXl BUY, FROM 6000 TO 10,000 LBS DRIED JL aud green HIDES, for which we will pay for green Hides from 8 to 10 cents per lb., and for dried do. from 18 to 20 cents, per lb., cash on delivery. June 13 MARONY, BOSWKLL A BRO. Cook for Hire. A FIRST RATE MALE COOK TO HIRE. >, Wages moderate. Apply at this office. June 6 3 MTotloe. \ LL THOSE INDEBTED TO THE LATE J. J. McKAIN by note or open account, are earnestly requested to settle the same as soon as possible; and all those to whom he is indebted will please present their claims to me. June 6 3mo WM. McKAIN, Adm'r. NOTICE^. "RHE SUBSCRIBER, IN ORDER TO MEET THE A wants of the Travelling Public, has refitted and repaired his OMNIBUS. It will run regularly to and . from the DsKALB HOUSE, where a slate will be kept. Parties in any part of the town, or Kirk wood, by leaving their names at the DeKalb House, before bod-time at night, may depend with certainty on having the omnibus to call for them, without fear of feeing left. My old customers will find me ready and willing to renew old acquaintance, by calling for them, when desired to do so. ' May 23 J. K. WI^HERSPOON. car Sick soldiers, in every case, carried to or from At-- *"V - ? ? m? i^epoi, iree or charge. J. K- W. s h * i?i ~ 3 2 % B * p " W jfc. ^xwwr 2 h ^ J flH| io -? ^ ^ I | ? S 2 *-*S| V?< >-* a ' > o mSSm o j? * S a a: ^ ? t> * > a * * 3 i i so? r* *?g* . o . m mammB & < st c f?m 3 ^ H ^ -J > S 3 o i o ?S S H 3 I r i i b cr *1 I n ' ~ <r i. fi I as g . ? z S ? 2 C""i > i4 3 l r g ? 55 Kg S 5; 2 2 SH i jj | J s ^ j?* H S? 5 ^ so ? y ? M 5 KH Z CD ? 2( 2 B * M iy ? tr* s a > "ft a s sss I 3 3 8 H > ? g ? r ? '. ? 0 w * ?> ? MB ? ? B SB 1 ~ ^ * 6 '< * 5t ^ b | e 8. o a BQ ? Ntj I 3? Hq nAlt OTll) N'lATir MUVVU milU 4k AVU?< A8UPERI0R LOT Qt ^TORTH CAROLINA Bacon, just received. ?AlsoFine fresh ground Flour. For sale low for ca<h, the "Old Corner. E. W. BONN MX . June 6 Hiafnl fn* Qoln A IOWA ?WA MIMVI AFIR8T HATE TEN SHOOTER PI8T0 r TA* sale. Apply ^ the u Ota Ooroer." ---Jane 6 E. W. BC' /mffET., For Sale. ANBA* CARRT \ F 0X RKA? ? * . : : : ?,-idB