University of South Carolina Libraries
^iiuttl CBttPS fiR'SL f^A t*Si nLJiii1 mivm "-w' -1^r? - ' NOTICE. ~ ~~ touring mr awf-mcr from tsre state \J Mr. VooMbhn Pag? will act aa mj authorized April 6 > 4 W. T. ALLK1J. For SaleAN hXCELLENT ONE OR TWO HORSE.BUG-. Gt, with top; and also a good DUMPING; CART and Char. Apply at th? Bank of Camden. , L_ The Cash System mk IIA8 BEEN forced upon us by our - miaflhnbility to obtainf the means of continuing our ! ; business Drum any other source. Our customers will thetttbre please take notice that we will henceforth - fill no 'orders (uuaocompanied by cash) whether for goddaltom our store or for work from our shop, unless tthder previous special arrangements, distinctly mads ws*?fr J. J. WORKMAN & CO. January 10 WS,, .. 1 ' ' - ?s Notice. 1?BI8 IS TO CAUTION ALL PERSONS FROM p. trading for a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated the early part of the present year, and signed by "Sutherland A Lemond and James Dunlap"?the said note having been lost, and since settled, by a now paper. it was given lor trie dire ot and Charles Tor the year 1861. E. W. BONNEY. . December 20 Notioe. Thb undersigned intending to make <a change in his business on the first of January next, will dispose of his stock of goods at exceedingly low prices, until that time for cash, or to punctual customers. My object is to turn as many goods as possible into cash, giving the purchaser a LIBERAL bargain for his money. B. W. BONNET. 2 S ^ 1 a I ? Sg! ' A | B3 fas.. ? S Q S ^ 0 | t> s .Wis 2 ?- i i H = I M ? . i-j 0 W 3 I s w ^ . J- I 3 ^ ^ ~ Off a 0- fl? w s I 1. - I 2 r~r ? ? jso ^ o | ? trt '.4 ! w L-J?1 \? ff m-2 >U? <- ? For Sale* The TELEGRAPH LINE FROM CAMDEN TO Kingsville is offered for sale. ' There are thirty seven (37) miles of good wire Twelve (12) miles of it single new wire with soldered joints. With the same, two (2) good Magnets and Registers, and all the connections of the office are offered for sale. Persons wishing to purchase may take the Line as it stands, with the Glasses and Brackets, or can have it taken down ana coiled. April 6 J. K. WITHERSPOON. North Carolina bacon and lard for sale at the " Old Corner." A ?-o K ? ? ajhu v j?. w. bun n ey. Final Notice Those who are indebted to Joseph m. GAYLE, and jos. M. GAYLE <fc co., are again notified that the notee and accounts of the said firms are in the hands of w. L. DkPabs, attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will be positively put in suit. November 15 HARDWARE, ~ /NiDBVM T?rrrtci j W. mnrnio, auvroauo UIVUHD UWJ'I'HS. for sale | \J at the "Old Corner." B. W. BONN BY. January >4 SANCHEZ SPECIFIC C\ AN be sent by mail and will effeet a cure sooner ) than any other medicine, is safe, pleasant and reliable. gold by J J. McKAIN FloWer Jars, FT ANY STZB, JUST OPENED, AT THE "OLD Oorner," by 1. V. BONNET. March 7 A ^F^X' QAICBB -AX^* BC^^ pu^ 'mjj& <^b<<tt|^w^p>i?^MwiWyMph^y (mom of bmii Tbe raiwu which h?r? induced this neceeurr I change, I trust, w,ill be apparent to aB- Cash costoi mere eoliofled. It W. BONNEY , January 8. NOTICE. ME JOS. M. GAYLE 18 MT AUTHORIZED Agent during my- absence in the service. January 3 2mo K. A. YOUNG. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of JKSSE F. YOUNG, deceased, either by nolo or account, will please call on the Administrator hnd settle the same, by cstah or note, as I wish to get the business closed up in some shape or form, at an early day. J. M. GAYLE, Adtn r. February 14 '4 CIRCULAR. To the Soldiers' Aid Societies of S. C. In answer to the numerous enquiries which have been made by the different " Aid Societies which have been recently formed throughout the State, I have been intruded by his Excellency Gov. Pickens, to give the following information. Depots will be established by the Quartermaster General, both in Charleston and olumbia. for the reception of all donations of clothing; and lie is also charged with the duty of forwarding ?h-. ri* o- ; the same. The "Department'' will receivo all uou. of clothing, say frock coais and pUUtU.OOllS. * ' iJ4 I'VV worsted goods, shirts and drawers, ol heavy homespun or flannel, wool, or heavy cotton socks, blankets, new or second hand, also heavy shoes. The plan upon which the State designs supplying her soldiers with all necessary clothing, is based upon their willingness to surrender to the Stato tbo amount of money appropriated by the Confederate Government for this purpose, say forty-two ($42) per annum, this sum not now being sufficient in consequence of the greatly advanced cost of material. It is in view of this fact that these laudable " Associations" of ladies and gentlemen, are cordially welcomed as coadjutors in this noble work, and in proportion to their voluntary contributions of labor and materials, will the absolute cost of clothing for our gallant volunteers be reduced. In thfl pvpnt. that anv of the *' Aaanoiationa" abonld not feel themselves able to furnish both material and labor, the Quartermaster General is instructed by his Excellency the Governor, to re-imburee such Associations the cost of all materials, at a rate not exceeding similar materials purchased by tne "Department;" and the quantity allowed for each garment shall be the same as used in our Manufacturing Bureau. Societies are particularly requested to advise the Quartermaster General of the quantity of work they can do per week, and the amount of donations they will probably send. To prevent confusion and loss, the following method for marking packages should be strictly observed. All Societies near Charleston, should ship to Charleston ahd mark thus: No. 1. TO QUARTERMASTER GENERAL Charleston, S. C. Trom Aid Society at (here insert place.) Societies near Columbia, should ship and mark thus -So. 1. TO ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER, Columbia, 3. C. From Aid Society (here insert name.) The nackaces should be marked distinntlv. and nnm. bered from one 1) upwards, A correct invoice should accompany each shipment. All articles shipped at the expense of the State. November 8 4 8. S. GLOV EE, Q. M. G. S. C. In Equity?Kershaw District. BILL FOR PARTITION, CONSTRUCTION OF WILL, Ac. Thomas Lang vs. Edward M. Boykin, Mary E. Boykin. Sallie W Boykin, Harriet Lang, John C. Langj Edward B. Lang, Theodore Lang, and Samuel W. L. Lang. It appearing that the above named John C. Lang, Fdwani B Lang, and Theodore Lang, Defendants reside out of and beyond the limits of this Mate, it is ordered, on motion of Riohardaon A Gay Complainnts Solicitors, that the said John 0. Lang, Edward B. i ang. Theodore Lang, do plead, answer, or demur to said Bill, within three months from date hereof, or said Bill will be taken pro confeseo against them. It is further ordered, that this order be published in the Camden Confederate, for three months, once a week. December 13 3mo WM. R TAYLOR, c, k. k. d. Cash StoreNO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR ANY" KinO. Beautiful white leaf la Flour?different brands- t- i nd when j =>ible; Meal and Gnst, of white u; Rice, Clarified and 'n \ . *. SptoeR of all kinds ?iv. :r acm- - 'r G ger; Southern Preferv o peache*?abo fresh Peaches; Oruan I 'nrn anil Tmiiutftfli November 29 l.v a.T. LATTA. ' < 4-4 Hatting: Also cotton carpeting and linen Crumb Clothe, for sole at the " Old Corner." Mejr 2 E. W. BONNET. i J SI^TiW*w. Ts^ttt .r-.-TP^? SUCCESSORS to TEE 1 South-East Corner . of 1 a, CAMDEN, SOIT3 r , * *' K.SS1P OON8TAI A FULL SI CLOTHING, H/ Boots and Shoes, Crockery "W Iron, Nails. G November 1 ? 5 MUT jyiWSS' IHS I . t THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING AC( I MUTUAL LIFE INS1 ' % OF RALEIGH, NOI FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepare INSURANCE, on the most reasonable 1 at moderate rates. WIL November 1 North C WOT. L. DcPASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND 40UOIIVOA IB t CAMDEN, S. C., wiu ni-rtciice in iversnaw anu tne surrcur.uing jjis tricts. November 1 VERY SUPERIOR SKKD POTATOES; FINE Dairy Cheese; Figs and Sugar Raisins. Just received at the "Old Corner " November 7 E. W BONNET. PLOW STEEL.?Also. Plow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and liorso Shoe Nails, Traces, Hamos, Saddles. Ac. Just received at the "Old Corner." Novembe 7 E. W. BONNEY. BACON, Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curing and very tine for sale at the 'old corner,' by E. "W. BONNET Medicine Cliests. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, POCKET CASES Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Ac. A larce assortmeL t iuat onened at Sept. 25,?tf. "McKAIN'S DRUG STORE. Jose Q. Felipe, {FROM HAVANA, CUBA,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Havana and Domestic Segars, the Best Virginia CheVing & Smoking Tobaooo. a choice lot op first quality snuff, pipes, Ac., Ac., wholesale and retail. No. 64 Market-Street, SIGN OF "NO IMPO SITION," charleston, so. ca. November 7 Blanket ShawlsAll wool blanket shawls, suitable for Soldier's Shirts, for sale at the "Old Corner," by E. W. BONNEY. February 14 Notice. WE WILL BELL GOODS DURING 1862 FOR cash only. No books or memorandums will be I will be kept. No goods will be allowed to leave the ' store until fully settled for. No orders will be filled unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended lor one and all; and we very much hope that no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as we are determined to adhere to it without respect of persons. Dec 20 3m MARONEY, BOS WELL & BRO. Winter Clothing and HatsA LOT OF PRIME WINTER CLOTHING? also HATS, in a great variety of styles, for sale by B. W. BONNET. November I i j^EjH./-' -jKif1 i Jroad & DeKalb-Streets, rH-CAROLINA, ffTliT ON .BAND ? - \ IlfPLT or 0. its & caps; *!. '* t ? * !" ' :? tt^ii "*tt ? ^ m* -r*r are, nunuw w are, j. in w are, i Groceries, &c. TERRK8 CASH. UAL IJSUJfCJB. x 7EPTED THE AGENCY OF THE [TRANCE COMPANY, 1TH CAROLINA, J to receive applications for policies of T.? terras. The Lives en SLAVES insured * X ' LIAM L. DePASS, Agent 'arolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Alabama , Fire Insurance C O M I* AN Y. * r|"*HE Undersigned, as Agent for tne above South* JL ern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ings, Ac. November 1 W. L. DePASS. FALL & WINTER ooongs. WES INVITE THE ATTENTION of our friends and the public generally to our Btock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which is complete in all its various branches. AND WILL BE SOLDI OR CASH ONLY. McCURRY & HAMMERSLOUCH. November 1 Fall Goods. The subscriber has on hand of his last Fall purchases: Super Black Bombazines. " 5-4 Black all-wool DeLano " " " Cashmere and Merino. " " " Plain and Drilled Alapaccas. " 4-4 " English Crape. Colored English Merino. " Printed DeLanes. Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vests for children Misses, ladies, boys A, men " Drawers, for Ladies and Men. '* Union Dresses for Ladies. Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Parlaton Muslins, White Brilliantes and Dimity Embroideries. Edgings and Insertings, Laces. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroidered. A good stock of English Cotton Hose and Half Hose, with- a fair stock of other goods suitable for families' V Fall use. W. D. MoDOWALL. November 1 Good Servants to Hire. A GOOD COOK, WASHER and IRONKR. ALSO, A No. 1 Bricklayer and Plasterer. Also, a good House boy and Farmer. All of whom can be hired to approved persons, by making early application to this office, or Mr. I. B. ALkxandhl Deoember f NOTICE^ The undersigned has just received a good article of HOLBANB GIN, and an excellent artiole of N. E.RUM. A lot of good Bye W HIS KEY; also, a few barrels of North Carolina Extra, at the " 0)d Brick Corner." T. & MYERS. ' January 31 3mo e