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^5?^ ibfflL over Messrs. Gayle <fr :jk&ts^sssr?fww Dfcftlfo, Uiat a Dividend of TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE of the Stock of this Bank, be paid, on and after the 1st day of June, proximo, the same will accordingly be paid at tho usual places, to-wit: at the Bank af dtarleaton. the Commercial Bank of Cotam*.y. >.y, s i % oia, the Merchant Bank at Choraw. and at the counter of this Bank. This is intended as o pie-payment of the next January Dividend?the reason for making tvlii/tk 'nk tkia tim/w * 1 *? ~ .. ?vh^ ? n.? ryil CfO CX|)1H1UCU 111 OUT 81111114)1 July Circular. Suftice it, for the presort, to aay, that having already prepaid the next July Dividend, the profits now accrued amount to more than $E0,000, with certain ready means oji hand which would lie idle till next Januaiy; and that our assets?as good as those of any Bank, we believe?amount to more that three times all our liabilities; that we will be able to meet all demands upon ua, and that many of the Stock* holders need the dividend note. W.H. R. WORKMAN, Cashier. Majfco DURING MY ABSENCE, 9IR. JAS. DUNLAP will act as my. Agent. March 21 THOMAS J. WA lift South-Carolina?Kershaw District. BY WM. If. BULLOCK, ESRUIBK, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, KZEKIAL GA8KIN APPLIED to me for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of D. W. Coatos, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the suid deceased to be and appear before mq at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be liolden at Kershaw Court House ou the twenty third day of June inst., to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted . Given under my Hand and Seal, this thirtieth day of May, in tho year of our Lord oue thousand oiglit hundred and sixty-two, ar.d in the aightysixth year of tho Independence aud Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. June 6 2 WM M. BULLOCK. O. K n , . I Election for Town Guard. I A if ELECTION WILL BE HELD AT COUNCIL 1 Room, on Thursday, 12th inst., for one Guard' man, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of W. K. Robinson. Applicants wiil send in their letters in their own lian& writing, previous to that ? date, ROB'T. M. KENNEDY, Juno 6 1. Recorderprotem. Cook for Hire. A FIRST RATE MALE COOK TO HIRE. Wages moderate. Apply at this office. June 6 3 Notice. ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO THE LATE J. J. J McKAIN by note or open account, are earnestly requested to settle the same as soon as possible; and j all thoee to whom he is indebted will pi ease present j their claims to me. June' 6 3mo WM. McKAIN, Adm'r. No- Ca- Bacon, Flour & Lard. QAAA LBS. PRIME NO. CA. BACON; OvvU 100 sacks choice Family FLOUR; 25 barrels do. do. do.; 1000 lbs prime Leaf LARD. For sale by June 6 2 W. C GERALD A CO. Cash StoreKO CREDIT TO ANYBODY run ANX1111AU. 8 BARRELS STUART'S A LOVERING'S Crushed Sugar; 1 bale heavy 8 ounce Osnaburgs; 10 gross good Matches, in paper boxes; 8 dozen bottles Cayenne Pepper; Choice Rice, Superior Hams and Shoulders; 75 sacks super and No. L Flour. Lard, Brown Sugar, Spices; Preserved Peaches and Ginger Candy; Cioss A Black well's English Pickle and Pfccalilla, in store and to arrive, and for sale for cash. June 6 A. T. L\TTA. Bacon and Flour. A8UPER10R LOT OF NORTH CAROLINA) Bacon, just received. ?also? j Fine fresh ground Flour. For sale low for cath, at i the "Old Corner. E. W. BONNKY. 1 June 6 Pistol for Sale. A FIRST BATE TEN SHOOTER PI8TOL FOR sale. Apply at the " Old Corner." June 6 E. WvBONNEY. For SaleA PAIR OF GENTLE, WELL-BROKE PONIES. Enquire at the Post Office. May 81 Found. ' A LARGE GOLD BREAST-PIN, WHICH THE owner can have by proving property and paying for the advertisement Apply at this office. Iff A ~ may a 1 ^ : Winter Clothing and Hats. A LOT OP PRIME WINTER CLOTHING? also HATS, in a groat variety of styles, for sale by K. W. BONNET. 1 Novomber OlfNTS Share on the IJIew Issue, for the Fix It oaths ending Jane 30th, 1863, and the SOUTH* WESTERN RAILROAD BANK a Dividend of SEVW8?Y-FiyB CENT8 per Share for tl?e same period* the combined Dividend of SIX DOLLARS (boing at the rate of Seven per Cent, per annum for tho Rood* and Six per Cent, per annum for tho Bank) will bo paid at tlie aforesaid Bank on and after tho 2d proximo. * The Dividend on Railroad Shares not connected with the Bank, will be paid at the same time and place as above stated, and at tho Branch Bonk of tho State of South Carolina at Camden. t J. R. EMERY, Auditor South Carolina Railroad Company. J. C. COCHRAN, Cashier Southwestern Railroad Bank. May 30 * 2 m. P1S8ELL-DENT1?T. H AVIVG REMOVED FROM CHARLES TON, and located in Canidcn, offers liis Professional services to tho inhabitants of Canidon and vicinity. lie may be found at liis residence in Rutledgc street, near Fair street. May 22d, 1802 For SaleA CARRIAGE AND HARNESS?ALSO, A strong serviceable HORSE, Apply at this of5 lice. May 30 3 Taken Up A BAY MULE COLT, WHICH TIIE OWNER can have by proving property property, paying the advertising bill, and taking it away. Enquire at the oflico of the Confederate. May 30 jS~ otice. Lost, In the town of cam den, or be'tween Camden and McRae'sold Mill, 3 $10 bills? two of which are Confederate drills, and one ^outh Carolina?also, a $5 bill. Will pay $10 reward to tho finder. J. II. THOMAS. May 30 _ 2 | STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. j ? ^ ^^ EXECUTIVE COUNCiL CHAMBFR, ) Columbia, May 14, 1862. f | ft RESOLVED, T1IAT TIIOSE CONSTIi ** * TUTING the First Corps of Reserves, | when formed into companies, shall elect their | company officers: and when formed into rcgii ments, the field officers shall be appointed by the Governor and Council. And those constituting the Second Corps of Reserves shall be organized into companies and regiments and placed under the commaud of the Militia officers of the Styte who may then be in commis- ( 8;on. But this resolution shall not apply to the , city of Charleston, where the reserve force is alreadv orffanized and officered. ? O" ~ "" ~ By order of the Governor and Conncil. ( B. F. ARTHUR, J Secretary. May 30 . 1 i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) 1 Columbia, S. C., May 14, 1862. \ ] Resolved, that the governor * and Council consider the Conscription Act I of Congress exempting from conscription al the . time legally exempt by the laws of the State, j including, in South Carolina, the exemptions ! made by the Convention, and those made by the Governor and Council by authority of the Convention, and those made by the Legislature and retained by the Council; the Governor and Council holding that the Exemption Act of , Cougress does not repeal the Conscription Act, I but is concurrent with the existing exemption < laws of the State. By order of the Governor and Council. B. F. ARTHUR, Secretary. i May 30 1 ?,? i NOTICE. i ALL persons who have demands against the estate t of John W. Arthur, dee'd., will please present the same, duly attested, to Win. R. Taylor, Esq., my attorney. And all persons who are indebted to said estate, will please make payment to my said attorney, at an oarly day. C. ARTHUR, Administratrix of John "W. Arthur, dee'd. - May 9 4 ' *^KwsiMI^^''* ^ * J J itr. IMB/ITWv '^IaviI wvOi' H ADJ'T. & INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE, ( Columbia, S. C., May 23, 1802. ) GENERAL ORDER NO 20. 1 TO- CARRY OUT THE RESOLUTIONS * * adopted by the Governor and Connoil on 14tl> May instant, the following will be required: II. That all persons coming under State exemptions, to obtain the benefits thereof, shall forthwith furnish to the office of the Adjutant and Inspector-General at Columbia an affidavit of the following description, viz: STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, District. I, A. 15., do solemnly swear that I am ; that I reside at , in the District of ? , and within the limits of Heat, Battalion, Regiment of S. C. M. Sworn to boforc mo,, this day of , 1802. C. D., Magistrate or Not. Pub. A.'B. III. The City Guards of Charleston and Columbia will furnish rolls sworn to by the Mayor of those eities; the assistants and members of the Fire Departments of the samo places will furnish rolls, sworn to by the Chiefs of the Departments; the necessary officers and employees of railroads will furnish lists sworn to by the respective Superintendents. All such rolls will designate the Residence, Beat Battalion and Regiment of each person named on the rolls. IV. Persons coming under the Exemption Act of Congress can only be relieved by applying to the officer appointed by the Confedd 1 M f* . I < . crate uovernmeni; lor tnc camp or instruction. WILMOT G. DeSAUSSURE, Adjutant and Inspector-General of S. O. jf-??~AII papers in the State insert once. May 30 I (KITTO V CAHIIS': COTTON CARDS JUST RECEIVED, WIIITTEMORE'3 BEST NO. 10 Cotton Cards, for salo by May 23 1 TI SOMMKRS. FACTORY YARNS, BLEACHED HOMESPUNS, LINENS, &c.' JUST (RECEIVED, BLEACHED AND UNbleached Homespuns, Osnaburgs, Factory Yarn ill numbers, Weaving Sleighs, Flax Thread, Noedlos, Pins, Striped Linens, suitable for Coats and Pants, Yellow Bluff and Slate Linens, Gents black Leghorn Hats. at, sex Pugars, Molasses, Ground Coffee, in one pound papers, Soda. Ac. H. SOMMEHS. May 23 2 Dissolution of Copartner. ship r|^lIK copartnership heretofore existing under the I. name of Bash & Smith, is this day, by mutual consent, dissolved. II. BASH. May 0 M. SMITH. NOTICE. THE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of goods heretofore belonging to the above lamed firm, the junior partner, Mr. Ba^h, having enisted for the war in the service of the Confederacy, will continue business at the old stand, and thankful or past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of their patronage. an.? r?n ? :_i. iiiu iiuivs emu uauuuw un*o uii mucu mtu my lands, of the Arm, and will be settled with me. May 9 . 3 M.SMITH. Fresh Soda Crackers A SMALL LOT OF THE ABOVE EXTRA FINE article, for sale at the "Old Brick Corner," by May 9 4 T S. MYEK8. NOTICE. CAPT. J. J. NELSON WILL ACT AS MY authorized agent during my absence from the State. W. W. McCOY. April 5 4 Closing Up. TITUS' TTVrTlBtlOTi>VTDT? U ATTTXTrt TMJTIBTIUTWBTV J urj uni;r>iVDi\Jjniin v uivj ucjl r^ivou m cjlj to close his present business, in oonsequeuoe of ihe difficulties in obtaining goods, will dispose of his stock now on hand at very low rates for cash. Those wishing such tilings as he has to offer, will find it to their interest to give him a call. May 2 E. W. BONNEY. i ? Men and Boy's Coats, And other, garments, on sale at low figure* May 2 K. W. bonney. The subscriber, in order to Hmrr the wants of the Travelling Public, line refitted and repaired his OMNIBUS. It will mo regularly to and from the DnKALB HOUSE, where a alate will be kepi. Parties in any part of the town, or Kirk wood, by leaving their names at the DeKalb House, before bod-time at night, fnay depend with certainty on having the omnibus to call for them, without fear of being left. My old customers will find mo ready and willing to renew old acquaintance, by calling for them, when desired to do so. May 23 J. K. WITHERSPOON Sick soldiers, in every case, carried to of from the Depot, free of charge. J K- W. ? ,? ra ?-? s I ? ?? '* sS2 s 3 2 5 ? s ? s a ^^3 . c 2 2 iPM W ? taMM > o B mdMi ^ > S MM Q K 2 0 ^ -? g 3 8 5TO a t> * > ? ? tl s=5 5 O 0 \*! O . M feHMBMi ft ^ as o / ?n 3 o H ^ 1 ^ ! 3 g a "?3 ? 1 H ? g r?s 3 cr h* ClJ ** S" 1. ? S o3 S" ^ 5 ? 03 g?< c " ^ a; t-? r > p i ?i 1 ' 3 ? S k?m 3 . , 2 M O -a s* r J q mm = ~ O o H H Ihm = ? B- P3 CO a a ? "l < c B M. 2 5 j J5? H 2, < ^ HrH S- Z $*? S ? S S ps ,j g I H B-1- g n q g' w a awAj ? * 1? n ^2 1 r a ^ 3 '.^ ^ 2! ^ o ^ 3 ^ 9- Q 7 ggg *j Pistol FoundA SIX-SHOOTER found in Camden, which the owner can have by proving property, paying expenses, and taking it away. For information, enquire of F. SHOEMAKER May 23 * 3 STATE OF SOUTH CAROUNAT EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER, t Columbia, May 15. 1862. ) rpiIE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS,. adopted by the Governor and Council, have been ordered to be published: The great evil rising trom the too free use and abtwe of ardent spirits by those in the military service of the State and Confederate States is so manifest, that it becomes the duty of the Governor and Council to do all in their ?ower to suppress or lessen it as far as possible, 'horefore, with a view to preserve the health proper discipline of the army, be it Resolved, That the distillation of ardent spirits from fruit, as well as grain, be and the same is hereby prohibited, under the same penalties as arc already provided for the of groin without license. Resolved, that all the copper stills and leaden pipes connected therewith will be purchased by the State for war purposes, at a fair valuation, if delivered at the Court House of the respective Districts in which they are situated, or at the nearest Railroad Depot. By order of the Governor and Council. B. P. ARTHTJR, Secretary. May 23 2 TOWNORDINANCE. AN Ordinance Levying a Tax on Produce, Poultry, Ac., shipped from the town of Camden, for the purpose of sale in other markets. Be it ordained, by the intendant and Wardens of the Town of Camden, in Council Assembled, and by authority of the same, That on and after the passing of this Ordiuance, a Tax be levied on each item annexed, aa follows: Flour, 50 cents per bag of 98 lbs.; Corn, 15 cents per bushel; Peas, 15 per bushel; Oats, 10 cents per bushel : Turkeva. 25 cents each: Geese. 20 r?ntn 15 cents each; Chickens, 16 oenta ouch; Butter, 16 oenty per lb.; Eggs, 10 cents per dozen Free negros shipping any of the articles specified, shall be taxed double the abov# rates Provided, That there is nothing in the above Ordinance to prevent parties from the country shipping thdlr own produce, or Government agents, when they purchase direct from the producer. May 1G mm