University of South Carolina Libraries
? 1 w - y (,?. *laao. QjHM(iyl? >;0 .. wwi*. - Sao ? mi! I f: . WGTIOE. HBM'.H Mt ABB'HUH lUgHTTgR 8TATB V Mr Jonalkw Fag* *IM *aT5a< ojr .uthorW " j?prtl# 4 W. T. AXXK*. For SaleAS FXCKLl.SNT ONE OR TWO HOR8R BUGOT. jrlth jo??t *nd also a f"Od DUMPING ( u&kx ana wear. Apply at tne mh or uamaen. 1 Aprfr?"? " ' '"rT" 4 in, .> The Cash System Tl*?? FORCED UPON T7S BY *>0R XI inability to obtain the means of continuing our "BusIhetiTfln any other source. Our customers will therefore please take h"t*e that we will henceforth till no orders (unaccompanied by cash) whether for . goods from oar store or for work from our shop, unless 'under preSUmt special arr angements, disti ettg made wit/* us. J. J. W O l<KM AN ? CO. January 10 ' . Notice.: THTS 18 TO CAUTION ALL PER80NR FROM trading for a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, for a boot two hundred and seventy dollars. dHted the earlv part of the present year, and signed by "Suth* 1 erland k Lemond and James Dunlap"?the said note . having "been lost, and since settled, by a new paper It was given for the hire oi Phil anl Charles for the year 1861. B. W. BoNNK y. December 20__ . Notice. The undersigned intending to make a change in his business on the first of January ; next, will dispose of his stock of goods at exceedingly ! ftrtnss, until that tlase for cash, or to punctual customers. My object is to turn as many goods as possible into cash, giving the purchaser a liberal, bargain for his money. b w. bonney. t i. g I & a ? - ? /rs - ? trj *" ? t J pa ; g 0 | ><=> N = I M ? | t 1 J B W' , fc. Z J i w > 'm 11 ^ ^ S Off" 0 1:^5 ta=s ^ ft O , g 1 t* 5 = ir ^ 3. -!- ^ e-^3 ? sa *? "0 i ^ I I I ob M i??' ? ? B l-J * * , . 2. Be v? Cash StoreIO CREDIT TO A1VTBODY FOR ANYTHING. A A LB* EXTRA COUNTRY LEAP LARD; UV/V" Rice, Salt, Shoes and 200 lbs. Spices; Extra white Meal and Hominey: Southern put up Preserved Peaches; Wax and rperm Candles; Crushed, Clarified and Blown Sugar. ' All fA* Caak .../I |t..u Aii ?vi x'umij auu uoou uutjr. November 29 ly A.T. LATTA. Tor Sale. rl "HE TKLEGRAPFJ LINE FROM CAMDEN TO 1 Kingsville is offered for sale. There are thirty even (3iXmiles of go d wire Twelve (12) miles of it single flew wire with soldered joint* . VN ith the same, two (1 j good Magnets and Registers, and all the connections of the office are ottered for sale Persons wishiug to purchase may take the Line as it stand*, with the Glasses and B ackets, or can have it Ukeu dowa an.. coiled. 6 J. K. WITHERSPOON. "STnvTn r'looi iwi pa PAW iWHTAim uno I'm * AMV/41XV A A/ *Jtk HI' A' Vl? XV sale at the " Old Corner." Aprils b. w.bonn ky. TO REasrTOne-half of a dooblh; hocsf., contain. ing twelve rooms It is aitUHted in a healthy add pleasant part of town, near Kirkwood. There are on the premises accommodations for servants, also stables, a good well of water, nd other convenient*?. <! lor (fartherparttoolari* address Postoffice Bo* No. ML i '? .-i < i i -ti'O March 28 * *> . * k Mb jo*. n. qaylb is 1it authorized Agent daring ?sy ebeipos la the service. January 8 ? Smo & A- YOUNG. i nift i > ii in',* M-te ini^iiai,^ f i vM> 3STOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of JK88S F. YOUNG, deceased, either by note or account, will please oall on the Administrator end settle the same by oa*h or note, se t wish to get the business closed up in some shape or form, st en early day. J. M. G A TLB, Adm r. r eoruary January 1st. 1862Having to pay cash fok all my purchases, compels me to change my terms of business-aftet this date. To enable me to replenish my stock, I shall sell in all instances for oas , unless s special arrangement be mode f?r a short credit. All goods sold under this arrangement must be oonaidered as Cash, when called for. The reasons which hare induced this necessary change, I trust, will be apparent to all. Cash customers solicited. K. W. BONNEY January 3. e . Save the PiecesS PAULDING'S HQUID GLUK is invaluable to every household. Will mend Wood, China, Glass and Metal utie email bottle win nave ten times its cost. For sale by JOHN J McKAIN. CIRCULAR. To lh<' Soldiers' Aid Societies of S. C. In answer to the numerous enquiries which hare been made by the different " Aid Societies which have been recently formed throughout the State, I have been intructed by his Excellency Gov. Pickkks, to give the following information. Depots will be established by the Quartermaster General, loth in Charleston and Columbia, for the reception of all donations of olothing; and he is also charged with the duty of forwarding and distributing tne same. The "Department" will receive all donations of clothing, say frock coats and pantaloons, of heavy worsted goods, shirts and drawers, of heavy home* spun or flannel, wool, or heavy cotton socks, blankets, new or second hand, also heavy shoes. The plan upon which the State designs supplying her soldiers with all necessary clothing, is based upon their willingness to surrender to the State the amount of money appropriated by the Confederate Govern* ment for this purpose, say forty-two ($42) per annum, this sum not now being sufficient in consequence of the greatly advanced cost of material. It is in view of this fact that these laudab e " Associations" of ladies and gentlemen, are cordially welcomed as ooadjutors in this noble work, and in proportion to their voluntary contributions of labor and materials, will .the absolute cost of clothing for our gallant volunteers be reduced. ? in tne event mat any 01 tne * Associations snouia not feel tlieinse vea abie to furnish both material and labor, the Quartermsster General is instructed by bis Excellency ti>e Governor, to re-imburse such Associations the cost of all materials, at a rate not exceeding cimilar materials purchased by tne " Department and the quantity allowed for each garment shall be the same as used in our Manufacturing Bureau. Societies are particularly requested to advise the Quartermaster General of the quantity of work they can do per week, and the amount of donations they will probably send. To prevont confusion and loss, the following method for marking packages should be strictly observed. All Societies near Charleston, should ship to Charleston ahd mark thus: No. 1. TO QUARTERMASTER GENERAL O.n i or poTnu Q P Trom Aid Society at (here insert place.) Societies near Columbia, should ship and mark thus No. 1. TO ASSISTANT QUARTERS! ASTER, Columbia, S. C. From Aid Society (here insert name.) Tho packages should be marked distinctly, and num> be red from one 1) upwards, A correct invoice should accompany each shipment. All articles shipped at the expense of the State November 8 4 S. S. GLOVKR, Q. M. G. 8. C. _______________________________ In Kqnity?Kershaw District. BILL FOR PARTITION, CONSTRUCTION OF WILL, Ac. Thomas Lang vs. Edward M. Roy kin, Mary E. Boykin, same w coy Kin, narriet jumg, jonn U. JLang, Edward B. Lang, Theodore Lang, and Samuel W. L. Lang. It appearing that the above named John O. Lang, Fdward B Lang, and Theodore Lang, Defendants 1 reside,out of and be.vond the limits of this tale. it is ordered, on mot on of Richards >n v Gaj ('omplainnts Solicitors, that the flaid Jo n C. Lang. Edward B. ang Theodore Lang, do plead, answer, or demur to a id Bill, within three months fiom date hereof, or said Bill will be taren pro cm/esso against them. It is furth- r ordered, that this order be put dished in the amden Confederate, for three months, once a week. December 13 3mo Wl( R TAYLOR, o, x k. d. Winter Clothiner and lata A LOT OF PRIMB WINTER CLOTHING? also HATS) in a great variety of stylea, for sale by K. W. BONNET. November 1 IB V^V^kVbsH^B I W! S - IMiL U U (Lb^BE^Et' k \HJ ...?.ii '? ;; ? . ... " : . *. ' SUCCESSORS THE j i ? / ..' ,lw J* 4 { South-East4 Corner of ] - '. / /i itmmr firvTTi UAJIU^JC^, OKJU KSIUP OONSTA1 AFVLLSl M + 1 CLOTHING, H/ Boots and Shoes, Crockery "W % . Iron. CTails. C November 1 &EWE& EMS THE SUBSCRIBER HATING ACi r MUTUAL LIFE INSl OF RALEIGH, NORTH maim km COMPANY, OF COLUME FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepare INSURANCE, on the most reasonable at moderate rates. WIL November 1 North C DePASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND 40MAIV9& IB BOVIVf, CAMDEN, a C., Will nrnctice in Kershaw and tha aurronnding Dis trots., November I VERY SUPERIOR SEED POTATOES; FINE Dairy Cheese; Figs and Sugar Raisins. Just received at the "Old Corner " November 7 E. W. BONNET. PLOW 8TEEL.?Also. Plow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and Horse Shoe Nails, Traces, Hames, Saddles. Ac. Just received at the "Old Corner." Novembe 7 E. W. BONNEY. BACON, Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curing and very flne for sale at the 'old corner,' by E. W. BONNKY Medioino Chests. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, POCKET CASE8 Trusses, Supporters. Sho jlder liraces, Ac. A large assortmeLt just opened at Sept 26.?tf. MoKAIN'S DRUG STORE. Jose Q. Felipe, (.FROM HAVANA, CURA,) IMPORTER AMD DEALER IN Havana and Domfitlc Segar*, the Best Virginia Chewing & Smoking Tobacco. a choice lot op first quality snuff, pipes, Ac., &0., wholesale and retail. No. 64 Market-Street, SIQN OF "NO IMPO SITI ON," charleston, so. ca. November 7 Blanket ShawlsAll wool blanket shawls, suitable (i\V RnMlAr'fl Rhirtfl fV\r aula at +V>a ^ rvlrl Pnrnnr " w VV?J *v? WMiV CSV ?UV V/1U * /V/? KOI I by E. W. BONNEY. February 14 asroxiaE. Recruits wantkd.?all persons who ar?- desirous of enlivting in my Company, now serving in Virginia, are requested to come forward and enroll their names. Congress allows a bounty of fifty d llars to each persons who enlists. February 21 E. B. CANTKY, Captain. Companion for the 'loilet. CONTAINING Four Bottles of essential articles for the Teeth, Hair, Complexion and Handkerchief Prepared by Burnett, and neatly put up tn a compact Box. Said by K J. J. lfctCAlNT LATE WM. ANEEE& & 1ft t'7 ??.- -.'s 4 ' v f ; , r . \f \T 2/ , v>;; .v, V ;t jtl Broad & DeKalb-Streets, 9 rH-CAROLINA, % v * ** STTliY ON SAKD upptr op ITS & CAPS, rare, Hollow Ware. Tin War?, 3-roceries, $cc. terms cask. 'UAIji IWCKI A OT/MOM DEPTED THE AGENCY OF THE OBANCE COMPANY, CAROLINA, AND THE ,?ivmm HA, SOUTH CAROLINA, d to receive applications for policies of T.ih--? terms. The Lives en SLAVES insured LIAM L, DePASS, Agent Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Alabama Fire Insurance COMPAN Y. THE Undersigned, as Agent for tne above Southem Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Buildings, Ac. November 1 W. L. DiPASS. FALL & WINTER GO ODS. WE INVITE THE ATTENTION of our friends and the public generally to our stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which is complete in all its various branches. and WILL BE SOLD If OR OaSB ONLY. McCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 Fall Goods. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND OF HIS last Fall purchases: Super Black Bombazines. 44 6-4 Black all-wool DeLane. 44 44 44 Cashmere and Merino. " 44 44 Plain and Drilled Alapaocas.. 44 4-4 44 English Crape. fVtlomd Knorlinh Mftrinn * " Printed DeLanea. Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vests for children Misses, ladiea^beys 4 men " Drawers, for Ladies and Men. ' Union Dresses for Ladies. Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Periston Muslins, White Brilliantes and Dimity Embroideries. Edgings and Inserting*, Laces, Linen Cambrio Handkerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroilered. A good stock of English Cotton Hose and Half Hose, with a fair stook of other goods suitable for families* Fall use. W? D. MoDOWALL. November 1 Good Servants to Biro. A GOOD COOK, WASHER and IRONER. ^ ALflo> ANal Bricklayer and Plasterer. Also, A .good) House boy and Farmer. All of whom oan bo hired) to approved persona, by making early application to. this offloe, or Ifr. I. B. Albxandbb. December d