University of South Carolina Libraries
?go^?togly His manly formes seen no more, his hospitable hand is motionless, and' that eye so foil of life and iotelleot, b..?ms not forth Ks dspth of ih<?u?ht and honesty. He has gone in tlia vigor nt youthfo! manhood, and leaves a blank in thn flnmostin ?nH en. I cial circle, which years can only solace, time cannot heal Certain men are peculiar )y endowed with force of character, genial feeling*, intellectual capacity and buaiueaa tact. 8uch was my friend. With a lever power of character unsurpassed, solid sterling and forcible, he was imprafsiv.- and genial. He wa>- loud of intellectual pursuit*, and was superior as a thinker aud reader; Ina mind was c:ear, copious and well stored; as a business man, he was prompt, energet c, managing. His standing among commercial men was exalted, and the influence w iiicli time and experien?.a would have giveu him, cannot be estimated. 1 he fruits of hi* industry are ample John J, WcKain had a rare combination of dualities; nature mad# him of giant prop rtions, and left on him the impress of nobility and high purpose. Ucreft of his pan nts at an oarly age with four sifters and a brother, he had a _ i ? li - *?- . L _ gjonii <w|iuu?iuiiiijr wurai oil mm. n# put 11 his shoulder to the wheel, managed we!',' progressed io euueadon, and been me in every re-pect equal to the magnitude of his ot urge He never shirked a responsibility, swerved from a duty or cowt d before danger; but resolute, daring and high-nunded, lie knew no fear, he*ulcu)nted no disaster, vv hen South Carolina rallied Iter sons to the defeuce of const tut onal Liberty and State Sovereignty, he responded forthwith, and shared the monoto y perils and glories of our army, fr>>m Apiil lh61 to the day of his death. At Fort Sumier, Bull Itun, Manassas Hnd Lewisville he was cool and undaunted, exhibiting th'i-e high quali'ies of purpose and d ring, which marked Inm in aociaLlife. As a sold er he was ready at all limes, and strict in the performance of duty?as an officer, agreeable and determined The circumstance* ot his death can neve. t>e forgotten by his company. Bitter regrets and anguished hearts testified our deep grief. No attention was wanting or fond sympathy Jacking to alleviate Ins sufferings or solace his s, irit. Death claimed him as her own, and with stricken, bleeding heurta wo gavo him up. As his pal id form pussud us, on our w6y to form a line of battle, our heads were bowed down in sileut, tearfu' sorrow. As a messmate, br< tlier officer and fellow sold er. hi- memory w.U be chorished until the same summons sha.l cull ua to join that vast concourse, moving on to the paie of shade and death. For his afflicted family no words can express the spmpnthy I leel. A devoted husband, fond father and loving brother, in all the domestic relations of life he was a fleet innate and attentive; aa a neighbor, obliging and kind ; as a citizen, useful, industrious and honorable; as a friend, last and abidiug; as a foe, latter. 'Ihou are gon? n?y playmate, companion and frh nd. I shall embalm our friendship, solaced by a recollection el the hou s we have passed together i trust thy gallant spirit is now revelliug in the bliss of that lar.d where kindred souls shall meet and be reunited, never to suffer the pain of rep iration again. J. D. K. Special 1ST otices. KERSHAW JLOI?OE, I>o. 39, A. F. jf. A STATED COMMUNICATION OF KEUahaw Lodge No. 29, A. F. M., will be held at their Lodge Room, Tuesday Evening next, 13th iust., at 7 1-2 o'clock, by order W. M. May 9 1 JAMES JONES, Sect'y. . SIIRfiTI'I'IVrK wiwti n TO WHOM A GOOD PRICE WILL BE PAID, by immediate application. He must be either under 18 or over 35, so that he will not come under the head of 14Conscripts," as provided in the new Confederate law Information can be given, by apph ing at the office of The Confederate. 2 May 9 MEDICAL CARD. DR a WILSON BEING DESIROUS OF RESUMING tlio Practice of his Profession, respectfully offers his services to the citizens of Camden and Kirkwood, on and after Tliurs.i ii i.t ? i.? i .1.. uny, luhjr isi, ua 111 ?y uu iuuiiu ni> uiw ivvivuiu House. April 18 4 DURING IUY ABSENCE, MR. JA?. DUNLAP will act as ray Agent. March 21 THOMAS J WA PEN. Vinegar. Flour. &c\PUKK ABTHXE OF APPLE VINEGAR, two years old Also a byge quantity of flne Family Flour, New Orleans Molasses, Rice, Ac., dte For sale at low prices, for the cash, by May 9 2 M. SMITH. Cash StoreNO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR ANYTHING. Beautiful white leaf lard? Flour?different brands?on hand when possible; Meal and Grist, or white olean corn; t> _ all fx! - 1 s ? r* xuee, v,ianueu ana Drown sugars; Spice* of all kinds, and Essence of Jamaica Ginger, Southern Preservt d peaches?al?o, fresh Peaches; Green Corn and Tomatoes. November 29 It A.T. LATTA. Committed to Jail. IN Kershaw lri?triot, S. 0., on 2d inst., a neg-o boy. He says his name is LEWIS, and that he belongs to Major 8amuel Young, of Laurenoe District, 8 0. Said boy is five feet 6 or seven inches high; weighs 150 or 65 pounds, age 24 or 25 years, has on a striped linaey homespun ooat and vest. 1 he owner will come forward, prove property, pay expences and take him away. May 9 DUNCAN 8HE0RN. Fresh Soda Crackers A SMALL LOT OF THE ABOVE EXTRA FINK article, for sale at the "Old Brick Corner," by May 9 4 T 8. MYERS. Diwjolutio* of Copartnerr#,HK fl^artoerehtp her&dbr* eerfstiag under the I name of Bash Jt Smith, is this day, by mutual content* dissolved. H. BA8H. May V M. SMITH. IfOT ICE. TFE undersigned liHving purchased the entire stock of goods hereto ore belonging to the above named firm, tlie junior partner, Mr. Bash, having enlis eil for the war in the aerifee of the Confederacy, will continue business at the old stand, aud thanktUl for past favors, would respect-ully wolicil a ooutinu* auce of the.r patronage. The notes and accounts have all fallen into my hands, of the Him, aud wid be settled with me. May 9 9* M. SMITH. NOTICE. ALL | erson? who have detnunda against the estate or John W. Arthur, dec' please present (lie same, duly attested to M m. K. Tavl r, Esq, my attorney. And all persons wlio are indebted to said estate, will please make nujuieut tu my caki attorney, at an early day. " C. ARt HUR. Administratrix of John W. Arthur, dee'd. May 9 4 South-Carolina?Kershaw District. BT WM. U BULLOCK ORUIKR, ORDINARY. V\T UKKKA8, WILLIAM M KAIX APPLIED ' ' to me for Letters or Administration oil all and singular the goods aud chatties rig ts an i credits of Joii.i J. Mckam, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the s id deceased to be and apjiniir l?*fore me at our nezi * rdinary's t.ourt or the -aid District to he hoi .en at Kershaw i ? ourt Houso on the twenty third day of May inst., | io snow cause, ir any, why the said administration should not be grant. d Uive under my Hand and Sen], tins seventh day of May. iu the year of our Lord one thousand eLht hundred -nl sixty-two. and iu the eighty* sixth year ? f the Iu ie, ondeuce and rovereiguty of the Mat of t*o?ith Ch oi nu. May 5 2 WM M. BOLLOCK, O. K. D. fc'IWrU orCAIIOLIXA. ADJ'T. <fc INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE,) Columbia, S. Cn May 2, 1862. \ GENE HAL ORDER AO 17. IC. D. MELTON HAVING KEEN AP POINTED by tho Governor and Council Assistant Adjutant-General South Carolitia, w:tl? the rank of Major, will be obeyed and respected accordingly. II. G. A. Follin having heen commissioned by tlie Governor and Council as First Lieutenant and assigned to duty in the offico of the Adjutant and Inspector-General, will be obeyed and respected accordingly. III. Pursuant to the permision given the Governor and Council to. assign an officer as Assistant Adjutant-General, with rank of Captain. Louis D PeSaussurc is assigned to duty as such Assistant, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly IV. Maj. (1. D. Melton and Lieut. G. A. Follin arc assigned to duty for the Upper Division, the office whereof is at Columbia; and Capt. Louis D. DeSaussure is assigned to dutv for the Lower Division, the office whereof is at Charleston. V. All muster and other rolls and all returns will be made to the offiee at Columbia. All other business for the Upper Division will he sent to Columbia, and for the Lower Division to Charleston. WILMOT G. DRSAUSSURE, Adjutant <fe Inspector-Gen. of 8. C. J3TAII papers in the State copy once and call attention. May 9 1 $50 SewardRA^AWAY FKOM THK SUBSCRIBER ABOUT the 1st of August last a negro man nam d BRW, (commonly called Ben Shannon); hi own complected, ab- ut 24 years old, 5 fe?t 1 < r 8 high, will weigh ahout 160 lbs., answer- quick wh? n s oken to He was purchased of Thomas K. Hiannon, of Camth n, and Is prohab y lurking a'oiit that place, or about <5. J. " hannon's plantation, or in Sumter District, or it may be thai he :s ahout the plantations on ti.e west side of the Wateree river. The above reward will be paid for Ills ar prehension and confinement iu jail so that I cm get him. W. 0. CUN INGHAM Liberty Hill, 8 C., April 26 3 ITT he e uinter Watchman will please copy three timet* ana sena 011110 una otnce. Notice. I FOREWARN aI.L PUIS NS FROM TRADING for a Note given by me to John i'lyer. for cixtyFive Dollars, dated the last of Februa y or first of March of the present year?the consideration of said note having failed, I am determined not to | ay it unless compelled by law. G M. TURN KIT. May 2 3 otice. Required in all casks to pay cash for purchaser and the utter impoesib lity of making collections, I *m compelled to inform my customers, that if no special arrangement is made for short credits on call, 1 will ad<mt the cash system ex-1 clusively on the first day of January next. Deosmbar 6 W. D. McDOWALL. ' TATE OF IOVTH CABOLIM. ^|^rAlB : Xt/L E?i.; U'JL'I V m JLNSl'AKTMBXT, 1 Columbia, S. l\, May 1, 1862. J IN CONFORMITY WITH THE ACT OK tl?e Oeneml Anwnitih of tlim State, ratified 2l*t day of December, A. I), 1801, authorizing the formation of a Cotton Planter** Loan A**ociation in each Cougre**ional Diatrict in thi* State, public notice ha* been given I y the Comptroiier General of an application made to him by eightv-five citizen* of tin* State. *nle scribing thirteen hundred and *eveiity-ninc bale* of cotton, averaging four hundred poutid* each, and deniling to form a Cotton Planter* Loan Aftftoc.iatinu for the Sixth Congrc**ioiial I listrict, the office of said Association to be located at Bisliopville. Sumter District. Now, Therefore, 1, Franci* W. Pickens, Gov crnor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the State, do heteby appoint the following named Commissioner* to*open IhioIch for he sulisrription of cotton at the following places: Bishopvi!le?J. W. Stucky, J. A. Came*, Cha*. Spencer. Sumterville?Hon. F. J. Moses, G. W. % t ?? n t ? ii. - * L?ce. jhh. r.. nemneir. ntaieinirg?J. is. Aioore, Samuel J. Bradldy, Camden?A. M. Kennedy J.ime* Dunlap, J. II. McLeod. Tiller*? Ferry. ? Wiley Kellv. J. It. Sliaw, Dr. J. B. Lucie*. Manning?Muggins. Yorkvillo ? VV. II. Wil son, J. II. Adams, A B. Spring*. Chester? 0. G. Patterson. W. II. Anderson, M. William*, Winshoro--Osmond A oodward, John Cockril, It. K. El om. The tamlcs to he opened from the 2d to the 18th day of May instant inclusive lu all other particular* the Commissioner*hereby appointed will comply stri? tly with the provisions of said Act prior to the powers of a corporation being granted to such Cotton planters Lean Association. The Commissioner* hereby appointed at Bislmpville are authori'id to call a meeting of the snhscrilairs, "at *omu convenient place,*' within t4a reasonable time** after the 18th inst.. for the election of the Directors as provided for in said Act. F. W. PICKENS. May 9 South-Carolina?Kershaw District BY WM. M. BULLOCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. \\7 HKRKAS, THOS. MOOKE applied to me ? Tor Letters of Administration 011 ail and sin* gular the good* and chattels, rights and credits of David C. Moore, laie ol the District aforesaid, de ceased: 'llieseare, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and cred.iors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District. to beholden at Kershaw Court House on the 16th dav ol May next., to show cause, il any, why the said'adiniuisira* tioii should not he granted. Given under my tlaml and Seal, this 26th day of v?ay, in the year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred and sixty*two aud iu the eighty*sev* emh year of the Independence and iovei eiguty of tne Mate t.f South laiolina. May 2 2 WM. M. BULLOCK. 0. K. D. Attention, Cavalry! F^OR SALE?A SPLENDID MRONG. ACTIVE, dashing t avalry Horse. Apply tor information at the Batik of Catuden. April 25 Notice. Council Chamber, April '0. 1862. On nvtion, it was o dered that the following -ection of a T wn Ordinance, rihuive to staves. parsed June 4, 1834, be published in the t anidtn Confederate, and the same enforced from aud after publicat iou of this notice: sb tick 2. claves sha 1 not occupy anr house out* house or kitchen, not counected with and uude- the supervision of so > e white p- rson. Penal y?Such slave shal. be comuiitted to jail until d scharged by the owner, at his cost. Passed June 4, 1834. April 18 ... ClothingALAROF. LOT OK SUMMER OLOTIIIVO FOR A.en and Boys, on hand, and Tor Bale a low prices by K. W BONNEY. April 11 A* AMEADMEIT TO MARKET ORDINAL E. Bk it ordained by 1 he istknda* t and Waidetis of the Town of Caraden in Council assembled. and by authority of the name, 'lhat n-? B"tch?-rs Meat shall be offered for sale wi liiti the limits of the To*< n, at any oth r p ace than in the Markit, un il the same shall have been expj sed for sale tin re ntil IO o'clock a. m ; and that no resident of the town shall Retail Butcher s Meat at any other pi ice than in the Mark t dur ng the day. Market to be ojx-md daily (Sunday's exoe, ted) at snn-rise all lie year round Anything contained in the 2d a d 3d sections of Ma led Ordinance, paes'd January 13, IP60, repugnant to the above, is hereby repealed. Ratified in Ocuncd the twentv*fi st dav of AnriL 1862. JAjjKS DUN LAP, May 2 4 Inteu.laiit. PRODUCE. Thr undersigned will take in pat. ment of debt*, all kinds ? f country produce at the highest market price, at the time of delivery. Anxious to does up hi- old one neon, as far a* possible, and at the same time accommodate the former ?nd planter, he solicits such payments. January 24 B. W. BONN ST. ?? V- .%. J* iUnbr u-, . >. > ?-^l:'^'; Hen and Boy'i Coats, And other garments* on sals at low figure* Ma> 8 , , K. W. BONNET. Closing Hp. The und*r<h,ned having determined to cloee liis i resent huaineae, in oooseqoenoe of tlie difficulties in obtsinipg goods, will die. oee of bis stock now on b nd at eery luw tales for cesA Iboee I wis!ling each things us h?* lias to offer, wil. find it to tiieir nte. est to give him ? call. key a E.W.BOKNKT. 4-4 Hatting: Also cotton cariKtjng and iineiS i roob Cloths, for aale at the " Old orner." kay3 R W. ROCKET. A fVon r?tr Lynchburg Eoie and Fire Insurance CompanyLYNCH BUBO\ VA. ?o? Merchants' Insurance Company, OF RICHMOND, VA. Policies in the above Companies issued at usua rates. W. I) McLH>WALL. November 1 Agent. Fine North Carolina HamsASM .LL QUAV1ITY OF NO. (A. HAjuS in store and for sale low, at the " t -rd brick Comer." by T. es MY KkS. February 21 0 ? " i i in >? Noiict-. TO* V E. H -NGK7 it my authorized agent du* xt a ring my ubsent-e in the service. May 2 3 V\. L. DzPASS. Found. A LARGE G01D btthAST-PIN, WHICH THE owner can have b> proving property and paying for t ? advertisement. A| ply at this office. . May 2 2 Notice. During my ahsenck from tpe state ('apt. J J. NELSON will actaa my Agent Mar li 26 6 T. S. MURPHY. NOTICE CAPT. J J NELSON WILL ACT A* MY authorized agent during my aha* r.c** from tlie Suite. W. W. McCOY A ( Til 6 ... 4 Salt and Ginger. . '|\ABLE PA I T AND GINGER, JF8T RECEIVED A 1 and for aa e ut the " Old comer." ^ March 28 E. W. BONNKY. Crockery and Glassware. \GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CROt EERY AND U lava ware on haud, and tor aale low at the " Old Corner " by E. W. BONNKY. February 14 WORSTED DRY GOlDS. Also rich silk drkssks, with a large quantity of Kmhroiderivs, Ac., for axle at cost, for cash, at the 'Old Coruer " K. W. BONN K/. January 24 Bricks. Lumber, Ac. AFKW THOUSAND SECOND-HAND BRICKS aeaeoned Flooring1 buaki ss. ShINGLms, Ac., for aale at the "Old Corner," lor c?.ah only. November 1 E. W. BONNKY. ? Carpets. Bags, &cCHARPKTS, l<lT?S ft FLOOK CLOTHS ON 8AI*E, J nt the "? Id Corner," by November 1 g.W BNSKY, Storage. PRODCCR OF AI L KINDS WILL BK TAKFN on Storage, by making application 16 the sub* scriher. at the *' Old Corner." JC W LOKN hY. April 11 To Rent. 4 I.OT, WITH A NKW BLA K3MITH 8H0P. I \ situated on the corner of Broad and York*street, will be rented for the present year January .Hi K W. BON*BY. Final Notice.mritA . nn iwnatmiuiv *am,inn ?? ' n< w nu Ana lAUAoinc tu ji?nrn m. 1 QAYLK, and J & M QaYLR CU^rn ij(iib notified that the notes end accounts of the Mid firms . are in the hands o? W. L I'sPahm, attorney at law, for collection and unless settled by Keturn Day, tht j will be positively put in suit. November 16 HARDWARE, CARPETS. RlTO^and CuUMB CLOTHS, for sale at the ' Old tor. er." K. W. IXJNNKY. January 11 8ANCHEZ SKfeCIFIC CAN be nentb> mail and will eflboi our*? sorner than any otbar mediciim, ia,>at#, pleasant ?ud feliaUa. 8old by J J. HcKAlN Fiowar Jan IN AST 8I/JS, JUST OPKNKD. AT TH* '6u> Cacnar," by B. W. BONN XT. Mareh 7