University of South Carolina Libraries
rV'p: if? r> .? . v ;*? ?* ' XfMJ v 7?* > -V? C v ? v/r>* .^?V*ir- *; f : ,?>'/ V ' -. 1 j STATE OF SO^JTH CA BO EI If A. ADJ'T. & IN SB. UEJNEttAL'S OFFICES, ( Columbia, S. C., April 14, 1862. f GENERAL ORDER NO. 15. TT/1LMOT G. DkSAUSSURE, ESQ., OF ? Charleston, S. C., having been appointed by the Governor and Council, Adjutant and Inspector General of South Carolina, he is herewith announced as *such, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of the Governor and Council. S. R. GIST, Acting Adjutant & Inspector-Gen. of S. C. JS9"A11 papers in the State copy twice. April 25 2 NOTICE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Headquarters. Columaia, April 19, 1802. The sheriffs of edgefield, lexington and Sumter, or of any other District, together with their deputies, are hereby directed to apprehend and arrest any men from the Nineteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, (commanded by Col. Lythgoe,) who may be found in the country without furloughs properly signed. They are to be considered as deserters, and can be lodged in jail or delivered to any officer of that Regiment, or to Brigadier-General Ripley, Confederate General commanding at Charleston. April 25 1 F. W. PICKENS. S3T All papers in the State copy once. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ' EXECUTI^^U^L CHAMBER.) April 10, 1862. J rFHF FOLLOWING PREAMBLE AND resolutions of the Governor and Council have been ordered for publication, together with the letter annexed: * * * * Whereas, after a trial of three months, it is ascertained that the onerous daily duties required of the Secretary of the Executive Council cannot be performed with promptness, punctuality and despatch by one already charged with engrossing duties of Special Private Secretary to the Governor; therefore, Resolved, That Colonel F.J. Moses, Jr., Special Private Secretary of the Governor,*bc excused from further duty as Secretary of the Executive Council, and be remitted to the duties of his original office, as contemplated by the Legislature when his salary was fixed by law. Resolved, That Colonel Moses be instructed to deliver the minutes of the proceedings of the Governor and Council, and all papers filed or in his possession appertaining to them, to B. F. Arthur, Esq., who is hereby appointed Secretary of the Governor and Council, upon condition that the Governor and Council shall not undertake to provide compensation for him out of the public treasury. Extract from the minutes of April 0. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Executive Department, April 10, 1862. To His Excellency the Governor and Executive Council. Gentlemen: In accordance with yonr resolutions of the 9th instant, I will transfer to B. F. Arthur Esq., the minutes of your body and the papers connected with them. In dissolving the official relation in which, for the last three months, I have stood to you, I beg leave to cxpresa my appreciation of the sentiment which induced you, in regard to the "engrossing duties" of my office as "Special Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor," to transfer to another the "onerous daily duties" required of a secretary of your body . Expressing my high respect and consideration for each member of your board, I have the honor to be gentlemen, your most obedient servant, F. J. MOSES, Jr., Special Private Secretary. F. J. MOSES, Jr., Secretary. /^"AU papers in the State copy onee. April IS 1 l jx' '*s. 'v 18Kc^*" *' v*WV . Liquid Sennet Blair & wkyth's liquid rennet, for making, in a few moments, the most delicious desert. For sale by J. J. MoKAIN. December 20 NOTICE. MR. JOS. M. GAYLE IS MY AUTHORIZED Agent during my absence in the service. January 3 2mo E. A. YOUNG. nsroTioE. All persons indebted to the estate of JKSSE F. YOUNG, .deceased, either by note or account, will please call on the Administrator and settle the same, by ca*h or note, as I wish to get the business closed up in some shape or form, at an early day. J. M. GAYLE, Adra r. February 14 *4 January 1st. 1862Haying to pay cash fob all my purchases, compels me to change my terms of business aftei this date. To enable me to replenish my stock, I shall sell in all instances for cash, unless a special arrangement be mad> for a short credit. All goods sold under this arrangement must be considered as Cash, when called for. The reasons which have induced this necessary change, I trust, will be apparent to all. Cash customers solicited. E. W. BONNEY January 3. * m Save the Pieces. SPAULDING'S LIQUID GLUE is invaluable to every household. Will mend Wood, China, Glass and Metal. One small bottle will save ten times its cost. For sale by JOHN J. McKAIN. CIRCULAR. To Ihc Soldiers' Aid Societies of S. C. In answer to the numerous enquiries which have been made by the different " Aid Societies which have been recently formed throughout the State, I have been intructed by his Excellency Gov. Pickens, to give the following information. Depots will be established by the Quartermaster General, both in Charleston and Columbia, for the reception of all donations of clothing; and he is also charged with the duty of forwarding and distributing the same. The "Department" will receive all donations of clothing, say frock coats and pantaloon^, of heavy worsted goods, shirts and drawers, of heavy home-, spun or flannel, wool, or heavy cotton socks, blankets, new or second hand, also heavy shoes. The plan upon which the State designs supplying her soldiers with all necessary clothing, is based upon their willingness to surrender to the State the amount of money appropriated by the Confederate Government for this purpose, say forty-two ($42) per annum, this sum not now being sufficient in consequence o? the greatly advanced cost of material. It is in view of this fact that these laudable "Associations" of ladies and gentlemen, are cordially welcomed as coadiutora in this nnhln work-, nnd in nronnrtinn t.o t.hpir voluntary contributions of labor and materials, will the absolute cost of clothing for our gallant volunteers be reduced. In the event that any of the " Associations" should not feel themselves able to furnish both material and labor, the Quartermaster General is instructed by his Excellency the Governor, to ro-iraburse such Associations the cost of all materials, at a rate not exceeding similar materials purchased by tne "Department;'* and the quantity allowed for each garment shall be the same as used in our Manufacturing Bureau. Societies are particularly requested to advise the Quartermaster General of the quantity of work they can do per week, and the amount of donations they will probably send. To prevent confusion and loss, the following method for marking packages should be strictly observed. All Societies near Charleston, should ship to Charleston ahd mark thus: No. 1. TO QUARTERMASTER GENERAL o r% WilAKLf&SiUIM, O. V. Trom Aid Society at (here iusert place.) Societies near Columbia, should ship and mark thus No. 1. TO ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER, Columbia, 8. C. From Aid Society (here insert name.) Tho packages should be marked distinctly, and numbered from one 1) upwards, A correct invoice should accompany each shipment. All articles shipped at the expense of the State. November 8 4 S. 8. GLOVER, Q. M. G. S. C. In Equity-Kershaw District. BILL FOR PARTITION, CONSTRUCTION OF WILL, Ac. Thomas Lang vs. Edward M. Boykin, Mary E. Boykin, Sallie W Boykin, Harriet Lang, John C. Lang, Edward B. Lang, Theodore Lang, and Samuel W. L. Lang. It appearing that the above named John C. Lang, Fdward B Lang, and Theodore Lang, Defendants reside out of and beyond the limits of this State, it is ordered, on motion of Richardson A Gay Complainnts Solicitors, that the said John C. fcgng, Edward B. ang. Theodore Lang, do plead, aiti?pr, or demur to 8nid Bill, within three months fiom date hereof, or said Bill will be taken pro confesso against them. It is further ordered, that this order be published in the Camden Confederate, for three months, once a week. December 13 3mo WM R TAYLOR, c, e.k. d. Winter Clothing and Hats A LOT OF PRIME WINTER CLOTHING? also ?ATS, in * groat variety of styles, for sale by ^ E. W. BONNEY. iNOY?ino?r i / MCURRYIHJ SUCCESSORS TO THE 1 South-East Corner of I CAMDEN, SOU: KEEP CONSTAT A FULL SI CLOTHING, H/ Boots and Shoes, Crockery "W Iroix. Nails. G "*T 1 1 JL>UVUJQUttr X iuxjt ?Jl]i NfRU3f CIbUE) m *? THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING AC! MUTUAL LIFE INS! . * OF RALEIGH, NORTH j eavmiirnii iiiiwiiu Mil11 IIlIV \ llll 1 ML COMPANY, OF COLUME FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepare INSURANCE, on the most reasonable at moderate rates. WIL November 1 North C irn. l,. dcpas?, AlTUJtUN.ttX Ai LAW, AND d&mfiivqb m camden, s. c., Will practice in Kershaw and the surrounding Dis tricts. November 1 VERY SUPERIOR SEED POTATOES; FINE Dairy Cheese; Figs and Sugar Raisins. Just received at the "Old Corner " November 7 E. W. BONNEY. PLOW STEEL.?Also, Plow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and Horse Shoe Nails, Traces. Hames, Saddles. Ac. Just received at the "Old Corner." Novembet 7 E. W. BONNEY. BACON, Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curing % and very line for sale at the 'old corner,' by E. W. BONNEY. Medicine Cliests. Surgical instruments, pocket cases Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Ac. a large assortmeLt just opened at Sept. 25,?tf. McKAIN'S DRUG STORE. Jose Q. Felipe, (FROM HAVANA, CUBA,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Havana and Domestic Scgars, tlie Best Virginia Chewing & Smoking Tobacco. A CHOICE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY SNUFF, PIPES, Ac., Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 64 Market-Street, SIGN OF "NO IMPOSITION," CHARLESTON, SO. CA. Novomber 7 Blanket Shawls All wool blanket shawls, suitable for Soldier's Shirts, for sale at the "Old Corner," by E. W. BONNEY. February 14 i NOTICE. Recruits wanted.?all persons who are desirous of enlisting in my Company, now serving in Virginia, are requested to come forward ; and enroll their names. Congress allows a bounty of fifty dollars to each porsons who enlists. February 21 E. B. CANTEY, Captain. Companion for the 'toilet. CONTAINING Four Bottles of essential articles for the Teeth, Hair, Complexion and Handkerchief 1 Prepared by Burnett, and neatly put up in a compact Box. Seldby J. J. McKAIN. r,ATE WM ANDERSON, Jroad & DeKalb-StreetSj [TI-CAROLINA, . JPPI*Y OF tTS & CAPS, are, HollowWare, Tin War?, 1-roceries, &c. TERMS CASH. > 2EPTED TIIE AGENCY OF THE (JRANCE COMPANY, CAROLINA, AND THE , LIFE IMUWt 1IA, SOUTH CAROLINA, d to receive applications for policies of IilFE terms. The Lives on SLAVES insured HAM L. DePASS, Agent Carolina Mutual Life Iiisuranco Company. Alabama Firfe Insurance C O M P A N Y . THE Undersigned, as Agent for tno above Southern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Buildings, Ac. November 1 "W T. r>wPAR<? FALL & WINTER QO ODB. v\7e invite the attention T of our friends and the public generally to our stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which is complete in all its various branches. AND WILL BE SOLD I OR CASH ONLY. McCURRY A HAMMERSLQUGH. November 1 Fall Goods. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND OF HIS last Fall purchases: Super Bluck Bombazines. . " 5-4 Black all-wool DeLano. " " " Cashmero and Merino. " " " Plain and Drilled Alapaccas. " 4-4 " English Crape. Colored English Merino. " Printed DeLanes. Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel* Merino Vests for children. Misses, ladies, bcyg Amen " Drawars fr?r T.orlion **? 1 ??^?vo MUU ' Union Dresses for Ladies. Jaconet3, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Periston Muslins, Whito Brilliantes and Dimity Embroideries. Edgings and Insertings, Laces. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroidered. A good stock of English Cotton Hoso and Half Hose, with a fair stock of other goods suitable fbr families!* Fall use. W. D. McDOWALL. November 1 Good Servants to Hire. A GOOD COOK, WASHER and IRONER. also, A No. 1 Bricklayer and Plasterer. Also, a good House boy and Farmer. All of whom can be hired to approved persons, by making early application to this office, or Mr. I. B. AlkxaNDM. December