University of South Carolina Libraries
? X. I * . " Tribute of Respect. At a meeting of the Camden Volunteers, 2d Regiment S. C. V., April 19, 1862, called in consideration of the. death of the lamented Lieut John J. McKain, Capt. Kennedy was called to the Chair and Lieut. Niles requested to act as Secretary. The following preamble and resolutions of respect to the deceased were offered by Lieut Leitncr : As it has pleased the infinite God to take from us our beloved brother officer and com" patriot iunarms, Lieut. John J. McKain, whose noble genial nature and heroic daring, amidst the many vicissitudes of this cruel war, had Sndissolubly bound him to our lioarts. Resolved, "That in consideration of our love for him, we cherish his memory with unabated fidelity through life. Resolved, That lie fell as none but the brave can fall, nobly in discharge of duty. jResolved, That we deeply sympathise with his bereaved wife and children in their irreparable loss. Resolved, further. That a conv of t.hnsn r#?. / ? ? rj ? w?*v solutious be sent to the family of the deceased, and also be published in The Camden Confederate. E. NILES, Sec'ty. Announcements. Mr. Editor: The frieuds of Mr. JOHN A. BOSWELL announce hint as a candidate for Tax Collector of Kershaw District, at the ensuing election. April 25 4 Mu. Editor: Please announce Mr. WM. M.BILLINGS a candidate lor Tax-Collcctor of Kershaw District, at tho ensuing election, and much oblige April 18 MANY VOTERS. ^ Special 3ST otices. MF.MCAI, CARD. JJIt. It. W1L.SUIN I3EIJNU DESIROUS OF RESUMING the Practice of his Profession, respectfully offers liis services to the citizens of Camden and lvirkwood, on and after Thursday, May 1st, lie may be found at the DcKalb Douse. April 18 4 C TTTTN WANTTED. 1 O O O Bales OF GOOD COTTON "WANTED, for which the highest market price w bo paid in CASH, by WM. J. GERALD. Camden, April 18 2 IRISH POTATOES. A FEW BUSHELS IRISH POTATOES FOR the table?pronounced by competent judges to be superior to any Yankee potatoes over brought to this market?For sale at the POST OFFICE. lr i. An luarcn zo GARDEN SEEDS, OE THE GROWTH OF I860. A FULL SUPPLY for sale at the POST OFFICE. January 17 MILLER'S ALMANAC, FOR 1802. PRICE?FIFTEEN CENTS. FOR SALE AT THE January 3 POST-OFFICE. POST OFFICE NOTICE. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, THE MAILS WILL bo closed daily at 8 p. m. The office will be opened from 8 a. in. to 12 m., and from 1 to 3 p. m., and for one hour alter opening of the mail in the evening. For the mid-day trains, the mails to Richmond and Charleston are closed at 11 a m.; and for all the other offices at 10 a. ra. Letters dropped into the office for delivery, must bo prepaid, two cents each. No letter is delivered unless vvvama:/! m 11T r* %r nu pivyaiu. X. *Y. I'EillU U.O, X'. Al. January 15 tf AN AMENDMENT TO MARKET ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the intkndant and Wardens of the Town of Camden in Council assembled, and by authority of the same, That no Butchers Meat shall bo otl'ered for sale within the limits of the Town, at any other place than in the Markot, unt il the samo shall have been exposed for sale there until 10 o'clock, a. m ; and that no rosident of the town shall Rotail Butcher's Meat at any othor placo than in the Market during the day. Market to bo opened daily (Sunday's exeoptcd) at sun-rise all the year round. Anything contained iu the 2d and 3d sections of Market Ordinance, passed January 13, 1860, repugnant to tho above, is hereby ropealed. Ratitiod in Council the twenty-first day of April, 1862. JAMES DUNLAP, May 2 4 Intendaut., Men and Boy's Coats, And other garments, on sale at low flguros. May 2 E. W. BONNEY. Closing Up. THE UNDERSIGNED HAYING DETERMINED to close his present business, in consequenco of the difficulties in obtaining goods, will dispose of his stock now on hand at very low rates for cash. Those wishing such things as he has to offer, will, find it to their interest to give him a call. May 2 E. W. BONNEY. 4-4 Matting: Also cotton carpeting and linen Crumb Cloths, for sale at the 44 Old Corner." May 2 E. W. BONNEY. Notice. I FOREWARN ALL PERSONS FROM TRADING for a Noto given by me to John Plyer, for Sixty Fivo Dollars, dated the last of February or first of March of the present year?the consideration of said note having failed, 1 am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law. G. M. TURNER. May 2 3 Notice. MR. V. E. MANGET is my authorized agent during my absence in the service. May 2 3 W. L. DePASS. Found. A LARGE GOLD BREAST-PIN, WHICH TIIE owner can have by proving property and payiug for the advertisement. Apply at this office. May 2 2 South-Carolina?Kershaw District UI 11 .11. .11. Ill, LiLiUUH, f.M^LlKK, UKIJI.NAKI. \\7 HERE AS, TILOS. MOORE appUed to me \ Y for Letters of Administration* on alT and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Dav;d C. Mporo, late ot tho District aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, tho kindred and creditors of tho said deceased to be and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's Court for tho said District, to beholden at Kershaw Court House on tho 10th day of May next., to show cause, if any, why tho said administration should not bo granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 2Gth day of May, in tli? 3-ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two and in tho eighty-seventh year of the Independence and 'Sovereignty of tho Stato of South Carolina. May 2 2 WM. M. BULLOCK, O. K. D. Attention, Cavalry! I7*OR SALE?A SPLENDID STRONG, ACTIVE, dashing Cavalry llorse. Appty lor information at the ljank of Camden. April 25 $50 Rewardavawav ifwrnr mmtw ?TT?cr"?i>Twi?T> a uattp | r If A A I t vy All. XJ1I4 WVJ IVlOlilV I1UUUI AYi the 1st of August last, a negro man namedBEN, (commonly called lien Shannon); brown complected, about 2-1 years old, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches lugh, will weigh about 1G0 lbs., answers quick when spoken to. lie was purchased of Thomas K. Shannon, of Camden, and is probably lurking about that place, or about C. J. Shannon's plantation, or in Sumter District, or it may be that he is about the plantations on the west side of the Wateree river. The above reward will bo paid for his apprehension andconlinement in jail so that I can get him. W. C. OUNMNGHAM. Liberty Hill, S. C., April 25 3 ^35- i no outmer \\ aicnman win picaso copy tnreo times and send bill to this ofliee. Notice. Council Chamber, April 10, 18G2. On motion, it was ordered that the following section of a Town Ordinance, relative to slaves, passed Juno 4, 1834, be published in the Camden Confederate, and the same enforced from and alter publication of this notice: Section 2. Slavos shall not occupy any houso, outhouse or kitchen, not connected with and under the supervision of some white person. Penally?Such slave shall be committed to jail until discharged by the owner, at his cost. Passed Juno 4, 1834. April 18 Clothing A LARGE LOT OP SUMMER CLOTHING FOR Men and Boys, on hand, and for sale at low prices by ' E. W, BONNEY. April 11 Copartnership rpiIE UNDERSIGN l-.D II AVE THIS DAY .l formed a Co-partnership, under tho namo and st}'lo of W. C GERALD & CO., at the well known stand occupied by tho late Paul P. Villipigue, and will carry on a general Grocery and Commission businoss. Cotton and Merchandise stored on tho usual terms. The highest market prices paid for country produce. Wil. CLA RKS< ?N GERALD. April 11 2 WM. JAMES GERALD. Wanted A SITUATION AS CHILD'S NURSE, BY A colored woman. Apply to April 11 J AN E C A RTER. Bricks, Lumber, &c. A FEW THOUSAND SECOND-HAND BRICKS seasoned Flooring BOARDS, SHINGLES, &c., for salo at tho "Old Corner," for cash only. XT 1 1 i' rsuvuuiuur i w. UUi>?Nr, i. Carpets, Rugs, &c(CARPETS, RUOS & FLOOR CLOTHS ON SALE, J at the "Old Corner," by November 1 E. W. BNNEY. Storage. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WILL BE TAKEN on Storage, by'roakiflg application to the subscriber, at the " Old Cornor." E. W. BONNEY. April 11 ??????? Final NoticeThose who are indebted to Joseph m. GAYLE, and JOS. M GAYLE <fc CO., are again notified that tho notes and accounts of the said firms are in tho hands of W. L DePass, attorney at law, for collection, aud unless settled by Return Day, they will bo positively put in suit. November 15 For SalerpHE TELEGRAPH LINE FROM CAMDEN TO A Kingsville is offered for salo. There are thirty seven (37) miles of good wiry Twelve (12) miles of it single new wire with soldered joints. With the same, two (2) good Magnets aud Rogisters, and all the connections of the oflico are oll'erod for sale. Por?OTi? vvicltinnr in tinrnltiiun moo tolrr* t'oii !"-%% *<% ' ? v.wt/wm ii lUMiiifj vv/ ^/uivnunv UJUJ IUUV VllV AJtilU ?."> it stands, with tho Glasses uud Brackets, or cau have it taken down and coiled. April 6 J. K. "WITIIERSPOON. North Carolina bacon and lard for sale at tho " Old Corner." April 6 E. W. BONNEY. TO RENT. ONE-HALF OF A DOUBLE HOUSE, CONTAINING twelve rooms. It is situated m a healthy and pleasant part of town, near Kirkwood. There are on tho premises accommodations for servants, also stables, a good well of water, and other conveniences. For further particulars address Postofliec Box No. 29. March 28 Cash Store NO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR ANYTHING. ^AA LBS. EXTRA COUNTRY LEAF LARD; t)UU Rico, Salt, Shoes and 200 lbs. Spices; Extra white Meal and llominey: Southern put up Preserved Peaches; Wax and Sperm Candles; Crushed, Clarified and Blown Sugar. All for Cash, and Cash only. November 29 ly A.T. LATTA. -A-gency Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance Company. LYNCHBURG, VA. ' ?o? jfferchants' Insurance Company, OF RICHMOND, VA. Policies in the above Companies issued at usua rates. W. 1). Mc DOW ALL, November 1 Agent. Fine North Carolina Hams A SMALL QUANTITY OF NO. CA. HAMS iu store and for salo low, at the "Old Brick Corner," by T. S. MYERS. February 21 6 Notice. * MTDivn uv a nepvei' vncixr rmi-c crnirru UU IV111V.T Ji 1 A X1 UUaU i II n OiAlfi Capt. J. J. NELSON will actus my Agent. March'28 G T. S. MURPHY. Apple Brandy. SEVERAL BARRELS EXTRA FINE APPLE BRANDY, five years old. in store and for sale low for cash, at the "Old Brick Corner." January 31 3mo T. S. MYERS. Flower Jars, IN ANY SIZE, JUST OPENED, AT TIIE'OLD Corner." by E. W. BONNEY. March 7 Notice. A f It. A. M. KENNEDY WILL ACT AS MY J l Attorney during mv absence from tlie State. March 28 2 J. D. KENNEDY. Coperas. r IMIREE HUNDRED LBS. OF GOOD COPERAS, \ for salo at a low price, at the " Old Brick Corner " January 31 3iuo T.S.MYERS. HARDWARE, CARPETS, RUGS and CRUMB CLOTHS, for sale at the " Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. January 24 NOTICE. CAPT. J. J. NELSON WILL ACT AS MY authorized agent during my absence from the State. W. W. McCOY. April 5 4 BURNET'S TOILET CASES? ACII containing one bottle Cocoaine, for the hair, -i otio bottle Florimcl, a new and delightful perfume lor the Handkerchief; one bottle Kalliston, or Cosmetic, lor removing freckles, sun-burns, &c.\ one bottlo Orental Tooth Wash, for preserving and beautifying the Teeth and gums. All put up in a neat and compact Case, costing very little, and would mako a handsome and appropriate preseut from a gentleman to a lady. ^ A supply just reived and for sale by JOHN J. McKAIN. Starch! Starch!! A SMALL LOT OF FINE PURE PEARL STARCII, for salo low, at the " Old Brick Corner," by T. S. MYERS. March 7 3 To Rent. A LOT, WITH A NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP, situated ou tho corner of Broad and York-streetj will be rented for tho prosent year. January 31 E.W. BONNEY. Muslins. Lawns. &c> FOR LADIES' DRESSES, ON SALE, AT THE "Old Corner." E. W. BONNKY. March 7 SANCHEZ SPECIFIC CAN be sent by mail and will effect a cure sooner than any ether medicine, is safe, pleasant and reliable. Sold by J. J. McKAIN Salt and Ginger. HPABLE SALT AND GINGER, JUST RECEIVED X and for sale at the " Old Corner." March 28 E. W. IHXNJNEY. ? I e? " r--r.-, w 13 1 1 ' W ? *- s *3 > 00 ? ft rv*\ ? 0 , S < % * ^ O * ft ^ n *9 ! I 1 m 1 1 i UD /-s I I .* Q ? = i 5 Ci r. ; 4 0 ;==~; 25 Sz; | | ^ => 0 q , i a ? s ^ g 11 pq e^-> 2 ^ I O B -=i S ! 6 I H I ^1 <0 a ? ? ? Extra Fine Family Flour 1 A A BAGS EXTRA FIXE FAMILY FLOUR, 1\'\/ in store and for sale low, at the " Old Brick Corner," by T. S. MYERS. February 21 3mo Crockery and Glassware. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY AND Glassware on hand, and for sale low at the " Old Corner," by E. W. BONNEY. February 14 Cough Syrup. A POSITIVE CURE FOR COUGHS, COLDS, Asthma, Consumption, and all diseases of the Chest and Lungs. Prepared by December 20 J. J. McKAIN. PRODUCE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WILL TAKE IN PAY U1V.UU KJk \4WfcO, ?U1 AlUUO Wl V.UUIJUJ piUUUUC 2111 the highest market price, at the time of delivery. Anxious to close up his old business, as far as possible, and at the same time accommodate the farmer and planter, he solicits such payments. January 24 E. W. BONNEY. WORSTED DRY GOODS. Also rich silk dresses, with a large quantity of Embroideries, &c., for sale at cost, for cash, at the '"Old Corner." E. W. BONNET. January 24 1ST otice. Required in all cases to pay cash for purchaser aud the utter impossibility of maning conecuons, i am compelled 10 lniorm my customers, that if no special arrangement is made for short credits on call, I will adopt the cash system exclusively on the first day of January next. December G 6 W. D. McDOWALL. NOTICE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Headquarters, Columaja, April 19, 1862. rpHE SHERIFFS OF EDGEFIELD, LEXington and Sumter, or of any other District. tflffpt.linp tvitVi tlinip Honnti<?S ftrn harnKn directed to apprehend and arrest any men from the Nineteenth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, (commanded by Col. Lytbgoc,) who may be found in tho country without furloughs properly signed. They are to be considered as deserters, and can be lodged in jail or delivered to any officer of that Regimfent, or to Brigadier-General Ripley, Confederate General commanding at Charleston. April 25 1 F. W. PICKENS. tgT All papers in the State copy oncc.