University of South Carolina Libraries
mm 111 i i Storage. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WILL BE TAKEN bn Storage, by making application to the subscriber, at the * Old Cornor." E. W. BONNEY. Aftrilll Clothing A LARGE LOT OF SUMMER CLOTHING FOR Men and Boys, on hand, and for sale at low pri vea uj iV. W. iJUiNiNKY. April 11 Copartnership'rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY _L formed a Co-partnership, under tho name and style of W. C. GERALD & CO., at the well knowu stand occupied by tho late Paul F. Villipigue, and will carry on a general Grocery and Commission business. Uotton and Merchandise stored on the usual terms. The highest market prices paid for country produco. WM. CLARKS' ?N GERALD. April 11 2 WM JAMES GERALD. WantedA SITUATION AS CHILD'S NURSE, BY A oolored woman. Apply to April 11 JANE CARTER. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER, > April 4, 1862 $ rriIF FOLLOWING PREAMBLE AND resolutions of the Governor and Council have,been ordered for publication: * * * * Whereas. Tt. lias Keen rnnmeontml flin , --I Governor and Council that persons in this State, representing themselves as agents for the Government for the purchase of provisions, have bought considerable supplies from the patriotic and unsuspecting citizens of this State and turned them over to the Government at profits: therefore, be it Resolved, by the Governor and Council, That hereafter any person falsely representing himself as agent of the Confederate or State Government for the purchase of supplies or provisions, who shall actually purchaseas such agent shall be liable to arrest as a disloyal and disaffected person, and committed to jail by the Chief of Justice and Police, on proper information being given to him of the fact. Resolved,further. That any person who lias heretofore, or may hereafter purchase provisions and supplies, representing himself as A _ 1* 1 t f\ A 1 1 ^ II 1 I agent 01 tne uovcrnmeui, wno snail demand or receive from the Government or others, a higher price hereafter thaw actual cost and expences thereof, shall be liable to like arrest and imprisonment, and all provisions so purchased shall be seized and turned over to the Government at a reasonable price theucfor. (Extract from the Minutes of April 4.) By order of the Governor and Council. F. J. MOSES, Jr., Secretary. April 22 "l Notice. Mr. A. m. kennedy will act as my Attorney during mv abscnco from the State. March 28 * 2 j. d. kennedy. Coperas. Three hundred lbs. of good coperas, for sale at a low price, at the " Old Brick Corner " January 31 3mo t. s. myers. HARDWARE, CARPETS, RUGS and CRUMB CLOTHS, for sale at the " Old Corner." E. W. BONNKY. January 2 I NOTICE C^AFT. j. j. nelson will act as my J authorized ncrent durinc mv from the State. W. W. McCOY. April 5 4 NOTICE. During my absence from tiie state Mr. Jonathan Page will act ns my authorized *gent, April 5 4 W. T. ALLEN. For Sale A N EXCELLENT ONE OR TWO IIORSE BUGt\ Gy, with top; and also a good DUMPING CART and Gear. Apply at the Bank of Camden. April 5 4 South-Carolina?Kershaw District. by wm. m. bullock, esruire, ordinary. WHEREAS, WILLIAM OUTLAW APPLIED to mo for Loiters or Administration on all and Singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of John Marsli late of the District aforesaid, de ceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said doceasod to be and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to bo holdcri at Kershaw Court House on the nineteenth day of April inst., to show causo, if any, why the said administration should not bo granted . Given under my Hand and Se/il? this thirty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in tho eightysixth year of the Independence aud Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. April 5 2 AVM. M. BULLOCK, 0. K. D. Statement Of the Condition of the Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance Company, on the First Day of January% 1802, made in accordance with the Law of the State of South Carolina. ?o? 1. The name of this Company is " THE LYNCHBURG HOSE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY" aud is locatod at Lynchburg, Virginia. 2. The amount of Capital Stock is $200,000 3 Tim nm'fr r?f ?:-J .? <*i mr _. .... ?... . V. 1 umv.iv J'MIU li[J JIWW.WUU Amount of Bonds for Stock 99,940 200,000 Thcso Bonds are given by the Stockholders lor part of the Capital Stock with good security and are under the control of the Board of Directors of the Company, who have the right to require addi tional security, or the paymeut of tho amounts, if deemed necessary, or the condition of tho Company showed at any time require it, and in case of a failure or refusal of any Stockholder to give additional security, or to pay up the amount of his bond, or any part thereof, when required so to do, the whole of the stock held by the stockholder so failing or refusing, is forfeited to tho Company. 4. Tho Assets of tho Company consist of: 1. Amount of Cash on hand, and in hands of Agents, $60,711.05 2. Real Estate. 1 XI vuu. 3. Amount of Bonds owned by Company?see above, 99,940.00 4. Amount of Debts due Company, se cured by Mortgage on Real Estate, worth double the amount secured, 65,232.25 5. Amount of debts otherwise secured?") bills, notos, etc., ( 6. Amount of debts for premiums? J 88396 45 part of the above, J 7. Amount of all other securities, viz: Par Market Value. Value. 1. Bond of tho City of Lynchburg, $35,800 $30,430 2. Stock of the Cit. S. Bank, Lynchburg, 2,000 3,200 3. Mortgage Bonds of Va. andT. R. R. 12,000 9,600 4. Mortgago Bonds of Or. and Alex. R. R. 25,000 20,000 5. Mortgago Bonds of Va andTonn. R. R 20,000 17,000 6. Bonds of State of Tennessee, 20,000 18,000 $114,800 $98,230 $98,230.00 Total, $412,569.75 5. The amount of the liabilities of the 1 !nmnon*? fa Uo??Lo ?>..?! \yvuipuilj \AJ UdlllVO UUU UlllCI Ul UU" itors, ? 112,355.08 C. The amount of losses adjusted and due 5,1193 08 7. The amount of losses adjusted and not due, 6,384 00 8. The amount of losses unadjusted, 28,666.00 9. The amount of losses in suspense, waiting proof. 25.790.00 10. The amount of all other claims against the company (unpaid dividends, etc) 21,525.83 Total, $200,114.59 11.'The greatest amount issaed in any one ltisk, $12,000.00 12. No limit as to city, town or village, 13. Not over $12,000 to be exposed to loss by one lire, 14. For Act of Incorporation, seo accompanying official copy of act marked " A." Amount of Premiums received during tho yeur ending 31st I)ec? 1861, 132,395.44 Amount of losses paid during tho year ending 31st Dec., 1861, 99.722.80 Amount of risks on the31sl Dec, 1861, 7,661,110 66 We hereby certify that the foregoing State, ment is substantially true and correct, to the best of our knowllege and belief. liAJJL>li\. AIOJJA iS 1 ttL, [l. s.] President. C. T. WILLIS, Secretary. Stata of Virginia, County of Campbell, City of Lynchburg, to wit:?The foregoing Statement was sworn to apd subscribed at the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, by JOHN ROBIN McDANlEL, President and CREEI.) T. WILLIS, Secretary, of the Lynchburg llose and Fire Insurance Company, before me, a Notary Public in and for the City aforesaid, this 4th day of February, 1862. [l. s.] JOHN S. BLAIR, N. I*. The undersigned have, at the request of the Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance Company, examined the following list of Bonds in the foregoing Statement, and do certify their value to be as follows, viz : $99,940 bonds of stockholders, with personal security?value, $99,949 OK. (\f\t\ / *! "I C T 1.1 ?ia,vvv i/uuuo v/i niu viljr ui Xi^'IlL*IIUUrg? value, 30,430 2,000 Citizens Savings Bank Stock, 3,200 12,000 mortgage bonds Virginia and Tenu. Railroad?second mortgage, 0,600 20,00o mortgngo bonds Virginia and Tenn. Railroad?third morigage, 17,000 25,000 mortgage bonds Orange and Alexandria Railroad, 20,000 , 20,000 bonds of State Tennessee, 18,000 Total actual market value of above securities $108,170 , In consequenco of the condition of the , country, there arc nosuch transactions in Stocks as to fix an exact market value on the above Statement is based on the valuation of January < 1801, and is believed to be as nearly accurate as can be made. WM. M. BLACKFORD, Cash. Exchange Bank of Va. Lynchburg. W. Q. SPENCE, Cash. Bank of Va. Lynchburg. ?o? State of Virginia, County of Campbell, City of Lynchburg, to wit:?The foregoing certificate I was this day signed and acknowledged before ' me, a Notary Public in and for the City aforesaid, by Win. M. Blackford, Cashier of *he Exchange Bank of Virginia, at Lynchburg, and Win. Q. Spence, Cashier of the Bank of Virginia, at Lynchburg; and they severally declared that they owned no Stock in said Company, and that they were nowise interested thcroin. Given undor my hand and seal, at the [l. s.JCity of Lynchburg, in tho County and State aforesaid, this 4th day of February, 1802. JOHN S. BLAIR, N. P. ?o? State of Virginia, City of Lynchburg, to wit. ?I, James C. Bidlake, clerk of the court of Hustings for the city of Lynchburg, in tho St ftt.c ftf Virorinir Koinir o orm rf nf ? t'vmg ! v VI ivv .UIVIf U8" tablishcd by the laws of tho State of Virginia, do hereby certify that I have examined the following listed Assets, in the possession, and being the property of the Lynchburg llosc and Fire Insurance company, to wit: $99,940,000 bonds of stockholders, with personal security, $99,940.00 65,232.25 amount of debts secured by mortgage, 65,232.25 88,396.45 amount debts duo by bills, notes, etc , for premiums etc., 88,306.45 35,800.00 bonds of the city of Lynehb'g 30,430.00 2,000.00 stock ot tho Citizens' Saving Bank, Lynchburg, 3,2000.00 12,000.00 mortgage bonds of Virginia andTenncsseo Railroad, 9,600.00 25,000.00 mortgage bonds of Orange and Alexandria Railroad, 20,000.00 20,000.00 mortgago bonds of Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, 17,000.00 20,000 00 bonds of the fctato of Tenn., 18,000 00 $363,368.70 par value. market value 8361,798.70 I do hereby further certify that tho par > ttiiiu ui Mtiu Hinonxs 10 sat)* tfU8,7U-lUU, and the market voluation I believe to be as nearly accurate as, in the present state of the Stock market, and the condition of the country, can be made. And I do also certify that the Lynchburg Hose and Fire lnsmancc company have fully, and in every particular, complied with all the conditions and requirements of the original charter of said company, and of the amendments thereto. Given under my hand, as clerk, and the seal of said court, at the court house, in the city of [l. s.] Lynchburg, this 7th day of February, A. I). 1802, and in the 80th year of the commonwealth. J. C. DIDLAKE. \Y. D. McIX)WALL, Agent for Camden. A _ I 4 t 1\ pill 4 1 Military Notice rpiIK Board of Exemption for the 22d Regiment S. & C. M., will meet at the Court House in Camden, on the 14th instant, at 11 o'clock, a. in. By order Col. B. Jones. April 5 2 J. M. GAYLE, J. A OltTII CAROLINA BACON AND LARI) FOR _i_ i saie at mo unt corner." April 6 E. W.BONN KY. TO RENT. ONK-1IALF OK A DOUBLR HOUSE, CONTAIN1NU twelve rooms It is situated 111 a healthy and pleasant part of town, near Kirkwood. There are on the premises accommodations for servants, also stables, a good well of water, and other conveniences. For further particulars address rostoflico Box; No. 29. March 28 Cash Store NO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR AWEHINO. ft A A LBS. KXTRA COUNTRY LKAFLARD; t)UU Rice, Salt, Shoes and 200 lbs. Spices; Extra white Meal and Hominey : Southern nut un Preserved Peaches: Wax and ^perm Candles; Crushed, Clarilied and Blown Sugar. All for Cash, and Cash only. November 29 ly A.T. LATTA. Agency Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance Company LYNCIIBUHG, VA. ?o? .flerchants' Insurance Company, OF RICHMOND, VA. Policies in the above Companies issued at usua rates. W\ I). McDUWALL, November 1 Agent. Fine North Carolina Hams \ SMALL QUANTITY OF NO. OA. HAMS /\ in store and for salo low, at the "Old Brick Corner," l?y T. S. MYERS. February 21 6 O tlCC. 1 YURINO MY ABSENCE FROM T K STATE i J C'apt. J J. NELSON will actns my Agent. March 28 6 T. S. MURPHY. Pure Wines, E^OR MEDICINAL PURPO^Ea FOR SALE BY November 16 J. J. McKAlN. Muslins. Lawns. Ac-. FOR LADIES' DRE86ES, ON SALE, AT THE "Old Corner." E. W. BONNET. March 1 &Q f ^ -s fc- 5 * , M a k '" J ? -+J t QS CD c_, a -r-< 02 | P^ GO j v O r?> 3 -?H I & ' -*: O ? P4 I I I bej s r g o ! I ? qc s: $ o ~ I 10 o 25 $5 I j OQ F=" 1 ? M S g H ^ : Zj <=> ^ q 11 a . I I -3- I S PQ 2^10 ^ ? O a P5 ' OS I * -=d ? 1 G z; w * * 1 ca sal F ' C5 H I ? * P.vfro Pino Po rniltr T71 A11V AJAU1UI A XUV A WHU1AJ Mr~ 1UUA' 1 OH BAtJS EXTRA fine family flour, i." ' v ' in store unci for sale low, ai the " Old Brick Corner," by T. S. MYERs. February 21 3mo Crockery and Glassware. V GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY AND Glassware on hand, aud for sale low at the " Old Corner." by E. W. BONNEY. February 14 For Sale. \ GOOD BUGGY AND DRAFT HORSE; /"V ALSO, A SADDLE PONEY and COLT. Apply to March 14 4 M ATHESON & CO. Apple Brandy. SEVERAL BARRELS EXTRA fine apple BRANDY, five years eld. in store and for sale low for cash, at iho ,401d Brick Coiner" January 31 3mo T. S. MYERS. ?> iiour jars, IN" ASY SI/.E, JUST OPENED, AT THE "OLD . Corner" by E. W. BONNEY. March 7 Notice. \17K HAVING DISCONTINUED THE CREDIT T t system entirely, all orders must be accompanied with the cash, or its equivalent. Special agreements, or those we are indebted to, accepted. December 27 KoOPMANN <fc SOMMERS. Notice. CREDIT SALES, AS HERETOFORE, WILL BE discontinued on and alter the 1st of January next. Special arrangements only accepted. December 20 DltAKEFORD & CO. "Final VntinA. rTMIOSK WHO ARB INDEBTED TO JOSEPH M. J, 6AYLK, and JOS. M GAYLK <( CO., are again notitied that the notes and accounts of the said tirms are in the hands ot W. L DkPass, attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will be positively put in suit. November 15 South-Carolina?Kershaw District by wm. m. bullock, esquire, ordinary. V\7HERKAS, Mrs. C. ARTHUR applied to me T for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of John W. Arthur, late ol the District aforesaid, de ceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordina ry's Court for tlio said District, to bo holden at Kershaw Court House on the 14th day ol April next., to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 27th day of Merck, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two and in the eighty-seventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. March 28 2 WM. M. BULLOCK, O. K. D. For Sale1HE TKLEGRAP11 LINE FROM CAMDEN TO Kingsville is oflbrcd for sale. There are thirty seven (37) miles of good wire Twelve (12) miles of it singlo new wire with soldered joints. With the same, two (2) good Magnets and Registors, jiiul oil fliApminfCtions ni tlio nfTinn sir<? 1 frtr Quia Persons wishing to purchase may take the Lino as it stanas, with the Glasses . ml b aekcts, or can have it txken down ana coiled. April 6 J. K. WITHKRSPOON.