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I.HIW I ! Ill I III J I. Ml I. I.. ' y Statement Of the Condition of the Merchants' Insurance Company on the 1st of January, 1862. T^HE NAME OF THIS COMPANY IS -* the MEKCHAJNTS'lJNSUKAJNCJj; COMPANY, incorporated in 1855, and located in the city of Rioliinond, Va. The Capital of the said Company actually paid up in caah is, $200,000.00 The surplus on 1st Jan'y, 1862, 85,858.00 Total amount of Capital and Surplus, $285,858.01 ASSETS. Amount of Coupon Bonds on Hand. Par value. Market value. $24,000 Virginia State 8 per cent Bonds at 87, $20,889 $20,000 Coni'd'ate States 8 per cent. .Bonds at 100, 20,000 $40,000 North Carolina State 0 pr cent. Bonds at 81, 84,800 $35,000 Tennessee State 6 per ct. Bonds at 70, 24,500 $3,000 Louisiana State 6 per ct. Bonds at 87, 2,610 $4,000 Georgia State 6 per ct. Bonds at 87, 3,480 $1,500 East Tenn.dc Va. R. R. 9 per ct. Bonds at 60, 900 $4 ,500 Exchange Bank of Va. Stock at 95, 4 275 $111,445.00 Amount of Cash on hand, 34,388.11 Amount of Bills receivable on hand secured by pledge of Stocks, approved endorsements, and payable within four months, 133,753.73 Amount due by individuals on call, 5,516.17 Office Furniture and Safe, 750.00 $285,850.01 LIABILITIES. Amount of Losses adjusted, and due and unpaid, None. Amount of Losses incurred and in process ot adjustment, ?7,600,00 The greatest amount issued in any one itifk is $10,000; but will not, as a general rule, exceed ?5,000. Th is Company has no general rule as to the amount to be insured ir. any City, Town, Village or Block, being governed in this matter in each case by the general character ot buildings, width of streets, facilities for putting out fires, &c. Amount of Policies outstanding as near as the same can be ascertained, $2,541,713 Amount of Premiums received in the proceeding six months $41,643,07 in consequence of the conflagration in Charleston the Losses in the last six months will amount to about $40,000. A. PLEASANTS, President, J. H. MONTAGUE. Secretary. 'J State of Virginia, ) y City of Richmond. ) Archihlo Pleasants, President, and John II. Montague, Secretary, of the Merchants Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, I depose and say, and each one f. r himself says, that the foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the atfaiis of the said Corporation, and that they are the above described ollicers thereof. A. PLEASANTS, President. J. II. MGNTAUCE, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn bctoro me, this 5th day ?i February, a. i>. ioov:. JNO. F. REGNAULT, J. P. State of Virginia, ) City of Richmond, J 1, Jam?;s L. Apperson, Notary Public in and for the city aforesaid, do hereby certify, that I have examined and compared with the annexed statement the Bonds, Certificates ' of Stock, &c., belonging to the Merchants Insurance Company, and find thein to correspond therewith. And I do further certify that the value affixed to each is correct, so far as I am able to determine from quotations and other reliable sources of information. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub 1~ ^ J ?? ? *> a A r\/l .ifR v/\/-l ?A?? I SCl'lueu llljr iinim:, fiuvj nuiAuu my iinbunnr slvii, at Richmond, Va., this 5th day of February, A. D. 1852. J. L. APPERSON N. P. [l.s.] State of Virginia, ) City of Richmond, j I, Robert Howard, Clerk of the Court of Hustings for the said City, do hereby certify that John F. Refimault, before whom the fore ~ CP foing affidavit was mad:-, is a Justice of the 'cace in and for the said Citv, duly qualified, and that to all his acts as such full faith and credit are due, and of right ought to be given, as well in Court of Justice as thereout. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name, and affixed the seal ot the said Court, this the 5lh dav of February, A. I). l!*62. ROBERT HOWARD, Clerk, N. P. [l. s.l W. D. Al'DOYV ELL, Agent, Camden, S. C. March 28 1 Military department. COLUMBIA, March 21, 1862. V17HEREAS, THE GOVERNOR AND ** Council have been induced to modify their action expressed in resolutions adopted ou the 6th instant, by receiving certain volunteer companies with their organization, which, thotigh formed in part, were not complete at the day of the proclamation of his Excellency the Governor: and whereas, strong appeals havfe been made in behalf of other Companies not yet full; and whereas, it is found that the proposed conscription cannot be effected, for the want of a full return of the enrollment, sooner than the 15th day of April next; therelore, Resolved, That companies of the number of 68 aggregate will be received with their coin?? !%?? ?!? pttlJV Ulgaiii^aiiuuSf ujc uiiiuuo ucn.g oui?jcv/i to tiie approval of the Governor and Council, until the 15th of April next. Resolved, That individual volunteers will be received until the same date, and those desiring to be placed together in the same company should present together their names as volunteers. Resoyved, That in receiving companies under the above resolution, but one company of cavalry will be accepted. 6tfieial copy. F. J. MOSES, Jr., Secretary. jfSTAll papers in the State copy once. March 2S. 1 To Hie Soulier!*' Aid Socielie* of S. C. In answer to the numerous enquiries which hnve been made hv the different " Aid Societies which have been recently formed throughout the State, I have been iutructed by bis Kxcelleney Gov. Pickens, to give the following information. Depots will be established by the Quartermaster General, both in Charleston and < olumbia, for the reception of all donations of clothing; and he is also churned with the duty of forwarding aud distributing the same. The " Department" will feceive all donations of clothing, say frock coats and pantaloons, of heavy worsted goods, shirts and drawers, of heavy home* spun or flannel, wool, or heavy cotton socks, blankets, new or second hand, also heavy shoes. The plan upon which the State designs supplying her soldiers with ah neccssar}-- clothing, is based upon their willingness to surrender to the State the amount of money appropriated by the Confederate Government for this purpose, say forty-two ($42) per annum, this sum not now being sufficient in consequence of the greatly advanced cost of material. It is in view of this fact that these l?udab o "Associations" of ladies and gentlemen, are cordially welcomed as coadjutors in ibis nobie work, and ?n proportion to their voluntary contributions of labor and maleiii Is will the absolute cost of clothing for our gallant volunteers be reduced. In the event that any of the Associations" should not feel themse ves ab>e to furnish both material and labor, the Quartermaster General is instructed by his Excellency t' o Governor, to re-miburso such Associations the cost of al. materials, at a rate not exceeding ! s-imilar materials mirehased bv tne " Denartment and the quantity allowed lor each garment shall be the same as used in our Manufacturing Bureau. Societies are particularly requested to advise the Quartermaster General of the quantity of work they can do per week, and the amount of donations they will probably send. To prevent confusion and loss, the following method lor marking packages should be strictlj' observed. All Societies near Charleston, should snip to Charleston ahd murk thus: No. 1. TO QUARTERMASTER GENERAL ClIAIiLESTON, S. C. Trom Aid Society at (here insert place.) Societies near Columbia, should ship and mark thus .>o. 1. TO ASSISTANT QUARTERM ASTER, Columbia, S. 0. From Aid Society (here insert name.) The packages should be marked distinctly, and numbered from one 1) upwards, A correct invoice should accompany each shipment. All articles shipped at the expense of the State. November 8 4 S. S. GLOVER, Q. M. G. S. C. In Equity?Kershaw District. BILL FOR PARTITION, CONSTRUCTION OF u'tt.t. an Thomas Lang vs. Edward M Boykin, Mary E. Boykin, Sallie VV Boykin. Harriet Lang, John 0. Lang, Edward B. Lang, lheodore Lang, und Samuel W. L. Lang. j It appearing that the above named John 0. Lang, Fdward B Lang, and Theodore Lang, Defendants . reside out of and beyond the limits of this tate, it is ordered, on motion of Richards >n .v Gay ('ompluinnts Solicitors, tnat the said Jo n 0. Lang, Edward B. ang. Theodore Lang, do plead, answer, or demur to sdd Bill, within three months from date hereof, or said Bill will be ta"en pro confraso against tin m. It is forth- r ordered, that this order b<- put.lished in the ? amden Confederate, for three months, once a week. I December 13 3m? WM. R. TAYLOR,c, v.I. V. SUCCESSORS TO THE 1 South-East Corner of I CAMDEN, SOUrJ KEEP OONTSTA1 A FULL SI) CLOTHING, H/l Boots and. Shoes, Crockery W Iron. Nails. G November 1 muT IMS THE SUBSCRIBE It HAVING AC< MUTUAL LJFE INS1 OF RALEIGH, NORTH SOLiTHERX MLTllAL COMPANY, OF COLUMB FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepare. INSURANCE, on the most reasonable at moderate rates. Wit November 1 North C vifm w rk.. > t LC I VT iTA* mj ifur; ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND 40 MOTIF Oft UN TOBIWY, CAMDEN, S. CM Will nrnctice in Kershaw and the surrounding Dis tricts. November 1 lilii I en. WE ARE NOW OPENING AT TOE Store lately occupied by K. Latta, one door above the "Old Corner," A FllES 11 ASSORTMENT OF HEAVY and FANCY Gc.ROCEHIES. Wc have now in Store BEST BALTIMORE HAMS, Fine Lard, and Bacon Sides, GOSHEN CHEESE, White Bread Corn, Ff OUR, RICE, and JIOLASSE ALSO, SIX DIFFERENT KINDS OF FRESH BOSTON CRACKERS, Some very Choice Assorted Tli -1_. n J* j n ncKies, vaiiuies una spices, Corn Starch, for Table Use. Candle s,&c. ALdO, Rio and Old Java Coffee, Sugars, Bagging, Hope, &c. All for sale at the lowest prices for CASH. Call and-purchase. Sept. 18,?tf. T7KRY SUPKRIOR SEKD POT A TORS- RTNTR V Dairy Cheese ; Figs and Sugar Raisins. Just received at the "Old Corner " Novenmor 7 K. W BONNEY. I^JLOW STEEL.?Also, Plow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and Horse Shoo Nails, Traces, Hames, Saddles. Sec. Just received at the "Old Comer." r^ovembo 7 E. W. BONNEY. BACON, Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curing and very tine for sale at the 'old corner,' by E. W. BONNET. 11^ ??? Ate wm, ander&ok, (road & DeKalb-Streetsj lH-CAROLINA, OPf.V At* ITS & CAPS,, are, HollowWare, Tin War?,, rroceries, Sec. TERMS CASH*. ifT A T U E4ICI. JEPTED THE AGENCY OF THE [JRANCE COMPANY, CAROLINA, AND THE me IBIU IA, SOUTH CAROLINA, [1 to receive applications for policies of LIFE Inrmc TIia T ivao am T A \71?C inont*n/T vviaiio. x iiv/ Xil I V.O *711 IT irt f 'iLl IUOU1UU LIAM L. DePASS, Agent !arolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. ,"bama Fire Insurance COMPANY. npHE Undersigned, as Agent for tno above Soutli1 ern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Iusurance agaiust loss by Fire on all Buildings, Ac. November 1 W. L. DePASS. FALl7& WINTER" rtnnriiCi \I7E INVITE TIIE ATTENTION t of our lriends and the public generally to our stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which is complete in all its various branches. A ND WILL BE SOLD I OR CASH ONL T. McCURRY & HAMMERSLOUGH.. November 1 Fall Goods. rFMIE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND OF HIS X. last Fall purchases: Super Black Bombazines. " 5-4 Black all-wool DeLane. Uashmere and Merino. 44 44 41 Plain and Drilled Alapaccas. 44 4-4 " English Crape. Colored English Merino. 44 Printed DeLanes, Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vests for children. Misses, ladies, boys & men urawers, lor Ladies and Men. ' Union Dresses for Ladies. Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Parlaton Muslins, White Brilliantes and Dimity Embroideries. Edgings and Insertings, Laces, Linen Cambrie Handkerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroidered. A good stock of English Cotton Hose and Half Hose, with a fair stock of other goods suitable for families' Fall use. W. D. McDOWALL. November 1 Good Servants to Hire. A GOOD COOK, WASHER and IRONER. also, A No. 1 Bricklayer and Plasterer. Also, a good House boy and Farmer. All of whom can be hired to approved persons, by making early application to this office, or Mr. I. B. Alexander. December C