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' WggHB?fB?3gM?*gB8?B ' Statement Of the Condition of the Lynchburg Hose and Fits Insurance Company% on the First Day of January, 18S2, mode in accordance with the Law of the State of South Carolina. / ?o? 1. The tiume of this Company is " THE LYNCHBURO HOSE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY," and is located at Lynchburg, Virginia. 2. The amount of Capital 8tock is $200,000 3. The am't of Capt'l Stock paid up $100,060 Amount of Bonds for Stook 99,940 200,000 These Bonds are given by the Stockholders for part of the Capital Stock with good security, and ure under the control of the Board of Directors of the Company, who have the right to require additional security, or the payment of the amounts, if deemed necessary, or the condition of the Company showed at any time require it, and in case of a luuure or reiusai of any Stockholder to give additional security, or to pay up the amount of his bond, or any part thereof, when required so to do, the whole of the stock held by the stockholder so failing or refusing, is forfeited to the Company. 4. Tiie Assets of the Company consist of: 1. Amount of Cash on band, aud in hands of Agents, $00,771.05 2. Heal Estate, None. 3. Amount of Bonds owned by Company?see above, 99.940.00 4. Amount of Debts due Company, secured by Mortgage on Real Estate, worth double the amount secured, 05,232.25 5. Amount of dobts otherwise secured?") bills, notes, etc., ( 6. Amount of debts for premiums? j 88390 45 part of the above, J 7. Amouut of all other securities, viz: Par Market Value. Value. 1. Bond of the City of T 1.1 jjjruuuuurg, $ja,OUU $.1U,43U 2. Stock of the Cit. S. Bank, Lynchburg, 2,000 3,200 3. Mortgage Bonds of Va. and T. R. R. 12,000 9, GOO 4. Mortgage Bonds of Or. and Alex. R. R. 25,000 20,000 5. Mortgage Bonds of Va. and Tenn. R. R 20,000 17,000 6. Bonds of State of Tennessee, 20,000 18,000 $114,800 $98,230 $98,230.00 Total, $412,569.75 C. The amount of the liabilities of the Company to Banks and other creditors, $112,355.68 6. The amount of losses adjusted and due 5,393 08 7. The amount of losses adjusted and not due, 6,384.00 8. The amount of losses unadjusted, 28,666.00 9. The amount of losses in suspense, waiting proof, 25,790.00 10. The amount of all other claims against the company (unpaid dividends, etc) 21,525.83 Total, $200,114.59 11. The greatest amount issaed in any one Risk, $12,000.00 12. No limit as to city, town or village, 13. Not over $12,000 to be exposed to loss by one fire, 14. For Act of Incorporation, see accompanying official copy of act marked 4A." Amount of Premiums received during the year ending 31st Dec,, 1861, 132,395.44 Amount of losses paid during the year ending 31st Dec., 1861, 99.722.80 Amount of risks on the 31st Dec, 1861, 7,661,110 6t> We hereby certify that the foreeroincr State. t 1 ? ? c~? o mcnt is substantially true and correct, to the best of our knowllcge and belief. JNO. ROBIN. McDANIEL, [l. s.] President. C. T. WILLIS, Secretary. ?o? Stata of Virginia, County of Campbell, City of Lynchburg, to wit:?The foregoing Statement was sworn to and subscribed at the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, by JOHN ROBIN McDANIEL, President and CREED T. WILLIS, Socretary, of the Lynchburg IIo6e and Fire Insurance Company, before me, a Notary Public in and for the City aforesaid, this 4th day of February, 1862. [l. s.] JOHN S. BLAIR, N. P. ?o? xiiv uiiuvisigucu utt?c, m tiiu reijucsi 01 llic Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance Company, examined the following list of Bonds in the foregoing Statement, and do certify their value to be as follows, viz : $99,940 bonds of stockholders, with personal security?value, $99,940 35,000 bonds ot the city of Lynchburg? value, 30,430 2,000 Citiaens Savings Bank Stock, 3,200 12,000 mortgage bonds Virginia and Tenn. Railroad?second mortgage, 9,600 20,00o mortgage bonds Virginia and Tenn. . Railroad?third mortgage, 17,000 25,000 mortgage bonds Orange and Alexandria Railroad, 20,000 JkA AAA % V - - f A ? zu,uuu uonus 01 oiaie Tennessee, 18,000 Total actual market value of above securities $198,170 iu consequence of the condition of the .country, there are no such transactions in Stocks as to fix an exact market value on the above [Statement is based on the valuation of January 1861, and is believed to be as nearly accurate as can be made. WM. M, BLACKFORD, Cash. Exchange Bank of Va, Lynchburg. W. Q. SPENCE, Cash. Bank of Va. Lynchburg. ?o?-- '! State of Virginia, Connty of Campbell, City of Lynchburg, to wit:?The foregoing certificate l fwas this day signed and acknowledged beforo me, a Notary Public in and for the City aforesaid, by Win. M. Blackford, Cashier of the Exchange Bank of Virginia, at Lynchburg, and Win. Q. Spence, Cashier of the Bank of Virginia, at Lynchburg; and th$y severally declared that they owned no Stock in said Company, and that they were nowise interested therein. Given under iny hand and seal, at the [l. s.]City of Lynchburg, in the County and State aforesaid, this 4th day of February, 1862. JOHN S. BLAIR, N. P. SfafA i\f Virrvinie /vf T a-. ?-1 U....V v. , ..giuia, vn,* VI UJfllUUUUIg, IU YVIl. ?I, James C. Didlake, clerk of the court of Hustings for the city of Lynchburg, in the State of Virgiuir, being a court of Record, established by the laws of the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that I have examined the following listed Assets, in the possession, and being the property of the Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance company, to wit: $99,940,000 bonds of stockholders, with personal security, $99,940.00 65,232.25 amount of debts secured by mortgage, 65,232.25 88,396.45 amount debts due by bills, notes, etc, for premiums etc., 88,306.45 35,800.00 bonds of the city of Lynchb'g 30,430.00 2,000.00 stock ot the Citizens' Saving Bank, Lynchburg, 3,2000.00 12,000.00 mortgage bonds of Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, 9,000.00 25,000.00 mortgage bonds of Orange and Alexandria Railroad, 20,000.00 20,000.00 mortgage bonds of Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, 17,000.00 20,000.00 bonds of the State of Tenu., 18,000.00 $368,368.70 par value. market value 8361,798.70 I do hereby further certify that the par value of raid Assets amonts to $308,368,79-100, and the market volnation I believe to be as nearly accurate as, in the present state of the Stock market, and the condition of the country, can be made. And I do also certify that the Lynchburg Ilose and Fire Insurance company have fully, and in every particular, complied with all the conditions and requirements of the original charter of said comDanv. and of the amend i y ? " ?~ ? ?~ incuts thereto. Given under my hand, as clerk, and the seal of said court, at the court house, in the city of [l. s.] Lynchburg, this 7th day of February, A. D. 1802, and in the 8Gth year of the commonwealth. J. C. DIDLAKE. W. D. McDOWALL, Agent for Camden. April 4 1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. TREASURY DEPARTMENT,) Columbia, S. 0., March 28, 1862. j TN CONSEQUENCE OF BEING PLACED *- in charge of the Department of Construction and manufactures, the active duties of the Treasury Department will devolve on Hon. W. W_ II AliT.LRE' nnrl all nornnns liavitur business with that Department will in future address their letters to him. \VM. H. GIST. J&T All papers in the State copy once. April 4 1 - y STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER, March 24, 1862. RESOLVED, THAT A NEW DEPARTMENT be created, to be called the "Department. of Construction and Manufactnre," and that Hon. W. H. GIST be assigned as Chief of that Department. Official copy: F. J. MOSES' Jr., Secretary. JKf All papers in the State copy once. April 4 1 Cash StoreWO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR ANYTHING. PAA LB*. EXTRA COUNTRY LEAP LARD; ?JvU Rice, Salt, Shoes and 200 lbs. Spices; Extra white Meal and Hominey: Southern put up Preserved Peaches; Wax and operm Candles; Crushed, Clarified and Btown Sugar. All for Cash, and Cash only. November 29 ly A.T. LATTA. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. s|0?1Mp^n^V>n |jl J. iH EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER. \ March 28th, 1862. \ THTF FOTJ.OWTWn FTTT l?G TJAAri? dppkt I - - - - ? ? ?? ? VI ? vy uuw iin I U UijUll this day adopted by the Governor and Council for the management of the Department of Construction and Manufactures, to which Department the Hon. W. H. GIST has been assigned as Chief. * m * * Rules for the Management of the Department of Construction and Manufactures. Rule 1.?The Chief of Construction and Manufactures shall have the charge and controll of all the foundries and work-shops and other places for manufacturing arms and munitions of war and the repairs of the same, shall keep a record in his office of all written contracts made by the General Superintcndant or himself; and he is instructed as a general 1 rule, to cause all contracts to be made in writing and filed in his office, and a copy thereof 1 ~ r?_ i ta . ouub i,yj iuc viuiiituuv i^uparuiieui, i Rule 2.?It shall be the dutv of the Chief i of the Dcpartmant of Construction and Manufactures to make or approve all purchases of land, lots or sites for erecting foundries or ' other public works, and all machinery, tools, lumber and other materials necessary for such purposes. In all purchases requiring the expenditure of large sums of money, he shall be required, if practicable, to get the previous consent of the Governor and Council, and he shall from time to time make a report of his action to them. Rule 3.?He shall require the General I Snnnrinfniii'lont oiwl omr ~t...l vuj/vi...vv?.viv.h(??im caaty vmwi n^Cllt CllllUStt'U with the expenditure of money to submit to him estimates in detail, setting forth such articles, as far as practicable, as he or they may desire to purchase, with the probable cost; and if he approves the said estimates, he shall submit them to the Governor and Council for their action. Rule 4.?He shall require all vouchers for money expended to be submitted to him, to be examined and approved, and shall then hand a 1 t ' ~ ' them over to the Chief ot the Treasury and Finance. to be filed in his office. Extract from the minutes of March 28. By order of the Governor and Council. F. J. MOSES, Jr., Secretary. jTSTAIl papers in the State copy once. April 4 1 Notice. MR. A. M. KENNEDY WILL ACT AS MY Attorney during my absence from the State. March 28 2 J. D. KENNEDY. Coperas. Three hundred lbs. op good coperas, for sale at a low price, at the " Old Brick Corner " January 31 3mo T.S.MYERS. HARDWARE, /CARPETS. RUGS and CRUMB CLOTHS, for mla at the '' Old Comer." E. W. 130NNE Y. " January 2 4 NOTICE CArT. J. J. NELSON WILL ACT AS MY authorized agent duriDg my absence from the State. W. W. McCOY. April 5 4 NOTICE. During my absence from the state Mr. Jonathan Page will act as my authorized agent, April 5 4 W. T. ALLEN. For Sale A N EXCELLENT ONE OR TWO HORSE BUGCjL Gy, with top; and also a good DUMPING CART and Gear. Apply at the Bank of Camden. April 5 4 Military Notice r J^IIE Board of Exemption for the 22d Regiment S. JL C. M., will meet at the Court House in Camden, on the 14th instant, at 11 o'clock, a. m. Bv order Col. B. Jones. April 6 2 J. M. GAYLE, J. A North Carolina bacon and lard for sale at the " Old Corner." April 6 E. W.BONN KY. South-Carolina?Kershaw District. BY WM. M. BULLOCK. KSRUIRB, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, WILLIAM OUTLAW APPLIED to me for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of John Marsh late of tho District aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, tho kindred and creditors of the said deceased to bo and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court tor the said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court House ou tho nineteenth day of April inst., to show causo, if any, why the said adrpjnistration should not bo granted . Given under my Hand and Seal, this thirty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, ar.d in the eightysixth yoar of the Independence and sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. April 5 2 WM M. BULLOCK, 0. K. D. Muslins* Lawns* fto*> T^OR LADIES' DRESSES, OK SALE, AT THE r "Old Cornar." B. W. BONNET. March 7 ? \ ? b?1 S rT ' w 8 S cxo 015 c .? Er-< I *2 ?. ?? 5 a . , 3^1 2 <==> ^ S? ft SeS * ? ' ' ' W n 1 I . ? ?5 a ? Q r S 4 O S* &g CQ a ^ g 5= ^ ' ' ? 0 8 5 H " -< S I * PQ e-^-> 2 ^ S O ^ ? o J ? .as a _? | i hI g i * Extra Fine Family Flour-I BAGS EXTRA FINE FAMILY FLOUR, 1 \ /\/ in store and for sale low, at the 44 Old Brick Corner," by T. S. MYERS. February 21 3mo Crockery and Glassware. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY AND Glassware on hand, and for sale low at the 44 Old Corner," by K. W. BONNEY. February 14 For Sale. \ GOOD BUGGY AND DRAFT HORSE; i-JL ALSO, A SADDLE POSEY and COLT. Apply to March 14 4 M ATHESON Jt CO. Apple Brandy. SEVERAL BARRELS EXTRA FINE APPLE BRANDY, five years old. in store and for sale low for cash, at the "Old Brick Corner." January 31 3mo T. S. MYERS. Flour Jars, IN ANY SIZE, JUST OPENED, AT THE "OLD Corner," by E. W. BONNEY. March 7 Notice. WE HAVING DISCONTINUED THE CREDIT system entirely, all orders must be accompanied with the cash, or its equivalent. Special acrreements. or those we are indebted to, accepted. December 27 koopmann a sommers. Notice. CREDIT SALES, AS HERETOFORE, WILL be discontinued on and after tbe let of January next. Special arrangements only accepted. December 20 drakeford a co. Final NoticeThose who are indebted to Joseph m. GAYLE, and JOS. M GAYLE <fe CO.. are amun notified that the notes and accounts of the said firms are in the hands ot W. L. DePass, attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will be positively put in suit. November 15 South-Carolina?Kershaw DistrictBT WJI. M. BULLOCK, E8QUIRE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, Mrs. C. ARTHUR applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of John Arthur, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deOAOaA/1 t/\ V\A AM/) A nMAA mm ?' ? ?A ^ wvuouu IU uo aim appeal UC1UI U UJU HI OUT UUJLb UlUlUft' ry's Court for the said District, to be bolden at Kershaw Court House on the 14th day of April next., to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 27th day of Merck, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two and in the eighty-seventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. March 28 2 wm. m. bullock, o. k. d. For Sale. The telegraph line from camden to Kingsville is offered for sale. There are thirty seven (37) miles of good wire. Twelve (12) miles of it single new wire with soldered joints. W ith the same, two (2) good Magnets and Registers, and all tbo connections of the office are offered for sale. Persons wishing to purchase may take the Line as *? ;IL Ai.. r* i u smnuR, wiin me uiasaes ana .graciceia, or cau nave it taken down and coiled. April 6 J. K. "WITHERSPOON.