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w . ^mmmmmmBrnmssoBrnm nm i .mi., ,i i i i i . upp?I)C Cumfren Sonfefocrntc. VOLUME I. CAMDEN, SO. CA., FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1862. NUMBER 23 fyr Cam&fit QTo?frJ?erate Tft PITRI.TRHKD EVERY FRIDAY BY J- T. ECEIRSTTTVr A JT, AT TWO DOLLARS A YEAS, PAYABLE INVARIABLY HALF-YEARLY IN ADVANCE. Terms for Advertising: For one Square?fourteen lines or less?ONE DOLLAR for the first, and FIFTY CENTS for each subsequent insertion. nnt?.t ? xt j: a * vDiiuAm uuuvu), uxuweuiug uua oquure, cuargea 1 tor at advertising rates. Transient Advei tisements and Job Woric MUST BE p PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. No deduction made, except to our regular advertising : patrons. ADVERTISING TERMS PER ANNUM. * One Square, 3 months, $5 " ? 6 " 8 " 12 " 12 ' Two Squares, 3 months, 8 6 13 " " 12 ? ..... is Three Squares 3 mos., - - - - 12 44 II A 41 _ _ _ 1 O 44 44 12 44 25 Four Squares 3 mos., 16 44 41 6 44 24 44 44 12 44 30 ftST* Eight dollars per annum lor ?ery additional square. Business, and Professional Cards Eioiit Dollars a-year. All advertisements for less than three months Cash. If the number of insertions is not specified in writing advertisements, will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. Announcing Candidates, three months, Five Dollars over that time, the usual rates will be charged. No advertisement, however small, will be considered less than a square; and transient rates charged on all for a less time than three months. TO TRAVELLERS. :o: OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. NORTHERN ROUTE. _ DAY NIQ11T STATIONS. __ . TRAINS. TRAINS. Leave Charleston 7.00 am 8.15 p m Arrive at Kingsville, the Junction of the Wilmington A Manchester R. R.. 2,45 pm 3,15 a m Arrive at Columbia 4 00 pm 5.0C a m Arrive at Camden 4.40 p m o Leave Camden 5.20 am Leave Columbia 6.15 a m 5.30 p m Leave Kingsville, the Junction of the Wilmington A Manchester Railroad.. 6.45 a m 3.25 p. m Arrive at Charleston 3.00 p m 2.3o a. m. WESTERN ROUTE. DAY NIGHT STAT O S. TRAINS. TRAIN8 Leave Charleston 7.00 am 6.30 p m Arrive at Augusta I 2.45 pm |4 30 pm Leave Augusta i 6.00 am j 7.30 p m Arrive at Charleston ' 3.30 pm i 4.30 a m THROUGH TRAVEL BETWEEN AUGUSTA AND KINSLV.LLK ~ ? DAY NIGHT TRAINS. TRAINS. Leave Augusta 8.00 a m 7.30 p m Arrive at Kingsville 2,45 p m 3.15 a m Leave Kingsville I 6.46 am i 3.26 p m Arrive at Augsta I 1.16 p m] 11.15 pm MID-DAY TRAIN BETWEEN CAMDEN ANp KINGSVILLE, Monday, Wednesday, and Svtvrday. down. i up. LeaveCamden, 11.40a. m. | Leave Kingsville. 8.5 a.m. Leave Boykin's, 12.12p.qq LeavpOJarkson's 8.20 " Leave Claremont 1,24$ * Leave Manchester JuneLeave Middle top MQ " tion 8.38 a. m. Leave Mapehpster Jupc- Leave Middleton 8.43 t\ctp P*fP- Leave Claremont 9.08 " Jj^aye Clurksop s 1.38 u Leave Boykin's 9.43 " /krrive tit kingsville 1.60, Arrive at Camden, 10.20 ' Nov. 8?If H. T. PEAKE, Gen'l Sup't. Oats and Cow Peas For sale for cash, at the old corner; November 1 e. w. bonney. Notice. I HAVE THIS DAY, OCTOBER 24, SOLD OUT my entire stock of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, in the town of Camden, to J. M. Springer, Esq., who will continue the business at the same stand I have occupied heretofore in the said town. All persons i who are in anywise indebted to me, will please make i payment of the samo to said J. M- Springer, at an i early day; and all who have claims egaipst me will present them to him for settlement. Deeember t3 ' R. 8PRINGER. Bricks, Lumber, &c. j A FEW THOUSAND SECOND-HAND BRICKS seasoned Flooring BOARDS, SHINGLES, Ac., for sale at the "Old Corner,"for cash only. November 1 E. W. BONNET. Carpets, Rugs, Ac/CARPETS, RUGS A FLOOR CLOTHS ON SALE, . Vv1 at the "Old Corner." bv ' November 1 E. W. BNNEY. -A_geixcy Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance CompanyL YNC11BURQ, VA. Merchants' Insurance Company, OF RICHMOND, VA. Policies in the above Companies issued at usua rates. W. D. McDOWALL, November 1 Agent. Guano rpWO TONS PERUVIAN GUANO. ALSO A JL small lot of Patagouian Guano, for sale by February 28 E. W BONNEY. Seed Oats. SEED OATS FOR SALE AT THE "OLD CORner," by E. W.BONNEY. February 28 The Cash System Has been forced upon us by our innbilitv to nhtiiiri Mio nnoanu r\C nnntii,i.In~ J -- - ? " " W.V.I... UUI business fr->m any other source. Our customers will therefore please take n< tice that we will henceforth fill no orders (unaccompanied by cash) whether for goods from our store or for work from our shop, unless under previous special arrangements, distinctly made with us. J. J. WOK KM AN & CO. January 10 Notice. W^E WILL SELL OOODS DURING 1862 FOR V ? cash only. No books or memorandums will be will be kept. No goods will bo allowed to leave the store until fully settled for. No orders will be filh-d unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended lor one and all; und we very much hope that no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as we are determined to adhere to it without respect ol persons. Dee 20 Mm M A T?OM BY RnfilVKt I A una Notice. rpiIlS TS TO CAUTION ALL PERSONS FROM 1 trading for a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated the early part of the present j*ear, and signed by "Sutherland & Leiuond and James Dunlap"?the said note having been lost, and since settled, by a new paper. It was given for the hire of Phil and Charles for the year 1861. K. W. BONNEY. December 20 Notice. r|>IIE UNDERSIGNED INTENDING TO MAKE 1 a change in his business on the lirst of January next, will dispose of his stock of goods at exceedingly law prices, until that time for cash, or to punctual customers. My object is to turn as many goods as possible into cash, giving the purchaser a LIBERAL bargain for his money. K. W. BONNEY. i?? /? /% *1J I ww AUbC/A vivi iiJLUg tlliu AitLS' A LOT OF PRIME WINTER CLOTHING? also HATS, In a grpat variety of styles, for sale by E, W, JJONNEY. November \ Pure Wines, For medicinal purposes, for sale by Norember 16 J. J. McKAlN. Fine North Carolina HamsA SMALL QUANTITY OF NO. CA. HAMS in store and for sale lo\v, at the 4U)ld liriok Coiner," by T, 8, MYERS. February 21 6 WORSTED DRY GOODS. Also rich silk dresses, with a large quantity of Embroideries', &o., for sale at cost, lor cash, at the "Old Corner." E. w. DONNE IT. January 24 KTotJLoe. During my absence from the state Capt. J. J. NELSON will act as ray Agent. March 28 6 T. S. MURPHY. TO IFtElSJ-T,. One-half of a double house, containING twelve rooms. It is situated in a healthy and pleasant part of town, near Kirkwood. There are on the premises accommodations for servants, also' stables, a good well of water, and other conveniences. For further particulars address Postoffice Box No. 29. March 28 January 1st, 1862' Having to pay cash for all my purchases, compels me to change my terms of business after this date. To enable me to replenish my stock, I shall sell in all instances for cast, unless a special arrangement be madf for a short credit. All goods sold under this arrangement must be considered as Cash, when called for. The reasons which have induced this necessary ! change, I trust, will be apparent to all. Cash customers solicited. E. W. BONNEY ' January 3. Save the PiecesS PAULDING'S LIQUID GLUE ia invaluable to every household. Will mend Wood, China, Glass and Metal. One small bottle will eave ten times its cost. For sale by JOHN J. McKAIN. I SANCHEZ SPECIFIC CAN be sent by mail and will effect a cure sooner than any other medicine, is safe, pleasant and reliable. Sold by J. J. McKAIN IN" otice. Required in all casks to pay CAsn for purchaser and the utter impossibility of making collections, I am compelled to inform my customers, that if no special arrangement is made for short credits on call, I will adopt the cash system exclusively on the lirst day of January next. December 6 6 W. D. MoDOWALL. J^N W -L ?V. JDJ. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE of JESSE F. YOUNG, deceased, either by note or account, will please call on the Administrator and settle the same, by cash or note, as I to fret the business closed up iu some shape or form, at an e?rly day. J. M. (JAYLE, Adm r. February 14 4 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN APJL pointed Receiver by the Hon. A. G. Mngrath for the Districts of Fairfield, Kershaw and Sumter, would most respectfully announce to the citizens of the respective districts, that he is uow prepared to discharge the duties that dcvolvo upon him by virtuo of said ofliee. I have no doubt that instances may arise where the duties properly discharged may be disagreeable to the parties interested, but relying upon the patriotism and loyalty of our citizens for their assistance in defending the provisions of the law, I shall expect such assistance to be cheerfully tendered, and in all cases that may arise, yield every consideration in my power, the nature of the case may admit of, to such persons us may be affected by its operation; in the mean time I shall endeavor to do my dnty to the full oxteut and letter of the law, and abide the consequences. The Act of Confiscation on the part of the United States deprives our citizens of the property without hope of remuneration; the act of Sequestration based upon principles recognized by the civilized world is intended to reimburse our citizens of the property thus decreed to belong to our enemies. I would therefore call upon all the citizens of the niaf rioto ofArnon!/! *" ~ ?" ' ' " xv.ov. (uu.ooom, \.\j uiu uiu uy giving sucii miormation as they possess of any property, personal or real, that may belong to any citizen who may be recognized as an " Alien Enemy," also all indebtedness in any manner, shape or form, due or payable to ci izens of the United States (except Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri) by the citizens of Fairlield, Kershaw und Sumter. For the information of those who may bo iuierested I would respectfully call attention to the following provisions of the law 1st. It shall bo the duty of ovcry citizen to give all the information he may possess to the proper ollicers of any lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels, rights and credits within the Confederacy, as held, owned, possossed or enjoyed by any one, lor the use and benefit of any "alien ouemy" since 21st May, 1861, 2d. It shall be the duty of ovory Attorney, Agent, Partner or Trustee holding the property relerred to, or having any interest therein for an alien enemy, to inform the Receiver of the same, and to render a strict account thereof, and to place the same (as far as practicable) in the hands of the said Reoeiver, whereupon such person shall be fully acquitted of all responsibility for property so reported 3d. Auy person failing to give suoh information and render such account shall bo guilty of a high misdemeanor, and upon indictment and conviotion shall be lined in a sum not exceeding $5000, and imprisoned not longer than six months, and shall further be liable to pay double the value of such Dronertv Imld hv him . t 4"?i y ?"**" ~v "*"** or subject to his control, Note.?Ail persons who have a domicil within the States with which this Government is at war, no mattor whether they bo subjects of Great Britain, France, or any neutral nation, or whether they bo oitizons of the U. S. or not. if they have a domicil or carry on any trade, traffic or business within suoh boundaries, they are to bo recognised as Alien Enemies under the luw, JAS. R. AIKEN Receiver, C. S. A. mber 22 Liquid Rennet Blair & wkyth's liquid rennet, for' making, id a few moments, the most delicious doseit. For sale by J. J. McKAlN. December 20 i NOTICE. MR. J08, M. GAYLE IS MY AUTHORIZED Agent during my absence in tbe service. January 3 2mo E. A. YOUNG. Cough Syrup. A POSITIVE CURE FOR COHGHS, COLDS, Asthma, Consumption, and all diseases of the Chest and Lungs. Prepared by > December 20 J. J. MoKAIN. PRODUCE. The undersigned will take in payment of debts, all kinds of country produce at the highest market price, at the time of delivery. Anxious to close up hi* old business, as far as possible, and at the same time accommodate the farmer and planter, he solicits such payments. January 24 K W. BONNET. To Rent. A LOT, WITH A NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP, situated on the corner of Broad and York-street, will be rented for the present year. January 31 E W. BONNEY. Wide Iron, PLOUGH STEEL, SOCKET SPADES, HOKS, Ac., just received by E. W. BONNEY. February 7 Medicine Oliests. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, POCKET CASES Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder (traces, Ac. A large assormei. t just opened at Sept 26.?tf. McKAlN'S DRUG STORE. Jose Q. Felipe, {FROM IJA VANA. CUHA,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Havana and Dome stic Scgars, the Best Virginia Chewing & Smoking Toloaoco. A CHOICE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY SNUFF, PIPES, Ac., Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. IV o. 04 Itlarket-Strcet, SION OF "NO IMPOSITION CHARLESTON, SO. CA. November 7 D1 rt Ir/*4- OV* ? ~ maiiivct ouawiS' \ LL WOOL BLANKET SHAWLS, SUITABLE l\. for Soldier'e Shirts, for sale at the " Old Corner," by E. W. BONNEY. February 14 NOTICE. Recruits wanted.?all persons who an- desirous of enlisting in my Company, nowserving in Virginia, are requested to come forward and enroll their names. Congress allows a bounty of fifty d' liars to each persons who enli?ts. February 21 E. B. CANTEY, Captain. Companion for the loilet. CONTAINING Four Bottles of essential articles for the Teeth, Hair, Complexion ami Haudkerchiot Prepared by Burnett, and neatly put up in a compact Box. Sold by J. J. McKAIN BURNET'S TOILET CASES. EACH containing one bottle Coeoaine, for the hair, one bottle Florimel, a new and delightful perfume tor the Handkerchief; one bottle Kalliston, or Cosmetic. for removing freckles, snn-hnmo .fro. r.nn r,r, _ , n -J vuw UWIiilO Orental Tooth Wash, for preserving and beautifying the Teeth and gums. All put up in a neat and compact Case, costing very little, and would make a handsome and appropriate present from a gentleman to a lady. A supply just received and for sale by JOHN J. McKAIN. TWO POCKET-BOOKS LOST. CONTAINING SMALL PARCELS OF MONEY in each, amounting between five and ten dollars. One note for ?1G6 and two-third cents, on James Cloud, endorsed by James Team, and given 17th Deoember, 1859. One note on E. Parker, for $112.50. One note on T. C. Wethorsboe, for $34 and some oents One note on W. W. Rosa, for $25. One note on James Hornsby, givon to James T. Wilson, for between $30 and $40, and other papers of some value. I forewarn any person from trading for said notes, as the payment of the same has been stopped. A liberal reward will be paid to the finder by leaving them at the Camden postoflice. March 28 1 J. GARDNER. Salt and Ginger. r 1 ^ ABLE SALT AND DINGER, J CST RECEIVED J. and for sale at the 14 Old Corner." March 28 E. W. BONNET. IN" otice. ON AND AFTER THE FIK>T DAT OF JANUary, I will sell no goods on credit. Cash sales nnlv?.ftnrl invifa oil thnaa tA r?A ' ? ~mmmj ?M??VV Wl? V1IVOV UIVHMVU VVJ ?JO tU IIJUIVU 1 III" mediate payment, or failing tdBip so will tind their notes and accounts in the hanW of an attorney for collection. Immediate attention to the above is required. T. S. MYERS. January 3 3mo Starch! Starch!! A SMALL LOT OP FINE PURE PEARL STARCH, for sate low, at the " Old Brick Corner," by T. S. MYERS. March 1 3