University of South Carolina Libraries
STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 0 "CVBT'TTTTVI?. f!OTTVrir, riUMRP.R \ MARCH 11, 1862. j THE FOLLOWING KESOLUTION, Adopted by tbe Governor and Council, in refferenee to the sale of spirituous liquors, have been ordered for publication, together with all resolutions hitherto passed by th(^ Governor and Council in relation to the same subject: * * * * Resolved, That the third resolution passed by the Governor and Council, on the 1st of March instant, on the subject of bar rooms and other places for the sale of spirituous liquors, near railroad stations, be amended to read as follows: "That all bar-rooms, grog-shops or other places for the sale of spirituous liquors, within one mile of Branohville. Kintrsville or . ' V # other railroad station, where passenger trains arc stopped for tin- period of twenty minutes or more, or within four hundred yards of any railroad station, where passenger trains are stopped for a less period than twenty minutes, he and the same are hereby prohibited; and to keep or aid in keep'tig such bar-room, grogshop or other place of sale of spirituous liquors shall he deemed a misdemeanor, and the barroom, grog-shop or other place of sale shall be deemed a nuisance subject to be abated. Unsolved, That the Magistrates of the State, in their respective Districts, are hereby charged with the enforcement of the above regulation, and all other rules and regulations heretofore passed, or which may be hereafter passed, proniinting tne instillation and sale ot spirituous liquors: and each Magistrate of the State is hereby strictly enjoined whenever, upon affidavit ol another or personal knowledge, he is informed that any distillery, bar-room, sliop or place for the sale ot spirituous liquors declared by any resolution of the (Governor and Council to be a nuisance, exists within his District, to issue a warrant, addressed to the Sheriff of the District or other lawful officer, requiring that said nuisance be abated; and it is here by made the duty of the Sheriff or other officer to execute the same, and said Sheriff or other officer is hereby authorized to call to his assistance any number of citizens he may deem necessary. Resolved, That the Chief of Justice and Police is hereby authorized, in addition to the above, to appoint at his discretion special agents, with power to abate the nuisance aforesaid, and to call to their assistance the posse cumitafus, and if necessary, through their proper officers, such of the militia as are not in ser vice against the public enemy. Extract from the minutes of March 11. * * * * Resolved, That the Mayors and Councils of the cities of Columbia and Charleston be authorized to take such steps as are necessary to prevent the selling of spirits t<> the troop* in service, and if necessary for this purpose, to close any or all bar rooms or grog-shops in the said cities; and that the Chief of .Justice and Police do give the necessary instructions on the subject. Extract from the minutes of February 19. * * * * Whereas, the enormous and rapid consumption, by distillation, of the grain crop of this State is materially lessening the quantity and enhancing the price of those cereals required for the support of our armies and sustenance of the people; therefore, be it Rcsolvcb, that from and after the tenth day of March next, the distillation of spirits from Indian corn, wheat, rye, barley or other grain, shall be and the saame is hereby prohibited during the continuance of the present war, except upon the terms hereinafter provided. Resolved, That the Governor and Council may, upon the payment of such sums as thev may impose, in tlieir discretion, grant a license t<? distill to anv person giving bond, with good surety, to he approved hy the Clerk of the <V>urt of the i)istrict in which he lives, in the penalty of five thousand dollars, conditioned that he will not sell any portion of the spirits distilled to any person other than an agent of the (lovernnient provided finthri, That the person executing said hond shall endorse on the same an affidavit that he will not, in any case,! wilfully violate the conditions thereof. Resolved, That any person distilling without n IwiArtAA n? Ak<\OA rvi'AiM.ln/1 ^Vvm \ 1 t\ na j;iu* uivvi iui f miriil UC UCCIUG ; guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall he liable to a fine not exceeding ten tliousadd dollars and imprisonment not exceeding twelve months. liesolitcd% That any person licensed to distill, who shall violate the conditions of hi- lionise bond, shall, in ad lition to tlie forf. iture o' t! e hoi d, he doomed gi ilty of a misdornean or, and subject to the same penalty as ahove. Resolvttl, That in either of the above cases, the dist llery itself shall he deemed a nuisance and subject to be abated. Extrnat from the minutes of February 20. * * * * " n Resolved, That in the opinion of the Governor and Council it is inexpedient, at this time, to grant any license to distill spirituous liquors from grain except by those distilling exclusively for the purpose of making alcohol ?a license for which may or may not be hereafter granted. Resolved, That the sale or delivery of spirituous liquors to troops^ in service is hereby prohibited; and any person selling or delivering such spirituous liquors, contrary to such .l?II I? ,i.._ i i_ piUIIIUIHUll, M1RII Uf Ut'Clllt'U ?llliLJ U1 a llouemeanor; and all bar-rooms and grog-shops within such limits as shall be prescribed by the Confederate commanding Officers, in their respective Districts, shall be deemed a nuisance subject to be abated. Resolved, That th? Confederate Officers Commanding in each of the Military Districts of this State, shall, within their respective Districts?except within the corporate limits of the city of Charleston, which is otherwise provided for?have full power and authority to take such steps as may be necessary to enforce the prohibition contained in the above resolution, atul, if requisite for this purpose, to close all bar-rooms and grog-shops, and stop altogether the sale of spirituous liquors to any pcison whatever. Resolved, That all bar-rooms and grog-shops and other places for the sale of spirituous liquors, within three hundred yards of any railroad station in this State, are hereby prohibited; anil to keep or aid in keeping sueli bar-rooms or grog-shops or other places of the sale of spirituous liquors, shall be decned a misde ineanor, and the bar-room or shop or place of a nuisance and subject to be abated. Extract from minutcsvof March Pth. * * * * . * By order of the Governor and Council. F. J. MUSES, Jr., Secretary. March 21 1. CIIiCTIL^rt. To I lie Soldiers' Aid Societies of S. In answer to the numerous enquiries which liavo been muiln bv I lie different. ' Aid Sneieties wliicli b:ive been recently formed throughout the State, I have been intruded by his Excellency Gov. Pickkns, to give the following information. Depots will be established by the Quartermaster General, both in Charleston and Columbia, for the leception of all donations of clothing; and he is also charged with the duty of forwarding and distributing the same. The "Department" will receive all donations of clothing, say frock coats and pantaloons, of heavy worsted goods, shirts and drawers, of heavy homespun or flunnel, wool, or heavy cotton socks, blankets, new or second hand, also heavy shoes. The plan upon which the State designs supplying her soldiers with all necessary clothing, is based upon their willingness to surrender to the State the amount of money appropriated by the Confederate Government for this purpose, say forty-two ($42) per annum, this sum not now being sufficient in consequence of the greatly udvanced cost of material. It is in view of this fact that these laudab.o ''Associations" of ladies and gentlemen, are cordially welcomed as coadjutors in this noble work, and in proportion to their voluntary contriuutions of labor and materials, will the absolute cost of clothing for our gallant volunteers he reduced. In the event that any of the ' Associations" should not (eel themse ves abie to furnish both material and labor, the Quartermaster ticnera'l is instructed by his Excellency the Governor, to re-imburse such Associations the cost of ah materials, at a rate not exc oding similar materials purchased by tue " I>cpartment and the quamity allowed for each garment shall bo the same as used in our Manufacturing Bureau. Societies are tiarticularlv reouost* d to advise the Quartermaster General of the quantity of work tliey eati do per week, and the amount of donations they will probably send. To prevent confusion and loss, the following method tor marking packages should be strictly observed. All Societies near Charleston, should ship to Charleston ahd mark thus: No. 1. TO QUARTERMASTER GENERAL Charleston, S. C. Trom Aid Society at (here insert place.) Societies near Columbia, should ship and mark thus o. 1. TO ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER, Columbia, S. C. From Aid Society (here insert name.) The packages should be in..rked distinctly, and numbered from one 1) upwards, A correct invoice should accompany each shipment. All articles shipped at the expense of the State. November 8 4 S. S. GLOVr.R, Q. M. G. S. C. In Kquity?Kershaw District. RILL FOR PARTITION, CONSTRUCTION OF WILL, Ac. Thomas Lang vs. Edward M. Iloykin, Mary E. Boykin, Sallid w Boy kin, Harriot Dung, .John C. Lang, Edward li. Lang, 1 heodore Lang, and Samuel YV. L. Lang. It appearing that the above named John C. Lang, Fd vard B Lang, and Theodore l.ang. Defend .nts reside out of and beji ond the limits ot this tale, it is ordered, on motion ol Richards ?n v t;?y t'omplainnts Solicitor*. t at the sa d Jo 11 U. Lung, Edward B. ang Theodore Lang, do lead, answer, or demur to s >id Bill, within three months lioin date hereof, or said Bill will be tu^ eu p>o amJ'Sto against them. It is forth- r ordered, that tins order b<- published in the ? amden Confederate, for three months, oucea week. ' December 13 kno WU.It.TAYLOR,c,s,*. d U'CURRY k HI SUCCESSORS TO THE . \ South-East Corner of ! CAMDEN, SOU BLB?3P OOD3TSTA: A FULLS CLOTHING, Hi Boots and. Shoes, Crockery "Vfi Iron. Nails. C November 1 MU1 TIIE SIT BSC III IS 12 It HAVING AC MUTUAL LIFE INS OF UALKIG1I, NORTH mrniw i Tim COMPANY. OF COLUMi FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepar INSURANCE, on the most reasonable nf itt nJitiMt/k rnfni? at uiuuvjiaiv; iauo? WIl November 1 North < Witt. L. Del*ASS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND tctwom in equity, CAMDEN, S. C., "Will oractice in Kershaw and the surrounding Dis Iricts. November 1 S11TI WE ARE NOW OPENING AT TliE Store lately occupied by E. Latta, one door above the "Old Corner," A FRESIl ASSORTMENT OF HEAVY and EAMCY GEOCEEIES. We have now in Store BEST BALTIMORE HAMS, Fine Lard, and Bacon Side;?, GOSHEN CHEESE, White Bread Corn, Ff OUR, KICK, and MOLASSE ALSO, SIX DIFFERENT KINDS OF FRESII BOSTON CRACKERS, Some very Choice Assorted Pickles, Candies and Spices, n tt?? ivurii Huncu, IUI xauic use. Candle s, & c. ALSO, Rio and Old Java Coffee, Sugars, Bagging, Rope, &c. All for sale at the lowest prices for CASII. Call and purchase. Sept. 18,?tf. \fKRY SUPERIOR SEED POTATOES; FINE Dairv Cheese : FitfS and Siiorar Raisins. Just received at the "Old Corner " November 7 E. W BONNEY. PLOW STEEL.?Also. Plow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and Horse Shoe Nails, Traces, Hames, Saddles. &c. Just received at the "Old Comer." Noven)be 7 E. W. BONNEY. BACOJI* Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curing and very tine for sale at the 'oid corner,' by E. W. BONNET. # BODGE, LATE WM. ANDERSON, Broad & DeKalb-Streets, TH-CAR.OLINA, NTTLY ON" BEAN*1> IJPPLY OF UTS & CAPS, /"are! Hollow Ware, Tin Ware, Groceries, <fcc. TERiTIS CASH. ITT /\ T MiaiM JkaaJi IU 41* M Stl? CEPTED THE AGEYCY OF THE USANCE COMPANY, CAROLINA, AND TIIE , LIFE Bin 151 A, SOUTH CAROLINA, ed to receive applications for policies of LIFE? terms. The Lives on SLAVKS insured .LIAM L. DePASS, Agent Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Alabama Fire Insurance ! c o m; y . rI"MIK Undersigned, as A pent for toe above SouthI em Insurance Company, is prepared to issuepolicies of Insurance ninniivi l/.uu ).* Vim />? oil TJniu I ings, Ac. November 1 W. L. DkPASS. FA LL&WINTER" \\7E IXVITE TIIE ATTENTION T T of our Iriends and the public generally to our stock of FALL AND WINTER nnnnc Which is complete in all its various branches. AND WILL BE SOLD LOR OASH ONLY. McCURRY <fc IIAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 Fall Goods. r|"MlE SUB9CRIBKR HAS ON HAND OF HIS A last Fall purchases: Super Black Bombazines. " 5-4 Black all-wool DeLane. 44 41 44 Cashmero and Vf#rinn 44 44 41 Plain and Drilled Alapaccas. 44 4-4 " English Crape. | Colored English Merino. 44 Printed DeLancs. Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vests for children Misses, ladies, boys t men 44 Drawers, for Ladies and Men. 4* Union Dresses for Ladies. Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Parlaton Muslins, White llrilliantes and Dimity Embroideries. Edgings and Insertings, Laces, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroidered. A good stock of English Cotton Iloso and Half Hose, with a lair stock of other goods suitable for families' Full use. W. D. McDOWALL. ! November 1 ! n - ? ? - - I uuoa servants to Hire. A GOOD COOK, WASHER and IRONER. AUK), A No. 1 Bricklayer and Plasterer. Also, a good House boy and Farmer. All of whom can be hired to approved persons, by making early application to this office, or Mr. J. B. Aljuahdsr. December C