University of South Carolina Libraries
Special !N" otjces. IKISH POTATOES. A FEW BUSHELS IRISH POTATOES FOR tho table?pronounced by corapotent judges to bo su I perior to any Yankee potatoes over brought to this market?For sale at tbo POST OFFICE. March 28 DIJRIKU ni ABSJUXCE, WltTjAS. DUNLAP will act as my Agent. March 21 THOMAS J. WAhREX. VOTICK. ALL THOSE WllO HAVE JOINED CAPT. CANTEY'S Company, are required to bo lioro on Suturday, 29th iust., at 9 o'clock, by order of Capt. Cantey. March 21 S M. BAUM. OTT 01 WAKTTE33D. ?o? J oOO Bales OF GOOD COTTON "WANTED, for which the highest market price W be paid in CASH, by MATHESON & CO. Camden, March 10 4 Military Notice CI ATTAINS Oil OFFICERS IN COMMAND OK J Beat Companies of 22d Regiment S. C. M.. are required to make returns of their rolls to the Board, in person, at Camden, S. 0., in accordance with the recent orders from Headquarters, on Mondav novf J v wist inst. By order Col. B. Jones. March 1862 1 J. M. GAYLE. J. A Notice. Mil. A. M. KENNEDY WILL ACT AS MY Attorney during inv absence from t.lio" State. March 28 * 2 J. L>. KENNEDY. Notice. During my absence'from the state Capt. J. J. NELSON will actus inv Aircnt March 28 C T. S. MURPHY. TO ZFtETSTTONE-HALF OF A DOUBLE HOUSE, CONTAINING twelve rooms. It is situated in a healthy and pleasant part of town, near Kirkwood. There are on 1110 premises accommodations for servants, also stables, a good well of water, and other conveniences. For further particulars address Postofliee Box No. 29. March 28 TWO l*OCK. 1ST-HOOKS LOUT. CCONTAINING SMALL PAltCKLS OF MOKKY J in each, amounting between five and ten dollars. One note lor $180 and two-third cents, on James Cloud, endorsed by James Team, and given 17th Ue comber, 1859. One note on R Parker, Jpr $112.50. One note on T. C. Wethorsbcc, lor $34 and some cents. One note on W. W. Ross, for $25. One note on James llorr.sbv, given 1? James T. Wilson, lor between $30 and $40, and other papers of some value. 1 forewarn any person from trading lor said notes, as the payment of the same has been sto- ped. A liberal reward will be paid to the Under by leaving them at the Camden postollice. March 28 1 J. GARDNER. Salt and Ginger. 'IMBLK SALT ANI) GINGER, JUST RECEIVED _L and for sale at the " Old Corner." March 28 E. W. 110NNEY. STATE OF SOIJTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE OFFICE, March 24, 1S62. * * * * * *T)ULE 5.?A nnointincnta to sill vapanmps in the military service of the State heretofore vested hv law in the Governor, shall he vested in the Chief of the Military Department, subject to the previous decision of the Governor and Council. Attention is called to the above extract from the "Rules Adopted for the Government of the Military Department" of the Executive Council, and all applicants for the said appointments are hereby requested to send their applications ?. !.? ra.:?.r ta ?. * i>~ tv/ tuu v>iuv;i ui tuu Jiiiiiiiiy xsuj/ill iiiiLilt* J>\ order. F. J. MOSES, Jr., Private Secretary. All papers in the State copy once. March 2 8 1 Coperas. THREE HUNDRED LBS. OV GOOD COPERAS, for salo at a low price, at the " Old Brick Corner " January 31 3rao T. S. MYERS. HARDWARE, CARPETS, RUGS and CRUMB CLOTHS, for sal# at tho " Old Corner.'J F. W. BONNEY. January 21 . ' 1 1 Statement Of the Condition of the Merchants' Insurance Company on the 1st of January, 1862. The name of this company is the MERCHANTS'INSURANCE COMPANY, incorporated in 1855, and located in the city of Richmond, Va. The Capital of the said Company actually paid up in cash is, $'200,000.00 The surplus on 1st Jan'y, 1802, 85,858.00 Total amount of Capital and Surplus, $285,858.01 ASSETS. Amount of Coupon Bonds on Hand. !">?,. f?lnn *1-1--. -.-I I jl c%i tuiuv? iuaiKCL vaiuc. | $24,000 Virginia State 0 per cent Bonds at 87, 820,880 820,000 Coutd'ate States 8 per cent. Bonds at 100, 20,000 840,000 North Carolina State 0 pr cent. Bonds at 87, 34,800 $35,000 Tennessee State 0 per ct. Bonds at 70, 24,500 $3,000 Louisiana State (5 per ct. Bonds at 87, 2,010 $4,000 Georgia State 0 per ct. Bonds at 87, 3,480 $1,500 East Tenn. it Va. i It. It. 9 ner ct. Bonds at GO, * 900 $4,500 Exchange Bank of Ya. Stock at 95, 4 275 $111,445.00 Amount of Cash on hand, 34,388.11 Amount of Bills receivable on hand secured by pledge of Stocks, approved endorsements, and payable within four months, 133,753.73 Amount due by individuals on call, 5,510.17 Oliicc Furniture and Safe, 750.00 $285,850.01 LI AIM LIT IKS. Amount of Losses adjusted, and due and unpaid, None. Amount of Losses incurred and in process of adjustment, $7,000,00 The greatest amount issued in any one Risk is $10,000; but will not, as a general rule, exceed $5,000. This Company general rule as to the amount to t?o insured ir. any City, Town, Village or Block, being governed in this matter in eaeli case by tlio general character ot buildings, width of streets, facilities for putting out tires, Aic. Amount of Policies outstanding as near as the same can be ascertained, $2,541,713 Amount of Premiums received in the proceeding six months $41,648,07 in consequence of the conllagiatiou in | Charleston the Losses in the last six months ; will amount to about $40,000. A. 1'LHASANTS, President. .1. II. .MONTAGUE, Secretary. Statu of Yikoinia, i Citv of Hichmoud. f Archible Pleasants, President, and John II. ; Montague, Secretary, of the Merchants Insu ranee Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each one f r himself says, j that the foregoing is a true, full and correct; statement oftheatfaiis of the said Corporation, i and that they are the above described ollieers thereof. A. PLEASANTS, President. J. 11. MGNTAUGE, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 5th day of Eebruarv. A. I). lKfCi. '' " JNO. RKEGXAULT, J. P. Statk of Virginia, ) City of Richmond, j ss* I, James L. Apperson, Notary Public in and for the city aforesaid, do hereby certify, that I have examined and pompared with the annexed statement the Bonds, Certificates of Stock. iVse.. belomrincr to the Merchants lnsu ' * o o rancc Company, and lind thein to correspond therewith. And I do further certify that the value affixed to each is correct, so far as I am able to determine from quotations and other reliable sources of information. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed niv name, and affixed my natorialscal at Richmond, Ya., this 5th day of February' A. D. 1852. J. L. APPERSON, N. P. [l.s.J State of Virginia, ) City of Richmond, ) s I, Robert Howard, Clerk of the Court of i Hustings for the said City, do hereby certify i that John r. Hegnault, bctorc whom the tore- ! going affidavit was made*, is a Justice of the Peace in and for the said City, duly qualified, | and that to all his acts as such full faith and i credit are due, and of right ought to be given, as well in Court of Justice as thereout. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name, and affixed the seal of the said Court, this the 5th day of February, A, D. JH62, ROBERT HOWARD, Clerk, N. P. [l. s.l 1 W. D. M'DOWELL, Agent, Camden, 8. C. March 28 1 MILITARY DEPARTMENT. COLUMBIA, M;geh 21, 1862. YYII ERE AS, THE GOVERNOR AND * * Council have been induced to modify their action expressed in resolutions adopted I An I It a Rf It mctti it! l?*r -* : vii vuv vrcii iiioiam, m luevmiij: et;i irtlil WlllII* ; teer companies with their organization, which, j though formed in part, Vcrc not complete at ! the day of the proclamation of his Excellency ] the Governor: and whereas, strong appeals have been made in behalf of other Companies I not yet full; and whereas, it is found that the j proposed conscription cannot be effected, for i the want of a full return of the enrollment, I sooner than the loth clay of April next; therei lore, i Jtesolvcd, That companies of the number of ! 08 n<r?Torrnte will be received with tlu?ir i panv organizations, the ollieers being subject to the approval of the (iovcrnor and Council, until the 15th of April next. AJc.Wm/, That individual volunteers will be ; received until the same date, and those desiring to be placed together in the same company should present together their names as volunteers. That in receiving companies under the above resolution, but one company of cav| airy will be accepted. OHieial copy. F. J. MOSES, Jit., Secretary. ' JCS?"AI1 papers in tlie State copy once. March 28. 1 STATU OF SOI TIB ( AKOMW. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER. ) March 20th, 1802. \ 'IM1E FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS, adopted l?v the Governor and Council, I have been ordered for publication: licsolira, 1 hat the Governor and Council approve and confirm the action of the City Council of Columbia, expressed in the resolutions adopted on the 1-ttli dav of-March inst., and especially the extention of the prohibition of the sale of spirituous liquors to all retailing, whether by the quart or drink. AV.\o/m/, That authority is hereby given to all tlio municipal corporations of the State, to suppress retailing within their respective corporate. limits, and to close all places where spirituous liquors are sold in less duantities than , tliroe gallons. Resolved. That the Governor and Council 1 have been gratified to perceive the prompt ac- 1 tion of the City Council of Charleston, upon the authority heretofore given, to elosc bar rooms and grog-shops, and herewith request that the prohibition be now further extended to all retailing, and to the suppression of all such places as shall violate such prohibition. , Extract from the minutes of March 20. ]>v order of the Governor and Council. F. J. MOSES, Jr., Secretary, papers in the State copy once. March 28 1 STATE Or MOI'TIl CAROL.IXA. A - >V ? ADJUTANT & INSPECTOR GENU'S OFFICE, ) Columbia, S. C., March 25, 18G2. ) (jIexkkai. Order No. 10. I X('COMPANIES OK CAVALRY ' will be received for any term of service from this date. n II. Companies of Infantry will be accepted juntil loth April next; ollicers elected to be v approved by the Governor and Council. III. Rolls of Infantry Companies to be for- warded to these Headquarters. l?y command : S. R. GIST. Adj. Insp. Gen. of S. C. f JOr'All papers in the State copy once. March 28 1 NOTICE- I rpiiK UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RECEIVED A JL good article of HOLLAND GIN, and an excellent article of N. E. RUM. A lot of good Rye WHISKEY; also, a few barrels of North Carolina Extra, at the " Old Brick Comer." T. S. MYERS. January 31 3m? Muslins. Lawns. &c . 170R LADLES' DRESSES, ON SALE, AT THE 1 "Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. March 7 * OQ i u. Lai fl r? r-^-T W * 0 1 1 * ? ? r-^~> F25 s .2 . ^ ? rv 1 cQ e O ^ ^ |_a_^ ^ C=) ^ O P4 - ^ a r - _ ? i 1 i WO s = uT ? 35 J J ? A ?v 3 * 0 S=! ^ H? .?_ -? e 51 ' ' q C s = H I I -s'SS I'M =^-r> 5 -1 | 0 C,^r2 OS 4 n* 0Q ~ * Hi o? 1 ^ ar, 3 L -j OS ? [?1 !' cr> I ? W>_ _ ^ _ _ Extra Fine Family FlourjAA BAAS EXTRA FINE FAMILY FLOUR, I'm" in store and for sale low, at the " Old Brick Corner," by T. S. MYERS. February 21 3mo Cronkftrv and ftluBflworo ? J wmm WIAMWM *1 MIA VI \ GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY AND Glassware on hand, and lor sale low at the " Old Corner." by E. W. BONNEY. February 14 For Sale. A GOOD BUGGY AND DRAFT IIORSE; A l.SO, A SADDLE PONEY and COLT. Apply to March I t l M ATHESON & CO. Apple Brandy. SEVERAL BARRELS EXTRA FINE APPLE BRANDY, live years old. in store and for sale low (or cash, at tho "Old Brick Corner." January 31 3mo T. S. MYERS. Notice. ON AKI) AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF JAN liar v, i will sell no poods on credit. Cash sales only?and invite all those indebted to me to make immediate payment, or failing to do so will find their notes and accounts in the hands of an attorney lor collection. Immediate attention to the above is required. T. S. MYERS. January 3 3mo Starch! Starch!! V SMALL LOT OK FIXE PURE PEARL STARCH, for salo low, at the "Old Brick Coricr." by T. S. MYERS. March 7 3 Flour Jars, I X ANY SIZE, JUST OPENED, AT THE "OLD _ Corner," by E. W. BONNET. March 7 Notice. \VTK HAVING DISCONTINUED THE CREDIT t system entirely, all orders must bo accompanied vith the cash, or its equivalent. Special agreements, ?r those we are indebted to, aoccpted. December 27 KOOPMANN ?fc SOMMEJtS. . Notice. r CREDIT SALES. AS HERETOFORE. WILL BE discontinued on and after the 1st of January kext. Special arrangements only accepted. December 20 DRAKEFORD &, CO. Final NoticeI^HOSE WIIO ARE INDEBTED TO JOSEPH M. . GAYLE, and JOS. M GAYLE <k CO., are again otified that the notes and accounts of the said firms re in the hands ot W. L DePass, attorney at law, jr collection, and unless settled by Return Day. they rill bo positively put in suit. Aovemner ia Cash Store VO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR AXYTIIFNO. -/ W i LBS. EXTRA COUNTRY LEAF LARD; } V/ v/ Rice, Salt, Shoes and 200 lbs. Spices ; Extra white Meal and Hominey ; Southern put up Preserved Peaches; Wax and cperm Candles; Crushed, Clarified and Blown Sugar. All for Cash, and Cash only. November 20 ly A T. LATTA \