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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Headquarters, March 5, 1861. rpHE PRESIDENT OF THE CONFEDERate States, tlirough the Secretary of War, lias called on me, as Governor of South Caro Una, to furnish five more regiments for and during the war. Now, then, under this requisition, I do hereby call for men to come forward as volunteers, individually and separately, or by companies now formed of not Jess than sixty-eight aggregate to the principles laid down in the resolutions of the Council hereunto attached. Tenders of service will be made in writing to the Adjutant General's oflice in Columbia. Those volunteering as individuals will be formed into companies as soon as possible, the officers to be appointed by the Governor and Council. The Secretary of War, in his requisition, 6ay?, that "each soldier will receive a bounty of fifty dollats when the Regiment or Company is mustered into service, and will be allowed transportation from his home to the place of rendezvous," and will also be clothed, supplied and armed at the expense of the Confederate States. No man liable to duty will be allowed to enter any other company now in service for any term until this requisition for tive infantry regiments be complied with. If these Regiments are not formed by volunteers by the :20th instant, then a conscription will be made to meet the balance of the requisition, upon principles which wiil be announced in general orders of detail issued by the Chief of the Military Department, in connection with the Adjutant and Inspector-General. I need not make an appeal to the people to meet this requisition. The country is in danger. We have met with reverses. There is no alternative. We must fight for our homes and our altars. No people are fit to be free unless they are willing to march through the per ils of severe conflict and battle. This State was the cradle of the revolution. Let her sons now hang out their battle Hags from every llAino I of na tnnbo !>'? I avuivt uvt UO limau tnv." UliUU Ulli; LIILlUlltlUJU camp, and, if \vc are to fall, let every freeman find, at least, a soldier's grave. Let all come to their country's call. It we are brave and true, there is no permanent danger. W ithout difficulty and peril, independence itself would not be valued. No people wore ever free without dangers and struggles. Our true safety is to meet every danger with more indomitable courage, and to rise higher with any and every disaster. In the war of our first revolution, South Carolina passed through far more despe rate trials. Under the guide of the God of Battles, wc must rise to our destiny, and from our very defeats gather renewed strength in the defence of our firesides and of our homes. Given under my hand ami the seal of the State at Columbia, this the 5th day of March, in the year of our Lord one iIioumb [l.s. ]and eight hundred and sixty-two, and ot the independence of the State of South Carolina the eighty-sixth. K. W. PICK UN'S. Resolved, hy the Governor and Council, That in view of the great requisition tor troops for the war by the Confederate Government, no person not now under orders, subject to military duty in South Carolina, shall be permitted to enter Confederate service for a less time than for the war. Resolved, That the Chief ot the Military Department, together with the Adjutant-Genera). nroeend at. omcp to ilo.viso a t?v which all the arms-bearing white male inhabitants of South Carolina, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, shall be enrolled, as well as those now in service for a less period than the war, as those not in service, from which roTl the troops raised shall be subject, by lot, except such volunteers as shall come in as hereinafter provided. Resolved, That the individual volunteers, for infantry service, will be received until the 20th of March instant, who shall be organized into companies, battalions and regiments?ali officers to be appointed and assigned by the tiovernor and Council, and the troops so organized shall be mustered immediately into Confederate service. Rciolved, That infantry companies already formed, in accordance with the Confederate regulations, volunteering for the war, will be received with their own company otliccrs?the field officers to be appointed by the Governor and Council. Extract from the minutes of March 3d. F. J. MOSES, Jr., Secretary. J&r All papers in the State will publish the above proclamation and resolutions until the 20th of March instant, the daily papers publishing every other day. March 7 7 Muslins Lawns &c, LADIES' DRESSES, ON SALE, AT THE 1 "Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. M.irrh 7 Starch! Starch!! A SMALL LOT OF FINE PUKE PEARL ST A R.C LI, for sato low, at the " O.d Brick Corner," by T. S. MYEltS. March 7 3 I Flour Jars, I IN ANY SIZE, JUST OPENED, AT TIIE "OLD Corner." by E. W. BONN BY. March 7 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER,} march 4, 1802. j" r PI I IS FOLLOWING RESOLUTION, * - aopted by the Governor and Council, has been ordered to be published : Resolved, That the seventh section of an Act entitled "An Act to amend and suspend certain portions of the Militia and Patrol Laws of this State," passed 7th of December, 1801, be altered and amended to read as follows: "That all persons required to perforin ordinary militia duty shall be called out for company muster and drill at least once in each month, except those belonging to Beat Companies within the corporate limits of any cities of this State, or within the corporate limits of any town or village containing not less than live hundred inhabitants, including slaves and free persons of co'or; and all persoe* in such cities, towns and villages required to perform ordinary militia duty shall be called out for company muster and drill at least once in every two weeks; and in case of default, in either ease, to be liable to the same lines and forfeitures now provided by law." Extract from minutes of March 4th. ]>y order of the Governor and Council. F. J. MOSES, .Jr., Secretary. March 7 1 All papers in the State copy once. STATE OF SOUTH AKOLI\A. AI MPTANT & INSPECTOR GFXI, \S OFFICE, } Cbarlkstox. S, p.. February 27, 1802. ) Gkkkkai. Okdkk No. o. T COMPANIES, I?ATTA LLIONS AND Regiments will be accepted to serve 44 for and during the present war." A'o addiliunol troo/ts will In- rcccin d for <i shorter term. II. Accepted Companies only will be permitted to recruit for twelve months' service until they have the required number. III. Persons exempted from active service .in. n;.w..i n .i - i - ..... tvr .UIIUUIUI tlllUII IUCII1SUIVCS 111 Reserve ('om panics. IV. No person between tlie age of 18 and 4a will be permitted to join the Reserves, unj less his exemption has been endorsed and approved at this olHec, or by the Surgeon-General of the State. By command: t S. R. GIST, Adj. and Inspector-Gen. of S. C. March 7 1. Notico. VliL GUARDIANS, TRUST ICRS, ?fe. WHO are, by law, required to account annually to tlie Court of K.piily lor Kershaw District, S. C.. will please lite their relit1 us with toe Commissioner ol said t.'ourt, on or before the ltith day of March next. Rules will be issued against all defaulters, iuiuicdinlclv \VM It r I.' it i? Commissioner's Ollico, Cob. Kl, 1SU2. Februory 21 Apple Brandy. SEVERAL B.\ URKLS EXTRA FINK AITLE BRANDY, live years i-ltl in store and for sale low for cash, at ilio "Old Prick Coiner " January JI Jmo T. S. MYERS. ISTotice. ON AND AFTER THE FIR.-T DAY OF JANU ar.y, 1 Will sell no goods on credit. Cash sales i only?and invite all those indebted to me to make immediate payment, or tailing to do so will find their notes and accounts in the hands of an attorney for collection. Immediate attention to the above is required. T. S. MYERS. January 3 3mo Crockery and Glassware. VGOOD ASSORTMENT OF CROCK FRY AND Glassware on hand, and lor sale low at the " Old Corner," by E. W. BONXKY. February 14 Blanket Shawls 4 J J, WOOL BLANKET SHAWLS, SUITABLE L jl tor ooiuiers sinus, lor sale at the 'Old corner, by E. W. BONNEV. February 11 3STOTIOE. 1) ECRU ITS WANTED,?ALL PERSONS WHO L are desirous of enlisting in my Company, now serving in Virginia, are requested to conic forward and enroll their names. Cougress allows a bounty of fifty dollars to each persons who euli?ts. February 21 K. B.'CANTEY: Captain. The Cash System Has been forced upon us by our inability to obtain the means of continuing our business fr?>m any other source. Our customers will therefore please take m-tice that wo will henceforth till no orders (unaccompanied by cash) whether for goods from our store or for work from our shop, unless under previous special arrangements, distinctly made ivith us. j. j. workman & co. January 10 Notice. VVK WILL SELL GOODS DURING 1862 FOR ? cash only. No books or memorandums will be will be kept. No goods will be allowed to leave the store until fully settled for. No orders will be tilled unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended lor one and all; and we very much hope that no one will ask us to depart trom this rule, as we are determined to adhere to it without respect ot persons. Dec 2n 3 in MARONKY, BOS WELL & BRO. WORSTED DRY GOODS. 4 LSO RICH SILK DRESSES, WITH A LARGE 2~\ quantity of Embroideries, Ac., for sale at cost, tor cash, at the "'Old Corner" E. W. BONNE/. .LilitlMPv ')A Notice. \V K HAVING DISCONTINUED THE CREDIT system entirely, all orders must bo accompanied with the cash, or its equivalent. Special agreements, or those we are indebted to. accepted. December 27 KoOPM AN N A SOMMKRS. Notice. ("CREDIT SALES. AS IIKRKTOKORE, WILL HE discontinued on and alter tlio 1st of January next. Special arrangements otilv acceptetl December 20 DRA KEiOUD & CO. Final Notice rpiIOSK WHO A HE INDEBTED TO JOSEPH M. I. GAYLE. and J<?S. M <1 AVLE <( CO.. are again tiotilied that the notes ami accounts of the said firms arc in the hands ot \V. L DkPass. attorney at law. for collection and unless settled by Return Day, they will be positively put in suit. November 15 Coperas. i rrilHKK IIENDUED l.HS. OE GOOD COPERAS, j 1 tor sale at a low price, at the " Old Hrick Corner j j January 31 3mo T.S.MYERS. j To Rent. j * LOT, WITH A NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP, j i I a situated on the corner of Broad and York-street, 1 ... - j will be rented lor the present year. January 31 " K W. BONXEY. i NOTICEj rrMlli UXDERSIGNHD HAS JUST II EC HIVED A j ! JL px>d article of HOLLAND LI IN, and an excel-I i lent article of N. E.llUM A lot of {rood Rye WI1IS! K FY; also, a few l)arrcls of North Carolina Extra, at the u Old Brick Corner." T. S. MYERS, j January It I Jino Wide Iron. PLOUGH STEEL. SOCKET SPADES. HOES. Ac., just received ly K. \V. BOXXEY. February 7 South-Carolina- Kershaw District UY WM. M. ItUM.OCK, KSQUIRK, ORD1NAUY. \\J II HUE AS. JOHN KIR K PATRICK and JAS. t t I). K 1 RKPATRICK applied to ine for Letters of Administration on all and singular the ^ooda and chattels, rights and credits of Paul F. Yil jv[?igui\ uuo oi mo uisirici atorcsaid, deceased: These arc, therefore, to eito ami admonish all. and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to l?e and appear before tne at our next Ordiua t ry's Court for t lie said District, to beholden at Ker- j shaw Court House on the third day of March ! next., to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not ho granted. IJivcn under my Hand and Seal, this 12th day | j of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand i eight hundred and sixty-two and in flie eighty-scv- 1 I enih year of the Independence and Sovereignty of' ' I no State of South Carolina. February 1 1 :i \VM. M. BULLOCK. 0. K. I). 1 Cough Syrup. I V PC?ITIVK CU1IK FOR COiGIIP. COI.DS, I Asllonn (Yltisiinintirwi nml nil <1! jmuoj <>T ?!,/? i Chest;in(t Lung*. Prepared bjDecember 20 J.J. McKAIX. PRODUCE. r|"MlK UNI)KRSIf;NRI) WILL TAKK IX I\\Y i 1 ment c?f debts, all kinds of country produce at ! the highest market price, at the time of delivery. : Anxious to close up hi* old business, as far a* possible, and at the same time accommodate the farmer and planter, he solicits such payments. ' January 24 " K. W. BONN FY. Liquid Rennet I) LA lit ? WKYTirS LIQUID RENNET, FOR | 3 making, in a few moments, the most delicious 1 desert. For sale by J. J. McKAIX. December 20 NOTICE. MR. JOS. M. QAYLK IS MY AUTHORIZED . Agent during my absence in the service. January 3 2mo E. A YOITXO. HARDWARE, (CARPETS, RUGS and CRUMB CLOTIIS. for sale J at the "Old Comer." K. VV. BONNEY. January 24 Fine North Carolina Hams \ SMALL QUANTITY OF NO. OA. HAMS I , J~\. in store and for Hale low, at the " Old Brick , | Corner," by T. S. MYERS. | February 21 ; ustoxice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE of Jl?SSE F. YOUNG, decease-!, either by noto or account, will pieatc caM on the Administrate and settle the same, by cash or note, as I w;sh to. jrot the business closed up in some shape or form, at an e? rly day. J. M. G A YLE, Adm r. February 14 . 4 - r- | . ~ 3 ' 2 , ? v. ? ^ s r, ?=5 m 1 a, , 2 <! S ' O ? Ph a _ K-*4 Ci _ ?1?1 ^ d 1 J k o. - i * O j==^; se; I I m <=> O ? i s H i ^ I * pq c^> 5 <5 ? 0 ^ S ? I fi cs; S k -=d a i 0 . 525 ? ' SSS2 u m s r 1 CD ? M I - -S > ^ w> > STATE OF SOETII CAKOUKAr EXKCUT1VE COUNCIL CHAMBER, ) Coi.umkia. February 25, 1862. ) \ OTICK is hereby given that all persons having I . any arms suited lor public service, or any lead", powder, saltpetre or sulphur, tire earnestly requested ; to report the same to the Chief of the Military Department. or to agents appointed by him, and that fair prices will he given for them for the use of the i Slate By order of the Governor and Council. F .J. MOSKS. jr., Secretary. All papers in the Statu copy three times. February 2s 3 South-Carolina?Kershaw District. ltY \VM. M. ItULLOCK. KsRUlRU, ORDINARY. lVr 1IKRKAS, THOMAS L. BOYKIN APPLIED ? v to me for Letters or Administration on all aud singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of ?...-I.;., l,.? .i.? -r.._ :a J 4/in ?VJI mil, ji,, U1 till? i/IQlllt't tiiuiu&uiu, UUceased: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish nil, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased t<> lie and appear before me at our next ordinary's Court lor the said District, to he holden at Kershaw Court House on the seventeenth day of March next, to show cause, if any, why tho said admiuistratfou should not be granted Given under my Hand and Seal, this twentieth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and s.'xty-iwo, and in the eightysixth year of the Independence and r-overeignu of the State of South Carolina. February 28 2 \VM M. BULLOCK, 0. K. D. riAVttwtinni/wi AWM b /NA <1 n ^uiimii&aiuucxa ui ivuctua rI>TIIK C??M MISSION EItS OF ROA.DS FOR KKR1 shnw District will meet in Cainden on the 3d Monday in March, at 11 o'clock. COLIN MACRA, February 28 3 Clerk ot the Board. Guano rp\VO TONS PERUVIAN GUANO. ALSO A I. small lot of Patagonian Guano, for sale by February 28 E. W BONNKY. Seed Oats SEED OATS FOR SALE AT THE "OLD CORner," by E. W. BONNET. February 28 Extra Fine Family Flour i / BAGS EXTRA FINE FAMILY FLOUR, JA Jv/ in store and for sale low, at the ' Old Brick Corner," by T. S. MYEli>. February 21 3mo Save the Pieces. O PAULDING'S LIQUID GLUE is invaluable to O every household. Will mend Wood, China, Glass ami Metal. One small bottle will save ten times its cost. For sale by JOHN ?T. McKAlN. SANCHEZ SPECIFIC C^Ali bo sent by mail and will effect a cure sooner J than anv ?tlior medicine, is safe, pleasant and reliable. Sold by .T. J. McKAIN.