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TEREBENE LIGHT. ?O? THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING INYE "TED A New and. Cheap Oil FOR B , offers the same for sale in any quantity. It will'burn in any kind of Camphino Lamp, without smoke. The public are invited to call and see the light, and judge for themselves. An ordinary sized Lamp, filled with the Terebotio will give more light than ten sperm candles, at a cost of not more than two cents per hour. IIOCOTT A SUTHERLAND. Camden, S. C., Dec. 13 Notice. The undersigned intending to make a change iu his business on the first of January ' next, will dispose ot ins siock 01 goous ?i excrtumyty low prices, uutil that time for cash, or to punctual customers. My object is to turn as many goods as possible into cash, giving the purchaser a LIBERAL bargain for his money. K. W. BONNEY. INotice. Required in all casks to pay casti for purchaser and the utter impossibility of making collections, i am compelled to inform my customers, that if no special arrangement is made for short credits on call, i will adopt the cash system exclusively on the lirst day of January next. December 6 6 W. D. Mc DOW ALL. January 1st, 1862' Haying to pay cash for all my pure ases, compels ine to change my terms of busiues aftei ti is date. To enable me to replenish my stock, i shall sell in all instances for eas , unless a special arrangement be mad'- fur a short credit. All goods sold under this arrangement must bo considered as Cash, when called for. The reasons which have induced this necessary ciiange, i trust, will be apparent to all. Cash customers solicited. E. \V. BONNEY January 3. Cash Store .IV < KEDIT TO AM1BODY FOR ANYTHING. \f\ LB< EXTRA COUNTRY LEAF LARI); Rico. Salt, Shoos and 200 lbs. Spices; Extra white Meal and llomiuey: Southern put up Preserved Peaches; Wax and ^perm Candles; Crushed, Clarified and Blown Sugar. All for Cash, and Cash only. November 29 ly A.T. LATTA. Bricks, Lumber, &c. \ FEW THOUSAND SECOND-HAND BRICKS 1\ seasoned Flooring BOARDS, SHINGLES, Ac., for sale at the "Old Corner,"lor cash only. November 1 E. W. BONNEY. Carpets. Rugs, &cCARPETS, BUGS & FLOOR CLOTHS ON SALE, at the " Old Corner," by November 1 E. W. BNNEY. Winter Clothing1 and Hats VLOT OF PRIME WINTER CLOTHING? also HATS, in a great variety of styles, for sale by E. W. BONNEY. November 1 -A.gency Lynchburg Hose and Fire nsurance CompanyLYNCHBURG, YA. ?o? .Merchants' Insurance Company, OF RICHMOND, VA. Policies in the above Companies issued at usua nr r\ \\\r kit Ituc.l. ?? . XJ November 1 Agent. In Dqoiity?ICershaw District. BILL FOR PARTITION, CONSTRUCTION OF WILL, Ac. Thomas Lang vs. Edward M. Iioykin, Mary E. Boykin, Sallie W Boykin, Harriet Lang, John C. Lang, Edward B. Lang, Theodore Lang, and Sainuol W. L. Lang. It appoaring that the above named John C. Lang, dward B Lang and Theodore Lang, Defendants oside out of apt! beyond the limits of this Mate, it is ru-red, on motion of Richardson & Gay, Comptrollers jo t .J the said Joen U. Long, KUwurd B. j . r?* Lang, do plead, answer, or demur to I tii three months fiom date hereof, or j r-.t'CCD P'O confesso against them. ..dered, that this order be published \ fain ate, for three months, once a1 W M 11 TA Y LOR. c, E. k. D. i-uio Wines, I?OR MKDICINAL PURPOSES, FOR SALE BY ; . Novombor lf> J. J. McKAIN. CIRCULAR. To I lie Soldiers' Aid Societies of S. C. In answer to the numerous enquiries which have been made by the different " Aid Societies which have been roceutly formed throughout the State, I lmvo been intructed by his Kxcelleney Gov. Pickens, to give tlie following information. Depots will be established by the yuartermaster General, both in Charleston and Columbia, for tho reception of all donations of clothiug; aud he is also charged with tho duty of forwarding and distributing the same. The 41 Department" will receive all donations of clothing, say frock coats and pantaloons, of heavy worsted goods, shirts and drawers, of heavy homespun or flannel, wool, or heavy cotton socks, blankets, new or second hand, also heavy shoes. The plan upon which the State designs supplying her soldiers with all necessary clothing, is based upou their willingness to surrender to the fctatc the amount of money appropriated by the Confederate Govern" ment for this purpose, say forty-two ($42) per annum, this sum not now being sufficient in consequence of the greatly udvaneed cost of material. It is in view of this fact that these laudable 44 Associations" of ladies and gentlemen, are cordially welcomed as coadjutors in this noble work, and in proportion to their voluntary contributions of labor and materials, will the absolute cost of clothing for our gal ant volunteers be reduced. In the event that any of the 4 Associations" should not feel themse.ves abie to furnish both material and labor, the Quartermaster General is instructed by his Excellency the Governor, to re-imburse such Associations the cost of all materials, at a rale not exceeding similar materials purchased by tno 44 Department;'' and the quantity allowed for each garment shall be the same as used in our Manufacturing Bureau. Societies are particularly requested to adviso the Quartermaster General of the quantity of work they can do per week, and tho amount of donations they will probably send. To prevent confusion and loss, the following method lor marking packages should be strictly observed. All Societies near Charleston, should ship to Charleston ahd mark thus: No. 1. TO QUARTERMASTER GENERAL CltAllLKSTOX, S. 0. Trotn Aid Society at (here insert place.) Societies near Columbia, should ship and mark thus .so. 1. TO ASSISTANT QUARTERN!ASTER / C.t .... ... . O /I uuiiUJluiA, O. Vy. From Aid Society (lu re insert name.) The packages should be marked distinctly, and numbered from one 1) upwards, A correct invoice should accompany each shipment. All articles shipped at the expense of the State. November 8 4 S. S. GLOVER, Q. M. G. S. 0. CONFEDERATE STATES OP AMERICA. DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. rpHK UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AP1 pointed Receiver by the Hon. A. 0. Magrath for the Districts of Fairfield, Kershaw and Sumter, would most respectfully announce to the citizens of t he respective districts, that he is now prepared to discharge the duties that devolvo upon him by virtue of said oflice. I have no doubt that instances may arise where the duties properly discharged may be disagreeable to the parties interested, but relying upon the patriotism and loyalty of our citizens for their assistance in defeuding the provisions of the law, I shall expect such assistance t<? be cheerfully tendered, and in all cases that may arise, vield every consideration in mv nower. the nature of the case may admit of, to such persons as may he a fleeted by its operation; in the mean time ] shall endeavor to do my duty to the lull extent and letter of the law, and abide the consequences. The i Act of 1'onliscation on tho part of the United States deprives our citizens of the property without hope of remuneration; the act of Sequestration based upon principles recognized by the civilized world is intended to reimburse our citizens of the property thus decreed to belong to our enemies. I would therefore call upon all tho citizens of the Districts aforesaid, to aid me by giving such information as they possess of any property, personal or real, that may belong to any citizen who may be recognized as an "Alien Enemy," also all indebtedness in any manner, shape or form, due or payable to citizens of the United States (except Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri) by tho citizens of Fair Hold, Kershaw and Sumter. For tho information of those who maybe interestedI would respectfully call attention to the following provisions of the law 1st. It shall be the duty of every citizen to give all the information he inav possess to lhe proper ollicers of any lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods. chattels, rights and credits within the (Ion lode racy, as lield, owned, possessed or enjoyed by any one, lor the use and benelit of any " alien enemy" since 21st May, 18G1. 2d. It shall bo the duty of every Attorney, Agent, Partner or Trustee holding the property referred to, or having an}' interest therein for an alien enemy, to inform the Receiver of the same, and to render a strict ! account thereof, and to place the same (as far as prao ticable)in the hands of the said deceiver, whereupon j such person shall be ful y acquitted of all icsponsibility for property so reported 3d. Any poison failing to give such information and render such account shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and upon indictment and conviction shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $.">000. and imprisoned ! ii,a lmnrnr tliiiri siiv nimitliv mirl liirilmi. I.a i;..i i.. ] " ' 'IC I to pay double the value of such property hold by him j or subject to his control. Note.?Ail persons who have a domieil within the ; States with which this Government is at war,no mat- I tor whether they bo subjects of Grc >t Britain. France, or any neutral nation, or whether they be citizens of the U. S. or not. if they have a domieil or carry on any traue, traffic or busimss witlnn such boundaries, j they are to be recognized as Alien Enemies under the law. , J AS. R. AIKEN Receiver, V. S. A. | mber 22 ICURRYT H; SUCCESSORS TO THE . South-East Corner of ] CAMDEN, SOU IiEEP CONSTA] A FULL Si CLOTHING, Hi Iloots and Rliocs, Crockery Iron. Nails. C November 1 , mui St St S3* S3 S SON'S Till: Sl'IiM'KlliKK HAVING AC MUTUAL LIFE INS OF RALEIGH, NORTH mi i iii:i:\ Mil COM FAN V, OF COI/UM1 FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is propar. INSURANCE, on the most reasonable at'moderate rates. WII November 1 North < WM. 1^. Ih JMSS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, CAMDEN, S. 0., "Will practice in Kershaw ami the surrounding Dis j triots. November 1 WE ARE NOW OR EN I NO AT THE Store lately occupied by R. Latta, ono door above tlio "Old Corner," A FRESII ASSORTMENT OF HEAVY and FANCY GROG J] II I ID S. We have now in Store BEST BALTIMORE HAMS, I Fill? Fijxi'cl and Paeon Sides, | GOSHEN CHEESE, White Bread Corn, Fl one, KI i:, SI lid MOLASSE ALSO, SIX DIFFLUENT KINDS OF FIIESII BOSTON C RA CKE ITS, Some very Choice Assorted Pickles, Candies and Spices, Com Starch, for Table I sc, C a n d 1 e s, c. AL^O, Rio and 9 Li Java Coffee, i Stilus, Bagging, Ropc> dec. All for salt' at the lowest juices for OAS]I. Call and purchase. Sept. 18,?tf. \T KIIY SUPERIOR SEED POTATOES; FINK I Dairy ('lioes*-; Pigs and Sugar Raisins. .lust received at the "Old Corner" November 7 JO. "NV. BONNEY. 13 LOW STEEL.?Also. Plow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and Morse .Shoo Nails. Traces, I lames, Saddles. Ac. .Just received at tho "Old Corner.'1 No vein he 7 K. W. BONNIOY. 1 > A '0\, Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curing \y and very line lor bale at tho 'old corner,' by E. W. BONNEY. tMBLIEH. LATE WM. ANDERSON, Broad & DeKalb-Streets, TH-C AIIOLIN A, N" TLX ON HANI> IJPI?LY OF VTS & CAP&, 7 are, I Iollow Ware, Tin Ware, Groceries, <fee. Tllinis CASH. 'TT-A-I-i CKPTED TIIK AGENCY OF TIIE URANCE COMPANY, CAROLINA, AND TIIE IRA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ,'<1 to receive applications tor policies of LIFE terms. The Lives on SLAVES insured .LIAM L. DePASS, Agent r.'irolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. yVlnl >n ma Fir? Insurance C O MP AN Y. r|^llF Undersigned, ns Agent for tne above SouthI crn Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Buildings. A e. November 1 W. L. DePASS. FALL & WINTER" u I; iwitk TIII: ATTI:\TIO.\ tt of our friends and the public generally to our stock of FALL A XI) J VIXTFtt GOODS, Which is complete in all its various branches. AND WILL HE SOLI) LOU CASH OX/A' McCURllY & HAMMKRSLOUGH. November 1 Fall Goods. rpilK SUHSCIUBKIl, HAS ON HAND OF HIS I last Fall purchases: Super Black Bombazines. ' 5-1 Black all-wool DeLanc, 44 44 " Cashmere and Merino. 44 44 44 Plain and Drilled Alapaccas. 41 1-1 44 Knylish Crape. Colored Kn<rlish Merino. 4* Printed Del.anes, Domestic. Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vests for children Misses, ladies, boys A'men jirawtTs, ior indies nnd Men. ' Union Dresses for Lailies. Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Parlnton Muslins. White ih'illiantes nnd Dimity Embroideries. Edgings and Insertings, Laces. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Plain. Hemstitch nnd Embroidered. A good stock of Kii<rlish Cotton llose and Half Hose, with a lair stock of other goods suitalde for families' Fall use. W. D. McDOWALL. November 1 Good Servants to Hire. V GOOD COOK, WASH KR and IUONER. i i xt_ i i>?:-i.i i m -< x\ am?. i uru'Miivur iiiKi nasiorcr. Also, a good House boy and Fariucr. All of wlioni can bo hired to approved persons, by making early application to tliis ortioc, or Mr. J. 13. Alexander. December 6