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Proclamation by the President. Richmond, February 20.?The following proclamation lias just been issued : Tbe termination of the provisional Government affords a fitting occasion again to present ourselves in humiliation, prayer and thanksgiving before that God who has safely conducted us through the first year of our national existence. We have been enabled to lay anew the foundations of free Government and to repel the efforts of our enemies to dc strov us. Law has everywhere reigned supreme ; throughout our wide-spread limits personal liberty and private rights have been duly honored ; a tone of earnest piety has pervaded our people, and the hundred victories which we have obtained over our enemies have been justly ascribed to Him who ruleth the universe. AYc had hoped that the year would have closed npon a scene of continued prosperity, but it has pleased the Supreme Dispenser of Events to order it otherwise. We arc not per mitcd to furnish an exception to the rule of 1 Divine Government, which has prescribed at- j lliotion as the discipline of nations, as well as j of individuals. Our faith and perseverance 1 must be tested, and the chastening which ' fifiOinnt.h rrrinvoiift will if vinrlitlv vi?r>nii-/wl l.i-Ii..* ' ^ , .. - | forth its appropriate fruits. It is meet and light, therefore, that we | should repair to the only Giver of all victory : ! and humbling ourselves before llim, should! pray that he may strengthen our confidence in his mighty power and righteous judgment. Then may- we surely trust in llim that He will perform his promise, and encompass us as with a shield. In this trust, and to this end, I, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, do hereby set apart Friday, the twentyeighth day of February instant, as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, and I do hereby invite the Reverend Clergy and people of! the Confederate States to repair to their respective places of public worship, to humble themselves before Almighty God in prayer for his protection and favor to our beloved conn try, and that we may be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all that hate us. Given under my hand and the seal of the Confederate States, at Richmond, this twentieth day of February, A. 1). 1802. By the 1 'resident: JEFFERSON DAVIS. "Wm. M. Browne, Secretary of State, <ul interim. Gen. Price.?The reported victory of Gen. Price is continued by the following in the last Richmond Dispatch : The following despatch was received by the Commissary-General yesterday morning, and is said to be confirmed by despatches received by the President: Port Smith, February 18?Via Clarksvillci Ark., and Chattanooga, Tenn.?Gens. Price and llebert arc fighting the enemy to-day, at Sugar Creek, in Benton County, Ark. The result is not known. Our troops arc confident of success. Later.?The enemy lost 700. Our loss is 100. Another great victory. Ai.ukut Pikk. Another Requisition for troops on South Carolina.?We learn that the President has called for .5,000 more South Carolinians for the war. Charleston will have to furnish her share of this force.? Charleston Mercury. The New York World says that Gen. Sumter Anderson's health is anything hut satisfactory, and his physicians have ordered him for the present to avoid all undue mental exercise. He is living with his family at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. The City of New Orleans is in an admirable state of defence, being strongly fortified and having an abundant force for its protection. Special IN"ot ices. Bank of Camden, So. Ca., February 25, I8<?2. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE ORDERKD that a dividend of $2 50 per share, of tho Stock of this Bank, bo paid on and after tho 28th inst., at tho Bank of Charleston, tho Commercial Bank of Columbia, Merchants Bonk of Clieraw, and at tho counter of this Bank. This is intendod as a pro-pay. ruent of the next July dividend. W. II. R. WORKMAN, Cashier. February 28 J Commissioners of Roads riynik commissioners of roads for kkrX sliaw District will meet in Camden on tlio Ud Monday in March, at 11 o'clock. COLIN MACRA, February 28 3 Clerk of tlio Board. Guano rpWO TONS PERUVIAN GUANO. ALSO A X. small lot of Patagouiuu Guano, for sale by February 2s E. W. BONN BY. Seed Oats. SEED OATS FOR SALE AT THE "OLD CORner." by E. \\\ BONNEY. February 28 South-Carolina?Kershaw District, BY WM. M. BULLOCK, ESRCIIIK, ORDINARY. \\7 II ERE AS, TIIOMAS L. BOYKIN APPLIED to mo for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits ol Burwell Bovkiti, jr., late of the District aforesaid, deceased : muse are, lueroiore, 10 cue aim admonish ail. and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court lor the said District, to be holdcn at Kershaw Court House on the seventeenth day of March next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be grouted . (liven under my Hand and Seal, this twentieth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and s/xtv-iwo, and in the eightysixth year of the Independence and tovereiguty el the State of 8011th Carolina. February 23 2 \YM M. BULLOCK, 0. K. I>. STATE Or MOIITII CAKOl.aXA. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 0HAMBF.U, ) Cor.UMlu.v. February 25, 1 sG2. ) V OTIOK is hereby given that all persons having ? ? any arms suited for public service, or any lead, powder, saltpetre or sulphur, are e irnestly requested to report the same to the Chief of the Military Dc I> <i iinviii, m to ajjeius ;i]>]> m 111?*?I ? V mill, illiU llini fair prices will bo iveil lor them lor too use of the State Uy order of the Clovertior and Coum-il. l-\ J. MORKS. jr., Secretary. ?3??"" All papers ill the Slate copy 11 tree times. February 'J 8 It NOTICE. VI-L 1'KltsOX.s I NOKBTK1? Tl) Til K KST ATV. ol .ll-iRSK F. YOUXit, dor-eased, either by note or account, will please call 011 the Administrator am settle the same, by ea-h <>r note, as 1 wish to fret the business closed up in some shape or form, at an earh day J . M. OAYLK, A dm r. * February 11 1 Extra Fine Family Flour 1/W \ HACS KXTltA FINK FAMILY FLOUIt I ' ' in store and for sale low, at the " Chi Uriel Corner.*' by T. S. MY Kits. February *J1 3nio Fine North Carolina Hams V SMALL QUANTITY OF NO. CA. IIAM* in store and for sale low, at the "Old Uriel Corner," by T. S. MYKUS. February '11 (5 I) ECRU ITS "WANTED.?ALL PERSONS AV11C \ art; desirous of enlisting in mv Company, now serving in Virginia, are requested to come f -rwan and enroll their names. Congress allows a bounty u lifry dollars to each persons who enlists. February '21 JO. 1J. CANTKY, Captain. Notico. VUi GUARDIANS, TRUST IOCS, <fc. Will are, by law, required to account annually to tin Court of Equity lor Kershaw District. S. I?., w 11 please tile their returns with the Commissioner of suit Court, on or before the 10th day of March next Rules will be issued against all defaulters, iuuncdi ately WM. R. TAYLOR, 0. K. K. D. Commissioner's Olliec, Feb. KJ, ISU'2. Februory '21 Apple Brandy. SEYER AL BARRELS EXTRA FINE A1TL1 BRANDY, five vears old. in store and for sal. | low for cash, at tho "Old Brick Corner.'' January 31 3mo T. S. MYKRS. ZN* otice. ON AND A FT KB TIIK KIK>T DAY OF J ANT* arv, I will sell no jroods on credit. Cash sale only?and invite all those indebted to me to make itn mediate payment, or failing to do so will find thei notes and accounts in tho hands of an attorney fo collection. Immediate attention to tho above is re enured. T. S. MY KITS. January 3 3mo Crockery and Glassware. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CROCKKItY AN1 J\. Glassware on hand, and tor sale low at the ' Oh Corner," bv K. \Y. BONNKY. February 1 I T>1 1 J. Ctl 1? uiaiiKeu onawis4 I.L WOOL BLANKET SHAWLS, SUITABLI /"V for Soldier's Shirts, for sale at the " Old Ooruer, bv E. W. BOXXKY * February 1 i The Gash System Has been forced upon us by our inability to obtain the means of continuing our business from any other source. Our customers will therefore please take notice that we will henceforth till no orders (unaccompanied by cash) whether for goods from our store or for work from our shop, unless under previous special airaoyemeuts, distinctly made with us. J. J. WORKMAN A CO. January 10 Notice. Y\7k will sei.l goods during jsg2 for f cash only. No books or memorandums will be will be kept. No goods will be allowed to leave the store until fully settled for. No orders will be tilled unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended lor one and all: and we very much hope that , no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as wo are determined to adhere to it. without respect ot persons. Dee 20 litu MARONEY, BOS WELL A BIU>. i I WORSTED DRY GOODS. VLSO RICH SILK DRKSSKS. WITII A LAljr.K quantity of Kirtbroidcrics. A c., for galea I cost, for ' cash, ill tlio ''Old Corner." K.W. ROXNKT. Jnuuury 24 ?>TKn'i AlV/viOO. i YVKHAVIX,: discoxtixukp Tin-: credit j t 1 sy-tetn entirely. ;ill orders must ho accompanied ! with the cash, or its equivalent, Special agreements, or those we arc indebted to. accepted. 1 tecenil?cr *J7 Kt )01J.M A X X it SUM MKRS. Notice. ! / TUKDIT SA1.KS, AS IIKRKTOFORK. WILL UK | \j discontinued on and alter the 1st of January next. Special arranjroincnts only accepted j December 20 DRAKKFORD & CO. | Final IXotiee ' 'plIOSK WHO AUK IXPKIITKP 'IT) JOSKI'II M. I ft CI A VLK, and J??S. M 11 A V I.K ?C C. are ajrain i notiticd that the notes and accounts of the said linns j arc in the hands ol W. 1. PkI'ass, attorney at law, : for collection, and unless settled by Return Day. they | will i>e positively put in suit. ! Xoveuiber 15 Notice. ; i T.L T'K.PSOXS IXniJlTKI) TO TIIK KSTATK I J.\ <?f JOSKPH I.KK. sin; not i lied that they will lind their notes ami aw units in tin* hands ef AY. I.. I?i:1 'ass. attorney at law. for collection. ami unless settled l>y Keturii Pay, they will 1j>' just in suit. November 15 Coperas. | 'I'MllIKK. liUXDKKD MIS. OK GOOD ('OPKttAi?, 1 lor sal?? at a low prior, at tin* Oh! Ilriek Corner January 31 .'lino T. S. MYKUS. To Kent. i I.OT. AY IT 11 A XK \Y Ill.ACKSMITIl SHOP. 1 \ situated on the corner of Broad and York-street. ' will be rented for the present vcar. I January 31 * K AY. 110XXKY. NOTICE ' I Mir; l J >r.I!M< i A r I' II AS .1 LSI I; K( I'.I V r.l) A JL good article of lit'LLANO (?IX, and :m excellent art it'Io of N. I\. Ill"M A lot of good I've W IMSK KY ; also, a few barrels of North (Carolina Kxtra, at the "ohl lirick Corner."' T. S. MYKILS. ] January 1!1 :tino Wide Irorc I>LOUt:iI STKKL. SOCKKT SPADKS. IIOKS, ?tr.. just received l.y K. \Y. 1JOXXKY. February 7 : South-Carolina- Kershaw DistrictI?Y W.M. M. Hft.l.OlK, KSQl'lRE, OltlU.VAUV. W" I1KRKAS. JOHN* KIRKI'ATRICK and JAS. j j T IX KI UKl'ATltK'K applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods sum chattels, rights and credits ol I'nul I". \ ilI lepigue, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: j. j 'i hose are, thcrelore, to cite and admonish all. and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to he and appear before mo at onr next Ordinary':; Court for the said District, to bo hidden at Kershaw Court House on the third dav of March next., to show cause, if any, why the said adtninistraj lion should not he granted. j (liven under my Hand and Seal, this 12th day I J of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand I i eight hundred and sixty-two and in the eighty-seventh year of the Independence and "Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. February I I :* WM. M. BULLOCK, O. K. D. Cough Syrup. VP0S1TIVK CURK FOR COCO IIS. COLDS, Asthma, Consumption, and all diseases of the Chest and Lungs. Prepared by December 20 J. J. MoKAIX. PRODUCE. ! rpiIK UNDKRSIGXKI) WILL TAKK IX PAY j I meut of debts, all kinds of country produce at I the highest market i?rico, at the tunc of delivery. ' Anxious to close up his old business, as far as possible. and at the same time accommodate the farmer and * planter, lie solicits such payments. Januarv 'Z \ E. W. BONN EY. r Liquid Rennet 1)LAIR k W MYTH'S LIQUID RENNET. FOR y making, in a few moments, the most deli ions deseit. For sale by J. J. McKAlX. December 'Jo ] | NOTIC'F, MR JOS. M. (IAVLE IS MY \ UT1IOR1ZED Agent during inv tibs nee in t e service. January J 'Jino E. .V YOUNG. HARDWARE, A11PKTS. W\Ti- ?nd < ItUMP. CT.OTIIS. for salo VV nt tlio " Old Comer.'' E. W. liONNKY. January 21 ??????iifc???B?i Tax Notice. I WILL ATTEND AT THE FOLLOWING PLAees on the following days, for the purpose of collecting the Taxes of Kershaw District, for tlio vear 1861. At Liberty IIill, on Monday the 3d March. At Flat Rock, on Tuesday 4th March. At Ruflalo, or: Wednesday 5th March. At Lizouby's, on Thursday Uth March. At Schrock's, on Friday 7th March. At Cureton's Mill, on Saturday 8th March. My Rooks will be opened then at the store of Messrs. MeCurry Hamtnorsloughs, in Camden, until the 1st of May, at which time the books will be positively closed, and all defaulters doubled taxed. .January 31 *1 11. l'ATE, T. C. K. D. go i _r 5 k-2?l txj 5 O : , ? ,r ? ~i 01 ~ I . | ? ! 1 H f-H ? *? | E ' ' ^ 1 j?j-H ^ 2 s SO I ! hr ? rj : t g o _ - I * 0 i=gr ^ ^ s | cc ' -=5 K 5 1 ^ f ??I " S rH f??' ~ ? f = H : i-?^ -c p= I? q ^ C S 0 ca O 5 ri =-- 03 I- M r .o ?=a=j s i o : - ^ 5 S ? I H| S_ i TRY A SOUTH CAROLINA MEDICINE. Oil BALSAM OF LIFE, Prepared bv JOII.K J, IYIrKAIi\, cjamcLen, ?o. CJa., Will cure Dyspepsia, pain in the side, Headache, loss of appetite, conIstipation of the Bowels, giddiness and rush of blood to the head; and acts as a general tonic to the whole system. It l?i AVilll'iilitud niivclv - ' v/pvl"lu'v' iii its composition, and being prepared i by an experienced Druggist, the Proi prietor claims that it is worthy of a | trial from the Southern public. Many certificates having been rei ceiveel certifying that this Medicine I lias cured many longstanding cases of the above diseases, a few of these from well known and responsible names will be published occasionaii ]yWholesale Agents, IIa vilaxd, Stkvexson A Co., Charleston, S. C. Sold by Ilasseltine Massey, Lann * * r /N *11 r -?-v T-V* caster, L.; Meiiill 15eattie, Pleasant Hill; R. C. Patterson Liberty Hill. Committed to Jail. IN K Kit SHAW DISTRICT, FEBRUARY 20, A Mov by the name of Peter, who says he belongs to John Harrison, of Fairfield District. Said boy is ' about fifty years old, very stout built, and says ho i has been run away for some time The owner will como forward, prove property, pay | charges and take him away. K. E. SILL, Jailor. February 21 per Duncan Sheorn,