University of South Carolina Libraries
To til? Soldiers from Sonlli Curolina. Intlie Army of tlie Polomsie. 4 By direction of the Governor and Couucil of Soutli Carolina, I address you. You were the first to respond to the call of the State for the defence of our common country. At her bidding you rushed to a distant border, and unfurled the Palmetto in the face of an advancing foe. For her, and yourselves, you have won imperishable renown, when, in conjunction with your fellow-soldiers from ^ttllOl* Sstsltfic oiiliinu/i.l "... ...I : I. -. V. uvhw^ J V?? IV 1 <.*.1 llll'ou \ ItHJIIL'Jl WHICH buried the hireling foe behind the defences of bis capital. You have displayed a brilliant courage, and, higher still, you have borne with fortitude, not only the battle's shock, but the deadly fever and the wintci's storm. The State is proud of your conduct, your devotion and your achievements. In the name of that State, a grateful people, we thank you. lint the main object is not yet achieved ? the establishment before the world, and in fact, ?i the indcpcndance of the Confederate States of America. Our own existence as a State is involved in it. The enemy, drawing confidence from overwhelming numbers and superior appliances of war. still vainlv hones to stihitimito ~ ' J 1 V"0"%v us; and his forces arc enlisted for the cor. You arc trained and tried ; stand, therefore, to your arms. Let him no longer insult you with the consoling hope that you will vanish 1 n his presence. Tarnish not the bright crown which now gleams on your brow, bv leaving the field with the enemy in your sight. Let it not be said that by your absence the valient few who remained were overwhelmed and the fair fabiic, our country's liberty, laid low in the dust. With your help, we can defeat the too? and we will. J>\* all the high impulses which move a Soldier's soul, and all the sacred influences of patriotism, we ask you to record your names oil the immortal list of those who hav already express d their resolution to tight this battle until we shall compter an honorable and glorious peace. AVI .1-- -a ? ' ? <i nun uio crowning victory is won?wneu onr country stands discnthr died and redeemed, and its independence established?history will say of you, sons of Carolina, that while you were the first to fly to arms, you refused to lay them down until our cause was vindicated. Then a grateful country will be lavish of her honors and her benefits upon the children and children's children of the heroic veterans of the army of the Potomac. JAMES CI I ESN IT, Jn., Chief of Department of the Military of South Carolina. rn? HI I III! I I IWIH I >I I ! I n I > I OBITUARY. DIKD, in this place, on Thursday, the 1 Oili inst . of tvphoyd pneumonia, llARMOX ARUANTS, of Capt. K. It. Cantey's company, ajred atiout 11) years. ? ? i !im^?M?unaaBe.-s??t* rjratcna.'A*.-' Special 3STo+iees. NOTICE. AN ELECTION WILL UK 1IKLI) OX SATURPA'.r, tlio 15tli inst. for a "Warden of the Town of Camden, to till the vacancy caused by ihe resignation of Dr. D. M. Rod gci'S. "Win. SI. Billings, S. Hammerfilougli and W. C. Long are appointed Managers. By order of Council. February 7 2 J. W. McCURRY, T. R. sicb-:i>s, OK TllK GROWTH OF I860. A FULL SUPPLY for salo at tlio POST OFFICK. January 17 IOOO RALLS ? <>TTO\ WAIVYF,I>. WE "WILL BUY OXK THOUSAND BALKS COTTON. M. BAUM & BROS. January 17 iVILLBirN ALMANAC, FOIt 1MI2. PRICE?FI FT KEN CKXT3. FOR S A LK AT TIIK January 3 POST-OFFICE. POST OI B K i: XOTBCF. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, THE MAILS WILL be closed daily at 8 p. m. The oflico will be opened from 8 a. m. to 12 in., and from 1 to 3 p. ni., and for one hour after opening of the mail in the evening. For the mid-day trains, the mails to Richmond arid Charleston are closed at 11 a. r>l n.wl Ov- nil ll.n. ? ..ns ... ..1 ? A - .... , uu\? iui an ir?; uuiti uillVCn ill l 1/ ?l. ill. Letters dropped into tho oflicc for delivery, must be prepaid, two cents each. No letter is delivered unless no prepaid. T. W. PKGUKS, P. M. January 15 tf NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of JKS3E F. YOUNG, decoasod, either by note or account, will please call 011 the Administrator and nettle the sarno, by cash or note, as 1 wish to pet the business closed up in somo shape or form, at an early day. J. M. GAY'LE, Adru r. February 11 i Extra Fine Family Flour 1 AH BAGS KXTUA. FINE FAMILY FLOUR, X V/v/ in store and lor sale low, at tlio " Olil Brick Corner," by T. S. MYERS. February 21 iluio Fine North Carolina Hams 1 SMALL QUANTITY OF NO. OA. 11AMS VV in store and for gale low, at tlic "Old Brick Coiner," by T. S. MYERS. February 21 0 Committed to Jail. IX KERSHAW DISTRICT, FEBRUARY 20, A Boy by the name of J'etcr, who says he belongs ! to John Harrison, of Fairfield District. Said boy is 1 about liliy years old, very stout built, and says he | has been run away lor some time. The owner will come forward, provo property, pay ' charges and take him away. E K SILL. Jailor. February 21 per Duncan Sheorn. NOTICE. I> ECRU ITS WANTED.?ALL PERSONS WHO \ are desirous of enlisting in tuy t 'ompany, now serving in Virginia, are reipnstid to eotne f rward and enroll their names, Congress allows a bounty of liny u liars to each persons wl.o enlists. February 'JI K. 1 i. CANTKY. Captain. Notice. VI.L HUAlt I'T A XS, TKFSTKKS, Ac, AVHO arc, by law, required to account annually to the I Court t?l Ivjuity lor Kershaw lllslricl, S. 0., will ' please lilo their returns with liie Commissioner of said Court, oil or before the ldth day of March next. ; ltulcs will be issued against all defaulters, iiutncdiately. \YM. It. TAYIjOK, C. K. K. I>. | Commissioner's Olllce, Feb. 1.",, 180'J. Februorv 21 Apple Brandy. SKVKRAL l'.AKKKLS KXTRA FINK AlTLK _ Hit AN I ?Y, live years old. in store and lbr sale low lor cash, at the "Uld Brick Corner/' I January 31 ilmo T. S. MYK11S. STATU or SOUTH iA,UOLli\A. ip:-*, uAl I\ i M * ,V ' - I r V ?l . %\ KV^ * ' v* V- v' k&<4& i KXKCUTIVK COUNCIL OH A MHK1I, ^ Fobru.-irv 14 1SG2. J ;rpiIK FOI.I,< >\YIX(j mi SO L U T ION', j rdopted this day I?v the <lovcrnor ami Council, has been ordered t<? he puhli>hcd. Jit'so//'e</, That so much of an Act entitled "An Act to reduce all Acts and clauses of Acts in relation to the militia of this State to J one Act, and to amend the same,*' ratified the j I 71h of 1 >eeemher, 18 H, as relates to the niiij form of the olHcors of the Miliiin of tin - , ami so nmeli as relates to tin- requirements of said oilicers to he in uniform wliilo sitting on courts-martial. and tin* same is hereby suspended for and during the continuance of the pre1 s lit war. Kxtrart from the minute's. J?\ order of the tlovernor and (Council. 1\ .1. MUSKS, Jn., Sectetarv. Kel>. 21 1 papers in the State enpv once. jST oi ice. ON AND AFT!It TIIK F!U>T DAY OF .! AXI" arv, 1 will sell no jroods on credit. Fash sales only?and invite ail those indebted to mo to make immediate payment. or l\tiliti;_c to do so will lind their notes and neeonnts in the hands of an attorney for collect ion. lninicdiate attention to tlio above is required. T. S. M V KltS. January S ihno Field Kands Wanted. iAVlSllTO 111 It K SI X Oil Hit JUT (SOOD FIKLD Hands for the present year. For pariienlars address ;no at Iliekorv Head, or J. M. (Jaylo, at Oamj y. ' a I.' /'I i'...- V ... ... ^y. r . \ ii i IJL. > i\, February ~ Hickory Mosul, S. 0. Wanted Immediately. VFKK'rt COLORKO MAX TO WAIT I l'OX A Soldier sit<sas. <J??tmI wajjos and f*ood treatment may bo expected. Apply ai tl.e Hank of l sin.den Fobrunry 14 '2 Crockery and Glassware. VUOOD ASSOIM'MKXT OK t'lin KI-lliY AND (Masswaro ott baud, and tor sale lo.v at tlio ** < >1< 1 Comer." by K. W. BOXXKY. February 14 Blanket Shawls VIJ. AV0O1. BLAXKKT SHAWLS, ST'ITABLK . for Soldier's Shirts, for sale at the "Old Corner," by K W. BOXXKY. February 14 India Rubber Gin Bands,! ("UTTTIXO KXIVKS, COltN SIIKLL12RS AXD J I'LOlTO1 IS, for sale at the "Old Corner," by jNOVcmuer i K. W. JilKN.NKY. Notice. 'piIIS IS TO CAUTION ALL PERSON'S FROM 1 trading for a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, lor ; about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated ?tlio early part of the present year, and signed by "Sutherland Letnond and James Dnnlnp '?the said noto having been lost, and since settled, by a now paper. It was given for the hire oi 17til and Charles for the year 1801. E. W. BONNE Y. December 20 The Cash System I T AS BEEN FORCED UPON US BY OUR J 1 inability to obtain tlio means of continuing our business from any other source. Our customers will therefore please take notice that wo will henceforth till no orders (unaccompanied by cash) whether for goods from our store or for work from our shop, unless under previous special urrunyenieuts, distil,cthj iiiuclc with us. j. j. workman & co. January 10 Notice. A VE WILL SEEL GOODS DURING 1SG2 FOR ? ? cash only. No books or memorandums will he will be kept. No goods will bo allowed to leave the store until fully settled for. No orders will be lilhd unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended tor one and all : and we very much hope that no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as we are determined to adhere to it " ithout respect ol persons. Dee '20 ilm MAliUNKY, BOSWELL ?L BRO. _ __ _ J WORSTED DRY GOODS. VLSO RICH SILK DRESSES. WITH A LARGE quantity of Embroideries, &c.. for sale at cost, tor cash, at the ''Old Corner/' E. W. BONNE Y, January 21 Notice. U ' K HAVING DISCONTINUED THE CREDIT t t system entirely, all orders nmsl l>u accompanied with the cash, or its equivalent. Special agreements, or those we are indebted to, accepted. December 27 Kt)OPMANN A: SOMMICRS. Notice. /1RKDIT SALES, AS HERETOFORE. WII.L NE V7 discontinued on and alter tho 1st of January next. Special arrangements only accepted. December 20 DU AKEFUltD it CO. Final Notice 'IM10SE AV1IO ARE INDENTED TO JOSEPH M. 1 GAYLE, and JOS. M GAYLE it' CO., are again notiiied that the notes and accounts of the said linns are in the hands ot \V. L DkPass. attorney at law. for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will be positively put in suit. November lf? A^QtiOO. VLL PERSONS INDENTED TO THE ESTATE . of JOSEPH LEE. are notiiied that they will find their notes and accounts in the hands of W. L. DkPass. attorney at law. for collection, and uniess settled by lb-turn Day, they will be put in suit. November 15 Coperas. r I'M! REE HUNDRED I.US. OF GOOD ('OPERAS, 1 lor sale at a low price, at the " Old Prick Corner January 51 3mo T. S MYERS. Tr\ 1 4 LOT. WITH A XHW BLACKSMITH SHOP.' 1 \ situated on the corner of Broad and York-street, will be rented for the present year. January 31 E W. BOXXEY. 1ST OTICErpilE EXDERSIOXED II AS JEST RECEIVED A ? goodarticle of ID'LLAXD 11 N". and an excellent article of N. E.REM A lot of good Eve \\ IIISKKV: also, a few barrels of Xortli Carolina Extra, at the Old Brick Corner." T. S. MYl l.'S. January 31 3mo Wide Iron1)Lon;il STE.EL. ScCKLT SPADES. 1L0KS, Ac., just received by E. W. BOXXEY. February 7 Seed Oats. BESIIELS fixe quality seep oats, ? 0\ / l'.?r sale low lor Cash, ;.t the "Old Brick Corner." T. S. MYERS. January 31 3ino South-Carolina?Korshaw District 15Y WSl, M. Jil l.l.OCIC, KSQUIItl-:, OKDISMtV. \\" II El! EAS. JOlfX KIRK PATRICK and JAS. T I >. K1 RK PATRICK applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Paul F. Yi!? lepigue, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: '1 hose are. therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to he and appear hclbro mo at our next Ordinary's Court for t lie said District, to beholden at Kershaw Court House on the third day of March next., to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not he granted. (iiven under my Hand and .Seal, this 12th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two and in the eighty-seventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. February 1 I :: W.M. M. BULLOCK, 0. K. D. Cough Syrup. 4 P0S1TIVK CUKK FOR COUGHS, COLDS, t \ \ .. l i 1 : 1 -11 i: - i j. *. ,.\>i 1111j?i, * uijmiiii|miuii, mm an uisuiist'3 ui uiu Cliest and Lungs, Prepared by December 20 J. J. MoKAIN. PRODUCE. rpilK UNDERSIGNED WILL TAKE IN PAY 1 inont of debts, all kinds of country produce at llie highest market price, at tin1 time of delivery. Anxious to cl#e up his old business, as far as possible, and at the same time accommodate the farmer and planter, he solicits such payments. January 24 ' K. W. BONNEY. Liquid Rennet 13LATR .t WKYTH'S LIQUID RENNET, FOR ) making, in a lew moments, the most delicious desert. For sale by J. J. McKAlN. December 20 NOTICE. Yfll, JOS. M. GAYLE IS MY AUTHORIZED It JL Agent during my absence in the service. January 3 2ino E. A. YOUNG. Tax Notice. I "WILL ATTEND AT THE FOLLOWING PLAces on the following days, for the purposo of collecting the Taxes of Kershaw District, for tbo year 1801: At Liberty Hill, on Monday the 3d March. At Mat ltock, on Tuesday -itii March. At Buffalo, or: Wednesday oth March. At Lizenby's, on Thursday <5lh March. At Sell rock's, on Friday 7th March. At Cure toll's Mill on Saturday Slli March. My Books will be opened then at the store of Messrs. MeCurry tl> llainiuersloughs, in Camden, until the 1st of May, at which time the books will be pos.tively closed, and all defaulters doubled taxed. ' January 31 4 11. PATE, T. C. K. D. I K I z ?h m | | 3 rH , ^ I & 1=2 1 S C S J -H 0 M ' ^ rS ? Q, I I I fcsij . ' i * W = 5 Yj & :? 5 c; _ - s ? O szs ^ ^ 11.? r?a ^ ^ I % W 1??^ y" ? ^ ^ ^ II cq c-^-N 2 <! ! O O 6 03 , cq w H r=^ pjj | -=E^J tsa I 0 ^"J [T fS TK Y A S() IJT11 "CAROLINA ivr in oTrmsnn 011 B A I3 AOF LIFE, * I 'rcpared bv Uik3C t: fl ~*W -a ? an "V ||IV> kD . V |V, .11 ? 51 :1 , Oamclen, S>o. Oa., Will cure Dyspepsia, pain in the side, I leadaehe, loss of appetite, constipation of the .Bowels, giddiness and rush of l?lood to the head; and acts as a general tonic to the whole system. It is warranted purely vegetable in itseomposition, and being prepared by an experienced Druggist, the Proprietor claims that it is worthy of a trial from the Southern public. Alanv hnvino* Won w. ceived certifying that this Medicine lias cured many longstanding cases of the above diseases, a few of these from "well known and responsible names will be published occasionally. \V h ol esal e A gen t s, 11 a v i l a xd, Stev ex son it Co., Charleston, S. C. Sold by llasseltine it Massey, Lancaster, S. C\; McCill tt Beattie, Pleas ant llill; K. (J. Patterson Liberty Hill. Sugar and Molasses. /' IU1DS. CHOICE SUCAH. O 155 bl>ls choico Xow Orleans Molasses. 2(? lialt-bnrrel do do. in store and to arrive, lor sale by M. BAUM &, BltOS. January 3 HARDWARE, C1ARPETS, HUtlS and CRUMB CLOTHS, for sale J at (lie " Old Corner.'' E. W. BONNEY. January 21