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Wanted, Forage for the Army. Any parties having corn, hay, Blades, or Wheat Straw, for sale, will pleaso oommunicato with tho undersigned, stating prico and quantity. Sacks for Grain can bo furnished. Hay, Ulados or Wheat Straw must bo tightly baled. HUTSON LKK, Major C. S. A., & Quartormaster-in-Chicf Military Department of So. Ca. January 31 3 ' STATE OF SOUTH CAROM WAT" "** ?.. m o??tf-^A.u_?v * ' ^'V ?ti>^ * ADJUTANT & INSPECTOR GENU'S OFFICE, } Columuia, C., January 21 18G2. j" Genehai. Okdeii No. 0. -I ALL PERSONS HAVING IN TIIEIR -*- possession arms belonging to litis State are hereby ordered to send such arms to the Court Houses in their respective Districts, and the Captain commanding the Heat of eaeli Court IIousc will forthwith send the arms to the Arsenal in Columbia, S. C. II. persons having more than one double barrelled shot gun are most earnistly requested to send them to the Court Houses, and take the receipts of the Captains, who will send such guns to Headquarters, Columbia, South Carolina. in UM.:? ...:n Ill* 1. IU? IMWV-l ?>J1I HV'o (..VMIUIVl " ItU ctll > previous orders that have been issued from this office in relation to collection or arms. ]>y order of Chief of Military 1 >epartment. S. U. CIST, Adj't. & Insp. < icn. of S. 0. January 31 1 STATU or SOUTH A:tOLB\A. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMP,Ell. January 20, 1802. ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SEVeral Departments of tlie Executive Council will hereafter bo addressed to the Chiefs of the said Departments respectively. ]5y order of the Governor and Council. F. J. MOSES, Jr., Secretary. January 24 3 Snuff?Snuff. MACABOY, SCOTCH and HIGH TOAST SNUFF, for sale by G AYLE ft YOUNG. January 24 :t NoticeI 1IAYE PURCHASED MY BROTHER'S INTERest in the stock of goods formerly belonging to the lirm of A. M. & It. Kennedy, and will open the Btore on Monday, 27tli inst. Present circumstances compel me to sell for cash; or where a special arrangement is made, a short credit will lie given. The money to bo paid 011 call. ltOBT. M. KENNEDY. January 24 4 KTotice. ALL persons having demands against the estate ot LEMUEL AV. IIOVK 1 X. d,-ceased, arc remicKti-il to hand them in, properly attested, m tl e snbsn ihor. January 2i 1 K. W. BOXNIiY. NOTICEI do heroby appoint and constitute Mr. F. MeLATtNON my agent to represent mo in set tling up tho estnto of W. F. Perry, deceased,. All persons whe have business with said estate will please call on Mr. McLarnon, at an early day. lie can he found at the stand occupied by W. F. Perry, deceased, in his life timo. I>. 1>. PERRY, January 23 3 Auni'r. of \V. F. Perry, dee'd. PRODUCE. The undersigned will take in payment of debts, all kinds of country produce tit tbo highest market price, at the time of delivery. Anxious to close tip his old business, as far as possible, and at the same time accommodate the farmer and planter, ho solicits such payments. January 24 E. av. bon n FY. Liquid Rennet Blair & w myth's liquid rkxnkt, for making, in a few moments, ilie most delicious desert. For sale by J. J. MoKAlX. December 'Jo flmnrTi fWrmn. H/ V/ fj A POSITIVE CUKE FOR COUGHS, COLDS, Asthma, Consumption, and all diseases of the Chest and Lungs. Prepared by December 20 J.J. McKAIN. Notice. WE HAVING DISCONTINUED THE CREDIT system entirely, nil orders must bo accompanied with tho cash, or its equivalent. Special agreements, or those we arc indebted to, accepted. December 27 KOOPMANN ?fc SOMMKRS. worsted dry goods. Also rich silk dresses, with a large quantity of Embroidorics, Ac., for sale at cost, lor cash, at tho "Old Corner." K. W. 130NN Kf. January 24 hardware!, CARPETS, RUGS and CRUMP. CLOTHS, for sale at tho u Old Corner." E. W. HON KEY. January 21 STATU or SOUTH CAROLINA. ffejp? ?% *<? - ki V p To f/tc i\faiHi'/ers of Eh ctioux for Kershaw District. Whereas, by an act of the Cencrai Assembly entitled an Act to provide fuither calling of a Convention of the people of this State, ratified on the day of December, 1801, it is provided, 11?:it in case any vacancy shall occur in said Convention by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the I'resident of the Convention shall issue his writ to fill such vacancy. And whereas, such vacancy has oecurcd in the Delegation from the District, of Kershaw by the resignation of the lion. T. J. Witiikks: These are th crib re io authorize and require yon to open a pole and conduct an election for one Delegate from the District of Kershaw to till such vacancy?having* first dillv advertized the same, and yon are hereby required to conduct such election in .".'.I districts according to thi* laws and Constitution of this State touching such cases, and make vour return of this writ according to law. Such elections to he held on the third day of Jmbuary, Kightcen Hundred and Sixty-two. D. F. JAMISON", J resident ot the Contention. The poll at every election precinct in the District is required to he open for the purpose of holding such election on the above named day. January 17 3 Sugar and Molasses. f* III IDS. C HOICK SUO Alt. \) :i:? bbls elioice New Orleans Molasses. 2<? half-bairol do do. to arrive, and for sale by M. BAUM & BltOS. January 3 Notice. H AVI NO YOhUXTKKKKD IX Til K SKIIVICK of my couniry, it now requires niv business to be settled up at once. 1 now call upon all persons who are in anvwise indebted to mo bv note or ne count to settle the same by Cash or note, with my agent. JOS. M (1AYLK, who is autlufri/.ed to transact all my business. 10. A. YoUNb. January Im stats: of south cakolixa. KKHS1IAW DISTRICT. OKFICK COURT ?)K GKNKItAl. SKSSIONS AND COMMON l'l.KAS. I. \V. Clyburn Clerk of said ( ourt. m persunuce of the directions of the Act of tic Ja gislntuie. in such ease, made ami provided, do hereby give public notice, that an elect ion for sherilf for Kershaw District. will be held on Monday, the I'd day of Ft I nary next, at the usual places of election througlmet th s.,id (iitrict.. Witness iny hand at Camden, this 11th day of December, 18G1. W. CLYBUHX C. CI. S. & C. V. January ?> tde NOTICE. \i.L TKliSOXS If A VI NCI CLAIMS AflATXST the Kstateofll. Boykin, deceased, will present ' them properly attested, tome, and all those indebted i will make na\ im nt to T. Ij. l?OY Kl X. Kxcentor. Jnmii.ry s;: 1 m?? P T' IT Z" f '* '* ' ' * P.* " "? O* n? (/M * I W*' -j' M M U. ^ of 'run S T O C K I E O Ij I) K 11 S of tiik SOUTH CA1U?LIXA Ji. li. COMPANY, and of tiik SOUTIIWESTEKN liAII.KOAD HANK. ["jJnaHaleTSa jfV-"!>js;ssat T" V L^m u - JJ -lo.i-iv*.'.*.? 43 J. J . .' > f r|^IIK ANNUAL MIOKTINC OK TIIK STOCK * I It'IjMIMtO Ol IIIO ilOOVO IllSlil 111 IOII Will lit- llCill at the Bank Hall, in Charleston, on the second Tuesday in February, it being tlit* eleventh clay of tlio niontli. Hour of convening, 11 a. in. On tlit* day following (Wednesday) there will Bo an Election lielcl at tlio same place, bet wot n tlio hours 01 ! a. in. ami it p. 111., for Fifteen Directors oj' the Jin itroad Company and Thirteen Direr tori for the Dank. A com in i 11 tro to verify proxies will aitcml. The at It-nt ion of I ho Stockholders is called to Iho following ro.solntioii, adopted at tlio Annual Meeting, held in 1 .s I : olied. I'll at every Stookholdor who shall havo j owned his Stock for tiiroo months previous to tlio general Annual Meeting of the Mocklndders, he permitted to pass on the lioad, to and from said in etin.". free of charge ; and that every Stockholder who shall have owned live or more shares for throe months previous to the general Annua! Meeting of Sto-khold I ei>, ">f jifimi'ic'ii fi un i'io* noii i 10 Mini 111mm said Meeting, witn liis ininie<lialf famiiy, frco ?>; char^o; and that tho resolution of Febuarv l-lli, 1S51, upon the subject, be, and is hereby, rescinded. I J. 11. KM KllY, I January 'J-l o Secretary. notice. BYTIIEDEATII OF MR A. EOMMERS, THE former tirm of II. & A. Sominers was dissolved on the 19th of November, 1861, and the bnsiness will be conducted in futuro at tho same old stand, opposite the Market, by the surviving partner, Mr. II. SOMMKKS, who respectfully begs a coiitinuanoe of patronage from the public of Camden and vioinitv. II. SUMMERS. Important to Purchasers Having replenished his stock of goods*, the undersigned invites the attention of persons in need of anything in his line, to his largo and well selected stock of goods, such as? Pleached and unbleached Shirtings, at al 1 pi ices; A very neat selection of Calicos; also. Mourning do.; A large assortment of lSonuot, Apron, and Dress Ginphams: Worsteds, a 1 pa ecus, Merinos, lllaek and Colored Press C.IL-o . tw'imo . Plaid Lindsoys, J-lannels, Hosiery. Gloves, etc, etc. A I.S< >. lloopskirts, Cloaks and Shawls, in great variety. okya n/mgk ikutesjauxs, kerseys, dv. \ full stock now on hand of Cotton Osnaburgs, Plaid I lo nespnn-e Kersey.-. a? toi v Yarn (all nuinoe rsi, Red tickings and all sorts <>l Romestie and desirable goods. iux) y:s; shoes, u. 1 y:s; < \ i y\s; Ae. .V< .. A'c . Ladies. Men's and Children's Shoes and Roots of all sizes. Hats and Caps. Carpet Rags. Trunk', Guns, Pistols ami Knives. Letter I'aper, Envelopes, etc. head y made (AiMTlflXE, Shirts, ami Und r hirts i?>r Gents and Roys. Special attention is invite 1 to his oiioce'ii y deiki /miext,\ Consisting of Crushetl, Clarified and Rrown Sugars; Syrup and Molasses, Tea, Candies, .Soap and Starch, Flour. Lard. Matches, Spices. Vinegar, Soda. Brooms ami Buckets Tinware, Hard and Crockery Ware, Cocoa, Mustard, etc.. etc. An early cull i' solicited, by 1L SOMMKRS. Opposite the Market. ^ vy v ii?mi |mm iui tin kiiiu ui i ruuueu. .January 10 3 TO HIRE. 1 XKOItO P.OY FOR II111K, APPLY TO i V January 10 J 11. SOMMKRS. ]ST( )TIOE. fit. JOS. M. OAYKK IS MY AUTHORIZED J 1 Aj?ent during my absence in the service. January 2mo K. A. YOU NO. ZSTol ice. ON AND A IT Kit TI1K FI1PT DAY OK JANUarv, I will sell no ?ronds on credit. Cash sales only?and invite all those indebted to mo t^inake immediate payment, or failing to do so will find their notes and accounts in llin tennis: fit" ;ni nllni'iiiii' collection. Immediate attention to the above is required. T. S. MY EES. January Kino Dissolution of Partnership.! r|>IIE FIRM OF A. M. & II. KENNEDY WAS I dissolved on the 1st instant, by mutual consent, j Either partner will sign the linn's name in li<|Uidation. A. M K EX X EI > V. January 10 1 BOUT. M. KENNEDY. The Gash System HAS BEEN FORCED UPON US BY OUR inability to obtain the means of continuing our business lr?iu any other source. Our customers will therefore please take notice that we will henceforth till no orders (unaccompanied by cash) whether for goods from our store or for work from our shop, unless under previous special arrainjemeuts, distinctly made with us. J.J. WO 1: KM AN A CO. January 10 Crockery & Hardware, IV FIXE A^OllTMKXTOri l: CKCRY llAED /i WAIM-: ami IlorsEiiOI.P AllTH'LES, on hand. and tor sale at tho "DM Corner," by Xoveniber S K. ?Y. UOXXEY. India llubber Gin Bands, CMTTTIXf! KXIVKS, COUX SIIKI.EEKS AND J I'LOT'i! 1 IS, for sale at tho "Obi Corner." l\v November 1 K. AY. BOX X E Y. Notice. CAREPIT SALES, AS 11 KitETOKORK. AVILL BE J discontinued on and after tlio 1st of Jaunary next. Special nrraimeinciits onlv accepted I'ee- r -Jo Id'.' \ K KKORP A CO. Final N otice j 'PIIDSI-: Willi AIM-: IXPEI'.TEP TO JOSEPH M. I i (i A Y I.E. and .! bS. M (; \ Y I.E ?C C< >.. arc again notilied that llie in>ies and aeconnls of the said lirius i are in til.- hands < ' \Y. I, Pi.Pass. attorney at law, for eulleetioii and unless settled by Return Pay, they J ; will lie |>osii ivelv put in suit. Xoveliiber la oticc. \ LL PERSON'S INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE 1 1V of JOSEPH LEE. are notified that they will lind their notes and accounts in the hands of AY. 1,. Pk l\\ss, attorney at law. for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will be put in suit. November 15 To Hire A FIRST HATK COOK AND WASHER WILL /V be bired for tbe year 1SG,_>) to a careful person. Apply at the "Old Corner."' K. W. BONNEV. December 5 Bed Blankets and Quilts, A FEW FINE BED BLANKETS AND MARSEILLES C^UILTS, at the ''Old Comer," by November 8 E. W. BONNEY. Notice. I HEREBY CONSTITUTE AND APPOINT K. GASKIN and VV. D. GaSKIN hs my legal attorneys and agents, to transact all my linnucial or other business, ami to sign my name, when necessary, in all business whatsoever during my absence from home. All trades or bargaihs done by either of my agents is valid with mo. JOllN GASKIN. January .'5 3 1869 POSBTlVi: rvo'iicu. 1862 HAVING to i?ay ('ASH fornll Goods wc buy, and . having closed our books, and do not intend to keep any the present year, our business will bo conducted strictly upon the CASH system, except those to whom wo may ho i..U> 1 or l?v special arrangement. Therelore, our customers and friends will oblige us by adhering to the above. (.5AYLK .V YuUNU. January J J 2000 lbs. White Lead, . Y\'lXl>OAY OLAS?, VARNISH KS. Ac., FOR > ' sale by J. J. MeKAIN. November 15. Seed Rye Peas and Corn, I^OR SALK AT TIIK '-OLD CORXKR," BY i Novembers K. W. BONN FY. THY A SOl'TII CAROLINA ME D ! ( r\XE. if i >k Oil B A JLS A 1*1 C F i.IF E, 1 ^l'Opai'Ocl 1>V JOIE\ J, ?IcKAIi\, Camcleii, So. Ca., Vfill cure Dyspepsia, pain in tlie side, Ileadaelie, loss of appetite, constipation of the Bowels, giddiness and rush of blood to 11 le head; and acts as a general tonic to the whole system. It is warranted purely vegetable i 11 its eoi 11 posi t i011, a 11 d being prepared by an experienced Druggist, the Proprietor claims that it is worthy of a trial from the Southern public. Many certilicatcs having been received certifying that this Medicine has cured many longstanding cases of the above diseases, a few of these from well known and responsible names will be published occasionally Wholesale Agents, TIavtlakDjStkvf.xson <k Co., Charloton, S. C. Sold by Hasseltine Sz Massey,Lancaster, S. AiclPll A: Leattie, Pleasant Hill; \l. C. Patterson Liberty llill. J ose Q. Felipe, (FHOM JJAVAXA. CUBA.) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Havana nn<l Doitaxlic Solars, Hie Best Virginia Chewing &, Smoking X3 Q To O O O . A ( HOICK LOT OF FIRST QUALITY SNUFF, PICKS, kc.. &c., W1I0LKSALK AND RETAIL. !\o. til .11m* kef-St reel, SIGN OF "NO IMPOSITION CllARLKSTON, SO. CA. November 1 BURNET'S TOILET CASES. j? "V\CI1 containing one bottle Coconino, for the lmir; E u one bo'.ili- l'I<'linu l, n now ninldelightful perfume lor tin- 1 hu.bko:> lin l': <?:.o bottle Kallbton, or Cosmetic, for removing freckles, sun-burns, ,io.; one bottle Orcntal Tooth Wash, Ibr preserving and beautifying tin* 'lei th ami .unif. All put up in a neat and compact Case, costing very little, and would make a handsome and appropriate pn -' .' ".n a gentleman to a lady. A supply just reeoiw 1 . f r le by ?b IN .i. McKAIN. Modicixio Ciicsts. ^UlUtlCAl I N'S'l !JI"M !: Ty, I'OOKKT CASKS IO Trusses, Sii|-)n?rl?Ts.r-.o ;.?U>r !:races, Ac. A larjro nssortiuei t just < ; < nod at Sept. 2\>,?tl. MclvAlN'S bllUG STORE.