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Annual Meeting OF TilK . STOCK H O X, 3D E H, S OF TItB SOUTII CAROLINA R. R. COMPANY' AND OF THE SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD RANK. [p-firisHilr ' T#:*'?... *-? . i npiIK ANNUAL MKKTINCr OP TIIK STOCK X HOLDKRS of tlie above institution will be liobl tit the Bank Hall, in Charleston, on the second Tuesday in February, it being the olcvcutli day of the month, llour of convening, 11 a. m. Ou the day following (Wednesday) there will bo an Klecliou hold at the same place, between the hours oi" * 9 a. m. and 'i p. in., for Fifteen Directors of the Dixilroad Coinx>any and Thirteen Directors for the. Hank. A coin in it tee to verify proxies will attend. The attention of the Stockholders is called to the following resolution, adopted at the Annual Meeting, licld in 1851 : Jiesolued, That every Stockholder who shall have owned his Stock for three mouths mwimis ?< ? ti>? general Annual Meeting of the Stockholder, lie permitted to pass on the Road, to and from said meeting, freo of charge ; and that every Stockholder who shall have owned live or more shares for three months previous to the general Annual Meeting of Stockholders, be permitted to pass on tho Road, to and iVoni said Meeting, with his immediate lainily. free of charge: and that the resolution of Febuary 12th, 1 S31, upon the subject, be, and is horebv, rescinded. J. It. KM FRY, January 24 8 Secretary. Snuff?Snuff. MAC A ROY, SCOTCH and 1110 11 T< > AST SX U FF, for sale by (: AYLK & YOUXC. January 24 8 IJoticeI HAVE PURCHASED MY BROTHER'S I NT K11est in the stock of goods formerly belonging to the tirm of A. M. it R. Kennedy, and will open the store on Monday, 27th inst. Present circumstances compel metosell for cash; or where a special arrangement is made, a short credit will be given. The money to be paid on call. ROUT. M. KENNEDY. January 24 I Notice. ALL persons having demands against the estate ol LEMUEL AY. ROYKIN, deceased, are rc?picatcd to hand them in, properly attested, to the subsetiber. January 24 4 E. \\\ BONNEY. NOTICE. I DO hereby appoint ami constitute Mr. F. MeLAItNON 1113*agent to represent mo in settling up the estate of W. F. Perry, deceased,. All persons who have business with said estate will please call on Mr. MeLnrnon, at an early day. lie can be found at the stand occupied by W. F. Perry, deceased, in his life time. I>. J). PKRRY, January 211 3 Adm'r.ofW. F. Perry, dee'd. PRODUCE. TIIK UKDKRSIGXKD WlIJi TAKK IN PAYnieut of debts, all kinds * of country produce at the highest market price, at the time of delivery. Anxious to close up his old business, as far as possible, and at the same time accommodate the farmer and planter, he solicits such pavmentsj January 24 K. W. 110NNKY. STATE OF SOU TUB C'AUOLIJVA. ex ecu \' i v e ('or nci l c 11 m m i ; ek. January 20, 18(52. All communications to the.several Departments of the Executive Council will hereafter be addressed tn 11 Chiefs of the said Departments respectively. i>y order of the Coventor and Council. F. J. MOSIOS, Jr., Secretary. January 24 d STATU OF SOUTH2 CAE&ODJ.HA. tt*fcr;v/0 ...: i's-rfz ,'A Wfilfltei H ft * >' y* v f jf JMv>v/ n-V?. J ADJUTANT & 1NSPKCTOR CSMNL.'SOVKICK, ) j Coi.UMitiA, S", C., January '20 18(>'2. ) IjEXEKAL UUDKIt AO. .5. BY DIRECTIONS OK Til!-: CHIEF OF the Military I >epartment of South Carolina, it is hereby ordered, that all persons having contract with this State for the manufacture or supply of ordnance and ordnance stores; for the manufacture, supply or repairing of small arms, or for the supply of subsistence or clothing, will report forthwith to Hon. James Chesnut, Jr., Chief of the Military Department of South Carolina, the nature, extent of performance, and evidence of such contract. S. R. GIST, Adj't. & Insp. Cen. of S. C. January 21 1 WORSTED DRY GOODS. Also uicii silk dresses, with a large quantity of Embroideries, &c., for sale at cost, for cash, at tho "Old Corner." E.W. DONNE IT. January 21 HARDWARE, CARPETS, RUGS and CRUMR CLOTHS. for sale at the " Old Comer." E. W. BONNEY. January 24 STATE OP SOUTH CAKOL1XA. To I he Manager a of Klcctiowi for JCcrshow ])istrict, Whereas, by an net of the Hencrai Assembly entitled an Art to provide fiuther calling of a Convention of the people of this State, ratified on the day of Decernber, 18G1, it is provided, that in case any vacancy shall occur in said Convention by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the President of the Convention shall issue his writ to lill such vacancy. And whereas, such vacancy has occured in the I telegation from the. District of Kershaw by tht! resignation of the lion. T. J. Witiikhs: These are therfore to authorize and require you to open a pole and conduct an election for one Delegate from the District of Kershaw to till such vacancy?having lirst duly advertized the same, and you are hereby required to conduct such election in all districts according to the laws and Constitution of this State touching such cases, and make your return of this writ according to law. Such elections to be held on the third day of Tcbuary, Kighteen Hundred and Sixtv-two. D. T.JAMISON, President of the Convention. The poll at every election precinct in the District is require"! to he open for the purpose of holding such election on the above named day. .January IT 3 War Tax. TO TAX-1WYKUS OF BEAT NO. 2. \r01* are required by law to make your Returns to 1 the Assessors?failing to <!<> so you are liable to be double-taxed. We will receive returns on Monday, 'IYksday, and Wednesday next, between the hours of U a. in. and 2 p. in , each "lay, attlio Counting-Room of A. M. a R. kennedy W. k. 11l*g i iks. ) Titos. h. Boykin. > Assessors. January IT 1 R. M. Kennedy, ) Sugar and Molasses. IlIIDS. ('HOICK ST'CAR. \) bbls elioico New Orleans Molasses. 2o half-bai rel do do. to arrive, and for sale by M. BAUM & BROS. January P. Notice. HAY IXC YOI.l'XTKKRKD IX Til K SKRYICK of my country, it now requires my business to be settled up at once. I now call upon all persons who are in anywise indebted to me by note or account to settle tho same by Ctixh or note, with my agent, .ICS. M (SAY1.K, who is authorized to transact all my business. K. A. YOUXC. January lm STA'B'i; OB-" KOU'S'lB CAEIOIJKA. KKRSI1AW DISTRICT. office eOflJT of " i fn eisa i. sessions and common i' I. W. Clyburn Clerk of said Court, in persuanec of tho direct ions of the Act of th?? Legislature, in such rase, made and provided. do hereby give publicnotice, that ancleetion for shcrilf for Kershaw District, will lie liokl on Momlay, the Jd day of Kchuary next, at the usual places of elect ion Ihrouyhout th said district. Witness my hand at Camden, this .'itIt day of December, 18(11. "\\\ CLYiirxx c. c.. s. & c. r. January 3 tde NOTICE. 4 bl, PERSONS 11 A VI N(I CLAIMS AGAINST y\ the Instate of 1!. lloykin, deceased, will present them properly attested, tome, and all those indebted will make payment to T. L. iJUYKIN, Executor. January J *lmo NOTICEVLL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE TTXDKRsianed by note or account are rennested to come forward and settle tlio same, at once. One ot* ilio linn having volunteered in the defence of his country, re jnircs the husiness to he settled tip by the lirst of January, 1SC2. Those who do not avail themselves of this opportunity will have to settle with an Attorney?as the business has to he settled by cash or note. (JAY LK ?fc ^ OUXO. Deeentber 27 3 SoUiiprS Eicliof. AM ILI F.S OF YOLFXTKFUS APPLYING FOR aid from this Hoard, must luivo their application signed hv some responsible neighbor. W. D. McDOWKLL, Sec. ,t Treas. .lanuary 10 Extra Family Flour, I^ORSALKHY GAYLH <fc YOUNG. Dcconihcr 27 '2 Hegros to Hire. 17MVK Oil SIX YOITXO NFOROS TO HIRE FOR . the year 1SG2. For particulars apply to December 27 2 J. M. GAYLE. NOT1CK I>Y THE DEATH OF Mil A SUMMERS. T1IK ) former firm of II. & A. Summers was dissolved ou the lytli of November, 1801, and the business will be conducted iu future at the same old stand, opposite the Market, by the surviving.1; partner, Mr. II SUMMERS, who res|>ectfully bogs a coutiiiuanee of patronage from the public of t.'ninaen and vicinitv. 11 .SUMMERS. Important to Purchasers Having replenished his stock of goods, the undersigned invites the attention of persons iu need of anything in his line, to his large and well selected stock of goods, such as? Wenched and unbleached Shirtinrrss nt all nrimw A very neat selection of Calicos: also, Mourning do.: A lar?re assortment of Honnet, Apron, and Dress Ginghams: Worsteds, Alpaccas, Merinos, lJlack and Colored Dress Silks: Plaid Lindsevs, Flannels, Hosiery. Gloves, etc, etc. ALSO, lloopskirts, Cloaks and Shawls, in great variety. OS.W 1 n Kit (IS.IIOM KSP KKItSKYS,dr. A fall stock now on hand of Cotton OsnaVnirgs, Plaid Homespuns. Kerseys, Factory Yarn (all numbers), Bedtickings atid all sorts ol Domestic and desirable goods. BOOTS\ SHOES, IL1 TS, (L1 PS, &c, Ac., Ac , Ladies, Men's ami Children's Shoes ;iii<1 Boots of all si/.es. Hats ami Caps. Carpet Bags, Trunk*. Huns, Pistols aiul Knives. Better Paper, Knvelopes. etc. HEAD V JL1 DE (\J) Till SO, Shirts and Undershirts for Cents and Boys. Special attention is invited to Ids OROCEll Y 1>EPA PTMEXT, Consisting of Crushed. Clarified and Brown Sugars; Syrup and Molasses, Tea. Candies, Soap and Starch. Flour. Lard. Matches. Spices. Vinegar. Soda, Brooms and Buckets Tinware, Hard and Crockery Ware, Cocoa. Mustard, etc.. etc, An early call is solicited, by II. SOMMKRS. Opposite the Market. Cash pa hi for all kind of Produce. January 10 :? TO HIREVxf.ouo boy for 111KK, apply to January 10 :? 11. sommkrs. N( )TICE. M r. .tos. m. gayf.f, is my authori/.kd . Agent during my absence in the service. January 'Jmo F. A. Y<>UXG. !N"otice. /~\V AVn AVTl'll MM I I.' villvl' I > ? A* r.i.i r?v-i V ) arv, 1 will sell no ?*oods on credit, t';isli sales only?and invito all those iialelited to ino to make iainiediate payment, or lailiny to do so will liial their notes au*l accounts in tlio hands of an attorney lor collection. Immediate attention to the ahove is required. T. S. MVKI1S. January .'t .'huo Dissolution of Partnership. r INI K FIRM OF A. M. .t 11. KKNXKDV WAS I dissolved on the 1st instant. l?y mutual consent. j .mill |itiI lull >> 111 Hlji'll II1U 111111 S lllllIIC* 111 ll<|1UUUllOU. A. M. KKXXKHY. January 10 KURT. M. KKXXKDY. The Cash System nAS RKF.X FoRCF.D UI'oX US IiV OCR ! inability to obtain tin* means of c-0111inhim>- our business livm any ol her source. Our eust uuers will tlicrclbre i?lcase lake 11 lice that we will hcncelorth till no orders (u? aeconipnuii d l?y easli) whether for roods from our store or for work from our shop, unless under jircvious *]>ceinl <111 a.-'/ctii' /./*. <h>t< cthj mode with us. J. J. \\(). KM AS ,V I'O. January in Notice. I>Y PKRMISSION OF \VM. M. bULLOCK, ORJ dinnry for Kershaw l>islriel. I will hire privately until the lirst Monday in January next, on which day I will hire at juiblic outcry, before the Court House, in Camden, a likely Xegro man, (Dennis) belonging to the estate ol John S. ltrown, deed. Terms made known on dav of hire. R. M. RRoUX, Adiu'r. Kst. of JU11X liliOWX, deed. December t7 2 Liquid Rennet ]>LATR & WKYTIPS LIQUID RF.XNF.T. FOR y making, in a few moments, the most delicious ueseri. r or sate ny ,J. J. ileKAlX. December 20 Cough Syrup. 4 POSITIVE CURK FOR COCCUS. COLDS, -/V Asllima, Consumption, ami all diseases of tlio Chest and Lungs. Prepared by December 20 J. J. McKAlN. For Hire or Sale. I WILL III II K OR SKLL A YOUNG X KG 110 "Woman, with One Child?child annul two years of age. For further particulars apply to December 20 .'I .1. M.GAYLK. Notice. Y\/t K HAYING DISCOXTIM'HP Til K CREDIT T y system entirely, all orders must he accompanied with the rash. or its rmiivalmit Snocial noT<.r?ni..i.t^ or those wo nro indebted t<>, neeepted. December '27 KoOl'M ANN <k SOMMKUS. To Hire. ONK Xo. 1 liRirKLAYBR WILL UK HIRED I'rom 1st of .January next. Apply at this ollico, or at the Branch Bank. December 27 3 Bed Blankets and Quilts, \FKW FINK BKD BLANKETS AND MARSK1LLKS QUILTS, Jit the "Old Corner,'' bv November 8 K. W. BONNKY. Notice. I* IIKRKBY CONST1TUTK AND APPOINT K. <!ASK.IN and \V. D. CASKIN as my lejrnl attorneys and agents, to transact all inv linatieial or other business, and to sign my nauie, when necessary, in nil business whatsoever during: my absence from home. All trades or bsirguihs done by either of niv agents is valid with 1110. JOIIN UASK1N. January 3 1N02 1'OSITIVE NOTICE. imw U A VINCI to pay CASH for all Hoods we buy. and having: closed our boohs, and do not intend to keep any the present year, our business will bo conducted strictly upon the CAS 11 system, except those to whom we may be indebted, or by special arrangement. Therefore, our customer* :md friends will nbli?ro n? liv adhering to the above. 1SAYLK & YulJNG. January .* School Notice VL. Mel ?< ?N A 1,1 >. will resume 1 lie exorcises of liis school on Monday. the Oth of.ranuary, 18G2. January 1 2000 lbs. White Lead, \\7IXPOW GLASS, YARN I SI IKS. &<>.. FOR >> sale by J. j. McKAIN. November 1 To Hire V FIRST UATK COOK AND WASINCR "WILL be hired for the year 1N02, to a careful person. Apply at the "<?ld Corner." K \Y. BOXXEY. December drifiri UTTA Dcnr riT-ir? fftriw kjccu ioao ciiu uuiiij 57*011 SAL10 ATTIIK "OLD COKXLR," BY . November 8 10. W. BO XX JOY. Crockery &, Hardware, \ FIX 10 ASSORTS 10NT OF CROCK KRY. IIARD\VAR! ; ami IIOl'SKIIOLD ARTICLES, on hand. and l.?r salt? at the "Old Comer.'' by November 8 JO. \V. BONN 10 Y. India Rubber Gin Bands, (1UTTINO KXIVIOS. CoRX' SlIlOLLERs AXD l'L )I"(5'lS, lor sale at the "Old Corner," by November I JO. AY. 1I0XSKY. Notice. fTMIIS ISTO OAUTIOX ALL PERSONS FROM I trading for a Xote j^iven to Mr. M. Jv. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated the early part of the pre:?ont year, and signed bv ' .Sutherland l.emond and Jataes Dutdap"?the said lurte ] having1 been lost, and since settled, by a new paper. II was given lor the hire ol J'ltil and Clunle.s for the year ISCl. 10. \Y. BOXNIOY. December 'JO NoticeI \ I" 10 WILL SELL OOODS DURIXC 18(12 FOR ? cash only. Xn books or memorandums will be win in- Kepi. imi jro?>us win no allowed i<> leave the store until fully settled fur. No orders will be filled unless accompanied by tlie easli. This notiee is intended lor one and all : and we very much hope that no one will ask us to depart front this rule, as we are determined to adhere to it M ithout respect ol persons. Dee 20 .tin M A R< )X IS Y. lit )S\V I'LL it 11RO. TsTot ice. ON AND A IT K11 TilK KIH>T OF JANUARY next, my hnsines< will be eunducted entirely upon easli principles. The necessities of the times obliges me to adopt this system. I take this opportunity to request till those who tire indebted to mo 1?y ojien account, to call and settle the same, either by cash or note, as promptly as possible. Pec ember 20 GKO. ALDKN. Notice. (^KKPIT SALKS. AS 11 Kli KTOl'ORK, WILL BK J diseoiitiuued on and alter the 1st of January next. Special arrangements ?>n'y neeepted. December 20 D15 AKKKOllD A CO. Final Noticer|^l IOS11 WHO A Ul'l IXPKBTKP TO JOS K PI I M. fl. (1 A A" LI-'., and .b >S. M . <! A Y LK d- ('<).. arc again notified that the notes and accounts of the said linns are in the bands of W. L Pi:l\\ss. attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Pay, they will be positively put in suit. November 15 ALL PERSON'S INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE of JOSEPH LEE. are notified that they will find their notes and accounts in the hands of "\V. L. PkPass, attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will be put in suit. November l."> THOMAS S. RYAN^ DEAL2R IN Corn, < );it s, I I:iv, Potts, I Trail, Diice:, BB.OIBS naa<i miokts. H 1 K A i-4 rr J > A A", Novombor 7 CHARLESTON, SO. CA. Mansion House, B V E . (i . B 0 B INSON, CORNER OF BROAD & DeKALB-STS. November 7 Camden, So. Ca. Medicine Clicsts. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, roOKKT CASKS . _ Trusses, Supporters, Sliouider braces, fee. A largo assortnicLt just opened at Sept. 25,?tf. McKAlN'S DRUG STORK.