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Fikkdisii Joy.?The Chicago Tribune, the most influential paper in the Northwest, thus shrieks its joy over the late fire in Charleston : MIt was there that the rebellion was hatched* There the first gun was fired to disturb the harmony and dissever the tics of the nation.? Sumter fell. By that act the couutry was plunged into a war, and brothers arrayed against brothers in the field. Already throughout the land widows and orphans are the innocent sufferers of this unholy rebellion. These mourners arc in our own city, and in all the North, and the war has only fairly begun." It adds that "the consequences may be appalling, but they arc just," being u llcaven-scnt and "Heaven-directed." Approaching Recognition of the South. The following is an extract from a Paris letter, dated December 9, in the N. Y. Tribune : " It is worse than falsehood to deny what 1 know is worse than patriotic to admit, but what it is the disagreeable duty of a reporter to state, this passionately disputed, but reasonably indisputable fact, that the recognition of the O. S. A. as an existing nation, by England and France, is rapidly approaching diplomatic record." STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. To the Managers of Elections for Kershaw District. Whereas, by an act of the General Assembly entitled an Act to provide further calling of a Convention of the people of this State, ratified on the day of December, 18G1, it is provided, that in ease any vacancy shall occur in said Convention bv reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the President of the Convention shall issue his writ to fill such vacancy. And whereas, such vacancy has occured in the Delegation from the District of Kershaw by the resignation of the Hon. T. J. AVitiieks: These arc therforc to authorize and require A- - _ -1- -- j 1 . ? you 10 open a poie ami conuuct an election for one Delegate from the District of Kershaw to fill such vacancy?having first duly advertized the same, and you are hereby required to conduct such election in all districts according to the laws and Constitution of this State touching such cases, and make your return of this writ according to law. Such elections to be held on the third day of Fcbuary, Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. D.F.JAMISON, President of the Comcntion. The poll at every election precinct in the District is required to be open for the purpose of holding such election on the above named day. January 17 3 STATE OF SOUTH CAllOIJ^A. ADJUTANT & INSPECTOR GENL.'S OFFICE, \ Columbia, S, C., January 11 18(52. ) J ALL CAVALRY COMPANIES OF * the State, not in actual service or under orders therefor, are hereby ordered to report, by the first of Febuary next, to this office, a full and complete Roll of Officers and Privates, in accordance with the Confederate regulations, to serve at least twelve months in the Confederate service, unless sooner discharged ; ana upon a failure to so report, they will be dissolved and remanded to their respective Beat Companies. II. The Commanding Officers of Brigades, Regiments and Companies, not under orders, arc ordered forthwith to return into the Arsenals, at Columbia or Charleston, all State arms and accoutrements in the hands of their respective commands, advising tliis office of the shipments, and upon a failure to respond, the bonds of officers, will be onforccd. III. Those companies complying with the first paragraph of this Order, will have arms and accoutrements issued to them upon being AMA/1 ^ - - UIUOII/IUU IlllU BV1V1UC. IV. Officers charged with duties under this Order, will proceed at once to the execution of them. By order of the Governor and Council. S. R. GIST. Adj. k I nsp. Gen. of S. C. January 17 1862. 1 Special ISTotices. UAKO UN SEEDS, OE THE GROWTH OF 1860. A FULL SUPPLY for sale at the POST OFFICE. January 17 IOOO BALES COTTON WAITED. WE WILL BUY ONE THOUSAND BALES COTTON. M. BAUM & BROS. January 17 BANK NOTICE? BANK OF CAMDEN, S. C., Jan. 15, 18G2. This Bank will pay tho Confederate States War Tax on its Capital Stock. January 17 1 W. II. It. WORKM AN, Cush'r. MILLER'S ALMANAC, FOR; IS02. PRICE?FIFTEEN CENTS. FOR SALE A T THE January 3 POST-OFFICE. ~~RAILROAD NOTICE. ' !*?BS-ssts j j 1 TTT^'jV14j^4rhf? , I n j.TfciT.-v. : I ' -Jlp!'?, . " >?i <-i t L: ON AND AFT K11 SUNDAY, 3i> OF NOV KM BKR, the Pas^enper Train will run as follows: Leave Caimlen 5:20 a. in. Arrive at Canulen 4:40 p. m. The Extra Pnssotiper Trains on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday will arrive at Camden 10:20 a. in., and leave at 11:40 a. in. November 1 JAMES JONES, A pent. i*ovr orFK i: xotice. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, THE MAILS WILL be closed daily at 8 p. in. The ofiiee will be opened from 8 a. in. to 12 in., and from 1 to 3 p. in., and for one hour after openinp of the mail in the cveninp. For the mid-day trains, the mails to Richmond and Charleston are closed at 11 a. in.; and for all the other olliees at I 0 a. in. Letters dropped into the olticc for delivery, must be prepaid, two cents each. No letter is delivered unless so prepaid. T. W. l'ECS UES, 1'. M. November 15 tf .Announcements. Mr. Editor: Please announce Mr. .IGS^ M. GAYLE, as a suitable person every way qualified to fill the responsible office of SHERIFF of Kershaw District, and oblige MANY VOTERS. Attention Beat No- 2 All personsliablk to mustkh in this Company arc entered to appear at the Market, on Saturdax, 17th inst.. at in 1-2 o'clock, for Drill. Defaulters will ho returned to Court Martial, and the iaw impartially enforced. By order Capt. llruiiesox. January 17 l LONG, 0. S War Tax. TO TAX-PAYERS OF BEAT NO. 2. YOU arc required by law to make your Returns to the Assessors?failing to do so you are liable to he double-taxed. We will receive returns on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m , each day, at the Counting-Room of A. M. & R. Kennedy. w. k. Hughes, ) Tiios. L. Boykin, J- Assessors. January 17 1 R. M. Kennedy, ) Sugar and Molasses. (* HIIDS. CHOICE SUGAR. U 15.'? bbls choice New Orleans Molasses. 20 half-barrel do do. to arrive, and for sale by M. BAUM & DUOS. January .1 Notice. Having volunteered in the service of my country, it now requires my business to bo settled up at once. I now call upon all persons who are in anvwiso indebted to ine by note or account to settle the same by Cash or note, with my agent, JOS. M GAYLE, who is authorized to transact all iny business. E. A. YOUNG. January 3 Im STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. KERSHAW DISTRICT. OFFICE COURT OF 0KXERA1. SESSIONS AND COMMON l'I.EAS. I, W. Clyburn Clerk of said Court, in per.suauco of the directions of the Act of tin- Legislature, in such case, made and provided, do hereby give public notice, that an election for sherill' for Kershaw District, will be held on Monday, the 3d day of bVbuary next, at the usual places of election throughout th said district. Wifiic*? inv lininl iif Ctnm.'lpii tliia'ttli il-n* /.(' I ?,./ ?. .1.1 ber, 18(51. W. CLYBUItN C. 0. S. & C. I\ January 3 tde NOTICE. All persons iiayim; claims against tho Estate of II. Boykin, deceased, will present tliem properly attested, tome, ami all tlioso indebted will make payment to T. L. BOYKIN, Executor. January 3 *lmo NOTICE^ LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE TTXDKR ? V sigueu uy ihhi- in uwuiiiH arc requested 10 conio forward and settle the same, at once. One of the linn having volunteered in the defence of his country, requires the business to be settled up by the first of January, 1862. Those who do not avail themselves of this opportunity will have to settle with an Attorney?as the business has to be settled by cash or note. GAYLE & YOUNG. December 27 3 Soldier'.** Board of Belief. 1 FAMILIES OF VOLUNTEERS APPLYING FOR . aid from this Board, must have their application signed by some responsible neighbor. \V. D. McDOWKLL, Sec. & Treas. January 10 jsroTicic. 1)Y THE DEATH OF MR A. SOMMERS, T1IE ) former firm of n. & A. Somraers was dissolved on tlio lUth of November, 18G1, and the bnsincss will be conducted in future at the same old stand, opposite tl?e Market, by tlio surviving partner, Mr. H. SUMMERS, who respectfully begs a continuance of patronage from the public of Camden and vicinity. H. SOMMERS. Important to Purchasers Having replenished his stock of goods, the undersigned invites the attention of persons in need of anything in his lino, to his large and well selected stock of goods, such as? Iileachcd and unbleached Shirtings, at all prices; A very neat selection of Calicos; also, Mourning do.: A large assortment of bonnet, Apron, and Dress Giii}. hams: Worsteus, Alpaccas, Merinos, black and Colored Dress Silks; Plaid Liudscys, Flannels, Hosiery. Gloves, etc , etc. ALSO, Uoopskirts, Cloaks ami Shawls, in groat variety. OSXA BEItGfi: HOMESPUXS, KERSEYS, d-c. full stock now on hand of Cotton Osnaburgs, Plaid Homespuns, Kerseys, Factory Yarn (all numbers), Bcdtiekings and all sorts ol Domestic and desirable goods. ROOTS, SHOES, 11A T% C.1 PS, Ac, Ac., Ac, Ladies. Men's and Children's Shoes and Boots of all sizes. Hats and Caps, Carpet Dags. Trunks, Cutis, Pistols and Knives, Letter Paper, Envelopes, etc. RE. 11) Y AL IDE ('i.OTUIXG, Shirts and Undershirts for Cents and Boys. Special attention is invited to his 6 ROC fER Y I) EP. 1R TMEXT, Consisting of Crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugars; Syrup ami Molasses, Tea, Candies, Soap and Starch, Flour. Lard. Matches, Spices, Vinegar, Soda, Brooms and Buckets. Tinware, Hard and (.'rockery Ware. Cocoa. Mustard, etc.. etc, An early call is solicited, by II. ROMMERS, Opposite the Market. Cash paid for all kind of l'roduoo. January 10 J TO HIRE A Xi:0RO BOY FOR IIIRK, A1TI,Y TO iV. January 10 3 II. SOM MKRR. NOTICE. Allt. JOS. M. GAYKK IS MY AUTHORIZED 1. Agent during: my absence in the service. January J 2mo E. A. YOUNG. Scliool Notice. rpi11S EX KID ISKS OF THE OAMDKX MALE I Acadi 11.\ will be resinned on Monday, the filli ol January. CI LAS. II. l'ECK. January .1 1 jS'oiice. ON AND A FT KU THE FIRST DAY OF JAXUarv, 1 will sell no goods on credit. Cash sales only?and invite all those indebted to mo to make immediate payment, or lading to do so will find their notes and accounts in the hands of an attorney for collection. Immediate attention to the above i< re- | quired. T. S3. MYKltS. | January J Juio Dissolution of Partnership, i rpllK FIRM OF A. M. Sc. It. KKXXKDY WAS 1 dissolved on the 1st instant, by mutual consent. Either partner will si?<n the linn's name in liquidation. A. M. KKKN BUY. January 10 4 11 OUT. M. KENNEDY'. The Cash System 1 | AS DEEX FORCED UPON US BY OUlt .1 t inability to obtain the means of continuing our business fr?m any other source. Our customers will therefore please take notice that we will henceforth till no orders (unaccompanied by cash) whether for goods from our store or for work from our shop, unless under previous special arrangements, distinctly made with us. J. J. WOBKMAN A 00. January 10 Notice. 1) Y 1'Kit MI SSI ON OF WM. M. BULLOCK, OKy dinary for Kershaw District. 1 will hire privately until the lirst Monday in January next, on which day I will hire at public outcry, before the Court House, in Camden, a likely Negro man, {Dennis) belonging to the estate of John S. Drown, dee'd. Terms made known on day of hire. 13. M. BLOWN, Adm r. Kst. of JOHN S. BROWN, deed. December 27 2 Liquid Rennet 1JLAIR .t WKYTIl'S LIQUID RKNNKT, FOB ) lnakiiur. in a few niniiipnle tlm must ,W.II.. desert. Kor sale by J. J. McKAIN. December 2u Cough Syrup. 4 POSITIVE CURE FOR COOGTTS, COLDS, J\ Asthma. Consumption, and all diseases of the Chest and Lungs. Prepared by December 20 J. J. MoKATN. For Hire or Sale. I WILL 1NRK OR SELL A YOUNG NEGRO Woman, with Ono Child?child about two years of age. For further particulars apply to December 20 8 ' J. M. GAYLE. Roads. ^pHK COMMISSIONERS OP ROADS FOR KKR1.. shaw District will meet in Camden ?>n tlic 2d Monday in January, 1802, at 11 o'clock. Dc?-mbcrl3 4 COLIN "" - Bed Blankets and Quilts. A FEW FINK BED BLANKETS AND MARSEILLES QUILTS, at the -'Old Corner," by November 8 K. W. BONN BY. Notice. I HEREBY CONSTITUTE AND APPOINT KZEK1SK1N and W. D. G a SKIN as my legal attorneys and agents, to transact all my financial or other business, and to sign my name, wlicu necessary, in all business whatsoever during my absence from home. All trades or barguihs done by either of my ageuts is valid with me. JOHN GASKIN. .1 la I 1 >1. 1*1- ! ? 1862 l?0?B'riYI2 HOTICL'. 1862 HAVING to pay CASH for all Goods wo buy, and . having cloned our books, and do not intend to keep any the present year, our business will be conducted strictly upon the (.'ASH system, except thoso to whom we may be indebted, or by special arrangement. The re tore, our customers and friends will oblige us by adhering to the above. GAYLK & YOUNG. January '? 3 School NoticeA L. Mcl>(?NALL>, will resume the exercises of 1 \ m his school on Monday, the Gth of January, 1SG2. January1 2000 lbs- White Lead, WINDOW GLASS, YAH NISI IKS, Ac., FOR > > sale by J. J. McKAIN. November 15. To Hire V FIRST RATK COOK AND WASHER WILL be hired for the venr 1 s?;2, to a careful person. Apply at the "Old Corner." L. W. DONNEY. December 5 Seed Rye Peas and Com, 1,"H)R SALE AT THE "OLD CORNER," BY 1 November 8 E. W. BONNEY. Crockery & Hardware. 4 FINK ASSOKTM EXT OK CROCKERY. HABD(\ WAKE mid HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES, on hand, and |.?r sale at tlio "Old Corner."' by November S E. ?V. BONNEY. India Rubber Gin Bands, / M7TT1XG KNIVES, CORN SMELLERS AND V PL )UGHS, lor salo at tho "Old Corner," by November I K. IV. BONNEY. Notice. ''pilIS IS TO CAUTION ALL PERSONS FROM I trading tor a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated tho earlv port of the present your, and signed by "Sutherland A l.einond and James Dunlap"?the said uoto having been lost, and since settled, by a now paper. It was given for the hire ot Phil and Charles for the year lSGl. 10. W. BONNEY. Decent her 20 Notice. \VE WILL SELL HOODS DURING 18G2 FOR T * cash only. No hooks or memorandums will bo will he kept. No goods will be allowed to leave the store until fully settled lbr. No orders will be tilled unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended lor otto and all : and we very much hope that no ono will ask us to depart from this rule, as we are determined to adhere to il without respect ot persons. Dec 2(1 I'.iu MARONEY, BOSWELL A BRO. 1ST ot ice. ON AND AFTER THE FIRST OF JANUARY next, my business will be conducted entirely upon cash principles. The necessities of tho times obliges me to adopt this system. 1 take this opportunity to request all those who aro indebted to me by open account, to call and settle tho same, either by cash or note, as promptly as possible. December 20 GEO. ALDEN. Notice. f"> EKDIT SALES, AS HERETOFORE, WILL BK VJ discontinued on and alter tlio 1st of January next. Special niranuemcnts only accepted. December Jo DRAKEFORD & CO. Notice. \\J K 11A VIX (J DISCONTINUED THE CREDIT ? ? system entirely, all orders must be accompanied with the cash, or its equivalent. Special agreements, or those we are indebted to, accepted. December 27 KoOIWlAXX <fa SOMMERS. To Hire. ONE No. 1 BRICKLAYER WILL BR HIRED from 1st of January next. Apply at this olllee, or at the Branch Bank. December 27 # 3 Final NoticerpUOSEY'lIO ARK IX DEBT ED TO JOSEPH M. I 0AYLK. and JOS. M. OAYLE if: CO., :iro again notified tliat the notes and accounts of the said lirms are in the hands ot \Y. L DkI'ars. attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will be positively put in suit. November 13 KTotico. VLL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TUB ESTATE of J0SKPI1 LEE, are notified that they will find their notes and accounts in tlie hands of \V. L. DePass, attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will bo put in suit. November 13 Extra Family Flour, I^Oll SALK BY 0 AYLE it YOUNG. December 27 2 Negros to Hire. 1/MN KUIIM.N MHJMt MKGROS TO inRE FOB the year 1SC?. For particulars nnplv to