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Public Oflicers, OF KERSHAW DISTRICT, APPOINTED AT TIIE RECENT SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE. Magistrate.?John lv. Witherspoon. Commissioners of Free Schools.?J esse Trucsdc!, vice W. McClure, dee'd. Commissioners oj Fish Sluices from Graces' Shoals to Fishing Creek, on the Waterce River.?James L. lleed, II. J. Gaydcn, W. E. Johnson, Jr., William 0. Brown, John Berry John Nelson, John Micklc, Robert Scuylcr, Daniel McCulloch. 44 Soldiers Board of Relief"?James Dunlap, L. II. Deas, John Milling, Edward Barnes, James Team. Managers of Elections.?Camden.?John S. Mcrony, C. A. McDonald, W. D. Anderson. Curcton's Mills.?Frederick Bowen, James Team, Eli Barker. Flat liock.?J. Fletcher, J. B. Hughes, Jesse Truesdcl. Buffalo.?"William Mungo, Cillam Sowell, AVilliam Cato. Lizinby.?Lauchlin McKcnnon, Wilson Yarbo rough. Schrock's Mill.?B. T. McCoy, llenry Batclilfe, Alexander McLcod. fit A T M .TA 11 YJUUlt ** 111 UlUIC -O . J>CII|i|min Cook, 11. C. Drakeford. Liberty Hill.?A. D. Jones, 11. C. Patterson, llobert ]>. Cunningham. J. M. DESAUSSUKK. Tlic Yankee War Program me. From the following "war programme" which sve find in the New York Herald, it seems that Charleston is only to be "sealed" and not exactly "wiped out," as was threatened some itinie ago :?Mercury. The rebels arc now threatened on all .-ides to an extent which causes considerable quaking throughout the whole Southern Confederacy. Our latest intelligence, in a small compass, is about as follows: 1. Columbus, Kentucky, is to be taker:. L\ Memphis, lenncsscc, \viJ1 bo bombarded and reduced. 8. Parson Brownlow has possession of Mast Tennessee and will, probably, soon cut oft' all intercourse between Virginia and the extreme South. 4. The stone llcct will in a few days seal the fate of the city of Charleston. o. Fort Pulaski will be attacked and reduced. C. Savannah must succumb or be left in ashes. Fort Barrancas and Warrington, Florida, are already a heap of ruins, and Peusacola must follow. After threatening us with this terrible destruction, the IleroJ.d continues : When the plans now maturing shall be enr*_.1 * li . . ru'u into ciicci, suu\uia.i]cous mo> ciiicuis lorward will be made from all points upon rebellion. When the expeditions of Butler, Burnside and Sherman advance at the south, and from Pcnsacola to the mouths of the Mississippi, The Union troops press inland, then McOlellan's armies will move forward in the north the Mississippi expeditions will advance upon the west, and our armies will attack at once Columbus and Bowling Green, Kentucky; while upon the cast, troops from Fortress Monroe will attack Yorktown and Norfolk, troops from Romney will take Winchester, and troops and our gallant navy from Beaufort, will assail Fort Pulaski and Savannah. Thus, upon all sides, rebellion will be simultaneously attacked, until the Confederate rebels will exclaim like Macbeth. There is no Hying licuee, nor tarrying here. This, in general terms, is the plan of the Union campaign?a steady, irresistible, simultaneous advance from every point?incessant simultaneous attacks from all quarters, making resistance hopeless, and success certain?a gradual but sure crushing out of the rebelo O lion. 1862 POSITIVE NOTICE. 1*6*2 HAVING to pay CASH forall Goods wo buy, ami having closed our books, and do not intend to keep any tlie present year, our business will be conducted strictly upon the CASH system, except those to whom wo may bo indebted, or by special arrangement. Thorelore, our customers and friends will oblige us by xidhering to the above. GAYLIO & YOUNG. January 3 School Notice AL. McDONALI), will resumo the exorcises of his school on Monday, tho Cth of January, 18f>2. January 3 I MARRIED. j Makiukd on Wednesday evening. Jan. 1st, 18G*2 at the resilience of the bride's father, by tho Rev S. H. Hay, Mr. A. K. DOBY to Miss IJ/.ZIE Al. eldest daughter of Capt. A. M. KENNEDY. Tho abovo was accompanied with a most deli cious piece of tho wedding cake, for which the hap py couple has our thanks, and most sincere wisl for their future felici y. _A_iiiioYTncem.eiits. Mu. Knnoit: Plei\so announce tho following gen tleinen for Field Officers of the 2*J?1 Regiment S. C. Al. at the eiisumg election, and oblige many voters: For Colonel?1?URKKLL JONES. Fur Lieut-Colonel?PR. J I Tit A YTTT \ \f For Major?STEPHEN 0. CLYBURX. December 20 Mil Emtou: Ilea so announce, as candidates lb Field U Ulcers of the 22d Regiment 8. 0. M.: for Coionei?A. M. Kc<2m\r>i)\. Foe Lieut Colonel?WM. DIXON. For Major? KMANl'KL PARKER. And oblige MA N Y VOTERS. December 13 NOTICK, ^ J It. JOS. M. GAYEE IS MY AUTIIORIZK1 JL Agent during my absence in the service. January J 2mo JO. A. YOUNG. Scliool Notice. rpilF EX MRUS ES OF TDK CAMDEN MALI ' Academy will be resumed on Monday, the titli o January. CI I AS. il. PECK. January J I INT otice. ON AND AFTER THE FI!l>T DAY OF JANU ary, I will sell no goods on credit. Cash sale; only?and invite ail those indebted to me lo make im mediate payment, or tailing to do so will lind tliei notes and accounts in the hands of an attorney lb collectiou. Immediate attention to the above is re quired. T. 8. MYERS. January 3 3nio Notico. I WAVING VOLUNTEERED IN THE SERVICI tJL of my eouittry, it now vequiies my business t< bo settled up at once. 1 now call upon all person vmiu ?*i114 nil > u i.-v . i * i v. ?11 ?-* i;? iiiu <n iiui/; c?c ?tv: count it? settle iiio sjuiio by Cash or note, with tin u.uetit, ?h)S. M (iAYl.K, who is authorize! to trans act all my business. 10. A. \OUN<!. January 3 I in M'AT!; or SOL'TIl CAItOLIIKA. kkksilaw pestrict. OKKtCEt'OVttT ->K CKNKKAI. SKSSIONS Wit COMMON 1'I.KAS 1. W. Clyburn Clerk of said Court, m pcrsuance u the directions ol' the Act of th?* Legislature, in suel ease, made anil provideiL do hereby give public uoliee that an election for sheriff for Kershaw Pistriet, wil he hold on Monday, the 3d day ?1" Fcbuary next,:?r. tin usual places of election throughout th said district Witness my hand at Camden, this 3th day of Decern her, 18G1. W. CLYBITBX C. (1. S- Sl C. P. .Tanu try 3 tdo bugar and Molasses. /* imps. ciioicK sua a it. U o."? hi?is c!ii>iee New Orleans Molasses. 2ii half-barrel do do. to arrive, ant for sale by M. BAUM& BUGS. January '! InTOTIOE. VI 1. PKUSONS II A YI M5 CLAIMS AOAIXbS'J the K>1 iteof B. Bovkin, deceased, will preseti them properly attested, tome, and all those indchtei will make payment to T. L. BOYKIX, K.vceutor. January 3 *lino VIA. PKRSOXS 1XDKBTKD TO TI1K TJXDKR signed by note or account am requested to enm< forward and settle the same, at once. One of the tint having volunteered in the defence of his country, re quires I ho Business to he fettled up by the lir<t o January, 1 st?2. Those who do not avail thcinselve! of this opportunity will have to settle with an Attor nov?as the business has to be settled by cash 01 note. OAYLK& YOUNti. December 27 3 School Notice. T11VI KXKRCISHS OP MR. Mc f{OA X1.?IjK>S' SCHOOL will l>e resumed ot \V I' DXKSDAY, January 1, 18(>2. Pupil \^Jr will he charged from time of entrance t< <Cthe close of the session, which will be Oj months. Terms of tuition made known on applica tion to tlio undersigned. December 2U L. McCANDLRSS. Notice. YY K UAVIXCf DIS('OXTINlTK1 > Til 1C CRRD11 1 system entirely, all orders inust l?o aceoinpanics with (lu> cash, or its equivalent. Special agreements or those wo arc indebted to, accepted. J >oeember 27 KUOPMAXX it SO MM ICRS. To Hire. ONK No. 1 BRICKIiAYK.R W.iLL BK 1IIRKI from 1st of January next. Apply at this oflice or at the Branch Bank. December 27 3 Eegros to Hire. 1' THY K OR SIX"V01JX0 NKOROS TO 1IIRE FOI the year 1HG2. For particulars apply to December 27 2 J. M. GAYLE. Extra Family Flour, I7*011 8ALIO BY GAYLE A YOUNG. December 27 2 1> A <>\, Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curin 3 itricl very line, fur sale at the 'old corner,' bv K. W. BONN FY. t January 1st, 1862Having to pay cash for all my purchuscs, compels mo to change my terms of busi* ncsf after tins date. '? To enable me to replenish my stock, I shall sell in all instances lor cash, unless u special arrangement bt viad-- for a short credit. All goods sold uuder this arrangement must bo considered as Cash, when called for. The reasons which have induced this necessary change, 1 trust, will bo apparent to all. Cash custo1 mors solicited. K. W. DONNEY January 3. Notice. Ill KRERY CONSTITUTE AND APPOINT KZKKISKIN and W. D. GoSKIN us my legal nttor ' ncys and ageuts, to transact all my tinuuciul or other business, and to sign my name, when necessary, in all business whatsoever during my absence from home. All trades or burgaihs done by either of my agents is I valid with mo. JOHN GASlvlN. January *> LostVXOTIC WAS LOST SO MK TWO OK TURKIC weeks since, tor twenty-live dollars, Riven by "Win. K. Hughes, and made payable to Thomas Katman on llie thsi cl January, ISC'J. I hereby forewarn any person from trading for the said note, if presented. T. KATMON. January 3 1 Attention Beat No 2 ) 1 LL PKRSONS LTARLK TO MTJSTKP IX THIS 11. Company aro ordered to appear tit the Market, on SATUKDAX. 3d inst., sit 10 1-y o'clock, for Drill. Defaulters will be returned to Court Martial, and the iaw impartially enforced. By order Capt. Kksnkhy. j January :*> l LONG, O. S. Notice. 1')Y PIC 11 MI SSI ON OF WM. M. BULLOCK. OK) ditiarv for Kershaw District. 1 will hire privately until the lirst Monday in January next, on which day 1 will biro at public outcry, before the Court House, in Camden, a likely Xeirro man. (/hunt?) belonging to the estate o( John S. Brown, deed. Terms made known on day of hire. B. M. BKOWX, Adm'r. Kst. of r JU11N S. BHOWN. deed. r>o?'omlj?;r 27 2 Liquid Rennet 1>LA1R & WKYTH'S LIQUID RENNET, FOR ) niiiking', in u few moments, the most delicious J desert. For sale by J. J. MclvAIN. * December 20 Cough Syrup. I POSITIVE CURE Foil COCO IIS. COLDS, i \ Asthma, Consumption, and all diseases of tlie Chest and Lungs. Prepared by December 20 J.J. McICAlN. j. Mullets! Mullets! !, ~ DDL. NICE PICKLED MULLETS, IN STORE ?i * / and to arrive. For sale by j December 20 M. DAUM & 15R0S. For Eire or Sale. I" WILL HIRE OR SELL A YOUNG NEGRO Woman, with One Child?child about two years of age. For further particulars apply to December 20 3 J. M. GAYLE. Otitis. rpilE COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS FOR KER F sliaw District will meet in Camden on the 2d Monday in January, 18t>2, at 11 o'clock. December 12 1 COLIN Melt A K, Cl'k.of Hoard. Pure Wines, 1 J/OIt MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FOR SALE BY J V Noycmbor 15 J. J. McKAlN. Cash Store KO CKLDrfl' TO ANYBODY FOR A\lTIII\(i. i LB*. KXTRA COUNTRY LEAF LARD; - f)UU llice, Salt, Shoes and 200 lbs. Spices: 1 Extra white Meal and lloininey: * Southern put up Preserved Peaches; Wax and ^perm Candles; r Crushed, Clarified and Blown Sugar. All for Cash, and Cash only. November 20 lv A.T. LATTA. Final Notice * rpnoSKWUO A UK INDEBTED TO JOSEPH M. s 1 (JAYLE, and JOS. M. OAYLE <f' CO., are again j notified that the notes and accounts of the said linns l are in the hands ot W. L uktass, attorney at law, 1 for collection, ami unless settled by Return bay, they will be positively put in suit. November 15 ]>J" otiooP \ I.L PEC SONS INDEBTED TO THIS ESTATE 1 J\ of ,TOSE"ll LEE, are notilicd that they will lind , their uot?-s .> d accounts in the hands of W. L. 1)Kl'.vss. attorn y at law. for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will be put in suit. November 15 > Bricks, Lumber, &c. A FEW THOUSAND SECOND-HAND BRICKS t?>nsoned Flooring BOARDS, SHINGLES, kc., for sale at the "Old Corner/' for cash only. November 1 E. W. BONNKY. 1 Garnets, Rues. &c JL W ' (CARPETS, RUGS ?t FLOOR CLOTHS ON SALE, J at the "Old Corner," by November 1 E. W. BNNEY. Winter Clothing and Hats VT.OT OF PRIME WINTER CLOTHING ? also IIATS, in a groat variety of stylos, for sale by E. W. BONNKY. November 1 ' TERIifE NE LIGHT. ? O? TilK SUBSCRIBERS HAVING INVENTED A ISTew and Cheap Oil avi /> /.? ttr> \r t\rn /' 'w t- jj <./ j- i,j > J J. > offers Hie samo for sale in any quantity. It will burn in any kiml of Cauiphino Lamp, without smoke. The public arc invited to call and see tho light, and judge lor themselves. An ordinary sized Lamp, filled with tho Trcbeno will give more light than ten sperm candles, at a cost of not more than. two cents per hour. HOCOTT A SUTHERLAND. Camden. S. C., Dec. 13 Notice. rIMIIS T.S TO CAUTION ALL PERSONS FROM 1 trading for a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated the railv part of the present year, and signed by "Sutherland & Lenmnd and Jatnes Dnnlap"'?the said note having been lost, and since settled, by a new paper. It was given for the hire ol Phil and Charles for tho year 1st; 1. E. W. BONNE Y. December '20 Notice. \\T K WILL SELL GOODS DURING 1802 FOR t cash only. No hooks or memorandums will bo will be kept. No goods will be allowed to leave tho store until fully settled l'or. No orders will be filled unless accompanied by the cash. This notice is intended lor one and all: and we very much hope that no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as we are determined to adhere to it without respect ot persons. Dec 'JO :tm MARONEY, BOSWKLL <k BRO. Notice. ON AND AFTER THE FIRST OF JANUARY next, my business will be conducted entirely upon cash principles. The necessities of the times obliges me to adopt this system. 1 take this opportunity to request all those who are indebted to mo by open account, to call and settle tho same, either by cash or note, as promptly as possible. December 2U GEO. ALDKN. Notice. (CREDIT SALES, AS HERETOFORE, WILL BE J discontinued on and after the 1st of January next. Special arrangements onlv accepted. December 20 DRAKEFORD & CO. NoticeI HAVE THIS DAY, OCTOBER 24, SOLD OUT my entire stock of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, in tho town of Camden, to I. M. Springer. Esq., who will continue the business at the same stand I have occupied heretofore in the said town. All persons wli/k !iiv> i?k anvn'ic/t itti]/tldn/1 tA n-*a ttfill nlnnon r>L/> ?? I IV' ?t 1 V. *UIJ M IOV IMMVWV^I tv? 1*IV| HIU J/IVUOU UlilAU payment of the same to said J. M. Springer, at an early day; and all who have claims against me will present iliem to him for settlement. December i:i R. SPRINGER. Notice. rpiIK UNDERSIGNED INTENDING TO MAKE .1 a change in his business on the lirst of January next, will dispose of his stock of goods at exceedingly low prices, until that tinio, for cash, or to punctual customers. My object is to turn as many goods as possible into cash, giving the purchaser a LIBERAL bargain for his money. K. W. BONXEY. 1ST otice. I") EQUIP ED IN ALL CASES TO PAY CASH X lbr purchaser and the utter impossibility of making collections, I am compelled to inform my customers. that if no special arrangement is made for short credits on call, 1 will adopt the cash system exclusively on the lirst day of January next. December <? C * W. D. McDOWALL. 2000 lbs. White Lead, WINDOW GLASS, YARNISIIES, <tc., FOR > > sale by J. J. McKAIN. November 15. To Hire, V FIRST RATE COOK AND WASIIER WILL be hired for the year 1862, to a careful person. Apply at the "Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. December 5 Bed Blankets and Quilts, VFEW FINE BED BLANKETS AND MARSEILLES QUILTS, at tho "Old Corner," by November 8 E. W. BONNEY. Seed Rye, Peas and Corn, I7011 SALE AT THE "OLD CORNER," BY . November 8 E. W. BONNEY. Crockery & Hardware. \ FINE ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY. HARPt\ WARE niul HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES, on hand, find lor sale at the "Old Cornor,1' by November 8 E. W. BONNEY. India Rubber Gin Bands, CAUTTING KNIVES, CORN SMELLERS AND J PLOUGHS, tor pale at the "Old Corner," by November I E. W. BONNET. A