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Special Notices. CONFLAGRATION AT CHARLES* v. TOM. A CONCERT WILL BE GIVEN BY MRS. BEW8 aud Mr. ECKEL, in aid of the sufferers by the frightful conflagration at Charleston, on Thursday Evening, the 26th December, 1861, at the Town Hall, Camden, at 8 o'clock. N. B.?For particulars see Programme. Admission $1. December 20 l railroad notice. ON SATURDAY, 21st INST., THERE WILL bo no Mid-Day Train. As the Legislaturo adjourns on that day, the Train will run direct through to Columbia. Leaving Camden at the usual hour iu tho morn* iog. J AS. JONES, Agent. December 20 1 ~notice7 UNTIL THE 1st OF JANUARY, THE BALANCE of our Stock will be sold to responsible customers, as heretofore. On and after that date all sales will be CONSIDERED CASH, payable on demand. No exception will bo made, unless wo are indebted to tho purchaser. MATUESON & CO. Decern bor 13 3 railroad notice. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, 3d OF NOVEMBER, the Passenger Train will run as follows: .Leave Camden 5:20 a. m. Arrive at Camden 4:40 p. ni. The Extra Passenger Trains on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday will arrive at Camden 10:20 a. m., and leave at 11:40 a. m. November 1 JAMES JONES, Agent. Announcements. Mr. Editor: Please announce tho following gentlemen for Field Officers of the 22d Regiment S. C M. at tho onsumg election, and oblige many voters: For Colonel?BURltKLL JONES. For Lieut-Colonel?WM. R. TAYLOR. For Major?STEPHEN C. CLYBURN. December 20 Mr. Editor: Please announce, as candidates for Field Officers of tho 22d Regiment S. C. M.: For Colonel?A. M. KENNEDY. For Lieut-Colonel?WM. DIXON. For Major?EMANUEL PARKER. And oblige MANY VOTERS. December 13 Attention Beat No 2All persons liable to muster in this Company arc ordered to appear at the Market, on This Daz, 20th inst., at 10 1-2 o'clock, for Drill. Defaulters will bo returned to Court Martial, and the law impartially enforced. By order Capt. Kknnkdy. December 20 1 LONG, O. S. Liquid Rennet Blair a wkyth's liquid rennet, for making, in a few moments, the most delicious desert. For sale by J. J. McKAIN. December 20 Cough Syrup. A POSITIVE CURE FOR COUGI1S, COLDS, Asthma, Consumption, and all diseases of the Chest and Lunga. Prepared by December 20 J. J. McKAIN. Mullets 1 Mullets! 9 K BBL. NICE PICKLED MULLETS, IN STORE mju ana to nrnvo. J? or saie uy December 20 M. BAUM A BROS. Horse Strayed. ARORSE STRAYED FROM ITS OWNER ON night before last, answering to the following description: Small bav, with small white spots en his back, and a mark on one of tho fore legs. A saddle and bridle was on him when he strayed. Any person finding and returning him to tho subscriber, on tho puclic road, about one mile from Benjamin McCoy's residence, will bo liberally rewarded. December 20 1 D. D, MUNN. For Hire or Sale. I WILL HIRE OR SELL A YOUNG NEGRO Woman, with Ono Child?child about two years of age. For further particulars apply to December 20 3 J. M. GAYLE. Roads. THE COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS FOR KRRshaw District will meot in Camden on the 2d Monday in January, 18C2, nt 11 o'clock. December 13 4 COLIN McRAE, Cl'k. of Board. Flour?Flour. 1 nn 9acks extra, family flour, just JLv/w received, and for sale by December 13 2 KOOPMAXN & SOMMERS. To Hire. A LOT OF No. 1 NEGROS FOR THE YEAR 1 Q?tO AAnoai^tnfy nf Xlen XXTAmnr. ati/t Dattq Vai? wiiixowug vi wvu) if nuu *~r\wj n. a. vi terms, apply to B. A. YOUNG. December 13 3 For Sal?, 1 PAIR No- 1 SCALES OP B. AT. FAIRBANKS & Co.'s make, drawiDg four hundred pounds. Apply to B. A. YOUNG. Decembor 13 3 TIREBENE LIGHT. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING INVENTED A IS3~ew and Cheap Oil FOR BURKING,i offers the same Tor sale in any quantity. It will burn in any kind of Camphine Lamp, without smoke. The public are invited to call and see the light, and judge for themselves. An ordinary sized Lamp, filled with the Trebene will give more light than ten sperm candles, at a cost of not more than two cents per hour. IIOCOTT A SUTIIEIILAXD. Camden, S. C., Dec. 13 j Notice. rl^IlIS IS TO CAUTION ALL PERSONS FROM 1 trading for a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated the early part of the present year, and signed by "Sutherland &. Lomond and James Dunlap"?the said note having been lost, and since settled, by a new paper. It was given for the hire of Ehil and Charles for the year 1861. E. W. BONNKY. December 20 Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of Benjamin MoCOY, deed., will hand them to the Executors of said estate, duly attested; and those indebted to the said estate will please come forward immediately and make payment, as it is ne cessary to close up the estate as soon as possible. CHAI MAN L. McCOY, It. T. McCOY, : December 20 2 Executors. Notice. V17E WILL SELL GOODS DURING 18G2 FOR V T cash only. No books or memorandums will be will be kept. No poods will bo allowed t'> leave the store until fully settled for. No orders will be filled unless accompanied by the cash. This uotieo is intended for ono and all; and we very much hope that no one will ask us to depart from this rule, as we are determined to adhere to it without respect oi persons. December 20 3m MARONEY ?t BOS WELL. Notice. On and after tiie first of january -v_^ nuAi, iii^v musuics^ win ue conuucitu entirely upon cash principles. The necessities of the times obliges use to adopt this system 1 take this opportunity to request all those who are indebted to me by open account, to call and settle the same, either by cash or note, as promptly as possible. December 20 GEO. ALDEN. Notice. CREDIT SALES, AS HERETOFORE. WILL BE discontinued on and after the 1st of January next. Special arrangements onlv accepted December 20 DKAKEFORD k CO. NOTICE. CtRKDIT SALES, AS HERETOFORE, WILL BE ) discontinued on und alter the 1st day of January next. Special arrangements excepted?in all other cases, CASH will be requited on delivery of goods. December 13 3 J.A.YOUNG. Notice1 HAVE THIS DAY. OCTOBER 24. *0LD OUT niy entire stock of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, in the town of Camden, to . M. Springer, Esq., who will continue the business at the same stand 1 have occupied heretofore in the said town. All persons who are in anywise indebted to me, will please make payment of the samo to said J. M. Snritnrer. at an curly day; and all who have claims against mo will present them to him for settlement. December 13 _R. SPRING ICR. Notice. TIIE UND ICR SIGN KD INTENDING TO MARK a change in his business on the lirst of January next, will dispose of his stock of goods at exceedingly low prices, until that time for cash, or to punctual customers. My object is to turn as many goods as possible into cash, giving the purchaser a LIBERAL bargain for his money. K. W. BONNEY. N" otice. Haying been admitted to practice in the Confederate Court of South Carolina, 1 will attend to any business in said Court that may bo entrusted to my care. WM. It. TAYLOR. December G 3 3S~ otice. Required in all casks to pay cash for purchase: and thu utter impossibility of making collections, 1 am compelled to inform my customers, that if no special arrangement is innde for short credits on call, I will adopt the cash system exclusively on the lirst day of January next. December G 6 W. D. MoDOWALL. Land for Sale A TRACT OF VALUABLE L.vND, CONTAIXimr 200 acres, situated on Lone Branch, near Sanders' Creek, eleven miles from Camden.?line uplands, well watered and limbered. On the premises is a good Residence, with all necessary out-buildings, in a good condition. To an approved purchaser, terms will be made easy. For particulars, apply to R. J. GARDNER. November 15. 4 Pure Wines, I^OR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, FOR SALE BY * Novembor 15 J. J. McKAIN. Bed Blankets and Quilts, A pew fine bed blankets ani) mar. seille8 quilts, at the "Old Corner," by November 8 E. W. BONNEY. Seed Rye, Peas and Corn, For sale at the "old corner," by November 8 E. W. BONNEY. Crockery & Hardware. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY. HARDt\ WARE and HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES, on liand, and lor sale at the "Old Comor," by November 8 E. W. BONNEY. India Rubber Gin Bands, CCUTTING KNIVES, CORN SMELLERS AND ) PLOUGHS, for sale at the "Old Corner," by November 1 K. TV. BONNEY. Winter Clothing and HatsA LOT OF PRIME WINTER CLOTHING? also IIATS, in a great variety of styles, for sale by L\ W. BONNEY. November I Carpets, Rugs, &c(CARPETS, RUGS Sc FLOOR CLOTHS ON SALE, J at the "Old Corner," by November 1 E. TV. BNNEY. Buggy and Harness. A FINE DOUBLE BUGGY AND HARNESS, for sale by MATHKSON & CO. November 29 lmo Notice. By permission of wm. m. bullock, ordinary for Kershaw District. I will hire at public outry, at the lntc residence of John Holland, dee'd , on the llr-t day of January next, all the negros belonging to the estate of the said deceased, on the following terms or conditions, to-wit: A note, with two approved sureties, with interest from the day of hire, will be required of those who hire said negros; and the negros to be furnished with two full suits of clothing, one blanket and one pair of shoes each, and not to be taken out of the District. A nd if said negros arc or should bo abused, the administrator is empowered to take them away, and the hirer be bound to pay for the full term of hire. ALSO, On the first Monday in the above named month, to wit: January next, 1 will offer for sale at public outcry, before the Court House, in Camden, between tlio legal hours of sale, THREE SHARES OF STOCK IN THE CAMDEN BRANCH OF THE BO. CAROLINA RAILROAD. Terms of sale of tlio said Shares, made known on day of sale. KLTSIIA HOLLAND, Adm'r. of Est. of JOHN HOLLAND, dee'd. December 13 '2 South-Carolina?Kershaw District. UY WILLIAM M. BULfcOCK, KSQl'lRE, ORDINARY. ITTHERKAS, MRS. MARY K. BOYKIN APPLIED to mo for Letters of Administration on all and singular the poods and chattels, rights and credits of Lemuel AV. Boy kin, late of the District aforesaid, deed.: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's Court far the said District, to be holdeu at Kershaw Court House on the thirtieth day of December inst, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted, Given under my hand and seal, this eleventh day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred sixty-one, and in the 8Gth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. WM. M." BULLOCK, O. K. D. December 13 2 South-Carolina?Kershaw District BY WM. M. BULLOCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. V\7 IIKREA8, MRS. MARY E BOYKIN APPLIED V T tome for Letters of Administration dtbonos nun com testimento nuexo. on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Lemuel Boykin, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of tho said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to beholden at Kershaw Court House on tho 30th da}' of December iust., to show cause, if any, why tho said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this lltli day of December, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one and in the hrst year ol the Independence ol' the Confederate States of America. December 13 2 WM. M. BULLOCK, O. K. D. Lands to Rent. By permission of wm. m. bullock, ordinnry for Kershaw District, we will rent to the highcs. bidder before the Court House, in Camden, the entire Lands belonging to the estate of Wm. vvilson, deceased. Also, on the same day and at the same place, we will hire the following named negros: Leah, Spence, Alfred and Uolli?said negros belonging to the estate of the said deceased. Terms?The renters of said Lands and the hirors of said negros, will be recptired to give note and two approved sureties, with interest Irotn day of rent of said !; nds aud hire o? sai(i uegros. Said negros to be lurnishod with two full suits of clothes, one blanket, hat. and one good pair of slices each, by the hirer. The above named Negros and Lands will bo hired and rented, on the first of of January noxt. J. J. IllJcKABEE, Adm'r Est ofWm. Wilson, dee'd., per W. B. 11UCKABEK ?fc?L A. IIUCK ABEK, Agents for J. J. Huckabee. Docember 13 2 \ 2000 lbs. White Lead, Window glass, varnishes, Ac., for sale by J. J. McKAIN. November 15. In Dquity?Kershaw District. bill for partition, construction of will, Ac. Thomas Lang vs. Edward M. Boykin, Mary E. Boykin, Sallie W. Boykin, Harriet Lang, John C. Lang, Edward B. Lang, Theodore Lang, and Samuel W. L. Lang. It appearing that the above named John C. Lang, Fdward B Lang, and Theodore Lang, Defendants, reside out of and beyond the limits of this State, it is ordered, on motion of Richardson A Gay, Comptrollers Solicitors, that the said John C. Lang, Edward B. Lang. Theodore Lang, do plead, answer, or demur to said Bill, within throe mouths ftom date hereof, or said Bill will be taken pro conftsso against them. It. w fiirtlmr urdorcil llint tliis order lm nnliliulioil ... ? -? 1 * "v r*. in the Camden Confederate, for three months, ouee a week. December 13 3mo WM. R. TAYLOR, c, e. k. d. To Hire. A FIRST RATB COOK AND WASHER WILL be hired for the year 1862, to a careful person. Apply at the " Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. December 5 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. rpiIK UNDERSIGNED HAVING .UKEN APA pointed Receiver by the Hon. A. G. Magrath for the Districts of Fairfield, Kershaw and Sumter, would most respectfully announce to the citizens of the respective districts, that ho is now prepared to discharge the duties that devolve upon him by virtue of said otlice. 1 have no doubt that instances may arise where the duties properly discharged may bo disagreeable to the parties interested, but relying upon the patriotism and loyalty of our citizens for their assistance in defending the provisions of the law, I shall expect such assistance to be cheerfully tendered, and in all cases that may arise, yield every consideration in my power, tho nature of the case may admit of, to such persons as may be affected by its operation; in the mean time I ?I 1 I ] 4 ^ . 1 ? 1 4 .. A ? 4.1. ? r. . 1 1 *. 4 .. _? i siiuii uuufiivur uu my uuty iv uic uui cxieuw ana letter of the law, and abide the consequences. The Act of Confiscation on the part of the United States deprives our citizens of the property without hope of remuneration; the act of Sequestration based upon pi.neiplts recognized by tlie civilized world is intended to reimburse our citizens of the property thus decreed to belong to our enemies. I would therefore call upon all the citizens of the Districts aforesaid, to aid mo by giving such information as the}' possess ot any property, personal or real, that may belong to any citizen who may be recognized as an "Alien Eucmy," also all indebtedness in any manner, shape or form, due or payable to citizens of the United States (except Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri) by the citizens of Fairfield, Kershaw and Sumter. I.',.- !,/> inf/Armnftn.. ,.f l?w? m?,. Kn a yji uiv iiiiui iiiiiviv;ii ui vuvnv u uu inn* uu iiiiciLOicUf 1 would respectfully call attention to the followiug provisions of the law 1st. It sliall he the duty of every citizen to give all the information he may possess to the proper officers of any lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels, rights and credits witliiu the Confederacy, as held, owned, jiossesscd or enjoyed by any one, lor the use and bcuelit of any " alien enemy" since 21st May, 1801. 2d. It shall be the duty of every Attorney, Agent, Partner or Trustee holding the property referred to, or having any interest therein for an alien enemy, to inform the Receiver of the same, and to render a strict account thereof, and to place the same (as far as practicable) in lite bauds of the said Receiver, whereupon such person shall be fully acquitted of all responsibility for property so reported :id. Any person failing to give such information and render such account sliall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and upon indictment and conviction shall bo fined in a sum not exceeding $5000, and imprisoned not longer than six months, and shall further he liable to pay double the value of such property held by him or subject to his control. Note.?Ail persons who have a domicil within the States with which this Government is at war. no mat ter whether they be subjects of Great Britain. Franco, or any neutral nation, or whether they bo citizens of tho U. S. or not. if they have a domicil or carry on any trade, traffic or business within such boundaries, they aro to be recognized as Alien Enemies under tho law. J AS. R. AIKEN, Receiver, C. S. A. November 22 4 Cash Store NO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR ANYTHING. KAA LBS. EXTRA COUNTRY LEAF LARD; Rice. Salt, Shoes and 200 lbs. Spices; Extra white Meal and llominey : Southern put up Preserved Peaches; Wax and Sperm Candles; Crushed, Clarilied and Blown Sugar. All for Cash, and Cash only. November 29 ly a.t. latta. Final Notice I^ITOSK AVI 10 ARK 1NDKBTKD TO .TOSKPII M. GAYLK, ami JOS. M. GAYLK A CO., aro ajjain notified that the notes and accounts of the said firms are in the hands of W. L DePass, attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will bo positively put in suit. November 15 -IVr^.4-4 aa XV * * All persons indebted to the estate of JOSEPH LEE, arc notified that they will find thoir notes and accounts in the hands of W. L. PePass, attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will bo put in suit. November 15 Bricks, Lumber, &c. A FEW THOUSAND SECOND-HAND BRTCKS seasoned Flooring BOARDS, SHINGLES, Ac., lor sale at the " Old Corner," for cash only. November I e. W. BONNKY.