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Proclamation ?2xtra* % T?_ fallowing capital burlesque on Gen. Sh$iin|n^ proclamation, -which has recently Dech Issued to the people of South Carolina, | will be found amusing if not interesting^?Wc clip it froiu the Charleston Courier : Pout Royal. ) Camp Loaves and Fishes. $ To the Loyal Ladies of the Sea Islands : TT 1 l I . * n. xiavjng uecn long laminar wuii your soit feather beds, well supplied tables, beautiful flowers, and hospitable smiles, more charming even thqn your fish and game, we entreat you, with every assurance of our most tender regard, to come and partake of some of the deli, cacics which wc have appropriated by a "mili tary necessity." It really grieves our loving hearts to live on the fat of your land, while you are houseless, particularly when we have so often boasted of your hospitality, and your honored guest* year after year, "without money and without price." If you decline this affectionate overture, re. i member that wc are cognizant to cverv creek and corner in vour larders ; we know all your little rivers of milk and honey, the small hillocks of fresh butter, and the promontories of orange preserve jars, and we will appro-, priate them all to the glory of Abraham the first. On the other hand, if you will only separate yourselves from rebel husbands, sons, and brothers, who arc behaving so improperlv to your blessed Government, by fighting for your homes and your honor, you shall be taken to our affectionate embrace, and banquets of roses such as you used to place around our firesides, and on our toilet tables, shall be : showered upon you. Somctliiiitf Xew.-A Itepubive l)auorootypc* From the Danville of tlie 18th ult.i \vP. rnov lhi> followiinr viw> v<?i'v i I'J O -"c,"~~v I ~ menu man : { We b avc seen for the first time to-day, J something new, since the war commenced.? That something, reader, was an old man, who owns some seventy slaves, hut refuses to give i one cent to have them protected.?Speculators and cxtortionors have hceu familiarly known to us, before and since the war. lint never since the inauguration of the latter, have we ever met with one of those too common bipeds, who boa fit they have never contributed one dollar to the war. Wo knew that such animals were abundant in all the States of the confederacy, so far as popular rumor is OAnoonnn<l TNii nrn oAid'oee wr% nnvov eon- o veritable living one until to day. We must describe him and here it is: He is about sixty-five years of age; worth $00 000, has red hair, red eyes and a very pugnacious and repulsive countenance?the pugnacity consisting more in repulsive features than in the buinbof combativeness?eyes a milkish-whiskey blue ; beard thin and of an artichoke cast; abdoniinablc proportions indicating corpulency< while the "decreasing leg" shows a decline in muscular power and an awful proclivity for beef and pudding ; head small and coeoanutsbaped ; eye brows large ami irregularly arched ; mouth wide; lips compressed and thin; hair; sandy gray, with the appeaanee of a half j scalded Opossum ; skin remarkably shriveled ; ! liver white, and heart?no where. Such in brief is the outline of one of those many Southern patriots of which we hear and read, but rarely sec. property stlmect to taxation for waii Purposes. For general information we subjoin a list of property subject to the war tax : Ileal estate, including all lands and estates therein, with ferries, bridges and mines. Slaves of all ages. Merchandize of all kinds for sale, except the agricultural products of the country. lv n i 1 nrvn/1 n tt/1 1 -> 1 xvdiiiuiiu auu uinv;i iwi |m?i ,iu; aiui'K uu , iiu. Bank stock except such as may be returned bv the bank by its proper ollicer. Money at interest, including bills and all notes and securities bearing interest, except Confederate bonds. Cash on hand or deposit, in bank or elsewhere. Cattle, horses and mules, raised or held for sale. Gold watches, gold and silver plate, pianos and. pleasure carriages. Strength of the Rebel Army. My estimate of the strength of the rebel array, gathered from observation and data within my reach, gives tliem not less than 350,000 men, who are distributed about as follows: Virginia 170,000 Tennessee and Kentucky 100,000 Missouri 50,000 Along the coast 30,000 Total 350,000 1 cannot doubt that the rebels have more .1 i? I 1 .1 . 1 \T . I /1 men in tne neiu tnan me i>ationai oovertinient, and 1 think that the numerous disasters we have met with are attributive to our underrating the strength of our enemy. "\Yhi'?* there is no manifestation of arder at the North, the South is, as 1 have said, one universal camp. "War is on every tongue, and the subject of every thought. Day and night yo'*. hear nothing but war shouts, exultations over victories, and imprecations against the 44 d?d Yankees." No business except what is connected with the war is attended to or thought of. The self-sacrifices which these people impose upon themselves are most extraordinary. They take the blankets and n.m their beds, the horses from their stabi- . *' vot'e from their sheds, the piowndei ?Y?u.. then bar ties, the sons from their hearts, and give all to the cause which they deem sacred. Universal madness seems to have gained possession of young and old, and the women, who should be conservative, are more rapid than their husbands, fathers or brothers. Nothing but a series of successive triumphs on all points on the part of the national forces can restore them to reason. If we do not make up our minds to crush out the rebellion by resistless force, we might as well cease the effort of re-establishing the Union, and leave these Southern tools to the consequences of their own mighty madness. It is a common thing to find old grey-haired men in the ranks with beardless hoys. 1 do not believe there has been any drafting for thoarmy. The force of public opinion is stronger than that. Denunciations as cowards, and paltroons, and as \v!iiio-11vc*i*cm 1 Northerners, exclusion from sill society, :m?I contemptuous and brutal tieatliu-iit are tin; spurs that are applied to force them to enlist.? Cor. of the X. Y. Jlcmlil. criurul^ii. 'E'o tin1 S?!(JiejV Ai?l tforiot i?** of S. C. In answer to the numerous en<|iiiries which have been made by the ditlerent "Aid Societies which have been recently formed throughout tho State. I have been intruded by his Kxcelloncy Uov. Pickens, to give the following information. Depots will be established by the Quartermaster (ieneral, both in Charleston and Columbia, for the reception of all donations of clothing; and he is also charged with the duty of forwarding and distributing the same. The "Department" will receive all donations of clothing, say frock coats and pantaloons, of heavy worsted jfoou.s, shirts aim drawers, of heavy homespun or llauncl, wool, or heavy cotton socks, blankets new or second hand, also heavy shoes. The plan upon which the State designs supplying her soldiers with all necessary clothing, is based upon their willingness to surrender to the State the amount of money appropriated by the Confederate Government for this purpose, say forty-two ($12) per annum, this sum not now being sufficient in eonsecjuence o' the greatly advanced cost of material. It is in view of this fact that these lnudnbio "Associations" of ladies and gentlemen, are cordially welcomed as coadjutors in this noble work, and in proportion to their voluntary contributions of labor and materials, will the absolute e<?st of clothing for our gallant volunteers be red need. In the event that any of the '' Associations'' should not feel themse.vos able to furnish both material and labor, the Quartermaster General is instructed by his Kxeelleney the Governor, to rc-imbursc such Associations the cost of all materials, at a rate not exceeding similar materials purchased by tno "Department;'' and the quantity allowed for each garment shall be the same as used in our Manufacturing Bureau. Societies art' particularly requested to advise the Quartermaster General of the quantity of work thev can do per week, and the amount of donations they will probably send. To prevent confusion and loss, the following method I 1 . t 111 . ! . lor niiirKiisjr parsa^es miouio ne >. lei y<> Societies ju'iir Charleston, should , ahd mark thus: I No. 1. TO QUAltTKUVA-'l. : 'ii \ -i Troni Ai<l Society at (here in Societies m ar < ohmihia, should Mip.uid in .iu thus: o. 1. TO ASSISTANT QUA UTKRM AJSTKU CoLUMHIA, S. C. From Aid Society (here insert name.) The packages should he marked distinctly, and numbered Iron, one 1) upwards, A correct invoice should accompany each shipment. II articles shipped at the expense of the State. November 8 i S. S. GLOVISK, Q. M. G. S. C. FALL & WINTER WE IXVIXE THE ATTENTION of our friends and tlio public generally to our stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AYhicli is complete in all its various branches. AND WILL UK SOLI) LOU CASII ONLY. McCURKY & IIAMMERSL0UG21^ November 1 Fall Goods. 1HIK KUHSCKI HKU HAS U.N 11AM) OF HIS last Full purchases: Super Black Bombazines. 5-4 Black all-wool DeLano. 44 44 44 Casliiuurc and Merino. 41 44 44 Plain and Prilled Alapaccas. l-l 44 KnpHsh Crape. Colored F.nplish Merino. Printed Delaines. Domestic. Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vests lor children Misses, ladies, bovs & men Drawers, for Ladies and Men. 41 Fnion Dresses for Ladies. : leom-ts. Canilirics, Checks, Swiss Parlaton Muslius. White llrilliantes and Ditnity Kmbroideries. ' dpiups and Iuscrtinps, Laces. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Plain, lleiiistitch and Kinbroitlered. A pood stock of Knplish Cotton lloso and Half Hose. wiin a iuir siock oi oilier goons suuaoio lor latnilies l'all use. ' W. D. McDOWALL. November 1 To Hira i LIKKLY 1IOUSK BOY. APPLY TO 1 November 8 2 K. A. YOUNG. TRY A SOUTH CAROLINA MEDICINE. OR BAILS A S3 OF UFEj 1 ^ropavecl bv JOE IX J, JUcfiiAIX, Caindcn, So. On., Will euro Dyspepsia, pain in tlie side, Ileailaehe, loss ot' appetite, coilstipation of the Bowels, giddiness and rush of Mood to the head; and aets as a general tonic to the whole system. It is warranted purely vegetable in its composition, and heingprepared by an experienced Druggist, the Proprietor claims that it is worthy of a trial from the Southern ]>ul>lic. Many certificates having* been received certifying that this Medicine has cured many long standing cases of the above diseases, a few of these from well known and responsible names will be published occasionaliy r A\ holesale Agents, IIaviland,Stevenson Sl Co., Charleston, S. C. Sold by II assoltino it Massey, Lancaster, S. C.; McCiill A heat t ie, Pleasant Hill; U. C. Patterson Liberty I Hill. McdLicine Clicsts. L IN ST HUM K '18, POCKET CASKS v -n| porters, Slio Hder Braces, Ac. r mum l just o|ieneU at *. ?11 ' McK AIN 'S DRUG STORE. Frrncli Confectionary. l...t ?.f Genuine French Confectionary, i Gum Orops, Ac. Just opened at McK AIN 'S^ Drug Store. Toilet Bottles and Toilet Boxes. \ BEAUTIFUL assortment of the latest styles o| Toilet Bottles and Putf Boxes; Scent Bottles, Soap Boxes it. Setts and in Pairs, .lust opeiu-d at. September 18 McKAIVS Drug Store. mum i to. WE ARE NOW OPENING AT Til* Store lately occupied l>y 1\. Latta, one do?r above the "Old Corner," A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF HEAVY and FANCY GR OCEEIES. We have now in Store BEST BALTIMORE HAMS, Pino Tii*T?rl Mitrl lt:u?nr> QOSHEN" CHEESE, White Bread Corn, Ft ors:, liSCI'], si Bid .1EOI* ASSES. .1LSO. SIX DIFFERENT KINDS OF FIIESII BOSTON C R A CKERS, Some very Choice Assorted Pickles, Candies and Spices, Corn Starch, for Table Use. Candles,&c. ALSO, Rio and Old Java Coffee, Sugars, Bagging, Rope, &c. All for sale at the lowest prices for CASII. Call ami purchase. Sept. 18,?tf. R1EDE1X &: 33.ESAO SS"0 Rl, F'AOTOH'S AND Commission Merchants, ADGERS' WHARF, CEHA BfcL-ESTOA, SO., CA. November 7 JAIINEY'S HOTEL, ^ wi?. v.ii. rI,HIS HOTEL has I>een thoroughly repaired, reno1 vaied, and u NEW "WING erected, with a large is.d eotnmodious DINING-ROOM, tilled out in modern style, allot which is handsomely finished and . 'UI!X1S11HI\ making Hone ol the most desirable Motels in the City. JAS. C. JANNEY. G. A. McLQIMLDT"" M KUC11A X T TA 1LOR, CAMDEN, SO, CA. Invites attention to his large and saMcct Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Consisting of READY-MAIMS CLOTHING, of his own mnuuJ'acturiHtj, in part, which will be sold as low as Northern Goods of the same material and workmanship. Also, v.iiV/ h 119, .til aisa V JLi.^'JL'? LUGS Of the latest styles and best quality. Furnishing Goods. lie will give speeial attention to manufacturing ?t SI 11RTS to measure, and warranted to lit in every rase. C^**A reasonable discount will bo made for CASH payments. |?5?" X. li.?All Goods properly shrank before being nadc i.p. Sept 11?tf. J ose < >. Felipe, (FliOM HAVAXA. CUliA,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN EGavaim sand I>oits<s1u* Scgiirit, Clio Best Virginia Chewing & Smoking UuQlO^OOO. A CII0IC1S LOT OF FIRST QUALITY SNUFF, PII'KS.&c., & c., WHOLESALE AND R FT AIL. rio. 4?S 3Isir3iC't-KSrccl, SIGN 0 F " A* 0 1M V 0 S1 TJ 0 N, " CHARLESTON, SO. OA. November 7 THOMAS E. RYAN, " DEALER IN Corn, Outs, 1 lay, Peas, Bran, IfclCfiO, l-l.os 82 ;m?l mi outs. B 1 K A S T B A Y, November 7 CHARLESTON, SO. CA. \7"ERY SUFKRIOR S10I0D ROTATORS; FINE Dairy Cheese: Figs and Sugar Raisins. Jusi received at the "Old Corner " November 7 10. W. BONNEY. PLOW STEEL.?Also. Flow Iron in all widths. Also, Flow Moulds and 1 lorse Shoe Nails, Traces, 1 lames, Saddles. Ac. J ust received at tho "Old Corner." n ?" -r. . I'i. u. JjU.NJN Vj X . BACOX, Sides and Shoulders, of Baltimore curing and very line, for sale at the 'old corner,' l>y E. "VV. BONNET. 4 FINE assortment of CHAIRS, in a groat varieI\ ty of Styles: Also, aline Buggy Harness, just received and for sale at the 'old coiner' l>v E. \V. BONN FY. Mansion House, B V E . G . ROBINSON, CORNEL OF BROAD & DeKALB-STS. November 7 Camden, So. Ca.