University of South Carolina Libraries
SELLING OFF at C O JS TP . Having volunteered in the service of the Confederate States, I will sell the remainder of my stock, consisting of tbo following goods: BOOTS AND SHOES, IU ?ICUV VtUlUt)'. LADIES' BOOTEES. Gaiters, Dress Shoes, Ac., Ac. GENTS' fine and heavy UOOTS and SHOES. HATS & CAPS. GENTS' lino SILK IIATS. do. do. Felt, in great variety, do. do. Silk Velvet Caps, do. do. Cloth Caps. DRY GOODS. LADIES' fine Worsted DRESS GOODS. One lot of fancy Ribbons, do. do. do. Articles. BONNETS. of various siles and styles, both fine and common. OT nTTTTATn ? jnLxrN VJT, Ono lot of ready made Clothing, consisting of Coats Vests and Pants. CUTLERY-TINWARE One lot of CUTLERY, of tlio best kind. One lot of Tin Ware, amongst which maybe found a half dozen Reflectors. And many other articles too numerous to mention. E. A. YOUNG. December^ 2 STATE OF SOFTSI CAItOff.IAA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) COLUMBIA, November 26, 18CI. \ IP ANY CONSUL OF A FOREIGN POWER shall certify, under the seal of his ollicc, to the commanding otllcor, that any soldier in the actual service of the State of South Carolina is an alien, such soldier will bo discharged if ho desires it. This is not intended to extend to any one who has voted and exorcised all the privileges of citizenship, and who has heretofore claitnod to bo a citizen; and even if an alien, ho is, nevertheless, liable to local service in defence of the place of his residence, or lbr police duty of any kind in timo of danger. F. W. PICKENS. December 5 1 STATE OF SOETI11 CAUOMKA. ADJUTANT & INSPECTOR-GENL.'S OFFICE, ) Columbia, S. C. Nov 28, 18(>l. ) SPECIAL ORDER KO. 282. Y|T 1" E. H. LOCKE, OF CHARLESTON, S. V All. 0., is hereby appointed Special Aid-deCamp to liia Excellency tho Governor, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and will bo oboyed and respected accordingly. IX. Persons having communications for tho Governor, may entrust them to Lieut-Colonel Lock, who will attend to and trantsrnit any matter for the Stato authorities, until further notice. By order of tho Governor. S. R. (J 1ST, December 6 1 Adj. & Insp'r. (leu. of S. 0. South-Carolina?Kershaw District. 1JY WILLIAM M. IIULLOCK, KSQUIRE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, HARMAX SOMMKHS APPLIED to mo for Letters of Administration on all and singular tliogoods and chattels, rights and credits of Adolph Summers, late of the District aforesaid, deed.: These are, therofore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to bo holdon at Kershaw Court House on the ninth day of December next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted, Given under my band and seal, this nineteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred sixty-one, and in the 8('?th year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. WM. M. BULLOCK, O. K. D. November 22 2 Buggy and Harness. A FINK DOUBLE BIJGGV AND HARNESS, fur sale by MATI1ES0N & CO. November 29 lino Cash Store IKO CREDIT TO ANYBODY FOR AYYT1IIYG. "(AA LBS. KXTRA COUNTRY LEAF LARD; Rice, Salt, Shoos ami 200 lbs. Spices; Extra white Meal ami lLoiuiney: Southern put tip Preserved Peaches; Wax and Sperm Candles; Crushed, Clarified and Blown Su?rar. All for I'-iuli ?mli* November '2D ly A. T. LATTA. Mountain Butter. L1JS- l>imiK MOUNTAIN BUTTER. f)U\/ A quantity of lino LA HI), l'or sale by November 15 M. HAUM ,t BRO'S. Pure Wines, I^OR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, FOR SALE BY November 15 J. J. McKAIN. 2000 lbs- White Lead, \\J IN DOW GLASS, VARNISHES. Ac., FOR V sale by J. J. MuKAlN. November 15. Final Notice rpilOSK WHO ARE INDEBTED TO JOSEPH M. JL GAYLE, ami JOS. M. GAYLE CO.. are again notilieil that the notes ami accounts of the said linns are in the hands of \Y. L. l>i:l\\ss, attorney at law, for collection, and unless settled by Return Day, they will lm luKitivnlr It* cmiI* ..... VIJ 111 OWIV. November 15 Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of JOSEPH LEE, are notified that they will lind their notes and accounts in the hands of W. L. I>KPass. attorney at law. for collection, and uniess settled by Return Day, they will be put in suit. November 15 Lard?LardK A A LDS. OF PRIME COUNTRY LARI). EOIt fJ' f V f sale by M AT 11ES()N A O >. November 22 1 C O S F J: 5> li : JUL A T K S 'ft' A 'EL" El ? O fl' AM DRICA. j) rs tr i ct o r s o < ? ru (\ i r o a / .v. i. r I'M IE UNDERSIGN ED HAVING BEEN APA pointed Receiver by the Hon. A. G. Ma^rath lbr the Districts of Fairlield, Kershaw and Sumter, would most respectfully announce to the citizens of the respective districts, that he is now prepared to discharge the duties that devolve upon him by virtue ol said ollieo. 1 liavo no doubt tliot instances may arise where the duties properly discharged may he disagreeable to the parties interested, but relying upon the patriotism and loyalty of our citizens for their assistance in defending the provisions of the law. I shall expect such assistance to lie cheerfully tendered, and in all eases that may arise, yield every consideration in my power, the nature of the case may admit of, to such persons as may bo affected by its operation; in the mean time 1 shall endeavor to do my duty to the full extent and letter of the law, and abide the consequences. The Act of Confiscation on tho part of tho Tinted States deprives our citizens of the property without hope of remuneration; the act of Sequestration based upon principles recognized by the civilized world is intended to reimburse our citizens of the property thus decreed to belong to our enemies. 1 would therefore call upon all the citizens of the Districts aforesaid, to aid me by giving such information as they possess ol any property, personal or real, that may belong to any citizen who may be recognized as an "Alien Hneiny," also all indebtedness in any manner, shape or form, due or payable to citizens of the Tnited States (except Maryland. Kentucky and Missouri! lie tlio oiiiviow of l-'-mli..1.1 I.....I ??- .J ~J -..v " * ?? "ivtvij jvvioimu Iiiiu Sumter. For tlie information of those wlio may be interested. T would respectfully call attention to the following provisions of the law : 1st. It shall bo the duty of every citizen to give all the information he may possess to the proper olliccrs of any lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels, rights and credits within the Confederacy, as held, owned, possessed or enjoyed by any one, tor the use and benefit of any "alien enemy"' since 21st May, l st; l. '2d. It shall be the duty of every Attorney, Agent, Partner or Trustee holding the property referred to, or having any interest therein for an alien enemy, to inform the deceiver of the same, and to render a strict account thereof, and to place the same (as far as practicable) in the hands of the said deceiver, whereupon such person shall be fully acquitted of all responsibility for property so reported ltd. Any person failing to give such information and render such account shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and upon indictment and conviction shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $f>000, and imprisoned not longer than six months, and shall further lie liable to pay double the value of such property held by him or subject to his control. Note.?Ail persons who have a domicil within the States with which this (lovernmcnt is at war, no mat tor wlictlu>r they bo subjects of (Srent Britain, Franco, or nnv neutral nation, or whether they bo citizens of the Lf. & or not, if they have a doniicil or carry on any trade, tratlic or business within such boundaries, they are to be recognized as Alien Fuctnics under the law. .TA 8. It. A IK FX, Receiver, C. 8. A. November 22 I ACT OP SE^VESTnATIOI. 4 LL PFRSOX8 KNOW1XCJ TIIKMSFJA KS IXI\ debted to " alien enemies" or having property in their possession, of any manner, shape or form, in accordance with the provisions of the above Act, (re silling within tho limits of Kershaw District) are requested to make their returns to .1. V. LYi.ES, Esq.. who is duly authorized to receive llie same. .TAMES It. A IK EX, Deceiver. November 22 -1 Mixed Fickle. IN STORE AND FOR SALE LOW. 15Y November S i GAYLE YOUNG. ffl'CIHY & El vrvv'//ve/"i pv rm rirw i * j kj WI^A * -i. 'y y xi-iv South-East Corner of B CAMDEN, SO U'l I5LEEP OOM*ST-A?3S A FULL SU CLOTHING, U I'Ootrf and. Shoes, Oroclvery W Iron. Nails, d Xuvcmbor 1 DEKALB w. D? XX, CORNER BROAD AND CAMDEN 3VETJT ibm wk ms 'FSDK ^iis^KIBI:R having ACC MUTUAL LIFE INST OF ItALEIGlI, NORTH ( COMPANY, OF COLUMB1 FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepared INSURANCE, on tlie most reasonable t at moderate rates. WILl November 1 North C; r w ihmiili?pa Seed Rye, Peas and Corn, I7011 SALE AT TIIK "OLD CORNER," BY . Novembers K. W. BONXKY. Bed Blankets and Quilts, * FEW FINK BED BLANKETS AND MAR- 1 J. 'I SEILLES QUILTS, at tlio "Old Corner." by ' Novembers E. W. BONNE Y. Crockery & Hardware. \FINK ASSORTMENT OP CRf )CK ERY. HARDWARE and HOrsEllOLD ARTICLES, on band, and tor sale at llio "Old Corner," l?v November S E. W. BQNNEY. India Rubber Gin Eands, CTUTTINO KNIVES, COIIX SMELLER* AND 1 J PLOT'OIIS, for sale at the ''Old Oorner.'' by November 1 K. W. HONNKY. Winter Clothing and HatsVLOT OF PRIME WINTER CLOTHING? also HATS, ia a great varictv of stylos, for salo by K. W. liONNKY. November 1 Administrator's Sale !>V PERMISSION OF WM. M. BULLOCK. ORy dinary for Kershaw Distriet, I will sell at the late residence of T. 0. Clyburn, on Friday, the Idth or December, tlio louowing property, ai mo fisk 01 former purchasers: 1 sorrel Horse, i pair Carl Wheels, household ami kilchcu Furniture, ami 1 set of Cooper's Tools. Will rent two Tracts of Land?one containing .'too acres, moro or less, and tho other about 1 ">0, all ot which wdl be rented, front day of sale, to an approved tennant, and permission given immediately. Terms of the sale, twelve months, interest payable annually. S. 0. CLY13URN, Adm'r of November 2'J 2 T. J. CLYBURN.. lHMERSLQIIGH, ATE WJf. ANDERSON, iroaa & ue&alb-Streets, 1I-CAROLINA, rTLT ON BAN'S 1*1*1* Y OF ,TS & CAPS, tire, Hollow Ware, Tin Ware, roceries, <St,e. TERlfKS CASH. HOUSE, ARRIS, DEKALB STREETS, , SO. CA. EPTED THE AGENCY OF THE JRANCE COMPANY, CAROLINA, AND T1IE LIFE liURffl [A, SOUTH CAROLINA, to receive applications for policies of Lil'E enns. The Lives ?n SLAVES insured i.IAM L. DePASS, Agent Molina Mutual Life Insurance Company. ?? ?p Alabama Fire Insurance COMPANY. 1^1 IK Undersigned, as A pent for the above South- j ern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue 1 policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Buildin ps, ?1*c. November 1 W. L. DkPASS. Will. L. Del*ASS. I ATTORNEY AT LAW, J AND rfOMfHEVOB tW KQVIVTv CAMDEN, S. C., Will practice in Kershaw and the surrounding Districts. November 1 Bricks, Lumber, &c. A FEW THOUSAND SECOND-HAND BRICKS /V seasoned Flooring BOARDS, SHINGLES, Ac., for sale at the "Old Corner," for cash onlv. November 1 E. W. BONNET. Carpets, Rugs, &c C1 ARPETS, RUGS & FLOOR CLOTHS ON SALE, J at the "Old Corner," by November 1 E. W. RNNEY. Land for Sale V TRACT OF VALUABLE LAND, CONTAINing 200 acres, situated on Long Branch, near Sanders' Creek, eleven miles from Camden,?fino uplands, well watered and timbered. On the premises is a good Residence, with, all necessary out-buildings, in a good condition. To an approved purchaser, terms will ho made easy. For particulars, apply to R. J. GARDNER. November 1T>,. 4