* 9K ___ DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, THE ARTS, SCIEBCE, AGRICULTURE, NEWS, POLITICS &6? &C. TERMS?TWO DOLLARS PER ASKU1I,] - "Lot It bo Instillod into tho Hoarts of your Children that the Liberty of tho Fronn is tho Palladium of all your Rlghta.'i?Juui?j. [PAYABLE IH ADVAHCE*^' . ? . -' ? ? - r """ ? ? - 5 " ~ BY W. A. LEE AND HUGH WILSON, JR. ABBEVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIMY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1861. VOLUME VOL?NO. 3ft SUPER-PHOSPHATE! PLANTER? seeking Manure?, will recollect that RHODES' SUPER PHOSPHATE ib (lie only Manure tlie lulu eminent nnalyiicnl I'hemist, ProfedBor liickcll, of Maryland, proliouuccd standLcira. I nnd which line been confirmoil by every scctiou jnto which Ihis Mimtirc has been introduced. This Manure is sold under a legal guarautee of Purity and Freedom * FROM ALL ADULTERATION! from the eminent manufacturing chemist.", Messrs. Potts ?fc Klett, under whose personal supervision 11I10I>KS' SUl'ER-l'ilOSlMIATE is manufactured. This Manure has been used in (South Carolina for se.\eral years past, with great succcssin the culture of Cotton and Corn, and is now thoroughly established for these im jHHiiuii swij>ie >? h.j.dressing to eneh It 11 of corn, and a tea-spoonful tn each ntulk of cotton?and the last as Into in tlie reason as (lie IMli of July. Pome of llie weed grew to nine feet high,- with eix feet branches, covered with bolls, while 1 lie iiiimn-! mired was not linlf so good. 11 is my intention next year, to test it more fully. ^ Very Respectfully, Your most oh't fcrv't, (Signed) M. C. M. llAMilOND. UNION rOINT, (Ci. It. It.) Nov. 28, 1S50. Messrs. J. A. Anslky . 63 Second Sthhet, ) Balumokk January 28. 1850. J REPORT OF ANALYSTS OF 80BIXS0VS MLMPLLATED GLAXO FOR FRANCIS ROBINSON, ESQ., BALTIMORE CITY. A SAMPLE ofthe above which was Ink en ot IV your Mills, was found, upon analysis, to be capable of producing of Ammonia, - 8.31 per cent. > And to contain of *$one Phosphate of Lime 45.82 " " 'i'he above proportion of Ammonia and Bone Phosphate of Lime is known to be most proper for concentrated manures. Both theoretical reasoning and the results of numerous practical experiments have approved of it. An application of 200 lbs. of this article article per acre, ?vill supply more of Bone Phosphate of Lime than is required by any crop?thus leaving a _ considerable surplus of this valuable nutriment incorporated with the soil after cropping, and will furnish a sufficient quantity of ammonia to tp act as a nutriment and stimulant. C11AS. BICKELL, Ph. D. REPORT OlSJ" MUNIPULATED. GUANO, < FOB FBAN IS ROBINSON. TEJE aample analyzed was taken t>y myself -from the bags in tlje mill wlure the guano craa manipulated. It contained of r;&m.monia, ^- - 8.24 per c?at. grawpaorw aciu, - Zi.HS ' Equivalent to &ose Phosphate of lime 47.59 " " ' ' It li therefore An excellent manipulated guand, containing enogh ammonia to produce a rapid and'vigorous growth, *nd snffioient *' '/wantitj of phoaphates to prevent exhaustion of the soil ;.'jt J$sowDEnr pigqot, in. d. ' ' Analytical and Consulting Ctujfniat. T ' FOB SALE BY J. A. ANSLEY & CO., fjfck&tt BROAD'ST. 1 . T\R/ IX 8. BENSON wonld iuform his pa* troDS and the public generally that he b^^MQOVMiiia Office to tM' Bri?k BujUiajj ' mioiDing mi* mqaye residents on u>e rnblto mlr?, where he auy be foaml at *JJ timet when not profewionnlly engsgrd. p??e. Itftfj, 18?50, 33-3ui - < . I ' THE ABBEVILLE PRESS. BY IEE & WILSON. A1313 E VI LI j33 S. C. Two Dollars. In Advance, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the Expiration of the Yeart~3T' All subscriptions not limited nt tbe time of subscribing, will be considered n indefinite, nnd will be continued until nrrenr ages are pniil, or at tlic option of tins I'roprie? ors. Orders from otherfc>tates must invariably e accompanied with the Cahh._^_3 RATES OF^A^ERTISINtf. The Proprietors of the Ahheville J're.v.i and Abbeville jUmiitt r have established the following rateB of Advertising to be charged by both papers : Every Advert isement. inserted for a less titne than three months, will be charged by the insertion at One Dollar pel- Square, (If inch ?the spare of 12 solid lines or less,) for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents for eaeh sub! sequent iuceition. 1 square 3 months, ?">; o month SS ; 1 year $12 2squares :t * $8; 0 " $10; 1 year $2'> ttequaresS " $10; 0 " $11; 1 year $23 I squares "> " $12; 0 " $20; 1 year $30 5 Kit till Jl 44 S 1 A ?? 1 fi.n^ CfM t (5 sipian-s 3 " ft " ?:i FROM Ninety Six, S. C., to A ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES/ Lt-nvea Abbeville, at 9 o'/xlock, a: m, on MONDAYS, WKDN1Sfej>AY8 and FRTDAY8 on.tlio arrival of the down Passenger Train fromGreen^ille, and arrives atWashircgion same dajr at 8 o'clock. Leaves Washington at 8 o'clock, a. m., on TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS dc SATURDAYS an the arrival of the (Cora" from Atlanta, and arrives at Abbevill?, same day at 7 o'clock. Leaves Ninety-Six at 9 o'clock, a, jtj., on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS h SATURDAYS on the arrival of the down Passenger Train from Greenville, anil arrives at Augusta snme Joy nt half-past 9 o'clock, connecting imm< diately with the Wuinsbo'ro and ' Georgia Railroads. '4 * - Lenves Augusta it 8?o'? the^eatae^ for active service; and each Cpropapy of Artillery shall $on?H.Ar4ifie?vt?? end e?tl?u tUn 4fty^>ghi^?f ?ip?? thatt one. : Laodny] ?od {.vfejaty-urfe > * , *. Ihat. eaofa- Company of Volunteer* gander this Act/ w^u formed, ^Bd before /) . ^ . - v" ! v .. tendering their services, may elect or appoint thoir own company officers; but no (.lection shall tnko place in any company i while in active Borvice, cxcept In eases of vacancy in the officers of Knsign or Cornet or Fourth Lieutenant of Artillery, which shall btt filled by an election: J-'rovidud, That such election shall bo. ordered forthwith by the superior officer in coinmaud of the Company, Battalion, or lSegimcnt in which such vacaucy shall occur, and tho election shall bo held within twenty-four hours after such order haB been issued, and in all oilier cases of vacancy the same shall ' ho filled l?y piomotiou of ihoso next in | grade thereto in their respective companies. G. That the Governor is hereby authorized and empowered to order into active service any pa ft or all of the Military force j i embraced under this Act, whenever, and at whatsoever places he may deem the safety < of the State requires : Provided, That such Military forces shall not be compelled to resunia in active scrvico for a longer period i than twelve months. And the Governor is < hereby authorized to call, previous to the i expiration of the said team of service of the Troops in the field, for further Volunteer ? forces to supply their places, should the i same be deemed necessary for the safely of < the State. ( 7. That tho Governor is hereby author izea ana airecieu ip orgao'.ze tormwitti mo new companies herein provided for, and the ; existing Volunteer organizations of the State i who tender tl.eir serviees, into appropriate i Battalions, Squadrons, Regiments, Brigades and a Division; that the said Military Di- i vision shall beollicercd by one Major General to be appointed by the Governor by i and which the advice and consent of the j Senate, and to bo commissioned by the ; Govenor, and in case the Senate shall not , bo in session, the nominee of the Governor , shall be commissioned by him, and hold the oilice until the close of the next session j of the Legislature after such appointment; ! ( o..,) u.of not.i ?i 1 ! uiri biuiu oaiu UH?JUI VJIVUCiai OIJ?lll llilVU i powc- to appoint the following Staff officers j that is to say ; One Deputy Adjutant Gene- i ral, with tl.e rank of Colon* !; One divis- j ion Inspector General, One Division Quae- 1 termaslcr General, One Division Commissary General, One Division Paymaster Gen- | eral, One Division Surgeon General, each | with the rank t)f Lieutenant Colonel, and three Aids-de-Catnp, with the rank of Major; said Staff Officers to be commissioned i by the Lrovernor. I 8. That cach Brigade shall be officered i by one Brigadier General, to be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice * and consent of the Senate, to bo commis- i sioned by tbe Governor, and in case the < Senate is not in session at the time of the < appointment, the nominee of the Governor | shall he commissioned by him, and "hold i tbe office until the close of the next session j oC the Legislature after euch appointment; and that the said Brigadier General shall i have power to appoint tbe following Staff i officers, that is'to say: One Brigade Ma- i jor, ono Brigade Inspector,- one Brigade I Commissary, one Brigade Qyiarterinastor, one Brigade Surgeon, each with the rank ! of Major, and two Aids-de-Camp with tbe \ rank of Captain; said Staff officers to be ] commissioned b? the Governor. j 0. That each Regiment shall be officered by ono Colon*], ono Lieutenant Colonel and one Major, to be elected by tho officers i and privates of the said Regiment, within '( ten days after the apmpanies composing said ] /tegimem snsui uave ueen accepted, the j election of said. officers to t>o ordered by i tbe Governor, and the commission therefore ' to be signed and issued by him; and the \ Colonel of tho said Regiment shall hare ' power to appoint tho following Staff officers flint 1 o |a on i* ^r>a A fltnlon^ /vma iunv io fcv of*j y vuo iiujuvanv vhu \^uoi igi* roaster, one Commissary, and one Surgeon, each with the rank of Captain; one Assis- . tant Surgeon And one Chaplain, each with j tho rank of First Lieutenant; ono Sergeant Major, one Quartermaster Sergeant, one Drum Mxjor and ten Musician?, said qoiq- , missioned officerfclo be -commissioned by the Governor: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall apply to any vacancy , occurring in the General office of any Briga- , de, or in the Field officers of any Regimehi whilst such Brigade or Regiment is in io tual service,. whiyfr said vacanoy so ooour- , ring >4 actual, service, whether by oa6s&al? tv or otherwise, 8bail be filled by promotion in regular grade and not by olection. , 10, JThst tbe troop* or forces authorized , to be jailed under the provisions of this , aot, shd^constitute oiw division, and 4aid j rlitftaiAM ifAnaifti ?a! lili' 'rti?it nor more ibftti four brigade# of infantry, ( and *aoh infantry brigade ?J?aU.?oa>i*t of, , not, less than two nor more fan fnent#, and the artillery and ride companies 4 shall be RtUobed.to ?ucb infantry Yegimenta ipr jbHflpd*! p the officer io command,of j the troop# called into active aervice may. , - 5j 11. UW wh6n aighk .oxnpaniea of in- ^ i tacherfr in any infantry brigade, shall aJ^ve ( Wb JCfl'eplcd, lllo Governor shall organize i ' ;1 . XTMM& llio Hiimo into a regiment, and-(shall aulliyri/.o tho Haiti companies to uicot at their ro Bncctivo rendezvous ou a given day, and tlioro ballot for colonel, Iieutonant-colonel, auon accepted, tlic Governor sliall order an election for an additional major and for a colonel to command 6aid regiment, and vhen two regiments shall have been organized, llio Governor shall appoint, as hereinbefore provided, a brigadier general t^pomtnand Iho brigade of cavalry. 12. IT at the officers of division, brigades, regiments, battalions or companies of equal grade and dato of commission shall determine their rank by lot. 13. That the companies herein authorized to be organized shall be fplly armed and equipped when mustered into service. 14. That the laty now of forco prohibiting the reduction of beat pompanies below flin rmmlior nf fiffxr m/m Ka ?n,1 ?1?? I ...W ..M.www. w? U.IJ IklVU l/V, U li VI IUO OillllD | is hereby suspended : Provided, sucli reduction is occasioned by the reception of vollunteers into Ibo service of the State, and that this act shall continue in force two years from the passing thereof. 15. That the array regulations, approved works on courts martial, and books of instruction for the different arms of service now in use in the Uuited Stales Army, shall be used by the troops raised under |1iSq ant anrl fha coma atjclam /vf w* ? ?mw o*oiviu yi jaiili iif)U Jiecipliiie shall be enforced; nt)d the (t tho expense of the State, a suilijient nprpbjBr pf copies of the Army Ilejulntions, approved works on Courts Martini, and $ai4 books of instruction, for thepurpose indicated. 16. -That the following pay and rations shall be allowed to the commissioned, non commissioned officers, privates, and musicians, R'^ilp in tho active service of the State: FOR THE INFANTRY SERVICE. * M(ijorGeneral,$200 por month, 1 ratipna p. day Brig. General, 165 ' 6 ' " Colonel 125 fl " Lieut. CoIodcI 100 4 " " Major 85 " # 3 ' " Captain 60 " 2 " " let Lieutenant 40 " ti " " 2d Lieutenant 30 2 " " 3d. Lieutenant 30 " 2 " tttf Lieut. Artil 30 ' 2 !' '? 3ergeant Major 25 44 J " " Quar. Sergeant 2C V 1 " " Drum Major 20 ' 1 . " " 1st Sergeant 20 " 1 " " 2d Sergeant 15 " 1 ' " 3d Sergeant 15 " "1 " ' 1th Sergeant 15 " 1 ' ? 5th Sergeant 15 " I u " < 5th Sergeant 15 " 1 " " Ihe Corporal 12 " } " " Privates JO ' 1 " Musicians 10 " 1 " " ^ FOR TIIE CAVAUIY SERVICE. Each officer, non-commissioned officer, private and musician shall be allowed the same pay and rations as nro nllowed in the Infantry service, with tho addition of forngo for each liorse employed in 6aid jserefce. * POIl THE ATITILLEW 8ERVID. ^ Each officer, non-commissioned officer, private and magician shall be allowed the same pay and rations as arejallfpved in the ! [nfantrr service, with the addition of for-? age for each ho*ae employed in laid ?errice. Skch Sergeant, Corporal, Pi irate and Musician \vlio sh^ll be mustered into the service, of the State sha^l be flowed two suits of clothes, lw^ ??ps and twp pair of shoe?, in addition to t}je Jfliy addition# 1 hereinbefore'nllowe.d. That Qoi^tautution f.iiuo of oacb ration limit be 30 OM>U>; the 30mmutation*Vall?e pf forjjge fpf e^h'fcorae \ nirolled shall be $8.00 per moDth i .the jommoUtion tafaq.^f fqjr <*feh uldfep par year ?baH he/fcl&JOO. 17, That the troops of thi# gtyte when o ^ejfjr roped tel lotawt bfjto* 4MfUi?e M pwifted 4rt 4Att. ? jfo{ fcr ^UbTi^lt^r^^ Anfeki^t fi^goVerajj^tit pf lha Arm* pYtV^Jhfltaf ; ^?w upuoued officer", , '. ft . \' . ., "- #> : ;> V.-., ^ ;" ? ; ': . " * Mi ' 9f every Volunteer Company, Troop, Uattalioa, Squadron or Regiment, v6unitv ' , ! 8urpt?f lrcoit-^A? JEi.: ifitohb, W, ait* yqdnei, 0 ? :. m- Waisfc W:? x?ii-*i*uy> * ' < Mwiowg Qirctti^?D. &oo,I?. - _ GolujoUif -Eeiwte ColUj^tiL M?rtip, Fiw.deot, .sr '; ? . v! '? A 'v-''' -''' *'" % ^ ? >'*" - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmafmmammmmmmmamBmmmmmmmmt Luureus Circuit?J. T. Ivilgo, J. L. Stoudemire, A. 1'. Mnriin, sup. Nejprberry Suition.?3. English. Newberry- Circuit?J. \V. \\riglflmaii, ono to be supplied. Saluda lliver Mission?0ue to be supplied. Ninety Six Circuit?3$. Carlisle. ltocky Pond Mission?G. W. M. Creighton, one to be supplied. j Butler Circuit?J. It. Pickett. Edgefield Circii.il?J>. S. Connor. Abbeville Circuit?T. Raysor, II. J. Morgan. Anderson Circuit?G. Herbert. Pendleton Circuit?V, A. Sharp. Pickens Circuit?F. M. .Morgan. Williamston Circuit?J. L. Silley. Witdesboro JJialricl?S. II. Buowne, P. i:. Wadesboro Station?L. A. Johnston, II. C. Parsons, sup. Wadcsboro Circuit?3. Jones, J. Hutchison. a Ml _ nv 4 it- 1? iviisonvuie circuit?-v. \v. \vaiKcr. Cnroliua Female pullege?"\V. C. Power, Agent. Albemarle Circuit?J. M. Oline. Concord Circuit?E. W. Thompson, P. L. Ilermon. Rocky Iiiver Mission?O. A? Chrietz-r burg. Monroe pircuit?B. G. Jones, G. W. DuPre. ?,:ir,castar pircviit?L. Wood. Catawba River Mission?A. II. IJartnon, one to be supplied. Chesterfield Circuit and Mission?J. Scarborough, J. F. Wilson, nL \xr n hi i vsiiernw.? \>. r>. jjkick. Buimettsville Circuit?It. It. Pegues, R. B. Alston. Society Hill Mission?D. A. Ogbura. Lincclnlon District?J. T. Wightninn, P. E. . Liucolnlon Circuit?Q. W. Ivey, J. IJoovef. Dallas Circuit?T. II. Edwards. Pmeville Circuit?A. McCorquodalo. U Charlotte Station?F. M. Kennedy. k ' Charlotte pircuit?W. "NY. Jones,. J. Abernathy. Catawba Qiicuit?Win. Carson, J. If. p. WeJIh.ney. r??.i lr ? tr?. * t% a * xucu a. i . ivrani. Lenoir Circuit and Caldwell Million?J. Walts, J. W. Raby. Morganton Circuit?W. J. E. Fiippe. Sliell>y Circuit- J. S. Nulscn. Yorkvitle Sttftion??L. C. Weaver. Rock Hill Circijii-D. May, SJ. A. Roper, J. W. ^fortli, sup. Dayeuport Fenjnlq pollege? II. M? Mood: Spartanburg I)islrict~II. A. C. Walker, p. E. Spartanburg r5iat?on--J. Slacy. Broad River Mission?J. Parker. Spnrtanbunr Circuit?A. J. Stokes, A. W". Walker, sop. ? Rutherford Circuit?J. S. Ervip. ^ McDowell Circuit?M. Eaddy. " ' C?lumbaa Circuit?T. J. Clyde/ iliekory Nut Gap Mission- -A. It. Peu? nick. pipkensvilla Circuit?T. S. Daniel. Keowqe Mission?To be supplied. Greenville SUnt'on?.? . Greenville Cirouit--E. A. Leramond, A. II. Lester. Union Circuit?J. II. Zimmerman, J. P. DePass, C. Murcliison, sup. + Gqshen Hill Ci'cuit?J. W. Cr'uler, Pncdlette Circuit?O. A. Darby. Ayofford College?A. M. Sbipp, Presfdent; W. Smith, Professor ; ll. II. Dy rant, Agent. Women who si^e for breach of prorpis^ may fail to get money ; but tliey generally receive heavy damages. ' , The first of nil virtues is ianocepoe;. tf?Q aecqpcj fs ipodcsly^ and neither departs wiilimif hninnr nti iflrltr r/illnva/1 tlift " "?? 1~, J " "t -r-.T other. ' '* A patent medicine .vender in tin# city advertises pills and ointment that will cure the worst of anjr pair of boots. A lady sometimes keeps pbarnife upon ber watoh guari^ but it is raord' important that she keep watch and guard upon her pbapp#. V. ' - . ' ' * . I : ; ' l jJl'j*' >__l 1 A roan h ^wriwiiv. f.ur?" ?|e|r bead ; his bid fertbpe' ta often averts tb? i lip&rla nf JiU TrUnfls. r >f' * It J* men Li oped w ? cnrwus circppisIanQt? $*t a w^ch should be Mas* ^nniog'epring ip.fc, ^ A husband telegrnp^ec) to bis ''What hi'*0 yoq fi?fjand bo*r is tb? mm.: