Port Royal commercial and Beaufort County Republican. [volume] (Port Royal, S.C.) 1873-1874, March 19, 1874, Image 3

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LOCAL AFFAIRS. Thnndajr, March IV. lt*74. POST OF PICK HOURS. Bkaofoet 8. C., Sept. 24. 1873. On and after Monday Oct. 6th, office open front 8:16 a. ra.. until 4 p.m., mall closes at 9:13 a. m. mail d-llserod at 2:40 p. m. P. E. EZEKIEL, Postmaster. A Man Shot. On Tuesday evening last, about 8 o'clock two colored uien named Fred Hamilton and Win. Young were walking together on Bay street, neither the better off from Bounty-money whiskey, when Fred Hamilton remembered that he had bought a pistol during the day. i ney i stopped in front of Mr. Waterhouse's store and while Hamilton was loading tho pistol the oontents of one chamber was accidentally discharged in the abdomen of Young. The wounded man was immediately taken over to Dr. Stuart's office, and after much difficulty the ball Was extracted. Hamilton after finding out the damage he had done ran off but was soon captured and taken to the Intendant's office, when he was sent to jail to await an investigation. Young Wednesday about 1 o'clock. Dr. John A. Johnson, coroner, was notified, and an inquest was held. The testimony threw some doubt upon the claim that the shot was accidental. Hamilton was committed to auswer for murder. Put this down to whiskey. Selling Whiskey to Boys. On Saturday evening last Mr. Pollitzer found a colored boy lying insensible upon * *- - ? tto,. the steps 01 uis biuig uu uuj ciow Thinking him to be ill, Mr. Pollitzer took steps to have him cared for. It was soon seen that the boy was drunk. He was not more than fourteen years old* He was taken to the house of a colored man and efforts were made to restore htm, which eventually succeeded, although at one time it was thought he would die. We are informed that he had been with some other boys, buying liquor at one of the largest stores on Bay street There is a law, we believe, against selling liqu r to minors, and we hope that the grand jury and the solicitor will see that its penalties are enforced in this case. The people of this town and county are fast beiug ruined by the unrestrained and reckless sale of liquor. Most of it, too, is of such a vile quality that a very little of it is sufficient to do the work of a deadly poison upon the physical frame, to say nothing of the ruin to the moral nature. S8rA colored girl had a narrow escape from death on Thursday night. She was carrying a kerosene lauip in the yard ol the house, when the top of the lamp blew out, setting fire to her clothing. A dip into a neighboring ditch fortunately put out the fire before much injury was done. I?- Phoebe Miller was run over by a buggy on Bay street on ToesJ.iy afternoon. She was a good deal brui-ei' bul not seriously injured. Jfae" Kev. Dr. Hare, of Trenton, N. J. Vvill deliver the l ist lecture of the cour-e at the Sea Island hotel on Friday night. Subject: "A curious man in a curious time." Dr. Hare is admitted to be a v ry able and interesting speaker. We trust he will have a full house. 86?" George W. Johnson, editor of the Staruim-d, is off on a trip to Florida, seeking to restore vigor to a body and brain, exhausted in the effort to restrain himself from telling the truth while editing au "official organ." He int-ndsto bring back an alligator with which to supercede one of the Beaufort members of the legislature, as haviog more personal beauty and better manners. The Street Lamps. Twenty-five of tbe new street lamps are now in place. They are certainly a great improvement. They give more light, are cheaper, are easily taken care of and kept clean; they are safer from accidents, there are no chimney to break, and they do not need to be extinguished. No money could have beeu expended by council which would have returned so much in comfort to our people of Beaufort. A Track Into Beaufort* The subject of bringing a track from the Port Royal railroad into Beaufort ia again agitated. We feel heartily interested id the matter and see no difficulty in securing so desirable a thing if our business men and the property owners will act with liberality and promptness. We think the towu in its corporate capacity ought to be willing to aid such an enterprise. We are assured of the earnest desire of the railroad officials to co operate in all efforts in aid of the enterprise. A New Club. The political pot begins to boil in this county. A large meeting was held last week ou Su Helena island in which there was much dissatisfaction expressed with the coustautly increasing taxes. The opinion was general that an entire Dew deal would be in order iu legislative no uinations this fall. On Friday night a meeting was held in the hall of the hook and ladder com- j pany, at which a new political club was 1 decided to be a neoessiiy. The move- j ment seems to be not in the interests of i our present delegation. How it will turn Out when the members get back remains to be seen. Port Royal Stage Line. We arc glad to see that Mr. J. H. TuDkiug has established a daily stage : line between Beaufort and Port Royal j leaving the market house at 6 o'clock in the morning, and returning leaving Por Royal at 11 o'clock. We are assured that this will be a permanent arrengment If so it will be a great convenience to the public. Town Affairs. I At the last meeting of Council, upon motion of Mr. McGill, the titne for the payment of taxes without penalty was emended to April 1st. Mr. Tonking appeared before Council and requested that the market be kept open until 3 p. in., and then positively closed, each day except Saturday. George W. Roberts, was elected clerk and town tax collector. ,T. G. Thompson then offered the following resolutions relative to the death of S. C. Millett Whereat, Wo feel that, In tho death of Stephen C. Milllctt, the town of Beaufort has lost one who had long been identified with its interests, and to whose enterprise, sagacity, energy and perseverance it owe, tho larger part of such prosperity as it now enjoys. Be it retulved. That we dedicate to his memory a page in our journal, as a testimony of our deep sor. row at his early death, and our appreciation of his Integrity as a business man ; his loving kindness as a friend and his public spirit as a citizen. Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be en. grotttxl and forwarded to his family, with our beartf.-lt sympathy in their great sorrow. The Intendant called Warden Robinson to the chair and supported the resolutions in an eloquent and sympathetic address. After which the resolutions was unanimously adopted, and tho council adjourned. * During the gale on Tuesday night a boat sunk at the dock with a quantity of ootton seed aboard. a?" When is the Intendant going to have the boards put up with the names of the streets upon them. JfirCaptain Williams of the Zerlina noted a protest before (J. IS. Commissioner Thompson. It appears that he was off the bar at the commencement of the S. E gale of Monday night. The pilot boat Keystone had been obliged to run into Bay point for a harbor on account of the weather. Capt. Williams spoke the light ship aud obtained directions and endeavored to couie in without a pilot, but during the night got on the north breaker. lie was discovered ashore by pilots Dupong and Stevens, who went to his assistance. By four o'clock in the afternoon they had succeeded in beating across the breaker without serious damage. Fortunately tho Zerlina is a new staunch vessel. The captain lost during the night his starboard anchor andkedgc. Osmer's New Store. A new store has lately been built by John Osmer at Port Royal, in which he has opened a good stock of merchandize, consisting of groceries, dry goods, boots, shoes, etc. He sells at prices quite as low as prevail in Beaufort. He also keeps fresh grits and coru meal as cheap ..7 . ? i? ;i i J_ _ as at the mills, we nope ne wju uu a profitable busiiu ss. A Dinner to N. B. Myers. Friends of Representative N. 13. Myers have tendereiThiui a dinner as a token of their satisfaction with his course in the legislature. It will take place at Gillisonville on the 8th of April next. Pont forget the lecture at the Sea Island hotel on Friday night. The report on the affairs of the bank of the state is a most unsatisfactory document. *ir A U. S. paymaster disbursed about five thousand dollars in greenbacks to colored soldiers as bounty and pension. tk?r Two hundred and fifty dollars have beeu appropriated for the Beaufort arsenal. Our Share of the School Fund. Superintendent Jtllson has made the apportionment of the appropriation for school purposes for the year; it is based upon the school attendance instead of the number of children as heretofore. As Beaufort county reports a much larger proportion of children attending school , than other counties our share of the fund is larger than it was last year when it was | assigned upon the other basis. Last year I we received about filtcen thousand dollars, while this year we are to get $18,462.60. Charleston county is the only county I nrnootk Rp.'iilfftrf in the number of children attending school. fair The penitentiary is reeeiving attention froui a correspondent of the 1/niotpHerald, who shows that the institution costs twice as much uuder its present reformed administration as undei Gen. Stolbrand's. Sporting:. The trotting mutch in Columbia between Geu. Smalls's and Col. Johnson's horses, on Saturday, at the Auxiliary Joint Stock Association track, was won by the former in three straight heats. There was a very fair attendance. Vetf A newspaper is to be soon issued at Brunson by Brisbane & Co.. to be called the True South. ?South Carolina goe* heavy on the j patriarchs. Moses i> governor, Noah iI local editor of the Columbia Union-Herald, and Cain is a member of Congress. Marine Xews. The bark Alice Reed, Kelleran, from Rort Royal, S. C., arrived at Liverpool, February 2.'5. n ? a . i i TT c*AJi.KJD.?.uarcn 14, trie senr. name Turner for Boston, with 275,000 foot yellow pine lumber from D. C. Wilson Co s' Port Royal saw mill. AERIVKP, at, Bull river, March 12, briir Kilvey, Davis master, from Santos, Brazi', to load phosphate for London. At Bull river, March 12, Swedish bark Siro, Sandquist, master, from London to jOad phosphates for an Knglish port. iTailYstage" RETWKHN POST BOM AND^BUUFOBT The public is informed that a covered PA83ENGK1 WAGON will leave the Market in lieaufort, ever day at 6 o'clock, a. m., for Port Royal, and returi leaving Port Royal at 11 a. m. inch.lT-tf. J. H, yONKTNG. Sheriff's Sales. A. J. Gill, vs. B. C. McAvoy.?Foreclosure. By virtue of an order of Hon. J. Maber, Circuit Judge in the above stated case to me directed, I will sell at public outcry in front of mjr pffice in the town of Beaulort, on the first Monday in April, 1874, be. iDg the 6th day of said moutb, betwcun the legal hours of saie, the following property, to wit: All that parcel or tract of land, contii .lug ce hundred (300; acres more or less, and known as th Reed Tract; situate iu Beaufort county, State of South Carolina lying on waters of Coosawbatchle river, near Silver Hill. Bounded north by lands of Mrs. Rebecca McBride, west by lands of Mrs. Elizabeth DeLoach, and Wiu. iiadwin, south by lands of E. C. Corbet t, east by lands of H. II. C. Falk. Terms cash. ALSO, R. A. Taylor, vs. N. Laligford. All the right, title and interest of N. Longford, in and to all that plantation or tract or tract of land situate, lying and being in the county of Beaufort and State of South of South Carolina. Bounded north by lands of E. B. Sim m Ins, south by lauds of N* ' Langford, east by lands of W. J. Gooding and A. IIFrohberg, and containing one hundred (100) acres more or leas, levied upon as the property of N. Langford at the suit of O. A. Taylor. This tr act to be sold at the risk of Josiah G. Pritch er, the former purchaser. Terms cash. ALSO, Same, vs. same. All the right^title and Interest of N. Landford, In and to all that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate lying and being in the county and State aforesaid Hounded north by lands of D. G. Simmons, south by lands of Phillip Thomas, and west by lands of Mr. D' Gooding, containing two hundr&l and thirty (230) acres more or leas, levied upon as the property of NLongford, at the suit of B. A. Taylor. Terms cash. ALSO, Dennis Wood, Trustee, vs. Alilson Winn. All the right title and Interest of Allison Winn, In and to all that plantation or tract of land, situate, ly. lng and being in the county and State aforesaid. Bounded north by lands of William P. Tuten, south by lands of Harriett Tcndall. east by William Tuten, weet by estate of Wm. Winn, aDd containing four hundred and ninety-three (493) acres more or less levied upon as the property of Allison Winn, at the suit of Dennis Wood, trustee. Terms cash. ALSO, Eldred Gooding, vs. W. F. Hogarth. All the right, title and interest of W. F. Hogarth in and to all that tract of land, situate lying and be' lug in the county and State aforesaid. Bounded by lands ofW. G. Thomas, G. W. Branson and estate of J. E. Altman, and containing two hundred and ten (210) acres more or less, levied upon as the prop, eny of W. F. Hogarth, at the suit of Eldred Gooding, Terms cash. WM. WILSON. 8. B.C, TO HOLDERS OF COUNTY PAPER. All persons having claims against the County and wishing to dispose of them at a discount are requestto communicate with the undersigned. J. W. COLLINS, FebJ5.2m. Beaufort, 3. C. Auction Sale. The Sloop Elizabeth Miller, of Port Royal, will be Bold at Hilton Head, by R. C. Mclntyre, at public auction to the highest bidder, on Monday, the 6th day of April, 1874. She is 24 feet keel, 8 feet beam and 3 feet deep. Terms cash. R. C. McInttre, Auctioneer. TOHOLBEES OF COUNTY CHECKS Or Audited Claims, Prior to November l, 187Z< . In accordance with the provisions of a ''joint resolution authorizing the County Commissioners of Beaufort County to levy a special tax," approved Feb. 2f, 1873, and the act to amend the same, approved the 29th day of January, A. L>. 1874, sealed proposals will he received at this office from parties holding checks or audited claims contracted prior to No* veuiher 1, 1872, until Tuesday, the 7th day of April, at 12 o'clock, noon, at which time said bids will be opened, and the board of County Commissioners will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount of One thousand dollars in favor of the person or persons who shall have offered the largest per centum discount on their checks or audited claims. Proposals must he addressed to the chairman of the Board and endorsed " Proposals for settlement of past indebtedness of Beaufort County." P. PRITCHARD, M. D. GEO. WATERIIOUSE, County Commissioners. Attest: S. D. Gii.bf.rt, Clerk. 1 Beaufort, S. C., March 3, 1874. i Wanted to Purchase. A tract of timber land, a good site for a Mill on the Port Royal Railroad. Address, GEO. A. BENNETT, mar.5-2t. Port Royal. I SCHOOL PAY CERTIFICATES. ! Beaufort, S. C., Feb. 23, 1874 Notice is hereby given that all those . holding Pay Certificates on District No. , 1, (Beaufort Towuship?Port Royal and . Paris Islands,) arc requested to have . them registered with the undersigned, . I preparatory to payment. L. S. LANGLEY, R. K. CARLETON. School Trustees, District No. 1. ' feb.2y.4t. For Sale* The pikenix iron works have for SAUC the following ENGINES. BOILERS and MAI'11 INKRY. Will be sold cheap lor cash: 1 New Eight-Horse Power Portable Engines and Boiler, (Cylinder 5 by 10,) complete for steam, but no wheels. 1 New Tweuty-llorse Power Horizontal Engine, (cylinder 10 by IS.) ) 1 New Eight-Horse Power Portable Boiler, (Locomotive.) I New Steam Winch to hoist 1,000 pound* 1 N w Saw Mill, W<md Frame with 50-iiicli Saw,2.5 feet Carriage, and 50 feet of truck, with 2 Head Blis-ks, la great bargain.) 2 New Eight.en-loch Circular Saw Beucbea, with Saw. An ins|ieelion solicited when information as to price will be given, on application at this office. PIKENIX IRON WORKS; Charleston, S. C. WANTED. , SCHOONERS TO LOAD PHOSPHATE rock at Bull River and Cliarles> tou, for Baltimore and Orient, L. I. : Apply to ; CAMPBELL & WYLLIK, Accommodation Wharf, fel>. 12,tf. Charleston, S. C. (JUIT CAI.H 1>EEI)S, SUITABLE FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF land acquired at State or National 'I'ax Sales I r sale at this mine. tf. THE SOUTHER! ARTIFICIAL STONE CO. OF COLI'MIIIA, S. C., ARE PREPARING TO lay Side walks of Artificial Stone, for Walls, I Hearth stones, Ruth Houses, (Imilt entirely of stone.) ! Milk House* Cellar Floors. Kitchen Floors, Curb | Stones Moors Tiles, Flawing with letters. Mangers for Horses. We most respectfully refer to any oneol our work in this city. Orders can be left at the otfice of the company, on l'iain Street, next to Central Nai tional Rank. | Plain side-watks, inches thick, guaranteed and the com) any bind Uieniaelves to keep the same in order for 50 years, at 25 cents per square feet, by lb? , 1,000 feet. At 27 aud 28 cents for lean than l.tKK square feet Curb Stone, (Colored) 5 cents per square Y foot. i Enclose stamps for pamphlets to SCHILLINGEB ARTIFICIAL STONE CO, 1 tW-?> Columbia, S. & HPT IS BE A TIIRKK THAI'S DAtLV KKO? Obarloston. Savannab. and J&' i| A.izg;uMtn. Every apartment of this House has been pi entertain in tho most hospitable manner the t home to spend the winter months as can be fo Livery Stable, Billiard Halls, Croquet and 1 Rooms may be secured for the winter by lei jvr? SHIP MASTER TF EX ES 3 COTTON COMPRESSI] ARE PREPARED TO RECEIVE < RATES, AT THEI "poo1 OF 1STT"\W ANEj] From the Famous 1 i NOW A Port Royt Constantly on hand, loaded right from the do< ous coal suitable for steamers. Furnished at purchased for south of Norfolk. It would-be and others using coal in the waters of Soutl this coal and the facilities for loading at Port W. H. THE OLD DRUG HC fj WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF I Harral & II Wholesale 1 g 167 MEETING ST., - C Q : Successors to the Old Est ? 1HAVHAND, HARRAL & CO., Charles HAVILAND, RISLEY & C HARRAL, R1 COLORE LOOK TO YOIIB DEARBOI HAND and POWER B] Fatoxxtod Marc THESE am ARE THE BEST AAD MOST EC'l FOR S , I am prepared to fill all c Colored men you can gin your own cot money for your crop. Every machine warr hibition at BENNETT S STORE, BAY ! Wyman D Oct.9-731 I ^m/waTlace, Cotton Factor AMD 4 GRIST MILLER, | Wliolritlt I)?'?lrr In 1 GRAIN, HOMINY, MEAL, FEED, ETC. Soa Island. Cotton Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. Advances Made oil Consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and grinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid for Cotton and Corn. Cotton ginned on toll. jan.7. WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS CHOICE FLOWER SEEDS, XI:WSEED CORN", i SEED OATS ami SEED POTATOES. HEDGE, (IKASS, and other SEEDS Alao Select GOOSEBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, CURRANTS, STRAWBERRIES and other small FRUITS i BY MAIL. ! (Postpaid') to any poetofflce in the Unit Er Enclose stamp for "Hluatrativto Priced Catalogue*.' 871 EDWD. J. EVANS, A CO., _ . Nurserymen A Beedmen, York, Pa, TfWWti ^ .30<&&. UFORT, S it in complete order during the past si ravelliug public. The northern touri und South. Telegraph Office are among the acquisi :ter or Telegraph. DTICB T? S AND COTTO 0 ? ? O R T R O M, WAREH0US1 3N STORAGE AND COMPRES R WORKS AND YARD AT PO MS 3 COAL, Tennessee Mines, T xl Dock., ;k. This coal is a first class bitumina lower price than similar coal can be to the advantag6 of steamboat agents 1 Carolina and Georgia to czatiilne Royal before purchasing, elsewhere. JOHNSON, Agent at Port Royal. (USE REVIVED, 1 FRESH AND CHOICE OOODS. ; Pelzer, j Iruggists, HARLESTON, S. C.J ablishcd House.1? of ^ iton. !()., Augusta, Ga. [SLEY & KITCHEN, New York. IY MEN 1 INTERESTS. d N & CO. ELT COTTON GINS ill 2G, 1007IJ0MIC1L IAIW.YE8 EVER OFFEREE a. xj jj . jrders at short notice, ton, save your seed and get more anted. Call and see them. On exsr., BEAUFORT, S. C. earborn. 'atentce, Manufacturer and Agvnt. i Tluildtrilitrdtusr &7idSupplk^tftaHmfs, ^ y flrdchetsjL'ewrti R&iLBobutrro.Uuv dniidi, \ (j S/oteand iiirble Nvtt/en floor dndDrdin \ 15 JllinnWhitr Pine, \~1lmdEuuyLumbe1y k i CijiwtMdkrjKne Wooded c, \ 5 AH WnrhVStrrtnttd. ij j LOWEST PRICES. J Send for Price List. >t I.H. HALL & CO.! B" Hinufjtiartrt & Vnlrrr. 2.4', 0,1,10. Mdrhet Street, 22Z,225,Ji*3tB*y, CHARLESTONt S. 0. M itered according to act of Cong res In the yei I, by I. H. Ball A Co,, in offlott Librarian of Co 1 gt Washingtod. i 1. c. . s w ^ TKAIMI Kt'lf liKU K'?KT pfi^ .tavfClmr'fiii^ti S::di? A. M SUkrLt-avo C'harlc*lon. OJO0 F. >1 j| raA Ltavc Angu?ta, 0:45 A. >1 HU < uWfoiJl U?r? Angaulk) #?1U P. M jjfi B| Uavc Kavaniiah, 0i30 A. M Vl i lvriit B? unfurl. F. .11 Arrive at Beaufort. ll??0 P. M J linuior, and the Proprietor is now ready to st will had as pleasant aad comfortable a ? < : s itionsof the House. ! ' ] i t. M. KINGMAN ? Proprietor. i 3 ~ ~ i N SHIPPERS. 1 i t i TKT J&L XL* < M & POWER CO., j IS COTTON AT THE USUAL s IIT ROYAL. jj 2HAS. ROGERS Buporiutoiiclezit. A HALF CENTURY PASTORAL SERMON I on BY TIIK ho REV JOS. R. WALKER, D. D. HECTOR OV Jul ST. 11ELEYA CHURCH, BEAUFORT, S. CCHUUT3IAS, 1873. Printed by request of the Vestry. FOR SALE AT * DR. H, M, STUART'S DRUG STORE. , I and Rt the office of the ( PORT ROYAL COMMERCIAL. ? br Price fiO Cents. Sent by mail on receipt of the above ar price by addressing Be J. G. THOMPSON, ? Offico Commercial, Benn&?*r?*re: flj "THE EMPIRE ! nnmmnv nniinnnnn fin 1 turn tumm to. Have one of their magnificent Q Cotton Compresses in operation at Port Royal, S. C. 1 for compressing cotton for Forelgu I shipments. For further information, apply to . - JOHN W. WALLACE, ^ President, Augusta, Or to -v JOSEPH- GRAHAM, Superintendent, Port Uoval. And to the President and Superintendent of the Port ftoyal railroad at Augusta, Geo. janl. EDGAR G. NICHOLS SURVEYOR J DRAUGHTSMAN & CIVIL ENGINEER. ? i Depot) to the Sorveyor (Iratral. ? IUi been Corporation Knglncer In four different cities, and given satisfaction q ' In every caee. 1? thoroughly conversant with the government survey*; In this vicinity. A Office cor. 8th ami B st. Beaufort, S. C. ( * \\ A. B. McGregor, " HOUSE, ASB " CARRIAGE PAINTER ?also? Graining: & Paper Hanging. ?:o:? Orders solicited and satisfaction guarantccJ. Corner Magnolia & Bay Sts. oot.lt>-1.v. i J. M. Williams. ATTORNEY AT LAW Boaufort, 19. O. ?:(r.? Will practice in Circuit Courts of the Circuit, and Trial Justice Courts on ( the Port Royal Railroad. ? 80pt.lS-ly. ^ A. E. OWENS' t NEW YAMASSEE EATING ' AND Refreshment Saloon Jt'BTCTlOJY H. ?x <mill POUT HOYAL RAfLKUAUM, PLENTY OF TIME ALUAVED FOIt MEALS. Tlic uiuV-ndgned having leased the Y. in.ivw Entinu Udum- (torn iu latu |?ro|?ri>-tor, Mr. .Silent, announce? that great improvements will b? made iu the arrangements for aupplyiug guests with subetantial meal* upon the arrival of each train. Good accommodations for lodging t rave.lor* will he provided as soon as possible. A gentlemen's refreshment and waiting room will be provided, where the ' beat liquors will be obtainable. The patronage of travellers Is respectfully solicited A. E. OWENS, ,e Late propreltor of Use Allendale HoteL JcoU8-l& / _ ^ ffilTiorari. Thro.ugh to Augusta. IE SHORTEST MMlEtfEST ROUTE ?UTnnft vo?? FREIGHT OR PASSENGERS. Bel worn Charleston and Angrusl^ Between Savnrtnah and Angnsta. 41 -A.1D ALL POINTS? soutm on west; L P DA r PASSBlftiBR. MS j |S * i 15 I najie or stations. Arrlv r<ear# i fi 3 Ifl L * V Port Povri a ij * I JO 01 Jo 06 . * ?*2lVl,k to 2? 10 30 4 4 Soabrojt 10 46 * 0 '6 12 1 EtrlrUf^ch... ' ""' " Ji J? J* ? 14 i Mauiain..... 2S \l" 16 2 Altma?s.....;?,.;t- j2 88 j-j 5J W 4 Aimed.,..., . j" >7 ^ , 2" 12 2 Vanwrtlie... ~ - } V? \?.S B 3 lloorara "Z j U J JS EI 6 Rrunson'a ....* { fn } 3 15 4 Oampbellton....."' } Ji i S (0 6 Allendale ' 2 08 2 24 6 4 J" 10 4 JJJattierllle. *l 511 5 ifr U 4 Bobbin. * 2.1* ff? K) 6 3 4 08 ! Rush >l?l 4 1ft >6 6 I Jackson 4 171 4 3ft V5 9 (Beech Island 5 60 5 00 11 0 [Augusta I 8 33] JAS. 0. MOOREc Engineer A Superintendent.' Port Royal Railroad TKtotlca. i LI, FREIGHTS FOR CHARLESTON ANT) II SAVANNAH, or going Forth will be recelroi Mondays, Wednesday! and Fridays,beetwecn the urs of four and six. p. u. P. HAMILTON, Agent. -x By order of J. O. MooftE, Supt, y4-ir nw200,006 ANUF ACTURED MONTHL^ BT TH* Stfa Is'd Brick Linn 31 Construct your building* of BRICK, mace thetft e-proof, and save tbo hjgh rates of insurance now arged on wood building*. Bricks do not burn up iuks do not rot down. Our Brick Kilns e locate* on Salt Water Creek, two mflet from aufott. Vessel! drawing fifteen feet of water cap id within fifty feet of our kiln*. A single lid ( ifta boats or flats to the ctty of Beaufort or Tort >ys1. BRICKS any size or quality, plain or ropi-oated, inanufactcd to order at short notice at Charleston and Sannab prices Call at our office in JROFUT'S BUILDING Bar Street, Beaufort, and examine samples,! Sea Is'd Brick Lime Co.JuneVMyr ENGRAVING * A3D Watch Repairing \ M. WHITMAN/ AS Jl'ST RECEIVED A FINE X.'SoRTMENT ' Jewelry, consisting of UOliO AID MILVKK WATCH EM, ItAlNH, chatelaine*, KINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, ETC.' iso a fine assortments of O Xj O O BL S . f 'ill give hi* personal attention to the squiring of "atches, Clocks ami Jewelry > Ornamental and lain engraving done at short notice. Gentlemen having flnu Watches can teat them at' its establishment by one of HOWARD & CO'S $500 REGULATORS.Mayo'* Building, llay Street. u. s. commissioner" FOR JEAUFORTCOUNTY J. 0. THOMPSON', Boauforti 8. O< . G. p. GardinerDR.VLF.R IS GnOCEniBB, JQUORS, DRY GOODS, SHOES, k' HILTON tffc.VD, S. C. ,'otton Ginned and Corn Ground at tbw above place. 3-rist/ Bread and Feed, i + Vlwnys on hand. For ca*h all ordcia rill be promptly attended to. IMPROVED BllLDIJG JMTflML. , Buamii Or pick or Tirr .Sotthkr.v ) Aktikkiai. STOJOS CoWMWY, >1 CoLirxnu, 8.February 3, 18m., J _ The dtl/cns of Beaufort fnd vicinity are inform* , bat we ore prepared to enter into nmicict# with. eraona who aredoinuis of bulJdirg cheap and Xe-? Irabie lious.eof ArtMbbfi or Cone .*<*. Paid^ mnim* are e?M In MaUiicr Via warui in w!?|t? J*** cclly ire proof, (tliU saving all Fire i noo-?l?< rl)ant of Damp or Water, llouaoi, 8lor< , facto rice, Milk House*, Bath Houses, Garden Uou e -sHorlel Vault#, Ac,, can be built out of thia aiil? ? . . > ial at one-third the prion of ?t"he, d*M eubillr an; ...? lurablo, Gen. Q. A. GUiilore, Knginrer to Chief of ha C. 8. A., aajra, thai at the < xpimtiun of one year t taken 120 tooa to cruah <moj<quaro Ir^t 0?.he stoMsiVe are prepared to contract for building, at a no. peater coat.. BnUdinm of thia fbono Improre with, ice,(Brickaand Waadderaya),and will laat \uimL . iSan Good Bricka or Frame bulMlas. For pamyhScT >r specicflationa. addrun. , ^ ? 80 UTHEBN AitTLKlCiAL 8T0NE 00^' v *- NnMfrnr .