ifil I ?? LOCAL AFFAIRS. THtteSftAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1873. PO?fT OF PICK llOt'UN. &KACFOBT, S. C., Sept. 24. 1873 On and after Moriday Oct. 6th, office open from 8:13 a. ra.. ifntit 4 p. mill clos -a at 9:11 a. rti ? mail d'Hvered tft 2:40 p. nf. P. E EZKKIEL. Po?ttna?ior. air Airnie oueht to know that the newspaper law is unalterable?she niU't send her name. |&* Kingman has half fare ticket-, good for ten days bdfweetl here and Charleston, from December 9th, for sale to such masons as desires to attend the masonic celebration. r >6b. Col. Screven recently 6aid in a railroad meeting in Savannah, that the idea was gaining ground in Savannah that the development of Port Royal instead of injuring, would benefit that city. mass meeting of the colored people of Savannah was held on Monday night; resolutions passed denouncing the inassacre in Cuba, demanding satisfaction, declaring for the abolition of slavery there and offering five thousand vol unteers to enforce their desires, is ir not time for our generals, colonels etc., to spdak out? Is Beaufort is be cold and languid at such an hour? Forbid it heaven! The Yemasse Eatinsr saloon of Mr. A. E. Owens, is conceded to be the best railroad house in the state. tey The Memphis authorities having declined to accept further aid, so liberal have been the contributions, we suggest that the Beaufort fuud be sent to Bainbridge, Georgia, where it is said there is great destitution. Hot?" The Aiken Journal says that Judge Maher has ruled that the holder of a warranty title given by the auditor for lands sold as forfeited to the state, uaust prove his title, the legal presumption being against him &*-The story about the three little colored boys sending 'en cents each to Memphis is said to be a picus fraud. ?Postal cards may be sent to any"part of the German empire from the United States bv affixing a one cent stamp upon the ordinary postal card. To be resold. The Waltham and cargo will be resold next Monday. See Marshal's advertisement. A 4 Doll' s calico party" was the event of last week in fashionable circles. It was given by Miss Lou Mayo, and it proved a gathering of beautiful and cherished darlings, arrayed in tasteful chintzes made iu the latestsryles. Among the most noticeable were Misses Lucy and Alice Wells, Miss Lou Rollitier, the Misses Coliins and Rhodes, Miss Daisy Thompson, a perfect bbtide, and charm* ing May Mayo. Gentlemen dolls were father scarce, but Bonnie Mayo was very sweet and gallant. Good, both Ways. II. Jones has been removed from aud Dr. John A. Johnson has been appointed to the position of health officer at -L! Tl.,. nini'.'it iirninnf ].' II1I3 pun# lilt ^u>ctuui uiWfVM ~ ? f J ia this matter and he has the thanks of ul) good citizens. Jones had no qualification for the post. He is ignorant, conceited and insolent, and is not a graduate ot any reputable college. He never would have been appointed . had our senator been aware ofhis character. Dr. John A- Johuson is one of our most esteemed citizcus, and although au iron-clad conservative he has the endorsement of radical representatives because he is otherwise fitted for the p ace. Convention of Sea Island Planters. The Agricultural Society of South Carolina has issued a circular signed by the Committee of the Association, A. 1>. Hose, C. A. Chisloui aud S. P. Ruvencl, inviting the sea island cotton planters of Florida, (ieorgia and South Carolina to meet in convention in Charleston on Monday, the 15th ofDeeeiubcr, for the purpose of holding a conference pertaining to matters touching the vital inter ests of those engaged in such agricultural pursuit. The annual visitation of the destruet ire caterpillar, the usurousrate of inter est which planters have to pay for money to employ labor o^an uncertain character, and to buy plantation supplies, and the manifestly increasing production of rsea island cotton in other countries from seed of our own selections, and by labor obtained at a nominal cost, have reduced the value of our cotton below the cost of production, and rendered its consumption and sale precarious and commercially too hazardous. It is therefore deemed a wise course for an intelligent bodj of farmers to meet and counsel together, And suggest such substitutes of growtli as arc most likely to suit jur genial soil, and give a reasonable remuneration foi capital and labor emp'oyed. Agricultural societies or clubs, or neighborhood associations, are respectfully requested to appoint delegates to represent theu i.. ,1.: : ?.i l.,.,,,, Ill llll? vuintiiuuu. umi " V iivpv iv ..vw, ^ o^a full representation from this section A Tax Titles Case. In the recent term of court, held a Walterhoro, a case involving the validity of tax titles was tried before Judge -Ma her. A plantation in St. l'aul's belong ing to the plaintiff was sold last year fo non payment of taxes, and bought by tin ^ defendant. The plaintiff elaimed tha f the law had not beeu complied with, it that the boundaries were not correct!; given in the advertisement. Judg< Maher in his charge to the jury, fully sus taincd the tax law, but charged that th* | effect of it being to deprive persons o their property, for leas than a fair con sideration. it was necessary that persons claiming under tax titles should be required to show that the law had been strictly complied with. If the giving of the wrong boundaries was calculated in the opinion of the jury to mislead par* ties interested, and lead them to suppose that the property adverti ed was not theirs, then the plaintiff wav entitled to a verdict. Th- jury returned a verdict for the defendant. On motion the plaintiff was granted ten davs from October 29th. in which to uiake up and serve a ease and serve notice of a new trial. Entry of judgiuept was stayed till the determination of such notice. The schooner E. H. Potter is at Port Royal, with an assorted cargo for the interior. John Rich & Co. Twenty-feur car loads of coal have been delivered on the railroad dock. From the number of claims mentioned in our Columbia fetter as having passed, and now being considered, the only inference we can draw at this distance is, that parties having tired of lighting en masse, have resorted to details, and are approaching the state treasury by a movement in echelen. Panic Prices for Cash "W. M. French has just received per the shooner Earl II. Potter, an Invoice of goods which he will sell at really panic prices, for cash only; no goods delivered until paid for. Oat meal. Imperial Scotch, at 15 cts. per pound; Chow Chow, Cross & Blackwella. at 40ct?. per jar; Pickles, by the hundred in barrels; Tomato Catsup, quarts, 25 cts; Sardines, quarter boxes; 25 cts; Pepper Sauce, 15 cts; Ghetkins, half gallon jars, 40 cts; Gerkins, pints, 20 cts; Roasted llio Coffee, 40 cts; Worcestershire Sauce, 45 cts; Maccaroni and Vermicelli, im ported, 20 cts; Cocoa Shells, 20 per pound; CondcDSed Milk, fresh, 35 cts; Crushed Sugar, 7$ for one dollar; Granulated Sugar, 7\ pounds for one dollar; Coffee Sugar 8 pounds for one dollar. Standard Drips, dried apples; dried peaches (peeled) chocolate, jellies, pre serves, layer raisins, codfish, canned fruits, prunes. Fresh Nic Nacs, Milk Bijcuits. Lemon Biscuit, Soda Biscuit, Oyster Crackers, Ginger Snaps, Sugar Crack ers, Butter Crackers. B.<eton Crackeis, Ltmon Creams, by the 'pound or barrel. Cranberries, figs, dates, grapes, oranges, apples, cabbage, potatoes, onious. Two hundred and firty lbs. assorted candies Almonds Pecans, Brazil nuts, Fili berts, Euglish Walnuts. About fifty shares ol Augusta factorj stock were sold in Augusta o i F> i l.iy last at prices ranging from ?162 to 8170. UNITED STATUS MARSHAL'S OFFICE, South <'arollna District, < harlestoii, November 25,1S73.?James A. Early ctal. vs. Brig Waltham and Cargo?Libel for Salvage?III Admiralty. By virtue of an order of sale in the above cause, to me directed, by Hon. Geo. S. ltrvan, Judge of the District Court of the United States. I will sell at public auction at the wharf in Beaufort, in the County of Beaufort and State of South Carolina, on Monday, the 1st December, at 11 o'clock, A. M. The American Brig WALTHAM, her tackle, apparel and furniture, as site now lies at the wharf. Also about 4,00U eross-ti< s?cypress aud pine. Terms cash. K. M. WALLACE, U.S. Marshal. FOUND A I) 181 FTABATTEAUX BOAT 20 FEET LOXtJ, 4 I EFT wide, and 20 iwrh>s deco. ??.> picktd up b> tween Cull River anu Coosaw, which the ownei can have by applying to the undersigned, proviug pro|>crty and paving charges. WM. SIMMONS, Coosaw ltivor. Aciirir eiioi rni IV rillVA Almost Every Case Cared With PAHT-KILLEE, Dear Sirs: During a residence of some ten years in Siam and China, us a missionary, I found your I'uin-Killer a most valuable remedy for that feaiful scourge the Cholera. In adininistering the medicine I found it most effectual to give a tca-s|ioo!ifiil of I'ain-Killer ill a gill of hot water sweetened with sugar; then in about fifteen minutes, begin to give a table-spoon I ill of the same iiiixtme overy few minutes until reliefwasolitained. Apply hot applications to the extremities. Bathe the stouiuch with the l'aiu-Killer, elear, and rub the limbs briskly. Of those who had the Cholera, and took the medicine faithfully, in (he wuv stated above, eight out of ten recovered. Rev R. TELFORD, Missionary in China. Dear Sirs: During a lung residence in China I have used your valuable ruin-Killer, liolli in my own family and among the Chinese, and have found it a most excellent medicine. In the summers of 18tl:i and 1S63, while residing in Shaugahi, 1 found it an almost certain cure for cholera, if used in time. Indeed, using it in a great mauy instances, I do not remember failing in a single case, For three years I have been residing in this place, more than fifty miles fioni a physician, and have liecii obliged often to fall upon my own resources in cases of sickness The C'inesc conic to us in great numbers for nmli cine and advice. Though without iiuslical knowledge ourselves, the few simple remidics we run command are so much iu advance even of their physicians, that we have almost daily applications. \V allow them to come, because it brings us into conlae with them and opens a door of usefulness. Iu diarrhea, colie, vomiting, cholera, coughs, etc., your I'aiu Killer has been my chief medicine. Yours, very trulv, . " Rev. T. P. CRAWFORD, Tungehow, Tiina. Those using Pain-Killer should strictly observe the i following directions: I At the commencement of the disease, take a tea spoonful) of Pain-Killer, in sugar and water, and 1 tie 11 b.ilhe freely across the stomach and bowels I* with the Pain-Killer clear. Should the diarrhea and craiup continue, rep at the dose every fifteen mill" | j utes. Iu this way the dreadful scourge uiay lie j checked and the patient relieved in the course of a few hours. 1 N. It.?Ho sure and get the genuine article; and ft p is recommended by those who have used the Pain1 V-m... r ,1 I...I..? 11,a, in mlnnn.Mu.thp tient l?o ;or more) tea spoonfuls' insleud uf uucThe l'.VlN-KILLKR is sold by all the Druggist* and Dealers in Family Medicines. ?j?-I'rico ij and 00 cents and Si. t PR It K V I>.\VIS. & SOW, f Manufs A Prop's. 136 High St., I'rov., Ft. ; J. M. "Williams. r | I ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 i oaufort, FBI. C. V e :o; Will practice iu Circuit Courts of the e 2d Circuit, aud Trial Justice Courts ou f the Port 11 oval Railroad. ecj?t.l8-ly. A Congressional Apportionment. Representative Nat Myers has introduced a bill to divide the state into five congressional districts. The proposed bill arranges the counties as follows: FIRST DISTRICT. Cbuntiei. ropulMm. <i''or-.vtown,...?Vi/i l-VIfil Williamsburg 13,189 Darlington 26.243 iarlbnro 11,811 Marion 22,150 Horry 10.721 Chesterfield 10,584 Sumter 25.2GS Total . .. 138,440 SECOND DISTRICT. Charleston 88 853 Orangeburg 10,855. Clarendon 11.038 Lexington 12,988 Total .. 132,?54 THIRD DISTRICT. Richland - 2M,<M Newberry .. 20,77i | Abbeville 31,129 Laurens 26.536 Anderson ? ?...? 24,049 i Oconee _ 10,530 Pickens 10.2C9 i Total ?.. 143.413 FOURTH DISTRICT. Greenville 22,262 Spartanburg 25,784 Union 19,248 York _ 24.283 Chester 18,805 Fairfield 19,888 Kershaw - 11,754 Lancaster utt 12,087 Total - ?. 154,01 FIFTH DISTRICT. Colleton 25,410 Beaufort....? 34.3-yj Harnwell 35,724 lHnMd. I 44,486 Aiken, ) Total 139,979 Latest News Items, Dr. S. B. Thompson has been appointed assistaut physician at the lunatic i asylum. A bill to charter the boatman's Biver j mining phosphate company has passed the house; also a joiut resolution relative to a special tax fbr Beaufort Coumy. Gen. Smalls introduced a resolution into the state senate, calling upon the I federal government to establish a navy yard at Port Royal, and to aid in budding a railroad iroui Chicago to the South J Atlantic. It is stated that a defalcation of $200, 000 has been discovered in the accounts ot the treasurer of the Frccdman's Savng bank in Washington. County Commissioners, The board met on Tuesday. Liquor licences were issued to J. M. Grey, uear Varnsville; S. Bowman. Sheldon; A. E. Owens, Ycmassce: F." Sehultz, Port Royal; Wiu. Krcssell, St. Helena. On Wednesday certificates were issued'to M. Pollitzcr. for blankets, $81.35; J. Brodie, poor, ?149.12; ditto, for work, $24.62 ; Rebeca Williams, nurse, $15; commissioner Drayton, $33. J. C. Mayo was ordered to sell the flats, boats, etc., used on the Whitehall ferry, The uud tor was authorized to collect n special tux of two mills to pay the county debt. An advertisement was ordered to be inserted ii< the Beaufort papers calling for proposals to feed the county poor. It will be found elsewhere. The board adjourned until December 29. A fortunate nCi.ro, living three ? tniriKhi lma ili.i>nv?>r(!(l ft mill-.'* 1IUIU AlU^U.JVUf UMW petrified human body. PROPOSALS For Furnishing Rations to the Inmates or tiik Almshouse, for the Year 1874. SEALED PROPOSALS will ltc received by the Board of County Commissioners for Beaufort County until Monday, December 29, 187."!, at 4 o'clock, for furnishing rctious to the inmatesof tho county aim-bouse during the year 1874. The following is the ration for each person, per week: Six quarts hominy, Three pounds uuat, One pint salt, One quart of molasses, One quart rice, Quartei of a pound Coffee, Half ajtound of C. Sugar, Half a pound of soup, Two ouuees Tobacco, and pipes. The Board reserves the right to reject auv and alj bibs. ? J NO. A. JOHNSON, nov274t Acting Clerk. "SHERIFF'S SALE. M M. S. LANCE, ADMINISTRATOR Kit ate of Thomas Ferrehoe vs. Win. Fcrrebce et al. same vs. M'm. Kcrrebcc, Kuslow A Co., vs. Thomas Fern bee et. al. By an order to me directed by Hon. J. J. Mailer dated the lith day ofjulv, A. D , 187:1. in lite above stated case 1 will sell at Beaufort on the first Monday iu Docciab i next lot recti the legal hours of sale for one third cash, the balance in two years, in two equal annual instalments secured bv the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises -"' i . All the undivided share* of Thomas Ferrehcc ana I William Fertobee, being one undivided fourth in ! the following lands, lately the property of Johr. Kerrchee deceit ..si, sltuat-sl iu Bet ufort County and ! bounded us folio > - To Wit: The shares of TV.mas and William Ferreb , etc h one undividisl foinili ufthattraet of land in sou County, called ''lionie tract," iHiuiided north by land of J. It'-eves, east hv public road leading from (irahmville to Kurysbnrg, south hv lands of estate of Clues, llcywartl. west by lands of John Kerrcliee, and containing in the whole five hundred aud fifty (550) acres tuore or less. Also. , Of the said Thomas and William Forrehec. each one undivided forth of that tract iu said County called Cat'-r ltay, bounded north hv lanus of estate of John Ferrebec, and Tulen, east by lands of WigItilis, south hv lands of O 1*. l.aw. west by lands of estate of Charles Iley ward, and containing iu the whole twelve hundred (1200> acres more or less. ALWO, Of the said Thomas and William Ferrebec, each one undivided foulth of that tract in said County bounded north by lands originally laid out to Muck en fuss and lands of ,lo>eph (ilover, east by lands of the estate of John Ferrebec and containing in the whole nine hundred (9>K); acres more or less. A l.so, Of the satd Thomas and William Fern-bee, each, one undividisl fourth of that tract in said County, call d the "Braifsfonl Tract." bounded north lly lands of estate of Charles llcywunl and Wilson ' . I....1- ,.e,.r t..|,? C..rri'li. f! and i'hurles licywant. south by I lie same, west liy lands of estate of Wilson Fern-bee, and containing iu the whole one thousand (1000] acres more or less. Also, Of the said Thomas and William Fern-bee. each, otic undivided fourth of that tract in said County, called the "liagshow and Harpers tract," bounded north, south and east by lunus of estate of John Ferreiice, west by lands of estate of Wilson Iverrebee and containing in the whole six huudrcd (000) acres more or less. * Also, i Of the said Thomas and William Ferrcbco each, one undivided fourth of that tract in St. Peters Parish, in said County, bounded north by lauds formerly estate of Jno. Humbert, east by lands of estate of Jno. Ferrebee. west by unknown lands and the Uagshaw met, of the estate of Jno. Ferrebee, and contaiug four- hundred '4001 acres more or less. The shares of Thomas and William Ferrebee. in the foregoing tnctssriB be sold fri-c from all liens and lnocmbtince*(entpA the lien orcharge of their proportional i>arl of the annuity directed to by paid to their mother, >1 rs. Margaret Ferrebee. tc wit: The smn of seventv-ftvc dollars per anuuui each - during her life, and also Iter right of residence in the maiiMou house of the testator. By virtue of the same order, I will sell at the tome time and place, and on the- some terms, afl the ondivided shan't of Thus, and William Ferrebee. being to each one, one undivided third, in the following lauds of Wilson Ferrebee. deceased, in the same counlv, to wit: The shares of Thou, and William Ferrebee, each one undivided third of that tract, bounded north by lands of estate of Wilson Ferrebee , east by lauds formerly of Nathaniel Fere bee. south b lands of estate of Chas. Heyward, west by the Public Hoad trout Grahamville to Pnrysburg. and containing in the whole, atx hundred and thirty (W0y more or lea. ?????i??i?mmmam?? SMA M B]E-fl Cia -:rl ? on, xr ; lan c I Every apartment of this House has been entortain in the most hospitable manner the home to spend the winter months as can be Livery Stable, Billiard Halls, Croquet anc Rooms may be secured for the winter by BENNS AUCTION TBJ AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF M DKSKKTT A MCFALL. Inform their friends i mon Flour in small quantities will produce lighter bread All persons should encourage home manufactures, boxes, warranted to hold out in weight. Just as good in To prevent Boiler explosions, use "LOW V moment the water gets below a certain line in the boiler Linttl the steam is cxhaushd or the water raised to a prop Orders for tile "iLljoa 2Pox*tiliS5 BEAHB HAND and POWER B Patented Mar TIIESE GIJS ARE THE BEST AAD MOST El FOR e I am prepared to fill all Colored men you can gin your own ct money for your crop. Every machine wa] hibition at BENNETT'S STORE, BAY WYMA Oct.9-73. SOUTHERN LIFE ?? ? Principal Offices?MEMPHIS, oMRMI'IIIS.' J. A. NKLSOV, Pici't. AMOK WOODRUFF, Vice Prci't. 1IK.V MAY, Sccl>. J. II. MILLER. Siipel # ??O? ASSETS, JANY. 1, 1S7< ANNUAL INCOME, oSOUTH CAROLINA OFKICK COL J. E. BLACK, Pres't, J. P. SOUTHERN, o~ BEAUFORT, S. ?TRUS 1 I>. C. WILSON, I M. POLITZEU, W. II. MAULDIN, JNO. FRANZ, PAUL HAMILTON, C. H. WRIGHT, M. STUART, GEO. GAGE, GEO. W. JOHNSON, II. U. JUDO, J AS. U. THOMPSON, J. <i. BARNWELL, M. M. KINGMAN, GEO. 1!->!.M!>. ' Officers of BEAUF GEO. WATERHOl'SE, Pres't. GEO. GA ???O3Dr. 3EI. TVT. Stunrt, 3V M. POLITZEU, J. G HARM J. W. COLLINS. PAUL IIAM J. G. THOMPSON, PAI L PMT< Tills "*?nip*iiy i.-wurs POLICIES on ' approved j.Iun annual dividends. All Policies noii-forfcilitigafter :.'iit Lowes adjusted, and reserve invested l>v the State IL?. tliroughent the State* All further information furnish) MIUDLE1 Soc. ' Just. Received, A splendid stuck ot DRY GOODS, I CLOTHING, HATS A t"AI"S. I GKOCKRII*. HARHWARK, CUTLHltV, CROCK I:RY, TOBACCO. WKFECTlOXARIKS, TlKWARli, Ac., Ac., At the store of F. W. SCHEPPER, Bay Street, head of So. 4 Dork, ? hlch he will sell' Ictrcr than any other atore In BEAHFORT. j?n. 4-ty. A G001) HA KG AIX. FOB SALE?A STATIONARY ENoink, lour (4) horse power?in jood order; Can be seen at my carpenter shop. J. BRODIE. ' . 9tb and Bay street. J. . IIiMB I t^FORT, 8 put in complete order during the past si travelling public. The northern touri found South. I Telegraph Office arc among the acquis letter or Telegraph. ft stt & mc. 155>e sales 1 anufactoked articles and productions. :hat "ME.V FOAM" as an nercator, is unequal In I and more fund tlian any other article in the niarki Call then for the "CHEMICAL, OLIVE, i hard as in soft water. I-'or sale at retail by JIO YC PATER INDICATOR," for which, BENNETT < by a series of lively '-toots," for twenty minutes, A ier limit. or," should be sent in early to be In time for il 23EKT k Look!! orh' s ELT COTTON UINS oil 28, 1887. . SOJOIICAL HACBUES EVER OFFERED A Ij E . orders at short notice. 3tton, save your seed and got more rrantcd. Call arjJ sec tlicni. On exST., BEAUFORT, S. C. N DEARBORN, Patentee, Manufacturer and Agent. INSURANCE CO. TENN., A ATLANTA, GA. ATL. VN'TA. Gcii'i. jno. b. ouitnon, Prea*t. Gen'l. A. H. fOLftUITT, Vice I're.'t. J. A. JHOltUIM, Mect'jr. visor of Agencies. 8/ 11,534483 97 1,000,000 00 DEPARTMENT, 19IB1A, s. c. Vice Prcs't,, A. H. WARINU, Scct'y C., BRANCH. 'EES.? DR. RAUL rUITCHARD, JNO. RICH, J. \V. COM.INS, 8. D. CIMIERT K L. WIOlilN, GEO. WATER HOUSE, A. S, DAVKNl'OUT, WM. KRE98ER, E. SINCLAIR II M STL*ART. 1)I{. S. It. THOMFS'JN, J. c. MAYO, 11. M. FUiiLKIt, U. M. WKLLS, 'ort bran;::. CJE, Vice Pris t. M. 51't'AKT, Sect' Eoclicnl Examiner. VKI.I? ) ll/i't)N, - Pxmitlvc Cniniiiltti'f. I'II.Mil), j is. I'll KM 1 I'M* rm-ivisl in Cash, ami entitled I I annual premium is i>ai<l. ir<l at Columbia, w itli a<lv!iv of the auxiliary lioar. -d, and application* for INM'KANVj; received l>y TON STUAIJT, dIs I3o nifort, 9. C .1A IVIES 0DELL7 BREAD, CASS, AND CEACSE 33 A li S II . HAS jtist rocvlvnl a Alio assortment of CANDIES AND FRUITS lie h;is always on hand llre.id anil Coll feet tone of every kind. COr.M'HY STOItlS supplied with ali at coles of the trade at reasonable price*. Orders' for WKIHJIXG.S A*IJ K.VKXIX PAK'MEs attended*to-with earc irtd'UUnatch. KIFI EIC.V Mt.WBS of n.'ead for OX POM.AK, can he had l?v purchasing UllKA tickets. The Circulating Library now open contain* a choice assortment of book*. JAMES ODELI* <' v I ;oss2?, S. O* r^[ wr ritAP# Fim ttv.\rfr'<>J:T I p^S"'' tiritvt'Ciinrliiieti S:!4? A- .)J i Jl-1x" -!_-^ .1 uvi- ' h?i !? ?< !>. '>!;;!) t*. M r.ii i. 11 |||yjK i avr iii^h^iu. "41 It) I*. V .tn v.* H.i vn it it ii )i f)?riO " ".frivi nt lirtiifur'. *t(M) I*. Jl irrlvc ut C< iiufurt. lu"0 I?. 51 HHI liuincr, and the Proprietor is now read}' to st will tiud us pleasaut and comfortable a itions of the House. t. M, KINGMAN Propri otor. FALL, WAREHOUSE, PURCHASERS OF SOUTHERN I by any article yet discovered. Mixed dry with com* L't. For sale at retail, by BOYCK A JIAllTtV. ind HOOK MA.VN NOAH," I'ut op in 60 lbs. 'K & lUBl'UI. it 9IcFAIX are agents. It gives warning to all the .ftcr v.liieb, a contiucus whL/.lc will seeorro attention Is reception for the next crop. NTETT tSe MoFAIjIJ. Fort Royal. S. O. QUIT CAI>i: DEEDS, SUITABLE FOB TIIE CONVEYANCE OF land acquired at State or National Tax Sales r sale at this olfice. tf. A. E. OWENS' NEW YAMASSEE EATING AND Refreshment Saloon JCNCTIOX 8. ?fc f.. and POUT KOYAL It.i IIjKOAHS. PLENTY OF TIME ALLOWED FOR MEALS. The undersigned having leased Che Yemassec Eating IIou.se from its late proprietor, Mr. Sellers, anitouuccs that great improvements will tie made in the arrangements Tor supplying guests with substantial meals upon the arrival of each train. Good accommodations for lodging trave.Irrs will be provided as soon as |>osaible. A gentlemen's refreshment and waiting room will be provided, where the best liquors will be obtainable. Tbe patrouagc of travellers is respectfully solicited A. E. OWENS, Late proprcitor of tbe Allendale Hotel. oct.2.T-ty. A. B.'iMcGregor, HOUSE, SIGN, ASH CARRIAGE PAINTER ?A1S0? GraininO Paper Hanging. ?io:? Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Corner Magnolia & Bay Sts. oct. IG-ly. Prices Current OF Branch, Scott & Co. Commission Merchants, ?AND AI.KNTS FOR? 1 GEORGIACOTTON GOODS ?AND? Sardy's Super Phosphates. lot Augusta, 5a., March 13,1873. ?% t\ '.I I,' U T I L ? Itatodleman Stripes flight) 480 yd.i...12U " Fancy 8tri|H-s (dark) ISO yib.,.l3K " ('licet or Fluids yds... U% Mouluiir 7-8 Shirting* .500 and 1,000 yds... 10)? " 4-1 Sheetings .500 and 1,000 yds.,.12'4 " Yarns, aaa'd Nos, 6.to 12...50 hunch* s.,1.05 Richmond Osnaburgs Striii?i 823 yds,..14U (light; 13 tirauiteville "-4 Shirting _l,t*io yds... 1)'4 ' 7-8 " l,i*m yd<...ll'?j " 4-4 SliPotings 1,000 yds... 13 " 7-8 I).ills ooo yds...i:t'4 Augusta 3 1 Shirtings />2.5 and 8.50 yds... 9\Z " 7-8 Shirtings 252 and 850 yds...11^ " -1-4 Sheeting 252 and oSo yds...13 " 7-8 Drills 252 and 850 yds...13^ Langler A 4.4 13 A 7-8. 1114 , " 3-4 9% \ O \ EMPIRE FLOUR MILLS. IN 11AKHK1.S AND SACKS. '45 cents per Barrel less per Car Load. IMI RRIAL XXXX .812 .50 l.ll.T WlllTK XXX 11 o0 ItlllLLIANT XX 10 t*l X llnT t'AKKS X 'J 00 Rock Mills Superfine 8 30 Bran.-525 |>er ton. Sacks extra. Stunts.?S:M1 |irr ton. do Wkstkks Ii.'m it is noi-s.?Sujier, fs.70; Extra, SIO.iMI; Family. ?10.50; Failey, 811.50. Uyk Fwb.-H.'1 |H-r sick. (loo lbs.)' Bacon.?Shi udders, 8' , ; ('. It.Sides, lo'.7. D. 8. Meats.?Shoulder*. 7U; C. It. Sides, 9%: Lard.?In tierces. lOji; kegs,*12. Corn.?Prime White, 'Jo; Mixed, uoc. Corn (Sacks nicludid.) It > ? .?gi.iV Out*?While, 70; Mixed. 70. Miunr.?Yellow, llj^; 12} \; Extra C I-'t* a VfF,. 1 ;.n^ur lloinr Syrup.? In Mils, 30; Itlid*, 28 Virginia Suit?SJ.lij jwr Sack; to sacks oi jure, feoo. Priwtor ik Gamble'* Soap, Extra Olive Erosive,7c. Surdy'? Soluble I'm Ifie. S.70.00 Cash; J7VH V tor's Acceptance ; (57/OI Planter's l.i 'll. Kuril)''* Pliusplio Prruvlun, fo/l.no Cash '2. *'i0.00 Factor's Acrcptaare; SO.'! Planter's Leiu. The aleive ipiotions are wholesale. We do not. it \?y cam', lin-ak [tackavc*. Remittance* pcrExprt* must he prepaid. Orders arc til I d at Price turn-u Li daw they are received. Siefit Draft* on Net York, Charleston, Savannah and Atlanta, placed ti Rcradit at iiar. |t?|, Ttfnllv, SCOTT A CO. . THE PARKER CUN. [ _i PARKER BRO'S WEST MER1DEH.CT. I THE PARLOR COMPAHIOff. Every Lady wmnta one!! nrery Han ought to bare one! I on receipt of Ten Genta. Add rem, L. F. HYI , 193 Seventh A venae, New Yotk. - - tohMU Through to Augusta. THE SHORTEST tTDTl!EAM-ST IllllTB ?KlTllfl! MRFKEIQIII' OB PASSENGEKS. Between Chntic&ton find Antjtisld Between Savannah and Augusta; ?AND ALL POINTS? south on west'/ VP DA Y PASS ESQ ER. 2 ' S 0 J fi * y | I jr. 2 ? XAMK OF STATIOXS. ArriY* < P P fe xz - . a a a. m; Port Royal, , . 9 45 4 4 Beaufort, ;. 10 01 lo 00, 9 5 Island Tank 10 26 10 30 14 4 Seahrook ..... 10 46 10 <K . 18 5 Sheldon, 11 16 11 17, 2.7 7 Yemaxsee II 4.7 12 20 91 7 Karlr Braucb.../..?;..:AA.l 12 41 12 41 34 2 Mauldlns 12 47 12 47, 36 2 Altaian* j2 S3 12 50 4') 4 Almcda 1 06 1 OS 42 2 Varnsville 1 11 1 id 43 3 i Hoovers.'. _ 1 2S 1 2S 51 6 Branson's _ 1 42 l 4;i 55 4 CampMlton 1 54 1 53 60 5 Allendale 2 08 2 24 61 4 Appleton 2 34 2 S4 68 4 Beldoc 2 46 2 50 72 4 Martins 3 02 8 02 76 4 Millett 3 14 J 14 . 80 4 I Hattieville. 3 26 8 26 .81 4 I Bobbins .... 3 38 8 39 90 6 .Ellenton 3 58 4 03 ! Bush 4 15 4 15 ,96 .6 I Jackson 4 27 4 28 103 9 I Beech Island 5 00 5 00* 111 6 IA ugnst a 5 38 DO ir.V DA Y PASSBXOEIi. " aTS Augusta.../, 6 40 6 6 Bcccli island ....... 7 23 7 23 15 9 Jackson 7 55 7 8tf 'Bush's.;.:...; 8 08 8 08' 21 6 iKllcnton 8 20 8 23 27 C Robbiua 8 44 8 45 31 4 iHattieville 8 57 8 67 35 4 | Millett 9 09 9 09' 39 4 | Martins 9 21 9 21 43 4 Beldoc.._ 9 3.7, 9 30 47 4 Appleton ?.?-.?....,..7< j S0| 9 50 51 4 Allendale _ 10 02 10 03 56 5 Cambellton 10 18 10 18 60 4 Bransons 10 30 10 81 66 6 Hoovers' ., ... 10 49 10 49 69 3 1 Varnsville, ;... 10 581 U 03 71 2 Almcda 11 00 11 09 75 4 Altmaus 11 21 ll 21 77 2 Mauldin'a : 11 27 11 27 79 2 Karly Branch 11 83 ll it 86 7 IVcmassee 11 55 12 20 93 7 Sheldon 12 48 12 49 93 5 Seabruuk 1 19 1 l9 102 4 Island Tank 1 35 1 85 107 5 Beaufort, 1 55 2 00 111 A Port Doviil 9 1AI JAS. 0. MOORE, Engineer & Superintendent. Port Royal Railroad IMotloo. Alt, freights foe Charleston anti( SAVANNAH, or going North Will be received on .Motidayn, Wednesdays and Fridays, beet ween thd hours ol four and six. r. it. P. HAMILTON, Agent. By order of J. 0. Moore, Supt. July4-tf. BWCKS!JBEK!! 200,006 MANUFACTURED MONTHLY DY T1IK Sea Is'd Brick Lime Co. Construct your buildings of BRICK, mace them' lire-proof, and save the high rates of insurance now charged on wood buildings, liriclu do not burn up'/ bricks do not rot down. Our Brick Kilns are located on Salt Water Creek, two miles fron^' Ueaufoit. Vessels drawing fifteen feet of water ca load within fifty feet of our kilns. a slugle tid drifts boats or Hats to tho city of Beaufbrt or Porff Royal. BRICKS unil to order at short notice at .harleatou and vannali prices Call at our office In CROFUT'S BUILDING Bar Street, Beaufort, aud examine samples,] Sea Is'd Brick & Lime CoV June 19-1 yr. W. J . TRIM. DE.ti.K8 nf WINDOW CURTAINS, FABRIC HANGING*, LACE ('I'lCTAIN>', m\ .. .M WINDOW DRCORAtlO*# 1*1 ANO and TABLE COVERS, WINDOW SHADES, and HOLLANDS.PIPER niJGIJO AID DECORATIONS/ Matlrasses Made to Order ami Repaired/ Lounges aud Chairs upholstered on reasonable' i terms, at 243 KIDTCr 3T1123ET, OPPOSITE ll'.l I 'EEL Y J/Ot'SK. Orders from the Country will be promptly at* tended to. DANIEL H. SILCOXT" FUENITUEE WABBROOMS, 173. 177, 170 KINO STIIKET. CHAHXiJ38T03XF, ?. CJ. . Where ran >>.n:ul a law and well selected Stock of all I. d- i nd t? suit the UwirsofaW, 1 An examl' ili.'ii i" ie~, * 1 tully solicited* March 1S-I? f | HOME SnUT;LE_SEWfflG MACHDiE, 1 rpilis BEAUTIFUL MACHINE USES SnuimtT ' X needles, makes the Lock Stitch, (alike on botlf ' sides) has self-adjusting teutiou, and is used by hand or foot. It will hem, fell, bind, seam, tuck, hemstitch, ruffie, and sew on at the same time; wort equally well on silk, linen, uiuslln aud cotton gwids' It la tin* ouly flrst-c-latt low price uiacniuc urauc. Send for circular and sani|>!e of loirliig, or call and examine the machine at the agency, fkrj street/ Beaufort, 8. C. Prioo, $2Q, $37 d> $42/ W. A. FRIPP,* feb.U-lyr. Agent, | FOR SALE, House andLotin Beaufort, FOR PECUNIARY BEASOS8, TWE 8rBHCRIBEB offer* for rale hla House and vafaahie Lot In Be*if fort, at a low figure, and on accommodating tmoiy _ Apply at the Court ITouae, Or on the) N>hu h. o. sm>v, Beaufort, 8. C, Sept. IB. 1878. aapU8*r ,p ^*7"ANTED ?A good wardroha and a booh mm' TT Applyat thia office.