LOCAL AFFAIRS. ** THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1873. tost OFKICK UOUKN. Beaufort, & C., Sept. 24, 1873. bn ami after Monday Oct 6th, office open from ' &15 a. m_ until 4 p. m., mail closes at 9:13 a. m ' foail delivered at 240 p. in. p. e. ezkkikl, Pontnia?tcr. ( WgL.. Ma). E. W. Evcrsou having been ^ elected librarian of the university his duties will prevent hiui coming to Port 'j Royal as editor of the Commercial. The t paper will therefore be conducted as heretofore. Maj. Evcrson will retain an interest in the CommkrclvL and will act us its corresponding editor. c More Debt, | c w* ? th addition to the twenty millions of r debt figured up by Gov. Moses, the U> 6. Supreme court has by a decision made j on Saturday last saddled South Carolina with nearly a million of the bills of the OKI bank of the state, which it says must j he received for taxes. 16L. A bill td recharter the Whitehall v ferry has passed the general assembly. e JfcT Mr. Gantt is to have the Phntcrs ^ ^Kepublican society incorporated. , t&" The yellow fever has abated at ^ Bainbridge, Geo. c A very eulogistic sketch of the q life and character of Senator lioneri j y Smalls appeared in the Ujiion Herald of f Saturday last. u C. Dukes A Co, cotton and 0 phosphate dealers in Charleston failed r bn Tuesday. Other failures are ex- 1 pected. 11 HaT" Fifteen Italian emigrants have 1 t)cen located upon the lands of Mr. R. j c G. Holmes at Aliuedu, on the Port Roy- '' al railroad, under the supcriotendance of Mr. Peter Papin. s N t toy The Anuie Bliss arrived at Port Royal on Saturday with KWO bales of i j bagging for Augusta, and & general car- ( go for Waterhouse and Mayo. She will j load with lumber <tt IX C. Wilson's mill. v The Fireman. a A meeting of Hose company No. 1, | was held ou Tuesday evening. Much discussion was had on the very little at- ' tendon bestowed upon the fire depart- c rncnt by the town authorities. ^ Pall in Cotton. n The ginncrs of Beaufort on Wedncs- c day reduced the price they offer for seed 11 Cotton, to three and a half cent per {' pound, 'lliis is the lowest figure ever reached in Beaufurt. i f The brig R. S. Gove, of Cauiden, y arrived of) Saturday at Politzcr's wharf, jr She had a miscellaneous cargo consigned j .!_ ._ ,4nij J0hn j _ Diosuy >u wuiiii j.i*,.. ? ??, , Franz. She will take in a load of lum- ^ bcr at Port Royal. t The three masted schooner, , . passed up the Oak Point mines on Sonday last in tow of the Ida. Site will load | with phosphates. For Memphis, A subscription was collected in Beaufort last week for the suffering of Memphis, amounting to about one hundred dollars, which was sent by express to the mayor. Geo. )V. Johnson, editor of the Standard was mainly instrumental in the good work. Twenty-seven dollars were collected at J Bull river for the same purpose by Capt. L Sinclair. ~~ Military Affairs. j 2^ K. Carleton has been appoiutcd 1 judge advocate, rank of major, on the staff of Brig. Gen. P. L. Wiggin. j Samuel Green has been appointed ad- 1 jutant general, rank of major on the stuff t of Gen. Wiggin. 4* >m> U&" The night train on the Savannah and Charleston road, w hich was suspended forsevera days in consequence of the i * I <?"* TulWi.imtr 1...VO ! UrUKCU UliUgU U*VI tiiw XUKIVUUJ) t v j Commenced runuing as usual, the break < haviug been thoroughly repaired. < fcarJIajor Ceo. T. Jackson, president ( of the Port Royal railroad is a prominent . candidate for the vice presidency of the j Georgia railroad. tttjr The ''first shad ' of the season, is ' reported in Savaunah. We thiuk that shad has bceu on a bender and more likely, the last of last season. ( Ciril Rights Case* B A. E. Owens, keeper of restaurant at 1 9 Ycmassec. was brought before trial jus- 1 B tice R. K. Oarlcton,on Monday last, * B charged with a violation of the civil rights ' act. The circumstances appear to be ' f that Senator Smalls and Representatives ' i Hamilton and Green, arrived at Ycrn assec on the train from Charleston; (bat t they went into the eating saloon of A. E. I 'Owens and asked ibr dinner, and that he refused to serve them ou accbunt of their color. Upon the examination the complain ants were represented by J. M. Williams, and the defendant by J. C. Davant, and J. C. C- llutson. The defendant waived an examination (and was bound o*cr to the next term of Court, in three cases, in' the sum of $.'>00 each, John Franz becoming the surety. A Calico Ball. It has hern determined by the ladies of Beaufort, to get up a calico ball iu aid of the Memphis relief fund, *o come off k or. 'he 13th iast., at the Sea Island hotel. The mu.-ie will be furnished by the EloBr pliant string band. Tbc refreshments will consist of sponge cake arid Cold water. The tic kets will he sold at the very HV moderate price of two dollars. As the ball is for a benevolent purpose it is exI pected that there will be a good attendI ance. ... L\ - Tlio November Elections. Democratic Victoria*. The state election in New York on Tuesday has resulted in a victory for die democrats. The city of New York (ras carried by the Tammany hall party by 25,000 majority over the republican and Appollo hall combination. In Virginia, the democratic govern>r was elected by 30,000 majority. In Michigan, the democratic candidate vas successful for the first time in any years. Massachusetts, Illinois, vansas and Minnesota went republican >y reduced majorities. Miscegenation. A good deal of talk was occasioned on Saturday morning last by the fact be oruing known thata negro man naa occn uarricd the night previous to a young rbite girl. The couple came in on the rain on Friday. They got aboard at Jrunsons and on their arrival here went ogether to the house of Grace Myers, a olored woman who keeps a boarding iou.se for colored people. In the evening Rev. Seaborn Drayton i (is summoned to perform the tuarriage ercmony. The bride was quite a well joking girl. The groom was a full looded negro evidently a common field iand, about forty years old. and anything ut good looking. Previous to the marriage a prominent olored man and a colored woman, uostioncd the girl closely as to her rillingncss to have the ceremony preormed, assuring her that if she was aider any promise or stood in any fear fthc man that they would befriend and irotcct her. She, however, declared hat she acted of her own free will in the latter and desired to be married. The mother of the girl arrived in town ho next day and immediately couimccd proceedings to recover possession of tor child. A warrant was issued against Richardon, alias Bradly,* alias Holmes, upon he following affidavit; Mrs. R S. Lewis, being duly sworn leposes and says: That on or about c?. .1?. ~ct ie*n ne iniriy-m&t May ui v/uii/uvi, 101 j} vuv lichardson did unlawfully, take or con ey, or cause to be taken or conveyed way, a maid child under the age of sixeen years, by the name of Rebecca Iart, from the custody of her mother, his deponant, and has married said liild against deponents knowledge and without her consent. Upon coming into court the mother pproached her child and burst into tears xclaiming "my daughter What have you >ccn doing?"* The evidence was as bllows: Mrs IT. S. L ewis, sWorn: The person n court is my child; rho is going on ourteen years of ago; she is not sixteen oars of age; she was takcrl by prisoner rom Bransons station where I had left ier, I was to have taken hor home csterday; I knew nothing of her going; md been gone two hours when 1 got here to take her home; she has always teen under my control; she has never teen married: I know the prisoner; some all biin Bmdly, some Richards en; lie las a woman that he calls his ttifc; and lie calls him her husband; the womans' tame is Linda; she lives at Mr. Stokes; ? * i ' I - 1 1. . 1 T vncn J noant my uuugnier nuu guuu i ook the freight tniin down 10 look for ler; the girl in court is tuy child that I as searching fori Monday Williams was sworn and said hat he had seen the prisoner married to he girl the previous night by Seaborn Drayton. The prisoner testified that the girl had ;old him that she was more than sixteen; hat she had written to him that she was joing to Brunsous and had come willingy with him. Upon the evidence aduced the trial usticc bound the defendant over in five Kindred dollars bail for trail at the next crui of court. Mectiug County Commissioners. Thursday, Oct. 30. Adjourned meeting; present Commissioners Waterbouse and Drayton. Rcadiug of the minutes of last meeting iispensed with. Com. Watcrhouse electid chairman pro-teui. On motion resolved that the clerk of [he hoard he authorized and directed to issue certificates of indebtedness to parties having audited accounts for the current [iscal year, which certificates are receivable in payment of liquor liccuscs for the pear ending April 30, 1874. Resolved that the clerk furnish the :ounty treasurer with a copy of the above resolution. Adjourned until Friday, Oct. 31. Board met at 11 o'clock all the members present, minutes of last two meetings approved. The following liquor licenses were grauted, the proper bonds having been presented aud filed. J. Beck, Sheldon; \V. F. i'ouuiaus & Co., Brunsons; B. A. Chbuiui, Lawtonvill; J. C. Addison, Mathews Bluff; L. 13. Sams, Maihews Bluff. Geo. Holmes, Esq., presented hit annual statement a3 county treasurer which was examined and excepted. The followiug amendment to the joint resolution of the legislature, providing for the payment of the past indebtedness was adopted. That it shall be the dutj ol the treasurer, to report the amount ol money collected from this tax the saint as all other taxes are reported to the county commissioners, and whenever out thousand dollars arc reported in th< treasury, the county commissioners shal advertise for thirty days,- for sealed bids from parties hol.limr checks or uuditei claims contracted prior to November 1 1S72. Said bids shall be opened at i regular meeting of the board and tin commissioners shall draw orders on tin treasurer for parties Who will offer tin largest rate per centum discount on tin checks cr audited claims. On motion, it was resolved, that tlii hoard request the senator and member of the house from this county, to ohdea-v or to secure the adoption of the sbcV amendment. The clerk was directed to communicate the action of the board in this matter to the connty representatives. Certificates of indebtedness amounting to $2,067.53 were issued. Requisitions were approved from John Brodiefor clothing fbr almshouse poor, and for a stove for auditor's office. Intcndant Williams appeared before the board and complained that the expense of burying a pauper have been imposed upon the town; as the citizens of the town pay a county poor tax, he thought it but just that the poor of the town should be cared for by the county. The board decided to pay the account. Adjourned until Tuesday Nov. 25. B?.. Have a home of your own. Yes a homo of your own ; buy a piece of land with the determination to keep it during your life time, and then transmit it to * ? i ?1? your ncirs 7 ii you nave iiu uicnus, vui; the proceeds oF your own labor, then scrupulously save and build a fine house, buying from the Great Southern Builder's Emporium your Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Marble and Slate Mantels, Hardware, Mouldings, White Pine, Walnut, &c., cover your roof with A- bestos' Roofiug Felt and Lining, for which they are Agents; they are now used on thousands of buildings, and they offer them as reliable and economical, which-are needed everywhere. Send for price list to I. H. Ilall & Co., Charleston. S. C. Sheriffs Sales. On Monday last the sheriff sold the following property : The William Loadholt property at the suit of Hansford and Jane Rizcr sold to J. A. Lightscy for $G00. In the suit of the same parties against W. R. Barnes, 800 acres sold for $2000. The house and lot of W. J. Whipper in Beaufort., at the suit of Robt. Smalls, was bid off first to Mrs. Whipper, and the purchase money not being deposited was resold and bid off to Robt. Small, for $1800. The plantation of W. J. Whipper sold at the suit of llarriett J. Addison was first sold to Mrs. Whipper and then resold to W. E. Altman, for $2500. The school house in school district No. four (4) was sold to James McKnight, for $200. That "Bark Ashore"?Statement of Captain Ballard. In our issue of yesterday morning wo published an account of the running ashore of the bark T. Jeffie Southard, of New York. Which we found in the Port Royal C'omMecial. Captain Calvin Ballard paid us a visit last evening lor the purred nf n/\rrooiinfr unnlft /irrfirsj wliif?h appeared in that report. The Captain informs us (hat ho left Bristol, England, on the 2Gth of September iu ballast* Consigned to Messrs. T. B. Marshnll & Biother. That onthe 25th of Ociober his vessel touched on the shoals off Port Royal, and ihul he let go his anchor. On .Sunday morning 26ih, he attempted to get under way again in order to work off, and that his vessel drifted in:o what is known as fho nonh breaker. Here he brought up and laid to, waiting for the tide. About lb roc or four oYlock in lite afternoon the pilot boat Kcyst >ne. Captain Earlc or Yearle, of Beaufort or Port Royal, catue alongside and nsk*d him if be wauled any assistance. Captain Ballard told hiui he did, and made an arrungcutcn with the captain of the pilot boat 10 fake him out into deep water. The captain of the pilot boat 'old Captniri Ballard that he was uot far out oi the channel and plac ing his own vessel in a position and with lighlsso that he could lie piopcrly guided, Captain Earlc, together with his ciew, boarded the bark, leaving jnly a bov on board the pilot boat. Alter getting the bark out some distance the captain ofllie pilot boat left with his crew and returned to Beaufort, Captain Ballard sending a dispatch to his consignees by him. He (Captain Ballard) subsequently heard that the pilot boat had drifted into the breakers and that the Keystone was injured while assisting the bark is untrne, according to Captain Ballard's account of the affair. Ilis own vessel, the Southard, arrived safely at this port, where a survey was made of her yesteidav by the Board of Port Wardens,- etc. She tva* pro o nc.'d uninjured and in perfectly good seaworthy condition.- S tv. Kevcs. ? ? vTimiM, w-T i 'rrv \r i ticu . i ?a nT/t'trr Um ? r.lt Oi;ur/' 'I aivurtwo vr.r iVb, Sjuth Carolina P' trict, Charleston, .November.". S73.?lamer A. Fa ly ei al. vs. Brig WoUluun nuil Caigo?Libel for Salvage?In Admiralty. By * irtup of an order of sal.- *ti the above cause, lo metlirccted. by Hon, Geo. S. Bryan, Judge of tbe District Court of the United. Stc I will sell at publicacition at She wharf iu Beaufuri. iu tho County of Beaufort and State of South Carolina, on Thure<lay. the 13th instant, at It o'clock, A. M. The American Brig WALT A AM, her tackle, nppa1 rei and furniture, as she now lies at the wharf. aVo about 4 000cross-ties?cvpre-s and pine. Terms cash. n. M. WAL'.ACt-, U. S. Marshal. 1>1I YNICIANS AMI DRUGGISTS. A prominent New York physician lately cotupl'incd to Pl'ndas Dick about his SniuMwood OH Gysutf*, stating that sometimes they cured miraeu louslv. but that a patient of his bad taken them for some time without effect. On being in form id that s"ioral imitations were made and sold, he inquired and found that his patient had been taking capsules sold in bottles, and uot DUN DAS DICK A CO'S. Whai happened to this physician may haTe hap|>ered to others, and DUNDAS DICK A CO. take this method of protecting physicians, druggists and themselves, and preventing Oil of Sandalwood from coming into disrepute. TilYStClANS who once prescribe the Capsules will continue to do so, for they contain the pure Oil in the best a nil cheapcit form. DUNDAS PfCK A CO. use more Cif of Sandalwood in the manufacture of their Ca]isulcs than all the Wholesale and lteail Druggists and perfuuien in the United Slates Combined, and this is tbe sole reason why the pure oil is sold cheaper in thcii Capsules than in any other form. OIL OF SANDALWOOD is fast superseding cv. ery other remedy, sixty Cajwules only being requirwi to insure a safe and certain cure in six or eight days From no otiiei medicine can il'K result lie had. 1 DICK'S Si ill' CAPSULES solve the problem lonf > considered by many eminent physicians, of how U r avoid the nausea and disgust experienced in rwal j. lowing, wliich are well known to detract from, if nd destroy, the good effect of many valuable remedies ! Soil Cajisiiles are put up in tin-foil aud neat boxes 5 thirty iu each, and are the oulv capsules prescribe* , by Physicians. #v-Thesc were the only Capsules ?d milled to the last Pai ls Reposition. I Send for circular to ?? Woostcrjttiwt, KeV York I Sold nt uII Di-ps; Stores. | General Agency, 110 Kcadc Street, New York. Oct JIM! t. I BININGER'S : OLD LONDON DOCK GIN S Entirely design fjr tlic use of the Modlesl Profci j slon and the Family, possessing those intrinsic sued ictnal properties which belong to an Ok) Sbd Pur Gin. 8 IudUponsahlo to Females. Goud fur Kidney core 3 plaint^ A delicious Tonic. Put op In com cor tslning one dosen bottles each, and sold by all dru| * gi?t?, grocers, Ac A.M. Blnlnger A Co., establLshG P 177S, No. l!i nearer Sw?t, Koir fort, ?? ii THREE TRAINS DAlI.V KHI'" Oharleaitofa., Savaunab. and AUfuata . Every npnrtmetot of this tlouse has been p entertain in the most hospitable manner the home to spend the winter mohths as can be f< Livery Stable, Billiard Balls, Croquet and Rootns may be secured for the winter by If R IS NT NE AUCTION TIM AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF Mi fli5l*!Vt<iTT A MCFALI.. inform their friends th mon Flour in small quantities will produce lighter bread i Ail persons should encourage home manufactures. C boxes, warranted to hold out In weight Just as good In hi To prevent Boiler explosions, use "LOW Wj moment the water gets below a certain line In the boiler b until the steam is exhausted or the water raised to a propei Orders fur the "Aljoft Z*or*tlliiBG 1 * 4 Look! Loo DEARS' HAND and POWER B] J?atonf6ci Marc THESE CHS ARE TOE REST AM MOST EC! FOR S . I am prepared to fill all < Colored men you can girt yotir own coi | money for your crop. Every machine wari hibiiion at BENNETT'S STORE; BAY : WYMAT Ocl.O-73. SOUTHERN LIFE I gar Principal Offices?MEMPHIS,' MEMPfllS< J. A. NfcLSO\, Piea'i. ( AMOS WOODRUFF, Vice Prei'l. < BEN MAY, Seet'y. J. H. MILLER, Supon ASSETS, JAN Y. 1, ANNUAL INCOME, SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICE COLD J. E. BLACK, Pres't., J. P. SOUTHERN, V BEAUFORT, S. I TRUST. D. C. WILSON, M. POLITZKR, W. H. MAULDIN, JNO. KP.ANZ. PAUL HAMILTON, c. ii. WRIGHT, M. SlUAIiT," GEO. GAGE, GEO. W. JOHNSON, II. G. JUDI), JAS. G. THOMPSON, J. G. BARNWELL, M. M. KINGMAN, GEO. HOLMES/ Officers of EEAUFC GEO. WATERUOUSE, Trw't. GEO. GAG I 0*? Dr. ZEE. 3VE ertitart, M i ?M. POLITZER, J. O BARNW J. W. COLLINS, PAUL HAMII J. O. THOMl'SON, PAUL PKITCJ This Company Issues POLICIES on \ approved plans. annual dividends. All Policies non-forfeiting aft'T 2ud I ' Losses adjusted, aud reserve invested by tlie PMte Boar ' throughout the State' All further information tarnished MIDDLE! 1 Aug.7-fim Soo. d | Just Received, i A splendid stock ol " DRY GOOfW, I I CLOTHING, L HATS A.CAPS. GROCERIES II HARDWARE, 1 CUTLERY, I CROCKERY, TOBACCO, , , confection Aries, TINWARE, Ac., Ac., At tbe store of F. W. SCHEPPER, Bay Street, head of No. !) Dock, ' which he will sell lower than any other store in . BEAUFORT. Jan. 4-ly. 1 A GOOD BARGAIN. , l rORSALE-A STATIONAIIY EN- ' ? L OIHE, four (4) horse power?in jood order; Can be seen at my carf penter shop. J , t BROtTCE. I bib and Bay street r ?? UFORt, S. ut in complete order during the past suinm< travelling public. The northern tourist wi jund South. Telegraph Office arc among the acquisition itter or Telegraph. \jr i JLU? j TT <5fe JMCG.F lDE SALES W iNUFACTURED ARTICLE3 AND POr PRODUCTIONS. -' 0-^ at "SK.V FOAM" m an acreatdr, is unequalled by at tnd more food thftn any other article id the market. F< all then for the "CHEMICAL., OLIVE, artd I iI'd as in soft water. For sale at retail by BOYCE 6 ITER INDICATOR," for which, BENN&T* & Me y a series Of lively "toots," for tWcnty midUleB. After W r limit. ?!%?? should be seilt in early to be in tithe for its rece IfiEuxrisr:! k Look!!? ELT COTTON GINS R >11 fee, 1867*. JV DIOSIC.IL MACHIJES EVER OFFERED r A Xj JKi y\ orders at short notice. . I"? tton, save your'seed and get uioro ^ anted. Call acd see them. On ex- G pro1 met ho.1 ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. T * DEARBORN, ~ Patent**. Manufacturer and Agent. INSURANCE GO. Q rEO., & ATLANTA, GA. Qi I an ATLANTA. ( Gen'l. .TWO. II. GOUIIOV, Pre*'!. ? Gcn'l. A. II. CIILQI'ITT, Vice I'ren't. I. A. MURIUM, Sect'y. Isor of Agencies. 0 1, $1,5344897 1,000,000 00 c DECAHTMtlllT, 2 MBIA, 8. C. 'Ice Prcs't,, A. IF. WARING, Scct'y. C., BRANCH; Mo EES. IUl pr. paul pritciiarp, JNO. RICH, J. W. COLLINS, 8. p. gilbert p. l. wigoin, au geo. waterhouse, A. S. DAVENPORT, WM. KRESS EL, ^ e. sinclair II. M. STUART, DR. S. B. THOMPSON, j. c. mayo, , r ii. m. fuller, ^ o. m, wells, ? an ?T SEANCE. R B? E, Vice Prca't. M. STUART, Sect'y |(( Re ] odical Examiner. i 1 ?s Sl( ell, y .. . i LTON, > Executive Committee. hard, ) ( ( PREMIUMS received in Canh, dnd entitled to | innual premium W paid. ^ i at Columbia, with advice of the auxiliary board* j , and applications for INSURANCE received by Ul TON STUART, : b Ag't., Bonufort, S. C. Yr JAMES 0DELL7~ E YI JEEAD, CAKE, AND CEACKEE cr B A H: B R. , IAS just received a fine assortment of CANDIES AND FRUITS. He his always on liand Dread and Confectionery fevery kind. COfATKV 8TOKKN supplied with all article* of the trade at readable prices. Orders for WKIilil AND BVKNINO PAttTIKf attended in with care aud dispatch. FIFTEEK LOAV ES of Bread for OAE DOLIjAH, can be had l?y pur i.-vdr:- II It Id A I) ncketh. The Circulating Library " tow open contatni a choice ?ailment of books. E . ? 11 (JAMES ODELE. ' c. I f^hAlSS FOR BEAtl-'Ottt " Leave Chnrlt (Ion, 8i'40 A. flJ ^ Leave Charleston, 6100 P. M A Leave Augusta, 6; 13 A. II R Leave Augusta, Hi 10 P. )l I Leave NaVannah, 0t30 A. M "Hi Arrive At Beaufort, ItOO P. M Arrive at Beaufort, lli'.'O P. 91 ;r, and the Prdprietor is now ready to II find as pleasant and comfortable a i of the House. M. KINGifAK ^ropriotdi*. 'ALL, - VS VI WW /\ TT cs TO A 11 II U L JCj j ICHA8ERS OF SOUTHERN ly article yet discovered. Mixed dry *lth coin irsaie at retail, by BOYCK & MAKTIN. POOH MAN'N SOAP," Piit up in 60 lbs I MARTIN. FAI.L are agents. It give* warning to all tli? bleb, a (tontluous whistle will secure attentior ption for the next crop. 3TT eft) MoTAZjXj. Port Royal, B. O. QUlf CA1M DEEDS, JITABLE FOR THE CONVEYANCE 01 laud acquired at State or National Tax Sales le at thla office. tf. A. E. OWENS' EW YAMASSEE EATING AND efreshment Saloon NCTIOR ?. Ac C.. aa(l PORT ROY AX BAILHOAOI. LENTY OF TIME ALLOWED FOB MEALS. be underslfhcd baring leaaed the Yemaaaee Eat Honae from ita late proprietor, Mr. Seller*, an ucea that great impfovcinenU will be made ii nrrangcmcota for aupplytng guests with a u be tan meals upon the arrival of each train, ood accommodations for lodging trave.lera will b rided as soon as possible. A gciitlemcn'a refresh it and waiting room will be provided, where th ; liquor* will be obtainable, be patronage of travellers is respectfully solicit? A. E. OWENS, Late propreitor of the Allendale Hotel. 23-1 y. A. B. McGregor,. HOUSE, SlGJf, AMI ARRIAGE PAINTEI ?ALSO? raining & Paper Hanging Orders solicited and satisfaction guai teed. Corner Magnolia & Bay Sts. sctlO-ly. OF ranch, Scott & Co Commission Merchants, ?A 1*0 AGENTS FOR? EORGIACOTTOJY GOOD! ?AKI>? lardy's Super Phosphates. ?W? Augusta, Ga., March 18,1873 DOMESTICS* ndleman Stripe# (light) 480 yds...12 " Fancy Stripe# (dark) -480 yds.?13 Chock or Plaid# 480 yd#...14 intour 7-8 Shirtings --WO and 1,000 yd#...10 " 4-4 Sheeting# J500 and 1,000 yd#...12 " Yarns, ass'd No#, 6 to 12...50 buncht,?_1.65 :hmond Osnaburgs Stripes i,...825 yd#...14 (light) 13 inKevllleS-l Shirtlbg : 1.000 yds... 9 " 7-8 " 1,000 yd*...11 " 4-4 Sheetings..1...1 1,000 yd*...13 " 7-8 Drill# ....900 yd#...13 igusta 3 4 Shirtings... 2125 and 850 yds... 9 " 7-8 Shirtings .'....2.12 and 850 yds...11 " 4-1 Sheeting..............252 t(nd 8$J yd#...13 " 7-8 Drills 252 and 8J0 yds...13 nglcy A 4.4 13 A 7-8....... ; ii - 3-1 9 to) IMPIRfc FLOUR MILLS IN BARRELS AND SACKS. i ccnta per Barrel lea# per Car Loa rF.RiAL XXXX - _*12 I.Y WlllTK XXX 11 IILT.IANT XX 10 >t Cant X 9 k.k Mibfa Superfine S Hf an ?g23 per ton. sacits extra. Shorts.?630 per ton. do IVkstkri? Fuivr in DMA.?Super, 88.W; Ext; ).00: Family, 810JW; Fancy, 611AO r,vi^ Floi'il?$1,00 pet nick, (100 Jos.) Bfacon.?Shoulders, SJ4; C. R. Sides, 10'X D. 8. Meats?Shoulders, 7U; C. It. Sides, 9Lard;?In tierces, 10U; k-vs.'li . Cord,?Prime White, 5.V; Miked. &r. Com Meal.?05. (Sacks included.; Rjrr.-|!.M, * llats.?While, 70; Mixed. 70. Hn)(?r,-Yeltow, llj^; C, 12J^; Extnt C, 13 13-Kkugar Uouae Nyrsp -In libls, 30; hhds, Virginia halt.?92.10 per hack; 10 sacks ip', fc.oo. , Proctor & Gamble's Soap, Extra Oil 6; Erasive, 7c. partly'* Soluble Pael/le, 63O.00 Fash; 9M trior's Acceptance: $.">7AO Planter's Ocn. Hardy's Pliosplio Peruvian. $70,00 Cm 0.00 factor's Acceptance; 603 Planter's Leln. The ahoye quothms are wholesale. We do Aot, for case, breakjicckiwe. .Remittances pef Expr i ?itnt.*ps nre Ailed at Price Cnrn USV OC pC|?M..i, _ f flay they, are received. Sight prafU on N ark, Uiarlestou, Savannah and Atlanta, placed edit it par. , Renpw ffnlljr, BRANCH, SCOTT * CO JHEPARKER GUM. . PARKER BRffS N .WEST MERIDEN.CT., TUII PARLOB OOMPAHlOfl. leery Lady want* ona !l eery Man ought to have ona? f O on receipt of Ten Centa. AAAr*^^. F. TTT Dt ., las Seventh Avenue, New lork. TilPlflili 1 , 'furough to Augusta; ' Tllfi SBORTKST iSD~filE.lPEST RODTB ?Klillicit rot? freight or Passengers. Between Charleston and Augusta* Between Savannah 5nd Augusta. ?AKD ALL POIXT8? bottth or west.' UP DA y PASSKyOED ~i ? * h S a " . ? >.. i T ? v. 2 ? name of STATioxd. Arriv* Leave 5 B t< 5 \i o a - A. Ift Port Royal g ? a J io oi io m , ?1 ? Tank- 10 28 10 80 i? J sf^M00 10 ** 10 <9 '2 5 11 ,fl 11 25 2 Xf ii ? 12 2? 2? I M^inr*och 12 41 12 <1 36 2 Kin. 12 47 12 4* , | j |Sfc=r= 18 S8 ' I I tet:?r ||L }? 61 6 Brunton'i 1 A2( i aa 2. 8 ?? 61 4 Apjplctun ZZ" 2 SI 2 S4 . 08 4 Iteldoc i ll \ Z; 8 J ssfcrr^' Is ? ' 8 J " Jg }j| ) 90 8 BSf4-..., 8 58 4 08 . ^ 6 :::: V* IS In A l^ecch lAlaod 0 00 f 00 111 6 |Augusta. 5 jg DO WN DA Y PAXSESOER. * XTTjt Augusta..^.,. S ? 8 6 Beech Island 7 28 7 2* 15 9 Jackson..!...:...;... 7 55 7 58 r Bash's ; 8 08 8 08 . 21 6 Ellentou 8 20 8 25 27 6 Bobbins gu 8 45 81 4 Hattlevllio 8 57 8 67 35 4 | Millett 9 09 9 09 89 4 Martins. 9 21 9 21 43 4 Bebloc.. wi....;.;.. 9 33 9 M 47 4 Appleton....;....^ ...... 9 50 9 68 I 51 4 Alleitdalo 10 02 10 OA 1 5q 5 Oanibcllton 10 18 10 18 60 4 Brunsons _ 10 80 10 81) x M C Hoovers' 10 49 10 4tk* \ 69 8 Varnsvllle 10 58 U 03, I 71 2 Alined* 11 09 U 09 I 75 4 /iljitlans U 21 U 2V 77 2 Mauldin's 11 27 11 27. 79 2 Early Branch 11 33 U U 86 7 Yemaseee,. 11 55 12 15 ti 7 8heldonvl....^..;;..;..,12 48 H 4% 98 5 Seabrook.. 1 19 1 19. 102 4 Island Tank ,' i k 85 1 85, 107 5 Beaufort, 1 55 2 00 * 111 4 Port Royal,:: ; 2 16 JAS. O. MOORE, ?, Engineer A Superintendent. ' Port Royal Railroad e Jffotioo. a i A LL FRBIOHTS..FOR CHARLESTON ANJ1 J\. BA.VANNAH, or going North will be received; on Mondays, Wednesday* ana Fridays,beetween the hours of four and six. P. M. . P. HAMILTON, Agent. By order of J. O. Mookk, Supt. Jnlv4-tf. ' . ImsTini! I 200,000 - MANUFACTURED MONTHL"? BY THE - Sea Is'd Brick Lime Co. Construtt your buildings of BRICK, mace them fire-prof, and save the high rates of Insurauce now charged <7n wood buildings. Bricks do not burn up, a bricks do not rot down. Our Brick Kilns . . -a arc located on Salt Water Creek, two miles front Beaufort. Vessels drtwir'g fifteen foot of water ca S load tvlthin fifty feet of our kilns. A single tid , drifts boats or flats to the city of Beaufort or Port Royal. 4 BRICKS of any slse or quality, plain or repressed, manufhetured to onler at short notice at Charleston and Ba' vannah prices Call at our office In H CROFUT'S BUILDING. my aireei, m-aaio-r, ami examine nam pies,] x Sea Is'd Brick & Lime Co: 1/ June 19-tyr. I W. J. TRIM: DKALKB IH 1/ WINDOW CURTAINS, I PAPER HANGINGS, U LACE CURTAINS, and -i <1 WIN IX) W DECORATIONS PIANO ami TABLE COVERS, a WINDOW SHADES, ; ' t ' a*A> HOLLANDS. PAPER BAIGIAIi A5D DEC0RAT1MS. 1 . v w Mattrasses Made to Order and Repaired.' JJj Lounges and Chairs upholstered on reasonable UU terms, at 248 KIBfa STREET, OPPOSITE WAVERLYMOVSZ. **' Orders from tho Country will In; ytnUtfUXf attended to. DANIEL HTsiLCdir wrrBMrmrtUT' vr kvwr\r\vta> I ua;uiUM^ iKMtiitvwwf 175. 177, 179 KIXO 81 KEKT, y* M CTT A RIiESTOW. S. O. or - re, Where can be found a Urge and w??1-iWected" Stock of all k inds and gradei to wit tha fates of all. "0 An examination U respectfully solicited. March Uk-lyr i HOllro MB MACHBE. ;l5f rrmK beautiful machine uses STtifoirf ew X ncedks, makes the Lock Stitch, (alike og path sides) has self-adjusting tention, apd is used by band or foot. It will hefts, fell, bind, seam, tuck, ham-. ' stitch, ruffle, and sew on at the same time; work ? equally well on silk, linen, muslin and cotton goodsIt is the ouly Unit-class low price machine made,.' Send for circular and aample of sewing, or eel land* * examine the machine at the agency, Bay street,' Beaufort, S. C. Price, $87 tto IT. A. riun, ^ feb.lS-ljrr. AjboL | FOR SAJLEy. House andLotin Beaufort' FOR PECUNIARY REASONS, THF. SUBSCtftttftf oTcri for ale lib House and mluaEks Lai fi ftfciP fort, at a low flam*, and on accortino&atiiig terms, Apply at the Court HonSe, 6r on tba pmaiaae. H. G. kvA\ Beanfnrt.RC^Sejt 18.1*73. a^HtW -nr "UirANTKD ? A rv>d ward rot* and a bo. T~?m T? _ApplyatthlsoSre.