Port Royal commercial and Beaufort County Republican. [volume] (Port Royal, S.C.) 1873-1874, October 23, 1873, Image 3

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????? ?? ?i LOCAL AFFAIRS. m _________________ THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1873. POST UPFICK tiOCIU. Bxaurorr. 8. C., Sept. 24, 1878. On and after Monday Oct. 8th, office open from 8:15 a. at- until 4 p. m., mall closes at 0:15 a. m mail delivered at 2:40 p. m. P. E. EZEKIEL, Postmaster. COURT COMMON PLEAS. (October Term, 1878. The following cases were disposed of ftithe late term of common pleas. Isham Peeples, vs. B. T. Sellers, assumpsit, judgment for plaintiff for $419.65. John R. Stoll, vs. P. F. Meggett, administrator, strack off. ? ?^ ? - ? ? rr A. S. Hull &Co., vs. same, strucic on. The state, vs. R. J. Davant, bond, discontlned. Jos. Glover, vs. T. Y. Bolan, discontinued. J. E. Tobin, vs. C. L. Lartigue, diseoDtinued. N. H. Johnston, vs. Mary E. Stevens, aeeonnt, verdict for plaintiff. Same, vs. S. H. Wallace, administrator, judgment for plaintiff for $537. H. E. Bold, vs. E. F.. English, Chas. E. Bell, vs. E. F. Dupong, Mary E. Givens, vs R. J. Hamilton, F. F. Sams, vs. Burkhardt, W. J. Detreville, vs. 8malls, J. & A. Rickenbacker, vs. R. Fripp, W. C. Danner, vs. B. & R. Fields, being cases removed to the U. S. District Court, were struck off. E. W. Bunting, ct. al., vs. George Holmes, continued on defendant paying $ 10 costs. C. H. Moiese, vs. W. S. Lance, judgment for $232.32. T- Pnlifa PC .Tftlln dlS missed. C. C. Eberle, vs. H. B. Aylesworth, dismissed, plaintiff to pay costs. Jos. Dewees, vs. John Ferebee, judgment for $94.56 and costs. Thos. II. Colcock, vs. survivor J. B. & C. A. Seabrook, judgment for plaintiff. R. A. Taylor, vs. J. H. Lightscy, and -H. C. Frohberg, judgment for $196.71. Levi D. Bruyme, assignee vs, Wilson Bruyme, order of foreclosure and sale. Freedmans Savings & Trust Co., vs. M. J. Humbert, order of foreclosure and sale. John Fielding, vs. John S. Fyler, order for admitting additional defendants. John II. Howard, vs. F. P. Pope, struck off. N. B. Myers, vs. F. E. Wilder, and his boudsincn ; suit to recover balance of legislative pay certificates unpaid by Wil** ! J der, as county treasurer, case uisunsseu with costs on plaintiff on demurrer. W. S. Lance, vs. W. Fcrebee, order of resale. A J. Gill, vs. Eltra Goethe, argued at chambers, decision reserved. J. M. Lawtou. vs. E. A. McKensie, same. >imon Elden, vs. G. P. Wood, appeal dismissed. Ex. Parte, J. E. Kettles and C. A. Kettles, judgment confrmed. W. H. Cone, vs. Eliza Loadholdt and others, remanded to probate court. Thos. Harold, vs. David Ilorton, rule to show cause, discharged. Gdbert Polite, et al. vs. John Ferebee, action for false imprisonment. Plaintiff failing to prosecute, the compluiut was dismissed with costs to plaintiff. W. A. Platts, vs. Geo. Cope, motion to vacate judgment denied, with $10 costs to plaintiff. * C. A. Horton, vs. David Horton, order to sheriff to distribute proceeds. Mary Fraxier vs. W. Fraiier, action for divorce, discontinued. R. W. Moulson, vs. J. F. Morrall, foreclosure and sale ordered. Freedmans Savings and Trust Co., vs. S. D. Gilbert, and Geo. Holmes, foreclosure and sale ordered. ? j -..j ivory-nine cases were conuuueu uuu three were referred. The Governor's Message. We send our .subscribers the governor's message in full, in our extra. Every citueu should give it a careful reading. The Southern Express company have established agencies at Hatticville And Appleton on the Port Itoyal rail road. tetif" Sam Black was sentenced to iifteen months imprisonment in the Albany penitentiary. T 1ft. The Cosmopolitans are going to join the National Base Ball Association. 1ft. The weather on Monday became clear and cold. A sharp frost on Tue: day night. t&F Before U. S. Commissioner J. G. Thompson, A. S. Hitchcock was charged with retaining bounty papers illegally. The case was dismissed after a long examination 16?* The phosphate company expect to have a new washer boat here in a few days. By its aid it is thought that one hundred tons of rock per pay may be mined. A fine farm is offered for sale in soother column. We hear that a great Englfch manufacturer of cotton ties designs establishing a great depot for them at Port Royal very soon. ?The South, an able paper published in New York for the advancement of ^ agricultural, and mechanical interests in the 5k>uthern States, while considering the present financial crisis, strongly urges the policy of investments iu real estate in southern mineral, and agricultural regions. It believes that enterprising capitalists would find a wide and satisfactory field of operations, the Ohio and Iowa Elections. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, October ] The Republican State committee i port a loss iD sixty-six counties of ot thirty-five thousand. The counties hea from, they say, cover all the stro Democratic and grange localities. Columbus, Ohio, October 18. The Democratic State committ claim that Allen's majority is 869. T chairman of the Democratic committ claims the State ticket, except the s Breme judge and comptroller. T1 'emocrats claim sixteen majority the Legislature on joint ballot The Republicans claim nothing, b do not give up. The official retur they say are required to determine tl result. The New Yemassec Eating Saloon. In another colume will be found t announcement of A. E. Owens, the n< proprietor of the Yemassee eating saloo Very great improvements are promis which if carried out will make Yetnass a much pleasanter place to stop th formerly. We solicit for Mr. Owe the favorable attention of travellers. Good Planting. We hear of four acres of land in Bar well, planted" in the ''Bancroft'' cotfc seed, which has already turned out som thing over four 550 pound bales of cotu 3 J ??A yv?*A?rvIllnra mnilft tVlT ana nau uui> tin- tai^i..... ? appearance in the lots planted, it wou have yielded six. The gentleman who land produces so well, docs not folic this business, but we do'ibt if the mo experienced planter in the County c.i beat it; if so, we would be pleased hear from them.?Sentinel VGF* We heard of a fracas at Graham last week, between a Mr.4'ayne, a Ten essean, and a Mr. Johnson, upon mcc ing Payne, after it was thought t] affair had terminated, shot him twic once m ar the heart and once in tl groins. The wounds were consider* dangerous, and at last accounts Payn attended by I)r. Tyndal, whs thought be in a critical condition.?Biirnxccll Sc. tincl. _ NEWS ITEMS. ?The cashier of the state treasury New Fork has been arrested for euibe zling $300,000. ? Mr. Harris the Intendant of tl town of Union was run over and killi last week by the cars on the Air Lii railroad. ?The state capital has been a bu.? place the past week ; two circuses, ar the arrival of legislative members ha made things lively. The former, nc withstanding the lack of currency, ct ried out of the city over five thousai dollars. ?There is considerable dispute in C lumbia, between merchants, because ?he refusal of some of them to recei the 6crip issued by the city. ?The republican candidate, Marti was elected from Fairfield county, to t state senate to fill the vacancy caused I the death of senator Ford. ? The manufacture of ploughs Goldsboro nud W ilson, N. 0., has prova remunerative business; over four tiro sand were made there la?t year. ?The Isabella. Catawba, and Scu pernong grape, the best varieties in tl country, are natives of North Caroiiua. ?The Re*\ Lucius Cuthbcrt has bei compelled by ill-health to resign I position as pastor ol the Baptist Otiu.'i at Aiken. ?E. J. Cain, sheriff of Orangebnr is said to be a defaulter, and the trcasi er of the count)' is non e t. ? The Cunard steamship coinpai have determined to withdraw their v< sels from the West India s rv.ce at early day, and e*t:i' li n u daily line I tween Liverpool and New York. ? The great advantages of Port Roj as a sea port are attracting more genui attention than ever before, within a beyond the state. ?The warrants for the arrest ninety counterfeiters, and those imp ic. ed in East Tennessee atyl North Caro na, have been issued. The iuiplicat parties iucludc lawyers, doctors, justit of peace, j>o tmasttrs, United fcrtai deputy marshals, clerks of courts a numerous merchants. ?As an evidence of the iuiuicr capacity and splendid condition of t mills of the Pensacol LuitibeJ Com pa i at Molino, it is stated that some d;i since they sawed in six days (ilev hours a day), seven hundred tliousa feet of lumber, all hoard measure. ?The article on duelling proposed the Pennsylvania Constitutional Ci vention was finally passed in this lori "Any person who shall tight a duel send a challenge for that purpose, or aider er a better in fighting a duel, sh be deprived of the right of holding a office of honor or profit in this State, a may bo otherwise punished as shall prescibcd by law.'? ?The Mobile Register says: "If, predicted by competent judges, the c? ton crop of the South should reach fo million hales and sell at cveu only 15 e ?putting the bale down at 45U poun or 50 a bale?the proceeds wou not be less than two hundred and uiui million dollars, or far more than 1 united capital of all the nutioual ban Who's afraid?" ?There is a difference of opinion, garding the holding of an election to the vacancy caused by trial justice Li of Charleston, accepting lus salary trial justice. Levy holds that the ex session is a part of the old legislature, the term of which he has received p: and that the stato cannot be put 10 i expense of paying another member to his place ; also, that he is not disqu: tied, not haviug been coutiimod by l senate. With these opiuions the autb ities differ. The election resulted in i choice of E. W. M. Mackoy, and Cc uel C. C. Puffer. ? There is but little doubt that t state will come to the relief of the mot stringency by the i>sue of bills-reccival This course is very generally apprm of by all parties; something has to done, or more than one-half of the ui chants in Columbia will go by the boa ? The preparatory school located the University grounds at Coluinl commenced on the most favorable a "'Ms TKoro nro nf nrpsnnf pifhteen s jr.wo. mv ? O-*-; dents, of both colors, and within next week, there is every probability t the number will be doubled. Profes Fox is principal of the school. The tc of instruction is for four years, at the < of which time, the students will be f pared to enter the college, or to go in the world educated to meet the quirements in entering upca ueariy ev profession. "Drown it in a Bowl."?1 Chicago Times navs?''Gen. A. E. Bu side, of Rhode I.-lind, late a major- get al in the Union army, and Gcu. Buckr of Kentucky, late a major-geueral iu Confederate army, dined together at Sherman House, in Chicago, on Snn [Writtenfor The Port Royal Cbmmeroial.] 18. Answer to "The Nameless Grare." re rer Yon ask who Is the sleeper, il-d Alono in the sunny dell, Og Where only the sunshine come* and go, And birds of summer dwell. I cannot tell who lletb, 06 Where fragrant flowers ware, he For many a fond heart's darling, ee Sleeps now in a nameless grave. IUPerhaps no loved one scatters Bright blossoms o'er the dead ; But God's own hand bath planted The daisies 'round his bed. Ut ns Perhaps no gentle weeper he Steals there at close of day; But angel eyes will watch that grave, For dear ones far away. No stone and no inscription, hg To tell who lieth hero; _ Yet sunshine is the poetry, i 'w That God baa written there. D. , No name and no Inscription ; Ah 1 well It matters not, Be God knows the name of the sleeper, an And he is not forgot , ns JiT.it. ?Joseph Arch, president of the English National Agricultural Laborers r* Union, is on a mission to the United g" States and Canada to ascertain the rc)Q lative advantages of this country and ir the Provinces tor tha farm laboring Id class of emigration. This class of all ^ others is most needed, and we doubt not st that the great labor Reformer will find in an ample field for observations, and t0 much .to attract his favorable notice in Uncle Samsdouiains. For the overstocked labor market of Great Britian, there is l'0* ample room for relief in this country. This state every-day illustrates the neces ; * sity of immigration and has plenty of good lands to spare. The arrangements e' already made for colonization, between 3? New York and Port Royal are working most satisfactorily, and are chanced otf' fered for emigrants the best on the coast, to " ?Joseph Luckey. from South Carolina, sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for Ku-Kluxism, has been pardonof "L z- Sheriff's Sales. , The following will be sold at the next sale day, Nov. 3. 3C 404 acres, levied on as the property of Win. Loadholt at th'c suit of Hansfer Rizen. acres levied on as the property of W. R. Barnes, at suit of H. Rizen ve and wife. ,l^ House and lot in Beaufort, levied on irT as property of \V. J. Whipper, at suit 3d of Robert Smalls. ( One tract of land levied upon as nron!o crtvofGeoree Cone, at suit of W. A. of Platte. ve School house belonging to school district No. 4, at suit of ?Jas. Jenkins, n, 766 acres, levied on as property of the he estate of 13. P. Fitts, at suit of J. J. >y Wooten. liiOO acres in Prince Williams, levied at. on to forclose mortgage against W. J. 0j Whippcr, at suit of Harriet J. Addison. u Southern Claims. 1'" S. P. Goodlett, special commissioner to take testimony in cases of southern L.? claims, will he in Beaufort about the first lis day of November. Those having claims ch against the United States, may send word to James G. Thompson, U. S. Commissioner, Beaufort. S. C., at nnce, If" and th")' will be notified when to appear 1V before the special commissioner. .t- Sept. l3-6t an c- ?Sooner or later all will be forced to admit, that manual labor cannot compete a) in quality of work with machinery, and r,,l none arc so blind as not to notice the uj great reduction in the price of an article, as soon as machinery is ndptcd 0f to its manufature. No line of goods it. have been more favorably affected by l|j_ skilfully made ii acliinery, than Doors, C(j Sashes, Blinds, &c. All of the improve,.w nicnts in this line are used to g--t up stock for Messrs. I. H. IIall & Co., nj Charleston, S. C. Agents for the best roofing nnd lining. Asbestos* Felt ever used. Send fur price list and circulars, isc r ho Pain Killer. There can be no necessity at this late l^s day, for the press to speak in couimcndatory terms of this remarkable medicine, u in order to poroinotc its sale; for it is a medicine that is known and appreciated in irwlo umrlfl fhrnmrh When ever we ,u" speak of the Pain Killer, as in the pros11: ent. instance, wc do so in behalf 01 the or afflicted, rather than with the view of ',tj advancing the interest of its proprietors. ia" For various diseases, such as rheumatism, ?y cholera, cholcra-morbus, burns sprains, "d bruises, and so on to the end of the catabc loguc, we are convinced that there is no remedy before the people equal to Davis* as Vegetable "Pain-Killer," and wc know jt- that thousands upon thousands entertain ur the same belief. Certainly, wc cannot ts, refer to the history of any medicine which ils, equals that of the Pain Killer. Tt was ild introduced in 1840, and from that time to sty this its sale, both at home and abroad, die has constantly and rapidly increased, and ks. we rejoice at the high reputation it has achieved, because this reputation shows rc- that is has been the means of relieving a till vast amount of human suffering. Wc vy hope the present proprietors of Davis as Vegetable "Pain Killer'' will long live to tra enjoy the prosperity which they have so for fairly won. 1 A. E. OWENS' fill iii- NEW YAMASSEE EATING 'be or- AND io- Refreshment baioon b,, JUNCTION S. & C.'. and PORT KUYAL UVII.HOADS. )le. PLENTY OK TIME ALLOWED KOU MEALS. 11 :o: ' j The undersigned having leaned the Yomasseo Eating House fnmi its lato proprietor, Mr. Seller*, anCI"" nouuees that great improvements will be made In rd the arrangements for supplying guests with substau1U tial meals upon the arrival of eaeh train. >!#, Good accommodations for lodging travelers will be US- provided as soon as possible. A gentlemen's refreshtU ment and waiting room will be provided, where the the bert liquors will be obtainable, hat The patronage of travellers is respectf illy solicited A. E. OWENS, ,j.q] Lato propreltor of the Allendale Hotel, jud ocLM-lr 5 A. B. McGregor, 0I7 HOUSE, SIGN, AND rhe CARRIAGE PAINTER mler A150 3'; Graims & Paper Hanging. the ?;oJav Orders solicited and satisfaction guarwu anteed. Corner Magnolia & Bay Sts. f? IS J 3BIJEJ jfl THREE TRAINS DAILT FKOJ Oliarleatozi, rssiflttS Bftvant?fth And Augvuitn. J|XH Every apartment of this House has been entertain in the most hospitable manner the home to spend the winter months as can be Livery Stable. Billiard Halls, Croquet an< ** '? ?-"J i1?/? MNA^aii KIT itooins may to ueuurcu iui iuc munvi vj i BENNE AUCTION TBj AGENTS FOK THE SALE OF M BEHSKTT Si .UCFALL. inform their friend* I mon Floor in *m*ll quantities will produce lighter breat All person* should encourage home manufacture*, boxes, warranted to hold out in weight Just as good In To prcreat Boiler explosion*, use "LOW V moment the water gets below a certain line in the boiler unttl the steam Is exhausted or the water raised to a pro; Orders fur the "Aljoft iFortlliai Look! Loo D&AR B HAND and POWER B Patented. Mar TIIESE GISS ARE THE BEST AID MOST Ei FOR 8 I am prepared to fill all Colored men you can gin your own c< money for your crop. Every machine wa: hibition at BENNETT'S STORE, BAY wyma: a?* n ro uci.viu* Southern life Principal Offices?MEMPHIS, v ' ???oMKMPH1S. J. A. NKL'OV, Piei't. a mom woodruff, vice i*re?*t. nKV MAY, Sect'y. J. H. MILLER, Snpei oASSETS, JAN Y. 1, 187 ANNUAL INCOME, OSOUTII CAROLINA OFFICE COL J. E. BLACK, Pres't., J. P. SOUTHERN, ??oBEAUFORT, S. ~TR US 1 P. C. WILSON, M. POLITZKR, 4 W. II. MAULIHN, JNO. FRANZ, PAUL HAMILTON, C. H. WKKiHT, M. STUART, GEO. GAGE, | GEO. W. JOHNSON, H. G. JUDD, | JAS. O. THOMPSON, t /s tiidvwpt.i. M. M. KINGMAN, GEO. HOLMES. 1 - rvOfficers of BEAUF GEO. WATER1IOUSE, PrcaL GEO. GA i fU Dr. II. 1VI. Stuart, IV M. rOLITZEIt, J. G HARM J. \V. COLLINS, PAUL HAM J. G. THOMPSON, PAUL PRITl ???? This Company issues POLICIES on * approved plan annual dividend*. All Policies non-forfeiting after 2nc Losses adjusted, and reserve invested by the State IV* throughout the Statu' All further information furnish. MIDDLE' AuK.7-T.rn Soo. < -Tnct RiiAAlVAfl. V X*/vvvj. * v/v*^ A splendid stock ot DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS A CAP8. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, TOBACCO, C0NFECTI0NARIE8, TINWARE, Ac., Ac., At the store of F. W. SCHEPPER, nay Street, head of No. 9 Ikoek, which he will sell lower than any other store In BEAUFORT. Jan. 4-ly. Notice to Teachers. THE BOARD OF SCHOOL EXAMINERS WILL will bo In semlon at the School Commissioners office In the Court House, on the first Mondey in October next, for the purpose of examining teachers. Sessions will be held on each Monday, Wednesday and Friday daring the month. Teachers who hare certificates from list year will-return them to the Board. . . .UFORT, t V pat in complete order daring the post si > travelling public. The northern touri found South. 1 Telegraph Office arc among the acquis letter or Telegraph. !TT MC. IDE SALES 1 ANUFACTURED ARTICLES AND PRODUCTIONS. 0 that "SEA FOAM" u an aercator, la unequalta I and more food than any other article in the mark Call then for tho "CHEMICAL, OLIVE, t hanl as In soft water. For sale at retail by BO V< YATER INDICATOR," for which, BBSNETT . by a series of lively "toots," for twenty minutes. A >er limit. or," should be sent in early to bo in time for li BBX k Look!! ORK'S lELT COTTON GINS oH 23, 1867. COSOJIICAL MACHINES EVER OFFERED A Ij B . orders at short notice, otton, save your seed and get more rrantcd. Call ar.d sec them. On cxST., BEAUFORT, S. C. IV DEARBORN, Patentee, Mannfaetnrer and Agent. INSURANCE CO. TEN*., I ATLANTA, GA. ATblSTA. Otn'l. JXO. B. GORDON, Prea't. Grn'l. A. II. COLRUITT, Vice Prei't, J. A. Mo 11KFS, fect'y. rrlsor of Agencies. ? t f m i i n <5? Cvrs if, $IfO ifif! 1,000,000 oc DEPARTMENT, I'iMBIA, S. C. Vice Pres't? A. IL WARING, 8ect'y C., BRANCH. 'EES.? DR. PAUL PRITCIIARD, JNO. Rim, J. W. COLLINS, 8. D. GILDERT T. L WIGGIN, GEO. WATERIIOUSE, A. a DAVENPORT, WM. KRESS EL, E. SINCLAIR II. M. STUART, DR. S. B. THOMPSON, J. C. MAYO, II. M. FULLER, G. M. WELL8, 'ORT bran:h. (JE, Vice Pre*'L 51. STUART, Sect* Eocllcal Examinor., VI. LL, ) ILTON, [- Executive Committee. L'llARl), J i*. I'RKMIl'MS tici'lvnl iii Ca^li, and entitled I I annual premium Li paid. ml at Columbia, v.ith advice of the auxiliary hoan d, and application* for INSl'ItANCK rccelvnl by TON STUART, tib A s't., Beaufort, IS. O JAMES 0DELL7 BEEAD, CAKE, AND CBACKE! BAKER, HAS just received a fine assortment of CANDIES AND FRUITS, He has always ou band Bread and Confcctione of every kind. CUi'KTRY STORES supplied with all ar ct'lm of the trade at reasonable prices. Order* for WEDDINGS AND EVKM.V PARTIES attended to with care and dispatch. FIFTEEN LOAVES of Bread for OK DOLLAR, can fie had by purchasing BREA TICKETS. The Circulating Library now open oontalna a c&Moa ?oitmuiit of booka. ;oe2>, TI 3. C. ? ^ gk TRAIKN P1IR BRAVKORT C^?Jr Leave Chnrhaltfn. 8i90 A. M ^ Leave Charleston, 6100 P. M jjjj H Leave An|(o?te, 0:49 A. M Leave Aaguita, 3:10 P. M Leave Hnvannah, Ol.lO A. M Arrive at Beaufort, 3:00 P. M ? Arrive atBenafort, llt?0 P. M 1 i ammcr, and the Proprietor lfl now ready to 1st will find as pleasant and comfortable a itions of the House. 1 L M. KINGMAN Proprietor. ?4 18 FALIa, i WAREHOUSE, ? PURCHASERS OF SOUTHERN S 89 60 64 1 by any article yet discovered. Mixed dry with com- 66 et For sale at retail, by BOYCK At MARTI*. and HOOK MA NTH NOAP," Put up In CO II*. ao IK A MARTIN. 84 St MePALL are agenta. It giro* warning to all the ifter which, a contiuous whUtlo will secure attention gQ 105 lit ta reception for the nest crop. NBTT db MOFAZJXJ. Port Royal. O- O. ? SOUTH CABOMSA 6 LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, 15 CHARLESTON, S. C. ?} OFFICE NO. 17 BROAD STREET. S3 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. 39 The deposit* In the Savings Department of this <3 Company are invested as a Special Trust, and, there- 67 (ore, are not subject to the hazards of Ranking. In addition to this special security, depositors have 36 the guarantee pf tho entire Bunk Capital, which 60 amounts to three hundred thousand dollars (1300,- 66 000.) 69 This department will enable all claws to find a "I safe security for their savings, however small; and 73 at the same time bearing a renuncrati ve interest (si* 77 percent.compounded unrterly.) Currency can be 79 remitted by express and drafts by mail. 66 F. A. MITCHELL, CASHIE*. M DIKFXTOH8 AJID TltUSTEES. 102 Geo. S. Cameron, ?97 E.H Frost, W. J. Mlddleton 111 W. Bee, A. J. Crews,' W. B. Williams, K. Waltgen, II. II. Dcleou, C.G. Memmlng, B. O'nelll, Wm. L Webb, A. P. Caldwoll, J. T. Welsman ? J. M. Shackelford, tiro. H. Walter, Gv J. C. II. Claussen, B. D. Lazarus, Mayl-3m. (JU1T CAIM DEEDS, " SJ SUIT.)RLE FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF land acquired at State or National Tax Bales r sale at this office. tf. j WILSON'S a LIVER REMEDY A sure and permanent cure for all diseases caused by a deranged Liver, such as Jaundice, Dyspepsia Heartburn, Fevers, Nervousness, Impurity of' the Blood, Melancholy, Costlvcness, Sick Headache, Pains in the Hetul, and all kindred diseases E VER 1' FA 2111 1* SIfO ULD IIA VE IT ri1 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Prepared only by D* WILSON & BLACK, s .lli g Charlotte, GU IT* riocs Current or Branch, Scott & Co. ' Commission Merchants, ?AND AGENTS TOE? . , I ln GEORGIA COTTON GOODS ?AND? Sardy's Super Phosphates. ?I.I? A Augusta, Ga., March 18,1873. e?ei 'Domestic s. you Randlcman Stripe* (light) 4H0 jrd*...12U " Fancy Stripes (dark) 4HO yds...13U " Chuck or I'laids 4H0 yd*...14V? Montour 7-8 Shirtings. .500 and 1,000 yds... 10')? " 4-4 Sheeting* 500 and 1,000 yds... 12'/, ?Y " Yarns, ass'dNos.fr to 12...50 bunches.. 1.65 Richmond Osnabum Stripes H-gd yd*... 11 % ? (liRht) ......13 | Granltcvillc .VI Shirting 1.000 yds... 9'4 7-8 " 1,000 yd*...1 " 4-1 Sheetings 1,000 yds...13 " 7-H Drills ....900 yd*...13U Augusta 3 4 Shirting* 525 and 850 yils... 9% " 7-H Shirtings .292 and WW yd?...llj^ " 4-1 Sheeting 232 and MO yds...13 " 7-H Drills 252 and 850 yds...13^ Langley A t.t 13 rr A 7-H llU A 3-1 - ?J4 ?m? EMPIRE FLOUR MILLS. IN BARRELS AND SACKS. 35 cents per Ilarrcl less per I'sr Loxl. 1 dre iMimiAi. XXXX JI2 no LILY Whitk XXX II 00 v Mrilliant XX '. to oo Ili>T Cakrs X 9 oo IIock Mills Superfine 8 50 " * Bran.?82-7 per Inn. Sacks extra. Shorts.?(30 j>er Inn. tlo .. Wkstkbm Flour is nniA?Super, $850; Extra. $10.09; Family, 910.50; Fancv, 81150. e|> IIyu Flucil?im.oo per hock, (loolha.) ? ltucon.?Shoulders, K1/; C. R.Sides. 10'^. D. S. Meats.?Shoulder., ; C. It. Sides, 9%; Lard.?In tierces, 10^; kee*,"l2. Corn.?Prime White, 9.7; Mixed. 90c. fw Corn Meal.?91. (Sacks included.) J ? Rye.?SI .25. . _ Oat*.?While. 70; Mixed. 70. *'T kuffsr.-Yellow. 12^; Extra C, 13^ IN i? \ VW. lat ;?nj;ar House Syrnp.?In bids, 30; hhds, 28. , Virginia Salt?82.10 per Sack; 10 sacks or voir, 82.00. P' I Proctor A Gamble's Soap, Extra Olire, ^ ,'A\ Kraslve,7c. . ? . inrdy's Soluble Pacific, $.70.00 Cash: *17.00 factors Acceptance; f.77.50 Planter's Lien. 'Ill Snrdy's Pbosptio Perns' Ian. 855.00 Cash; ,,a ? rui.ixi Factor's Acceptance; 80.'! Planter'* Leiu. The above quotlon* are wholesale. We do not. In J v;y ease, break packnip*. Remittances per Express ?-a t.? i irti> r>t am lit Price Current ISa day'ih'y aro received. Siirht Drafts on Now F< York, ('liarlestou, Savannah ana Atlanta, placed to P, credit at |?ar. ' " Rrspoctfnlly, *?1 BRAXCII, SCOTT A CO. ~ HI . THE PARKER CUM* 2 - , PARKER BR(?Sa " WEST MERIDEN.CV, . T1H PAHLOR COKPAXIOT. 9 Every Lady wants one!! ' i ?w?? mtmJk** II NUT 10TJI1L L rhrough to Augusta. 2 SDOSTEST MKHEAPESTROt'TE ?KmntB rottFREKIHT OR PASSENGERS/ etwee n Charleston and Angrnst/. Between Satannnh and Angiifttri/ ?AND AI.L POINTS? 9 .? v ? 1 ^ u x xx v-^xi. w r?rr? x ?i VP DA Y PASSENGER. TT? ' l' " l . .i ?j c hamk or statToxs. ArrW' fcoaro p < S H 4 rt a ; " |A- * ' Port Royal ............. 0 4.1 4 Beaufort 10 01 J0 00 5 Island Tank 10 26 10 30 4 Seabrook 10 44 10 46 5 Sheldon U.M 11 17, 7 Yemassee 11 43 12 20 7 Early Branch .' 12 41 12 41 2 Manldln* 12 47 12 47. 2 Altaians 12 63 12 63 4 Aliucda. l'(J5 1 05; 2 Varnavilh'.. Ill 1 IB 3 lloo*ers 1 251 1 31 6 Branson's 1 42 1 43; 4 Cauipbellton J .14 1 53 6 Allendale ? 2 03 2 24 4 Appleton 2 34 2 34, , 4 Beldoc 2 W 2 50 4 Martins 3 02 8 03 4 Millett 8 14 8 14 4 Haltleville 3 26 8 26 4 Bobbins .'. 3 38 8 38 I Bush ) 4 is 4 J/J fl [Jackson _ J 4 27 4 28 9 | Beech Island I B 00 6 00 8 I Augusta | b 88 DO FLY DA Y PASSEyOFR. Augnsta ....... fi 48 iSlsud 7 23 7 2s Jackson _ 7 sa 7.5? I'Husli's..7........v.... _.... 8 08 8'08 Ellen ton ; 8 30 8 2-V RoMiii>? .. 8 44 8 48 Hatrinvllle 8 5i 8 57 4 IMIUutt fl 09 9 09 4 Martins. 9 21 9 21 4 Bcldou.? 9 33 g 8? 4 Apple ton 9 30 9 60; 4 Allendale... 10 02 10 08' 5 Cambellton _ 10 18 10 18 4 Bninsons 10 30 10 81 ? 6 Hoovers' _... 10 49 10 49 8 | VarnsviUu, 10 58 11 03 2 A lined a 11 09 11 09 4 A It mans ... 11 21 11 21 2 Mauldin's n 27 11 27 2 Early Branch 1133 1134 7 Yeinossee 11 55 12 20 7 Sheldon 12 48 12 49 5 Koabrook 1 19 ng 4 Island Tank 1 35 1 35 5 Beaufort, ?. 1 55 2 00 4 Port Itoyal 2 16 JAS. 0. MOORE, Engineer A Superintendent. RANDlDiaiPIj AV OF RING & SUMMER GCOES BY ACOB APPLE lendld assortment of Sfi GOODS. G REN A DIKES, POPLINS, JAPAKEES CLOTHS, RAitKGKS, MUSLIN, Etc. WHITE GOODS. 7ES, CRETONES and CAMBRICS, PERCALES, BKILl.lANTS ETC, ETC. brlgan Hosiery for Ladles and Genu Laces, Collars and Caff's. TANDARn TR1MHIRGI. VEB, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, ETC. Gentlemen's FnraisMi Goods. Ties, Bow*, "carfe, etc. READY MADE 0L0TEIM3 ivery style, FASHIONABLE 1IAT8." 5TRAW IIATS FOR GENTS AND BOYS, w just Received tho finest lot of ladles Shoes brought to this market. If you don't sec what want ask for it. You can be supplied at J. APPLE'S, STREET, BEAUFORT, S. C STEAM ENGINES FOR SALEWO KlflHT HOUSE POWKR Elf-' GIltEM. iNK FIFTEEN IIORSE POWER ENGINE. ALSO, ONE THIRTY HORSE POWER ENGINE. >rms ca.nli, or on time with approved papers. Ad-* s, JOSEPH NEAR Gen'l. Sup'!.,or GEO. R. LOMBARD, Proprietor. BENT CITY POVIfDRY, AnguitA, Ok. i one Fifteen Horse Power Second-hand Boiler. 18-ltu. NOTICE. i HE SUBSCRIBER REfiPECTKLT.ttforms the public, or all who want GIN OEAItr, that he is prepared to furnish them with his improved Gin Gear, which from long experience he best hi use. It wjll wiirpom any otjicr in simity. durability and accomplishment, ff you want etfang that wilt expedite your ginning, without Imr up tour stock, try Graham's lute improved touring, ami you will not regret it. Further fculars, address, 38. NEaL, or GEO. R. LOMBARD, GenT. Supt. Proprietor. RFJiT CITY FOV.YDBY, / Augusta, U? . .18-1 m. ME SEDyrLE 3ETOS MACHINE/ IHIS BEAUTIFUL MACHINE USES Htraight needles, makes the Lock Stitch, (alike uu ><oth ) has self-adiusting tention, and is used by band foot. It will hem, fell, bind, seam, tuck, hemch ruffle, and sew on at the same time; work ally well on silk, linen, moslln aud cottoo goods. I Is the oulv first-class low price machiqe made, d for elrcufar and aasnide- ef sewing, or call and mine the machine at the agency. Bay street, .ufort, 8. C. < # 'rioo, $37 db $4Q." W. A. FRIPP, ?l?.I8-lyr. Agent 1 6<Kft> BARUAIX. OE8ALE?X STATIONARY K!C-oinx, four (4) horse power? fif od order r aA W ieenat ttyear-~ .