gRBSTfeP be delivered tors, will be fo pr#r,; P* ? a make.1 ts.V> < &? 106 ? tf HKitei Mtowtthis.ntoc - ofrfewrctthfiwl w&p ncxt^ wtflbe aoltl before in Camden* on a credit c ' htfccr vrWii^ IioqBJMB the da*r, with A|^V|P (be fiuUdhtftt on the fx* longing to ?beOn>h*n s fo?* used r? tin Acttdcm) Tame* G.KettnU, SMtttfifCSiU teftumal ?ccui in 'Camden rfc: o.? iefcnd Lo*,*iu* titilig the Rite W]4 contetj siss va^4^w/-rNM3 ? irtxL' ? ? w . , Mount, . . . I OB ? 5 I .? Hlanks. i Isir at. f'.? H O 7i~\ FOR .SALE, f.avd t THfe Subscriber b: o? Land coi^ta&jiiei; %\x mint body rid and ihiru atcrcv about fiicy if which is clearc?K wii'ii* "hi t\ro nsites durante from Bradford springs, and adjoining Luiid of Mr. \VU? j i ?*- -?? - % ' den and Mr. C^o* January ) 7 James Clark, fr 93-,-tf h^C&a< JVit'eJitfrtfaito-if: THE isuUcribw. bas appointed Mr. Hemy Abbott at Camden, S. C. Agent Pfr tiie alKA'c ^establishment. r AM order* Ibr $c^e^Wusk s Sfelv^. 8cc. will Ttcwird &t bis Store, ami punc^d Messrs. Ja?o? JL Co. hare placcd their Notes, Bonds' anwvihcrs tair? nrc nitjm'stH (o remit r theiti'ln pa j?Sg^jd3AlXY She is about 20 of five feet ?rnhr tir Av* irtch a hi^W, tolerably likely, and rati low the firet jMnl of one o{ her I TIiuiti^nh UyH tine* not recollect which. fr\Jt Ubelicvcd that alibis KxVkiu^ i;?g*he noijfhb&urhood oC Haft lfbpre^k, ant any person wlio may ?WBM^?r<>. V'Caicb Williams. *1F 111 ? ll if BROUGHT r TO thcr tiatil of -Xjariinigtott, a Negm? OAN+ named JSTH i:R, apd*s*?* the belong* jto opc W iUuuiv i^. . I 'J l^jwiiiitted ' ? ,/ v. To tbe Gaiol of Kcreh^itr District, a ne ) gr?MoMr,-^4td'aay? hia'tiatne it $ A Mi fce i long** to Squire DuvU, on little ^Lynches tCreck, about 5 feet t.or 8 inches hiyh, i 40 or 45 years of ago, stoUt built, speaks] ; ytr>\ ffoken, is Kupturcd, and rctfy much ! ! lYVAplt#/) %4VW *!?? - *?? ? ? A' * i Sgfclrt jtB ^:*jyprr~*zswrr *,wrww?: *? v.Wt-l ? qticbtcd to xbine fnrvwrd p p&t'i property ' pay charges *nd take him away. William Love,1 P? k D, May 30. 4 V "k I II? tfr r n . ? *> , [,?- \ A vv ? ? L* vw Tr".r>T .t,v ;; *? ~fj r?/ - ^ tt ?- - I?IKf of ai?c. hfts ?n*? I ro? rtlMr ailni k" f ? "V**" . ' l.f * V * ??* 7 ^ THE Canulm AvffoctyV ordered to al ttil r Mutter, ' at the foiua I ??? u?ter groi / !?'#j 1. "?>. ,. ^ 2 C.-Jt C Su r k iit ? ?iiiiii&r'Ty rii ?tT'jr V\'t WW Jfrwtteularlp fffer MoniH, I jiu. ,ygn>i^iu 'y?:";^";^ if^cf ltHC'' / * I tTlifcriw** to be paid k?cW)^ti 1? * SSL* ^ i> L?tk-c.ron,^k?M;.: *' ? ? ?nfl pleM to tnc sixteenth d*y of November, IH I ft , km nt will lie irircn a^nafnie skid j 84-r-tf IT CV. >?/?. V jitiatht. in aiim/tt* Jdmr* 'Ingram* /> - *;? ? .: rtk^ -'-urtifftinthbeMe, lvivit,R fiktxl ititm in the office of the clerk of ?Vrt? couru tn4 jbeflefeiiclsurt wh# i* abvnt from and vkkwti the limits of this aute, (*? H i? Mkl) bavin* n^hljfcr wifoiajfr'l attorney known xrhilfr I iH*>m 9 copy oftlri*tle*lu ^ __T, t6 thereto# emvbc set-ycd* jtbercforo^ it is ordered, tN* IhtttajM pfcr mt I j\VV|HP aefcntlant by doMMfk^ / C A t -*?- kUU | I HO. SALMON!^ cv'n. *? C]t \\2 Office* KemhaW dial. Nov ISth, 1 8IT. November 15. JOBS, EXECUTED .YEJTLT .1 A"J) riJNcrrtJAiXT, /. i tut. gazltte oi I'lcf;. 5 | TN IHfcC Ht5et ^SisLrJ l*"".--"* THE Dlairmlt' ???& ^Si^SB^BS | ? P.^?V ui?%c wil} liTVi is absent from and 'Without the tftnits. of'tEia state, (as it is *aid) having neither. \viio nor attorney known within the saifc^w tifton whom a copy of this declaration, with a ffllc to plead thereto, can be served : Therefore it is ordered* that the said defendant dciap ( pcav and plead to the said declaration on or j; i?efoi>e ilu-sixte^utb day ot' Koveniher,, 1 S 1 K, [. or judgment wilt be ^ijfen against thfe' said I defendant by dcftuift: f HO. 5ALSU&*D/ci Clerks Office* KersliavroipjL > Nov, 1 5th v; 4H1 7. X * . Koferabof. 15. t J ft middle, and j then U wouid^turn ^^hUo the SSSSEs^SS " ihus leavin ; it rnlircly'for chance to de cide. But the Yankee t turned his tack to decide, dexterioysljt ??* ^gota tuii in Mm A" ?*V* tha^H^! , Monsienr. jHto poor Yankee Aed iodtfe.fllcn h? found Wfl* 5 AM-T ^ ' ? ?* i ?,>.?>... 13 ftndml tofAptil He went into a taveftt in II a tic i-y- Marches tfwt, with a porter or bamkartmau,' AHd asked for Jod ^injp. He, observed he hat) lio?t ar , rived iroto^ranoc, jn the ??fup Ma with a cargo of wioM& bifcndy Mid Alike. ..Me irmiaftea/lr^TOHopld bike logins* t$Jg&,o? 'pi the setrfeliitte a. tmvnmaf plira to ?tore soto'? I he feigned Cap!. Sutiiii i.-e 1 1 toug'ut li'1 1 n .1 l>f!o'.r r r ?'..:'.'.il O'.tO