Camden gazette. (Camden, S.C.) 1816-1818, April 11, 1818, Image 1

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1 Iwee aotfcar* anfl*1 the time of stfbacrtl 80 cent* for eteryc' lion 'Mi piifti aft< .tkan her it coinm m umf< !arch ffi imenced the k^libMlffrom hit A tit; both *4&tm be enabled to k-iAlltrrd^rt will Br- : ce, who can lie welj Ukento the above A^lNeON & WQ&KJVJAN, H? TOCTFOLLY inform the Citiaena ?f Camden and its . Vicinity, that in adili tion totMwhlnci^ th$# fotend carrying on rhe f^se Cfcrpetite* artd Joinery buakncMi hi Vf^Vartonabmnr^; they hope (from rtiohr ek?ft>*ml unremitting exertiona to pie***) to nwMt and obtain aJiberal patnto "^r. .?? ??>- ?C, 3r from * Jiving or nth of 4 Negro t#ent ther vd lew complected, alende# pr.r ffont teeih ?H on! >> Up two, which vr*. clmc together. < She la About #un)n"K>*? height : /\ny perron trnkint? her up ami briTtgiftg h?'.r to ttun or lodging her in Ja.?Ksolhat 1 g?t hor aha.n receive tha kbov? reward. March 7. Susanna E^anv 9i> ? tr ne the first of NFoRu?y?fe A? of ' XJaimden, t? tbe ?3Sfc7*l*e " ?nd Fifteen Dollars, bearing is* P*ff*bl" thefiwtdny ofJanu^ ach note w*s givch for the ptfrf, I NcgrojWoman and children ildciwSlcd not to d&v thewtorc 1 citt mike It tp. ?id?epo ?mi??? W?UQd' ?uunps yf Bltfo WiwiH or WeOOCHCUNENG TSrt C?ur^niTTiaving7 >? * ? 1 1 i. ? 1 p_ . - will be sold at auetiob. 3*Ic? com continuing weekly on Saturday s* until riK t C d \ "it, ' 'v. > "t?r * '5 : ,' k, Jf ^ r ? r-1 \1A? 4w rf A. M ^2^ a a %. *m * ? Notice. 8ub.CfttHifh.vbg reeled*. V of Tax Collector ior#*^ will attend for tlu t>Uit>9& of rc ftetunMfggr th?yMT 1817, <m * tb?- M*h ?od 3 1st ^ Bvfl Ml 3d tt Mi ?nthe?th?t Mr, fe^cttgrMi will be receWod CoIUcter, fiPB ijMrf.fa, ;et,, of WtLLtS W. ORQE . UAJFT i? nuttu) corner*.? iffordcd B.B bwifuiiu?iiv? V* IM i III nil* business 6f lM*t<Ca and will ute srsftssiasjti siSSSt wwrw ua.<t Sftthow cummin ? saWT" . iMnd in Sinter DUtHeti SI (THE Subscriber Offfe r? for %aie> 4 bddf (of i#fKl tentoininfi ai* hundred a?d tbirif *%* about fifty of which t? cleared, with two roilea distance from Bradford SprinKi, and adjoining Land of Mn Wft J, P^PSSK r'; "** James (%t|l. ft . Bargain. THE Subscriber wWhim to acll hia btace, situated A the tovper of York aijd Little ton ttfeetl ) on therprentiaea is a atnttU but convenient HOUSE in food repair, wfotl one room calculated a Het*tt8hojy*M the <tand excellent. Thoae wUliing to pur- 1 November $9. ?' v -^r ft<u~t'f FOR HALE OH, RENT. A Small Dwelling Hotisc ajnJ Ivotv situ4 ate cm Littleton-street^ fronting the Race Grmittd! The horia* la new, and conveni ent for a atnall family ; foi1 particulars cn qoirc of ?' ? ^ 1 ^ y ft, J. f tor* on* BMarib 14* , <K-*if | Whpksate PriWa Current ? CAMDE?,;IRC? S tite tlpl?nd Cotton, ftom .v- ? ' fcf ,?i^? prta*e<e*t.) * <1 a# im finteCumden (bbl.) 13 ol,'- '*1 f,Cor?l (bun.). ? i.'.-j .y. 95 Hyg? jfc? * ^ T???ccoij0r (it.) r- * s J?Ui*kev (mL) "%! %--??. *<> v fi TBab?r,0t*) A'-v j* "A ? if ffcfSi * ?* g >4j ; watt*- ^ Ipdigo prim* 4ac J - 4 . . . f f S g# Jl^aT, ,'ib) *? 1 ? ji vm>y ? .-i i iftapH frfelUtter John* frown Tlion Qhii)iw|i .forpcnterLydia M. Collins Ch 1 all am James, eB^j|#fcktiE lames, Colleton John, Council W>n. Revi>. Claifbo^fvV m Wm.CaittD^U Benjaml* Cap col Cipl<* Lewu, Carter Wen boir^ Dukes Mary* Dickejttonlgj &&?!&?* hnm^S {?' .?"**# s, loir, Joseph Mr. Roti*?, Mn;|ip. haeh A?nbeU RusnelL Thomas Riddle* Jam?* Huwellj Sarah Roberta. s,;v?s"5K:^?aatte ji8t?*?Ak Zech&Hah Senift J tones Stevcnb) I Thontas SlewaH, Samuel Snftmott,^ i rtn Snider*, tAiey Starke( John U> Smith) John Spear*, James S> Mtn^tb, EtJHnrMf k fealjyT OW 8tratMiT?bn WtHv T. Johh Tramhatti, James Tiller, B?u hkh ThMitt**, J<*tfph Travis, Oeorgij Tt-ayeeki ? W. John Walked *>f Lndgft it, *W1U? Whitehead, Solomon WfiUaml, John Williams, Johu Wtttt} Jpbp WlU liamson. y* ':>* i-> r. rfrocior Johi^jVouiii * * t Yi Sarah Yeuog# Iiaat Smith A Sfl Aorlt 4k . io3*? I lii ?" i m ? '? i L -i ? . > .. . . .... For Hale. K 100 B\i*hcls q( Imh I'otatoca (rUr'ar* from Novtiscotitt,) which arc in cxctllcpt Drd?r tor planting ' ' tt: 0; Jirftitr fata if friter n rf-itrtd: l'\ arcft VI. ? ? Li