Mi Camden Gazette 1 HUkSOsiY, s,ucu*r2Z, 1816. It t* a matter of much regrt.1 to the Ed? . nor that no attempts are made to assist his Gazette y farther than that derived from Se lection. A few vetr laudable exertions v ' s ? ' x j* '* * V Af %r were made at first, but the- spirit of ipUus try and learning has subsided, at prwicQt Let it not be supposed however, that ire ?|. - ?, VrrV*.- ?? - ? 7. A > have no talent* adequate to the undertf& 11 g. The want of exertion arises more from inattention than incapacity f/^\ We hare been lately told by a friend, ? ,A./ : - W .'i ' .s-lJL v ^ ? _r tli^i iIjc ylau which wu have put sued ft t 1 conducting this paper, is not well J^rr^rrr 10 lliiiif ti All* i i l ilifli Mj|: rf a majfmty ol our ' re ade rs7 ^ fe7^i ! 1 ofcl y obser ve. 'that a lit tie aUfr?(^fcrfrjln*>l o^yreiidei 'ife palata We, fort up a paper for #musemenfc and not instruct uony will tioi'tye fully gratified, is conefcd edt but it sftottltf be recollected tb^t tbe< principal object of reading is improvement** and he who Fendsa tt^tfe attention will soon acquire ftWttc tor the study of ^cb t^bj jects u* are embraced in our plan* : j?| ? < JFrt in& , ... . At a meeting of ihe merchaptsoftWf 1 plju*, held tor the purpose of inglMO *lb? ptfepriely of ehcoaragingj thte circulatKM of iiii i ?, imiii il hj Tftfllnjiffi" ?als, .U. ' Wits-' reu>l*fcd, th^t no ?|^mK ment should be given to any further cit cu- I liMlon offrwfo frap,?; > The^lttjilorc teftd imo sgt^rfiiBTTSbtTo rtceW<4'\heri?n V-f ??> ' ' ? '? *? -SJ : * J* * * y jggj*i? ?' ' * v1 ^ * iTsj^l s.< -*? : the abode* of ; ... -fri ** tia&t the, 1 v He who takes "wretchedne "" ^eyf^of a it !\ JBV i > which are in the low p?i? acknowledge that 3Ji? exemplifies the character of Wj nntsr very satisfactorily. It thaukerr 4*0eefc&%^mH|r^?agr?i | their action* stow 1J 0mML ur -dolence, effeminacy , and The hero was a Atari who liou*tt with a mistress, who claifaSfWheoJ* J ly bed on w^ick they reposed, ?. Tired 4kTult*ty desirous of a^Mllin^l^ str-apiihirert, who hfcd; ttMl* w,t|> ? ofpi which Vtndled uiiti augmented i tured IhQuchts, and, wHr ^(itrmis? tidti was warm, ftafak intern ^M^bosom glowed with coi feet ion. T he proposal VaS sanctio __ the time agreed upon for the cnnsUi It. -- . xi.-*r "w-r"-' -r' " TT" ti?*v ^k)>efet??lM?aU. Vhe oftly re difficulty aro?e frqm obiajninR^at-e sent. The father, morose, ryth^M nate, reftisedpc brillttyit ittiagin of eW^emetiU A was to tie rhe cnveigHis ***?& N? rncntO^tMnwhile,'^ wjA reminded them qf the severity of winter, and they tn'K*t\to commisserate the husbandman for his sHfleritrgs.? ,x Oh ! (fyclaimed tin* inf:Ht?^ttd' hushand) how hij-py sve wt' . rvy dourest creu^re, We 1ho?.luivwpo.., ' V .. J f KiiSS Thou ar.tqNi^M" pass hOh ihikilml | AT liTO 'CHtN, J M*le at* nieoe9 of cott^nbeggjng, damaged on boa! d Mr. I'hitiebw Thnrtt- ' onhtrp*sS?ge|rtin* Charleston 1 to of ,.wle, cmtfr btfor^ soldior bash, on accountant] ai I lie rt&k'&f ttoie former pur&MfeC 'xLots- *:' ? j -via is cla!?k, r. m. AisMllltlf . ' mn hale, ' ? -m Ry'tbfc StAfccHUr; tho feHowjng ?nlcfc? : ^pwd. term*. zmrnrnimim tsste! whatever emplnyihg al?y ot ikt Ni|rrt?H?? in *?)* ?Sl?le pf JtAAt UlJBOS* without n \fitt?cti permifcaiofi for tl? |>ur po^e, frotn some one or the*h*i*t Augm* ft, 1816. *10-2 i MILL SAW? M UX SAW S, fur ^ ale on g#d Wttps. i flS| Camden; Augus* .* * . -J >. !? ? r- ?? ? ? ? 1 ' . " r ,? ? ' w ?? y i ? ? ^ T LEE $? Del-EON, TLJ AVE ^CkhaqfU gep?ntel a?oit b ? WHXfmiene i? j