Camden gazette. (Camden, S.C.) 1816-1818, June 06, 1816, Image 1

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w txeetdmg for ?wti civ and halt that ttri i ? Subscriber BLANK HOMOS For Salt at this Office. , T ret be witch kt.rtwn. m our cottftoy, I think might be m*de to flourish, in the vicinity of Ncw-Or fcrtns, an the banks of tbe Misaitalbpi, *m| *.tt <*jf frontier*, paniflitbrlf the Imiiwkmrn ' rrv.nffho, >W ^ 1 tifTT aivnnif'J wise Np ^?rgiiijof ?? l??#K ?t fo* thtf mmutei Mhrt hart always i?ible t6 a ii|fc in. **ttf the vinitor <* >p proceeding to (lift if to gaze nkl, j ft hia imagination * or hi* reason, and be falls 11 lead, obedient only totba* a wiff delirium aureysjift for a while, he is unable to scripdon or limitation* .> How itfrige >? il that Ok and to AmcyimiVtithit af th tinguish any state u/W^re i ofSthe nistraeion informed is > Halifax? ifpeiloft, o (Wjfot rwart*^ir^?: ?d, and corftpwed or cwnCffrfrif coats? the advantages which it pos sesses over common gunpowder are, Ihir the manufacture of it is much Cheaper, and that it burns at least six times more rapwflr than com % J am powder. W