University of South Carolina Libraries
" fcr the Ofifdin-1 ? " '"haM Gtttette, says: 7 ? 1 1 Ilorc is a Hirle story for yon.-~? It happened at a Utica restaurant. A man entered the other day aid 1 called for a dinner. Hia orders 1 were of the most elaborate eliarac - v v- tor, and fairly staggered the ro- ( sources of even a Ijtica real an rant ' keeper. Ho lingered long at the 1 tabic, and finally wound ipjwith ! ? bottle of wine. Then lighting* "J cigar ho had ordered, leistfroly ( sauntored up to the counter and i ' said to the proprietor: < "Very fine dinner, landlord; 1 just charge that to me. I hnvn't ( got a ceut."' , " But I dont know yon," said 1 the proprietor. * 1 "Of course you don't. If you ] " did, you wouldn't let ine havo the i dinner." u Pay mo for the dinner, I say." ' u And I say I can't. I havu't 1 got the blunt." J "I'll see about that," said the 1 proprietor, somewhat furious at ' the "bilk." Then he snatched- a 1 revolver out of a drawer and leap * cu over the counter, collared the man, exclaiming, as he pointed it ( at his head, " Now see if yon get ^ away with that dinner without ( paying for it, you scoundrol." , u What is that you hold ?* ydnr , hand?" said tho getter-away-w?th , free dinners, drawing back. ] "That, sir, ie a revolver." j " Oh, that is a revolver, is it ? I c don't care a d?n for a revolver, r I thought it was a stomach pump." ^ i A Devil ok a Mistake.?A good r 6tory is told of an old gentleman 1 in a Southern State, who, being vory ill, and supposing that his 4 end was approaching, gave directions that an old slave who had J been very faithiul to him, should bo called ineo his room. Sam \ made his appearance, and with a joyful face, arew near his master, expecting that he was about to ahnounco to him his purpose of lcaving him free. . You know, said the .master, yon i have been a faithful servant to me, Sain. , Yes, massn, lie replied. < Poor Sam expected the next i aeutencu to contain his freedom.'? But, eaid the master kindly: I You know, Sam, I always treat- ( ed you kindly. I Yes, massn, you did. ( Sam was now all anxiety to hear, 1 and looked gratefully into the face ' of his dying master, and waited to ' hear the charming word, Freedom. But what was Sam's disappointment when his master 6aid: In consideration of your long and faithful sorvice, I havo directed, in my W ill, that when you die, you shall be buried'by my side. After a long pause, Sam replied : Mo no liko it, indeed, massn, fur 4 some dark night, Debel come, look for massn, and take poor Sam. ?<x?? ' ... 44 Can you take off my baird hero?" said a grave, tall, slabsid .ed Yankee to an Albany barber, feeling, at the same time, his chin with a noise like a grater. "It's alight baird; what d'yer tax?? Three cents for a light baird, ain't it?" "Yes;" "* 2"' "Wall, go ahead, then." WhiI6 tho barber was raaping three cents' worth from his chin, his "si6tcr" saw an assistant putting cologne upon a customer "a hair throngh a quill in the cork of; . a bottle. " Look a'herc, squire," said the Yankee, "can't yon squirt 6oma o' that peppersRsa into ray head tew ? Say, can't yon throw a 1ft- , tlo o' that in for tho three cents?" ( Not long since, our friend , Brown was on a visit to Lookont , Mountain, Georgia, and was uracil ( struck with the tact that a fine jet 1 .of water was thrown np above the top of the eminence on which the hotel stands. Walking ronnd the jet admiringly, he accosted a plain countryman with : My friend, is this water forced up t>y a ram ?" meaning, of course, the hydraulic contrivance so named. M A ram?" exclaimed the country man. " Yes, a ram, Lsay." 44 What on airth?no sir : it's ft. darned big mule ! and it's tremend ous hard work for him. Come here, and I will show him to you." Brown saw the mttlo and left. V Jdjjatii or aw old Crnzgx.?Mr John Farmer, a native and resi- : dent of this County, died a few i uftjjs ago, at the ^extreme old age i 7** never outside of the County 11 nouncif'g oe to the irights of cltlaaoa of the United State*. may judge that rome cill Ei>na h*ve mora rights than il ia agieeeblo slarai void in eartain pulnta^haf hitherto Irlvan Congress Into ?ome vary quMir ?l>?; Itulee, I in Into tto&e more. ridiculous thai) .he one H arsuipcn In the hill to reMrht the ppellnte jurisdiction of thcSuprbtne CoOlt, ust report eJ from the Senate Jwcliclary To mm it fee _T^r ol>?t of thU bill ia to ;o?er aueb naaes ea the Yerger ease* Chief luatlce Chare, ft will be remembered, re tently decided that thefiupr^me Court u.uat lear lha appeal of Yerger, who had been ried by. military court jo an unrecontrueied Stale, and who claimed that aucb i trie' waa in ooutfaventioa of hia right, >od?r the Constitution, to a trial by jury, lie had been brought before the United Stales District Court on habeas corpn*.? IliRt'court had judged the military trial VolJ ; hence his nppml to the Supreme benoh. It Is obvious that euoh a trial would cona^cl'iho Court lo determine that great vital point between the Constitution, which vould give this man a trial by j3ry, and * aw of Congrtn which give* him a trio* inly by military commission. Congress tuows lliat inch point cannot be aafely ventured before a non political body?before a body thai judge* according to- the law rather than according to certain loose loctrines of necessity. It, therefore, now leclaret that all such ea?ea nre political.'and titer* its .declaration to the judical power not to venture on ih? ground of politiah? If Con giees had contented Itself with the rassngc of a taw distinctly defining these ases and declaring that such appeals should rat be heafd by the Supreme Couit, it rould have done ocly what'ia uuquestiontbly In it* powerp but in this warning I * egard to politics it will b? wen Ui it it vonare* o great deal more. In this seotion. for instance, ii appears ,o b* altoget her out of its depth: He it enacted, dee.. That under \ha Oondilution the judicial power of the United i'a tea does not embrace political power or give to the judicial tribunal any authoiily lo question the decision of the p Htical de parlments of the Government on political qoeelione; and it is hereby declared that a 1 courts of lit* United States in the administration ol justice shall be bound by I lie decision of lb* political departments ol the Government on political quest ion#: The Constitution mya " the jndioial pow pr shall ?r> oil ' ?J - .v VTV.-, Ill III W HUU pqnity, arising under tills Constitution and Lli? 1 *wfl of the United State*." Now, Mbcnever a citizen is deprived of Lib rights i>Y ?ny person assuming to aet under a law jf Congress then a "esse" has atis-n that properly and neeessarily bring* that law of Congress under the review of the courts It is the peculiar discovery of Republican politicians that certain laws of Corgrees nay be colled political, in eontradisLmclloQ from other laws, and that in vhrtne of that imtdo (hey are exempt from judicial examination While we may admit as an ah straction that Congress Is the depository ol polities) power, we may safely defy any one to show how that power has sny exia tence save In its application?that is, except as it is applied to persons; and when It ii applied to peraena-in such a manner as to oppress th?m and to infringe their rights, then surely we have a case that calls for such remedy as the courts can giva, the metaphysical hairvplhters of the Judiciary. Committee to the contrary notwithstanding. [AVte York Herald. - ?~ Tub Postmaster Gxmsra& axd mi Girt Ex near rise SwiaoLKa*.?The "dead beats" or "gift enterprise swindler* " are about lo be hoist?d n i> ?? ? aM - _? .M?Si j/ciai inc gome it up with them. The Postmaster-General lias iesued instructions thai all letter* addrctsed to the swindling concerns in the city, well known to the employee* sf the office, shall be sent to the Dead Letter Office at "Washington. Thii block* the gift enterprise swindlers. A good job. l et us hive a few more of lite kind.?iVtii York Herald: An old raiser in Ireland left a will bequeathing "to my sister-inlaw, Mary Dennis, lour old worsted stockings, which she will fin 1 under my bedto a nephew, two other stockings; to the housekeep er, "for her long and faithful services, my cracked oartlien pitcher," and other legacies of the same character to other persons. The legatees wgre in a high state of wrath^tijlAtae of them having kicked jtoUBne pitcher and found it fillemigHsuineiis, the others cxainin^rraPstockings and found them sinffimy lined. A Yankee Sonth lias struck a fortune by inventing a certain w turpentine soap," which is advertised *r kill the offensive smell oi the nogrooa. The colored popula tion and carpet-baggers are selling their last shirt to raise money to buy it. One negro came near kilting himself at Memphis, by taking a cake of it internally. A vrrson fell on Friday night, near Oak Greek, Wis., and the rtone was discovered by a travelers near whom it struck. It made a Mo in the marshy ground as large is a barrel, and when taken out ?raa still hot, and emitted a sob pkuroos odof. It had the appear snaa of a oylinde* oi lav* masr r- l\- -r~-r^. ... ,i-j..-rrv-. f <v v * h?/ Prluctp tl Office, Wo. 1815, Main Streety Hick tnotld, Vo. T> EASONS wby every one should Insure Ir IV the Equality Life Insurance Company of. Virginia: lit. It is mora Lihpral to tho Iasurcra that any other company, and will eventually be como Purely Mutual and belong to the insutnri 2d. It circulates its money amongst its patrons, who are tho insurers. Coaseqncutly thej aro continually getting the benefit of the rants accumulation of the Company, the uioncy be. iog invested by tho Hoard of Directors amongs tbo Insurers. 8d. The loans of this Company are as liber al as other cuinpanioa who declare dividend art'tho end of the second, third and fourtl years, but- this Company at tho eud of the firs and every jroar. DAVID B. CLARK, Proeidcnt. THOS. II. WYNNE, Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN. Beeretary. Oen. JAMES H. LANK, Actuary, Judge JOHN A, MEREDITH, Counsellor ntxHcdons. J. D. Wixstox, Treasurer and Secretary R P. A P. R. R ; H's. J. Jonsaox, of Johnson <t Hunt, Wholesale Or00ere | Wu. if. PoWsns, o! Winston A Powers, Wbolesalo Grocers; At,nrnT Osdwat, Treasurer Buckingham Statl Company; J. P. OtBSox, Puperlntendont Adam*' Ex peons Ocaspany ; .G* aulas Y. Menhis, Morris A Co/a (Sugar Reftnory; Ck A. Pbtlk, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills r Jowh H. Tyf.Ru, John II. * John Tyler, Jewelersi Mosas Millriskr, Wholesale Dry Goods; Thomas S. Balowix, Clothier; Johx M. Gonsix, Cashier Piaster's Bank ; Si r. D&WXt.i., Superintendent Western Doion Telegraph Compeny ; Ai.a.v G. TJosgnrsos, Cattle Broker ; Or. on or. I. Hr.Rnixn, Wholesale Grocer t R. L. Browh, of Brawn, Jones A Co., Wholesale Grooera ; A. BonuKKR, Drug gist; 8. M. Kosxxbauh, of 8. A M. Roscnbuuw, Dry Goods.Equality Life Insurance Company. JfJt Examine fie Pamphlet* he/ore pott future, ft ft to your fuferett to do to. A^eutt uanted everytchere. UEIVJ. G. IICRIOT, Getr. Travelling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. Sept 22 18 if THE NEW TORE li mmm mm. Dividend declared in 1*868, 68 per Cettltmr. ASSJfcil'S, ?13,UUO,UUU. NO COMPANY in the United SUU? ?an claim superior advantages to ihia old and weU-aslabliehed institution, which ha< been doing buaineaa with the greatest sue eeaa for about twenty-fire rears. It ii strictly mutual, and norer had stockholder to appropriate a portion of ita earning*.? It is under legal supervision, a protection U policy holder*, winch is afforded nowhen but in New York and Massachusetts. Iti manager* cannot speculate with the fund of the Company, but are obliged to invest ai ' the lows of New York requite trusted* t< invest trust estates. The official report* for several years part, show that this Com pany has been belter managed than any other doing business in Vpw York- At ' investment in this Company ia as safe at > anything earthly can be. it offers security - and choapness, and haa advantages ovei | any ntbar Company in the United States. Reference may be made to the following 1 gentlemen: Gov. B. F. Perry, Col. G. F Townee, Thoa-Ai. Cox, Tbomns Steen, if Beattic A Co. Wai. T. Shumate, J a a. P Moore and L. Williams. For further information, apply to the tin dersigned. agent for Greanvil!*, or to JAS R. SCOTT, Attorney at Law, Qrcenvlllt Court House, W. n. CAMPBELL, Sept 8 * 15 tf Norfolk Oysters!! fSSs. I ItAVK MADE ARR4NGEmeats with the celebrated W OYSTER PACKING ESTABLISHMENT. - ? jFBANK PFE1FFER <& GO. OF NORFOLK, VA., For a Weekly Snpply of the above nsmcd'dc lfoloos OY8TEIIS. I shall be prepased t< furnish any qnnntf -Quarts, Ilalf-tiallons Gallons, and in tfc ell. It would be wel for Families to lea. j .vord with the undersign cd what iiuantity they wish weekly. THOMAS STEKN, Provision Merchant. Nov 24 27 tf TOWNES * HURT A.TOQSsJHS'SB &S &&Z3 AWT? SOLICITORS IK EftUITY. THE TJNDERSIGED HAVING FOKMEI copartnership in the practice of Lai in Greenville and the surrounding Couutiei of Anderson, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg an< Laurens, w 11) give prompt attention to all boa I ness entrusted to them. fgf Offico at Oreeavtlle. a. r. TOWBBS. OLia D. BAS1 j Nev 10 25 . tf . SAMUEL BLACK. BATtnp W wp??tfc?!>y informtlPUli th>ifa? b?*-&*?<"** to a room h L Ji mtM&. wh,r* h* wil 1H* Pf4P*re.d 10 rjfl^BBbm.ra M hereto [or* bttng Barber,'fc with polLnrw po?th.?! "4 v"" Ji* ?0 M u rUTTS VEGETABLE jwtstieb pulpit, : 11 ?-! H . I. . . ' I .'JU - " - -! .. 1 Columbia ' 5S < Adveptiseiuents. Dealer in Watdxei, Clooks, Jewelry v ud jsgMxecm&t if with * New Stork of elegant end choioe IHod*, comparing Led tea' and Gqol'e Am Hold and Silver Watchee, Band tome ?o!M Cole I Silver and *n< ow> assortment of clotkz X toko pjuwN In lustring the aUeollon of my friends and the public to the SstDO. My stook of Spectacles an welHselecled, i and ewiUble far all ??*. , Hair Jewelry manufactured to order at tow prices, and Watohes, CI a aire and Jewelry skll: "l&nstt > of EngRsh- tiona of lire best aaakers. ? ; *??"* 8. c. I Nov 24 37 *? \ COLUMBIA HOTEL, colvhhia, aovrn carolina. : ifim la cWttnlty-furntehSd E.-iablftfirflrnt . now open for tlio aecommodslioif of guests. The table will always bo supplied with crcry ' delicacy of the season?both from, tho New York and Charles tun markets, *a<l no efforts ' will be Spared to girt perfect satisfaction, in avary respect, toour patrons. FREE LUNCH in the refectory erery day from 11 until 121. n A I?KN*froP, J Sept M 19 if , r t'y; 1 . NickersonHouseHotel, COWJMBU, 8. Co THE undersigned basing plaiSy8^?y RENEWED hla lease upon the aboro Popular House, will endeasor tw tnuko it one of tho most agreeable Hotels in tho South. A call is solicited. Fnso Omnibus to and from tho Hotel. A. UTtlT^lfR r? *m ?n n ?i\i 111) Proprietor. Sopi 8 15 tf NATIONAL HOTEL . B. ?? I PROPRIETOR. > P. UAM1LTUN JOYNKR. CLERK. RATES , Of Boaril per Way ?8 00 . Snppcr, Breekfart end Lodging...... 4 00 , Single Meele 1 00 J Sep 1 15 tf j MARBLE mm f BOYi\E ^ROWL, COLUMBIA, S. c.. CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK In all ita branchee, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. Sept 8 16 tf I Greenville & Colombia R. R. _i RUtim n " ^MgDaagmif PAS8KN6KK TR AIWS na daily, ffnndeyt excepted, connecting with Night Train on Charleston Railroad, a* fojlo** t i Leave Columbia at*. 7.0(V a, u, ? 44 Alrton at .............. *.45 " " Nenbenrr at ..I*..'15 " Arrive at Abbeville at....? 3.30 p. m, " at Ande?M?<0tw?A?.~..?~...6.!'6 " ? 44 Greenville at ?.00 " |j Leave Grocnrtlle atr..*. .,,..,11.00 a. m, " Abbeville At!!'.'.'.!".'..!!"!*.8.45 ? " Newberry at...,..,. ...1.35 p. m Arrive at Celnmbfa at. 17.5.00 44 Train* on the Blue Ridge Railroad wiU al?? ran aa followi: Leave Anderson at. ........ JV.20 p. m. 44 Pendleton at <.0.20 44 ? Arrive at Walballa tt?.i.n 0.00 " Leave WaJballa ML....*..... ..4.0(1 a. m. " Pondleton at....... .......5.40 44 Arrive at.Anderaon at 40 . 44 The train will return from Belton to Ander< ? eon on Monday and Friday ibotM nga. > JAMH8 0. MEREDITH, ' Oaneral BaperlntendeaL J Feb 24 40 rk?wl/v-4A? viim icoiUU Advertisements. : TlttKIH. Till! t [?. 11 TVrPOKTElW AMD DKALHK IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS J STRING 0, A*., At. 1 } A|Mti of WM. KNABR A CO.'B PIANOS MASON A HAKLIN8 MRT.0DBON8, SUiiwi; A Im'I ond J. B. Dunhnin', V- r/ANOKS TILTOHf PATSNT GUITAR. RKPAlRUrO PROMPTLY AT7SVDKD TO. m XING UAMMt, t ' CHARLESTON, 6. C? FRRDKVAMD KOGBACTM, Nov York. I jqpspr TOUMg,^^ L An, mVwaraw, MIW III!" MIWMII l"Hli i n IT1IPBI Charleston > Advertisements, ' ; {.: ? tW'BOTB v3 op v wniiw "kt" : JLt J& JEV9. Ala S T A* now receiving ?y aspnliea of thl? Ms X * * Wanttra can rely upon gottlnj every cargo to told la aaaW i 1 yaad on ?WtVol>ere, sod the high character 61 the Han Id * "* j. N. R0BSO1T, L -f*" Sole Agent for 8outb Carolina. No*. 1 and *- Atlantic Wharf. IhArlMlnn. (9. P ??vid Sc StradIcy," Agents for Greenville County. Prot fibepard eays of annlrals mad* October 16th, 1840: *' A velunMo Manure, aftj$n oidedly eoperior to <be?ftUrle oflatf year.' Esgesysetft tsrede by M. V. M. Hammond, ' mB&m wd ootton per acre. 178 lbs Perartan Oonno?1828 lbs socdcot'I ton per acre. ? * 128 lbs Baugh'a?1488 lfca ittd notion per i fffttfa iA&> *? ... . V & -x ' VA: . 31 ^ Ai&'S?m tfwr. ? w. ttta. M'LOY A RICE, 270 Kioff, ft ?7 Hagel-St., OSB&Z&SaSS'S $33, ?. WHOLESALE AND St B T All. DSALARfi ' -v . . .. . - FORBIOK A Kb DOMESTIC SUV (Sffl?S)@5 CARPETS, RUGS, MATTING, &c.,&c. ' CARPETS FROM 25 OEKTS MR TjCRD TCTHE FINEST FABRIC. HBAV-r AUffVfQGt* A Speciality at $1.00 Per Yard. OUR STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE IN rery department, to whteh additions re being made by erory Steamer arriving. A call is reapociftilly solicited. , McLoy & Bice. Nor N 27 3m* A. F, CHEVREUX, Aim ARCHITECT, MAHURUS W?MRS, Corner MeeUng-St. and H-rlbeck's Alley, ?B&3V2a&????3I, ?, ?. FLANS MADE TO ORDER, ? AND FKNE OF CITAROE, WHEN WOBK DONE BY ME. Dee 8 >9 ly DANIEL H SILCOX'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS. 170,177 ft 179, Kin? Street CHARLESTON. S. C. Establish*!* in 1888.I? |M{ I Keeps constantly on ban<l ^W n well selected Stock of E^Pd^'J FTJP.XTITTJH3, Which he ofTcrt at Pg| reasonable Vv PRICES. n. B.-GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED von suisptvo Wot U 27 ly* Mill pond AMI 1 (DISAHHIKIL (DTOUXSSUPPLIED in quantities to suit porchesera. Order* from all part* of the interior solicited. Address Thoa. McCrady, Agent, P. 0. Box 339, Charleston, 8- C. References ?James Adger ?fc Co., lion. J. B Campbell, Dr. St. J. Ravenel, David Jen. nintc*, McCrady b Son, W. O. Dingle, John 8. Ryan. Not 17 9? 1* THB MILL8 HOUSE, OB4^&a?S?M9 ?. ?. PARKER A CO., Proprietors. PIRST-CLA88 IIOTBL. BOARD, PER DAy?.... $4 OO. I>eo 8 29 tf , I ? rtmrw MUM'S HEPATIC BITTEBS THXT CURE DYBFZPStA, STOMACH* AND llVER U1DZOAL fA.OWZ.TV. REOEMAN A CO., 4?xn?, jrxir rem*. tenfactnredby* C. F. PAHKNIH . > A enan as tfonaun, . 0?AAL<a?TOW. ?.OL ?T>JW- Ml ?y J?ng?y Miim II* f! !.-?[ I I I i wu ii li S 1 a | j CHARLESTON AO KTIWA.N SWIM MAfflRES, A MANUFACTURED , "fTNI>I?R ,h# <iJroct?on of t?r. N. A* PRATT, JVJ Pboaphnto Coiopanv. ^SOLUBLE PH03WI0RIC ACtP. in Alio for ii or DIWOLVBD BONE PHOSPHATE, to <ha valuable in tha rfcU? or OoiBoia.r'nuaphorie Aoi< The ImmuiM dcnoilit of " attaa, by Or. P^ATT, coarhU wslnly of Inroh able m a Partiliaor by biting ground to powder, i dttloa m to m?*? it* IwtoblaBboapbate aolub taken op by growing ' Toe ioaolttblo pb? p s aere,^an^eo|M|Oq|bontty the chonpcst Fertiliser is n able Id offer to-planters tbe Bi-jhrrf ptr emt< any maiVet. Tbelr Fertlliiers ore offbred tinder two fbru??: r<HB feTiwAif wo. pt^Pf Wi. cent, of Dtsshlrod Bona PhoiphntO or Lame, $6C 2. ETIWAN NO. 2.-P??tu? I. par oaaw w?" BUsolrcd Baas, add H ! addition tf BaroaUp (Junno to adapt it to *111 - Xl yfy ojjQ DISftOLVBB BOB*, of bigi, grade. fchpUni A Into any Other comport, and wnanggest that tbi A. jfaetnrara to transport the Sulphurio Acjd oeutn rate for aaoh per ooatkgc ' i I L' -!i. . . W e V -a- - > a . ..*1 mw 3SBW wanKDjira NO. I4 AMEI DAVID & STRADLEY, J I December 19 I I ^'p.'p~TroAiliv T| I C0 m A IS It. 28 C TP ,<S> EST, ?., I I 5f?nufftcturcr of I I DOOBS, SASHES, BLINDS. | Having U>? i.irg??t m?d mwt coirpiefo factory in llie Sotith?rn State* and keeping nlwaya on hand a large and mmt complete aiock of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, 8?eh Door*. Store I)?ow, Sliuiten, I M?uSding(, Ac., Ao , lam enabled toaell low and al manufacturer*'price*. N B ?Striel alteullon paid to *h pping in good order. July 21 0 if I PAVILION HOTEL, ; c. <3. 1 BOARD, ! Per Day - $8 00. j R. HAMILTON, Superintendent, an. H. L BCTTEBFIRLD, \ Proprlolrea*. , Kept 20 10 tf In. aiancorr. c. vvurra. J. n. nat-an. , HENRY BISHCOFF & CO., OROOBHS, AND DEALERS IN WINES; LIQUORS, SEGA Ji$,; TOR AC CO yAC. 197 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept SO 10 2G? MOSF.X GOLDSMITH. ABHAHAM A. GOLDSMITH. MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, Net. 4, A and 8 VENDUE RANGE, 0SABL3ST0N, D. 0. WHOT.F.8ALE DEALERS IN IKON METALS, RAGS, AND ALL KINDS OF PAPEB STOCK. BIDES, WOOL. EPWiJiS, &?? A Soluble Sleek of Heavy ami Light HIDSO AND DZIITD Fur Tanneri dhi Alwayi on Hand, and wtll be Sold Low for PI ,3 7SL. M XX Sept IS. * ?? KINSMAN'S 0AB3?K 279 KINO 8TKEET, OHABLSBTON, Be O. OUR ASSORTED CANDY la pal op in - 9ft and ftO Round BoXei, suitable for' Country Trade. WARRANTED Perfectly Pure and WI?AUBW&IPI??AW3I^ Being free from Terra Albe or Marble Doat, and Hannfictared ?<jlely from CRUSHED SUGAR. A DUooant la made for all Orders of 606 pounds^ p&~ Road for Circular. Sept 39 19 Xfl ll SAMUEL C. BLACK, STOCK AND BOND BROKER; NO. 83 BROAD ST., CUARLXSTON. PARTICULAR aUention alrsn to par* chase and aale of 8ECUFOTIR8 on Commission. Information firm cheerfully. aarias ro v ?. Rae. K. T. BUI8T, J. 0. BAILRT, TH08 8TKKN. 8eptoo^er 81, 1889. 1P-II CHARLB8T0H HOTEL CBARLJCSTOH, S. C. ' E. B. JACKSON, Propretor. A war aim. a. Burnutrr*u>. tiar-1 Uts fitWrn Hotel.) | 1 I .+ ' Z ? ' * 1 ^ n 1 i i n ' if "3T f "' '7Jff */ * ' ?*' "1 ' =? IVERTI8EMENTS. liMoTm AT CHARLESTON, " Chemist for tho Sulphuric Aciil and Supoftn of SOLUBLE PIIOSPIIATB OF LIMB, .basis of all good Fertilisers, and those are 3 which U ill iiivDl. which were discovered in 1807 in South CnrJ hie Phosphate of Lime, wbicb Is made avail "? iwiuwu uj nnipnurio noia w bucu u cvule in water, and thus made, capable of bcinjf xphato found in any commercial Fertiliser i4 Phosphate rock. The greater the proportion rontains, tho less I he quantity required per that containing the highest per eentege of C ACID AND 8UPER-PII08PHATE COMisivo Acid Chambers south of Baltimore, an<f ige of Soluble l'ho'phnlc of Lime known irf ? Phosphate, guaranteed to contain 24 per i per ton, 10 per cent, discount for eaah. 6aper-Phosphate, guaranteed to contain Vf to S per eont.. of-Ammonia, with a sufficient 'rops, $10 per ton, 10 por cent, discount for' OFFER tore or manufacturers, who may desiro to mix I is the best and cheapest method for raann? Incd in tho.mixtaro. Will be sold at a flxet# I mmc. AfiENTS, #'S WIIARr. igents, Greenville, S. C. 3? "V 3 as 8*7 KINO BTKBKT, 3HAF.LE0T0IT, C. 3., DEARER IN IV A TCHES. CLOCKS, JKIVKLKY, SH.VEK WAKE, PLATED WAKE, SPECTAOL&S, ,1rU. Watches cent to nrijt part of the country.SILVER HUNTING WATCHES FROM FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND LP WARD. ? GENTS Bold Hunting Watches from $90 and Upward. -V LAI) TVS Sold Hunting Watches from $60 and Upward/ AMERICAN WATCHES OF ALL KINDS. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Sept 29 19 20 ' Pacific Guano Company'* COMPOUND ACM PHOSPHATE OF LIME c or vomposmig wnn cotton Died. r|*Ill's ARTICLE IS MANUFACTURED X ntdlie Company a Work#, under the direction and auperintendcaco if l)r. Raven#?/ It contain# the inmo element* of fertility aa SOLU11LB PACIFIC GUANO, except that it la not furnlehed Willi AMMONIA. It ia prepared expressly fur composting with cotton iced, which fhrnishca the element of AMMO* MA; the-object being to render that aido product of the plantation avaUabla to tbo lighc.t degree da an alemvnt of fertillity.?? For further and particular Information, apply o tho undersigned. Teruia, $45 cnah, or $50 on lit November, 1870, for approved city acceptance*, or ether good aocurity. J. N. RORSON, Agent for South Carolina, 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston. JOIIN B. llEKSE, Jr., General Agent, Bab tiwore. 28-.tin Oct 27 A. B. MULLIGAN, AND " * CIGNRK1L COMMISSI!)! MERCHAIT 2ccoh)li)odi}lion dJUb^lrf, CHARLESTON, S. C. HAVING ample meana for eoodaatioff my boaimsf, 1 am at all tintea pra* pared to make liberal ndvancea on CottonJuly 28 10 ly GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BAR. 8APARILIA. GEO, W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BIT CI1U 1M1R8E CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS nriein.ll- a- n p .. .... w .uiiWWVCU UJT UtO# W. Cmnenter, under the patronage of the medico 1 faculty. have been *o long uUn ?lv.-ly ueed by physieiena and others, that they ore generally known for their ints-io* sic value, and csn be relied on as being most valuable remedies in all eaacs where Sarsaparilla or Buehu are applicable, asd cannot be too highly reeomtnvnded. They are prepared in a highly coooentreted form, ao at to render the done email and convent* ent, Orders by mall ok otherwise will receive prompt attention. OEO. W. CAItPENTKH, IIF.N?ZKY * CO., Wholesale Chemical Warehouse, No. 731 Market-street, Philadelphia. DOW IK A MOlSJi, Wholesale Agent*. Cliarlefton, 9k (X Nov 17 ! 2# If ? .|'1"1 ? ? t HO! FOR THE IN OR Palatka, Florida, rim Savannah, 9*. ; touching at Feroaadina/ Jacksonville ud all Landings on tbo St. John's Niter, Semi-Weekly Line. The olegnat and FirstClasa Steamer DICTATOR, Caps. W. fi MoNalty, will leave Charleston, B. C.t A?r above plaoca every Tuesday night at S s'sltsk. The elegant and FirsLCIaai Steamer CITY POINT, Csjit. Osorgo B, McMillan, wlH loaam , Charleston every Friday night a* I e'eloeh for above places. Through tickets to be had at R. R. Oflees. No aatra charge (or Mania end Staterooms. . For freight or passage, apply to J. D. A1KKN A Co.. Asrentm. Banth Atlantic Wbarf, Charleston, 8. 0. Oct 20 22 12* c. ctAcicf. t a, wnn*. CLACIU8 & WITTE, NORTH EA8T CORNER OF FRARER'8 WHARF Oft CUSTOM TI0IT8K RQl'ARB, CHARLESTON, S. C. .COXMIMIO* KB&CXAVT8* And Wholaaala Daalera la a&oos&n?, LiauoM. *a, *c ffcpt ? .10 20* * -J