University of South Carolina Libraries
g==^= " . .I11-, ' 1 HI - if :$jjt - V *4V'* ** "r V 4 - -i- . i C3 ? J ^ ' "5 v, - O ^ > .fc 8Q ?? t? ?> ? C JP s ^ ? ; S S3 a 1 s mt ^ Qfe. * Sjp Pi ? 0 56 1 1 ft 4' ? % O ,2 ?1 *9 5 M f~ I S O INI ? S9 'i?-3 I ? SI = - IS i i m i 9 r" . ? m 5 B 25 S I | Ml ~ n f? S_- 0> ;,- ,, ''5 0? III = = x ? 3 ? 11 CM ? 0) ?,5 & ? =2 zz 8 0$ 1 y ' **' '. n rr i-t . VPt^.'v I Jjjf ^Etil '""<i ~:\-,jiL-})-'' - > - . 0. - * V . . \ _ I V y ? ' ' . v< > JL-JI.. I?Li* - J-?ilL'JL! U '-UUJMWj f v Tub " Carolina fertilizer" u made pronounced hjr various cboiuistr. one of the Ouiiio hi ita fcrtlliscng properties. Theee I'hosp (male, and possess qualities of the greatost vain Profuaaor Sbopard t i . . Laboratout or Analjaia of CAROLINA FERTILIZER, per* Moisture expelled at 213? ?., - Organ io Matter, with some water of combination Fixed Ingredients, - ? Ammonia, ?. * - ? l'hosphnrie Aeid?Soluble, < M Insoluble, (I 17 13 13 Snlphnrle Add, II 01 Sulphate of Potash, - : . Sulphate of Soda, ... Sand, - On the strength of theee results, X em glad t FERTILIZER, examined. Wo will furnish this excellent FERTILIZER t Geo. W. Will in ib Jan IX . ! AT TUB LADIES' STORE HAS just been opened another Large and Reautiful Stock of BB.ISB S?0??? To which tho attention of the Ladies* are Invited. Prices as Low as can l>e offered anywhere. W. 1L 1IOYBY, TT AS just in, a Lnrgo addition ot Fine and 1 1 rtcnutiful Shawls?Single and Doable, Ladies' Arabs, Cloaks, Ac., in great variety? ail of which are offered at very low prioes. Will receive in a day or two, a lot of FURS, T0Y8, Ae. W. II. HOVBY. . READY-MADE CLOTHINGJ HAVE now open and for sale, a nice assortment of CLOTH IN a, GENTS SHAWLS, HATS <CC. Which I will sell CHEAP. w. n. HOVBY. Long; Cloths* WE HAVE now ready for sale 50 pieces LONG CLOTHS?all grades?war| ranted as good, for the nioooy, af ean bo bought in the eity. vv ii. uovev. Dee 8 30 tf IN BANKRUPTCY. ~ 1 District Court of the United States. /'or Ikt Di'triet of South Carol inn. In tii* Matter or Aiiimilkcii M. Uilrkatii, baSRRCTT. ^ WARRANT in Bankruptcy haa been J. m. mnri nv *nn wouil H?aint>t the Ks lute of ABIMII.KCII M. Oil, HEATH. of tha County of Greenville. of the State of South Carolina, in raid District. adjudged a Bankrupt upon the petition of hi* creditors; and th? payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property, belonging to aaid Bankrupt, to him, or to hl? uae, and the transfer, of any property by him, are forbidden by law. A meeting of the Creditors .'aaid Bankrupt, to prove their debt*, r ,d eln?oe?? one or two Assignees of bia Estate, wtil he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hoklen at Yorkville, in said District, om tht hi day of Frbruary, A. 1>. 1870, at 12 o'clock, M-, at the Office of W. I, Clawaon, E?q., one of the Registers ia Bankruptcy of aaid Court, L E. JOHNSON, U. S. Marshal as Messenger. Jan 5 83 4 To Sbippors or Cotton* I PRESIDENTS OFFICE G. A 0. R. R ?'? | CnLUJtiHta.S. C., Dsesmhrr 18, I860. | ON and after tha 1st January, 1870, an additional charge of Jt/ty cents per bale, will be made to tha pra??nt rates on all eotton shipped over tha Greenville and Columbia Railroad, (irreapeetive of (balance.) that la bound with rope, inataad of iron hoop* and tie*. By order of the Board of Direatora. II P, HAMMKTT, i'reiidcnt. Jan 6 88 3 1 . i United Statea Internal Bevenne. A*m*Ta"T AM*?aoa'a Orrica 1 7rn Dmnon, 8i> I'mTRtCT, ft C., > * Greenville, S. C., Dee. 27th 1809. ) TI1IS ie to give notice that under recent ordera front the department,'that all that portion of Division Mo. t, 8d Collection Die* triet of South Carolina, embracing all of the County of pickena, ban been attached to the 7th Diviaion. I do heraby notify all partiea who hare ? failed to make their returoa for the yaar 1889, to do ao at once to the undereignad or aotytot thamaelves to tha fall papally of tha lav, HENRY C. IfACK, Awirtent Aaaetwor, 7th Dlv. 84 Dial. ft. 0. Dee 99 82 If l9~Kroweo Oouritr copy (wlca and forward bill to thia otfloa. pMt- Contract adoortitort dcoiriag tk'ingot ?lit pleat* giro notice kg Hon dog morning. ?s siif |r a ?xait.'i;a- f? L-r-n I ^ from Iho Pliorpbatoa of South Ctfolioa. and 1l best Mnouroi known, only Inferior to Peruvian hatea nre tbo remnina of extinct land and no* an? to the Agrlenlturlat. "We annex tho anatyaia of ma MantCAt. CollxOk or Sotrn Carolina. onally aelocted i 1? to expelled at a low rod boat, 111 SO . . . 6* 80 3 (50 Equivalent to 11 37 Soluble Pboaphata of Lime, Equivalent to 13 48 Inaolnble (bone.) 24 75 PboapbaU of Lime. Equivalent to 23 85 Sulpha to of Lime. . 80 S 50 II 00 o certify to tbo auporiority of the CAROLINA C. U. 8IIEPARD. Jn. o plantera and othera at $80 per ton of 2,000 lba is & Co., Factors, Charleston, s. c. It 4m The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia Equity?la Common Plena. JAMES N. TA YLOR, at ft A YL1S FARR et ml.? Bill to Fprtclo*a Mori. ffogr, <tc. T? ??^a # ? ^ - - ? * > vinu* 01 me Urocele I Urder made in JL> the above wae, I will sell, on Sal< ? day in ftirwrry tiw(, lh? TRACl'OF LAND d. scribed in the I'leedinaa; lo wit: All (hit Tract of Land on which the Defendant now reside*, on Reedy River, adjoining land* of CtiOiee, Hawthorne, Foster and olher?, and eainteining Futrr Hundred and Thirty Arret, fnore Or less, nils Tract contains some fine Bottom*. TERMS OF SALE?Six hundred dollar* cash, the balance on a credit tintil the 18th day of Fobrnary. A. D., 1870, the pureharer to cxocuto bond with good surety and a mortgage of the premises to secure the purchase money. Papers and stamps extra. W. A. McDANIKL, C. C. P. Clerk's Office, Dec. 8th, 1889. JIS?t BUSHINGS & BAILEY BOOK SELLERS AND STATIONERS, 262 Baltimore-st., Baltimore, Md. THE Largest and Best Assorted Stoek in tho City, of SCHOOL. LAW, DENTAL. MEDICAL, CLASSICAL and MISCKLLANF.OUS General Bank and Cotinting^ll^iise Stationery of all kind*. Blank Books made to order, in any style, of binding and ruling. Aug 26 14 ?m* W. K. KAS1.ET. fl. O. WELLS. c ' ; EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, * 8. C., "|3R ACTtfBft flhftjfPourts of tha Btata and or tho untUhTKtatee, nnd giro especial attention to cases in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 South Cnrollun Ruilrond Co. ' General Superintendent's Office, 1 September 15. !???. f TIM following Schedule for Passenger Trains wilt be observed from this date : Day Paotewyer Train. Leaving Columbia at 7 45 a m Arriving at Columbia at ...4 40 p m Sight Bxprtea Train. Leaving Columbia at 5 it p m Arriving at Columbia at.. w....?4 45 am The Camden Train Will oontinue to run the following schedule: Tri-11 eekly. (Mondays, Wednesdays and Salbrdays.) Arrive at Columbia 11 00 a at. Leave 1 45 p m Daily (Sunday Excepted.) Leave Camden 0 35 a m. Ar Kingsvllle 9 30 a m " KingevilleS 16pn>. Ar Camden 405 p iu II. T. PEA K E. General Superintendent. Charlotte* C olnmbia ft Aagnate E. E. General Freight and Ticket Office, 1 Columbia, S. C., l?#cembe 29, I860. J THE lollowln| Passenger Schedule will go iniO effect on and sdtef Sunday next, 2<Uh inetant: doing North. Leavo Augusta at 4 00 a m '< Colombia, at ... 9 40 a m " Winnsboro, at, ?Jl 40 a as " Choster, at 1 40 p m Arrive at Charlotte, W C 4 20 p nuiof cmw touiniimm witrt TMIdi r,f North Carolina Road for for aU paints North and EAat. Going Sot-lh. Letri Charlotte, N C, at .10 .SO a m " Chatter, at lltpa " WiMaboro, at 2 47 p ? " Colombia, at., & <17 p m Arrive at Aufacta, at ........ 0 50 p m Maklnf rloee connection* with Train*, of Central and Georgia Railroad* for Savannah, and all point* in Florida, Macon) Colombo*, Montgomery, Mobil*, New Orleans, Bel ma, Chattanooga, Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, Cincinnati, St. Loan, and all point* South and Went. ' ? Palaoe Bleeping Cart on all Bight Traiot. Through Tickets told, and Daggaga cheeked to all principal point*. ^TPa*eeogera by this route fjfcfe hare choice of thro* Mforont route*. C. ROUKN IG1IT, Superintendent. B. R. I>oniu7, General Freight and Tiekot Agent. 3.1 R IIS Elf Late Arrival NEW "GO 0 D S. <* ?j f ,.,?orr, ,.i Sfcy* ^Tcv t \X7E HAVE JUST RECEIVED IN V Addition to onr already well-aMortted ck, m hill MOottmrnt of juinxul mmu <3r O O 15 s. FOR mi?Ff AH? Mnrs C 1^ O T H CASSr#?SES, SATINETS, TWEEDS AXD KEXTUCfTt JEANS. L. i' .. -r.. , llKr c PEPPER, sriCK AND GINOBR. Til* beat article *1 SPANISH-FLOAT INDIGO, ! SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT, CASTINGS, AC. ELK MOUNTAIN, V. 0., CHEESE. li B-d Blankets. IjdiM'Cloiki and Shawls, Umbrellas, Hata. Boots and Sho**. In fact, any thlntj In the tray of FAMILY SUPPLIES. Glvotita call before, buying elsewhere. GAINES Sl BEARDEN. Dee IB 80 U JUST TO ia mm, CbYIDS & fflOYiBY Have just received and opexed another LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL lot of COLORED AND MOURNING ipffifloafrg, With and without the Side Stripe. also, A Pretty Assortment of BLACK; WHITE, BLUE, BROWN, ASKES ROSES MERINO, Of the Tory finest quality, and at UNUSUALLY V*? PLAID FtAtfNlELS. ALL-WOOL D? LA IKES, POPLINS AND DuBEIOES. They are Offering Great Bargains in Gent's and Ladies' SHAWLS, CLOAKS, SHOES, AND HATS. Their Stook of Clotba end Casaiancre* for Oentlemcn's Wear, cannot he surpassed In thie Market in quality, and ia offered very eheap for CASH. They keep all Style* and Qualitiea ol Gent's, Youth'* and Children's HjfiLTS. Always on hand a Full Stock of COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SPICE, MA CCA ROMI, SODA, PEPPER, GINGER, STARCO, CixACKERS, PICKLES, OYSTERS, SARDINES, CHEESE, AC., AC. Have just Opened another Assortment of those CHEAP ' W??JL IHI A IPS , MEN'S BOOTS, AND WOMEN'S SHOES. Their Stock of NOTIONS end Fancy Articles is Large and Well-Assorted. HARDWARE. ShorcN, Spades, Forks, Axes, stammers, Hand-Saws, Drawing Kinves, Files, Rasps, Awls, Nails, Smoothing-irons, Pocket Knives, Ac., Ac. Call and ha convinced that Bargains can be had at CLYDE & JHfOVEY'S, Pendleton Street, Near Depot. Dee S 29 tf of GREENVILLE. HAVING r?hirn*d home after an abaenee of several weeks, dtrrir.g which time I have vieited New York. PhHedelpbia, Baltimore and Charleston, 1 have PURCHASED U 6 0 B E After the Great Gold Eeeciioment, OK VERY FAVORABLE TERES, ALL OF WHICH I WILL DI8POSE or AT VERY REASONABLE, PRICES FOR MC3 flV mi It w?aM Uk? mora apaea than I h?re at my eommand to enumerate EVERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON HANDTHOMAS 8TEEN. Who) tea It and Ratal) Merchant Oat tO 2t tf "HUM. WAMMIN'3 n> aiLuacaT miiuiuur, ON Arai* 8treat, la Uta rear of Mr. Beet* , tta'e Store, aai neat to Dr. Daaa'a Of. Baa. The fekurlkr ha? raeeieed a new and beantlftil aaaortment o( Fall and Winter Millinery alao baantifal Bridal Bonnata. Dreaa Making In an ita braneket. Drtaaaa Cat and Boated at the ahortaat notice. J.S-3m. Hot 10 21 l( \ SiPBlii SI118ITHSFOB mTY HITS!; WILL TOP yA>E IT 1 THKaulwerfber havingmade ili? r?cw?rT 1 ?*rflBg>m?nta f??r returning the nul.lica -jufiufi uiuiuxs'u'&iiiuusuim, i* Offer, It Ki ltie nbnva loir price .to thoeej ' wlin wiali to tlitieftrlbe for ?ix nionlbe. It' will bo taeued wrekly, ocmnwnoing iu Jan? uery, JPTo. ol??rly primed on pood white t paper <*( the nine eiao uWlun llwwipn too. end re r or?t effort* w il) bi need to make 2 It worthy of a general ruppott. Grateful for Ibe patronage of previone ye4?evfe# respectfully aolictU the return of alWthe old euheeriber of tlie pa| or, and . hopee to receive, also, tiie addition of a lib* era I proportion of new namea. O.E ELFORP. Proprietor, Greenville, S. C., Dec. 1, 1809. Dae 1 28 tf FARMERS! Inrreae* Yvmr Crop and Improve YoHr Land*, bp *<i*g PHflCKKX CVANO, Imported bp ne direct from the Pkcrnix Inland*, ' Soutk Pacific Ocean. Wilcox, Cnlbba 6c Co.'s { MANIPULATED GUANO, ! Prepared at Saeannah, ffa., and Char/eeton, S. C., trkick kae prnerd in lite moil ike beet MASVRE IS USE. Guano, Salt and Plaster Compound, ALSO PREPARED AT SAVAXXAH AXD CHARLESTON For Sale for CasIi or on Time, by WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., IMPORTERS AMD DEALERS IX j mmm.: tf V..? r?ael*^ !-f at * p^f m vi nin ncr iniurinnunn, nnarPH SI nbo?e for clrculn., or subscribe to Southern Agriculture*^ published hy W. C. Macmorphy A Co.. ?l August* and SaTaonah, Gn., < I 25o. per annum. DAVID & STRADI.EY, Agents, Greensille, S. C. l' Deo 15 20 4m T. MARKWAITER'S i MAF.BtS 7TOREO, * ; Brond-sl., Augusta, tin. i MARBLE MONUMENTS, TP ? 33 ? S!? ? 33 3 S, ?. MARBLE MANTLES, AND FURNITURE, MARULEOF A LL KINDS * ON IIAND, OR FURNISHED TO ORDER. or All work for the Country carefully / boxed for shipment. Oct ? 20 It For Salo. or Rent. A TWO-STORY STOREHOUSE, nit 22X60, on Depot ride of the City, lljLon Pontlleton street, between Mosars. David k Stradley's and Messrs. Williams A nnmires.pertectly new, in number one ohlor, just painted and completed. The lower Hoor , is handsomMy fitted up with Counters, Shelve*, Drawers, Desk, Ac., suited for a general Dry ' Goods Business. The upper story is ftall < length of the l.uildihg, except a small bed j room in one end. The eeliar is large, dry, and ' plenty of light, ftiil length of the building, I suited for a heavy Grocery Business. The i building at present is unoccupied, but is new, and situated on one of the best business parts of the eity j will be leased for any number of years, or sold low for eash. Apply at once to L. n. CLINK, Or WHITMIRE A FERQU80N. Dec 8 29 tf STATE 07 80UTH CAROLINA. ] GREENVILLE COUNTY. t In the Co .rt of Probata. 1 PA TRICK PEA OR re STEPHEN CRN 'J'ER, si al?Petition for Partition of Real Eetate, ttc. IT appearing to my satisfaction that James Teact, one of the defendants in this ease, resides without ihe limiiaof this States: On motion ol To wars A Kast. Sol. Pro. Pet. It is ordered that he file his answer, pica or ' demurrer to said petition within forty days ' from the r>iil>licalion of this rule, or the pe- ! titi?n will be taken pro eonfeaeo against Mm. S. J. LOUTH IT, P. J. O. C. IW. lflth, 18??. 82?4 Look Out for the Thief STOLEN, frofn my stable, 13} miles seutb east of Greenville, on Inst Sunday uight, ' 17th inst., a young DAPPLE CI.AYBANK ' HORSK, wi'.h black mane and tail, with a star in the faea, one shoe on left Pore toot and right ' bind foot a little wbito, the mane being rather short where the collar works, about 3 years old and upwards, and paces some. I will giro a liberal reward for the delivery of the Horse and thief to me or lodged in any jail, and any information of said Horse will be thankfully received. JESSE C. KILGORR. Oct 20 22 tf i r I W. H. CAMMED, i< fi^pCAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST. ] CORN SHRnHB^otton Oins, Looks, Kerosene Oil Lump*, Sawing MhWmi end Parasols RCPAIRKD with promptMit. Charges roesonablo. Com Shelters, from ton to twelve dollars. F em also prepared to far- | oish Htenril Pietot, far marking slothing. JPir Blend?< At West Hold's oU shop, Jane 99 * If ' WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Periteopie Speotacl?a,&? WILL order an extra article A? /Wag for any person. Special attmJMtlon will he given to RBPAIR- i Ann Watchog of every des 1 rriplioo. Boit references given. , JAMKR ?. BLACK. June 30 tf oasoimLE, ?. o.-' DEALER IN mil id sum v&Tem BLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. .8 A 88 Carat Solid Nuptial Singe,' >ILVKR~ & SILVKU- PL ATKD |tr WORK of all d .script ions in lii# lin? don# promptly. Jd Oct tt ?* ly STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probete. JOnNWEStPrRI.D r.. cn ARI.K3 J. GARRISON ft at.? Petition for Sale of {leal Kmtate tor the Payment of JJfbtt, d'?. J IT appearing to my satisfaction that J. II. Richardson anJ bia wifo Sarah A. Richard con, defendant# in thia (aft), rcalde witbont the limita of thia State. On motion ef Uasley f Well#, Solicitors pro pet., it la ordered that they file their plea, answer or demnr, to raid petition in tbla office, within forty daya from the publication of thia notice ; or, on failure to i# ao, the petition will be taken pre conftte > igalnst them. 8. J. DOUTIIIT, P. J. O. C. December 1#, 1869. #1-4 State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. ELIZABETH WYNN ra. WILLIAM WYNN et al.?In the Court of Probate for Onen ville County.?Petition for Partition of Real Eetmte, civ. IT appearing to my satisfaction that the heira of ROBERT WYNtf, d-erased, whose names are unknown, drf-ndant* In this ease, reside without this State: It ia theref r# ordered that they do appear and object to the division or saie of the Real Ratal# of Jans Wynn, deceased,on or before the 8th day of January next, or their con tent to the same will be entered of record. a J. DOUTBIT. Probate Judge of Greenville County. November SO. 1669 28 5 The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Common Plea#?Equity Bide. THOMAS C. OUWKR, Administrator, ra. P. P. 8UDDUTH, at at.?Mil for Sale o) Real Eetote, to Pay Ifebte, ipe. UNDER the Decretal Order made in the above caao, the Creditor* of the Estate jf Mrs. MARTHA LOVELAND, are required to establish the rank and amount of thair slaltna againat s.tiJ Estate, before tbo Clerk, ritbln nine month* from tlif? date. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. Clerk's Oflee, September 28th, 1869. Sept 29 If 9m W.ii? _ MUUUO IS hereby given that wa will apjdy lo 8. J. DOUTHIT. Probata Judge of 3re?-n villa County, on the 1et day of February ml. (or a final discharge u Executors, of ilte Batata of DORCUS J. OR KEN, deeeaa =<> CHARLES T. HAMMOND, THOMAS 0. GLENN, E*ecutor?. January 1, 1870. *8-4 Notice [S hefeby given to all wlinm It may concern. that I will apply to 8. J. Douthil, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on he 26th day of February next, for a final Uncharge aa Rxeeutnr of the Estate of BALiAlS E JORDAN, decenaed. I1KNRY J GAINES, January 83, 1870. Executor. Jan 6-83 7 Notice 19 hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I Will apply toS. J. Douthit, I'robete Judge of Greenville County, for a final discharge ar Administrator of the E-tate of JUllN 1'. S1IOCKLEY, deceased. >w the id day of February. A I). 1870; there* Tore, all parties having ola ma ngntnet the Estate of aaid deceased, must present tliem ,o me or the Probate Judge on or before laid day, or be debared. WILLIAM T. RHOCKLP.T, January lat, 1870. Administrator. Jan 6 . 8* 4 Wntica [S hereby given to all whom It may concern, that I will apply to 8. 9. DoOthit, PrAbate fudge of Greenville County, ort (k* 29ik <f</y Tauuary nrjrt, for a Final liiecharjie aa Kxvcrfrixof the Katate of NATHANIEL CLARKE,Icccaaod. CATBERIXE W. CLARKE, Excoutrix. December 29th, 1869. 32-5 Notice 18 bereW given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Dnutblt, Prolate Judge of Greenville Connty, ah ike im lay of January next, for a Final Discharge i* Adininiatrator of the Batata of JOHN P. POOL, deeeaaed. JOHN P. POOL, Adminiatrator. December 28, 1809. 32-5 Notice. ALL peraona having demanda againat the Ketata of WM. G. VANCE, deeeaaed, ill pleaae preaent them to \V. 8. Cox, at ltrlton, by the 22d of DocemheL^r t? him on day >f aale, at the late reatddflHML G. Vanee, which ia on the 22d day.^^^Hfegtber. December 1, 1809. 50-3 NOTtoZv 13 heteby given to Mark Ketlejr, B. F; Kvlley, Maliaan A. 1!tint, and all other* whom it many eoneern, that I will apply to a 1 ra at * -r* - - r>. ?. i/oiimii, rronate Judge of Greenville L'ounty. tm the 18IA day of January nrxt, [or ft final dlaeliarge a* Administrator. wiih Will annexed, of tlie Reflate of JOHN KELLKY, deceased. 1 EVANS A KELLF.Y, Administrator with Will annexed. December Hth, I860. .SO-5 Notice 18 hereby given to all whom It mfiy eon* eern, that I will apply to 8, J Donthit, Probate Judge ol Greenvil'e County, for a final discharge aa Guardian of Mrs ELIZA McBKR, formerly Mlaa ELIZA WILLIAMS, im tkt 17 th day of Jannory nrxt. HAMLIN fcEATTlE, Dee. 17, 1869. Sl-4* Guardian. Notice. ALL persons Indebted to the late Dr. WILLIAM MICHEL, are nereby notified ihnt bta Miodnti have been placed in my hand for collection by his Exeentor. Tbe payment of tbe aame la renuetted at onoe. V. A. WALTRR, Agent. Deeemfltet 1, I860. 2V tt w Mm^i'-JpFui ' '"' ' * i'-v- y l;.^; . {. . jE3?L.~. .. . :; ^ka'' aS l^B^K ,/?J L-JHr 8 Pi BLR A CIIRD ?.. ! Brow* BfcfrtHD. Sbacf'""^"tAS^StgsrWt. BARGAIKS 5iA353S' JTS3J3 DRESS GOODS* WB btre marked down C*jr DRESS 8TOCR, eonahOhg of Fapliat, Plaid*, ChwlrtMD, SvIM Dubatacn, Alpacca. and Merit*. . FOStEU A llUNTKft. nTTTCTATP WOOLEN OOU0S. f10N8I6TINO OF BAHXET?, JKAKS. V N?tl?Bi, Boo Hklnii Union CuMimerei, Ac., at POSTSU A HUNTER. LAOtESM^QASt* FINK CLOTH jtKD BEAVER CLOAKS* AT LOW PRICKS, t FOSTER A HUNTER'S.. WE CANNOT BBU*DER80LD IN Mon'i Mid Boy'i Woo!, Far, Fait and Bruh hats. FOSTER 6l HUNTER. D?c I 28 -v * tf GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. THE undersigned have this day formed h copartnership tinder the name of lAMESJBAtXISTER A SO*, For the purpose of carrying on the i aSJ^ZS?T^05ri35^3 >f v: P A P E3 JPC James Itnnnistcr, T. J. Bannister. THE AT ills are now In excellent order, and wo are prepared to tnrn out n FIRST CLASS PAPER, Which wo will, warrant Jo giro satisfaction. A FULL SUPPLY OF PRINTING. COLORED, TARN & WRAPPING Can be fonnd at all times at onr Agents, Messrs. Datid <fc Stuadley's. September 1, 1809; 16-tf NEW MILLINERY. MBS. L. T. JENNINGS. _tmi_ RK8PECTFCLLY 12?. forms her frienda and the pubHf" generally, that the naa jo at reeclred and rBEAUITIFUL AND HANDSOME LOT OF FALL AND WINTER M 1 L L I I\ E R V , Wblcb sbc offers at prices loir and reasonable. Ladies before purchasing their HAtS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, &C., Wontd do well to give her call, at her old stand. Oct IS 21 <tm S'fOVUS, STOViT STOVES. A. TIIE STONEWALL COOKING n^lP^Tlie most durable one now hi use. Cell and examine it, and so* different sizes, from No. ? to No. 0. Mnnufaetarera of phfn and JAPAKWED TINWAVE. All kinds of Tin aod Sheet Iron work done oo tbo moot reasonable terms. A J. KOSS k CO., At the Westfteld Old Stand, Jul} 28 10 }f Lxtubllxht'd |H$?. fftWIHVPI! 1l m -a I liHimilil B. Bllli 5l (II. Aftn . 1,1 WMlSt ??OBDS> HOSIERY, GLOVES, Ac. ft*., Ac. u tOt W. Baltimore St., between Howard *ad liberty, Baltimore, Md. pot i 84 3m* Twm. p. price, r . ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHl.gne6ar 6A.,"tTTILL pTftcUe# iOi the Coimtle* nf T.ntjip I \\ kHi( Daooorm, ttllmar, Fenn In, Uni. n, ?Uo?t, WhiV* 11 all. ''WtmmTjQQNE AT THWOfflCf, &