University of South Carolina Libraries
w Com* dnTi In nil the peerlM^ivtHlb*! thy youth; Cons* in thy genii* g sise v V Of purity sad tfcudsrftsm?d truth.- <.AU*fpMyfhU* On my hot brow the shadow of thy hair; QVr my flush eheek I M, Lot* fraught, thy sweet br**th stent, ? Like kisses from thn p*rhuac4nd*u sir. . 1 Now nenr, now far, On thy proud hesd the went on moonllght, - - - - W smiles, Till esoh soft golden troos Glows is the war ?-*ross, As when tks IUMMI Mrt.oy^ e~?S23&-*lfc* Close, close unto my breust In one long dream of rout? Thy lose my life, end thine en eremite. Let us drift en, .. . i Waifs on the broadening stream of hoary' Time, Till maidenhood's sweet spring ] . flies on reluctant wiag, And smiles on thee the summer's golden prime. " And so, for sye, Through the Tar mists of years that ripen slow, Eror. my own to be, { - While o'er life's shifting ssa 1'? The distant home lights brighten as we go. i-|: .* A -Homicide. < rtFar down in the old French quarter of New Orleans is an old building, now deserted and hasten, ing' to decay. It is a relic of another age, and was built nearly a century ago. Once the seat of opulence, it has sheltered princes, and its history is legendary in romance. Somehow an evil name was awarded it, and since I knew it," said Mr. F , " it has been i nlioKifnil lit* fit a f C a! aii o n ?> yl rl a itiiiauiicu ir j vu c iV/iwuo auu \lKj~ praved. Ono night information was brought to Mr. I and myself that a murder had been committed there, and wo hastened to ascertain the facts and arrest, if it were possible; the criminal. Reaching the place wo ascended an old rickety stair way to a room in the back part of the building. A crowd, such as invariably gather to the sceno of a homicide, were already there, looking on with pallid, awestruck faces at thebodyof a man lying dead on the floor. It was a youthful face that shone pallid and white in t; e glare of the burninglamps?acalm, white face, and the broad brow disclosed a mind instinct with intelligence. His apparel, though neat, was coarse, and but for the soft slender hands and the costly jowel that glittered on his finger one might have deemed him a man in humble life. In his hand was a piece of a women's dress, and the lcnife that still remained in his breast was a costly knife, fit only for a woman's use. It had penetrated the heart, and the man had died without a struggle. -?> " Who had killed him ! " It was the question on every lip, and filled the daily papers afterward. " You may have read an account of it in au old copy of the Picayune. " No one was living in tho house at the time?for weeks before it Imrl Knnn rlnoarfnrl nnlv tkn nmrrK. bors said that, for weeks they had seen a light flash from the window. It was soon put out, and no sonud of footsteps wps heard?only on the night of the homicide a cry had boon heard?a scream as if from a woman?the patter of running feet, and then all was still. ' This was all* "We searched the building high and low, but nothing more could be ascertained. On the body of the dead man was found some papers, which showed him to be a foreigner?a Spaniard, indeed; and tho miniature of a woman, young and beautiful, and evincing in the haughty poise of the head? the jewels that flashed from her hair, tho air of nameless grace about her?a creature born to a heritage of wealth as well as beauty. It was a singular face however, and wonld rivet the eyes of all that looked upon it. The warm flash of her native clime seemed still to rest upon the rounded oheeks and chiseled lips, and the coronal of braided hair rested like a crown upon her head. The eyes were large and soft, and one eeemtwl to sue the Dicturo of Genevieve or Eyrsmand radiant in smiles, looking at him from the painted ivory. It was such a face as poets dream of or painters picture in theif visions of tb e beautiful. BuT there was a look of life about it which showed it the semblance of a Ufing creature. A little jeweled linger touched the crimsoned lips^ which seemed parted to speak in jest or laugh or smile. I could almost swear the cadence of that laugh was musical, as tho sunny smiles were beantiful. It wore a look of joy and brightness such as the rays of a sunbeam fling on the i petals of a dower or the bad of a rose when it sparkles in the dew. 1 "There was no name, no addrees ; the jewels and the picture were all we had to identify tlx man,or learn the causeof his death. But less >otent auxiliaries had fre: 5juentry fed t o t h e detection of defa* and the arrest of the Criminal/ Both Mr. I -any myself felt a strange interest in the case. abandoned other matters to Took up this. Night and day we stndiea it, and no ciue was left untolded, no trace disregarded, that _? ? luigu* uumnuuic w our buccwi. So the day sped on, from weeks tb to ipontfis?a year had nearly passed and gone; Business of importance called me to New York. One day, in company with some friends, I risked the insane asylnm. Imagine my surprise1-^ had almost said horror?when I tell yon that among the inmates I mot the original of the picture?a maniac. There could be no donbt of it? here in all the glory of her yonng womanhood, in all her beauty. The malady that had shattered reason had still left her the wondrous beauty that had first attracted my attention. Here was a cine. MI ascertained that she had been brought there months beforo by a man who represented himself as her father, and yet occasionally visited her, but for whom she expressed the utmost horror, and would always address him as a murderer. I asked to see her wardrobe, and among her clothing found ah old dress with a piece torn ont of it, similar to that found in the hands of the murdered man. X was now satisfied that I had found my man. I professed interest in Lis daughter. I learned his story?all?sa\*c a few months, on which ho never touched. One d?y I confronted hiin in a moment when be appeared to be afflicted with great mental depression. *1 accused him of the homicide, and told him he was my prisoner. I never saw a person so utterly frightened. He said he would confess all?he did. "The girl was in truth his daughter, but had fled with the young man whom she married against his will. They came to New Orleans, and hither he followed them. They had met in the old house by appointment; he had provided means to carry off the daughter by force. A struggle ensued, and , the man was killed. This was all. " I brought my prisoner bock to the city, but before the day of the trial he died. It is on? of tho sad memories that still lingers around my career. I often revert to it when thinking of the past, and sometimes wish I had never known the truth." On nan Dionity.?An up town store was a day or two since honor ed bv the appearance of an elegantly dressed 44 lady of color," who swam in with all the airs and graces of the most accomplished coquette, and desired to look at some goods. The lady in attendance laid the desired articles before her, with the remark : 41 Here, auntie, is something I can recommend." Sable rustled her silks indignantly, and inauired: 44 How did you redress me?" * I said, 'here, auntie, is some thing I can recommend.'" "Well, madam, " I'll deform you dat's not my name. My proper distillation is Miss . " Well, I'll mform you that I am accustomed to call colored people ' uncle' and 4 auntie.' It has always been a respectful appellation used by Southerners, and I expect to continue its use." * The silk robe rustled more an grily than ever, as the salde prin cess made her exit with the re mark: 44 Well, you'll never git none of my custom."'?Norfolk Day Book. A good story is told in Paris of a son ot M. Bixio. This eminent man was for a short lime incarcerated in the fortress of Yincennes after the coup d? etat. His wife, accompanied by one ot her sons, went to see him. They dined together in his chamber. The son was extremely sad and taciturn during the dinner, and at last attract**) his lather's attention. "Why, my dear boy, what is ths matUir frith yon I" " nothing, father," replied the lad of eleren. " Bonseuso ; I see something is the matter with you. Come, tell me what it is." ' The boy blubbered, " Why, pa, I am so disappointed. I made sure of seeing you in a dungeon, chained to the wall, and you ain't." "Bub, is yonr sister at home!" "Yes, bnt sbe won't see you tonight." Why?" "'Cause she said she was going to have one good mess of onions, if she never did get another beau." tI 1 I HI ni rrn Incorpor^^ 1859. CAPITAL, |3S0,000 I <1. F. BOZEHAN. Pm't. D. F. WILLCOX, Sec'y. eotinoea to furniah perfect itturity ngmintt to? or damayr by fir* on nil kind* of intumble properly at adequate rate*. Agents con bo found at every prominent point in th? Southern States, to whom applloations for insnrance may be made. Apply to WM. E. EARLE, AGENT. Oreeuville, S. 0., October 20, 1809. 22-4 mrmfSL HIGHEST PRICE GIVEN CAISH FOR 8EED, PACKED OR LOOSE . AT MY.GIN IN GREENVILLE, 8. a John Westfield? Oet 20.. 22 6 Pacific Guano Company's COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE Of LIME For Composting with Cotton Seed. rpiIIS ARTICLE IS MANUFACTURED I. at the Company s Work.*, under the direction and superintendence of Dr. Raroncl. It contains the same elements of fertility as ouLtuiiLic. rauni; uuaau, exoepi mat it is not famished with AMMONIA. It in prepared expressly for composting with cotton seed, which famishes the element of AMMONIA | the object being to render that aide product of the plantation available to the highest degree aa an element of furtUlity.? For further and particular information, apply to the undersigned. J. N. RORSON, Agent for South Carolina, 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston. JOIIN S. REESE, Jr., General Agent, Baltimore. 18?5in Oct 27 Uatabllahed 1N50 imirn im & co.. AND . in HOSIERY, GLOVES, 1 ' Ac., Ac., Ac. 208 W. Baltimore St., between Howard and Liberty, Baltimore, Md. Not 8 24 * Hm* .. NEW MILMNBKI. MRS. L. T. JENNINGS. RESPECTFULLY INe forms her friends and the public generally, that she iiBniBniffm l""* ju,t received and ^2SS3(U^f?^"Pene^ * beautiful. AND HANDSOME LOT OF FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY, Wbicb she offers at prieea low and reasonable. Ladies before purchasing their > HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, &0., Would do well to give her call, at her old 1 stand. t Oct 13 II ?m Look Out for the Thief . OTOLEN, from 017 stable, 13J mites south 1^ east of Greenville, on last Sunday night, lfth inst., a young DAPPLE CLAYBANK HOUSE, with black mane and tail, with a star ' in the face, one shoe on left foro toot and right hind foot a little white, the mane being rather short where the collar works, about S years old and upwards, and paces some. I will give a , liberal reward for the delivery of the Horse and thief to me or lodged in any jail, and any information of said Horse will be thaakfally reoeived. JKSF.E C. KILGORE. Oet 20 22 tf LAW NOTICE, AITD nAtillTRATE, UrtlVK UVMK HULLIYANB S1UKB, , (BIRiaaiHS^lLWW*, 0. <0. Feb 10 M tf WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHL0NE8A, GA WILL practice in the Conntie* of Lampkin. Daweon, Gilmer, Fennin, Union, Towne, White and Hell. Jen 10 08 (/ Notice. ALL pertiee indebted to the subscriber either by note or open aeeonnt for Work done prerione toJuly 8let, 1867, will plenee come forward and IfAKB PAYMENT, ae longer iadulgenoe eeoaot be givea. I All olaime unsettled by the first of De- i eember next will be plaoed in (he hand* of , an Attorney for immediate collection. la B. CLINIC, Not 8 84 8 ris11 si -rr-. ... it?rfr? Columbia AdvertigexneBts. COLUMBIA HOTEL," COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. f PUB Pr<?rm?r? take pleasure in annouuoI ing thiselcnanUy-lurnisbcd Establishment now open fbr the accommodation of guesta. The table will always be supplied with every dbltoaey of the season?both from the Mew York and Charleston markets, and no efforts will be spared to gire perfect satisfaction, In every rospect, to our patrons. FREE LUNCH in the refectory every day Horn 11 until 11|. WM. GORMAN, ) n. U. RADKNUOP, J rROPR,BTO,u* Sept 19 1? * | Nickerson HouseHotel, COLUMBIA, s. c. i^dr^V. THE undersigned having fleTyBhS* RENEWED hie lease npon the above Popular ITouse, will endeavor to make it one of the most agreeable Hotel* in the 8outh. A call la solicited. ft% Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. WM. A. WRIGIIT, Proprietor. Sept 8 15 tf NATIONAL HOTEL, PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNER. CLERK. RATES Of Board per Day >3 00 Supper. Breakfast and Lodging 2 00 Single Meals.. 1 00 Sen 1 13 marble" cutting, BOYNU & SPKOH L, COLUMBIA, a. c., ; CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK In all its branches, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. Sept 8 1A If MRS. C. E. REED, ) FA SniONA BLE mum 5?y, CORSETS,, BRIDAL VK1L8, DRESS MAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. . . Main Streo'., Opposite SUTPHEN'S, Columbia, S. C. Sep 1 ! ' ; > 15 8m ~ 1. SUIZBACIIEK, 8IGN OF THE MAMMOTH WATCIL\ MAIN STREET, /^t T TTt r *-tr a r-. ^ VjV71>U IV A 111 S\, O. U.t DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER oy . WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, ETC. AN ASSORTMENT of Genuine PEBBLE SPECTACLES always on hand. Repniring, in nil it* branched, personally attendee to, and the amplest satisfaction promised. Gregg's Building, Main Street, Co lumbia, 8. 0. Sep 1 12 8n> CUSHIN6S & BAILEY ? BOOK SELLERS AND STATIONERS, 202 Baltimore-el., Baltimore, lid. THE Largest and Best Assorted Stock in (be City, of BUHUULs I 'AW, UKNTAIi, MKDIU A l?, CLASSICAL mod MISCELLANEOUS General Bank and Countlng-Ilonae Station* ary of ail kinda. Blank Book* made to nrdar, in any style, of binding and rating. Aug 20 14 0m" E. P. JONES, ^.Wd2>iRS?ran7 AW BaAW, AND SOLICITOR IN KQUITT. WILL Pa Africa IN Alt COURTS OF THIS STAlfi A Lao, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office at Oraaarllla 0. H., . 0. July 7 7 ly" COTTON. THE Sobeertber "han Jtiaf received a naw PATENT OULLETT GIN and PRESS, and ia prepared to OIN and PACK COTTON at thia place, on the moat reaaonahla terma. Cotton will be delivered at the Dnpot, or any othar point In tka City, frea of b barge. JOHN WERTFIELD. Greenvllle, 9. C., Sept. 1st, 18C?. Sep I 10 tf 1111 > i;l* Charleston Advertisements. STAMUEL C. BLACK, ' j STOCK ANDBON0BROKEH, NO. 28 BROAD ST., CHARLESTON. PARTICULAR nUnntion ?Tv?n to pnreli?M and a?I? or SECURITIES on Coromimlon. Infortnatloo gtren chcarfullj. Rby E, T. BUIST, J C. BAILEY, THOS. 8TEKN. September SI, 180?. 19-11 STEAM BAKZRTr Attn canst manufactory: ?T J. 0. H. CLAU880H, 10 MARKET-ST. CHARU8T0N, 8. C. ALL KINDS OF CRACKERS, BI8COTT AND CAKES Manufactured daily or u>e beat 8outhern Floor, equal in quality to any other, at reaaonable price*. Also, he* at hi* astablishaont an oxtanatre CANDY FACTORY. Tbcee Candiee are eonatantly made to order, and at all tlmea Freah and Warranted pure and to etatid the climate. Order* will be promptly filled to satisfaction. Sept 29 19 12* NOBIS GOLDSMITH. ABOAHAN A. GOLD8MITH. MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, No*. 4, 0 and 8 VENDUE RANQE, OSARLSBTO:*, 8. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IRON METALS, RAGS, AND ALL KINDS OF PAPER 8T0CK. HIDES, WOOL. A Suitable Stock of Heavy and Light ?1L)SU AIsTC USINO For Tanners nsea Always on Hand, and will be Sold Low Tor mzz jtm. mm mm Sept 29 19 29 KINSMAN'S 379 KING STREET, OHAHIBQTOXT, 6. 0. OUR ASSORTED CANDY tf pnt op In Sift and ftO Pound Box**, suitable tor I Country Trad*. WARRANTED Perfcetly Pura and TSJSffAiDTsriJiiPjaiRAiFrsiii). Beinic free from Terra AH>e or Marblo Duat, and Manufactured solely from CRUSHED SUGAR. A Pif count ia made for all Orders of 600 pounds Send for Circular. Sept 2'J 19 17 T. h. SlIHOLtk C. T. DUXRAM. A. S. nnowx. T. M. BRISTOLL & GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, &c., NO. 145 MFETING-ST., CHARU STUN, S. C. Stock Replenished Weekly by Steamer. Late Dunham, Taft A Co., 146 Meoting-St., Opposite Hayne Street. Sept 29 19 12 PAVILION HOTEL, 31ISI A.I&ft.XSS'iPCD&r, 8. ?. BOARD, Per Day ........$3 00. P.. HAMILTON, Superintendent. .TIra. II. L BUTTERFIF.LD, Proprlotreaa. Ront 90 10 tf n. C. SToLt.. CHARLES WKBB. STOLL, WEBB & CO., WgQLSOALE />?! goods as? mdmwbii? jsl 9H0 LACE STORE. as S3? esasa!?, Three Doors below Wenlwortb, CIIARL EST ON , S. C. TERRS CASH, OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. Bept M 19 IX* D. r. sAM'L A. SILUX. JAMBS M. WTLS05. 0. F. FLEMING & CO., deaLERS boots; shoes, and trunks. No. 2 Hayne-St., cor. Chnroh, CHARLESTON. S. C. Bept 29 19 IS* HOf FOR THE FOR Palatka, Florida, ?'a Sevaanab, Ua. touching at Fern and toe, Jaektonville end all LunninjN on the Bt. Jobn'i River, Semi-Weekly Line. Tba elegant and Plrat?Imi Steamer DICTATOR. Capt. W. T. Meelty, will leave Charleston, 8. C., for above placet every Tueaday night at 8 o'doek. The elegant and Firat-Claaa 81earner CITY POINT. Capi. George E. McMillan, will keve Oberlaaton every Satarday night al 8 o'eWek for above plseea? Through tiekeU to bo bad at R. R. Ofleaa. No extra charge for Meela and Stateroom. For freight or paaaage, apply to J. D. AIKEN A Co., Ageata. Sooth Atlantio Wharf, Cbarlctton, 8. 6. Oet 20 22 Sot \ > * 8 SL o iri Charleston G Advertisements. imwiiMMiC I IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF eneeKBiiT, 1ST Meeting Street. WATCHlisTjEWlil.RY CO AMD SILVER WARE, < 255 KING STREET, T1 (Comer of Beaufain,) * CHARLESTON, 8. O. ,**> Sept 20 10 12 ft. B CTOIiDAKD. a nOKIUCUUL ^ , n n nnriAitn a v\ n da K. K, S1UIJDAKIJ & tU., w wholesale dealers in SOOtPS, 8K0B8, AND TR.UIST EL S A1 MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, ICS Iflirlinf Street, (NKARLV orroBIT* CnARlUTOM kutel,) CfflA&iaiMCiSS.C. E ' Sfpt 29 18 It k-? ? C<>n EDMONDS T. BROWN, % 7 and OF THE LATE FIRM OF f If. T>. FANNING & CO.. lDj WHOLESALE DEALER ci IN MENS AND BOYS' HATS, CAPS STRAW GOODS, AUO, 8 LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, ? charleston, 8. c. |3T Opposite Charleston llolel. Bept 29 - 19 28 C. N. AVERILL & SON, djiassf a at Ait. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Q1 *wd rl Dealer* in Corn, Oats and Flour, 68, CORNER KA*T RA Y AND NORTU ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. REFERENCES: SI T. P. ATOVALt, A CO.. Auguata. BLAIR, SMITH A CO., Atlanta. CLAOHORN, 11 LURING A CO., Atlanta. , Marshall a burge, < horizon. OKO. w. WILLIAMS A CO., Charleston. Sept 29 >>10 12 v THE POCKET CORK S HELLER. ' ^ BEING the owner* of the Patent-Right q? of the Slate of North Carolina, of thU popular farming implement, we oflVr County Right* and Sln-ller* at Great Bargains. C. N. AVERILL A SON. 68 East bay, Charleston. Sept 29 19 12 , Isifiiss. mm & ol 5 WllOi.CKAI.C AND OnvAiBfa i?a^u??aiR0 nas m haddlery, Saddlery Hardware, Carriage Ma f[| teriala, Leather, Ac. 169 Meeting St, Oppoeitt CkarUtton Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sapt 29 19 12 h. DisHcorr. c. wdlbchx. r. a. nana. qHENRY BISHCOFF & CO., CZst-Zd-C^ O EUFfc. O, AMD DEALERS IV WINES, ^ LIQUORS, SEOAKSy tj TOBACCO, dkC. T 197 EAST BAY. } CHARLESTON, 8. C. to Bop* 29 19 2# ?'J C. 0I.ACIU8. A. W11TIB. 1 CLACIU8 ft WITTE, NORTH EAST CORNEROF FIUSER'S WH4RF ON CUSTOM HOUSE SQUARE, OHABLEBTON, S. O. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J And Wh?l?nh DonUn in M GROCERIES, LIQUORS, AC., AO. 1 pi 29 It ? i ll !<11 i i ' harleston Advertisements. 7 it mulligan, nsfffe AND GENERAL XMISS1D1 MliCIHT Hccoh)h?odaiioo dAJ^^irf, CHARLESTON, ?. [AVING ample mean* for conducting my boaSnt-af, I am at all times pre' ed to make liberal advance* on Oot'o#/ uly 28 10 ij P. P. TOALEy Dn^.rai?.E8Scff?SffJ,?S0 (9*0 Mannfacturer of )0RS, SASHES, BLINDS, k\TX3aI1I?|&) I" AVINO the largest and moat completer I factory in the Southern 8tatc*. and ping always on hand a large and inoet iplele stock of DOORS, SASHES, INDS, S?sh Doora, 8tore Doora.Shmtera. uldinga, Ac., Ac , I am enabled toaeli low I at manufacturers'prlcea. I B ?Striot attention paid to (h pping tood order. uly 21 0 tf IARLE8T0N HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. H. JACKSON, Propr etor. A. BUTTERFIE LD, (Ftrmerly of the Pavilion Hotel.) W. 8 MILLER iept 29 19 If m mm hWtic bitters, ?mm* * THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA* an all nnuii or m 'OKACH AND LI7BR. rnr au msoommrm ?r in kCSDXOAXi TAOULTY. HEGEMAN Ac CO., MQMirra, xxw york. nmfactnred byC. F. PANKNIH CBBOST AMD AP0TEXCA17. OH ARLE8TOIV, B.C. iS|M EAXA Sai arvvrprl^fovrv# s* ?u 24 40 ly jam?sallaiv, J 307 KINO STREET, 3HAP.LBDT01T, 0. O.. DEALER IN A TCHES, CI OCKS, JE WEI.R Y, SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, 'ECTACLES, AC. Watcher rent to any part of tha country. LVKR HUNTINO WATCHES FROM FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND UPWARD. OENT8 >Id Hunting Watcher from $00 and Upward. LADIES dd Hunting Watcher from $50 and Upward. AMERICAN WATCHES OP ALL KINDS. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Sept 20 10 2$ AVID & STRADLEY, imm in commission MERCHANTS, AND DEALSAS IN ROCERIE8 <fe PROVISIONS, Pendleton-St, Hear Depot, REENVILLE, S. C. June S I tl tie State of 8outh Carolina. ORBRNVILLR COUNTY. Ib the Common PUu?Equity Bid#. IOMAB C. OoWBR, Administrator, ?e. T. r. 8UDDUTH, at at.? Dill for SaU of Real I'ttaU, ut Pag Debit, Ae. TNDKR tbo Decretal Order mod* In tbo J Above eeee, the Creditors of tbo Estate Mrs. MARTHA LOVRLAND, ere required establish the rsnk sad inoni of tLeio im* Against said Estate, before tbo Clerk, thin h(me month from thU data. W. A. MaDANIKL, 0. 0. P. F!l?rk'i Office, September 38th, 1849. <ept 39 19 ? > WATCHES, CLOCKS, twelry, Periicopio Spectacle*, Ac WTT.Ii errfer ma aktr* wlllii flf/IB for in; person. Rpwhl rt?wIt*"' JB Hon will ha gieaa to KhtiPElNO fine Waiebaa of ***** ?to "* ' ""TSiJT.iAcm. ? flM II *