University of South Carolina Libraries
QJ ** r\ *- ! oi Faaq ?> . 5 ! ? ns ? O^j J? OJ - ,,, =5 1 gj o ? I ^ I !^ m pg ^] ? | _ ^ S3 fe 5i >-4 < ""= di __?r i? j S w ? IKS ?? C>a u 1 HC "Ha pxq Hp L_4 < E. E3M |-< I E?i Q B?* h6 SS& c^a S* N?I . Hts j=^- Hg ; csswm 3g c :. r| r V- s ? < - Private* Boarding FOR ... SSTTtJBlEIITrS. .. AND OLE Ft K S . MRS. (? H. WKBB havlm* recently removed to the El ford House, will be prepared on the first, of January. 1870, to | accommodate Students deetrfrlg BOARD in a private family. She will devoir her time and attention to them during the session of College, and hones h> render them comfort- . able. She will also be able to furnish MEALS to Olerka engaged in the neighbor- { ing stores. For farther information, call at her resl dence at the head of Main Street. Nov 10 18 4 1 Bono Du$t^ -4 K TriNS rvw IT * *rr? a T ? ? ~? ~ rv? try/\ ljFt 1-yKJ >V . 10 DAVID <b STRADLEY. Etiwan Fertilizers BY the BAG or TON, at Factory prices, ' Expense* added. ' DAVID 4 STRADLEY. ? Carolina Fertilizers. oa tons to arrive at cost and &\j carriage. david a stradley. Pacific Guano, oa tons to arrive at cost and j6\j carriage. david 4 stradley. Wando fertilizer. 1 A TONS TO ARRIVE AT COST AND 1u carriage. david 4 stradley. Yarns and 8hirting Always on hand by bale, at factory prices. UAYID 4 STRADLEY. Nor 8 24 tf Durham Tobacoo. WE keop this justly esUbrated Brand of SMOKING TOBACCO, always on hand* david 4 stram.rv 1 9 Doze* CHEWING TOBACCO. For V 1m aale low for tbo CmIi, DAVID A bTBADLEV. Nor 8 !U tf_ Flour1 X A BARRELS TLX Aft. J.OU VIROINIA, MISSOURI, Rati a Family FLOUR, a auporlor artiela for sale low for th? eaih. DAVID A 8TRADLRY, Not 8 U it Chester Reporter, *#&&&&* -s JL C. MeLVRR, * J. A. 1BADLRY, Jr., ar cnESTER, ft. a TERMS?Ioyeriebly la Adraaoa... .$9.00. Nor 10 n M ' iJ* , ,/ t i 5I1JJI * ? cS S +3 g O ? ^ jj S3 ?3 JP w c3 3 S* | 1*1 = 2 ? ?1 ? M jg ft ? ? fl I Mil" a 1 _lT " ? _?* fj 3 Es-? _ ? -S ft *a *<3? ^ 3 ~ a "S ? ? illfl* ^ 3 U" 3 ?rii a?l ?3^ ? S 9 ?*<3 fe<s 1 6 3 I I ? ? s as ? B g b Cj ? ?S | iiSi-si ? ? S * ? "TJ .rt 5^ Srt S ^ ^ j' pjC , 2 a * ** ? ? S ? s ? a 4,8.41 ^> ., D C *a S j* ? m& c s c <2 ^ s C 3 5 ' ^ a tP '^ ? "d J .5 ^ R5 -w *? h M ? -a ? y .-a eS _ ^ ? a "Sun * 3 ? * 3-a | s 3 ? S? ? g, -? J ? ? ft Q> 3 *** "* ( "? ?_, ?; :1N*4" I StU'S^e 8 3 ?\2 g .? ?* a g ? * 8 >> ^.sp^ * ? tf_n P^TShH^; * ^ g ? ?* o ^ ? ? H a ? j g ? * B. WHERLE" QftSENWOILLE, S. O. DEALER IN GOLD m SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, 18 & 28 Carat Solid Huptial Bingt, SILVER & SILVER-rLATED JED^ UT WORK of all diaeriptions in file ine done promptly. Oc% Oct 97 ? ? ? _ 'y Notice IS her. by given to all whom It may concorn, that I will apply to 8. J. DoiUhit, I'rohat* Judge of Greenville Connty, on Ihe Ath day of December next, for a final die* sharp* aa Administrator of the Ketate of MARTHA LOVKLAND, deeea.ed. THOMAS C. GOWER. >ov. 4th, 1849. Ad'or. Nov 10 28 4 "T 2p S s> *- ? O ? . a> Hs 2sf ?e 0 S o ., o JqS" g ^ g BC 3 2 ? [5^5^ ss o KJ ^ w g nj g ^ g ft- Q5 3 g K" o ? B >- ^ m ^ 3 o A *?-< m M ' ?J Onnpowdar, Soda Gr&ekers# Adamantine Candles TT?OR hIi at 011ARLR8TON PRICKS, by J? the package, coal of of tranaportalion add ad: XSTC nf^V8TRAaLBT? Tmr Albemarle of Vtrgtnta and the Georgia Homo ate U,?atbera Ooatpaaiea, and the Now York Hone ie on* of the beat Northern Conpentee. Wn. B. tarle, Agent amm i iTr~r^r ri 1 tin' ' i '?"rlcanOnMi ?em m i Subscribe for tho Emttokmb, |2 in advanoe. V i I 1 . 'I' m?sm CLYDE &~HOVEY, PENDLETON STREET, NEAR GREENVILLE DEPOT. WE BEG leave to announce, that, having recently formed a Copartnership under the above name and ?tvli> ?* ? ?? ?? "? ?.v u<? iww urepared, with a LARGE AND VARIED STOCK, to meet the wants of our friends and the public generally. Onr Stock consists in part of FANCY AN0 STAPLE DRY GOODS, Ready-madeClothing HATS. 1 Shoes, Groceries, CROEIERY, HAB1V&BB. CUTLERY, dbo. cfco. | And will bo Found Fresh and Complete at all Timos. We will take in Exchange for Goods?Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Flonr, Oats, Peas, Rye, Rags, &c., and will pay highest Market i Prices for the same. We intend to be open and fail I in our dealings with all men, and all that we ask is a FAIR TRIAL If parties desire it, wc are pre pared to 8H1P THEIR COTTON and will endeavor to obtain th< highest market prices for same. By close application, and by the strictest integrity and uprightness in all our transactions, we nope tc commend ourselves to the favora ble consideration ot the Trading Public. Wo invito one and all tc call and oxamine our Goods and Prices beforo purchasing elsewhere. Remember that tot are located in the Ncio Building on the Corner next to Mesrre. Da n.!rJ JL y i/KX. u; toLTOauy. t 8k~1 CLYDE & HOVEY. a. a cltdc. w. n hovetGreenville, S. C., October, I860. Oct 20 22 tf ; ? . ' ' NOTICE "|*S horeby given to all whom it may concern, I that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 18th day of December next, for a Final Discharge ae Administrator of the Katatee of B. W. TIIOMASON, deceased, and E. T. THOMASON, doeeascd. THOMAS M. THACK8T0N, " Administrator. Nov 10 15 4 Notice rie hereby given to all whom it may concern, that we will apply to 8 J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville Coun ty, for a Final Discharge a* Administrators of the EaUta of FRANCIS BURTY. deecaa ed, on lha 9th day of December next MARY J. GIBBONS, I ... H. D. GIBBONS, ) A<,mr*Nor 10^. ? . 26 4 State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Ale Court of Probata. JOHNBUTLBR and LUCY E.BUTLKR, r?. JAMES M. BENSON, et al? Petition for a Final Settlement, <tc. XT appearing to my satisfaction that Willis 1 K. Bensou, Mary F. Benson, James F. Benson, and Willis H. Benton, defendants in this cose, reside without the limits of this State: It is ordered, that they do appear in person, or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holdon'at Greenville Court House, en tke 21.C day of December next, to show cnirne if any they can, why a final settlement of tho Estate of WILLIS BENSON, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given thereon, or thoir consent, in failing to attend, will be entered of rcoord. S. J. DOUTHIT, Nor. 8th, 1889. Probate Judge. Nor 10 ? 15 0 THE STATE Of SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE CODNTY. In Equity?1b Common Pleas. JAMES N. TAYLOR, A.eignee, v.. BAYLIS TAR ft et at.?Bill to Fortclote Mortgage, Ac. BY virtuo of tho Decretal Order mode in the aboro ease, I will sell, on Sale*-day in December next, the TRACT OF LAND described in the Pleadings; to wit: All that Tract of Land on which the Defendant now resides, on RoSdy River, adjoining lands of Choice, Hawthorne, Poster and others, and containing Tour Hundred and Thirty Acres, more or less. This Treat contains some fine Bottoms. TERMS OF 8ALE?Mt hundred dollars cash, the haUnoe on a credit until tho 18th day of February, A. D. 1870, the purchaser to execute bond with good surety and a mortgage of tho premises to secure the purchase money. Papers and stamps extra. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. Clerk's Office, Nov. 8th, 1869. 96-4 THE STATE OT SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Equity?In Common Pleas. THOMAS 0. OOWER, Administrator, ci. P. V. 8UUDUTH et at.?Hit/ for Sale of Real Estate, to Pay Debts, Ac. BY virtne of tho Deerotel Order made In the above case. I will sell, on Sulee-dau in JJ*e*mb*r ?mi, at QreeuTllle Court House, to the highest bidder, the HOUSE AND LOT described (a ?ho Pleading*. The Ilouee Mid Lot are situated on Main Stroot in the City of Greenrllle, contains Dwaiting House, Store Rooms, and the necessary Out buildings?with One Aero of Land, TERMS?Costa to be paid in cash, tho balance oW a c rod it of one and two years, with bond and two approved sureties and a mortgage of tho premises, with interest from day ef sale. PArnbaeer to pay for stamps and papers W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. Clerk's OSes, Wot. 8tb, 188t?. 25 i B1 ?t 8 B ' fYV. 757S& ?$ Offer to the 1 F ALL AR With a large and ing Exclusively for C LENCE of aUAL.1 We are constantl} Goods, embracing all Dress Goods. Particular attentic tion of Prices and E A full line of Entii Merinoes, Empress i We call the Espe< $tock of Domestic < land American Mant In our other Depj ' FLANNELS, BLANK ) 03* Wholesale Bu FtiO DRY Coif JYOW Jll A TOLL 188? I WELL SELECTED IN NEW YORK, DAL Till! LARGEST AND B mi saw: CONSIST Dry Goods, Notions* Fancy Clothing, Boots, Slioc XX A SUGAR, COFFEE, T CROCKERY, BAGGING, LEAD, SHOT, JND1GO, MADDER, \\fITH A GENERAL YARIET i t miorm my friends, will bo SO Corn and Produce Generally. Giv solves, at tlio NEW BUNCOMBE Oet I T H E LADIES' STORE. WE HAVE REOEIVKD, AND HAVE ready for examination, tba AMD MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCK That it has aver been our pleasure to exhibit?it is so extenaive and varied that it is almost impossible to enumerate. We therefore invite our friends, and all in want of GOOD AND CHEAP BDW ?MUM, To call and give our STOCK an examination. We would eall the attention of our customer*, iaa mends generally, to lit* fact, that wi have LARGELY INCREASED OUR STOCK OF STAPLE DXVT OOODB This Fall, end feel confident that we are able to offer far superior inducement* in* that line than at any time aince the surrender. We ure offering to pnrehaeers in ANY STPY&I8, ttWAJUHPY m PRICK INDUCEMENTS, # As our H<4Ms? U exclusively a DP-7 G-00D8 OONOaiUTe FULL LINK ? & 3 ? ? Q Q Q ?) G, Constating io part of: Allwoel DeLane, l'laids, Canslet Clethe, Pontine, Alpaeoa Poplins, Merinos, Ac., Ao, Ac. W. H. IIOVKY. Nov ? H tf " 1 iiui ,i i i ? ff s n P K 1 w ROJ1D STREE ?rade and the Public 11 WIM1 =?- V-F-TF- ^ ^ VW VSP \ f JW * '*" *^0 ?'ll?^ varied experience in 'ash, from first hands, TY and LOWNES r making large additi L the LATEST ST ?n is invited to the Di 'abrics. rely New Black and Cloths, New Poplins, cial Attention of Pur Goods in the market, ifactured Woolen kn< irtnlents will be foun< BT8, SMTFB8, CBOj WHITE GOODS yers are respectfully i again PDnrnnirc IMUbflMJM, !j A Ji IRIYIJYG, TIMOUE AND CHARLESTON MARKETS. 1ST SELECTED STOCK m 8s?>M, ING OF Articles, Gents' and Ladies' >DS, 8, Gents' and Ladies' i \y? ? p gj 4 EAS, HARDWARE, TIES, ROPE, POWDER, BLUE STONE, SPICE, CANDLES, Y. STOCK, WniCII I BEG TO LD LOW for Greenbacks, Cotton, e me a call and examine tor youraTP.EST DT0P.3. T. w. r?Avr? ... ak. V JLK_r* 2tP it OF IF A 8 GO B ? BO 1 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OP FBEICH AID EMM CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, i With a Complete Assortment of GESTLEMII'S FIB1ISH1IK GOODS. REAVERS for Gentlemen and Ladies Over Costs and Cloaks. All of wliioh we wilt MAKE UP in the best a*d latest styles for cash. WEED'S 8EWINO MACHINE Still kept for sale and warranted. FURTHER NOTICE. We, oeg wom wnom we have been kind enoogh to eredU. to return tbe favor by coming forward at once and settling their Aceounta; * can't afford to run around and hog for aliat wo have earned, | nor give longer indulgence: old thing* | have parsed away and All thinga have be I come new. PICKLE & POOPE. I Greenville, 8. C., October 27. 23-4 CLYDE & HOVEY HAVE JUST OPENED a rood eeleeiinn of LOW-PRICED LADIES'CLOAKS, ALSO t A Ann uaanrtmnnt of Children'*, Youth'* bind Mt-n'a HATS, from Fifty Cent* up. Nov 8 24 C9SSBSKSKSSS! > t i J-~*U ZEORGlJl, , ,vs. P~ ? .> nducements in R ' i* .' A . ?*>(* > #ft> - ?. >? .:* r- ? nnnnv AFTER THE GREAT GOLD azBaaBBaaaara, ON VERY FAVORABLE TERMS, ALL OF WHICH I WILL DISPOSE or AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES FOR I mzz vm. si JE3C It would take more space than I have at my commnud to enumerate EVERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON HAND CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. I would call special attention to umti AND SUGARS, Which T will sell as cheap for CASH, as they can be ordered from Columbia 01 Charleston. mnrvir * r% ? x 11UIUA3 55 i'EKN. Wholesale and Retail Merchant. Oct 20 22 '' tf W. T. ASHinOKE, NEAR TIIE DEPOT, GREENVILLE, 8. O.. HAS JUST rotnrned from Charleston with a coroplata Stock of 2D IB Y HOfl GROCERIES, NOTIONS, J HARD WARB, CROGKBRT, GLASSWARE WOOOWARE 8tC. Kis Stock of the leading articles ho calls esI pecial attention to. Ills price* are And he asks a caII from his friends. Oct 27 23 6 Notice. rI^H*RKwlll be a County Meeting ot the A citireoa of tlit* County, hetd to the Court Uouae, on Salculay t* Decern f?r the pnrpoae of ratifying the aerfoft wtbo Board of County Commlaeionera, lntegord to the anbaoriplion of Two Hundred; MRi nnd Dollara to the Air line Railroad, By order of the Board, *' A IKAA03, Ufefll*Nov 8 24 Vfc; Notice 1"S hereby given to all whom it may oon> L oern, that I will apply to S. J. Donthit, Probate J?d?e of Greenville County, on Ike 111 dmy of December next, tor a final die charge aa Kxeeutor of the Eatale of JAMK8 HUDSON, decerned KDWARD P. HUDSON. Nov. tat, 1869. Kaacntor. rt' Nov 3 24 4* Tn* Alhermarla, the Georgia Home and the New York Home are perfeetiy re>pooeiMe, mmro at reasonable rat??, adjust fairly and pay piemptty. Wm. R. Rarte, Agent. 1 ^ ^ ^ JI r, rfVGVSTJi, I ! Generally Extra I ER iif the Foreign and Don we guarantee our < <S of Price. No Pai ons to our various D ILKA' and NOVfil ess Goods Departmc Colored Silks, Han Slc. chasers to the I^arge , comprising every d own. 3 full and complete li IKS, HOSIERY. OOKI ; AND NOTIONS. requested to inspect < JAS. A. TO OF.. GREENVILLE. HAVING returned home after an absence of several weeks, during which lime I have visited New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Charleston, I have h PURCHASED 4 *>' ' '-u - -> -??. < : aestic Markets, BuyGroods for EXCEIi ties will undersell us. epartmenis of Fresh jTIES of Imported int, and an examinaidsome Silk Poplins, Ik i st and Best Assorted lescription of Cotton nes h: .1 m%, HOOP8KLIET8, . ... J.t,, , y . >ur Stock. nn A T7- n an/-X UJVA X <Ss UU. T. MARKWALTER'S marblb -wonse, Broad-it., Anfuita, Gin. MARBLE MONUMENTS, 12 ?>&&& S S <S> 33 3 Q, 0. MARBLE VANTLtS, AND FURNITURE, MARBLB OP ALL KINDS ON HAND, OR FURNISHED TO ORDER. or All work for the Country csr.fully boxed for shipment. Oct ? 10 ly CHOICE! FAMILY GROCERIES\ ^1 ^ LARGE OPENING AT . JAMES G. BAILIE & BRO'S, AUG-TJOTA, GrA. 0?t A 90 . 13 CARPETS, RUGS, eas&ass, OIL CLOTHS\ WALL IrArER AND BORDERS. J LARGE NEW *TOOX OPENING James ?. Bailie ft Bros. NEW GOODS raouuraft m&Kr vwsol AUGUSTA, OA. Oot 6 S? J : It E. G. ROGERS, UH IXKALKR IN [FtBEOaraiBB OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 143 and 145 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. BURBA US WAS1?STANT>?, 80 FAS, TBTB-A-TKTES, CHAIRS, ROCKING ; CHAIRS, WJIAT HOTS., COTTAOK 8BT8 WITH AND WITHOUT JttlAIRTmrJl 1P1DJPB,, <Vt ? M l>