University of South Carolina Libraries
?===== flfr'ljj <Sjie Inutjjern dFnffqidst "ghkenvil.1^8. ci. "wEDNESD AY, NOVEMBER lt| 1869. The South Carolina Legislature. The regular session of this body commences next Monday. BeltCtona Notice?Thanksgiving Day. We are requested to state thatPthare will be religiose services in the "tVeibyteriin Church in this place on to morrow, (Thurs dav.l 18th instant,commencing at 11 o'ulock, A. M. 4 - j Honors to Mr. Peabody. The British Government have ordered a National Ship ot War to transport the remains ofjGEonoa PsaBonr to America- lie will bo DlineUy WW Bup|/ww, cav ?/?urvio; *-StO?VfB?,aAUsetts, his native place. Mr. OtADSTOSB, the Prime Minister of Eng. land, in a public address since the death of Mr. Pkabo&y/ paid the highest compliments to bis chsraoter. Ono remark is worthy remembrance: "Mr. Pbabodv," ho said, "was one of the vory few men tho world has seen, who was maitc of his largo fortuno, and not i'a ?lave." Thp allusion, of course, was to tho noblo manner in which Mr. Prabodt, in his life time, used his money for tho honed of his raco. Tho Qnecn of England had, by autograph letter, invited Mr. Pkabody to visit her at the Windsor Castle, and to spend a day there* His sickness and death alono prevented him from receiving in parser*. thie and other manifestations, doubtless, of the respect and honor in which he was held by tho great, and by men of every degree On both sides of tho Allan tio. Court at Walhalla. The Court of Sessions was held by Judgo Or? at Walhalla last week, occupying the time till Thursday. The moot serious oa?e tried was one sgainat a negro women for arson. The prosecution was ably conducted by Solicitor Trihit, and the aocused was successfully defended by J. R, Scott, Esq.,of Greenville, whose argument on the occasion is*highly spoken of. The evidence was circumstantial, and the Judge made a favorable charge to the jury, who acquitted. The most iulcresifng cases on the docket were appeals from a Magistrate's Court, on the liability ot citizens 01 wainniia to levy litp sums which they subscribed to secure tlio location of the Court House at that place. The Judge decided the law points against them, and the verdicts were render ed accordingly. J. P. Rsro, Esq., of An dcrcOC, and General McGoWan, of Abbe villei prosecuted theoloims; Measre. Wurr" ncr A Noito: , Ef qui tee, of Wallialla, for defence. The civil businee?, Issue and Equity Dook. et, will occupy the Court till the middle of this week, In all | robnbility, ae we were informed w hen we left the Court on Friday evening. County Agricultural 5*air.?Ofle to be at 'Anderson. "We are pleased to observe that our Anderson fiiends are determined to have n County Fair fit the Court Ilonse, and thnt grent. interest is tnken in it. The Fair will I e held on Thursday and Friday, 25th nnd 26th November. We were assured on our late visit to Anderson, that they would like to have vUitois from other Counties. We shall endeavor to make one, and trust that next year we may extend an invitation to our neighbors to a gioat Fair at Greenville. Our County ought not to fall behind Abbeville and Anderson in right progress. Tlia Fair lately held at Abbeville was a wonderful success, ns we learn not only from the Pre** bnt froin maity persons who visited it. Itis thought to have had a good influence, sociullv nnd noliticnllv. as well n? in the special object of promoting ngricultuial interest* and mechanical improvement, etc< ' >?;.*> The Fojr In Columbia. Our Junior gives n pretty full notice, in I is correspondence of the fair in Columbia. Ilia stntrmcnta are more than confirmed by the I'hmnU anil the correspondents of the Charleston papers ft was a grwit success, and promis.B greater next year. In the meantime, it, will have the effect of stimulating agiicoltoral an<l mechanical and manufacturing entei prise all over the Stale. Storm of Wind, Hail and Ilain. Last evening, between 8 and 9 o'clock, n pretty severe.atnrin of wind, accompanied with a heavy fall of rain and considerable hail, visiteJ this neighborhood. We hove heard of no damage but the blowing down of a tree here and there, and the prostration of portions of old fences. To day ia bright, clear, cold and windy. The Watt Plough Takes the Premium. We congratulate Mr. Junius Smith on the success of bis famous Watt Plough in taking the premium at the Columbia State Fair, over about tSsenty others that wera tested. It will be the mesne of largely extending hla sales of this very valuable plough. Iu r^finthtlnn una Knvavcv faxlls* astsUlleW.J r ? - v , v. , '""j cKvniinpiiru already among those who have tried it. A Greenville Manufacturer Takes. Two Premiums at the State Fair. Col. 0. W. Mor.SE, having brought his manufacture of Slone Ware to great perfection and stiliprogressing, sent a quantity to the Fair Ground in Columbia, and received a premium for the beat qnality, also a premium for the latgeM assortment. We are pleaced to know that skill and perseverance has succeeded In produoing so good aa artlola * v ? ? ' 'The Morning Star Cooking Stove." Among other things, Mr. Juuua Syrrn advertised, is the Morning8lar Cooking Stovo The Junior Kditor of the Enterprise has need one of th? se stoves for some lime, nod cab recommend It as very superior ami no mistake. Shooting Affray In Laurena. We are informed that at a eale in Lauren* County, one mile front the Greenville line on Kn/iay Uthiipat., a difheulty look place' instant death of the letter. Owittoa wee a gentlemen oM^igblv respectable family?h? lsdVes a Wife idea seven children. Tht imtrtfcrdr w?t arrested ami lodged in Lan reus jail. f fi , T Editorial Coftespo^dnMe- W p The lastjErec ljey*, have been gale 4*?*] * rto is'siow^hrong^awlth the talent aiS I beaaty of the Palmetto State* The Stale Agricultural Pair has brought at least fire 1 thousand people together hers. The botela J are crowded to ovei flowing, every room i and parlor ia occupied with mattresses and I I pallets ; after trying all around, it ha| been 1 I with difficulty that yriHiafe been able |o * find a sleeping place in the fourth story of t the Niehereon Moose thanks to Mr. Wright 1 and Mr. Carr. All of the citizens who could, f have done their best, to eutcrtain those vie t iting the Fair. The merchants and business 1 men are delighted with the results of the * past three daye?as their money drawers have brvn substantially inflated. The f ..r -i.i.. tt j.j -u * . i .un.ii >wu oiuc w Kl IK cruwucu Bit UIW J time. The true representatives of onr State 1 have once mope assembled. Every bod j is < pleased. Judging from what we hnve a?eo i to-day, we can b?a*t of ae fine looking men \ and ae pretty women aa any people In the . world. . ' ' We went iqtti the Fair Grounds about 9 * o'clock, A. M., <Fri.lay. The etreeta and < sidewalks were filled with vehicles and pe- i deatriane. Tne Orrtunde are situated in the not lit western part of tlie city, about one < mile from the Columbia Hotel, and occupy near the space Of twenty acres. Thj build Ingn are large and capacious. The ticket oftiee la situated oloee to the gets where you ; enter. Ae you outer the building, your, eyes are opened to tiie scene truly charm. and, as the fowls iu their cages are as 1 signed a piece there, your ears are greeted with the quacking of ducka, crowiug of roosters and gabbling of geese. It would I take at least five columns to enumerate ev- < erything properly. All departments of i I Industry were represented. Stoneware, I hones, mules, chtmio ds, oils, minerals, mnn I ufneturee, stationery, cloths, painting, pho- i togrnphy, wax and 4hell work, such household arlicits as preserved fruit, jelly, bre?d, ] pickles, Ac.?'farming implements, crochet * and embroidery, nrtd needle work in ae j finely worked quilts, scarfs, infanta' under clothes, mats, Ac; wines and beer, ma chinery, bee gums and honey, field crops, j manufactures in wood and iron, sheep and swine, poultry, entile, a?d a number of miscellaneous articles, such aa stuffed birds, i movable fcoc6, pet doves, fly brush, potato Starch ?"d toys. All of these things In I great vaiiety were iu beautiful end grand I army. In the centre cf the building was I erected a fountain, which was constantly I playing, and in the aquarium were an alii* | gator, a number of the finny tribe: ceese I nnd dock were alio placing on its waters. < This latter wns of much Interest. We saw I some corn, raised In the Pee Dee country. I Marion County, which was a part of s|n? ' hundred bushel*, gathered from thirty acres of land. We also examined a loom which ' would weave good cloth by the tuning of ! a crank, similar to that of a grmd-atone. A gentleman exhibited to us bis bae gum, which was so constructed as to keeQoutthe moth. Some manufactured honey, which is hard to distinguish from that made by bees, was also on exhibition. Besides this, nu tnerons other matters of interest gained one's attention. Greenville was not well represented in the i Fair; however. e<<uio of her citizens bad I articles for exhibition. I)r. W. 1'. Pnsamore * and James Wilhelm occupied n portion of a i table, with specimens of their Greenville- I made Sugar and Syrups. The enterprise of these geutlemen is acknowledged to be a < success. Col. G. W. Morse was here with specimens of his Stone-wsre Mi. H. M. i Peiry was here, and intended to exhibit one of his fine msree, but was disappointed by some change of nrrMgemcnta. lfe wsa eonfideut of taking a premium, as he did at Abbeville. Mr Julius C. Smith exhibited a Watt Plough. Mrs. Choice sent for exhibi bition specimens of wild grape and blackberry \t ines. It is to be hoped that in fu tore Greenville will take more interest in County and Stale fair". Mr. T. C. Qower, Mr. James P. Monro, and Mr. Julttt: C. Smith were present during the Fair, atd each fcrvrd on committees, also Col. EL S. Irvine and William UuUa, E>q. T1 e Fair is regarded as vety good,indeed, I and as a preliminary one, exceeds the expeclutions of all. A gentleman raised in Kentucky, and who is familiar wiih the superior system in that State, told us he thought it did remarkably well. The people of the State are on the right track, and if they will persevere, it will be but a few years before South Carolina will occupy a high financial position before the country, and consequently a political one of more importance. In coming down on the (rain, we had the , pleaetno ol riding with James A. lloyt, E;q , of the Anderson Jutelligertcer, also Mr. | r. S. Rulledge, who foimerly lived in , Greenville, accompanied by lria young and ' beautiful daughter. J, C. B. A Tribute to the Memory of Mr. j George Peabody. AT a meeting of tho Commissioners of the Peabody Schools, in Greenville, hold Novcuo- , her 12th, )8<J9, tho following Preamblo and Ilesolntioot were unanimously sdoptcd : The Boord of Commiasionerv of the " Peabody Schools" of the City of UreenviUe, 8. C., being apprised of the death of their benefactor?Mr. OEOKGK PEABODY?desire to express their sons* of sosrow at the loss of so ' good and great a man. Greenville owes to his mnniflceuoe the inception arid organization of ' her' Publie Schools, in which free tuition Is given to moro than 300 of her children?of whom over one-fAirrf could not obtain the adit antages of instruction?but for this nobis oliarity. In grateful appreciation of his bcniflcent kindness to onr fellow-eitirons of the Sontb, and especially to tho poor of this City, it is hereby Hetoloed, That this Board acknowledges with gratitude its obligations to tho late Mr. r.? - Ilk 1 J - ? ? ' - - .v?wvt*r <vi n nutmi aoirmiun in ftiu Ol in? rtind raised by our citisene for tb? public Instruction of our children. Jlttolved, That the death of Mr. Peabody gives our community oocnsiou to deolare, through this Board, its high sense of the noble chamcter which ho boro, and its earnest gratitude (or his genorous and noble Lonefaotions to our impoverished and oppressed people. Rnolted, That these resolutions be spread upon our Journal, and published in the Greenville Enterprise, Charleston Courier and Hew York Herald. Retailed, That the Chairman furnish a copy of the .same to the Ref. Dr. B. Bears, toe Agent of the late Mr. Peabody in the South, with the expression of oar sympathy with his rolatives in the loss of their kinsman, whose noble lifo was alike an honor and a blessing to U who bear hie name. ELLISON CAPERS, Chairman. H. Bkattik, Secretary and Treasurer. ; Nor 17 26 I Tux Hmai.i InnvrrniM. ? There are always a great eonvee of wealth to nations when assiduously follow ad, and hare boon I one of the great eaueee of the material sue I cars of the Worth erg tf. W. In this eotineeII tion, we would esll dUeittlon to the edver i I tlsrtnoet of Mr. T, MsCredy, of Charleston, ) B. G? who has charge of extensive oyster > beds planted and owned exclusively by eap. delists of that eity. Kvsry such enterprise deserves tks support of the Southern people. Sutv.vora' Awoolation. T PURSUANT to call, a tueMiog or 0>? afci- 1 :eni of Qf^envi ? *m held in the (WartJ 1 on se.on Friday a 'lag, JfoV. llth, for tKgS jurposo of forming ? Survivors A nmU>Mli ' rhe meeting was organized by calling Qen. Silicon Capers to the Chair, and requesting I. T. Williams to net as Secretary. On ink ng hia seat, tbs Chairman, in a briel and appropriate manner, explained lite object of ae pieetipg, On motion, the Chairman*was lOtboriaed^to Appoint five dflepUca Jto atend the State Survivors' Association, to bo tsld ia Charleston on the IH> instant* Ae unuwnig gentlemen were appointee: Uepain William E Rarle. I.ieutenant E. H. dates, Mr. W-T<- Mmuldin. Mr. JahnJBu*a.?n and Mr. W. C. Bailey., A Committee caDelating of Mass*. W. T. ihumata, Joseph M. Carton, Lieutenant W< 9. Perry, Colonel. James McOl lough, and >r. Jnmoa McClannhan, was appointed to iraft a Constitution and By-laws for the Ajseedntion. Tbu committee was also eat powered to call another, in?cting ot the Association at as early a day as practieabi*, On suggestion, the names of thoSe present were recorded, and the names of persons ne? esaaarily absent, bat desiross of becoming member#, were added to the list. There being no further business, on mo. Lion, the meeting adjourned. ELLISON CAPfctta, rreaideot. ; J. T. Williams, Secretary. Not IT 1# '1 ?> Sow Hostetter'v Bittert cure By?pepsla. '.TBI SMU eTOST M A fOnaiH. THE office of the stomach Is to convert the lood Into a 0re4m.Uks.scmi fluid, called Cijtinc. This is effected partly by ths potion of a solvent, culled toe gaatrlo juice, which exudes from the costing of tl)C Btomseh, nod partly by a meehsnicsl tnovement of that organ, which cftsrw*. M U were, the dissolving aliment. The CaTMB passes from the stomach into the duodenum, Dr entrance to the bowels, where it ia sdb jectsd to the aelioh of the bilk, and trlous portion of it converted into s fluid called Chylt, which eventually becomes blood. Now, it ia evident that if lb* great, sat vent, the gastric juice, is oat produced in sufficient quantities, or if the mechanical action of lha stomach t* net sufficiently brisk, the JfriU frown **f HgettUm will ba but imperfectly performed. It b also clear that If the liver, wnleh plays auch an important pert in changing the nourishing portion of the chyme Into the material ef Lha blood, is congested, or In unnatural sondltlon, the second promt will not be thoroughly aaoompHshed. The result of the <?So failure* is dyeprpeU, iWUpMltm "'S^mSTSPwjiieh H0$TffTtK^'9 BltTER8 operate in auch c*M8 lathis: They invigorate the cellular memhrani of the stomach, which evolve# the gaeSrio jwioc, thereby insuilng an ample eufficieocy of the fluid to completely dissolve the food. They also act Upon the nerve a id the etetnach. i causing ao acceleration of the tneehanioal , movement neeeaaery to reduce the food to a honfogeneoua maae. They alao act specifically upon the liver, strengthening it, Wtrd i ro enabling it to produse aa ample attd regular supply of bile, for the purpose of < converting tho nutriliona particles of the Chyme into Chyle, and promotede passage through tho bowels of the naelrte debris. In this way, UQSTETrER** BITTKBfc cure dyspepsia' ana liver complaint. Tlie explanation is plain, simple, philosophical, and true. ' Nova.;, . . . M u,!t The Watt Plough RECEIVED the Premium at the State Agricultural Pair, aa being the beat PLOUGH, out of about 20 Ploughs entered tr trial. '? ' OA PLOUGHS JUST RECEIVED AND L\J FOR SALE. By . JULIUS C. SMITH. Nov 17 ., ' C 26 tf GREENVILLE MARBLE YAEP* AV15NUB STREET. THE undersigned will have in a few days a FltESn STOCK OF MARBLE direct from tho Quarries, and will sell the Msrble st aid priees. Will furnish MONUMENTS. TOMBS, HEADSTONES, Ac. I kavo made arrangements so that I can be in Greenville monthly, and mil orders for Marble work left with 8- M. Mnrpby will be pat up promptly. I hare at present spine Monumental Head Stones, ou commtstion, which I will eell at cool. T. friLPMAV. 11 Nor 17 -28 .If $ ; > STOVES rSTOVES! ThyCY Stock of 8TOVHS la large, and many 1YL New Pattcrna arm now edfcaed lor sale [ have a Pull Assortment of :OOKINO, OFFICE. AIR-T1QOTAND FOX si rjr "bbt" he2 ttst Persons desiring to ptrrehaae, are Invited to 'iamine before purchasing Amongst the Miction can bo found the lb wing: 1 THE CELB1 ARTBD %%%%!)% tlftlteVv I Til 18 Stove U being extensively need, and la giving entire satisfaction. Over 160 are now in use in and around this eity. The Cotton Plant 18 A NEW STOVE. IN MANT 8KCtions of the country ao b'ther 6tore is need. The Horning Star. T^KPORB THE WAR, THIS BTOVB m w uw uu uru. At WM BOI<* ITeQfTttrt, The Virginia Air-Tight TH08V already Mid bore, glre entire satisfeet Ion, end the parties ay we desire no better Store. - , 4 The Southern Home. . milU ie one of the modern pattern Stores. X It has the Roaster-Attaobment for the front. Tba New Register for the warmtbg eloeet and other new flxtares. These three last Stoves are of So e the re manwfaotnrs, sat all of them of enperior metal?will stand the test of fire. We keep all the Cooking Uten sils and Parts of Stores, always on hand. For nil of the above Stares, I bars bean ap. pointed Agent for the Mannfastursrs, and parties ean rety on bartag Good Stores la any of the above named. - The Silvean, > A NFAT AJTD SKRVTCMABLV BTOVlt (L. v:"..rs3xnT,s^s,M!y 3 siaea, fteen 18 to M laehsa, tor offlaa er stores. Vastly kept and warranted, te draw, JUNIUS D. SMITH. Home, Albenesrla, of VI ratals, ?a*d the OeoK gia Home ere repeeseated by W<|. B. Mm*, Agent. ^ * . I ' V C OPPLIKD tVquZSTnteet?TCt portST to en. Order* from *11 pMU of the Interior olieited. Addre** Tho*. meCrody, Agent, " ?,??nTSTT B Oempbrll, Dr. St. J. Bereoel, Derid Jeointuirs iui ^r^r- ?-?? 1 - ' ' * " stato *r 9ontJ^ 9#r?U?a. , v, .T WWTOLL* oommr,;7/ fet vlKtf? of j villa IMeVfco rMidonet of WttLI? BkNW)*; doooMed, on the ftteb -day of Nirrftvbarv inataat, the following lutein Personal Properly, To W^< , .., HouAahcJd &Ai JLittfcoa Poraitore, & Cotun GIm aa^ TlHwMw r JAMBS Ifc BeitBOfr.'Exoaato*. .? Novmber XUh,18?0. ( ,., S+ , , NOW 18 THETflfifiy all yrno *r4?r FOREIGN MIE:We Vree^vt ?' CRgMpre* mBMi in mHET will give, tree of ctftrfe,' x one copy ot Medical Almanao, j To my wwl oil persona de?Hn# with them to the amount.of rut \* Twealy-one Dellara, m-u ! . n, lonaaair cwMfcy"' ''ii' -l From tLtis date till time to gin goobers. THE numerons frionda of Mr. T? II. STALL, or of aaj other respectable gentleman, will,always gud \*? ready *ndf. rait on them, ^e tfeqjrirU o#ufljr, kise tf>e Ubvss4w ?$ Wr..!* RfElfHOrsi ft; tBRRV. Fair view Store. % - ; ydif fifed Nov 17 JPI ^Mo^i , - ' to.a ,t? nne'i iri.yy; GBO. W/CARP?NTfefr? COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT oV iut ' 8APAR1L1.A. 1>T? a GEO, W. GARPENTEH'8 COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF EftJ OHU. . aff :,a i t These, of.i.eb hated prepaE! TIOK8, originally introduced by Geo. W. Carpente*. under thA patronage of the medical fecnilly, hm be on to long mUb *\ vtly waad by phy aeiana aad oilier*, that tli^y ar* generally known fpy their in trioale value, and ean'ba relied on a* being moat valuable remediea In aH eaaea where Sarin peril In or Bnehn era ipplioabl*, at* cannot be tpo highly recoanmpfUd. Th?y<, are prepared in * highly coneenlraied form, so at to render the dose email and convebient Orders by mall or otherwise mill reeeite prompt attention. GEO. w. CARPENTER. HENJZRY A 'Wholesale Uhemleel Warehouse, ' N<k It7 Market street, Philadelphia. .-w DOW IB A UOLMC, Wholeaaff Afeota, , Clmrlestop.B. C Wotit "' ** T , Tt ir* ( .. v IS'tlf'li < ' Notice v : \? v"" IS hereby given loB. W. Collins, WffKem Ilickson and his wi(a;Alt A. Rlekses, st: of <GraoavfHn i(Mlll<BH fa Ml Imli I meat Of the Estate of Mrs. MARY A. POLLING, deceased, and nay Executrit of mid Estate, on the Jdth M of 1Be ' cetnber next. ' '?! ? L a BOUUKO, SnveriH*. yotembprJI,!^., t A. *!M' '' '*1 8 hereby riven to Joseph Etta* , Smith and Tier hndhkad, John*. Smith, end all etbeni wham it key eoOeer*. that I will ap)>ly to 8. J. Douthlt, Probate Judge of Greenville County, for'* BtaaT Scutarasbt of the EetalS sir HENRIETTA BENSON, deceased, and my diedsargsjaa Bxeentor, on tha llth day of IV cam bar next. JAMES M. BENSON, Rxeeoier. November 11, 1408. M g ? " ; ; , Votlee 18 hereby given to 4)1 whoan It amy eonearn, that I will apply to J. Douihlt, Probate Judge of Qroenvlllt County, far a' Final Dfoehafjra as AdmhristrMor of the Em UM 91 MAl'.X T. UAtUtKTlV (HllMlfl. aa the lltti dajr ot December nat r ; DAVID M. PEDES, AifmlnlatreWr. ' Hoillltll.IiMA Mo >iit V r ' '-C{ ft' ! ' Hotiee IS hereby flirts to all wham H n? eoaeafa, thaPf ?MI apply to ft 2. Peqihit,, Probata Judge of 0reenvme County for, a Pinal Dleeharge m Kseevtrt* of (he KatsUe of FATHA* W A DDELL, deeeaeed, and LEMUEL A WAD DELL, dee*^ oa the 'fcUe* November l?Hb, ISO. 7 " O en < goell M < i ar'iD"..'':-;DtTi "J Notice* ill UHil [ IWTf aiWDTiiw, CHI TrPtHMMly, Vffl VrlvflAj l ef D*eeaW. proximo, tio Mfcnrisg property m tawbeU of CAVE <>J >ui aS52?r=?sS?ia OIW with BABUBMm** Mv, , .. ^ ff .Uuf . * oppennieiiaeni. For IT M t / P Ceiambio Ft*mia copy opto a week I atil eale,ia the Dally. , * fc 3 X "\%T HKRE^8, WilltuT^'shoekUy ku fl|. TT td > PaUHon la my Offloe, praying that JO mi P. 8H00KLBT' late of Um Coontjr a- I tommAL deeeaeefcjfroqM tagraatef t<rhtua. 11 aed .Tngul'^W^'l^^'a^t^ltort of HI MM i^flellhitlM l>MlU KtUpMltli 8. J. DOUT-fllT, Judge of Probate. 1 (Mil Judge ofProbata,!***. iftb, 1M?. i * : " * Halted State* 6f America South Oarolij 11'/vc- .ma Biatrial.' </ ft . u Jk /V* fl. *, /Vweer, Ae^wr-Ji. IT, I* cna t iMB^wfcPijfc Geo. 8. DryaS, Onlted State* Judge for th* jQfetrtat of Sooth Caroling, notiee 1* hereby alreo to all Creditor* holding Item again* t Ore folate *f the iruM B: B. WTL801I, to em*' them before Jfelia* 0. C?rp*?ter,B*g.,. RegieE MMlt #f the deerae to be Made to tht* eeee. L*.*v .. dlboe <6>uutJ OsmmiKlsnera. j fl^SB"following rf^tedieDU will show the 1 JLl JmouDt ol claim* age I net thi* Connty whieh haeebrue Ao<lli. <l add apftraeed by!,?*B~mSm)~<'mpia ir?0': 1 Wm. Ohoiee, aeemtat, * 1 M W " Win. Choice,''order :? Com. from P. Moon, 19 00 ' d Jamee M*01*nehai>, or. ! ' ? JJ, der ftum-B-S, Irrine, :? 900 00 '4mNUfMk |? " >lltn*y Uawkioi, ae'ntl t? 0 Pteueaat Boom ; 1m:a U 00 iw "s 1 lUui ri de^i eeaeaot, lot - i 1" It' 10 (>t r- Gower, Co*, Meibley 4 ; v,. tA/jf ^r.lOm, ordered Pear* ??'l> i > uftrtixr? c#f*? iv/ *??*? I .i?-? ? <J m ,j Jo b-jlqo 11 J. M. Weteon, aecoont, #0 00 ill >i all? - - ? ?? ; i * &ak - 14 0L P*tk?*r - *c?oa?t, > ,,r?g- n Mr,.H i: ufwH ? i?y 0# i?tu?sr"' js gs * W. O.OMdtlit i ko 19 J. P. Uillb*m?, f. 00 60 *;i t4jwBfefO*ittoo< & ? ; nitr sh# 4*y? *u?Q[tjMi im in "? .< liKO " " 1 t I6.W). V HilM0? wjaBsi. !>{'?.! <ng ef a?Hl. Wloo5?> ( yirvni o? i . rofMt to ' i T WKC. '..LiiMt: ?vtal<?* poapwri *?.. '< **.00. ?] ?. on 619 mil**, $06 60, 166 00 < * A.M4b.?,o,?BiycoHl '> C I ft?" 1 * 4?*?:wW6eieii.->. t WT*i MMAi brMfe^ ?ob--'; I* Ptor Lilr?t?0'oSW ,&i ? '-V:y M wTi.n^ M?Veal . . Tj-6? ,,<'1 account, ^ 1/314 IL A.CMbU, ne^nt, . )!><<6f>9P 1 ! Mil ft "? ii? #<? ? t?Tr : '> * ,{ r i , i fby_'?La,*r c*w^ tif >? ? w*?, Btaoaot, , 1? 60 I to ?* ; >/? ,f gf 60 || M 8?lo?<* #.<!<., ,'*? 00 .a?a6JJ??K < )? CoWaatt fiJLvr, '?<*' . etwwntj .L ^ ?: i 0 00 ^::Ste3Sfeas 5* A /^'W'Vii f,-> , (lio oo W am"*k* w 40 J. II. Brow6, Majiitrgtv V At 1 *?< 41' 8. W. Barton, g go 1? r * 5*^r- ft I# 40 J. X. Iliktk tN)?lita| brt^pTz- is M' 44 J^/Ylaltofr, toyaMaf ' , AH JrWSl* I '' ' ' )M N 4fl Parry Can trail, MagU- ) *?>.>; W " " " 40 bTS^U, ?wli? " ## ibrMtoe, 0 45 01 PatorCauMa.VlaakafeHk I u.i : v M o.?n?.K ?. M" .4 -Hlriof brWfa, 1M 00 55 t \T Darla, morehandtaa acooant, * 10 50 . 1 % 64 JTUfe DaaaaovH iwiO in* bridge. . , . 9a Oil 98 B 8 (Ml uking hin*U? CoH*ftte, t ti at # ... VBsSZ' " :: . Mnit, A a< ': it# ,;s &I > ! II f ft* ( : < 100 M " M M ?if$Z??;?i r00 79 A ?"& , fxtttaOrtet. ?? examination, M 2f) A^fc* rVIng brWfa, ^T 19 U ( 96 RDjLbuff, Medical mI., 7 00 Mullinase, Constable, account, 14 00 ?8 TW MaHliax*, Constable, acoonot, 25 00 rfw^fcWjB MeDanM, Oonata. / frl*. acoovdt, 88 14 8(fDTJ Nlcolf, repairing Irtlilfa. . 15 00 at Tl tt r?._i_ , *?? a ruric, vsim work on Dunham's bridge, _ 100 00 81 Thome* Roe. account, 8 87 . M A-T Row, repairing Un for Toor h ousei 1 10 i 84 Thomas Steeo, merebanjgulMfcWsM 1 ob 86 John W Singleton, gate t Earle's bridge, 7 60 ,86 J M Shoekley, repairing tbridge, 81 00 ' ,r 87 P Springfield, Const*ble. aoeount, 8 00 j 88 H M SolUi, Coroner, account, 84 86 81 J W Thornbnrg, repairbridge, 16 60 10 WD Threlkeld, Towneliip surrey, ga 60 91 W D Threlkeld, expense*, Townehip aurvey. 6 00 j 01 Alfred Tayler, building ? Jiijtt r?. " 0a pairing bridge, T 10 00 94 P West, building bridge, 10100 96 A J Bl#ak, , Constable, account, 8 00 96 78 ' 13 Robinson, Magistrate, account, 11 94 97 Harris Pitmen, Constable. account, 1 14 ' ? 88 W CKeJIet, Magistrate, account, 18 68 99 Allen Robinson. Megteffnte, account, ' 6 16 100 WW Week, Constable, account, 17 16 101 W BMeDenieLQonatfble, aecount, ' 16 00 , 101 E B Stokes, Book Binding, 11 60 108 ^"illiam Friday, Lumt-'ei ? ber, tig . .? ;:tl 4 60 104 John M King, work, 20 76 1Q6 Israel Cbarlee, 20 00 A Isaac*, eeeount. 800 00 A'B Viekere, Jail feed for Ap-il, May, June, 129 90 W H Perry, Solicitors, face, .* 90 00 i fa W A MePanlfl, Clerk, 244 76 A B Vickcrs, Sheriff, 184 56 i . ' 1 e tn.i oi ..!? ... . a u t iQRtn, oncnii, 112 ID J K Dicksou, Magistrate, account, 11 95 Sahara Enterprise, i Printing. > 15 fiO j earn ,1 bpildlng bridge across Saluda, 645 71 A B vickere, Jail fee* for July, 75 50 A B Vickera, Iron Safe for Treasurers Office, 90 00 B Viokere, Jail faaa , *',?,r ?u*u,lt' 40 00 J H Cleveland, Township surrey, % 16 00 Rent of Cow V# Office, 7 6 00 W T Shumate, Sheriff's account, " 69 16 ?<M.? S UsreUbaoka, repairIng bridge, 6 00 Qouncil fee by, former Oommlsseioners, 6 00 A B Vickere, conveying one prisoner to Coln rn hi n, 46 16 A B Vickere, Jail fees for Sept. 66 60 A Issues, aecount, 1 810 25 W A Mc.Dan isl, Olerk, 46 10 Eliaa Renolde, Table for 4 Treasurer's Office, 8 40 ' T 8 Arthnr, Ae'ra, act, 120 00 T S Arthnr, - u 12 00 T8 Arthur, ? " - "* * jg 00 2vS?!il!fr .11 " 7800 W'tMKelM; ** .. 00 v ?* Carmao, H <. 1#8 qo , s " 210 00 JfoehngPrnlt, * - 1 128 00 J H Lendarmen, 106 00 S II Pool. ? ? 294 00 P B Benson, .. m eo qq ILSmith,, ?# S oo j A A Slanrt, ? ? 90 00 W.B Jobnaan, " 60 00 HII Smith, - ? 60 00 E Hooker, 4 ** - 84 00 mmt* Ak IThm ! - * - ? Ur*i OAm, J 10 Mr, Roberta?*, Paper , . I. ,.: ?CI' <bv Auditor's Office, 2 25 Okies A Beards n, act. 1 00 . 4 C >pHh, Chair, for Treasurers Office, 4 50 OKmIwT Hopkins, Magistrate, acseunt, 40 07 Irrtn. Mullioaxo, Constable, account' 11 00 Q Slford, Adr.ftl.lng 7um, 0 00 Southern Enterprise, Advertising Tunc, 11 00 Jury Ticket., 1,551 80 Witness, 884 40 Conlptroller*. Order on ' Oouaty Treasurer, 714 18 John H Goodwin, account, 104 00 J D SnltlT.n, account, 60 10 A MeBco, aeoeunt, 04 70 f A IMure, account, 888 40 Support of Poor House, port of Steward'. .alary, Stove, for Court House, Repair, on Court House, part of furniture for Treasurer and Auditor'. Office, Incidental expence., Ac, 3,883 84 1MI? ?* Thore ha* been paid on the shore amount, $10,689 67 j $7,480 35 And the hal.nee is being liquidated as fast as possible. The Co was Is. loners knew of ether claim. wnioi iut? not b?n praam Ud, and mwfMMtlf do I4t ippetrla tbo foregoing lUte ALEXANDER MoBXB, Chairman of Board. A. Iiaaoo, CUCkr Board Coanty Com. Not 17 . U 1 IxAMIk OUR STOCK, BEFORE YOU PURCHASE gQ'ClW<J?|KM'8, WOMEN'S AND OOOTS AMD SHOES, WkUk w will aoll Tory low tor eaah. i >.( H. BKATTIE A (MX Not 1# 16 S M Jol+om . ? , on. > .1 ^ ^ .rdai. -% a Oar Stock of As touetm, ijro 'bTtmaKD to I tka pchlie. at towigoiVn. Gall and loco on. DAVID A STRADLKY. I Wot A. U tf mm "m I j?|v U aaiiro saum?? Has just received a new supPLY or Silk. 8utin and Velvet HATS, BONNETS, Ribbons, *11 widths, Mowers, Feathers, Dona ?k? Maria, Fanoy Velvet and Ribbon Bows, Jet Jk Chains ana Bracelets, Ornamental Hair, Corsets, As., at low prices. NOT 10 25 s townes & east, f AtrtroaaaKe AKD - g* SOLICITOUS IE EQUITY, THE UNDKRSIQED HAVING FORMED a copartnership in the practice of Law /l>u??llls awil ih* enrrnnn rlln nr Pminiina ID urwHiuro ?UU Vu*??e*a?? vrv?W%RO of Anderson, Ooonee, Pickens, Spartanburg and Lauren*, will give prompt attention to all bustnoaa entrusted to them. /* Offloo at GreenrUle. a. r. towsbs. out d. nn. Mot 10 .25 tf mm. WM*vm>8 HEW MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, ON Avenue Stroet, in the rear of Mr. Beat* tie's Store, and next to Dr. Dean's Of. See. Tbe subscriber has resolved a new and beautlftil assortment of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. Also, beautiful BRIDAL BONNETS. DRESS MAKING In all its branches. Dresses CUT and BASTED at tbe shortost notice. Nov 10 25 8m PAT AS YOU 00. mmws as rovn. 4 Foster & Hunter ??assaasiss s? SELL THEIR GOODS AT SMALL PROFITS, AND ??S.,C&S? . |. AS CHEAP AS EVER, AS GOOD IN QUALITY. CALL AMU SEE THEM, THEY offer no iodueement but the greatost quantities for the smallest amount of monej. FOSTER A HUNTER. ELEGANT Cloaks, a flno assortment, at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. FINE Cloaking* end Sackings, for Ladies' and Children's Cloaks, An., at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. A GOOD assortment of Lad'es' Shawls. Double, Blanket and Merino, Single Solid and Plaid Shawls, at , . FOSTER A HUNTER'S. OPERA Flannels, All-Wool de Lainee, Merino, Plaid and Solid Operas, Sirk Warp Flannel, for 0?M by FOSTER A HUNTER. ALL WOOL, shaker, Domet, White end Red. and Salisbury Flannels, for sele by FOSTER A HUNTER. BLANKETS, Blankets, Overconla, Overcoat#, for sale br ' FOSTER A IiUNTER. Not 10 25 tf 1*0W OPENING. OUR MR. JONES hai jnat returned from tho North, with e second and larger Stock of GOODS then usual, to supply our "Trade with. The most careless observer can. not bat hero noticed the decided dcclino in betb American Dry Goods in sympathy with the raw Staple, end Foreign Qoods in aympa. tby with Gold, that baa taken placo within tho last ten days. Our previous purchases are so far cleared out that we. qtn offer " our entire Stock at the Revised Prices," including one Of the most complete asscrtments we hevo ever handled. Our Retail Stock la full as usual. Onr Specialities. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Shades, Rugs, Ac., Ac., at prices within the reach of all? Call and seo them?"Be to your adrantage/' Oar Wholesale Department, 18 fall, well ordered j GOODS selected with care \ bought right, and will be sold Cheap onowgb to be re-handled In this market. R. C SHIVER. I P. 8.?OUR HOU8B ll yonrg and I bud to B?k? a living, and ambition* to build up a *tUl larger ca?h trndo. Every cuitomor that give* u? a fair ebanoe to sell them their Good*, no matter bow tripling in amount, glad, den* onr heart* ; lightens our cares, and haa a bona fid* guaranty that Good* bought of n* are a* cheap and good as can be had in tho State. 25-lf Nov 10 sale! CITY REAL ESTATE. PURSUANT to a Decree of the Circuit lodge of the 8th Circuit, sitting in Chancery, I will sell, on Beleeday In December next, to the highest bidder, the following Real Estate, In the City of Greenville: Dot No. 1, known ae the Old Male Academy Lot, having 400 feet front on College street, 600 feet depth to * back street, and 188 feat on said back street. Lot Ne. 2. known aa the Old Female Academy Lot, having 220i feat front on College street, depth 660 feet to back atreet, and 2281 fret on aaid back street. Lot Ne. 8, vaeaat Lot, adjoining Lot No. t, having M4 feat front on College etreet, 880 feet on a etreet running at right anglea with Callage etreet, and tOO feet on baek etreet. Lot No. 4. adjoining and In rear of Lot No. g, having 880 feet on n oroea etreet, 1711 feet on a baok etrett, and 880 feet on the line of tha Old Female Aeademy Lot. Lot No. f, on Baek street, fronting on eafd etreet, 4171 feet orf Or one etreet, 880 feet, and having 8 baek Mao of 818} f?et, including the Aeademy Boring. Lot No. e. froouagon >4eW etreet, 4171 $ feet on bnek Itne, 8181 and on Mar* hall'e Hne 411 Heel " ' (late of tho Lcte n^y be aeen by ealling j at JoliweC. Smltb'a rupee, and ezplaoationa "'&in published en day ol aa'o. Por ehaeori to give bond afrd mortgage of the premieee to eneuve the pnrehaee money.? Pamhaeere to pay for tttlea, and to mueh * eeeh aa will defray aapoaaea of eelt apA enl a. JAMRB * FORM AN, IVeeldeot of Board of TrneteM , Furmen TJaWerelty. Wov 1Q 18 ^ 4