University of South Carolina Libraries
Twi 1 ' Numuoui report* having been o iron la ted a* to the hcade upon the new issue oi ten eod fifteen eenta note* a* being thoe* of vuai|ia||i iv, women kniaMinatotlie dani menda in oily, an?5ployed in the Treeaury, it !. proper to Mate that the notee bearing this - *' vignette are engraved and printed by the Auerleah Bane Note Company of Hew York. The pieturee might more properly be taken to represent New York "e?piai etJJe," but are really ideal heads. fefc' jl -ij? *rjf. AfricSr VintAiw* Foilsi> am* Pants* an. ?One day laat week, a gent low an living in Llmojiune County, Al?? wm called away on business, to be absent two days. About nightfail of the day Of hia departure, two travelers topped at hia bones ana naked permission to remain oyer night. The lady Objeeted, alleglng'aa a reupifi that her husband was absent, but, upon belsg assured that the applieante were gentlemen, finally son sen tad that they should remain. Late in the night there was a loud knocking at the door, which aroused the lady as it-did also her guesta in another part of the bout*. Upon opening the door she wea MiMd by flva masked men ana araggea into the yard, with evil intent. At this moment the guests, wb? bad approached the door uaporcoived. ftyod, killing two of the assailants, and tho other three immediately fled. The ooipsee, anon an masking, were found to be aegroea. I . " 1 ' Church and Stat*?The Roman Cookoil. ?The probability that the coming CBcumenieal Council may declare the Pope a true autoerat of souls?a ruler whose commend of any description It would be eternal 8iri! to disobey?has at traoted some at tenon from German Governments. These Government* are on their genrd against danger to their sovereignty, and eager to K-event the very Inception of dleturbanoa. enca one of them erquiring ol the theo logiana in its limits what would be the effect upon the relatione of Church and Stale if the Coonoil should declare tho infallibility of the Pope as a dogma of the faltb, has received Snr aoewer that in such case allegi ance to the Government when In collision with the Pop4 might not be regarded as a plain duly by believers. Now, there are several Governments in Europe that are etrong enough not to permit their authority to be questioned, even in the inter eat of the Pope, and some others that eaunot afford to have this point agitated. It is pretty elear, therefore, that If this is made a dogma its practical effect will be to rulo the very Church itself oat of all those countries. The Governments of Prussia, Austria, Italy and Spain will not in this age admit their *0hjeels to the Pontiff?New York Herald. Taa Aorioultvhal and Mechanical Statu Faih of SoOTti Carolina at Columbia It is with profound gratification that we can aay that the thinking business men of old Charleston have generously responded to the committees of gentlemen who have waited:oa them to solielt subscriptions for the purpose of carrying ont the plans of the Executive Committee, in hevingeueh an ex bibitlon as will be creditable to the people f the time honored common wealth. The Chamber of Commerce led off with a silver cup, to oost $100, for the best ten bales of cotton exhibited; then the Board of Trade came up with Its $200 for premiums proraieeuouely, and the committees report collected ao far, from the wholesale merchants on Hayne and Meeting streets and East Bay ; also from the factors, $770, with other contributions in expectation. So far, then, our business men, erer ready ? at lha eal) of agriculture and Industry, hare voluntarily given over $1,000 in cash, (and at a time of severe pressure for money,) to the State Fair, to be held in Colombia on the 10lb, 11th and 12th November. If other aeetiona of the 8tete manifest the least ?>lrit of pride, and only come up with a ttle help, and life membership at $10, and annual members at $2, the Fairs hereafter will beeome a jubilee gathering ol the peo. pie from the mountain to the seaboard. Send up your apeeimsns of thrift and industry by the trains of the 8th and 9th November, directed to the oars of D. Wyatt Aiken, Seeretary and Treasurer. Columbia, 8. C. [CJkarletton Courier. HsaaT-RsNDtao Dxatu or a Bsidk.?A very painful accident, resulting In death, occurred near Illiopoiis,111., on Friday evening. Mrs. Fannie Capp, wife of Benjamin Capn, a farmer, was visiting at tha bouse of her brother in-law, and in the evening she, in company with her sister, waot out to saddle up her horse, which was hitched to the fence with a rope halter, and having a kind of alip-nooae on tha and, through whiah aha put her hand for the purpoae of holding the hor*e while putting on the k.i.U.. M..1 I 1J1 LI. I. -J L.-l . viiujo. iivn, iiviutu^ ni? iirnu nigii vDOUgn. he g?T? the horte a alap, which caused him to raiac hla head suddenly, thua tightening the rope around the wriat of Mr*. Capp. At the aame time, something occurred to frighten him, and he aUrted off on run, dragging the unfortunate lady with him for nearly halt a mile, through a young vineyard $nd a aorn field, to a gate, where he atoppad, it baing neeeaaary to paea through it to get to the main road. When found by her brother in-law and another aoan lira. Capp waa dead, her neck broken, and her head and body terriblv bruised and enf. her clothe* nearly all torn from her body, her long and beantiful hair complete* ly matted with eockle bura, weed*, Ao. Mrs. Capp waa about eighteen yeara of age, having been married ooly about two months. ? ? > An enterprise destined to hava an important influence in developing the resources of the Sooth is now being pn?hed to cotnpleiioD, Port Royal, B. C., and Augusta, O*., 110 miles apart, ara to ba connected by a railroad, which baa baan aurveyad, ontraeUd for. aod partially oonatrnctad. The former place contains iaeomparahly tbo finest harbor on tha Southern Atlantic aoaboard, which haa been suffered to lie too long unemployed and aompermtlvely unknown. Vceacls drawing twenty two feet of water can enter it, ana within it the ample aatuary of Broad Riser, tha united naviea of the world might ride at anchor. The projected railroad will.itiaantie'.peted, bring thither no email part of the produce of the Southern and Southeastern Stales, and evaa of tha Paeifio coast It Will also become an important aotion mart, having in thia raapeot signal advantages over Obarleeton, Savannah, and Mobile, wboee harbors ara closed to vessels of ordinary . I t ? 1 > 1 vii nujm, hum wivivivtv warucij wwrvnj OI the name. The eompfetlon of the railroad will witneee the foundation of what will probably become a proeperoue city, and perhaps the most important port of the Booth, with the exception of New Orleaoa lie rite will be not fer from the town of Beaufort, and It promisee to beoom* a more congenial plaee of realdenoe for Northern men than moat of the Southern towns. Northern eapiu) will bnlld it, aa Northern capital la now build* ' log the projected railroad whlah is to too aaet it with Augusta, and to the eeme agency the South may yet be indebted for a eon port equal in Importance to the great city whieb Jefferson onee anticipated would grow up at Norfolk,?Krm York Sun. ' r V V ffi * - 332 <r 98 t 6 r ip r ebbfit bbfor AT THE BICt Broad-Street. IS T?J PLACE TO BUY 0H8A?, PUR BU61 Brandies, Wkbkfi, ltnmi ters, Blti ' a? in l/VfiriJtUTlON WI. LARGE REOTIFYir EiaTApLI Tub only establishment or to/ when they mtk* Nothing hat Para and 1 Importers of Foreign To which they woald call tha attention of th who will faroc them with their -patronage, tha Swath. <w, a. ati HEWITTS GLOBE BOTE THREE DOLLA ONE OF THE BE8T HC Oct 1A1S BAR IRON PLOW BTEEL NAILS METALS GUNS JSLTSTXy CSrJE HARD WARE WHOLESALE STORE N Retail Store Corner Xii CHARLES S?pUmb?r 39 mmm bjmm&XNS, MMWM AND IRON TIES, AT LOW MfiTTRBS FOR THE CASH. Dnvid St Stradlcy. 18 28 tf P LiJHYTERS, BY SHIPPING THEIR COTTON THROUGH US, CAN OBTAIN LIBERAL CASH ADVANCE*, EITHER ON COTTON TO BE STORED AND HELD, OR FOR XtflODXATS SALS. ' WE WILL SHIP TO COLUMBIA, CHARLESTON, BALTIMORE NEW YORK OR LIVERPOOL. DAVID Si STRADLEY. Sept 18 17 ll TUTT'8 VEGETABLE _ jLinraa IPHILIL cam dieannee or the Liver and Stomach. ! TUTTS EXPECTORANT A pleasant oora for Coogha, Cold*, Ae. TUTT'ft SAR8APARILLA AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT the crMt Alterative and Blood Purifier. TUTTB IMPROVED HAIR DYE, Warranted the beat dye in use. Tbeaa standard preparations are for aala by Druggiat everywhere. Oct fl-ly. W. H. CAMMER, PRACTICAL RUN8MITH AND MACHINIST. CORN 8HRLI.KR8, Cotton dins, Loeka, Keroaeva Oil Lamps, Sawing Machines and Parasols REPAIRED with promptness. Charges reasonable. Corn Shelters, from tan to twelve dollars. I am also prepared to farnUh Steneil Plata#, for marking elotking. ar Stand ? At WeetAeU's old shop, June It * if i t r " * . *4 k'. 8?W ^ y. ?5 B THE PEOPLE, I1 !W ??p/: MSN NO. 181 Augusta, Georgia, B AND UNADULTERATED LIQUORS, r AS i( Gio?, Wloei, Ales, Porter?, See. TH THIS HOUSE IS A 4G AND REFINING S H M EJ3XTT. . IT KIND, IN THE SOUTHERN STATES * Unadulterated Liquors. The/ ere also c . liquors and Sogars, r trade. They defy competition, utaring ell * R they will sol! oheeper then any house In the i t\"tt t ??. : L ? FARE REDUCED TO ? RS PER DAY. >TEL8 IN THE 80UTH. 20 8m 1 m. m. \ MILL ROOKS J ] BOLTING CLOTH ] i CIRCULAR SAWS ; HOES j PLOWS j MERCHJ1JYTS,: 0.-39 HAYNE 8TREET. . lg and Market Streets TON, S. C. 10 12 i STOVES. ^11112 STONEWALL COOKING J mm rmr mm -w jksz 9 \ The most durable one now in um. j I exnmlne il, end see different eisee, from No. O to No. 9, Manufacturer* of | plain and JAPANNED TINWARE. All kind* of Tin and Sheet Iron work done ' on the moat reasonable terma. A J. KOSS A CO., At the Weetfield Old Stand. I July 28 10 tf , GAINES & BEARDEN,' Alii.' NO W RECEIVING A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF * WAMJ&a AND WINTER i Their goods have been carefolly Selected by on# of th* Firm, who b?i just returned from Now York. Our GOODS have been bought aa AND WILL BE 80LD AS ( At any lo thia Market. Col' and examine oor Stock. Wa will . take great pleaaure in ahowing oar To any who may give ua a call. HOME AND SEE; Sept 90 JO tf . i The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Oourt of Probata. NELSON AUSTIN and WILLIAM A. ' AUSTIN re. HARRISON AUSTIN, at al. ?Petition for Partition of Real Relate, ] r appearing to the aatiafaetipn of the Court that Harriaon Aeatin, Larkln . Austin, Andereon Austin, the heirs of SARAH NATION, deeeasad, whoa* name* are unknown, Ellaabeth Brown and bar hueband, Benj. Brown, and Willy Lyon, Da* fendanta fn thia eaaa, reside without the limit* of thia State: It U ordered that thev < a n?wM, plead or demur to the Petition with In forty daya, or the rawe wilt be Ukeo pro eoafeaao a gal oat them. 3. i. DOUTHIT. Probate Judge. Oet let, 1849. 20-6 MMMMMMBeMHMMRMMMMMKtnaaMr'JI Spbcial Notki ?To partial in weal of 1 Doom, -a?he? and BUnde, we refer to the advertisement of P. P. Toale. the large manufaeturer of thoae goods in Charleston1? . Prlee liat furnished on applieatlon. 9-tf I , ^ \ ' 's/s a ^ r lyi w rii Equality Life Insurance Company, of Virginia. Wmmmk -^j BA t. /v? *Csj@535J| ^ a BASONS why *y?rjr ooo should Insure in th* Bqualltj Life Iuiurauce Company, r vimfk . liV It U more Liberal to the Insurers then ny other company, end will eventnally bemm Pnralj Mutual end belong to the insurers. Id. It eiroulatsft it? money amongst iu petoar, who ere the insurers. Consequently they re oontlonelly getting the beaedt or the ran hi .cumulation of the Company, the money be- ^ eg in rested by the Board of Directors amongst he insurers. ou. Tim Ivan* v' utU Cvamtd) ait mm J as other companies who declare dividend* it the end of tbe eeoond, third and fourth 'oars, but this Company at tbe end of the first md every year. DAVID B. CLARK, President. THOS. n. WYNNE, Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN. Secretary. Gen. JAHRS H. LANE, Actuary, Df. F. B. WATKINS, 1 Madieftl AdTiM? Dr. O. H. W. DAVIS, / Adviserr. Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. niRKOTOUS. J. B. Winston, Treasurer and Secretary B. ?. A P. R. R ; Wm. J. Johnson, of Johnson k Hunt, Wholesale Grocers; Wm. H. Powsas, of iVinston k Powors, Wholesale Grocers; Ai>irrt OinviY, Treasurer Buckingham Bute Company; J. P. Gibson, Superintendent Adams' Express Ccmpany ; Charles Y. Montis, Morris A Co.'s 8ugar Refinery; O. A. Pbplb, Superintendent Manchester Cotton dills ; John H. Ttlrr, John II. k John Tyer, Jewelers; Moses Millhisbb, Wholesale Dry Goods; Thomas S. Baldwin, Clothier; Iohn M. Goddim, Cashier Planter's Bank; I. R. Dowrll, Superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company; Alrx. G. P.obbrtson* Cattle Broker ; Ukorob I. IlRnniso, Wholelale Grocer ; R. L. Brown, of Brown, Jones k So., Wholesale Grocers ; A. Bodkkkr, Drug. {1st; 8. M. Rosknbaum, of S. k M. Rosenjoum, Dry Goods. Equality Life Insnrauee Company. J!r9 Examine it* Pamphlet* before you insure, it is to your intereit to do to. Agent* wanted reerytcilere. BElf jr. G. VIE RIOT* Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. Sspt 22 18 tf THE VPW vnpT Iffl 1ESDRASCE COMPAIY. ASSETS, ^12,000,000. NO COMPANY in the United States can claim superior advantages to tM? "Id ind well-established institution. < ' b lf*? Men doing business with tbs greatest sue :ea* tor about twenty-five veare. It is itrictly mutual, and never had stockholders .0 appropriate a portion of ita earnings.? ft ia under legal ?t*perui?ion, a protection to ?oliey holders, which ia afforded nowhere rut in New York and Massachusetts. Ita nanagera cannot speculate with the foods >f the Company, but are obliged to iovertaa he lava of New York requite trustees to nvest trust estates. The official reports, or several years past, show that this Cora. >any has been better managed titan any >ther doing busioesa in New York. An nveattnent In this Company is as safe aa tnylhing earthly can be. It off?-ra security ina oboapness, aud haa advantages over tny other Company in lite United Statee. Reference may be made to the following 'entlemen: Gov. B. P. P*rry, Col G. r. Townee, Thoe M. Cox, Thomas Steen, ii. leattie A Co.. Wm, T. Shumate, J as. P. doore aid L. Williams. For further information, apply to the unlertigned. agent for Greenville, or to JAS. it. SCOTT, Attorney at Law, Greenville lourt House. W. H. CAMPBELL. Sept 8 10 tf QREEN VILLE PAPER MILLS. rHE undersigned liave this day formed a copartnership under he name of nAnAIVTliK BOH, For tho purpose of carrying on tlie aa OP James Bannister, T. J. Bannister. THE Mills aro now in excellent )rder, and we are prepared to :nrn out a FIRST CLASS PAPER, Whioh we will warrant to give Malefaction. A FULL SUPPLY OF PRINTING. COLORED, URN & WRAPPING Dan be fonnd at all times at onr Agents, Messrs. David & StbadUCY'S. September 1, 1869. 16-tf THE OEO&OIA PAPER MILL, CARROLL CO., OA., WILL mt cub for Rags, Rope, Bogging and old Papon. Order to lie lied for (Trapping, Manilla and Print Paper. Mow Mill, Pure Water, Lire Men. Prleee low. Tenu eaib. All inquiries promptly an ewe red. Addreee, ML P KELLOflO, Pree. Co.j " College Temple," Mewnan, Oa. Oct SO 12 MB W9RK SOKE AT TW< OTFICE